Tuesday 24 July 2012

porsche carrera 2

Of course, it looks even smarter in white, nudge nudge, wink wink, know what I mean?


  1. Instead of all this plotting, they should fall on their knees and beg the Lord Jesus Christ to forgive them.

    I feel sorry for all of them. They don't know what they are doing, what they are serving, what they are rejecting.

    There is nothing to cover up and conceal. They are as transparent as glass. The Lord can see everything and everyone!

  2. http://youtu.be/0IEeUBbk8_w

    1. It came upon the midnight clear,
    that glorious song of old,
    from angels bending near the earth
    to touch their harps of gold:
    "Peace on the earth, good will to men,
    from heaven's all-gracious King."
    The world in solemn stillness lay,
    to hear the angels sing.

    2. Still through the cloven skies they come
    with peaceful wings unfurled,
    and still their heavenly music floats
    o'er all the weary world;
    above its sad and lowly plains,
    they bend on hovering wing,
    and ever o'er its Babel sounds
    the blessed angels sing.

    3. And ye, beneath life's crushing load,
    whose forms are bending low,
    who toil along the climbing way
    with painful steps and slow,
    look now! for glad and golden hours
    come swiftly on the wing.
    O rest beside the weary road,
    and hear the angels sing!

    4. For lo! the days are hastening on,
    by prophet seen of old,
    when with the ever-circling years
    shall come the time foretold
    when peace shall over all the earth
    its ancient splendors fling,
    and the whole world send back the song
    which now the angels sing.

  3. Who in their right minds would reject such a gracious offer? Who would cling to their sin and shame and reject the free gift of forgiveness and salvation? Oh, hush the noise, ye men of war, and hear the angels sing!

  4. We were all born into sin, since the day that Adam and Eve stole the forbidden fruit, the only fruit barred to them, of the knowledge of good and evil.

    Yes, and since that day we all know good and evil, we can see it everywhere. But in these last days, evil seems to triumph, there is a great rush to obliterate good from this planet, anyone can see that, reflected everywhere, in the ugly buildings, the ugly music, the ugly fashions, the ugly literature, ugliness is everywhere, even the very stones are crying out for shame.

    Those silly babies stole that forbidden fruit, and here we all are, here is the result of the crime. The Tower of Babel has been built, puny mankind has tried once again to climb up to heaven to overthrow God. God, who made the heaven and earth and everything v man who can't even work out how to dispose of his own poo safely!It's not even a David and Goliath match! God would be laughing his head off if it wasn't so tragic.

    We were all born into sin, but we don't have to stay wallowing in our own filth, God has offered us a way out, blessed are those who accept the gracious salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  5. 5 comments and all to yourself.
    What a lonely life in blogging you have.

  6. On the contrary, because there's your comment as well now Troll.

  7. Anyway, most people just come here to read. They don't want to comment.

  8. Stuart told me not to post any more of your vile comments, so please excuse me if I take his good advice, Supertroll.

  9. Stuart's very good at giving people advice

    Be very careful of him, he is not what he seems.
    There is a dark sinister side to him , trust in your intuition.

  10. Would you please expand on your comment? I haven't seen any dark sinister side.
