Sunday 2 July 2023

Twitter is trying to censor the Holy Spirit

Just getting ridiculous now. Its probably best to go with the flow, watch the international playboys knock each other to bits. The one thing none of these psychopathic greedy corrupt overpaid money worshipping control freaks can do is to control the Holy Spirit. Nebuchadnezzar's dream, we are witnessing the Rock smashing the foot of iron and clay. An extraordinary time to be alive. Have you ever known such a time of revelations? I have witnessed 6 decades, but my life is just a tiny breath compared to the eternity of God. And I have seen both the wickedness of man and the love and courage and faithfulness. I have witnessed both sides of the spectrum and I have made my choice of which side I want to spend eternity. A period of silence in Heaven was prophesied. Theres really nothing to worry about, though the world seems to be gone completely insane. The eye of the storm is the quietest place. God is with his Beloved. Keep strong, keep loving, keep the faith. 🙏


  1. I was hoping you would blog more
    over the years we all learnt from your fearlesness and courage
    we all felt one with you as many of us had ben through similar
    i was wondering what you thought of the philip schofield case
    him after those young boys
    disgusting man
    we al love you keep blogging please

  2. i often think back to how right you were
    about a few things
    even recently the news that TV chappie Philip Schofield was using underage boys for sex
    brought it home to me how much you know
    he is only being spoken of for one boy but internet rumours and the phone in rog say there are many more
    Thankyou for warning us and know that you are loved x

  3. god is not mocked
    the evil that is being forced on our schoolchildren is abbhorent
    The LBGT movement now admit they are pedos
    where i live near brighton homosexuals from all over come here for the school boys
    " bumbadillos " they call them
    itsa trade which should be stoped
    Thankyou for what you expose
    i will pray for you and these poor boys

  4. i used to pray to jesus after reading your blog
    but i marvel at your courage
    i have read a lot about children abused by homosexuals
    and it is truly horrible
    my cousin works at a doctors surgery a TV man who is homosexual
    came for treatment and he had worms in his bum
    doctor called it " rent boy sickness"
    and he had to take antibiotics and put antiseptic cream up there
    i wont say his name but hes on TVjust horrible

  5. People who speak out about our criminal communist government
    and the migrant invasion with our folk living on the streets
    like those who speak out about the LBGT child manipulators
    and perverts who want to give sex change operations to our children,
    are being called right wing natzis
    its funny how the lefties are always such racist haters.
    Please god help us and the children

  6. My friend carol shes 77 years old and used to read your blog at least once a day she said
    you dont write like you used to
    she went through a lot of what you did
    we all looked forward to share your journey
    we kind of feel a bit abandoned now
    i dont think you realised how much you helped us all

  7. i love your posts
    and have been checking in on you for ages
    my family are unlike me
    and i tell no one i ama fan of yours

  8. i was horrified that the TV people knew and ket silent about philip schofield keeping a flat for his bumbadillos
    there is no morality today when a man can be into child abuse with these boys and folk stay silent

  9. we do remember you in our prayers
    many kept pace with what you went throughmy 2 daughters also look to see if you have anything new up
    god be with you my freind
