Tuesday 5 January 2010

The continuing persecution of an 84 year old multi medalled war hero

This is so disgusting it makes me want to cry. How can our country have come to such shame and disgrace?


  1. Frogster the singer6 January 2010 at 12:17

    hi again

    so what was the corruption in the police force? That police employees used illegal Class A drugs?

    Where are the files about the physical and mental abuse along with the forcible injection at the psychiatric unit?

    At the Council, has anyone been convicted of theft? What, so they didn't give the payments because they didn't like his whistleblowing? What was going on?

  2. Hi Frogster,

    I may be putting up more postings about Norman Scarth shortly, but yes, there is plenty of documentation to show that the most serious abuse of power was committed both to him and to his friend Andy McCardle.

    I can't promise that the postings will be put up by myself in the near future, as there is now a new development to the saga, as I understand that Norman now has a team of legal experts who are very interested in helping him. Norman may ask me not to make any more postings about his situation if there is to be legal action taken. In that case, I expect the national press will take up the story.

  3. Zoompad. Sorry to be off topic but I am trying to join in the celebration of Mick Grabwell's retirement. I have registered with Lancashire Times twice but may be being thick but can't get into where you leave the comment! Keeps asking me to sign in or register again. Help!!!


  4. Hi Lorna,

    It's at the bottom, you have to scroll down to the bottom of the article to comment, then it asks you to repost a hyphenated word. Hope that helps.

  5. Thanks - I will try again! I note there is some trolling going on there already - we must have them on the run!


  6. Best wishes to Norman. I hope he nails the bast*rds who are persecuting him!

  7. Thanks for this post. I had not heard any more on the case of Arnold aka Andy. We have our all seeing eye too.

    Its faith hope and patience never fail.
