Sunday 25 March 2012


This is from the The Scottish Association for
the study of offending (SASO) conference 41st ANNUAL CONFERENCE
at Dunblane Hydro Hotel 19th – 20th November, 2010

For some reason Blogger wont let me put a link to the conference PDF minuites so you will have to google for it.

Managing Risk and Reintegration
Can we tell who is dangerous, can we really assess risk and can
we manage their reintegration into communities? Are those
with mental illness properly identified and then managed
Conference Chair:
The Rt Hon Lord Gill, Lord Justice Clerk, QC, PhD, FRSE, FRSAMD
SASO Office Bearers
Honorary President: Rt Hon Lord Gill
Chairman: Professor Alec Spencer
Vice Chairman: Dan Gunn, OBE
Hon Secretary: Margaret Small
Hon Treasurer: Alasdair McVitie
For over forty years SASO has been organising conferences which bring together people with a
wide range of experience within the criminal justice system. Views may differ, but by listening,
talking and sharing experiences, a better understanding of our common problems tends to
develop. On some issues, consensus has been reached which has, on occasions, been translated
into action from which the system has benefited.

Tom Halpin
Tom Halpin took up his appointment as Chief Executive at SACRO in August 2009. Prior to this he was Deputy Chief Constable of Lothian & Borders Police
having joined from Strathclyde Police in 2005 where he was Head of CID Operations. A member of ACPOS, he led the portfolio for Public Protection in
Scotland, serving on a number of Scottish Government groups supporting the introduction of new legislation and arrangements for managing offenders and
protecting children. A Chartered Director (IOD), Tom was a Director of Essential Edinburgh and a Council Member of Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce.


Donald Findlater
Donald Findlater is Director of Research and Development with The Lucy Faithfull Foundation (LFF) – a child protection charity that works in all aspects
of child sexual abuse prevention. He is also Director of Stop it Now! UK and Ireland, a child sexual abuse prevention campaign, supported by a freephone,
confidential helpline. Donald was responsible for sex offender policy and practice in Probation Service in England prior to joining LFF in 1995 and managed
the Wolvercote Clinic – the only specialist residential assessment and treatment centre for adult male sex offenders against children. He pioneered work
in developing Circles of Support and Accountability (using groups of trained volunteers to support sex offenders to lead “good lives”) and has recently
developed and piloted public education materials for the Home Office aimed at helping parents keep their children safe from sexual abuse.



    Welcome to The Lucy Faithfull Foundation

    The Lucy Faithfull Foundation (LFF) is the only UK-wide child protection charity dedicated solely to reducing the risk of children being sexually abused. We work with entire families that have been affected by abuse including: adult male and female sexual abusers; young people with inappropriate sexual behaviours; victims of abuse and other family members.

    Drawing on our expert knowledge about child sexual abuse we offer a broad range of services for professionals and members of the public. These include: assessments, intervention and treatment of known offenders, case specific advice and support, training and development courses and workshops, educational programmes for internet offenders and their families, circles of support and accountability and internet safety seminars for schools (teachers, parents and children).

  2. "circles of support "

    What support? None for the Pindown survivors.

    The Pindown survivors are even being prevented from reading the Allan Levy/Barbara Kahen Pindown report.

    The Pindown survivors have been deliberatly criminalised and persecuted. Once Richard Wise was dead, all support had gone.

    The Pindown survivors are like lepers.

  3. Hilary Eldridge, BA (Hons) Dip. SW, CQSW, is Chief Executive of Lucy Faithfull Foundation. She began working with sex offenders and their families after qualifying as a probation officer in 1975. In 1988 she co-founded a residential assessment and treatment centre for sex offenders, which was superseded by Lucy Faithfull Foundation, established in 1993. She has co-authored and monitored the charity’s assessment and treatment programmes for adult male and female offenders and for young people who engage in sexually harmful behaviours. She has consulted to probation and prisons and is an international speaker with published work in the field of sexual offending.

    Hilary was a member of the Joint Prison and Probation Accreditation Panel from 1999 to 2002, and of the Nolan Committee reviewing child protection in the Catholic Church. She was a member of HM Government’s Sexual Violence Stakeholder Advisory Group and a specialist adviser on the Department of Health and NIMHE Victims of Violence and Abuse Prevention Programme. She is an Honorary Lecturer in Forensic Psychology at the University of Birmingham.

  4. Paedophiles and rapists get plenty of support and help. Victims of paedophilia and rape dont get any. Victims of paedophilia and rape are expected to "get over it" by magic or something. Perhaps the Lucy Faithful people think that victims of paedophilia and rape all have magic fairies at the bottom of their gardens that can wave all the pain away in a flash of lightning.

    I just feel so angry reading about these endless conferences of of people getting paid to help people like me who just get money for old rope.

    And I dont really care if anyone wants to have another go at me accusing me of self pity. I have a perfect right to feel sorry for myself, having had such a big load of horrible persecution to deal with. I am sick of it, how can I "get over" it after whats happened? They ruined my life!

  5. I could just put a load of big letters and brackets after my name and con people into thinking I was some sort of clever egghead expert, or get a friend from a university to invent a load of old tish tosh to describe me.

    I wouldn't do it though as I am not as full of bovine manure as some people are.

  6. I went to a Grammer School and should have had a good career, and then I tried so hard to do all sorts of things to help myself, but you just get stamped on all the time, and the depression I had was too much, because they put all nasty things in my medical notes, ensuring that I would be treated like a scumbag for decades.

    They deliberatly wrecked my life. They falsely accused me of being someone of bad character. It was sick what they did to me.


  8. I am feeling upset, because the persecution is never up front, it is always done in a really mean sly way.

    Like the letter I had from Stafford Borough Council about me possibly having to move house because on one really tiny weeny little room too many.

    I don't want to move and really like my neighbours where I live. But oh no, you're not actually allowed to be happy. You're not actually allowed to feel safe. It isn't allowed.

    They never will let you "get over" it and they will always find new sly nasty ways of persecuting you, as I have found.

  9. Some people might think "But what has all this got to do with the Staffordshire Pindown.

    And I would say everything. The secret family courts is involved in human trafficking. I dont exactly know what went on in Lockerbie, but I do know that there is a massive multi country human trafficking circle and the way they are getting the kids is via the secret family courts.

    I was put in a Pindown home 40 years ago and it was like hell on earth. I was so frightened because the people were so cruel and scary. If you know you have been locked up by very evil and scary people you wont ever be able to forget it. I havent got "False memory Syndrome" because I have never actually forgotten what they did. False Memory Syndrome was invented by a gang of paedophiles (Ralph Underwager was one of them) to cover up child abuse. They were pimping kids at Chadwsell Assessment Centre, same as they were at Haut de la Garenne.

  10. Staffordshire seems to have bad vibes!

    - Aangirfan

  11. Staffordshire is badly infested with masonry.
