Tuesday 5 January 2010

The Bully


  1. Good to see you back after your Christmas "break" Zoompad. I see you have been very busy however and well done for your latest letter to G. Brown. I really hope you get a reply.

    I wish you peace and lots of blessings for 2010. I have a strong feeling that there will finally be some movement on the scandalous cover-up in Jersey. Some of the other care leavers and I are offering Intensive Prayer to the situation and especially for Stuart Syvret (whether he likes it or not!). I am sure you will join us in that!


  2. Hi Lorna,

    Hope you had a lovely Christmas as well.

    I've had a few more letters from the Home Office, but nothing so far from GB. I've made sure that he will certainly get my letter, even if he soes not open the copy that I sent to Downing Street. I'm sick of these people coming it, pretending that they never knew about stuff when they have been repeatedly nagged and nagged about it.

    Yes, I am joining in with the prayers for Stuart, I ask Jesus to protect him night and day. I expect Stuart has every good reason to be sceptical of Christianity, with the fun and games the churches have been up to - it isn't just the Catholics, it's all the establishment approved churches that have joined in in the cover up of child abuse. It made me feel like vomiting when I watched them prancing about in all their satin robes and geegaws on October 1st 2009, the day after all the scandal came out about the paedophile priests in Ireland. Not a single word of apology, I really was so disgusted. They do make me feel sick, I expect Stuart must associate Christianity with those freakshows.

    Jesus CLEARLY said not to do what those church leaders are doing, how can they think it is ok? Don't any of them ever read the Bible, or what? I can't understand how they can think it's ok!!!!

    But yes, I'll be joining in the prayers for Stuart, and Lenny, and all the people who are fighting to get their voices heard, and all the people who have been abused, particularly those who are being re-persecuted. They get persecuted, they gang up on them, to try to criminalise them, or drive them to commit suicide. They tried it on me, and all the other Staffordshire survivors. Then, even if you don't manage to kill yourself, they have the excuse to label you as a "nutjob". But they've done it to too many people now, praise God, we are all talking and realising what they do, and naming and shaming them! The same names keep coming up, over and over again. It's like these shadowy figures have had flour thrown over them, so that everyone can see them.

  3. This video sounds like the experience I had when working in government. When I finally stood up to them they tried to sack me. Instead the head was called to judgement - a young man too. They changed their mind. Not a sparrow falls to the ground without the father willing it.

    Dan 2.34 for sure He will smash this final man made empire and 44 will set up His kingdom.

    Its faith hope and patience never fail.
