Saturday 22 June 2013



RFI20121161 release
Mark Salter made this Freedom of Information request to British Broadcasting Corporation
Waiting for an internal review by British Broadcasting Corporation of their handling of this request.
From: Mark Salter

19 April 2013
Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,

REF: RFI20121161 - request for "re-release"

May I please request a copy of the data ready to release in respect
of the above FOIA request please?

I would still request them in electronic form, as I believe I am
entitled to do under the FOIA.

If an electronic release is still not possible, can I additionally
ask for the
- all details (make/model/software version and maintenance costs)
of the hardware used to produce the hardcopy (the copier/printer)
that will be used in forming the hardcopy release.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Salter
Link to this
From: FOI Enquiries
British Broadcasting Corporation

19 April 2013
Dear Mr Salter,

Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, as detailed in your email below. Your request was received on 19th April 2013. We will deal with your request as promptly as possible, and at the latest within 20 working days. If you have any queries about your request, please contact us at the address below.

The reference number for your request is RFI20130613.

Kind regards

The Information Policy & Compliance Team

BBC Freedom of Information
BC2 B6, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP
Email: [BBC request email]

Tel: 020 8008 2882

show quoted sections
Link to this
From: FOI Enquiries
British Broadcasting Corporation

20 May 2013
0K Download
Dear Mr Salter,

You may recall we wrote to your acknowledging your request for details of
payments made to the late Jimmy Savile.

Firstly, please accept our sincere apologies for the length of time it has
taken to respond to you on this matter; we have as I’m sure you can
imagine been inundated with Freedom of Information Act requests and this
has impacted on our ability to respond more promptly.

Details of Jimmy Savile’s payments are kept on his contributor files, some
of which date back to the early 1960’s. Due to the age of the material it
has not been possible to scan the contents into an electronic format so we
have made copies of these contributor files which we can post to you if
you still require them? If you would like copies of these files please can
you provide us with a postal address.

Yours sincerely

Simon Pickard

BBC Information Policy and Compliance

Room BC2 B6

Broadcast Centre

White City


W12 7TS


Website: [1]

Email: [2]mailto:[BBC request email]

Tel: 020 8008 2883

Fax: 020 8008 2398

[3]Description: Description: \\BBCFS2025\UserData$\myrien01\Documents\My

show quoted sections


Visible links
1. file:///tmp/
2. mailto:[BBC request email]
Link to this
From: Mark Salter

21 May 2013
Dear FOI Enquiries,

Postal details left on answer machine. Please confirm receipt and
dispatch please.

Given that this response is now outside of the mandated timeline,
please can you provide the other non hardcopy details by return?

Yours sincerely,

Mark Salter
Link to this
From: FOI Enquiries
British Broadcasting Corporation

21 May 2013
Dear Mr Salter

Thank you for your email; we confirm we have received your message with details of your postal address, and will send the hard-copy documents to you as soon as possible.

We also note that you would like the non-hardcopy information that you requested via email, i.e. all details (make/model/software version and maintenance costs) of the hardware used to produce the hardcopy (the copier/printer) that will be used in forming the hardcopy release. We will also respond to you as soon as possible on this point.

Yours sincerely

The Information Policy & Compliance Team

BBC Freedom of Information
BC2 B6, Broadcast Centre
Wood Lane
London W12 7TP
Email: [BBC request email]

Tel: 020 8008 2882
Fax: 020 8008 2398

show quoted sections
Link to this
From: Mark Salter

24 May 2013
Dear FOI Enquiries,

REF: RFI20130613

sorry to trouble you again...

... I just wanted to ask if you could please let me know once the
hardcopy has been posted?

I would also like to seek an estimate from you of the time needed
to gather the detail of the hardware used to produce the hardcopy?

The detail on the hardware should take very little time to gather
and provide, at this time we are past the 20 day deadline.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Salter
Link to this
From: Mark Salter

1 June 2013
Dear FOI Enquiries,

REF: RFI20130613

so another week passes, still no hardcopy - or online detail on
this already overdue response, and no reply to acknowledge my
simple request to be notified when the hardcopy hits the postal

Please note that is response is now very late.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Salter
Link to this
From: Katie Paxie
British Broadcasting Corporation

6 June 2013
0K Download
RFI20130613 Final response.pdf
885K DownloadView as HTML
Dear Mr Salter,

Please find the response to your requests for information (ref:
RFI20130613 and RFI20130615) attached. A hard copy of the information
referred to has been posted to you today.

Kind regards,

BBC Information Policy and Compliance

Room BC2 B6 Broadcast Centre

Wood Lane

London W12 7TP

Website: [1]

Email: [2]mailto:[BBC request email]

Tel: 020 8008 2882

Fax: 020 8008 2398

[3]Description: Description: \\BBCFS2025\UserData$\myrien01\Documents\My

show quoted sections


Visible links
2. mailto:[BBC request email]
Link to this
Mark Salter left an annotation (12 June 2013)
Just wanted to share with any observers that I still have not received the hardcopy response!
Link to this
From: Mark Salter

15 June 2013
Your Ref: RFI20130613

Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of
Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of British Broadcasting
Corporation's handling of my FOI request 'RFI20121161 release'.

In summary, the handling of this request which was for information
that was already 'available' to send to another requester that
declined to give an appropriate and their case was closed has been
unprofessional and lackadaisical. The final straw landed today when
the royal mail posted - not the package sent, but a form indicating
that postage was due on an item. The amount due to actually
coverage postage was not a pound or two short, but £13.35 (£14.35
with the £1 handling fee)!
I have to think this is yet another attempt not to have this
information reach the public domain.

So, please now conduct an internal review on:-

a) The delayed response.

The response has taken 40 weekdays, almost double that prescribed
by the ICO, even though the information was indicated as prepared
and ready to send on the 18th April for the original requester.

b) The failure to provide the response in the form requested

We have heard many reasons why this response cannot be sent
electronically, but all are far-fetch and frankly not believable.

Your organisation has paid a third party to produce hardcopy as
your facilities do not enable you to do so. That same third party
could surely have provided an electronic version of the same,
possibly at less cost than the hardcopy version and saving a few
trees at the same time.

To suggest that the result is too large to send through email, when
the way to facilitate the electronic version would be to send an
email with a link to the document somewhere on the BBC servers,
which I'm sure you are aware serve many gigabytes of electronic
content every day.

c) The 'diarised' approach to responding.

Your organisation consistently fails to meet the 20 working day
deadline and it almost appears that the request is diarised for a
'delayed' response rather than worked and the indication given
earlier. I have to suggest that this apparent approach is against
the intent of the FOIA which requires all organisation to which the
Act applies to "reply *promptly* to requests", you fail to do so
consistently as your data on aptly demonstrates.

This failure to reply promptly has been happening for a while and
not just since you have been 'inundated' with requests following
the 'Savile affair'

d) Your organisation's failure to actually read this request.

Had I not restated my request for the details of the hardware used
to make the copies on the 21st May

It still took until the 6th June to provide this part of the
response, which did not need any time to discover as the hardware
used was not your own but a third parties, why was another twelve
working days need to provide this equipment detail (or not in fact)

e) The seeming delays you have generated in the internal postal
system and royal mail.

The package that the Royal Mail tried to deliver today, was
'posted' on the 6th of June, but 'arrived' today (15th June). I now
know that you paid £13.35 less postage than you should of and that
may have accounted for some of the delay, but I would like you to
consider the actual posted date, compared to that stated here :-

Is your 'Information Policy and Compliance' team lying about it
being posted, or are your internal postal services and the Royal
Mail also having trouble?

e) The failure to pay the correct postage on the package.

To place the incorrect postage on a hardcopy response, perhaps
short by a pound or two could be understandable, I do not yet know
the amount of postage paid, but can confirm that the Royal Mail
have confirmed that you underpaid by £13.35.

Whilst I appreciate your needs to keep postage costs under control,
how did anyone think that the postage paid was even close to

I would like to also request a refund of the £14.35 which I will be
paying to the Royal Mail to collect your response early next week.
Please send a cheque to the same postal address - with the correct
postage and next day delivery to ensure a timely delivery to me. I
am very happy to provide a copy of the receipt of my payment here
if needed, please let me know if this will help.

I am sorry that this seems such a long list of items, but it does I
think accurately reflect the number of failures in this and so many
other requests for information to your organisation.

Please note that I have repeated this request for an internal
review against two requests that your were satisfying with a single
response. I would request an appreciate the response to this
internal review to both email addresses. Please also note that only
a single refund of the postage underpaid is requested!

Thank you in advance for your time and attention.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is
available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Mark Salter
Link to this
From: Mark Salter

17 June 2013
Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,

Your ref:RFI20130613

Having picked up this response from the Royal Mail - who I have to
say did a fantastic job in managing to successfully transport and
repackage your badly wrapped package - I can now share that not
only did you attempt to post a single brown a4 envelope containing
three bound booklets each around an inch thick, a highly
inappropriate holder for documents that cost well over £100 to
produce; but you also did not affix any postage at all.

Quite how you expected it to ever arrive safely and intact is
beyond me.

If you could also confirm the contents of the package only included

- Volumes 1 to 3 of "Jimmy Savile Contributor File"
- an A5 envelope containing a hardcopy of your previous response

Then I will be able to confirm Royal Mails efforts to deliver this
were successful.

As previously, this is a repeated reply, so please combine any
reply and the internal review with RFI20130615

Yours faithfully,

Mark Salter
Link to this
Mark Salter left an annotation (20 June 2013)
Whilst I await a response to my request for an internal review, I hope to share that the money spent on providing the hardcopy details has not been wasted.

This is a link to the entire three volumes that the BBC failed to supply electronically :-

These are being served (for *free* on google docs).

I have maintained the volume split on the hardcopy and docs provides quite a nice preview to distinguish the various items. The files are named :-


where x is the volume and nnnnn is the page number.
The spreadsheet is pre-populated with this file name for the addition of comments as you see fit.

Should you wish to comment, describe on or see other's comments on these images then please see here :-

You will need a 'modern' browser to add comments. I will monitor this document from time to time and reserve the right to adjust, make read only or remove should the need arise.

The scanning of the items took less than an hour, the subsequent processing and upload perhaps another two.
The quality of the originals is poor, so I have maintained resolution to try and preserve the detail that is present; however some pages are illegible I'm afraid.

I hope you find the detail useful. It is a shame that the BBC find themselves unable to provide quite the same level of electronic output - opting for hardcopy and the associated expense (postage paid by me at this time I might add!).




  2. the BBC now claim they no longer tolerate the use of young bumboys on or near BBC premises by performers on BBC contracts, but they still refuse to give us the names of previous gays who have been allowed this priviledge.
    David Harris

  3. "Aangirfan website just now says perversion is normal, and bisexuality is OK"

    I saw that as well. Aangirfans blogsite is sometimes full of bullshit.

  4. "the BBC now claim they no longer tolerate the use of young bumboys on or near BBC premises "

    They are lying.

  5. It is a lie, a crafty lie because they say they dont allow it on BBC premises, but what they dont say is organisations in partnership with and associated by the BBC are doing, believe me, the child abuse is still ongoing, they wont stop abusing children until they are made to, they really do think they are untouchable. They are getting children via the Secret (therefore illegal) Family Courts and fostering/adoption industry, it is very bad in Staffordshire.

  6. Special needs children are being taken in Staffordshire, they are targetting special needs children, it is very frightening.

  7. I just want them to leave my family alone, we have had a gutful of their abuse.

    I can't put the world to rights, but one thing I can and will do is fight tooth and nail for my children's right not to be maliciously targetted by the Freemasons. I will fight Satan himself for my family, if I have to.

  8. God willing, I wont have to, because I am so very very very tired. I have had a lifetime of this shitting malicious masonic abuse. All because I was unfortunate enough to get raped and end up reabused in Pindown as a child.

    What a bollux up, the victim of a crime gets reabused for 4 decades to cover it all up. And praise God, it hasn't covered anything up, all its done is expose the crafty malicious creeps, because every time the Lord hears the prayers of one of His children crying for help, do you suppose He hardens His heart to ignore it?

    The Lord spoke to my broken heart, He gave me this little parable, I did a YouTube video of it. The Lord Jesus Christ always did speak in parables, so I know it is of Him:


  9. jew run EU says boy-nobbing pedophilia is ok

    I borrowed a copy of the underground magazine bilderberg monitor, how dare they say that there were no records kept of the boys abused by jimmy savile as homosexuality is no longer a crime, i find this bizarre

  11. like many people i stumbled on this site by accident, for many of us buggered as kids barbara has become a bit of a hero to us.
    Chris spiveys website has been saying for some while that Wiliam hague wasa boy-buggerer and now we find in the bilderberg paper its true, and the BBC knew about it !
    Dave Tedmass

  12. I'm not a hero, I am a survivor of Staffordshire Pindown and the Secret (therefore illegal) Family Courts. I am a screamer, if the bastards try to hurt me and my family I will scream as loud as I can, and I don't care about anyone calling me a nutter for doing so any more.

    I was taken in by William Hagues book about William Wilberforce, I thought that no-one could be inspired to write a book about a man like Wilberforce and not be a thouroughly decent sort themselves. I was blind, naive and stupid to be taken in by the arse hole who goes by the name of William Hague on account of a book, which he probably got a ghost writer to write for him anyway.

    I don't know wether or not it is true that Hague is a pervert, but nothing would surprise me coming from that stink house of Parliament any more, I know for a fact that all of those so called representatives are fully aware of the Pindown child abuse and persecution of the victims and the Secret Family Courts human trafficking and have done nothing to stop it.

  13. Prof that jews are behind the current rise in boy-nobbing ofences

    David Mc Kellern

  14. The BBC state in the internet newsletter that they no longer hide up sexual offences against minors as they did under Alan Yentob,
    i dont believe it, does anyone ?

    The old couple next door to me are related to one of the policemen who went into Jimmy Saviles homes after his death, they took away bags of old letters documents and photos, apparently he was an old miser who never threw away anything, we were told the Israeli embassy demanded all their letters back going back some years, why ? why would they do that ?
    Diane Fox

  16. funny you mention aangirfan, has anyone noticed they are pro homosexual and pro socialist ?
    strange how those two perversions often go hand in hand.
    e g rothschilds cambridge apostles etc

  17. jewish perversion ?
    read this

  18. I was just reading on the truthseeker that Rabbis are grumbling when jewish people break ranks and tell police when the rabbis sexually abuse their kids
    ha ha they dont like it done to their boys do they ?

  19. this is a filthy excuse by the BBC to say that any of Jimmy Saviles abuse of boys recognised by the authorities could be used as a weapon against homosexuals is bullshit, how can they say this, its all in todays Rsould mag
    John Cannon

  20. The Bilderberg Monitor tried to condone homosexual acts committed against small boys, by saying its no longer a crime, well tell that to the boys forced into this.
    one of jimmy saviles was aged 7 and two more aged 8 and three aged 10


  22. "So, what would the jailer have understood by "the Lord Jesus Christ?" Simply this: he wanted to be saved, and this One called "Lord" had the authority and power to save him. There is no reason to jump from the objective title Lord to the subjective demand that one submit everything to Him for salvation"

    Yes. It's funny you should post this, because yesterday I just felt so very very sad on the way home, and ended up feeling really angry with the Lord, because of the Stephen Lawrence murder cover up. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that what the MET did to Stephen Lawrences family they have done to other victims of crime, including the Pindown child abuse victims and whistleblowers.
    What the Lord said to me yesterday on the way home was that I had to forgive those who have persecuted me, and I felt sick with rage to hear that, its something I really didn't want to hear. But thats what the Lord said to me.
    I said to the Lord that it was impossible for me to forgive them, but now I think I can see what the Lord was trying to tell me.
    They are going to hell for ever and ever unless they repent. The Lord laid down his life 2000 years ago for all mankind, to save anyone who truly wanted to be saved from eternal damnation.
    How can I pray for the soul for someone so wicked that they persecute the living daylights out of victims of serious crime, people they have never met, that have done them no wrong, just so they can carry on living in rich mans style with all their friends and fellow gangsters? All I can do is to hope that the people who do such dreadful things see the horror of their chosen path before it is too late to repent!

    I and other victims of crime have been treated as a terrorist, for speaking out about wicked persecution of victims of crime. I don't have any weapons to fight back with, only this small voice, this hardly audible shriek.

  23. What the bloody hell is this?

    Looking at that website theres no indication of who is responsible for running this, NO ACCOUNTABILITY!

  24. Can other people have a look at this site please?

    If you try to access the information pages, they flash off before you can click onto them to open them. Is it just me or is that what happens to anyone who tries to access the information?


  25. BMO Financial Group

    Since 1996, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada has been fortunate to have our National Convention hosted at BMO Financial Group's fabulous Institute for Learning in Toronto. This exceptional training facility meets our needs each year, providing representatives of the Big Brother Big Sister movement from across Canada with a place to gather, learn and share in a top-notch training and accommodation facility. For our agencies, it is almost like coming home every year.

    In 2002, a tree was planted in the courtyard at the Institute for Learning as part of our National Convention's Opening Ceremonies to thank BMO Financial Group for its support.

    In 2007, BMO Financial Group increased its level of support by providing training opportunities for the national staff of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada.

    Additionally, in 2011 BMO Financial Group announced a remarkable three year commitment valued at a total of $750,000 in support of our Go Girls! and Game On group mentoring programs across the country.


  26. Copyright 2011 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada

    Charitable Business Number: 11880 8740

    Organizational Structure

    Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada is a Federation comprised of 118 member agencies servicing more than 1000 communities across the country.

    Each Big Brother Big Sister agency provides direct service to children by matching volunteers and youths in quality mentoring relationships. Our agency staff members are experts at screening volunteers and matching them with a mentee having similar interests.

    The national organization provides services and programs to our member agencies to assist them with their hands-on work with parents, mentees, and volunteers. Ranging from staff training workshops to our leading Child Safety Program, which includes an emphasis on sexual abuse prevention, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada works diligently to ensure that program quality is superior in all parts of the country.

    If you are thinking about becoming a mentor, please use the Find us in your community feature to contact your local agency or call Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada at 1-800-263-9133.


    AT LAST! Some actual names!

    The Governer General, David Johnston. I don't know who the heck he is, he's got some medals and a very distinctive medal on a piece of ribbon round his neck, perhaps someone would be kind enough to have a look and see if they can tell what exactly it is, there appears to be a crown at the top of it.

    Joint Chair is David Pickersgill. and President is Bruce Macdonald.

    Karen Fonseth is Immediate Past Chair

    Denese Quellete is Vice Chair Regional Director

    David A Douglas is Treasurer

    Anne Blandford (thats a name I have heard of) is Regional Director

    Doug Blott was Regional Director - now retired

    Stephanie Leheta is Regional Director as is Serena Palmer

    Karen Sherbut is Director at Large (reminds me of Doctor at Large, is Hattie Jaques also involved in this creepy set up then?)

    More Directors at Large: Bill Adams, Gary Nissen, Roberta Lacey, Jeff Chorlton, Jordan Moore, Mona Mitchell, Joe Hall, Edwin Palsma, Sine Mackinnon. Look at the corporations they work for, Delotte and Touch, Insurance Bureau of Canada, Beacon Management Solutions, ect ect

  28. The whole thing stinks of that fraudulent "charity" Common Purpose.


    Status: Active
    Filing Date: Not Available
    Entity Type: General Business
    File Number: 324990
    Province: Ontario
    Qualifying State:

    List Due Date:

    Principal Address: 3019 Harvester Road
    Burlington, ON L7N 3

    Mailing Address:

    Registered Agent: None Listed

    Anne Blanford

    Bill Adams

    Bruce Macdonald

    David Douglas

    David Pickersgill

    Denise Ouelette

    Doug Blott

    Edwin Palsma

    Gary Nissen

    Jeffrey Chorlton

    Joe Hall

    Jordan Beischlag Moore

    Karen Fonseth

    Karen Sherbut

    Mona Mitchell

    Roberta Lacey

    Serena Palmer

    Sine Mackinnon

    Stephanie Leheta

    Order Business Services For Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Canada
    Les Grands Freres Grandes Soeurs Du Canada

    Regional Director – Alberta
    (retired) Calgary, AB
    KAREN FONSETH Immediate Past-Chair
    DASCH Inc. CEO
    Winnipeg, MB
    Regional Director – Quebec
    Strategic Interventions
    Montreal, QC
    DAVID A. DOUGLAS Treasurer
    Deloitte & Touche LLP
    Associate Partner
    Toronto, ON
    ANE BLANDFORD Regional Director – Atlantic
    Department of Community Services, Pictou
    District Office - Child Welfare District Manager
    New Glasgow, NS
    DOUG BLOT Regional Director – BC
    (retired) Parksville, BC
    STEPHANIE LEHETA Regional Director - Ontario
    Manager, New Customers & Inquiry Support
    Canadian Tire Financial Support
    Welland, ON
    SERENA PAL MER Regional Director – Man/Sask
    AREVA Resources Canada Inc. Legal Advisor
    Saskatoon, SK
    KAREN SHERBUT Director at Large
    Safe Haven Foundation
    President & Co-Founder
    Calgary, AB
    BILL ADAMS Director at Large
    Insurance Bureau of Canada
    Vice President, Atlantic
    Halifax, NS
    GARY NISSEN Director at Large
    Dome Brittania Properties Inc.
    President | Calgary, AB
    ROBERTA LACEY Director at Large
    Avon Canada
    Director, Communications and Events
    Montreal, QC
    JEFF CHORLTON Director at Large
    Beacon Management Solutions Corp.
    President | Toronto, ON
    JORDAN MOORE Director at Large
    Account DIrector, NKPR Inc.
    Toronto, ON
    MONA MITCHEL Director at Large
    ACHIEVEBLUE Corporation
    Founding Partner and President
    Toronto, ON
    JOE HAL Director at Large
    Surrey, BC
    EDWIN PAL SMA Director at Large
    Raymond James Ltd
    Financial Advisor
    Langley, BC
    SINE MACKINNON Director at Large
    The Change Foundation
    Director of Communications
    Toronto, ON
    Langley, BC

  31. Wonder how long it will take one of them to start moaning about me posting this information here in a much easier to read and access format than on their own funny click website. Will I get the usual bullying threats or will they try the soft soap patronising approach this time?

  32. Banned! Former Cllr Sheena Williams - WhatDoTheyKnow Org

    secret societies are behind it all

  33. Sheena Williams is the lady who spoke out after me at the Stoke on Trent Brian Gerrish conference a couple of years ago, after I gave Gerrish and that arse hole MIPaedo MP who he pretends not to be working with a piece of my mind (and got heckled by the still brainwashed Brian Gerrish worshipping audience for doing so)

    It was that weekend when my elderly mum and my sisters houses were targetted for cowardly Rentathug attacks, the White Van Men.

    Sheena Williams made that MIPaedo MP quiver like a demented penguin with rage. It might still be on YouTube.

    I'm not surprised shes been banned from What Do The Know, because the MIPaedo gangsters have done that to quite a few people now, they get people with shadowy accounts who have never made any FOI requests themselves to complain about people who they want to throw off the site, they do the same on YouTube

  34. And yes, Secret Societies are behind it all.

    Which is why William Hague has bobbed up from his bunker this morning to defend the Secret Spy Societies, and they are to get even more money from the wicked decadent menace to human society that goes by the name of Government.

    So poor people, children and pensioners are to get less money, they all have to tighten their belts whilst these totally unaccountable Secret Society Quangos (with MIPaedo at their helm) are to get even more loot to spy on ordinary British citizens.

  35. If I were the Queen of this country I would make a law to ban anyone governing this country having a home in any other country or having any holiday home or even a caravan anywhere apart from this country.

    That might seem to be crazy, but it isn't once you realise that the people who are at the steering wheel of this country have no real love for it. You can see that very easily because of their behaviour at holiday time. The very second they don't have to be on British soil, off they go like a load of rockets, off to other countries, following the sun, or, for too many of them, the bum.
    No-one should be in Parliament who does not have a sincere and passionate love for this island nation, even for its rainfall.

    We have a bunch of international traitors in office. No wonder everything is going belly up!

  36. "Is anyone doing this to Sheena? She's convinced someone tried to poison her, and twice. Once her drink was spiked at a function. She has almost been run over.

    She says she has exposed a lot of cover-ups within her council, has anyone decided to target her?

    Stealing her own daugthers children and they way the whole case and court hearings were carried out, sounds like she was set-up, and their intention was to get those children from her and her family, - knowing it would destroy most people - and rubber-stamping any "official" report or order they so wish to apply for. "

    I know exactly how it feels to be on the recieving end of this sort of abuse.
    I'm just glad my daughter doesn't have any children to be stolen!

  37. My solicitor Richard Wise didn't die in the way the local newspaper said he had, of long term cancer. He died suddenly and unexpectedly.

    I remain convinced that he was murdered.

  38. Richard Wise was exposing the Pindown child abuse scandal in Staffordshire, helping us victims of child abuse.

    If Richard Wise hadn't died he would never have let me go through the 7 years of absolute hell in the Secret (therefore illegal) Family Courts that I went through. He would have put a stop to it.

    They couldn't bear to let him live and stop their money grabbing malarky. The trafficking of little children is a very lucrative crime. They weren't going to let some maveric local hero get in the way of their goldrush.

    I think Clint Eastwood should come to Staffordshire, and make a western, because I tell you, its like the Wild West round here, though you may not think so judging from the masonic facade.

  39. Remember that the West Midlands sent some of the stolen children to Haut de la Garenne. Then, they pretended to lose their records.


  40. Tuesday 14 July 2009 00.01 BST

    Jim fixes it for medical students

    The entertainer and philanthropist has decided to fund medical research by undergraduates

    Savile wants to support medics while 'the doors of their brains are still open to ideas'. Photograph: Lewis Whyld/PA
    Anthea Lipsett

    "I went from machines to people, and what a horse we've backed," says Sir Jimmy Savile - former Jim'll Fix It presenter and prodigious philanthropist. For the last 50 years, Savile, now 83, has donated money to hospitals for medical equipment. Four years ago, he decided to swap machines for brains. And this week, he will hand over £300,000 to Leeds University to fund a scheme that gives undergraduate medics the chance to do research alongside their studies.

    "I got the impression that machines weren't the right way of doing things," Savile explains, "so I came up with the idea of going back to square one with medical people before they qualified - when the doors of their brains were still open to ideas, and they still had the essence of youth".

    Born and bred in Leeds, Savile can still see the pits where he started work from where he lives. He holds an honorary doctorate of laws from Leeds University and put his idea to Alistair Hall, professor of cardiology, who became a friend after he had operated on Savile. The result was the Leeds University Research Enterprise (Lure) scheme, which gives a handful of promising medical students each year the opportunity to develop as medical researchers, working with leading professors on a range of research projects. This week's donation will pay for the scheme over the next five years, alongside funding from Heart Research UK for two scholars.

    Hall says: "Jimmy is seen to be eccentric, but so is research - and you have to think about things in a new way to innovate. Young students don't have the dogma and set thinking that those of us who have come through may have, so they are really great natural researchers with motivation and ideas. But they don't have the finances and support and political power to follow through those ideas."

    The Lure scheme was established by Professor Shervanthi Homer-Vanniasinkam and Dr Karen Lee. Homer-Vanniasinkam says it has proved a great success: "Through the generous funding provided by Sir Jimmy, Heart Research UK and other sponsors, we are nurturing the medical talent of the future. Lure is helping some of our brightest medical students to develop all the skills critical to realising their potential as medical researchers and academic clinicians."

  41. To begin with, the professors, specialists and consultants assigned to mentor the students were sceptical, Savile suggests, but they now value students' opinions of their work. "That's unbelievable," says Savile. "They're still undergraduates."

    Maybe so, but they are definitely high flyers. Hall's student has a place at Harvard medical school this summer and three research papers under his belt; another is doing paediatrics research in India; and another, who used to be a pop star in Sri Lanka, recently won a medical magazine writing competition meant for qualified doctors.

    With a glimpse of his old job of making children's dreams come true, Savile says the scheme has "set the students on fire". "They realise it's not just a life of trudge and drudge of a student - they can get cracking a bit earlier. They can see not just the light at the end of the tunnel, but right in front of them now and can do things they never dreamed they could do - and all before their brains become entrenched," he says.

    Iain Kennedy, a second-year medical student, has just won a Lure scholarship. He has organised to work with consultant neurosurgeon Jake Timothy on a pioneering minimally invasive surgical technique to treat back pain - extreme lateral interbody fusion. He will attend surgeries and write up case notes in preparation for launching a large clinical trial. "I want to be a surgeon, so having this extended experience is going to be great for me. It gives me a chance to pursue everything I'm interested in - networking, research and teaching younger students," he says.

    Kennedy will be mentored by Timothy through the scheme, and, at the same time, he is expected to mentor future Lure scholars and help with local outreach activities - telling pupils interested in becoming doctors about medical school, and teaching some courses. "We meet every five weeks or so to present what we've done and share ideas. It's a really good chance for older Lure scholars to tell us about things they have done through their projects and share their networking contacts with us," he explains.

    Mutual benefit

    Dermot Burke, a consultant surgeon and senior lecturer at Leeds, says the scheme benefits both students and mentors. "Having young people around is stimulating. The scholars ask you things you wouldn't necessarily think about on a daily basis, so it's fun."

    His Lure student helped with a research project on infections in the bowel after surgery. As part of his mentoring role, Burke arranged for his student to go to Hamburg on a course run by the industry that provides the surgical equipment, and to attend clinical meetings to see how others present their research. It gives him the chance to network and enjoy experiences that most students are not exposed to. "I thought it would be good to get an idea of how industry and doctors collaborate, because that will be a big thing in the future," Burke says.

    Whether or not the scholars follow their mentors into academic medicine - Hall says the scheme allows students to see whether they have the aptitude for it - they are expected to become tomorrow's medical leaders, and influence others.

    "The scheme lasts throughout their training and the mentorship is the most valuable part," Hall says. "My student is involved in every aspect of our discussions, so he understands the academic environment and financial stresses. He's picking up important life skills and an awareness of an academic career. Nothing like this exists anywhere else and other universities want to do something similar. Jimmy is creating a living legacy through these scholars."

  42. THE GATES OF JANUS by (allegedly) Ian Brady

    Introduction: Colin Wilson

    Foreword: Dr Alan Keightley

    Afterword: Peter Sotos


    "‘He can also be generous so long as you are loyal, but if you are disloyal he’d cheerfully kill you,’ says Dr Keightley, who smuggled the manuscript to Brady’s book about serial killers, Gates Of Janus, out of the hospital, and wrote the foreword.

    ‘In fact, he regards disloyalty as worse than murder. You need to talk to him for years to gain his trust, but once you are inside his inner circle he’ll discuss anything.’

    It would seem so. For before Brady’s deteriorating mental and physical condition precluded their meetings a few years ago, Dr Keightley says he not only described precisely where Keith Bennett is buried but admitted to the hitherto unknown murders.

    He claimed to have shot a young man on the Moors and buried him; strangled another who insulted Hindley when they were in Scotland; and thrown a woman in a canal.

    Dr Keightley says he has kept copious records of these ‘confessions’ and reported them to the police — though whether Brady was telling the truth or stringing him along, as with others who have attempted to penetrate the killer’s defences, remains to be seen.

    There is surely a huge question mark, too, over the veracity of the most intriguing secret he confided in his lecturer friend — that he has spent years preparing ‘a big surprise’ which will only be revealed after his death.

    Convinced that Brady is privately tormented by shame and remorse for his appalling crimes — emotions he has never betrayed to anyone else in almost half a century of incarceration — Dr Keightley believes this will be some redeeming act.

    Most will think him naive in the extreme. "


    The Dhammakaya Tradition has been known as a specific lineage of Thai Buddhism in Britain since Ţhitavedo visited in October 1953.[1] His protégé William Purfurst (aka Kapilavaḍḍho Bhikkhu, Richard Randall)(1906–71) travelled to Thailand with Ṭhitavedo as a novice in March 1954 and took higher ordination at Wat Paknam Bhasicharoen, the first European to ordain in Thailand. As the result of subsequent training with Phramongkolthepmuni he claimed to have attained Dhammakaya[2] and returning to England on 12 November 1954, visiting London and Manchester and founding the English Sangha Trust in July 1955.[3][4] Three disciples travelled with Kapilavaḍḍho to Thailand on 30 December 1955 and took higher ordination at Wat Paknam on 27 January 1956. These ordinands were Peter Morgan (aka Paññavaḍḍho Bhikkhu), Robert Albison (aka Saddhāvaḍḍho Bhikkhu) and George Blake (aka Vijjāvaḍḍho Bhikkhu). After some time, all four bhikkhus moved to Wat That Thong, Sukhumvit Road,[5] from which time onwards Kapilavaḍḍho and all his subsequent disciples appear to have practised a more eclectic form of Buddhism.[6] Ananda Bodhi (aka Leslie Dawson, Namgyal Rinpoche), who may have met Paññavaḍḍho in the period 1956-61, went to Wat Paknam for training in the period 1963-4 and returned to England to teach the Dhammakaya method in April 1964 at Biddulph Old Hall,[7] but by August 1964 had changed to teach Burmese Insight meditation.[8] Remnants of Dhammakaya teaching were perpetuated by Acharn Kaew Potikanok's (1926–86) student Fuengsin (née Sarayutpitak) Trafford (1936–95) who practised Dhammakaya meditation until her death. She claims to have fulfilled a prophecy Kaew Potikanok made 15 years earlier that she would spread Buddhism in England, having taught meditation from c.1975 at Birmingham Buddhist Vihara to children on Sundays and English adults each Monday. She also edited the newsletter Children & Dharma for that temple. She taught Buddhism and meditation in various mainstream schools, colleges, universities and prisons. In 1984, Sister Dr. Mary Hall (1928–2008) invited her to teach Buddhism in the Multi-Faith Centre, Harborne Hall, Birmingham and to graduate groups. She was nominated Buddhist Prison Chaplain by the British Home Office in 1986.[9] She also taught as part of Religious Education in schools such as King Edward VI College, Stourbridge, under the direction of Alan Keightley.[10]

  45. A second phase of the spread of the Dhammakaya tradition in the UK started in the wake of the Thai migration phenomenon – one monk from Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Patumthani being sent to study for a Batchelor’s degree at University of Oxford in 1986 and attracting a succession of English people to visit Wat Phra Dhammakaya in Thailand in the period 1987-1991. Phra Maha Wirat Manikanto completed an MA in Buddhist Studies at the University of Bristol in 1997 and during his stay built up a group of Thai supporters mostly from London and Cheltenham who started to organize the first Sunday of the month celebrations from 1998. These were initially at a house in Bristol in 1997. From 21 April 1999 a small house was rented in Wimbledon (within earshot of Wat Buddhapadipa), with Phra Maha Wirat as abbot and Phra Jirasak Caranasampanno, two laymen, Anuchit Treerattanajutawat and Phibul Choompolpaisal supporting the monks while studying for masters degrees in London universities and for a short time a laywoman Sriwan. The tradition registered as a non-profit organization “the Dhammakaya International Society of the United Kingdom” or ‘DISUK’ on 16 April 2002. Later in the same year, in keeping with Dhammakaya Foundation’s policy of rotating personnel, Phra Asadang Siripuñño took over as abbot, moving the temple to a much larger rented premises in Norbury on 7 July 2002. The temple was named Wat Charoenbhavana London. A new abbot, Phrakru Sangharak Wairot Virojano and Phra Thammasarn Cittabhārano took over the running of the temple for the Buddhist lent of 2003. DISUK was granted charitable status on 26 May 2004. At the same time the search continued for a permanent premises for the London temple.

  46. Establishment of the Manchester Branch [edit]

    In the meanwhile, a second support group in Manchester requested Wat Phra Dhammakaya in Thailand to set up a temple on 18 December 2003. Phra Asadang and Upasaka Anuchit moved north as the pioneering team, with Phra Wut Suvuddhiko succeeding as abbot in 2004. The temple found its first location in rented accommodation at a large former curtain-rail factory at Cheltenham Street, Salford. Phra Praphit Brahmasubho succeeded as abbot in 200?. Various uncanny events surrounded the establishment of Wat Charoenbhavana Manchester including the finding of a 2-metre tall Buddha Image at the side of a road in Wales – which was salvaged as the temples’ first Buddha image. In 2008 the temple moved to a permanent premises in Edgeley and was renamed 'Wat Phra Dhammakaya (Manchester)' or the 'North-West Centre for Buddhist Meditation' - being granted status as a place of worship in 2009. Phra Maha Sairung Thirarojano has been abbot of the new premises from 2009 to present.

    Establishment of the London Branch [edit]

    The London temple negotiated the purchase of the old Brookwood Hospital Chapel at Knaphill in 2004 – a building which had previously been derelict for six years at the time of purchase. The first incumbent was Phra Kru Sangarak Wairot Vairochano who used his considerable construction experience and the architectural designs of Phra Pichit Thitachayo to convert and refurbish the building into a functioning Buddhist centre in 2005. The centre was brought up to UK safety requirements and officially opened by Woking’s Mayor Cllr. Bryan Cross on 28 October 2007. Wat Charoenbhavana London officially changed its name to Wat Phra Dhammakaya London in 200?.

    The Present Day [edit]

    The Dhammakaya temples in the UK are the hubs of a network of Dhammakaya practitioners extending from Scotland to the West country. As with many Asian-rooted Buddhist centres in the west, two distinct interest groups frequent the Dhammakaya temples. The first group is predominantly Thai expatriates with a congregation up to 300 strong in Manchester and 400 strong in London and a mailing list of previous visitors reaching the thousands. The second group is the English speaking (convert) group of practitioners which in London is up to fifty strong with a mailing list of up to 400 previous visitors. Other groups regularly visiting the temple are Buddhist families from the expatriate Singhalese, Bangladeshi and Nepalese communities.

    Ten years on, the Dhammakaya practice community of the UK has established a network of local support groups presently in Doncaster, Sheffield, Scotland and Cyprus for the Manchester temple. Brighton, Worthing, Cheltenham, Kent, Swindon and Ireland have monthly groups served by the London temple – and monks are sent regularly to support English language meditation activities in Zurich, Geneva and Ireland. The temples have also been involved with policy-making concerning Buddhism in the UK with participation in TBSUK, NBO, Greenwich Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education, chaplaincy, the SE Buddhist Forum and in 2006 was the first temple to introduce Sanam Luang Dhamma Studies in Europe.


  47. Wittgenstein, Grammar And God
    5.0 of 5 stars 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating

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    Into Every Life a Little Zen Must Fall: A Christian Philosopher Looks to Alan Watts and the East
    by Alan Keightley, John Harwood Hick (Foreword by)
    0.0 of 5 stars 0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings— published 1986

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    The Gates of Janus: An Analysis of Serial Murder by England's Most Hated Criminal
    by Ian Brady, Peter Sotos, Alan Keightley
    3.79 of 5 stars 3.79 avg rating — 122 ratings— published 2001 — 2 editions

  48. Does anyone know where to find Dr Alan Keightleys professional medical CV?


  50. I wrote that in capitals to make it stand out. Sorry if anyone is offended by capital letters. Some things do need to be shouted loudley, and I think this is one of them.

  51. I know the audio video link went down several times yesterday during Ian Brady's examination.

    I would like to hear the whole examination,. and I think the people of the United Kingdom have a right to hear it too, especially mothers and fathers.

    I think we have a right to see that examination.

  52. Hi, i,ve only recently began blogging, n getting used to it, you have worked so long and hard to be heard, people are listening more now, and it is only because of you, and others who have maximised their effect online, like you, i,m a wounded warrior, it can get vicious out there, Annigirfan tho as far as i know, do not advocate perversion, or paedophilia, i would accept peoples choices, sexually, as adults, there is now, alot of evidence/old articles, being collated by area, at last painting a clear picture for people, and the FMS, PIE, and those like Ray Wyre, and others, mapped out, with more and more testimonies being aired, or people taking a step towards making statements that had never thought they would. Currently, i,m concerned that G4S is doing a pilot, to control the rape & sexual assault suites, sending people then through the survivors trust, to grassroots organisations, bound and tamed by funding, no doubt. sooooooo, remaining independent, hoping to be able to finally find ways to stay aware and awake, there is so much info here, sharing on, there really is no excuse why the victims & survivors of their abuse, should not be recognised as a special group, if in need of help. And that effective help, that many have found useful, but unconventional, be on the health agenda. imo. Sheva hope you are well. New blog and team at

    i havn,t worked out yet how to reblog an eblogger one, i have an eblog, used once three years ago, lol, it is still a phobia for me.

    I,m shocked to hear such sad news of Sheena and others too, i,ve also been attacked various ways, and more ill than i might have been. hope things improve for you. Sheva

  53. "New blog and team at
    and "

    Thanks for the info, I'll have a look.

    I don't suppose I need to tell you this, but please watch out for the paedophiles who always try to infiltrate and smash up the anti child abuse blogs.

    Aangirfan seems to be ont just one person, I don't know who Aangirfan is, sometimes theres good information there, but sometimes its really hard for a victim of institutional child abuse to read that blog without wanting to cry and scream. That comment posted about paedophiles making the best people to care for children really upset me and felt like a massive betrayal.

    I'm sick of it because they just won't let you "get over it" but they keep telling you all the time its about time you got over it, and you even get accused of being stubborn for not getting over it, HOW THE FUCKING HELL CAN YOU GET OVER IT IF THEY ARE STILL PERSECUTING YOU AND GETTING AT YOU BY BY GETTING ORGANISATIONS THAT ARE IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE BBC TO ATTACK YOUR FAMILY, KNOWING FULL WELL THATS THE BEST WAY TO ATTACK YOU?

  54. The child abuse join the dots site has a piece on Operation Ore.

    Brian Rotheray who works for the BBC was involved in that cover up and he wrote a book called The Appalling Vista. That book was basically a crowing boast about how they got away with it.

    Dr Brian Rotheray holds a BA and PhD in Modern Languages (Leeds University) and an
    MBA (Bradford University), with periods of study in Russia, Germany and the USA. He is a
    Fellow of the Institute of Linguists.
    He worked for BBC Monitoring as a monitor and senior editor, and on the development of
    the organisation’s news services about the media worldwide.
    His research interests are in the impact of international broadcasters on public perceptions
    and public policy. Recent publications include The History of BBC Monitoring, (BBC, 2009).
    He worked as a postdoctoral research fellow on the first phase of the Reuters Institute
    project on ‘International News in Africa, India and Pakistan: Provision, Consumption and
    Trust in a Rapidly Changing Broadcasting Environment’ during the first part of 2010.


    Rothery, Rothary, whichever way he spells it, its the same man.

    Chapter 05. Naming and shaming
    I now quote from Notes From Another Country, a book being published anonymously online, the author of which, as a casualty of the witch hunt, knows more than most about naming and shaming

    “Those of us who have been scapegoated and stigmatised (if not literally destroyed – significant numbers have committed suicide) by this crusade against politically incorrect erotic fantasies know that, despite the claims that ‘Britain’s paedophiles’ are finally being flushed out and rounded up for incarceration, we are actually not only rather ordinary men, but wholly indistinguishable from all other ordinary human beings. I don’t mean that we have all been exceedingly cunning in concealing our evil predilections - - - I mean that we are ordinary human beings. We are in the midst of a moral panic which has elevated the simple viewing – solitarily and in private - of something called ‘child porn’ into a crimen exceptum. Like the European witch trials of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, mere accusation is enough to seal your doom.

    “Witchcraft was the seventeenth century version of the crimen exceptum, the crime that a dominant moral ideology designates as so heinous that the normal processes of justice and due process must be suspended, and punishment must be seen to be exemplary (merciless and ruinous). But, unlike the unfortunate witches, accusation alone is no longer necessary to set the processes of personal destruction by the State flying. In our new age of information technology, personal accusation can be regarded as wholly irrelevant, in fact. All that is required is that your credit card number appears on a site designated by the authorities as a purveyor of illegal pictures. But perhaps even worse, despite the very real probability that many of the victims of Operation Ore had hitherto been wholly blameless victims of credit card fraud, if you actually did access forbidden pictures, accidentally or intentionally, this alone will convict you.

    “To the police and the Child Salvationists, the act of looking at what they consider to be the wrong sort of pictures means that you are a rapist, a molester, a ‘beast’. By adopting and promoting a crude ‘this means that/that causes this’ psychology, they have found that they can juridically crucify those they have indiscriminately netted, with the eager connivance of both prosecution lawyers and an army of pre-emptively disgusted judges - - - .

  56. From Chapter 27, The Final Days

    Now to a very important individual, mentioned already, but just briefly. The findings of Jim Bates, our forensics expert, painstakingly extracted from millions of lines of code from the computer logs we had seized in Fort Worth, had to be understood, edited and presented in both legal and understandable language. To put this in some perspective, Jim Bates lives and breathes, and, maddeningly at times, talks computer forensics. He had by now spent four years poring over the Landslide computer logs and data base and related records, to the point where his wife, Jo, feared for his health.

    After the High Court had ordered the return of the material the police had seized from him illegally, and the public climb down of Chief Constable Colin Port, a police helicopter circled their home in the countryside near Leicester every day for a month, literally ‘buzzing’ them and frightening an already anxious Jo. One day, Jim ran out and shook his fist up at them and a watching officer just waved some papers down towards him. By the time I was writing these lines, he and Jo had been staying with my wife and me for a break and I feared for his health because of the continuing workload and the intensity of his commitment. Under control of the judges he had been locked in arguments with the CPS hired experts for months during 2010. He was with us on his 70th birthday. I was 76.

    How now to translate the voluminous and complex findings that were being disputed by a team of technical opponents into understandable and acceptable language? This ‘translation’ would literally be the script handed to Tania Griffiths who in turn would have to present it to the High Court. Once again, Chris Saltrese produced the goods, this time in the form of an extraordinary individual by the name of Oliver Cyriax. The best way I can describe Oliver is through the eyes of Jim Bates, who had the unenviable task of instructing him. This is, of course, also doctored by my own impression of what Jim was trying to tell me.

    Imagine that you and I are Jim and this somewhat – ‘dotty’ might be too strong, but certainly studious and rather academic in an absent minded way individual is reading what we have presented and are trying to explain to him. We are frustrated by his apparent difficulties in understanding what we are trying to tell him and he appears to be struggling to grasp some aspects in which we do not see that much complexity. He asks questions, but even these do not reassure us. Then he begins to write! And it’s dynamite!


    Here is another viewpoint. Over the fifteen years before the culmination of the group action, I had been trying to study and write about the moral panic of our times, and in particular about the crimen exceptum of child pornography. Apart from a few like-minded individuals with whom I came in contact with over the Internet, there was no one in my immediate circle of friends or within my community with whom I could discuss this, as all would have recoiled in horror at my association with such a toxic subject. When I bought James Kincaid’s book Erotic Innocence through a large Waterford City bookstore, the assistant who handed it to me looked at the cover, shuddered, and said, “This really makes my stomach sick!” Seeing me somewhat taken aback, she added, “Oh well, I suppose that someone has to write about it.” This statement, bordering on hatred, was about a book and came from a bookstore assistant. The agents and publishers I approached about my own proposals for a book on the subject either ignored me or refused to consider it, mainly the former.

    Over the six years of the Ore group action, it was not possible to tell anyone outside of the group about my involvement. Harking back to the chapter on ‘Another Country’, I dwelt in a different country to that of the vast majority of my fellow citizens. In my country a huge injustice had taken place, while in the country occupied by my fellow citizens such an injustice could not take place, because anyone accused of child sex abuse was guilty – guilty of being accused, which was an absolutism.

    The Waterford bookstore assistant had in fact put her finger on it – it made her stomach sick. The problem was inside of her. When you live in a country where only one little boy can see and in his innocence exclaim that the Emperor has no clothes, you realize that the rest of the citizens are in fact blind. The problem is not the object they are pointing at in hatred – it is within them.

    As with the Salem accusers, the child protectionists, or ‘salvationists’, are unassailable, unquestioned, believed by the public, by the judges, the jury and the prosecution. Academics and other ‘expert witnesses’ support them. There is no defence against their accusations. It is dangerous to question them or try to remind them that there might be another dimension to the abuse narrative. The Salem cases were held, not according to the written law, but to current ideological/religious/superstitious beliefs and as a response to the reigning moral panic. The ideology and the reigning moral panic were that people were being possessed by the Devil. In Salem at the point where no one was safe from accusation, it transpired that the people and courts had used 'spectral evidence', which was evidence that could not be seen by the jury or by the judge or by anybody except the accusers. It was assumed that an accused witch could see it but lied that she/he could not. But the ‘victim’ (accuser) could see the 'spectral evidence'.

  58. Get your facts right! You write: "Rothery, Rothary, whichever way he spells it, its the same man" and you use this to tarnish the reputation of a very honourable man, even posting a link to the late Dr Brian Rotheray, who worked as a linguist and senior editor for BBC Monitoring. You owe him a correction, if you're fair and honest. Since you approve comments, I do not expect my comment to be posted, but I would expect a correction on your part. A former colleague of the late Brian Rotheray

  59. I have published it, because all I'm interested is the truth, my family has been through absolute hell, and the author of THE APPALLING VISTA is one of the people to blame.

    Please, can you tell me who you are, if I'm wrong and made a mistake of course I'll correct it, please help me if I'm wrong, I have been through hell.

  60. Please can you have a look at this video:,d.d2k

    This is the man who is part of a network of gangsters who have persecuted and stalked us Pindown child abuse survivors and whistleblowers.
