Friday 20 July 2012



Mark earns top tribute
Saturday, October 17, 2009

This is Staffordshire

STAFFORDSHIRE detective Mark Blandford has been nationally recognised for developing a public protection learning programme.

DC Blandford was one of three people who received an ACPO President's commendation at this year's national ACPO public protection conference held in Warwick. It is the first time commendations have been awarded to public protection practitioners who attend the annual conference.
DC Blandford, from the force's Multi-Agency Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) unit, has developed a national policing learning and development programme which covers aspects of training required for officers to recognise the risk assessment of sex offenders and violent offenders.

DC Blandford said: "I feel very honoured to receive a commendation and pleased that our work will go towards training officers to achieve excellence in the way they protect the public and for the public to have trust and confidence in the police."

Superintendent Neil Hemmings, head of the force's public protection unit, said: "Mark is now recognised as one of the most highly qualified specialists in the country in the field of risk management.

"We are pleased his work has been recognised and public protection officers from across the country will benefit from attending the five-day course."


  1. Now it would be interesting to find out exactly who has been slandering me by calling me an "ATTENTION SEEKER" at Stafford Police.

  2. When am I going to get that apology that I have waited 40 years for?

    I am a patient woman, good job, as I have sure been forced to wait a long time for a simple apology. 40 years, and I will be prepared to go another 40 years if I have to.

  3. Freemasons and secret societies appear to be behind alot of this child snatching and child abuse. They should all be exposed.

  4. Jesus is doing just that, as he promised he would, PRAISE THE LORD!

  5. Just as is written in the Word of God, Revelation 17 v 4. The Lord told us everything, all we have to do is take the blindfold from our eyes and the cotton wool out of our ears.

  6. They all need to repent, and ask God to forgive them. I feel sorry for the people who plotted against me, they put me on trial, but their trial is yet to come and will be more terrible than my trial that they put me through, and it wont be in a corrupt court either, the Judge is incorruptable. I forgive them all what they did to me, but my forgiveness is not enough to save them from the wrath to come, they need the forgiveness of the Lord Jesus Christ, whom they have offended by persecuting his children.
