Monday 26 March 2012


I have just recieved an email accusing me of being completly insane, for not wanting anything to do with any of the people who persecuted me on the Mothers for Justice site.

"Richards is completely insane, and has attacked me for no reason whatsoever on a number of occasions, for reasons only known to her"

I won't name the person who sent me this email, but I did ask this person to please stop emailing me, which request he has ignored. He knows perfectly well why I don't want anything to do with him, or any of his "Fathers Rights" friends.

Just posting this up for my own protection, and after the horrible persecution I have suffered anyone who knows me and knows what I have been through will completly understand why I need to do that.


  1. That person has now sent me another unwanted email, and he has accused me of harassing him, and threatened me with the police!

    This is history repeating itself, because this same scenario happened about a year ago, when a woman with links to MI5 threatened me online and then falsely accused me of harassing her, whenj it was me that was, in fact, being harassed.

    If the police do come banging on my door again I will be able to show them that the harassment is actually against me, and this time I will insist that they arrest the person for harassment and for wasting police time with false and malicious accusations.

    I am really sick of this nonsense now.

  2. why don't you just block his email?
    Easily done, stop being a victim. About time to survive and start to thrive!

  3. How do I do that on Hotmail?


  5. You are completely insane. Ian Evans told us ages ago that you were a danger to everybody and had a screw loose. All this rubbish you write about child abuse, its all lies and you know it.

  6. I couldn't give tuppence what Ian Evans thinks or says, so why you're reporting his comments back to me is a mystery.

    You've already been reviled for posting rubbish on at least three other blogs today, and now you've come onto mine to post your cowardly posts. I feel sorry for you, you obviously have nothing better in your sad little life than to post hateful things to people you think you can put down easily. I do have mental health problems, as I have said goodness knows how many times, I have PTSD, caused by vindictive malicious persecution, but at least I know it and aren't trying to hide my problems, as you are. You should get help for your problems, because no-one in their right mind would do what you are doing.

  7. I have only posted on your blog today because you need help. Contact Ian Evans and for your own good he will get you sectioned.

  8. I don't believe you about what you have said about Ian Evans. I don't like the chap at all, but I think you are making that bit up.

    I'm certainly not going to contact him though, as I have got more constructive things to do with my time.

  9. Lets pretend you are a reasonable person though, and try to have a proper conversation, like normal people do.

    Why do you keep saying I am insane?

  10. You mental like that pitman.

  11. Sorry, but you're not even trying. Just calling me mental isn't my idea of a proper conversation. Come on, this is probably the only chance of a decent conversation you're going to have all day, and I am willing to listen to youir point of view. I just am so curious to know why you think I am mental and why you hate me so much. I don't hate you, there's no point, Jesus said that there wasn't any point in hating anyone. Do you think I am barmy because I am a Christian, is that it?

  12. I don't understand why you hate me so much and I would like to know.

  13. hi zoompad you could always try hush mail they have the best anti virus programs for emails and spaming artist as far as i know i think your doing well in your quest for justice best wishes and keep up the good work

  14. the person that is sending you those emails is trying to wind you up and getting a kick out of you defending yourself theirs a lot of sick people about ignore him and he will go away better still block his emails best wishes
