Friday 27 August 2010


They all know how that terrible place is a trigger to me. They are deliberatly trying to push me over the edge so that they can come and get me. I AM scared, but I am not going to allow them to get away with anything at all now without it being in front of an audience. They can do what they like to me, but they will have a big crowd of people witnessing it, just like they did with Maureen Spalek and Ian Tomlinson and Stuart Syvret. No more hiding in little dark corners.

Incidentally, I want to stress this - just in case - I AM NOT SUICIDAL. Just thought I had better mention that, as I have had that accusation levelled at me before, by a certain Cafcass lady who decided to set the Social Services onto me, and was extremly dissapointed when a very honest and decent man called John Hanlon (may God bless you sir) dealt with the call out, instead of the crooked one she had got lined up to fix me up! I KNOW ALL THEIR BLOODY GAMES AND TRICKS NOW!


  1. I've just rung them again, and spoken to a very nice sounding man. He said he was going to speak to his supervisor and try to help me. I just can't face going anywhere mnear that place, it's making me feel sick even thinking about it. I hope the man will help me.

  2. Dont Worry or try not to Barbara I know that its hard because i know and understand what you are putting up with thank you for sharing this with me its good of you dont let it spoil your week-end just one more thing can you send me your other address ive forgot what it was ive got something i want to send you again its nothing to worry about and i think that you will like it when you see what it is i hope that you do anyway god bless From your Friend Derick x

  3. Thanks Derek, I will, thanks for the support. The man was nice, and he said he would get the supervisor onto it. I had to go through it all over again with her, it was terrible, I can't talk about it to those people without feeling a massive lump of terror, and some of them enjoy that, they like the power it gives them. I don't know if that lady was getting high off making me suffer, but anyway, she said I didn't have to go after all. They will try to send me there in 6 months time, I tried to beg her not to send me there ever again, and have another venue, but I expect they will do it again and then I will have it all opened up all over again. It really is like being abused all over again, why can't they see that? But I think they already know, not the man, but I think the top ones know. Anyway, you are right, I won't let it spoil my weekend. xx

  4. They did it on the job bus once, all the other people could hear because the door was wide open, it was awful, I started crying trying to explain what had happened, and the lady was really nasty to me, and when I got out there were people sniggering about me crying. It was so humiliating. I do not think I will ever be allowed to get over what happened to me as a child, because it keeps getting raked up over and over and over again, and people call me a nut job, some people, my brothers and sisters and my mum, but praise God, I do have lovely neighbours in my street, they \ll know what happened to me. I had to tell aall of them, in case the police ever tried to do any dirty business on me in the middle of the night, like they did to Stuart and Maureen. I have got some very good friends. You need them, if the freemasons start picking on you. Everyone needs to rally round, so that they can't do their nasty business in secret, they hate doinmg anything in the open, bullies always like secrecy, that is why the secret family courts are top secret. Jesus said do everything in the light though, didn't he?

  5. Incredible story there. What happened after? Thanks!

    my page; Helpline Number for ESA

  6. I will tell you tomorrow, I only just found your comment and need to get off the computer for tonight, but will tell you, thanks for asking

  7. just had a look at your site before I log off THANK YOU SO MUCH! Someone told me about ESA yesterday, I didnt even know about it, so thank you thank you thank you!

  8. My son has left school now, he was attending special school while all this was going on. I was terrified most of the time that my son might be taken away from me, as I have PTSD due to the abuse I have suffered, as a child, Pindown child abuse and after that as an adult 7 years of legal abuse in the secret family courts which are being run by a network of gangsters. There is no other way I can describe the secret courts than as a network of gangsters, because thats exactly what they are.

    They spent over £200,000 of public money trying to accuse me of Parental Alienation Syndrome, but I found out it had been ionvented by an American paedophile called Richard Gardner and I refused to meekly accept their false labelling of me with that paedophile invented junk science. Cafcass's Leslie Hughes appointed a corrupt lawyer called Inderjit Thind who roped in a corrupt therapist who works with sex OFFENDERS (not victims of abuse as I am) called Joanna Simpson Blake to falsely accuse me of being hysterical without a cause and therefore unfit to look after my son, the way they did that was to bully me until I got really upset then write one sided "expert witness" court reports about me. Inderjit Thind was my sons appointed lawyer, paid for from my own legal aid claim, yet my son was never allowed to meet him even once during the almost 2 years he was my sons legal representative!

  9. So basically, my son had a lawyer for 2 years, not of his own choosing but chosen for him by a corrupt Cafcass officer, that he was never even allowed to meet!

    While all this was going on, unbeknown to me, my son and his classmates were being transported in a mini bus to Drake Hall Prison from his school for disabled youngsters, for PE lessons, I didnt know, I wasn't informed and if I had known I would never have given my consent. However, my MP, Bill Cash DID know, and at that time he was pretending to help me, pretending he wanted to help me but that he was powerless to help me. He knew what was going on at my sons school, and he let them do that, and he also knew I was having massive problems with accessing basic NHS services and money problems as well.
