Wednesday 27 February 2013


Compulsive liar who cried rape 11 times is jailed: Her last victim was an innocent man who she simply 'didn't like any more'
Elizabeth Jones, 22, invented her first sex attack in 2004, when aged 13
Her latest victim was targeted because she didn't like him
After he was held for nine hours CCTV disproved her malicious claim

By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED:11:26, 26 February 2013| UPDATED:01:11, 27 February 2013

Comments (1021)

Jailed: Elizabeth Jones, 22, faces 16 months in prison after making 11 false rape claims since 2004

A woman who cried rape was jailed yesterday after a court heard it was her eleventh false claim.

Compulsive liar Elizabeth Jones, 22, was exposed when CCTV footage disproved her allegation against a man she ‘did not like any more’.

She had made her first false rape claim in 2004 when she was just 13, Southampton Crown Court heard.

Between 2005 and 2007 she made another eight allegations which police investigated and dismissed, although she was not prosecuted.

In 2009 she was sentenced to a ten-month detention and training order for a similar offence.

Jones’s latest victim was a boyfriend against whom she made the allegation after the pair had an argument.

Police began an investigation after Jones, from Southampton, persuaded a friend to report she had been assaulted.

She later went to the police station for a medical examination and repeated her allegation. The man was arrested and questioned for nine hours before being released without charge.

Prosecutor Jennie Rickman said he denied rape and detectives later viewed CCTV covering part of the house in which Jones claimed to have been attacked.

The video did not support her story that the man forced himself on her.

Miss Rickman said: ‘There is a history of her making false allegations of this nature and this is the 11th incident.

‘Police had to take her allegation seriously and carried out an appropriate investigation.

‘She was later arrested and accepted she had lied about being raped. She said she did it because she did not like him.’

Jones admitted to attempting to pervert the course of justice and was jailed for 16 months.

Judge Derwin Hope said the offence was not only serious because of ‘the terrible emotional experience’ the man she accused had to endure, but also because it struck at the heart of the criminal justice system. In mitigation, Megan Topliss said Jones had had a disturbed childhood and had been in care.

Fabricated: Southampton Crown Court heard that her latest victim was accused because she did not like him

When confronted by police, Jones immediately accepted she had lied and pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity, Miss Topliss said.

Outside court, Detective Constable Tim Blanche of Southampton’s Public Protection Department, who led the investigation, said that Jones had a ‘complex life’.

Of the case, he said: ‘There was intimate contact between the couple, but they didn’t live together.’

The pair had an argument and Jones made the fabricated rape allegation. ‘The man was arrested and he gave a statement. He had to live his life with people accusing him of being a rapist,’ Detective Constable Blanche said.

When the man heard Jones had been jailed for 16 months ‘he was disappointed and felt that the time wasn’t long enough after what she put him through’.

Detective Constable Blanche added: ‘After the previous ten false allegations, Judge Hope felt that it was the final straw.

‘The evidence in the case was so conclusive as the CCTV images were so clear. I imagine that with the previous allegations the evidence hasn’t been there.

‘We take rape allegations very seriously and those that make false claims need to face the consequences.

‘False allegations completely undermine the work that the police have done and make it harder for genuine rape victims to come forward.’

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  1. There is so much about this story that makes me feel uneasy.

    Who is the Daily Mail reporter, and why is he/she anonymous?

    This woman was making claims of being raped when she was 13 years old - how would a 13 year old who had not been abused know what rape was?

    Why were there CCTV cameras all over her house?

  2. No apologies for seeming to put this in the wrong place, I am NOT going "off topic", believe me!

  3. Radioactive Material Stolen From Van

    Police issue an urgent appeal after a container holding highly radioactive Iridium 192 is taken from a vehicle in Lancashire.

    The container was taken from the vehicle in Bacup, Lancashire.

    Officers were alerted to the theft in the early hours of Monday after the van driver discovered the material was missing.

    The Peugeot Panel Van had been parked in New Line, to the south of Bacup.

    The stolen canister is in a yellow case which is one foot long and said to be fairly heavy.

    Chief Inspector Russ Procter from Burnley Police said: "It is important that this material is located as soon as possible.

    "I would ask the public, especially in the Rossendale area, to keep an eye out for this canister and if they locate it then to call the police who will come and deal with it.

    "I would also appeal direct to the people who have stolen this. They may have no idea what it is that they have in their possession or they may have discarded it somewhere. If that is the case then I would ask them to contact us or call Crimestoppers anonymously."

    The Health Protection Agency is urging anyone coming in contact with the cylinder to leave it where it is and alert the police.

    A spokesperson for the HPA said: "The radioactive material, believed to be Iridium 192, will not pose a risk to the public if it remains contained in its heavy lead container marked with the radiation trefoil.

    "However, if the material is outside of its protection packaging, anyone who has come into prolonged physical contact, such as keeping it in a pocket, should seek medical assistance.

    "If you see this package you should immediately inform the police, do not touch it and keep away."

    Iridium 192 is a radioactive isotope of Iridium with a half-life of 73 days.

    It emits beta and gamma radiation and as a result has the potential to cause damage to human cells if they come into contact with it or are exposed to it for prolonged period of time.

    It is used in industrial radiography to locate flaws in metal components and also in radiotherapy as a source of radiation to kill cancers.

    Anyone with information is asked to call Lancashire police on 999 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

  4. THIS is on topic as well.,d.d2k

    My own Human Rights solicitor Richard Wise also died VERY SUDDENLY - he had been fit as a fiddle, bounding up stairs two at a time, running marathons ect. The newspaper that reported his death daid he had died of terminal long term cancer. That was bollox!

  5. Hi Zoompad you are so right about these nameless/faceless reporters that keep cropping up over the msm.
    It was the same with an independent article about geoffrey dickens last week.
    Are you joining in the day of tweeting blogging on 28th March ?
    i m drawng up a list of politicians and journalists to tweet on the day.
    Hope you are well.

  6. Hi Demented, can you please post the link to the Independant Geoffrey Dickens article, thanks.

    I didn't know about 28th March, thanks for telling me, I certainly will be joining in!

    I will be tweeting this to the politicians, broken record that I am (according to the paedoscum!):

  7. Hi zoompad this is the independent article about Geoffrey Dicken's is very odd article, appears to question the reliability of his claims that he received death threats when it is well documented murun has covered it on his spotlight on abuse site.

    Madlands is co-ordinating the 28th March see here.

    Regards Demented ( I also post as cantankerous , don't really like demented chose it in ahurry when I signed up to the Icke site when I was having a bad day !!)

  8. Thanks. Reposting in full in the public interest of our fight against organised international institutional child abuse and human trafficking.

    Tory MP warned of powerful paedophile ring 30 years ago
    New evidence supports claim former backbencher’s life was threatened


    A burly veteran of scores of amateur boxing bouts, the Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens was best known during his bustling 16-year career in Parliament as a pugnacious right-winger who supplied “hang ‘em and flog ‘em” quotes to the tabloids.

    Eighteen years after his death, however, the backbencher’s reputation as a political lightweight is being revised in the wake of a Scotland Yard investigation which is exhuming a scandal long buried in the Westminster of Margaret Thatcher’s premiership.

    New evidence suggests that Dickens stumbled upon an Establishment paedophile ring in the early 1980s – and that his efforts to expose a cover-up left him in fear of his life. Dickens told fellow MPs that after warning of the existence of the network, he had received threatening phone calls and been burgled twice. He also claimed he had been placed on a “hit-list”, he told the House of Commons in a little-noticed speech.

    For four years between 1981 and 1985, Dickens railed in Parliament against a paedophile ring which he claimed was connected to a trade in child pornography, then controlled by gangsters.


  9. In 1981 Dickens had used Parliamentary privilege to name a diplomat and MI6 operative, Sir Peter Hayman as a pederast and demanded the Attorney General explain why he had escaped prosecution over the discovery of violent pornography on a London bus two years previously.

    Two years later, in 1983, he warned a paedophile network involved “big, big names – people in positions of power, influence and responsibility” and threatened to expose them in Parliament.

    In 1984, he campaigned for the outlawing of Sir Peter’s Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) organisation. He also handed a dossier containing allegations of abuse of children in local authority care to the then Home Secretary, Leon Brittan.

    After a 30-minute meeting with Sir Leon, Dickens said he had been “encouraged” but later expressed concern that the Cabinet Minister had not banned the PIE.

    Last month Metropolitan Police began Operation Fernbridge into allegations that residents of a childrens home in Richmond, west London, were taken to the nearby Elm Guest House in Barnes, where they were abused. Pornography involving adults having sex with children was allegedly shot at the property and then circulated commercially.

    Sir Peter was among the visitors to the property. Others, according to a list seized by Scotland Yard last month, were the late Liberal MP Cyril Smith, the former Russian spy Sir Anthony Blunt, a Sinn Fein politician, a Labour MP, and several Conservative politicians.

    After neighbours complained about the arrival of children, the police raided the guesthouse in 1982 but the operation was mysteriously cut short. A 2003 investigation also failed.

    During a debate on child abuse in the House of Commons on 29 November 1985, Dickens warned that paedophiles were “evil and dangerous,” adding child pornography generated “vast sums.”

    He went on: “The noose around my neck grew tighter after I named a former high-flying British diplomat on the Floor of the House.

    “Honourable Members will understand that where big money is involved and as important names came into my possession so the threats began.

    “First, I received threatening telephone calls followed by two burglaries at my London home. Then, more seriously, my name appeared on a multi-killer’s hit list.”

    The Independent can find no corroboration for Dickens’ comments.

    However twenty-eight years after he made them, Scotland Yard officers kept their new investigation secret for weeks, fearful that it would be closed down like earlier inquiries.

    In a blog on his website, the Labour MP Tom Watson – whose claims of a powerful paedophile network prompted the new inquiry – said that he had been advised by childcare experts who have tried to expose the scandal to be careful about his personal security. He has asked the Home Office for the dossier presented by Dickens to Sir Leon, but it has not yet been found.

    Dickens does not appear to have raised the issue in the Commons again prior to his death in 1995. He told friends he was surprised he had never been made a minister

  10. The MP: a man of verve

    Geoffrey Dickens was one of the most colourful characters in the Commons during the 1980s and 1990s. Born in London in 1931, he was raised in foster care until he was eight.

    He suffered polio at the age of 13 but recovered to become a heavyweight boxer. Mr Dickens was elected MP for Huddersfield West in 1979 and for Littleborough and Saddleworth in 1983, which he represented until his death in 1995.

    His obituary in The Independent concluded that whatever might be said of him, Dickens was “a man of colour, verve and dedication who stood out – often for the wrong reasons – among the dull Parliamentarians of our time.”


    Day of action: Update
    February 27, 2013 by themadlands

    Ok, due to getting massive traffic that kept crashing my server, I have had to move the madlands site onto hosted

    As far as the day of action for March 28th goes, I have been thinking about the feedback on using the hashtag #paedobritain and it actually is a bad idea.

    The primary reason for me saying that is that we need to create a “twitterbomb”. Twitter trends are created by massive surges in hashtag use and this is enhanced if the hashtag was previously unknown or little used. That is why you don’t see the same hashtags trending all the time, it is about previous V’s current use and total volume of mentions.

    So my idea is, based on suggestions I am getting, to at midnight on the day, to release via this blog and twitter, a new hashtag term. I will notify other bloggers in advance so they can do the same (if they contact me – not many actually have – I thought you guys wanted to make a stand?).

    That way, a new, little used hashtag will suddenly appear on twitter, hopefully in volume enough to trend. If it drops off, we can fall back on #paedobritain as well.

    You guys will have to trust me a bit to come up with a relevant hashtag. Please suggest away, I have a couple of main ideas, but others will help.

    If you use for your blog, you can add a countdown “widget” to your sidebar like the one here. Just go to Apearance > Widgets and then drag the countdown timer to your active widget area to use it.


  12. I don't like the Paedobritain title, I think I would prefer something more like NOMOREPAEDOS, something which says NO to these scumbags.

  13. Hi zoopad i don't like it much either and as madlands mentions we're going to need a brand new hash tag so the activity on it stands out. ( I am very new to twitter so I am just finding my feet.) So the new hashtag will be made public at midnight 27/28th March.
