Monday 18 March 2019


I want to update the previous post I made, as I was so upset I didn't say everything I wanted to say. That person "Jo" had no right or reason to ring me. I know who reads my blog and last year I posted about my fall which left me with a badly swollen knee for 3 months, although I didn't have an xray to confirm it, on account of being too traumatised by what happened at my GP surgery (the Mr Singh fiasco) to risk any further trauma at my GP surgery, I am pretty sure it was fractured. Anyone who actually cared about my health would have tried to persuade me to get medical attention over that, and about the other trauma caused by the stalker at St Michael's church hall, and Capita. So why would I suddenly be getting creepy angry voice phone calls from surgery receptionists now? It's so obviously not out of care for my health!

I do not want any more abusive phone calls, from Mr Singh, Jo, or anyone else. Stop ringing me up! If you have anything to say to me, ie, a genuine apology for the vile way you treated me, and ideas on how to put things right,  put it in writing, put it in an envelope, put a stamp on it and post it. You know where I live! Stop trying to intimidate me down the phone!

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