Sunday 18 December 2011


Camilla's bodyguard shot himself after his wife left him, inquest hearsBy Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 6:47 PM on 30th June 2008

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The head of security for Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall shot himself after texting his wife that he ''could not live without her'' when she left him following a series of violent rows, an inquest has heard.
Police Sergeant Richard Fuller, 55, was married with four grown-up children and was a well-respected member of the force where he had a distinguished 29-year career.

But Sgt Fuller shot himself with his hunting rifle at home two weeks into a trial separation after wife Jill left him following a series of violent incidents.
Sgt Richard Fuller, the head of security for Prince Charles' wife Camilla, was found dead after shooting himself at his home
The inquest in Trowbridge, Wilts., heard he had suffered stress at work and felt he was 'losing control' of his professional and personal lives.
Sgt Fuller, a trained armed response officer with Wiltshire Police, was head of security at Ray Mill House, Camilla's six-bedroom country home in Wiltshire.
The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Charles were told of the death while they were on board the yacht Leander on a tour of the Caribbean.
He lived with wife Jill, 45, their children Daniel, 19, and Stephanie, 18, and her daughter Jennifer Reynolds, 21 in a four-bedroom home in Bremhill, Wilts.
She had moved out of the house two weeks earlier but returned during the day to cook and look after their horse, the inquest heard.
Mrs Fuller, a clerk in the firearms unit where her husband worked, received a text message at 5.20am, moments before his suicide.
She contacted a police colleague of her husband's and the pair rushed back to the family home where her husband was lying dead on the bed - his hunting rifle pointing at his head.
Mrs Fuller, his second wife whom he married in 1988, told the inquest: 'I went to the cottage around 10.45 on Saturday morning and we had a nice day, riding together.
'I left him watching television about 9pm and felt that in the circumstances all was well.
'About 5.20 the next morning I got message from him. It said he couldn't live without me. He said not to come home and something about the police, which didn't make sense.

'That message was the only indication I had of what he was going to do.'
Enlarge Sgt Fuller started working for Camilla in 1996, leading her round-the-clock security team
Reading from Mrs Fuller's statement, coroner David Masters said: 'You left him for a period last year after incidents involving him behaving in an aggressive and violent manner towards you, and flying off the handle.
'He said to you during that time "I'm lying on the bed with a gun, you don't know what I'm going to do."
'You said you had a vision of him lying on the bed with a gun. Soon after that you had a reconciliation and he seemed to be coping better.'
Sgt Fuller's body was discovered by his colleague Paul Cambers who had accompanied Mrs Fuller to the house.
He said: 'He was barricaded in his room from the inside and I had to break the door down. He was lying on the bed, clearly dead. He couldn't continue his life without Jill.'
Police investigators revealed that Sgt Fuller had been due at work three hours later. His lunchbox was made ready in the fridge and a newly-ironed shirt was hanging up.
Sgt Fuller, Wiltshire Police's chief firearms instructor at its headquarters in Devizes, received a Crown Court Commendation in 1995 for the successful arrest of a man armed with a shotgun.
He started working for Camilla in 1996, when she bought the £850,000 property, set in 27 acres, after her divorce from Andrew Parker Bowles.
The home was the venue for the wedding reception of her daughter Laura Parker Bowles and husband Harry Lopes in June 2006.
The Duchess, despite rarely staying there, insisted on beefing up security to a round-the-clock team of armed officers, led by Sgt Fuller, costing the taxpayer £2.6million.
In 2001, he received a long service and good conduct medal.
The only blemish on his career was in February 2006 when he was cleared of unlawful violence during an arrest, by pinning a suspect's head to the floor with his boot.
Magistrates in Chippenham heard that Mr Fuller had problems controlling his temper and following a short separation in January 2007, had threatened suicide.
Coroner David Masters said the incident had ''preyed on his mind'' and he had sought psychiatric help and been prescribed anti-depressants.
Clinical psychologist Dr Max Kite said in a statement read to the inquest: 'He felt guilty about his marriage and the harm he was unintentionally doing to it, because of circumstances at work. He felt he had become very difficult to live with.'
Sgt Fuller's firearms permit was revoked in January 2007 and all guns removed from his home after he took time off work with depression - but the permit was reinstated in May.
Mark Johnson, Sgt Fuller's son from his first marriage, said he was concerned about the police allowing his father to keep guns, given his mental state.
He said: 'When Jill left last year I was aware he had threatened suicide. I was always concerned about the firearms in the house because of the problems with his temper.
'He was a firearms officer and if he was going to harm himself that's how he would have done it.
'Before he died he seemed distressed and unhappy and possibly depressed. He told me he was taking happy pills and thought everyone hated him.
'He liked to be in control. But he was doing a job he didn't enjoy. He was nearing retirement and didn't know where his life was going.
'He was losing control of his professional life and his relationship was breaking down.'
Calling for a police review of policies surrounding mental health, Mr Johnson added: 'Between the way he was in his professional life and the way he was at home there is clearly a void which needs to be addressed.'
Recording a verdict of suicide, coroner David Masters said: 'Richard Fuller was a professional policeman, but I have also heard about aspects of his character which were more easily demonstrated in his domestic life.
'It was clear he suffered stress in his activities at work, not in relation to the job he had to do but in relation to a complaint made against him, for which he was acquitted.
'But it preyed on his mind and this aggravated his domestic relationships.
'He separated from his wife, this time a final separation and this was a situation he could not get his head around.'
After the inquest, Superintendent Matt Pullen of Wiltshire police, said a review had been launched into occupational health practices in the police force.
He said: 'Richard Fuller was a highly competent officer and well-liked and respected s a firearms expert.
'Because of the critical nature of a firearms officer's duties, they are subject to constant, rigorous and regular checks, and there was no breach of any of these processes.
'After any tragedy there are lessons to be learned and this is no different. Medical experts agree it can be difficult to accurately predict anyone's action.
'No system is foolproof and no one will ever know what was going through Richard Fuller's mind before he took his own life.
'No policy can prevent someone from taking their own life if they are determined to do so.'
Mrs Fuller said in a statement after the hearing: 'The past few months have been a particularly difficult time for our family.
'The inquest verdict has now been reached, our grieving continues and I would specifically ask members of the media not to contact us at this difficult time, allowing us to fully re-adjust following Richard's death.

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NOT NEWS OF THE WORLD Police inspector's body washed up on exclusive beachfront

Posted by George Freund on July 19, 2011 at 12:14 PM

Police inspector's body washed up on exclusive beachfront after he 'jumped off a ferry'

Last updated at 08:16 14 March 2008

A commended police inspector has died after apparently jumping off a cross-Channel ferry, it was revealed today.

Inspector Neil Munro, 43, boarded the Brittany Ferries ship alone late last night in Poole, Dorset.

The married father-of-one - the third policeman thought to have killed himself in the space of four days - went overboard in Poole Harbour a short time after it set sail at 11.45pm.

Inspector Neil Munro was discovered in the garden of a multi-millionaire property magnate David Russel

Deceived wife pays tribute to 'caring and loving' suicide chief constable

Nobody saw him fall and the boat continued on its crossing to Cherbourg without stopping.

His body was found washed up at the beachfront home of a multi-millionaire neighbour of soccer boss Harry Redknapp on the exclusive Sandbanks peninsula.

It was discovered trapped under a private jetty at the harbourside mansion of property magnate David Russell and his wife Valerie.

Their gardener made the grim discovery at 8.30am while working in the grounds of the 10 million pounds property that overlooks Poole Harbour.

His colleagues at Dorset police found a ticket for last night's Brittany Ferries' service from Poole to Cherbourg on him.

Officers today launched an investigation into his death, although sources revealed it looks like he took his own life.

Insp Munro's devastated colleagues are today comforting his wife and their young son at their home in Bournemouth.

His death follows the apparent suicides of police sergeant Richard Fuller, 55, who was found at his house near Calne, Wilts, on Monday after he shot himself with a rifle.

The following day Michael Todd, 50, the chief constable of Greater Manchester Police is thought to have committed suicide while walking in Snowdonia.

Martin Baker, the chief constable of Dorset Police, today led his force's tributes to Insp Munro.

He said: "The whole of the force has been deeply shocked by today's news and our thoughts are very much with Neil's family at this time.

"Neil had served with Dorset Police for 20 years. He had a huge impact on policing here in Bournemouth and across the force.

The body of police inspector Neil Munro was washed up on the beach on the exclusive Sandbanks

"In November, 2006, I personally commended Neil for his professionalism in the field of hostage negotiation.

"He had previously received a Divisional Commander's Commendation for his prompt and positive action in dealing with and defusing a potentially dangerous situation at Poole when he was confronted with a man armed with a firearm, a knife and a stick.

"Due to his ability, Neil was selected to provide personal support to Dorset Police's Assistant Chief Constable, Adrian Whiting, during his command of the policing operation at the 2007 Labour Party conference in Bournemouth.

"Neil had many friends among his colleagues within the force, and outside, due to his work with other agencies including Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership representatives. He will be very much missed by a great many people."

Clive Chamberlain, chairman of the Dorset Police Federation, also paid tribute to Inspector Munro.

He said: "As a close knit community ourselves, colleagues have been very saddened by the death of a valued friend and colleague.

"Neil was an excellent leader and a great friend to many within Dorset Police.

"It is obviously very difficult for colleagues who were called to the incident because usually they don't know the person involved.

"But there are occassions sadly like this where they have to deal with someone they know and respect."

Insp Munro spent 20 years working for Dorset police and was the section inspector in command of the north Bournemouth area for the last two-and-a-half years.

A post-mortem examination is due to be held tomorrow (Fri) to establish the exact cause of death, although it is understood he had suffered bad head injuries.

An inquest is also due to be opened and adjourned.

A spokesman for Brittany Ferries confirmed that a Neil Munro was booked onto last night Barfleur boat from Poole to Cherbourg.

He said: "At this stage it looks as though the man was a passenger on board the Barfleur ferry.

"I understand the police found a copy of his ticket in his clothing.

"We imagine he boarded the ferry in Poole at 11.45pm last night that was headed for Cherbourg in France.

"No-one saw him go over or knew anything about it so we did not alert a search team.

"We do not check our passengers getting off so the crew would not have noticed anything untoward."

David and Valerie Russell's New England-style property is located just yards away from Portsmouth FC manager Harry Redknapp's mansion home which he shares with wife Sandra.

Neighbour Ken Coffin, 89, who has lived in the area since 1947, said: "It has been known for the odd body to wash up off Sandbanks in the past.

"But is still must have been a bit of a shock though for the person who found it.

"What with the weather we have been having it could have come from anywhere - off a boat, off the quay or washed in to the harbour on the tide."

Mr Russell is aged in his 40s and is the chairman of the 100 million pounds Property Alliance Group.

He and his family moved to Sandbanks three years ago after they purchased a plot of land, demolished the house on it and built the lavish mansion in its place.

Mr Russell is a renowned property developer based in Manchester and has four children.

Sandbanks, which featured on a recent ITV documentary presented by Piers Morgan, is the fourth most expensive place to live in the world, behind London's Belgravia, Hong Kong and Tokyo.

The sandy peninsula, which has become a millionaire's playground, is also home to computer magnate Sir Peter Ogden.

The 520ft long Barfleur ferry can carry up to 1,200 passengers and 590 cars at a time." target="_blank">

The jetty in front of and to the right of the boat is the property where the body was found. The newspaper said it was in the garden, on the beach and under the jetty in one article. You will notice the empty lot next door. The ferry terminal is at the right. I believe Inspector Todd was murdered and his body put in the drink. It would be a small issue to get a ferry ticket. This terminal also serves Jersey where the child abuse scandal occurred. It was said Insp. Todd invesigated the Sea Cadet allegations where children were given to the elite rich for use on their yachts.

He was a model cop and decorated hero. He was called in to a four hour disciplinary interview where he left in tears. It had to be good. What if they pressured him to drop his investigation. The Deputy Chief Constable, Lenny Harper, on Jersey received 140 threats from former and serving police. He was retired. The owner of the property is a Manchester millionaire businessman. Chief Constable Todd was from Manchester. I believe he was murdered as well.

The investigation into the abuse at Haut de la Garenne, Jersey would seem to be the crux of the matters. Jersey is a Crown Dependency which is directly administered by the royal family. It is one of those banking sanctuaries as well. That makes it a money laundering capital of the world. There is an all encompassing evil that sits in the shadows behind all of this. News of the World has done its share to provide cover for child murder. Camilla Parker's bodyguard Sergeant Jim Bergerac also died of suicide as well. One of these events could be written off as coincidence. There are now so many a clear pattern emerges to me anyway.

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