Wednesday 24 July 2013

My Emotional Wellbeing councellor is leaving

So sudden, she is leaving, and I asked her why, she wouldn't tell me, but I think I can work it out for myself.

All the nice ones leave, they can't stand what they are expected to do thats why.

Why oh why oh why oh why oh why are we letting just a tiny few wicked people create so much havoc? Why are such a tiny few wicked people able to gag so many?

I just hope my councellor breaks her professional gagging on me, and tells other people about what is going on. I don't mind her telling other good people about the horrible systematic abuse one little bit, because I know she isn't a stitch up artist like the creepy gay chap from Emerge.


  1. great comment this about the barrage of constant homosexual this and that and how good it is.
    every world religion condemns it for one reason, it is wrong, and harmful.The fact that government now recommends it and encourages it is baffling to say the least
    chirldrens protection must always come first

  2. there is always hope, i was interfered with by an uncle when i was 12 and i thought i was gay, i began visiting gay places over the next ten years, i did the cottaging thing at public toilets and the poofeteering thing outside schools, but then i found jeses, my doctor put me in touch with Joyce Mcdougall at the london psyciatry centre and thank god after 3 months i was cured, i still have all the guilt over my behaviour but 6 years on i am ina real relationship witha lovely woman, she knows all my past and says as long as i dont lapse into any perversion we are safe as a couple.
    i hope gays read this and know they can get help
    Adam pearce
