Thursday 6 August 2020


The DWP have decided to continue to harass me. They will not pay me the money they are legally obliged to pay to me since I won my tribunal.

We phoned them up today and spoke to a woman called Leslie Tague. She told us that the DWP have contested my award and contacted the Tribunal judges. I am so shaken by this, very upset and have had to phone the Samaritans once more, I was cut off by the Samaritans after I mentioned the words DWP Tribunal so I don't know if that was intentional but it's added to my distress. My heart was pounding to the point I thought I was having a heart attack. 

I'll be blogging more about this later, but I am going to contact the Tribunal and find out what the DWP have been up to. It's absolutely disgusting what they're doing, and I've also caught them red handed stalking me on Twitter, using the name of a Capita assessor to set up multiple accounts and they strongly suspect some of the very abusive accounts I've had to block recently are also connected to the DWP. 

I'm going to contact the Tribunal. I expect they will not be very happy with the vile way the DWP are treating me. I hope this will be all sorted out soon and this disgusting harassment vendetta stopped but if it doesn't I will be crowd funding to get the money to pay to sue the DWP. 

So sorry to have such awful news.


  1. Not coping very well right now. I'm not just feeling low, I'm feeling exhausted and my heart keeps racing.I know it's stress, trying to relax, trying to do some nice things, I just can't concentrate.I haven't felt this bad for a while. I'm writing it down just in case the worst happens as I feel so ill. The people who did this to me are probably laughing but God will wipe the smile and smirk off their evil faces, and He will wipe my tears away.

    It's the underhand creepy cowardly skulking around that gets to me. It's evil to do that to someone, stalking and preying on someone who is already pretty smashed up. I would be afraid to do that to someone, as the Lord is watching everything, even though some people think He is dead no He isn't dead He is coming back soon just as He promised. Woe to those who are persecuting other poor souls!

    I am going to try to do some painting. I am going to make a dartboard painting with the horrible wicked scumbag Tories on it, it might help my heart to stop pounding.

  2. I've blocked a number of people on Twitter for gangstalking me. I strongly suggest you cut this abusive gangstalking crap out and just give me my money. I'm keeping a very sharp eye on all these creepy collusions. Why are you even doing this?

  3. I'll just leave this here:

    Hello Barbara

    I'm a little confused about your last email. Samaritans aren't on Twitter, we don't know who or where you are and can assure you that we would never follow anyone on social media. You've been through so much with your PIP tribunal, your GP, to name just two, I wonder if you're confusing us with someone else?

    It's clear you're feeling very angry and we'd like to be here to listen to you if you feel able to share more with us about your emotions.

  4. "Samaritans aren't on Twitter"

    GOOD GRIEF!!!!! How is gangstalking and blatant lying supposed to help people with CPTSD?

  5. @TelfordSams, @SamaritansCymru, @WolvesSams ect ect. Sheer unadulterated harassment.
