Saturday 28 August 2010


They have decided to delete some of my posts, I wonder why?

Anyway, this site does not go in for wanton pointless censorship. For the sake of freedom of speech I am reposting the thread, with the missing posts intact!


Friday, August 27, 2010
Child Abuse - Some Real Issues in Jersey
A view from within:

We have read lots and lots on child abuse in Jersey. We have all seen the content of the crank blogs, the nutter’s blog, the Voice For Anything blogs, the Rico Tribute Blog to the Battle of Britain Blog and of course the Historic Child Abuse enquiry.

We are about to lose David Warcup because of the persistent interference of a vociferous few States Members, Bob Hill, Trevor Pitman, Daniel Wimberley, Montfort Tadier and Carolyn Labey. They all subscribe to the conspiracy, cover-up and oligarch theories on how the Island is run. The purpose of this post is to turn this view round to another view. Whatever about historic child abuse on the Island, the real and apparent child abuse is happening all about us on this island as we speak.

There are men and women out there in our society bringing children into this world and they are unfit to be parents. They do not have the life skills to be a parent, they do not really want to be a parent but do because they get more Income support. It is an Island scandal.

There are 15 year old girls that deliberately get pregnant so that they can get themselves housed by either the housing trusts or the Housing department. They drink and smoke to excess during the pregnancy. Many of these girls cannot cope then with being mothers because they do not have the skills needed. Some babies suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome, the baby suffers health issues because the mother smokes, does not know how to cook and all food comes out of an Iceland box, how to keep a place clean, how to use a washing machine and these girls remain dependent on Income Support for years and years because they keep having babies.

This is child abuse big time. However, it is accepted in our society and therefore nothing is done about it. What of the fathers, these sperm donors, these pillars of Jersey society that produce four different children by four different mothers? They are easy to spot in town. Many of them wear the hoodie uniform, most of them smoke and drink heavily, many are unemployable and a great many share one common boast.

They do not pay maintenance to support the children they spawn and our States departments hardly ever take them to court. This is more child abuse because

Anonymous said...
Its true, Rico, Neil, Ian and a handful of political morons think they know all, but they know nothing. I know a case of abuse in Jersey thats been hushed to protect identities, it happened over the past 2 years and it makes being flicked with a wet towel at a care home 20 years ago look like a running joke.
August 27, 2010

Anonymous said...
"I know a case of abuse in Jersey thats been hushed to protect identities, it happened over the past 2 years and it makes being flicked with a wet towel at a care home 20 years ago look like a running joke."

But isn't that why Stuart Syvret was thrown out as Health Minister, because he was asking questions about the state of Health, coverups, mismanagement etc? And, I believe about 35 states members, including Le Main, were quite happy to agree with the COM's proposal to get rid of him, when perhaps they should have been listening to him instead.
August 27, 2010

Anonymous said...
Stuart Syvret was a big reason it was in such a mess because he was so out of his depth.
August 27, 2010

Anonymous said...
Anne Pryke is actually repairing the mess Syvret left the HSS in and you speak to anybody in the COM and they will tell you that Syvret was useless in that department. Thank god he is out of politics.
August 27, 2010

Anonymous said...
Anybody watch the news? Fair play to Ben Shenton! He is doing something that Trevor Pitman is clueless at and thats actually doing work for the people of Jersey!
August 27, 2010

Anonymous said...
Stuart Syvret was thrown out as heath minister, as voted for by a majority of states members, for bullying and harassing staff as the states assembly records clearly show.
His past, recent, and continuing behaviour only supports the fact this was the correct decision.

If they ever re-make another version of Psycho, maybe he will be able to find some work in the future.
August 27, 2010

Dave Sanscerveau said...
Mate, I think there is a grain of truth in what you are saying about bad parenting and children coming unwanted into the world. It seems to me that has been going on since time immemorial, unless I never read my Charles Dickens at school.

Jersey is not known around the world for the generosity of its welfare system and it is definitely not the place to immigrate to if you fancy lounging around on the dole.

The big problem I see is lack of education. I know I keep harping on about it - well, down the pub at least - but half of these youngsters aren't educated to think logically about things and to know that you only get anywhere in life through hard work. Nobody owes you a living.

The other big problem is they grow up poor on a rich island and they think to themselves, 'I'd like a bit of that.' Since they don't have the education and there are no jobs for them anyway, they might as well do what you say, and have kids young, before they are prepared for parenthood.

It's a vicious circle. What I say is, give them a good education, teach them to be proud of themselves, provide them with opportunities, and let them get involved in politics so their voice counts.

This never happened when I was young. Even though we were poor, everyone could get a job and was prepared to work. We all helped each other too, in times of hardship, unlike now when everyone is selfish and only thinks of money and how much they can get for themselves.

It's good that you are prepared to raise this debate in public - all power to your elbow.
August 27, 2010

Anonymous said...
I agree, I do not think Stuart Syvret is the subject matter here because he is no Bernado thats for sure.
August 27, 2010

Anonymous said...
Its another great post and one that looks at a much wider picture than just a few whistle blowers in the Royal Square. Its a shame that Jersey is being abused in itself in this way because its you and i who are paying for these people to leech off the system.
August 27, 2010

Anonymous said...
The blog entry touches on a very important issue. We are supporting and financing the downfall of society as we know and understand it. We risk reaching a disgenic tipping point because the financial support identified above is promoting inappropriate procreation by people not equipped emotionally, socially or financially for such a task.

Unless we take drastic action, the island's ability to function efficiently will be lost due to overburdening of the social security system by a growing proportion who have not and will not contribute to it.

In the 1960's India operated an incentivised sterilisation programme.

We pay thousands of pounds a month to individual families who can achieve a much better standard of living from receiving benefits than they could ever achieve through gainful employment.

These people should be incentivised, financially if necessary, not to procreate. Give them housing, give them a full sky HD package, give them their perceived trappings, BUT they must give something in return. The ability to reproduce.

An incentivised sterilisation programme would save the tax paying public millions of pounds a year. These families are not going to generate offspring with greater aspirations than their recidivistic and unmotivated parents, so the state should take steps to reduce the burden at source.

It might sound harsh, and I am not expounding sterilation to the exclusion of all procreation.

Before all the tree-huggers and human rights exponents start gnashing teeth I am not promoting a eugenics programme, merely a means of offering choices to those who make a connection of more offspring equalling more money.

Presently our goverment (indirectly) offers incentives to those on benefits to have larger families. This is fundamentally perverse. The state should be looking at ways of introducing incentives to achieve exactly the opposite. In the long run it is a cheaper and better option.

I know I am lighting the blue touch-paper, but I believe that if nothing proactive is done and we continue only to deal with the symptoms instead of the causes, my comments will have a prophetically echo in the not too distant future.
August 28, 2010

David Rotherham said...
And yet, there is a consistency between this and the stories Syvret tells in his lucid moments.
Abusive orphanage staff used to be left to get on with it, because the authorities thought the children were worth no more than the turn of a blind eye. Now, as then, abusive parents are left to get on with it, because the authorities, at least at the critical case management level, still don't care enough about the victims to get them out of it.
My wife is a teacher, and occasionally comes home with hair-raising tales of the damaged, feral kids they have to try to civilise.
The Texan scheme sounds like a neat and cost-effective solution, well worth introducing here, given our need to reduce costs somehow.
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
David, not you as well now, that thinks Jersey orbits around Stuart Syvret. He meqans nothing and was useless whilst in charge of HSS and is of no use to anybody now. The police were looking into long before he got a tip off.

I think the message in this posting is that its society itself thatas abusing the system and the children and not always the people employed within it.
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
Ben Shenton says on the news that he has better things to do for the people of Jersey than sit through 2 hour Geoff Southern speeches. 2 Minutes does it for me! The ironic thing is that his speeches are re-hash, re-hash and re-hash of the same bloody stupid thing.
August 28, 2010

Terry Le Main said...
I could write a book on this subject matter and I need to clear up a couple of comments as my name has been anon poster said that I was happy to go with COM and the States etc in getting rid of Syvret as Health Minister...YES...YES I was and if the public had seen the behaviour and emails, threats and abusive behaviour of Syvret towards public sector employees then the public would have wanted Syvret " sacked months before " his outrageous behaviour towards his colleagues and staff on his watch as Health Minister was just "unbeleivable " he was 7 years as Health Minister / President and totally ignored the childrens service or elderly services...never even ever visiting the childrens homes etc...not speaking to the staff doing a very difficult job...not once did he ever visit his staff working on christmas day to thank them and wish them a happy christmas...please remember that the COM and the States Employment Board have a duty of care towards its employees and they could not continue to see this tirade of abuse from the Health Minister towards his staff ,the Crown officers, the Bailiff and Judiciary ...the staff...he did not get them in to speak to them etc..he just named them, abused them and falsely accused them on his vile blog sites, by vile and disgusting emails etc guts to see them face to to all you " Syvret Lovers " get a life... this man is just criminally bonkers...dangerously bonkers...just imagine if Syvret had been elected Chief Minister...yes 18 members voted for him...quite incredible and he had quite a bit of public support....I have worked with Syvret and he was really difficult to work with, anyone who disagreed with him were immediately maligned etc... the best thing that has happened in recent times in Jersey politics is that Syvret is gone...hooray...also just to say I know that there are non supporters of Terry Le Main out there who would like to see me also gone but I hope I have conducted myself in a manner that the public would agree with...we do not always get it right but if you try your best and in the public interest then thats how it should be....Syvrets continued behaviour is not in the public interest...the next point Housing or Housing Trusts do not house young girls etc under the ages of 18...anyone under 18 is looked after by the Childrens Service...I know I am going to get a kicking from some anonymous Syvret cranks but so be it...i have put my name to this posting..
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
Lol, Tel, you don't need to tell us he is bonkers.

My wife works at the General Hospital and agrees with everything thats said on this blog. They were astonished he not just got the position but managed to keep it whilst doing nothing for so long. He was a lousy manager because he could not manage.
August 28, 2010

Gazza said...
Dear all

A few posts by the usual people or person have been knocked back since last night because they are ignoring the subject matter completely in a defiant stance for an unemployed ex-senator who, has never addressed any of these issues head on as it is.

This is a very serious subject and one that has an effect on all of us and we are pleased to address it on the Web, but if you want to post defiant unrelated garbage please go elsewhere because we are not interested.


Gazza :-x
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
Why doesn’t the JDA ever discuss this stuff? It is they who want a welfare state and it is they that complain about poverty coupled with insufficient hand outs yet we now know its being abused by people having children so what do they think about that? It is posts like these which gives even louder calls for tighter controls on who gets benefit and its astounding as to how many single mothers we have in Jersey States flats, because I can think of 8 off the top of my head and 5 of them have never married. This Island is a mess.
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
I agree with everything Dave Sanscerveau says.
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
Where do they get the money from for fags and booze? Fags are over a fiver for a pack of 20 and booze aint cheap anymore, so how can they not be getting enough from welfare? None of this adds up.
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
Education is a big issue. It is quite clear this is the case at many levels, not only bad parenting.

If Jersey public office's are unable to find any local people capable of being trained to take over when top managers move on, I can only guess this is because they lack good education, hence the replacements are often imported from the UK.

Education, education, education! It is quite obvious reading some of the above comments, just how bad it must be at schools!!!
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
People are talking about education but if a child comes back from school and say to his of her parents 'we are doing this wrong' then what happens then? Poor parenting for me and school is only supposed to be part of the growing up process anyhow.
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
Quote- None of this adds up.

Check out the age groups in the Parade Gardens these days.
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
I cannot for the life of me understand why such a serious issue has been virtually ignored in most of the above posts by virtue of attacking an ex-states member. Perhaps you should have renamed the title to, have a go at Stuart Syvret but ignore the child abuse.

How widespread do you think the above problem is, in numbers?, what is TLS's view on it?
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
What the hell has Stuart Syvret got to do with this subject? I thought he was too busy trying to sue his Ex for money and thats why his blog is dead? Come on people get real, he means nothing.
August 28, 2010

Terry Le Main said...
I continue to see quite ridiculous payments of taxpayers monies to cases that quite honestly would make you quite ill..especially if you are a hard working ordinary Jersey resident...paying your taxes etc...its something that this awful " Data Protection legislation " precludes me from disclosing recent case I queried...the response from the Minister...I cannot speak to you because of Data Protection, nothing but an excuse ...years ago the likes of the then Senator Dick Shenton and I could discuss issues with family etc...not now..those commonsense days are gone...please let me give you a case when I was Housing Minister... a lady came home to see me ..she said I have come to thank you for the way and manner that you are helping and assisting my daughter and grandchild....I knew this lady and her daughter...I listened to this lady but after she had left I then realised the position with her daughter was that during that week I had signed a Ministerial decision to evict the daughter because she refused to comply with her tenancy agreement, did not pay her rent, yet received rental assistance...well what do you think this good lady thought of me when she found out about the eviction...she knew nothing about her daughters behaviour...the true position was that in the past prior to this " Data Protection Legislation " the Dick Shentons and Terry le Mains of this world would have been able to assist by going to the mother, telling her the issues with her daughter and all of us together assisting to resolve the daughters problems thus allowing her to remain housed...but although this legislation protects peoples personal and intimate information, it just goes too far when in this case we really could have assisted this poor fact because she had not given permission she was evicted...everybody was a is a joke that in an Island of 90k people we are spending £86M on benefits...yes far too many claimants are in fact playing the system and many local GP's have a lot to answer for in the way and manner that they give out " medical certificates" i have several very bad cases that I am unable to investigate etc...due to this legislation etc..
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
£86M on benefits?

And people like Geoff Southern says its not enough :0
August 28, 2010

ADJ said...
Its scandalous and who is paying for the Syvret at the moment? He doesn’t work, sleeps off a hangover during the day on some idiot’s settee and then terrorises people by e-mail at night. Who is paying for this? I hope the Court eventually gives him hundreds/thousands of hours of community service. It would be good if they got him to clean the States buildings, now that would be good to watch and it’s the least he can do to start repaying his debt to the people of Jersey.
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
They should get Stuart polishing the COM's boots with a toothbrush followed by the AG's & Bailiff's cars lol.
August 28, 2010

Dave Sanscerveau said...
The estimated figure for 2010 Income Support benefits was actually £93 million (93,828,700, to be exact). Is that a lot or a little compared to our GDP (TonyTheProf where are you?). The UK Social Security budget is 100 billion, which is relatively, per head, more than Jersey. These figures do my head in and who can say what is a lot and what is a little.

Someone once said, 'A decent provision for the poor is the true test of civilization.' So the test is not the amount but why you have poor and needy people and how you look after them.

I'd like to go back a little to what I consider Jersey's heydays, from the 1950s to the 1970s. Nearly everyone had a job, even the poor people. I would say that the number of people now on benefits is just disguised unemployment and that if you pulled the rug from under them and said, 'right you lot, get back out to work', you would find that there isn't any work for them to do.

Jersey no longer has a requirement for large numbers of low-skilled, manual workers.

But these poor people still have to live, so someone has to keep them. It's all very well for people to start talking about eugenics and euthanasia when you are applying it to other people. Where is the charity in that?

So I would say the answer is to develop an economic plan that addresses the needs of everyone, not just people who have the brains or breeding to work in Finance.

I agree that everyone should work for themselves, but they have to be given the opportunity first.
August 28, 2010

Dave Sanscerveau said...
Your statement like 'In the great State of Texas, they have come up with an incentive to slow down the rate of teenage pregnancies, especially among the Hispanic community. They offer the girls $1000 in cash to consent to a 5 year contraceptive injection.'

You have to ask yourself why they got so many teen pregnancies in the first place. This is what I read: "This alarming trend of teen pregnancies can be traced to two fateful decisions in the mid-1990s when two Republican governors with their eyes on the White House - California’s Pete Wilson and Texas’ George W. Bush. While Bush endorsed a law that requires schools to teach abstinence as the 'preferred choice' for unmarried young people and affirmed parents’ rights to take their youngsters out of sex-education instruction."

Okay, so now they've realised that telling teenagers not to have sex is like telling a conger eel not to swim up a gulley, they want to use contraception instead. But can't you see what is wrong with that? A girl can only get pregnant once per year whereas a boy can go around shooting his sperm several times a day, or more when it comes to my old uncle Bernie, now deceased.

There is now a male contraceptive injection. It is the boys who should be given it not the girls. I'm not sexist, ay, but why pick on the girls? Also, the boys are much more likely to take the money so they can spend it on drink and drugs. So rather than giving them the money I think they should be given a voucher for education or for an apprenticeship. That way, it's a win-win situation and society gets something back for its money.

Like you also noticed in your post, when a girl has a baby, she will stay with it and raise it - not all of them as badly as you suggest - many of them are good mothers. My niece had a baby at sixteen and the dad went back to Arlington, leaving her on her own. She and her mum rose to the task and raised that boy with the best manners you'd like to meet. He's now in the army, risking his life every day in Helmand.

So, given that it is typically the dad that walks away from his responsibilities, and doesn't have to bear the burden of pregnancy and giving birth - it is the males that should be sterilized.

Male sterilization also has another incidental benefit that I don't think is fit to discuss in a public arena.
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
You want to read Zoompad's comments on the Syvret e-mail thread, the woman is going to have a heart attack.!!!
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
I take it that Zoompad and ilk support Stuart in his extorting money with menaces, abusing women, staff, and colleagues.
Other commenter on the nutters does correctly observe s that people are waking up to the truth, even if it is only 2 or 3 a week, indeed I now see he has been peddling his spin, bullying and in some cases abusing people for his own end for many years.
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
Zoompad has lost it
August 28, 2010

Zoompad said...
I should have known! You people are the absolute limit. Do you never stop mocking? Will you never learn?

Don't you realise how wicked you are being?

Mock mock mock, sneer sneer sneer, snigger snigger snigger all day long. You think it is funny to laugh your heads off all day long at people like me.

Well laugh on. I can't stop you, can I? You are just a lot of big nasty bullies, you never will stop it I think. You are like the nasty boys who were shouting "Go on up, you baldy".

Those boys thought it was a really funny thing to mock God's servant, but I do not suppose they thought it was so funny when a great big bear leapt out and started to tear them up into little pieces. It's never a smast idea to mock God or the servants of the Lord, even the humblest lowliest servants. I would not dare to do what you are doing, you people are either very brave or very stupid. Or both.

Carry on with your stupidity then, mock God and his lowly servant, have a good old belly laugh at my expense. You will anyway, no-one can stop you, except God, and he will, just like he let Yorkminster burst into flames, when the Bishop of Durham committed blasphemy in 1984, mocking and undermining God again, pulling the beard of Jesus and spitting in his face, just like you lot are doing. Then everyone will see that He is the Lord. Praise to the Lord Jesus, he will reveal his glory and authority.
August 28, 2010 Zoompad said...
We all say stupid things when we are hurting. I saw Stuart in London when they had split up, and I could see he was heartbroken. I didn't like to pry, but I could see how he was really very very sad. I am sure that what he said to her about money was said out of the bitterness of a broken heart - they had been together for 16 years.

It's wrong of you to put all those private emails online. It must be hurting Caroline and the children as well, you doing that.

As for religion, I am not religious. The Church hates people like me. One vicar tried to stop me praying for the abuse survivors and Stuart and all the others in one church. I ignored him, because he was out of order, I will never stop praying for the victims of child abuse. I believe in Jesus, and the churches I have gone to so far, well, most of them seem to hate Jesus. And I am not at all happy about the Pope coming either. I have written to Ian Paisley about that, but he has not written back to my latest letter, he did reply to my first one though. I wish he would say something about this, because Rowan Williams seems to have lost his tongue
Zoompad said...
We all say stupid things when we are hurting. I saw Stuart in London when they had split up, and I could see he was heartbroken. I didn't like to pry, but I could see how he was really very very sad. I am sure that what he said to her about money was said out of the bitterness of a broken heart - they had been together for 16 years.

It's wrong of you to put all those private emails online. It must be hurting Caroline and the children as well, you doing that.

As for religion, I am not religious. The Church hates people like me. One vicar tried to stop me praying for the abuse survivors and Stuart and all the others in one church. I ignored him, because he was out of order, I will never stop praying for the victims of child abuse. I believe in Jesus, and the churches I have gone to so far, well, most of them seem to hate Jesus. And I am not at all happy about the Pope coming either. I have written to Ian Paisley about that, but he has not written back to my latest letter, he did reply to my first one though. I wish he would say something about this, because Rowan Williams seems to have lost his tongue.
August 28, 2010

Zoompad said...
I was in an asylum. They put me in one as a "place of safety" when I was a kid. They put me there because I kept trying to run away from being abused. So I do not think that idea of putting us all into an asylum is a very nice idea.
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
And Stuart busted up a marriage after calling a person a child abuser on the Internet.

He deserves everything he gets.
August 28, 2010

Gazza said...
Dear Zoompad

We have let you have your say but this religious praise of Stuart Syvret has nothing to do with this subject matter or this Blog.

My only advice to you is that you should read the Christopher Chapman Report into this man's behaviour and do a study of who has actually been charged since his wild accusations against people emerged on his blog.

Innocent people have been trashed by him, we know this from the messages not only published on this blog but e-mails received.

So we are afraid your views on this subject are vastly miss guided to put it mildly but thats what happens when you use the subject of child abuse as a stick to beat everybody with.


Gazza :-x
August 28, 2010

Anonymous said...
I think it is sick that somebody can come on here and endorse a man's behaviour when he has accused people without any trial or means to reply of being serial killers, child abusers, bent coppers and rapists. Zoompad go to hell, its people like you that give religion a terrible name.
August 28, 2010

Post a Comment


  1. Not just your posts!!

    I did wonder what had happened to my post, as it disappeared, even though it was (based on other posts), relatively specific to the thread, asked a serious question of fact and made what I considered to be fair comment. Thanks for the repost.

    [Anonymous said...
    I cannot for the life of me understand why such a serious issue has been virtually ignored in most of the above posts by virtue of attacking an ex-states member. Perhaps you should have renamed the title to, have a go at Stuart Syvret but ignore the child abuse.

    How widespread do you think the above problem is, in numbers?, what is TLS's view on it?
    August 28, 2010 ]

  2. I see my comment has been reinstated. However other comments of mine have not been, which only goes to show that someone is reading this site and reacting!!!

  3. It looks like a good blog.

  4. I have just been reading it and its a brilliant blog.

  5. "Yo Teamlunaticexposer exellent post,

    An unemployed carpenter, a bitter ex-fisherman, a number of convicted criminals and a ragbag collection of wasters and bitter lunatics. "

    No doubt the cowardly nonny mouse poster counts me as chief of the bitter lunatics.

    Ah well, never mind. After all, Jesus's team were also a motly assortment of misfits and unlikely people. But look what they achieved!

