Friday 30 December 2011


Civil rights campaigners forced a change in Church policy on kids rights and brought their message home to a “lying” Tory lawyer this Christmas.

The ‘New Fathers for Justice’ group, which regularly organises protests in Cornwall, struck at the home of Minister of Justice Ken Clarke yesterday (Christmas).

They daubed the former barrister’s house in West Bridgford, Notts, with the slogan ‘Fatherless Christmas’, and pasted protest posters.

Meanwhile the Archbishop of Canterbury waxed lyrical about the value the Church placed on fatherhood – after protestors threatened to protest at Canterbury Cathedral.

Lambeth Palace, the established Church’s head office, put out a statement on behalf of Dr Rowan Williams which reads:

“The Archbishops thoughts and prayers are with all those who cannot be with their families at this time.

“The image of fatherhood is at the heart of Christianity as can be seen in the loving and dependable God of the New Testament.

“The Church recognises the significance of the fathers role in the life of a child.

“Christian communities around the country are working to support families in need, whether providing practical help, like parent toddler groups or courses in parenting skills, or simply as a human network helping to share responsibilities and encourage all human relationships to flourish.”

Fat Tory Ken Clarke found his lawn adorned with abandoned toys, a Santa suit, and a Coffin on Christmas morning.

Family rights groups nationwide are furious that after years of promising reform, the coalition Government conducted a ‘whitewash’ review of reviled ‘family law’.

Clarke’s Ministry is directly responsible.

A spokesman for the politician called the words ‘Fatherless Christmas’ “distasteful”.

She said: “‘There were some distasteful slogans painted on the garage doors of Mr Clarke’s home early on Christmas Day.

‘Once they were discovered, they were cleaned up.We are not treating it a big deal.”

West Country New Fathers for Justice spokesman Richard Adams responded: ‘Ken Clarke may well find the slogans of our group ‘distasteful’.

“We find the denial of equal rights to fathers, and the denial to children of their right to a family life, to be yet more distasteful, and worth protesting against.

“Why does he keep lying that fathers have equal rights everyone in the real world knows it’s patently untrue?

“He seems to live in some world of his own and we hope this Christmas protest will wake him up a bit.”

Mr Adams went on: “After years of fishing for our votes saying they would reverse the brutal policies of the so-called ‘family’ court, the Tories have done nothing.

“Norgrove’s review was a ludicrous sham, dictated by the people responsible for child abuse and persecution the new Government promised to stamp out.

“We’d like nothing more than to be simply with our families, and happy in the knowledge our children would grow up with equal rights, this Christmas.

“But until anything is done – this is the only way anyone takes any notice of our message.”

Mr Adams said the statement from Rowan Williams – made as protestors threatened to storm the pulpit at Canterbury Cathedral – was ‘a step in the right direction’.

But he added: “The Church needs to act. Words will no longer do.”

Truro Dad Stuart Chilcott is currently awaiting trial for his protest at Truro Cathedral in support of 50/50 rights for the children of seperated parents.

Stuart is a member of the New Fathers for Justice group, who share the same political goals as all the other civil rights and ‘Fathers4′ groups in Britain.

They seek a legal presumption of 50/50 contact for a child with their parents if they split up, and the abolition of the deeply controversial, undemocratic secret court system that still exists within the ‘family’ division despite forty years of protest.

In July, a New Fathers for Justice activist dressed as Batman also targeted Mr Clarke, who has the power to reform or abolish the entire family division.

The protested staged an ‘arrest’ of the Justice Secretary outside his home, saying his actions were on behalf of all children stopped from seeing their fathers.

In October, five protestors camped out on the roof of Deputy PM Nick Clegg in the same cause.


  1. Well, now Ken Clarke can see for himself the disgusting bullying that we women have had to suffer from these men who drag us (egged on by corrupt moneygrubbing lawyers) through the secret family courts if we try to escape from their vile treatment of us and our children.

    I like Ken Clarke. I think he is trying to do something to stop judicial abuse.

    I hope he will stand up to these bullies.

    For too many years the secret family courts have been used as a stalking weapon against victims of DV. These men are encouraged by corrupt lawyers to accuse their ex partners of Parental Alienation Syndrome, which was invented by American paedophiles. Paedophiles love PAS, because it keeps their victim chained by law to them.

    Come on Ken, flex your muscles! Don't let these bullies get the upper hand.

  2. "protestors threatened to storm the pulpit at Canterbury Cathedral"

    More bullying. If these people were protesting against the child abuse that the church has winked its eye at it would at least be a good cause, but these men are acting like spoilt unruly kids who can't have their own way. Its all me me me. What sort of an example are they setting their children?

    Most of these men have been stopped from seeing their children for very good reason - the courts are biased towards men having contact. Most contact cases go in favour of the father having contact.

  3. The Fathers Rights groups - they get themselves onto select committees. They have some sort of Midas touch to be able to influence Government.

    How do they do this? I don't know, but I do know they have some pretty big backers.

    I am certainly not "anti men", as I have been accused of, what I am against is paedophiles being given the right to see children they have abused, as is what is happening right now in secret family courts all over the UK.

    The use of Parental Alienation Syndrome should be stopped immediatly in the UK courts. It was invented by a paedophile.

  4. Look at how fathers rights groups are able to influence govenment with EDMs.

    EDM 482
    Children and Shared Parenting, 26th January 2004
    52 Signatures
    Leigh, Edward
    Bailey, Adrian Barnes, Harry Beggs, Roy
    Bennett, Andrew Blunt, Crispin Bottomley, Peter
    Bottomley, Virginia Brake, Tom Breed, Colin
    Burns, Simon Cable, Vincent Calton, Patsy
    Cameron, David Caton, Martin Chapman, Sydney
    Colman, Tony Cranston, Ross Dobbin, Jim
    Doughty, Sue Drew, David Etherington, Bill
    Francis, Hywel Garnier, Edward George, Andrew
    Hunter, Andrew Hurst, Alan Jenkins, Brian
    Jones, Nigel Kaufman, Gerald King, Andy
    Lamb, Norman Lloyd, Tony Marris, Rob
    Marsden, Paul Martlew, Eric McWalter, Tony
    McWilliam, John Reed, Andy Robinson, Iris
    Selous, Andrew Sheerman, Barry Simpson, Alan
    Singh, Marsha Spink, Bob Stinchcombe, Paul
    Taylor, David Tyler, Paul Wright, David
    Winterton, Ann Winterton, Nicholas
    That this House believes that children are best brought up with the full
    involvement of both their natural parents and, if possible, grandparents and
    members of their wider family; further believes that all children of
    separated parents are entitled to the love, personal care and support of
    both their natural parents in their everyday lives unless reason is shown
    otherwise; further believes that both parents have a duty to support the
    relationship of a child with the other parent; further believes that public and
    private institutions should recognise both parents of children with whom
    they deal; further believes that all involved parties should seek to minimise
    any loss of damage done by divorce or separation or alienation to
    children's relationships with either of their parents or with their wider
    family; further believes that the rewards of, and sacrifices of resources
    devoted to, parenting should be fairly shared between the parents; and
    calls for public policy to be adapted to remove obstacles to this objective.

  5. EDM 128
    Parenting Time Presumption, 18.05.2005
    362 signatures
    May, Theresa
    Abbott, Diane Ainsworth, Peter Alexander, Danny
    Amess, David Ancram, Michael Anderson, David
    Arbuthnot, James Atkins, Charlotte Atkinson, Peter
    Austin, Ian Austin, John Bacon, Richard
    Baker, Norman Baldry, Tony Banks, Gordon
    Barker, Gregory Barlow, Celia Baron, John
    Barrett, John Bayley, Hugh Begg, Anne
    Bellingham, Henry Benyon, Richard Bercow, John
    Berry, Roger Betts, Clive Binley, Brian
    Roberta Blunt, Crispin Bone, Peter
    Borrow, David S Bottomley, Peter Brady, Graham
    Brake, Tom Brazier, Julian Breed, Colin
    Brokenshire, James Brown, Nicholas Browne, Jeremy
    Bruce, Malcolm Burgon, Colin Burns, Simon
    Burrowes, David Burstow, Paul Burt, Alistair
    Burt, Lorely Butler, Dawn Butterfill, John
    Cable, Vincent Cameron, David Campbell, Gregory
    Campbell, Ronnie Carmichael, Alistair Carswell, Douglas
    Caton, Martin Challen, Colin Clapham, Michael
    Clappison, James Clark, Greg Clark, Katy
    Clegg, Nick Clelland, David Cohen, Harry
    Connarty, Michael Conway, Derek Cook, Frank
    Cooper, Rosie Corbyn, Jeremy Crabb, Stephen
    Crausby, David Cruddas, Jon Cryer, Ann

  6. Cunningham, Jim Curry, David Curtis-Thomas, Claire
    Davies, David TC Davies, Philip Davies, Quentin
    Davis, David Dean, Janet Devine, Jim
    Dismore, Andrew Djanogly, Jonathan Dobbin, Jim
    Dodds, Nigel Donaldson, Jeffrey Donohoe, Brian H
    Doran, Frank Dorrell, Stephen Dorries, Nadine
    Dowd, Jim Duddridge, James Duncan, Alan
    Dunne, Philip Durkan, Mark Efford, Clive
    Ellwood, Tobias Engel, Natascha Ennis, Jeff
    Page 6 of 8
    January 2009
    Etherington, Bill Evans, Nigel Evennett, David
    Fabricant, Michael Fallon, Michael Farron, Timothy
    Featherstone, Lynne Field, Frank Field, Mark
    Flello, Robert Flynn, Paul Foster, Don
    Foster, Michael Jabez Fox, Liam Francis, Hywel
    Francois, Mark Fraser, Christopher Galloway, George
    Gapes, Mike Garnier, Edward Gauke, David
    George, Andrew George, Bruce Gerrard, Neil
    Gibson, Ian Gillan, Cheryl Godsiff, Roger
    Goldsworthy, Julia Goodman, Helen Goodman, Paul
    Goodwill, Robert Gove, Michael Gray, James
    Grayling, Chris Greening, Justine Greenway, John
    Grieve, Dominic Grogan, John Gummer, John
    Hamilton, David Hamilton, Fabian Hammond, Philip
    Hammond, Stephen Hancock, Mike Hands, Greg
    Harper, Mark Harris, Evan Harvey, Nick
    Hayes, John Heald, Oliver Heath, David
    Hemming, John Henderson, Doug Hendry, Charles
    Herbert, Nick Hermon, Lady Hillier, Meg
    Hodgson, Sharon Hoey, Kate Holloway, Adam
    Holmes, Paul Hood, Jim Hopkins, Kelvin
    Horam, John Horwood, Martin Hosie, Stewart
    Howard, Michael Howarth, David Howarth, George
    Hoyle, Lindsay Hughes, Simon Huhne, Chris
    Humble, Joan Hunt, Jeremy Hunter, Mark
    Hurd, Nick Iddon, Brian Jack, Michael
    Jackson, Stewart Jenkin, Bernard Jenkins, Brian
    Jones, David Jones, Kevan Jones,

  7. Martyn
    Kawczynski, Daniel Keen, Alan Keetch, Paul
    Kemp, Fraser Key, Robert Khan, Sadiq
    Kilfoyle, Peter Kirkbride, Julie Knight, Greg
    Laing, Eleanor Lait, Jacqui Lamb, Norman
    Lancaster, Mark Lansley, Andrew Laxton, Bob
    Lazarowicz, Mark Leech, John Leigh, Edward
    Lepper, David Letwin, Oliver Lewis, Julian
    Lidington, David Lilley, Peter Lloyd, Tony
    Llwyd, Elfyn Loughton, Tim Love, Andrew
    Luff, Peter MacKay, Andrew Maclean, David
    MacNeil, Angus Main, Anne Malins, Humfrey
    Maples, John Marris, Rob Marsden, Gordon
    Marshall, David Marshall-Andrews,
    Robert Mates, Michael
    Maude, Francis McCafferty, Chris McCarthy-Fry, Sarah
    McCrea, Dr William McDonnell, Alasdair McDonnell, John
    McGovern, Jim McGrady, Eddie McIntosh, Anne
    Page 7 of 8
    January 2009
    McLoughlin, Patrick Meacher, Michael Mercer, Patrick
    Miller, Maria Milton, Anne Mitchell, Andrew
    Mitchell, Austin Moore, Michael Morden, Jessica
    Morgan, Julie Moss, Malcolm Mulholland, Greg
    Mullin, Chris Mundell, David Murphy, Denis
    Murphy, Paul Murrison, Andrew Naysmith, Doug
    Newmark, Brooks Oaten, Mark O'Brien, Stephen
    O'Hara, Edward Olner, Bill Opik, Lembit
    Osborne, Sandra Ottaway, Richard Owen, Albert
    Paice, James Pelling, Andrew Penning, Mike
    Penrose, John Pickles, Eric Pope, Greg
    Price, Adam Prisk, Mark Pritchard, Mark
    Prosser, Gwyn Pugh, John Randall, John
    Reed, Jamie Reid, Alan Rifkind, Malcolm
    Riordan, Linda Robertson, Angus Robertson, Hugh
    Robertson, Laurence Robinson, Iris Robinson, Peter
    Rogerson, Daniel Rosindell, Andrew Rowen, Paul
    Ruane, Chris Ruddock, Joan Ruffley, David
    Russell, Bob Salmond, Alex Salter, Martin
    Sanders, Adrian Scott, Lee Selous, Andrew
    Shapps, Grant Shepherd, Richard Short, Clare
    Simpson, David Simpson, Keith Singh, Marsha
    Skinner, Dennis Smith, Geraldine Smith, Robert
    Soames, Nicholas Southworth, Helen Spellar, John
    Spelman, Caroline Spicer, Michael Spink, Bob
    Strang, Gavin Streeter, Gary Stuart, Graham
    Stunell, Andrew Swayne, Desmond Swire, Hugo
    Syms, Robert Tami, Mark Taylor, David
    Taylor, Ian Taylor, Matthew Taylor, Richard
    Teather, Sarah Thurso, John Todd, Mark
    Tredinnick, David Trickett, Jon Truswell, Paul
    Turner, Desmond Ussher, Kitty Vaizey, Edward
    Vara, Shailesh Vaz, Keith Viggers, Peter
    Villiers, Theresa Vis, Rudi Walker, Charles
    Wallace, Ben Walley, Joan Walter, Robert
    Wareing, Robert N Waterson, Nigel Watkinson, Angela
    Webb, Steve Weir, Mike Whittingdale, John
    Widdecombe, Ann Wiggin, Bill Willetts, David
    Williams, Betty Williams, Hywel Williams, Roger
    Williams, Stephen Willis, Phil Willott, Jenny
    Wilshire, David Wilson, Robert Wilson, Sammy
    Winterton, Ann Winterton, Nicholas Wishart, Pete
    Wright, Jeremy Wyatt, Derek Yeo, Tim
    Younger-Ross, Richard
    Page 8 of 8
    January 2009
    That this House believes that separated parents should each have a legal
    presumption of contact with their children, so that both parents can
    continue to parent their children and children are able to benefit from
    being parented by both their parents, as well as from contact with any
    grandparents and extended family members able and willing to play a role
    in their upbringing; and urges the Government to replace the legal term
    `contact' with `parenting time' and to ensure that parenting time orders can
    be and are made and enforced by the courts, save where a child's safety
    would be at risk

  8. Look at all the names they got on that EDM!

    How can we who were abused have any chance, we rape survivors dont have any voice to shout, we are like little mice squeaking, these people dont listen to us!

    But the Lord has a very big voice, and if the Government wont listen and protect us and our children, the Lord will.

  9. Us mothers who have been abused and tortured for trying to protect our children, we wont be going round Ken Clarks house and other politicians houses to bully them like these men have done.

    We will just carry on writing letters, like we have been doing, pleading with people like David Cameron, Ken Clarke, our own MPs, to do something to protect us and our children against the wicked men who abuse the justice system to prey on us and our children.

    And we will carry on asking God to defend us, trusting the Lord, who sees everything.

  10. And now, (drum roll) some very interesting information about Father for Justice and Families Need Fathers.

    FATHERS 4 JUSTICE & FNFCategory:Organisations - Non-Profit OrganisationsDescription:This Group has been setup solely to get justice for fathers who have been victimised by The Courts... enough is enough...Privacy type:Open: All content is public..


    ■Anil Chandar (creator)

  11. "
    News:When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. ."


    "it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security"



  13. I have written thousands of letters to UK politicians about the secret family courts. I have actually been tortured in the secret family courts. Abused as a child, tortured as an adult.

    Does that give me the right to go round terrorising MPs? NO IT DOES NOT! So what makes these men think they have the right to do these things?

    There are paedophiles in the Fathers Rights movement. They cover up for each other. They have pulled the wool over many peoples eyes, because they are so cunning. In 2002 they even tricked David Cameron into obstructing the police investigations into child abuse.

    Paedophiles dont care who they stamp on to get what they want. They will destroy the whole country as long as they can get what they want.

  14. "In 2002 they even tricked David Cameron into obstructing the police investigations into child abuse. "

    After the LordMcAlpine/Graham Ovenden cover up I have changed my mind about him being tricked, I think he knew.

    I am so disgusted by them all.

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