Thursday 7 October 2010


No doubt the paedo protectors will call me a nutter for posting this, and say I "need help", but I don't care what those creeps think, it's my blog so I can post what I like on it.

Anyway, I love this story, it is one of my favourites. The music is Old and Wise by The Alan Parsons Project, the singer is Colin Bluntstone


  1. I think I ought to explain what Gordon Brown is doing there. I wrote to him, many many times, and I know he read my letters. I told him all about thye secret family courts, and the forced adoptions and the psychological torture techniques they use in those places, I told him all about the two American paedophiles, Richard Gardner and Ralph Underwager, whose syndromes the secret family courts were using. I told him the origins of the Liverpool Care Pathway. I pointed out that both child abuse and mass murder are evil. I begged him to do something to protect the children and the old people of this country.

    I'm sure he's not a wicked man in his heart, I know he wanted to do something, but I guess he was too intimidated and confused. It's a real shame. That dreadful Scandalson and his cronies, they had him wound right round their fingers.

    It was great hearing David Cameron giving a verbal two fingered salute to Scandalson and his corrupt cronies yesterday. There have been bad governments in this country, but was there ever such a wicked one as the last?

    Anyway, that's why Gordon Brown is in the video.

  2. Child abuse is a wicked crime. Yet, in Jersey, it seems that reporting child abuse and trying to support child abuse victims is a much worse crime.

    Lord Jesus, thank you for how you are opening the eyes of people to the evil administration in Jersey. I trust you, to protect those who are trying to protect the most vulnerable, and just want to thank you for what is happening. Thank you for making people care about this.

  3. Child abuse is a wicked crime. Yet, in Jersey, it seems that reporting child abuse and trying to support child abuse victims is a much worse crime.

    Lord Jesus, thank you for how you are opening the eyes of people to the evil administration in Jersey. I trust you, to protect those who are trying to protect the most vulnerable, and just want to thank you for what is happening. Thank you for making people care about this.

  4. Zoompad, a lot of people haven't seen or rad about the things you have, please will you post more links here, like no2abuse? Thanks for info, Liz x

  5. Yes I will, thanks for that. As soon as my comnputer is back from the menders I will get some links posted. xx

  6. Not sure how to use the links function. Can anyone help me, with some instructions on how to do it please?
