Tuesday 20 April 2021


 That's my name for the so called "intelligence" services that is the cuckoo nest of filthy child trafficking scum, which is the ruination of this country. 

it really isn't a very intelligent thing to do to persecute child trafficking victims, and especially ones who have given their hearts to the Holy Spirit. The sheer stupidity of men who think they can "do as they wilt" in this world and get away with wickedness piled upon wickedness with no consequence.

Gibson Dunn and Crutcher, oh dear! Fast track forced adoptions. 

Justice is coming. 


  1. That's right, Scandalson and Lard Fatfart. Leave me and my friends alone. We have Gods holy angels protecting us, you lot only have your brainwashed football obsessed thugs. I

    B Liar your glove puppet is looking more and more like Skelitor by the day.All his wickedness is etched into his horrible face. Bad men always show their evil in their hardened faces.

  2. So angry. Trying to calm down again worth a bit of gardening, thank God for birds!

    Starmer and co, sick to the back teeth of the lot of them. Bloody blasted gangsters. Thank God people are waking up and seeing these monsters for what they really are. Heheheh, seeing Keef booted out of that pub yesterday was a tonic for me, well done Rod!

    I'm going to play my lyre in the garden, thank God for music, birds,sunshine.

  3. Ok,I'm busy right now, building myself a space rocket out of an old dustbin,going to use the methane from the compost bin to fuel it, had enough of this daft planet, too many criminals in power.

    Only joking, still digging the garden and planting flowers, but good grief,the events unfolding round this bloody accursed planet make me want to become a bleeding astronaut.
