Wednesday 27 February 2013


I had to quickly blog about this album, as my regular readers will know, I am a massive fan of the Moody Blues and Justin Hayward. I did meet him once, at Swindon, he was doing a radio show at The Appartment, and I was well impressed that he didn't leave the building until he had shook hands and had a few words individually with everyone there, I thought he was a really nice man, very modest and just nice, as well as being a terrific singer songwriter.

I got my copy of his new album yesterday, am listening to it at the moment. The last album the Moody Blues made was their Christmas album about 10 years ago, so all the Moody Blues fans have been waiting a long time for this.

It's too soon to really write much about this album as I have only listened through once, but it's the sort of album you would want to put on for a romantic dinner for two I think - apart from the last two tracks, which are a dance reworking of Out There Somewhere. I don't really like that sort of music, but as the album is over an hour long I don't mind, it's like they have been stuck on to a completed album anyway.

I don't expect Justin will get any accolades for this album, as he seems to always get passed over when it comes to music awards, but I don't think that will bother him too much, he must know how the music industry works by now. Incidentally Anne Dudley, who did a brilliant job on the orchestration of Les Miserables film did the orchestation for two of the tracks, One Day Someday and The Eastern Sun. I didn't realise that until I read the record sleeve, and I went to see Les Miserables at the cinema and am reading the book now, I can hardly put it down, if you haven't seen the film or read the book I would highly reccomend it.

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