Thursday 7 October 2010


I wrote both these posts, which the Dumb and Dumber blog posted onto their infamous blog of lies and propaganda. I was pretty surprised they allowed me to post there again, just shows how stupid they are.

Anyway, I won't be posting any more on to their blog, the main reason being that they pretty soon will not have a blog to post on to. I don't think David Cameron is going to allow computer phones to be smuggled into prisons in the future, PRAISE THE LORD!


Zoompad said...
You can laugh all you like, but I did warn you not to pull the beard of Jesus or spit in His face, didn't I?

All the wicked bad things you have done and said, everyone knows about what you have done, you have brought ruin upon yourselves.

Did you really think that the Lord would let you get away with all the wicked crimes?

I know I must sound like a broken record, but you really should repent to Jesus. You have done the exact opposite of what he said to de. Jesus said to be kind, and to care for the weakest, to be good. You have not been good, you have been really very bad, cruel, malicious, hateful. You have not cared about all the people who were cruelly treated as little children. You have tried to destroy all the people who have tried to help all those smashed up people. You have said the most odious things about Carolyn Labey, and Stuart Syvret has had a terrible time because of you.

Now your stranglehold is about to be taken away, and you can snigger and bluster all you like at people like me, it's not Stuart or Lenny or Rico or Ian or any of the other people who have denounced you who is going to end your reighn of terror, it is the Lord, PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! He has heard all our prayers, all the crying in the night, all the sorrow of those who did not make it, because some of those people are dead now, and the Lord is going to end this terrible bullying, and bring justice.

October 07, 2010
Anonymous said...
"Stuart Syvret has had a terrible time because of you."

Nice one. The rest of her babble is just the norm from somebody who cannot see the wood for the trees.

Strange though, how somebody living in the UK follows every word of our resident ex States Senator idiot so closely....

You would think just by looking at his recent e-mails to the Labey household and his lack of evidence to prove cover ups of child abuse when ask to is enough for any 'normal' thinking person to see that something is seriously wrong here...

Maybe Zoompad is actually part of a cult that hangs Witches.

October 07, 2010
Anonymous said...
There is only one comment I have to say about Zoompad's biblical nonsence on Syvret and thats:

"let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"

October 07, 2010
Anonymous said...
Dear Zoompad,

Can you ask a favour of your higher power and find out if we can get Stuart processed through the Jersey Courts asap, so that I can send the Bahai hostel in Strasbourg a donation and can you find out how long he will be locked up for here first ?


Gay B Rel

October 07, 2010
Anonymous said...
An alert reader asks,

Who the **** is Saskia Le Masurier, ?

She has more brains than ALL bloggers and is destined to oust Dan Murphy at the next Grouville Connetable elections. Watch this Space!
He knows this and is scared of her.

October 07, 2010
Zoompad said...
I love the Lord Jesus Christ who was murdered on a cross 2000 years ago, who gave his life for sinful men to destroy, so that he could hold up a mirror to show us all the terrible destructive power of sin.

People are praying about this - they are calling out to God to bring down this terrible wall of corruption. People are calling to the Creator for justice, as they cannot get it from the justice system of mankind. So people are praying for divine justice.

God will not ignore the prayers of his people. He will not be like the unrighteous judge, who the widow woman pleaded to help her. God said to call on him for help, and that is what people have been doing.

It is in God's hands now. I think you will find taking on Almighty God to a fight is never really a very good idea. I have had many arguments with God myself, when I have been distraught with memories of how I was abused and reabused, and it is my experience that God always wins every argument and every battle!

October 07, 2010
Anonymous said...
Oh come on!

The latest posting from Zoompad is obviously not from her.

I have very little sympathy with the lady's views - although I do have some sympathy with her obvious need for care.

Just look at the syntax, language and phraseology of the latest posting and compare it to the genuine "Zoompad" postings in the Vile Blog and elsewhere and it's patently obvious that it's not from the real Zoompad.

I think the moderators of this site really need to get a grip and stop such obviously bogus postings from appearing - unless, like the author of the bogus posts - they're in it for cheap laughs. In which case: enjoy - jusr remember you're destroying your own credibility every time you allow it to happen.

October 07, 2010
Anonymous said...
Lord Jesus this and that, its like an evening on the Alpha Course, oh come on what is all all this guff!!!!

October 07, 2010

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