Sunday 5 September 2010

The blog of malicious lies won't let me post there any more

Those cowards Gazza and his chums won't let me post on that blog any more, he is a scardy coward, too "hold my hand mummy, don't let the scary lady say nasty things to me pweese", he starts shitting his pants whenever anyone challenges his malicious little blog, he cannot deal with it, so he just censors them.

So this thread is for all the posts I trey to post on to his blog. I won't go there to be malicious in any way, I will just go there and try to post to defend myself and my friends from slander and lies.

I just read on the Horrible Disgusting Lying Gormless Mouth Farters blog that they are making out that we all hate the police, that is a lie, so I have posted this, just to put the record straight.

You pullers of the beard of Jesus and spitters in the face of Jesus won't post this onto your horrible blog of lies and malice, but I will post it onto my own blog so that everyone can read it from there.

Stuart is not anti police, none of us anti institutional child abuse people are. We all of us just wish that the police could do their proper job, which is to aprehend bad people, and especially nasty bullies who prey on children, picking the poor little people up and slamming them into a wall, then grabbing them again and slamming them into another wall, nasty creeps who get poor little children and pull their pants down and do horrible outrageous things to them, and even murder them, putting them down celler cells and terrorising them, even murdering them. We all of us just want the police to do their duty. We also want it that the police who do their duty don't get harrassed and even murdered by accidentally on purpose falling into the sea off the side of boats, or falling off high remote places, ect. I don't think that is a lot to ask really. None of us are anachists, anachists dispise law and order, but we all yearn for justice.


  1. I understand the only reason they wont let you post is because you only ever post confusing religious crap.


    Gazza said...
    Dear Zoompad

    Like we said before, we let you have your say but from your latest attempt to post on here we advise that this Blog is not a religious rant zone.

    Perhaps just keep your thoughts to your own blog in future.


    Gazza :-x



    Gazza said...
    Dear Anon

    I don't know who Jason Roberts and I don’t care to be honest. Since Friday we have knocked back 14 posts from the usual named partakers of Stuart's blog and none of their posts adds anything to the debate but just shows bitterness against us for attacking the rogue Stuart Syvret and his ex.

    From now on we do not care what these people have to say, what accusations they want to make and what they think they know.

    People like Zoompad, Rob Kent, Jill Gracia and Ian Evans don't mean anything to the owners of this Blog.


    Gazza :-x

    September 06, 2010
    Anonymous said...
    Zoompad is a deluded religious crackpot. As an example she says in her latest posting that Syvret does not hate the Police.

    September 06, 2010



    Anonymous said...
    I was having a peruse through Zoompad's blog and its like reading something from a Jehovah's Witness fanatical cult forum. Ian Evan's blog is all 'poor me' and he even publishes Police arrest statements that showed him to be drunk and disorderly in the first place, no sympathy from me then. There is nothing of intellectual substance in any of this material. A lot of threats but nothing for anybody to take any notice of, strange between the two though, one is full of swearing like its coming from a drunken fool and the other is full of bible bashing gob $hite.

    September 06, 2010
    Anonymous said...
    This is what I like about this blog, it says what everybody is really thinking.

    September 06, 2010



    I am not a Jehovas Witness. Jehova's Witnesses do not call God who suffered and died to save mankind Jesus.

    The reason you will not let me post onto your nasty blog is because it is a blog of malicious lies, and you want to keep it that way. You only want malicious sneering and lies to be posted onto it.

    You hate us all because we were abused as children, and we have found the courage to speak frankly about what happened to us. That's why you won't let any of us post - you want to cover all the abuse up.

    I hate having to speak about the horrible stuff which happened to me as a child, I would like to "get over" it and never think of it again, but we are never allowed to, most, if not all of us are persecuted over and over and over again. Besides, if I shut my mouth about it, who will speak up for the children who they have got and are abusing right now? I would rather be doing lots of nice things than constantly talking about the terrible stuff, but I can't sit back and allow the next generation to go through the same hell. This awful abuse has got to stop, it cannot be allowed to continue any longer.

  6. There are a lot of very fragile people who post onto Stuart's blog, people who have been brutalised during their childhood, amazing resiliant people who have battled against all the odds against them and still have a spirit of joy, which the abusers did not manage to beat out of them during their childhood. I don't know who posted the Boney M remark, but I think it is wonderful that there are people on that blog with so much courage and resiliance. Of course, you haters will find us survivors hilarious, you only know how to sneer and hate other people, you don't know or care about kindness and healing. You are typical bullies, just look at yourselves, how can you be proud of what you are doing? No doubt this will not be posted, same as the other popsts you are censoring.

  7. I gave up reading the Fart blog, because it was full of... yes you know!

    My guess is that for all I know it may be run by pedophiles.

  8. I'm going to carry on breading the Fart blog, and I will put all the posts which they refuse to print onto this thread.

    I am convinced paedos are running it, as only paedos would copver up paedo activity with such singleminded determination.

  9. My typos! I need stronger glasses I think!



    Gazza said...
    Dear Zoompad

    Can you please take your self rightious comments somewhere else, we are not interested.


    Gazza :-x

  11. No, Gazza, I WILL keep posting onto your blog, and all the posts which you censor are going up onto my own blog.

    All you creeps and Jesus's beard pullers are welcome to post anything you like onto my blog, as my blog is not censored, as yours is.

    Jesus does not like having you creeps spitting into his face and pulling his beard. You will taste the Lord's wrath, to be sure.

  12. It looks like you are talking to yourself.

  13. Well you came to read it, didn't you, hahaha!


    Anonymous said...
    Zoompad is getting her knickers into a right twist about this blog!!!!

    Yes they really are dolally!

    September 06, 2010

    Never mind about my knickers, it's what paedos have been doing interfering with little kiddies knickers that I am in a fury about.

    It's going to stop, and if people laugh their heads off at me just like they laughed their heads off at Mary Whitehouse, who I greatly admire, then they will find the smile wiped off their faces pretty soon, just as Mrs Whitehouse knocked the leer off that nasty bag of tricks Tom O Carroll.

  15. Keep at them girl.



    Anonymous said...
    If you read her blog it just shows how bonkers his followers really are.

    September 06, 2010

    What you mean is that if you read my blog you will understand how much of the Fart blog is censored.

  18. If you aren't an idiot, you made a world-class effort at simulating one. Try to edit your writing of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight.

    Syvret is finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Another trip to The Works and a couple of pounds will procure you a very nice Thesaurus, then you can look up more words to insult me with, as you seem to run out of stuff to say, you're repeating yourself now.

    Don't forget, get yourself a nice Bible as well, then you might start learning to be a good boy. Better late than never.


    Anonymous said...
    The good thing about this excellent blog is that is has singlehandedly shown the hypocrisy and nonsense of the Syvret blog and the Syvret era. His day is over and he will be tangled up in litigation for years. His ex here in Grouville is about to find out how painful payback will be. She has a lot to answer for because she provided him with a base in Grouville to pour out his bile. What is as bad is what she has exposed her own family to. She is as bad as her ex and the ultimate hypocrite.

    September 04, 2010

    Hmmm. I thought you people were all defending this lady from that nasty vicious bullying monster, Syvret. And you boys accuse us women of being fickle!

    As usual. as you will not post the comments of anyone who disagrees with the right to perve and murder kiddies, I will post this onto my own blog.

  21. What a lot of naughty boys there are on that nasty blog. It's a great pity those bad boys were never taught right from wrong.

  22. Zoompad you should give Gazza a BJ.

  23. I think I will pass on that one.


    If the injustice system of Jersey decided to jail Stuart Syvret for even one week, let alone 21 years, it would be the best thing that could possibly happen for all the people who were abused at Haut de la Garenne, and at other PINDOWN homes, as it would be a massive publicity boost for their plight.

    I doubt very much that even the Jersey judiciary are stupid enough to shoot themselves in the foot like that.

    Murdering him won't work either, it would bring the whole pack of cards down like a flash.

    The only chance of possibly shutting Stuart and us abuse survivors up is by ignoring us. Lalala, you psychopathic egocentric idiots are far too full of control freakery ever to do that! What a bunch of stupid braindead losers!

    As usual, you cowards won't post this, so it's going on my blog.

  25. We are the champions
    We are the champions
    No time for losers
    Cause we are the champions - of the world

  26. Kids deserve a slap from time to time, never did me any harm. Trouble for Stuart was that he was never hit hard enough.

  27. You are the champion all right - you win first prize for being the most odious offensive creature I have ever had on my blog.

  28. I hope they will post this one, but it is going up here just in case they censor it:

    My posts are not silly at all. I am a Christian lady, I began to believe in the risen Lord in 1984 when I witnessed the fire at Yorkminster, which occurred a few days after the Bishop of Durham committed blasphemy on BBC Radio 4. No-one had any idea how the fire started, some people were saying that a UFO had hit it, it was a complete mystery, but I am convinced that the Lord did it. That is how I came to believe, and since then, I have found out a lot of things about Jesus, by reading the Bible and by talking to him, which is what we Christians call praying.

    Jesus is very polite. He said "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."

    I am not silly to believe in Jesus Christ. A lot of other people believe in him as well. Just because you people can't see him does not mean that he is not there. Everyone, good and bad, will see him one day, he said so himself.

    Jesus detests child abuse. He said it would be better to be drowned than be guilty of causing little ones to lose faith. You people ought to be grateful to me for taking the time to warn you against making God angry, I am doing you all a really big favour, because wicked people who steadfastly refuse to mend their ways and be good will end up in utter misery, in hell, for eternity. That is what happens to very wicked people, don't you know? You ought to be thanking me, and doing what the people of Ninevah did when the Lord sent Jonah to them, to tell them to repent. Those people were wise; they listened to Jonah and said that they were very sorry to God for being awful, and mended their ways. That is what you people ought to do, but no-one can make you - you have free will, given by God, to do as you like - for a season, until your time runs out. You already know that you are mortal beings - or did you suppose your flesh will not one day have to give up the ghost and your carcasses turn back into dust? Who gave you your lives - Stephen Hawkins? Darwin? Did you just materialise by your own free will? I think every one of you does understand as well as I do that you certainly did not invent yourselves. You've rejected God because you all fell for the Illuminati satanic brainwashing that is causing the whole planet to shudder and groan. These are the days that Daniel 12 told us would come.

    You ought to thank me for preaching the good news to you - that you can be saved from the wrath to come. The Lord is good to mankind, and he is just. Everyone will have the chance to accept his gracious offer of salvation, if you reject the offer, it will be entirely of your own free will. I pray for all of you, and urge you to fall on your knees before Jesus and ask him to forgive you for what you have done.

  29. "Kids deserve a slap from time to time, never did me any harm. Trouble for Stuart was that he was never hit hard enough. "

    We are not talking about a slap, we are talking about child abuse.

    We are talking about grown men picking up little kids and slamming them repeatedly into walls.

    We are talking about wacko perverts who think it is ok to put little boys accross their knee, pull their pants down, spanking them repeatedly and then carressing their red bottoms, and them with a whacking great hard on underneath the unfortunate violated child on their lap.

    We are talking about sadistic bath sessions in underground torture chambers.

    We are talking about terrified children weeping in the night for someone kind to come, and children stifling themselves from weeping in the night for fear someone very unkind will come.

    We are talking about lime pits and missing children, broken bones and teeth and missing children.

    We are talking about children being trapped in the "care" of very dubious characters.

  30. I intend to visit Derek Slade in prison, not for any malicious purpose, but to see if he will tell me about his own childhood. I want to know why he thought it was ok to abuse small boys. I want to know who abused him - he was obviously abused himself, you don't just turn into a sadistic pervert. I want to talk to Derek Slade and find out why he was so cruel to all those poor boys he abused.

    I hope that all my friends will pray for me that I will be able to do this. I want this terrible child abuse to stop with this generation, and I am going to do everything I can to make it happen, God help me.


    The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them, but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming"


    Anonymous said...
    Zoompad's blog comes from the Planet Zog.

    This woman is completely ga ga, she says he is a well known writer? More like a well known pain in the butt.

    September 07, 2010

    Yes, I am well known, as I have written thousands of letters to politicians, newspapers and church leaders, and had thousands of replies. I have also written a book, it is called "TIP" by Zoompad, ISBN 1-4251-0150-x, it is a better read than the new Tony Blair book and a lot cheaper as well. You can order it online from Trafford or Amazon or buy it at W.H.Smiths.

    All the politicians know who I am, some of them think I am a big pest, but I know some of them think I am a very brave person to come out of the abuse I suffered as a child and to still be fighting to stop child abuse. I know some of them admire me for that, because they have said so. So yes, I am a writer and I am sort of famous, not to the general public but they know who I am in the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Ministry of Justice.
