Monday 6 September 2010


I don't know anything about his personal life, but I have read his biography on William Wilberforce, and it is excellent.

Why did William Hague choose to write a biography about this particular man, and them write about him in such a way that it is clear to anyone reading it that he greatly admires Wilberforce's passion to end slavery, which is a black mark against the whole human race?

I think William Hague must be quite a nice person, judging him from this book. Perhaps all this mudslinging about him is an attempt to gag him, same as all us other human rights campaigners (we are NOT anachists!) have been maliciously and slyly attacked - as Hollie and Anne Greig were, by that nasty piece of work, Greg Lance Watkins, pretending to be all pally and then stabbing them in the back and twisting the blade.

I think Guy Fawkes ought to leave the Hague family well alone, and stop all the nasty mud slinging. If Mr Hague has done anything wrong in his capacity as a politician, then of course it is in the public interest that people know about it, but all this stuff about is he homosexual or not is just nasty malicious mudslinging. It must be awful for Mrs Hague as well. He's said loud and clear that he is not not homosexual now, and even been forced to go into detail about why he has no children yet. Guy Fawkes and all his cronies ought to leave them alone. If Guy Fawkes wants to write on a subject that is really shocking and scandalous, and merets being written about in great detail, why does he not tale on Lard Falconer and the secret family court childstealing scandal? Falconer has plenty of juicy skeletons in his closet - but I suppose Guy Fawkes is too scared to death of the Scandalson mob to poke around that lot too much. I think Guy Fawkes is a coward!


  1. Obviously one of the morons (Gazza or Andy perhaps?) off the Fart blog. After exhausting his monocell brain by using his exhaustable vocabulary to express himself, he is now in the recovery position, head down the toilet, one flush and he will be recovered enough to make a comeback by posting another nasty remark onto my blog. Take it easy, ducky.

  2. Actually, I think it is Gazza. He has slightly more grey matter than the other one, when I say slightly more, I'm talking micro millimetres. The other one would only have managed the first word, and mispelt even that.

  3. If you aren't an idiot, you made a world-class effort at simulating one. Try to edit your writing of unnecessary material before attempting to impress us with your insight.

  4. May you choke on the queasy, convulsing nausea of your own trite, foolish beliefs.

  5. Oh, so you do know more than two words! Been to The Works and bought yourself a dictionary, have you?

  6. Pity you didn't really splash out and treat yourself to a Holy Bible as well!

  7. Don't get insulted, but is your job devoted to spreading ignorance?





  9. religious nutters

  10. Stuart is right about most things, but on this point he is wrong. This foul mouthed unprincipled individual does not have friends in high places, quite the reverse. His pals are all a load of fat walletted guttersnipes.

  11. Yes, it really is open warfare now. They have burnt their boats, this is them in their true colours. We can all see just how wicked these people are now.

    Look at what they are saying. How many offers have I had to perform oral sex on their morally depraved blog leader? They are acting worse than animals.

    I won't be wiping their vicious comments off my blog. They can stay there, for all to see.

    I am an adult survivor of child abuse, and they are doing this to me. Just imagine what these disgusting creatures must be capable of doing to others.

  12. you must be hitting a nerve! keep up the good work.

  13. The tide is changing
    Keep up the good work, Zoom!
