Sunday 18 December 2011


They are at it again.

Remember, some of the people who post on this horrible blog are politicians and journalists.

The Lord is coming soon, then this awful persecution by these rats will stop.


The Jersey Haut de la Garenne Murder Farce
"I thought it was a shambles with no financial management, a poorly-managed fiasco where the lead detective made unnecessary trips and took his notes with him. I don’t regard that as a leak, though having worked there I’m not surprised at this" Mick Gradwell -21 June 2011.

Saturday, December 17, 2011The Haut de la Garenne Murder Farce continues....
The News of World journalist that was wined and dined by Lenny Harper is now arrested over alleged payments to police:

Lucy Panton, former crime editor of News of the World, has been arrested then bailed in ongoing investigations into alleged payments to police

Thursday 15 December 2011 11.03 GMT

A forner NoW journalist been arrested as part of Scotland Yard's Operation Elveden investigation into alleged payments to police. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA

Lucy Panton, the former crime editor of the News of the World, is believed to have been arrested on Thursday morning as part of an ongoing investigation into alleged payments to police officers.
She has since been released on bail until April

Officers from Operation Elveden said that a 37 year old woman was arrested at 6.15am on Thursday at an address in Surrey and is the seventh person held under Scotland Yard's probe into allegations of payments to the police.

It is understood from sources that the person arrested was Lucy Panton, who was taken to a south London police station.

Panton was promoted from crime correspondent to crime editor of the News of the World in October 2005. She joined the News of the World in September 2002 from the People and was crime editor of the News International title until it closed at the height of the phone-hacking scandal in July.

The Metropolitan police said in a statement: "At 0615hrs on Thursday, 15 December, officers arrested a woman on suspicion of committing offences involving making payments to police officers for information.
Panton is believed to have been on maternity leave when the News of the World closed in July. She has a six-month-old baby and another young child. She is married to a serving Metropolitan police officer.

Calls to Panton's mobile phone were unanswered. News International declined to comment.


Posted by Saturn 5 at 11:47 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook24 comments:
Anonymous said...
Another story the VFC Muppets blatently ignore.

December 17, 2011
Anonymous said...
It was a disgrace that the Police used tax payers money to fund a meal out with a reporter like this. So much for Harper's ability to sense crooks at the time then.

December 17, 2011
Anonymous said...
wined, dined and sixty.........!
You diiirty ol' man!!

December 17, 2011
Anonymous said...
So there is Rico and Neil attacking Jimmy, Ben and Sean for raising what now can only be described as extremely pertinent questions about Lenny Harper's relationship with the News of the World and this meal. No doubt we have not heard the last of this fiasco which will be ignored by Team (selective) Voice.

December 17, 2011
Anonymous said...
They always try to blank these contrary reports which you could argue is covering up!

December 17, 2011
Anonymous said...
THE former News of the World crime editor who wrote some of the most lurid stories during the Haut de la Garenne child abuse inquiry has been arrested by anti-corruption police.

Several national newspapers have reported that Lucy Panton was taken in for questioning on suspicion of paying officers for stories.

The 37-year-old was detained during a dawn raid on her Surrey home at 6.15 am on Thursday.

She is the seventh person to have been arrested since the launch of Operation Elveden, a probe into allegations of bungs being given to police officers by journalists.

The investigation is running parallel to the police inquiry into phone hacking.

In February 2008, it was one of Mrs Panton’s photographers who was found hiding in bushes at Haut de la Garenne in the days before former deputy police chief Lenny Harper went public about excavations at the former children’s home in St Martin.


December 17, 2011
Anonymous said...
Of course, Voice for Codswallop and Squeako Sordid will say that it's very wrong of this blog or anyone else to infer any wrong-doing, or malfeasance from the Harper/Panton relationship without any directly pertinent evidence.

They'll bang on about how terrible and wrong it is to assume "guilt by association," and to ignore the concept of the "Presumption of Innocence" (especially with regard to friends of Lenny's like Ms. Panton). on a mo.......Isn't that what they and their scant following led by the Blessed Con have been doing for dear!....Oops!

December 17, 2011
Anonymous said...
Rico says he is really deep into research at the moment and has little time for anything else. So obviously the dating direct advert never got anywhere then!

December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
It's sad reading as it is.

All this uncovering child abuse he claims he does when it technically amounts to no proof of any cover up except in his imagination..

December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
A waster doing what wasters do best.....wasting his life away trying to defend a few @holes!

December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
So now they may understand why the majority take no notice of Lenny Harper or Graham Power anymore.

December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...


December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
Ooooh nooo Did Lenny take the penny from Lucy . The saga continues. Will all be revealed about Lennys motives .

December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
I am going to really enjoy Christmas knowing the loser is where he belongs. Cheers guys :-0

December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
He he he, love the pic of Stues Xmas dinner.
One things for sure , the leg on the plate is the only one he's had for a while and the only one he's likely to get when he gets out , well apart from Neil and Rico's that is.

December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
That nice prison meal makes a change for Stu instead of sitting in Pizza Express on his own all night with a laptop......

December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...

December 18, 2011
Zoompad said...
He he!

Thanks for making me chuckle and a Merry Xmas to you all on the Farce blog x x x

Zoomy :-x

December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
Dining on his own, are you having a laugh the only time you'd see him out eating is if someone else was picking up the tab. That or Neil gave him an advance on services rendered.

December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
I hope all his X's have had a check, you never know what you'll pick up from someone that frequents the Herpes Piza Bar.

December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
I love these blogs. This one says SS is a twat which is true because he is in jail and reports the news like it actually is and then the other blogs treat SS like some kind of super hero despite being proved to be a liar in court, a bully of women and a psycho. Then they play down anything that makes Harper look dodgy like the NOTW reporter.

You see according to them the JEP is not allowed to publish anything that questions Harper despite the newspaper itself being sold a load of rubbish from his press conferences.

They keep on having a go at Bailhache, well get over it he got in and topped the poll.

Then Sorda desperately tries to re-sell this story over and over again with his so called investigations which amount to nothing technically, you can tell that by his non substance amateur camcorder YouTube videos but they are still a feeding frenzy for a group of no hopers that cannot see they are beaten even years after Operation Rectangle has been closed.

I reckon a line has to be drawn and until any of these bloggers actually manage to produce something that re-opens Operation Rectangle and get people charged who are actually guilty of a crime and not a victim of a Syvret vendetta on his blog then I may take some of this waffle of defiance seriously.

December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...

December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
They should speak to a certain ex who recently wrote a letter to the paper about him if they really want to know the real Stuart Syvret.

December 18, 2011
Anonymous said...
They will never re-open the historic child abuse case period. It is over and a judicial review was thrown out. Let them carry on taking about it and getting nowhere.

December 18, 2011

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