Wednesday 10 November 2021

Mishcon de Reya

A friend of mine has just drawn my attention to this law firm. I will repost part of their Wikipedia entry: Notable clients Edit In 1995, the firm gained attention when Anthony Julius represented Diana, Princess of Wales, in her divorce. (Madonna) is a client of the firm In 2000, the firm represented Deborah Lipstadt in the case David Irving v Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt. The 2016 film Denial was based on this case. Mishcon de Reya's Employment team won a ground-breaking victory in the UK Supreme Court on behalf of its client, Krista Bates van Winkelhof, in which it was determined that members of LLPs do have the protection of whistleblowing legislation.[12] In 2016 the Supreme Court ruled financial claims can be brought over 20 years after divorce for client Kathleen Wyatt.[13] In 2016 the company co-ordinated a challenge in the High Court by Gina Miller, an investment manager and philanthropist, against the process of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union.[14] The Government in January 2017 appealed the High Court ruling to the Supreme Court, but were unsuccessful. In a majority decision, it ruled that Parliament must vote on whether the Government can start the process of the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union.[15] In 2019 the Court of Appeal overturned the Judgment of Mr Justice Warby dated 8 October 2018 which had refused Mishcon de Reya's client, Richard Lloyd, permission to serve a representative action on Google LLC. The claim relates to what is known as the "Safari Workaround" - Google's alleged unlawful and clandestine tracking of iPhone users in 2011 and 2012 without their consent through the use of third party cookies.[16]


  1. In 2020 the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) announced that their forensic and anti-money laundering investigators were conducting a multi year investigation into the company's activities.[6]

  2. UK Law firm that ‘harassed’ Daphne Caruana Galizia is under investigation

    Gabriel Schembri
    10 September 2020
    A UK based law firm which had “harassed” murdered journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia is being investigated by regulators who have spent at least two years looking into the workings of the firm.

    Mishcon de Reya was the law firm engaged by Henley & Partners, the company entrusted by disgraced Prime Minister Joseph Muscat to operate the cash-for-passports scheme, to threaten the journalist with libel suits in the UK.

    The journalist had revealed correspondence between Henley & Partners and Muscat, his chief of staff Keith Schembri, then Justice Minister Owen Bonnici and Identity Malta chief Jonathan Cardona in which they had approved legal action against her.

    In a meeting Henley and Partners had with the European Parliament’s delegation in 2018, investigating the rule of law in Malta, representatives of the cash-for-passports concessionaires had said they only sue Maltese journalists if they get an ‘OK’ from the government.

    Caruana Galizia has said in an email to Henley & Partners dated 12 May 2017: “I am extremely annoyed at your lawyers’ high-handed attitude and more than annoyed at the fact that a company feels itself empowered to sell a country’s citizenship against the will of the citizens of that country and by underhand agreement with a government that does not have an electoral mandate for it and then has the sheer brass neck to begin going after journalists and real citizens of that country who object to it,”

    The Guardian is reporting that the firm is currently under the lens of the Solicitors Regulation Authority which is conducting a complex investigation involving forensic and anti-money laundering investigators.

    The investigation has been ongoing since 2017 when the SRA received separate reports on a series of allegations about the law firm.

    The reports were related to an investigation into the Newcastle United tax evasion on player transfers case and on the firm’s work for clients connected to an elaborate €100 million fraud.

    Caruana Galizia’s family had accused the law firm of harassment, intimidation and for attempting to cripple her financially by threatening to sue her in the UK.

    By the time she was assassinated, the journalist was facing over 40 defamation lawsuits from businessmen and politicians.

    The libel cases against Caruana Galizia have drawn attention to how wealthy individuals threaten costly legal action in the UK in an attempt to silence journalist, known as SLAPP lawsuits.

    The Guardian said, in an article on Thursday, that the law firm has grown rapidly over the past decade. It has in the past represented high profile clients such as Princess Diana in the 1990s.

    Forensic investigations would require firms to produce financial records for inspection often at short notice. Should the SRA find something irregular, it can sanction the firm or refer it to the solicitors’ disciplinary tribunal which can then issue suspensions and fines.

    In February 2019, The Shift had reported that Mishcon de Reya solicitors, together with Henley and Partners, were among the founding members of the Investment Migration Council, an association for investor immigration and citizenship by investment.


    ‘Hypocrite’ Starmer was paid thousands for advice
    Scottish Daily Mail10 Nov 2021By Daniel Martin Policy Editor
    SIR Keir Starmer was accused of hypocrisy last night as it emerged he had been paid by a law firm and by a tax haven to give legal advice while working as an MP.

    The Labour leader accepted more than £25,000 from Mishcon de Reya in return for legal advice. It is a British law firm which is also listed as a ‘consultant lobbyist’ on the Government’s official register.

    And he was paid more than £9,000 by the British overseas territory of Gibraltar, which has been criticised by his own party chairman over its low-tax regime.

    It also emerged yesterday that since he became leader, Sir Keir has received more than £40,000 for legal work carried out before he was elected to the position. But he has not identified which firms, or who has paid him for this because of client confidentiality.

    A senior Conservative said: ‘We’ve seen a lot of Sir Keir doing his holier than thou routine but he’s nothing but a hypocrite.’

    Last night a spokesman for Sir Keir said: ‘Sir Keir has not done any work for [Mishcon de Reya] since 2016.’

  4. They tried to destroy me. Years and years and years of malicious vindictive persecution.

    And my "friends" called me "BATTY" and despised me.

    Even the friend who was also kicked in the blox by this bunch of gangsters.

    No wonder I'm confused.

    What the hell did I do to be so despised?

    Do I smell or something?

    I'm gobsmacked!!!

  5. Zoompad, blessed are you.

    Strong and Gracious

    We met yesterday upon the hill, conversed and sorrowed for man.

    I seek your presense once more, we exchanged details, picked the pine needles.

    I was unable to find your profiles upon the information given, and sort to seek you here. How do I seek you?

    We will meet again, I await for your response. Think mirror

    With wholehearted love,

  6. Wow! Love you!!!! I've been drinking the pine needle tea, thank you so much for that.

    I'm sorry I've only just come back into my blog and noticed your comment. I need to visit my blog more! So sorry about that.

    I'm @Zoompad on Twitter, you'll recognise my avater. But hopefully, we'll meet on the hill again, it's a blessed place, I'm meeting some beautiful souls up there. We had a wassail up there on 17th January.
