Friday 15 November 2019

The Crisis team

I know you read my blog, I'm not thick! So I'll say this to you here rather than tomorrow.

You can tell that dickhead  Michael paedo Brown to fuck right off into the the next universe and once there keep on fucking off until he reaches his homeland of hell. I expect his trousers are brown in anticipation of the Nuremberg style trials that are coming soon,  he's going to be doing time soon once that gets going, once this horrific government is finally booted out.

As for the two ladies coming tomorrow, I will be polite, I always am, but they won't be getting a cup of tea or a biscuit, I do not make tea or serve biscuits to backstabbers pretending to "help" me and "be my friend", thought I'd best make that perfectly clear so as not to cause offence when I make myself a cuppa while they're here and I don't offer them one.  Unless they want to make do with water I suggest you equip them both with a thermos flask,  they could be round my house for some considerable time as I have a lot of things to tell them about the bloody disgusting way I've been treated for years.

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