Thursday 27 May 2021


Im writing another book at the moment. I'm having to spend more and more time resting these days, so I hope I will have time to finish it. I have tried to live a good life and not to hurt other people. And Ive been very brave, and fought a valiant fight against child abuse and trafficking. And I have tried to stay true to myself, and to God, and not sold my soul. The love of money is the root of all evil. Money is not the problem, its the love of it, the grabbing and grabbing of it that is the cause of evil. When money, making more and more money pushes out the decency of your life, when the pursuit of it makes you turn aside from your hearts desire, it robs you of your joy and strength. Guarding your stash blinds you to the beauty of your existence. You spend your time and energy and beauty guarding that stash from everyone, even your loved ones. Its so sad how the love of money uglifies everything. I pray with all my heart and soul that the wicked spell will be broken. And I pray for my friend to manage to get through the eye of a needle..

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