Friday 21 June 2013


DATED 5/9/2011


Cynthia Bower is the Chief Executive of the Care Quality Commission.

Cynthia Bower graduated from Birmingham University and began her professional life in social care. She spent a number of years working with children in a variety of settings and managing social care services for children. She moved to the Health Service in 1995 to work for Birmingham Health Authority, working as Director of Primary Care at the time of the establishment of Primary Care Groups and the first wave of Primary Care Trusts (PCTs).

In 2000 she became Chief Executive of Birmingham Specialist Community Health NHS Trust and in 2002 Chief Executive of South Birmingham PCT.

At that time South Birmingham was the largest PCT in the country, commissioning for almost 400,000 patients and providing a wide range of local, city-wide and regional Services.

In August 2005 she became Managing Director of Birmingham and the Black Country SHA and in July 2006 she became Chief Executive of NHS West Midlands.

In July 2008, Cynthia Bower was appointed Chief Executive of the Care Quality Commission, which took up its duties as the regulator for health and social care on 1 April 2009.


About us
Who we are and how we can help you
Skills for Health is your Sector Skills Council, for all health employers; NHS, independent and third sector. Everything we do is driven by your skills and workforce needs.

We can help you in three ways:

firstly, we offer tested solutions and tools to help you improve productivity and quality
secondly, we can directly support you and your staff to plan and manage workforce development and change
thirdly, as the employers’ authoritative voice on skills issues, we represent your views and champion the effective investment in skills that you need.
Influencing policy
As your Sector Skills Council, Skills for Health acts as the voice of healthcare employers in the skills system.

Ensuring government policy reflects the needs of health employers

We influence skills, education and health policy to ensure that it reflects employers’ needs and helps develop a world class healthcare workforce able to meet changing needs and expectations.

We do this by lobbying and working with a range of Government departments, agencies and stakeholders as well as collating and delivering responses to policy consultations.

Helping you deliver on key policy priorities

We identify key policy priorities and provide you with a range of resources to help you deliver against them.

Skills for Health was relicensed in 2009 following a review by the National Audit Office with an ‘outstanding’ contribution to workforce redesign. The UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) is responsible for the relicensing process for the 25 Sector Skills Councils.

Skills for Health’s strategic plan covers the period 2010-2015.


Case studies
Managing eRostering and Scheduled events with DRS Realtime
Reduced spend on locums - early implementers of Realtime in Blackpool reduced medical locum spend by between 10% and 20%.
Fast, Accurate, Cost effective – Compliance Reporting using WIRED
Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals used WIRED achieve the Trust target of 85% of staff completing all their relevant statutory and mandatory training.
Accurate compliance reporting with WIRED
Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust used WIRED to export data from their HR system (ESR) and Learning Management System (OLM) to quickly create a wide range of high quality compliance reports, helping them save time and money.
New role cuts length of stay by 60% at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
How new competence based Allied Health Professional Advanced Practitioner role doubled patient discharge rates and reduced onward referrals.
New role improves patient care at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
How Advanced Nurse Practitioner role enabled more flexible ways of delivering services improved patient outcomes and helped nurses to progress along the career framework.
Achieving 90% employment for students at NHS Tayside
Meeting the flexible workforce challenge using a competence based approach to develop support staff and open up career pathways across health and social care.
Flexible training for support staff improves service quality
Career Framework helps NHS Lothian develop Healthcare Support Worker role in mental health and learning disability services
New role has ‘phenomenal’ effect on Emergency Departments
How a new role is easing emergency access to hospitals, improving patients’ experience and saving money
Recruitment toolkit delivers ‘very significant’ savings for Cwm Taf Local Health Board
How Skills for Health’s Sector Employability Toolkit dramatically improved recruitment to hard-to-fill posts while reducing turnover and sickness rates.
Dramatically cutting waiting times and improving productivity
How transferable roles are transforming services in NHS Dudley
Cutting length of stay at Whittington Hospital NHS Trust
How using competences to develop new roles delivered a more productive workforce.
How Foundation Trust drove up recruitment and reduced turnover in hard to fill posts
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust applies employability approach to open up a new workforce pool.
Competence based coaching develops effective front line managers
How Whittington Hospital NHS Trust and Skills for Health pioneered competence based leadership programme for front line managers.
Equipping staff with the business skills to lead innovative healthcare services
Skills for Health helps Therapyworks pioneer new franchise model for physiotherapy practice in independent healthcare
Competence based training boosts competence and confidence in clinical practice
NHS Nottingham City and University of Nottingham use competences to support staff development for End of Life Care.
Nuffield Health uses Skills for Health competences to eliminate one area’s clinical incidents
How supporting staff with competence based training helped build excellent safety record while freeing up clinical staff time.
Creating safe, efficient and effective new services for remote and rural populations in Scotland
How Scotland’s Remote and Rural Healthcare Educational Alliance used a competence based approach to create a new flexible role
New Roles and Progression Pathways Report
This case study was commissioned to test the usefulness of ‘Growing Your Own: a Practical Guide to Growing Your Own Professionals for the New NHS' against the realities of front line delivery of an NHS Trust - Newham University Hospital Trust (NUHT)
Meeting 18 week wait through workforce development
Central Manchester and Manchester Children’s University Hospitals NHS Trust uses Skills for Health competences
Improving service delivery in Breast Screening
Warwickshire, Solihull & Coventry – developing new Practitioner roles
Improving service delivery in school health services
When South Birmingham Primary Care Trust was invited to become part of a School Health Demonstrator project, managers recognised an opportunity to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of a new role in school nursing
A competence based approach to service and team redesign
NHS Forth Valley creates evidence-based new roles for older people’s care
LLN training overcomes the language barrier
Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Foundation Trust pioneers English for Speakers of Other Languages training
New Roles support elderly patient services
Whittington Hospital Trust uses Skills for Health competences for Therapy Assistant roles
Creating career progression opportunities for healthcare staff
Northwest London Trust uses Skills for Health competences for Associate Practitioner role
Creating accessible training in Psychological Therapies
Improving professional development in health
BUPA implements Skills for Health competences
Now is the time to invest in skills - the Blackpool way
Independent care home staff to provide new levels of personalised care
Creating new roles to support Hospitals at Night
Improving management of long term conditions
Improving education, training and service re-design in healthcare services
Clinovia implements Skills for Health competences
New obstetric theatre maternity support workers
Emergency care reform in Northern Ireland
Angina patient pathway
Berkshire CHD Collaborative
Angiograph practitioner role profiling, job specification and training plan
Hull and East Yorkshire Hospital NHS Trust
Reducing complications in people with diabetes
Using competences to improve Coronary Heart Disease services
Linking LLN training to disability priorities and KSF
A whole organisation approach to Skills for Life
Unlocking staff potential at Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust
A Learning Advisor model approach to Skills for Life
Apprenticeships - a vital tool for workforce development
User empowerment
Castle Hill Cardiac Support Team
Cardiac Nurse Practitioner role profiles and development plans
Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford
ACS competence-based training programme
Critical Care Institute, Greater Manchester SHA
Using competences to improve Coronary Heart Disease services
Wrexham Maelor Hospital – developing the role of the Acute Coronary Syndrome Nurse
Cath lab worker role profile and training programme
Lancashire and South Cumbria Cardiac Network
Cardiology department job descriptions and training plans
Heatherwood and Wexham Park Hospital, Slough
Awareness of Literacy, Language and Numeracy supports Lincolnshire health employees
Contextualised Literacy, Language and Numeracy Awareness brings success
Northwest London NHS Hospital Trust
Improves patient care and reduces nursing burden through the introduction of a new Associate Practitioner role
Learning for all Union Learning Representatives



  1. This is one of the catagories that frightens me the most:

    "Creating accessible training in Psychological Therapies"

    Why has this shadowy quango involved in the training of psychologists? The names Richard Gardner, Ralph Underwager and Ludwig Lowenstein come to mind as I see this.


    Monday, 16 May 2011


    The Beginning of The End?

    Private Eye magazine has published an article concerning events in Jersey. They examine one of the things that I exposed – and the consequent actions taken against me by what they describe as “the intensely political system of justice in Jersey”. Click on the image to make the article expand to a readable size.

  3. Even though you’re able to read that particular article here, taken from the current edition, I urge people to buy Private Eye. Not only is it often very funny – it is the journal to read if you want to understand what’s really going on in the dark underbelly of power in Britain.

    Whether they open its pages in pleasure – or fear – everyone in the country who is seriously involved in politics or the media reads Private Eye.

    That means it is a main source of hard-core information for everyone who has power over you.

    The article is short – eight paragraphs; but what do those few elements mean?

    How to understand the gravity of what is revealed?

    Not all readers will be familiar with the true nature of ‘Politics’ – just as many readers won’t be familiar with the wholly corrupted power-structure of the British Channel Island of Jersey; a tiny island through which hundreds of billions of dollars pass each year – and in which there is no separation of powers – no independent judiciary - no checks and balances – and not even an independent prosecution system. Although situated in the seemingly “respectable” heart of Western Europe, this island – an off-shore “protectorate” of the British establishment in London – is virtually totally lawless.

    In the coming months – just how lawless – is going to be revealed.

    But perhaps you don’t want to wait that long? Perhaps you want to know the score – truly “understand” the situation - right now?

    OK - I’m going to tell you a story.

    Or rather – Wikipedia is going to recount some modern history to you.

    I reproduce below some sections of the Wikipedia entry for the Watergate scandal.

    As you read the quotes – I invite you to bear in mind certain key words and phrases that Watergate has in common with Jerseygate. For any thinking person – it’s all here; all you need to know:


    Democratic sabotage.





    Breaking and entering.

    Documents photographed.




    Attorney General.


    Denial of involvement.


    Tip of the iceberg.



    Solicitor General.

    Interception of communications.


    Unauthorized and improper.

    Fiduciary responsibility.



    Lieutenant governor.

    Government officials.

    Finance Director.

    Deep Throat.

    Secret fund.


    Bank records.



    Hush money.

    Obstruction of justice.

    Secret deals.




    Abuse of power.

    Refusal to disclose evidence.



    It isn’t only those words that Watergate and Jerseygate share; the parallels between the two criminal enterprises are remarkable; extraordinarily close. Save for a few, key, differences.


    Latest news

    News about our CCO

    20 June 2013

    The increasing public scrutiny over our CCO’s former role at CQC has made it impossible for her to continue with her role and responsibilities at Nominet.

    With regret, we felt it necessary to terminate Jill Finney’s employment with immediate effect. Ms Finney will be paid one month’s salary in lieu of notice.


    Nominet UK is the .uk domain name registry in the United Kingdom, which was founded by Dr Willie Black and five others on 14 May 1996 when its predecessor, the "Naming Committee" was unable to deal with the volume of registrations then being sought under the .uk domain. Nominet is a non-profit company limited by guarantee. It has members who act as shareholders, but without the right to participate in the profits of the company. Anyone can become a member, but most members are internet service providers who are also registrars. As one of the first professional ccTLD operators, Nominet became the model for many other operators worldwide.

    Unlike the model for gTLDs and ccTLDs in some other countries, by and large, customers wishing to register a domain do not approach Nominet directly, but register the domain via a registrar. This is an organisation that is authorised by Nominet to register and update domains on behalf of customers, and that has provided a PGP public key to enable Nominet to authenticate communications from them. Registrars were formerly known as "tagholders".

    As of March 2012, the .uk register held 10,000,000 .uk domain names[1] making it the second largest [2] ccTLD in the world. Nominet also deals with disputes about registrations of .uk domain names, via its Dispute Resolution Service (DRS)[3]which is similar to the UDRP system used for generic Top Level Domain Names, but with certain innovations such as a free mediation service.

    Nominet, which operates the .uk domain and is soon to start operating the UK ENUM registry, has launched a charitable foundation,[4] the Nominet Trust. Nominet has been running up a surplus (profit) on its ordinary operations since 2003; since its constitution forbids it from distributing surplus funds to members in the manner of a commercial company paying dividends, it is now looking at charitable activities as a means of running down the money mountain.

    In September 2008, Nominet's board made an initial donation of £5m to its charitable offshoot,[5] which will support "education, research and the funding of suitable projects for the benefit of UK Internet stakeholders". Further donations have been made since this date.

  6. Products [edit]

    In November 2010, Nominet launched an independent educational website to help people stay safe, do more and drive business online - The site enables both users of the internet and website publishers to understand how to remain safe, operate within legal requirements and to remain informed of current issues and risks.

    It provides reliable information and advice on web-related issues.These range from the most prevalent and common internet scams and fraud to the latest computer viruses, security issues and matters of online child safety. It also features definitions of web-related terms in a jargon buster and practical self-tests to assess an individual’s likelihood to fall victim to scams and other internet-related threats.

    History [edit]

    Most countries have their own Top Level Domain. The .uk TLD was first used in 1985,[6] and at that time a voluntary group called the "Naming Committee" managed the registration of .uk domain names. This consisted of members of LINX as full members (the main ISPs in the UK), and their resellers as guest members. By the early 1990s, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) who registered domains for their customers were joined by a new breed of domain name specialists who had an entrepreneurial attitude to domain names. The Naming Committee operated a ruleset that forced all name registrations to 'exactly' match the name of the registering company and also limited all companies to a single domain name. Although such rules were not exceptional for the time (Network Solutions operated a similar policy), the growth of a commercial internet soon brought these restrictions into close focus. As demand for domain name registrations grew, it became clear that a voluntary group could no longer cope with the volume of registrations being requested. It also became clear that the existing ruleset was not sustainable and the Naming Committee was going to break down under pressure of registrations.

  7. Birth of Nominet [edit]

    When it became clear that a new organisation with a new approach was needed to manage the .uk TLD. The Naming Committee mailing list had mutated into a discussion group for domain name issues and many discussions about what type of corporation the Registry should be were held. Meanwhile, at UKERNA, Dr Willie Black and John Carey, were watching the situation and in 1996 John Carey wrote a proposed plan for a new organisation to be called Nominet. This was distributed widely, and the first Nominet meeting was held at a hotel at Heathrow Airport on 11 April 1996.

    The options to set up as a profit-making company or a charity were rejected, and Nominet was established on 14 May 1996 as a private, not-for-profit membership company, limited by guarantee.[7] Whilst the move was generally popular, there was strong resistance from some parts of the industry.[8] Although formed with a board composed of Willie Black (who became the first CEO of the new company), John Carey and the four co-founders drawn from the internet industry,[9] elections were held by the new membership which resulted in the first elected board members to oversee the growth of the UK domain name industry.

    Registration issues [edit]

    Pre-Nominet domain names [edit]

    Moving domains to the newly formed company registrants of existing domains were invited to agree to Nominet's new terms and conditions. There were several complaints from pre-Nominet domain owners objecting to the need to start paying for something that was previously free.[citation needed]

    Many pre-Nominet domain names had little or no contact information, as a result it has been hard to work out ownership of the domain names[citation needed]. Nominet are running an internal project (the PreNom project) to clear out the remaining pre Nominet domain names so by the end all domain names would be under the new Nominet terms and conditions[citation needed].

    Legal issues [edit]

    Nominet soon realised it had to work hard to protect both the information it held and the legal position of intellectual property and brand owners[citation needed].

    Structural issues [edit]

    Nominet's success brought with it a number of structural concerns. Over time, it built considerable cash reserves. In 1999, candidates stood for the board on platform similar to 'carpet bagging' attempts with mutual building societies;[10] whilst this was roundly defeated, controversy over its cash reserves remained.

  8. Second-level domains managed by Nominet [edit]

    Second-level domains managed by other organisations [edit] and and

    Italicised entries are legacy second-level domains that refer to individual organisations. No such new domains have been permitted since the foundation of Nominet.

    See also [edit]
    .uk domain name
    Apple Computer trademark dispute with Benjamin Cohen - Details of Nominet's ruling for Apple Computer in the dispute of the domain.
    Internet Provider Security

    References [edit]
    1.^ ".uk -fit for the future at 10 million". Retrieved 2012-11-19.
    2.^ "Country Data". Retrieved 2012-11-19.
    3.^ "Introduction to .uk domain disputes". Retrieved 24 January 2013.
    4.^ "We are pleased to announce the creation of the Nominet Foundation". Retrieved 2009-07-15.
    5.^ "Nominet Foundation Trustees appointed". Retrieved 2009-07-15.
    6.^ Peter K. Yu, The Neverending ccTLD Story
    7.^ "Nominet history (from". Archived from the original on 2002-06-02. Retrieved 2009-07-15.
    8.^ "UK Web site owners to be charged for address, Network News". Archived from the original on 1999-11-14.
    9.^ "Nominet original memorandum of association". Retrieved 2009-07-15.
    10.^ Mullins, Andrew (1999-07-05). "Nominet set to demutualise". The Independent (London). Retrieved 2010-05-20.

    External links [edit]
    Nominet UK web site
    Nominet Trust


  9. What we do

    Becoming a member

    Our products and services

    Nominet's structure


    Technical innovation

    We are one of the world’s leading internet registry companies. Our exceptional technical expertise helps us successfully manage the .uk domain space and our expansion into the running of other domain name registries. We have a public purpose agenda and work closely with national and international organisations to find ways of making the internet a better and more secure place.




    We have working partnerships with a number of organisations and businesses:

    Government and UK policy makers

    The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)

    We support the Department for Media, Culture and Sport in their understanding of internet issues and, in particular, areas concerning the Digital Economy.

    The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS)

    Working closely with BIS, we help Government understand the importance of delivering a safe and secure .uk domain name space for the UK internet economy.

    The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

    We regularly consult with the ICO to make sure our policies and practices are aligned with the ICO position and adopt a best practice approach in areas such as openness and privacy.

    The Confederation of British Industry (CBI)

    Through our relationship with the CBI, we communicate with UK businesses and help them to understand our role in ensuring the safe and secure provision of .uk domains.

    National organisations

    The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)

    As an IWF member, we support the organisation’s reporting mechanism that enables people to report websites that host illegal content including child sexual abuse, incitement to racial hatred and criminally obscene material.

    UK Internet Governance Forum (UKIGF)

    The UK IGF provides a forum in the UK where industry, government, parliament, academia and civil society can discuss key issues associated with the Internet.

    International organisations

    The Council for European National Top Level Domain Registries (CENTR)

    CENTR provides a forum to discuss matters of policy affecting ccTLD registries and acts as a channel of communication to Internet governing bodies and other organisations involved with the Internet. It promotes the interests of not-for-profit ccTLDs and lobbies on their behalf.

    The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

    We regularly attend and present at multi-stakeholder meetings hosted by the international non-profit organisation responsible for the management and oversight of the Internet's domain name system. We are also part of Country Code Names Supporting Organisation, and our Chief Executive, Lesley Cowley, is a council member.

    The United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

    We play a key role in international internet governance and policy development through discussions and forums facilitated by the IGF.

    The Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC)

    Our Technical team works closely with RIPE on a number of issues including the allocation of IP addresses.

    World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

    We operate as the UK and Ireland office of W3C, an international community that develops open standards to ensure the long-term growth of the Web.

  12. the psychological therapies bit could be quite sinister, the porton down experimental establishment did many experiments on childrens sexuality, people like guy burgess and anthony blunt used to go there for boys.
    churchills doctor lord moran was top trusteee as was his wife, and they turned a blind eye

  13. Well, doctors are SUPPOSED to be only interested professionally in one thing, and that is healing people, wether that is healing of the body or of the mind, that is what they are SUPPOSED to do, that is their job.

    So if they are not healing people, but instead using their authority to cover up things that wicked people have done, they aren't even proper doctors and should be charged for fraud.

    Thats what I think at any rate

  14. this has been of interest to me for some time and aspects of these were covered in last weeks moshe solomons show, also were that jimmy saville was protected by mossad , along with other pedos.
    this was the best show since acedemics on there proved the holocaust never happened

    about 10 years back a postman working in Kings Lynn,a small Norfolk town, went public about the huge amount of porn going through the mail system, they threatened to send him to prison for breaking the official secrets act, he showed large amounts of homosexual porn featured underage young boys, and the royal mail was making huge sums by accepting this through the mail system,
    the law said homosexual porn was ok, he was hounded and lost his job over it all.
