Friday 30 December 2011


He's out!

How long for I am not sure, he expects to be maliciously arrested again, and the Blog of Doom has closed ranks.


  1. You support a criminal and this is no political prisoner but just another law breaker who sends offensive e-mails demanding money to ex girlfriends.

  2. A personal and PRIVATE email which Sean Power illegally obtained and passed on to a bunch of blogging bastards to publish without permission of either the sender or the receprient.

    Sean Power has not been sent to La Moye (yet) for doing exactly the same thing Stuart has been accused of doing, the difference between them is that Stuart did it because he was concerned about the safety of vulnerable hospital patients, but Sean Power broke the law out of malicious hatred.

  3. Jesus Christ was also a convicted criminal, condemned to death and executed, and I support him as well!

  4. I do not care how the e-mails got into the public domain but it showed everybody who read them the kind of vicious bastard he actually is.

  5. It showed nothing of the sort. It showed a man who had been persecuted to hell and back, by a bunch of corrupt scumbags determined to cover up the abuse at HDLG, whose heart had been broken.

    The person who that ill advised email was addressed to appears to have forgiven the sender. I don't see that it is any of your business to be poking around in their personal and private lives.

  6. Try saying that to his ex.

  7. She appears to have forgiven him. At any rate, it's nothing to do with you. She won't thank you for rooting about in her private affairs.

  8. But you lot broke up their relationship. Having the police hammering the door down in the early hours and trashing the house would put a strain on anyones relationship.

    You are lucky she hasn't sued for damages.

  9. He continued to pester her with theratening e-mails afterwards and she hates him, speak to her or her friends. But that just shows how little you know about the man you praise so much.

  10. I don't believe you. And knowing how you lot have hacked into other peoples computers and posted rubbish using their identities I don't think she should either. I know first hand how nasty you lot are.

  11. You did that same thing to me, remember - and I saved the evidence - you were boasting about how easy it was to hack me and how Carolyn Labley was going to be your next victim - thats what you posted on your hateful Blog of Doom, and I saved it, I showed it to Stuart and other bloggers, but everyone was too busy at the time to take much notice. But I saved it and other people have it copied as well, because I sent it to them.

    So don't you come here trying to tell me that Stuart wrote this and Stuart wrote that, when you were there, busting into other peoples computers and bragging online about doing it!!!

  12. This is what you lot do, you think you are so clever, with your stinking MI5 little double handed con tricks. Doing nasty things yourself, then turning round and shouting NE NE NE NEH NEH LOOK WHAT HE DID like a brattish school bully.

    You've set that stupid Blog of Doom to private now, but the Lord can still see it, don't you know?

  13. I can't publishg that post, for obvious reasons, but I am all ears. Tell me more.

  14. Just speal to his ex and get her feelings. Seriously Zoompad you are in an area of darkness with this man.

  15. Well, enlighten me then! Tell me more about the person you mentioned in the other posting, I am all ears.

  16. Hmmm, deafening silence.

    I will assume that the silence means that what I was told before about a third party was a big pile of made up crap.

  17. Hi all!

    Just want to say that MJ did nothing that media bias said he did! See why here:

    Peace, Love and Harmony to us all are my wishes for this new year 2012!

  18. Don't feed the trolls.. xxx

  19. You're right, but sometimes those silly Trolls get drunk, and let slip some little gem of information, such as what they said about TREVOR Hemming.

  20. I don't want to comment on Michael Jackson, it's clear he was himself abused, but I am very disturbed about the fact that he had other people's children sleeping in his bed, he admitted that himself.

    But the video he made of the Illuminati, he made his feelings about them pretty clear, and now his daughter has too.

    I hope he made it to Heaven, I know he was seeking the Lord, as he was reading the Bible at the end. It's for the Lord to pass judgement on him, not you or I.
