Tuesday 6 August 2013


I didn't want to add this comment to the previous blog post, so I have posted it here. Yes, I have heard of this sort of stuff happening, and I am absolutly disgusted, because VICTIMS of child abuse are having to beg and nag for councelling, and even when they do get it, they are lucky if they actually get any appropriate councelling that is going to do any good, as the paedophiles are getting their cover uppers into the councelling profession as well as the legal profession, and they are stuffing the victims of these horrible crimes up even more at every opportunity.

Anonymous said...

All seems a bit weird

Check todays east Anglian daily times
Article about barnados giving counseling to a man on bail for child sex offenses

This man was called John wills from Stowmarket and was authorized by social worker Jonathan eckersely

Eckersley was told about wills a year before the arrest yet nothing was done

a friend
5 August 2013 06:31


  1. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=7&cad=rja&ved=0CHoQqQIwBg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eadt.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fstowmarket_taxpayer_paid_for_child_sex_suspect_s_counselling_1_2318612&ei=dKIAUoq5IcyS0QWa6oHoDA&usg=AFQjCNE4F1oAJYCuywFytIvTkhu5EBC2jw&sig2=lxjxdq_RA4dNQqWd3ksISA&bvm=bv.50310824,d.d2k

    Stowmarket: Taxpayer paid for child sex suspect’s counselling

    Colin Adwent Crime Correspondent Monday, August 5, 2013
    4:24 PM

    Suffolk County Council spent nearly £900 of taxpayers’ money on counselling for a foster parent accused of child sex offences, it has emerged.



    Suffolk County Council spent nearly £900 of taxpayers’ money on counselling for a foster parent accused of child sex offences, it has emerged.

    Although the teacher and foster carer, who lived in Stowmarket, was convicted of sexually assaulting a child 18 years ago the details have only just come to light.

    Papers and receipts obtained by this newspaper show the man – who can not be named as his conviction is now spent - was arrested on August 12, 1994, at his home.

    In October 1995 he was jailed for eight months by Ipswich Crown Court after indecently assaulting a boy who had been in his care.

    However, according to Suffolk County Council documents five days after his arrest he began the first of three two-hour counselling sessions with Barnardo’s between August 17 and September 9, 1994. The £45 per hour sessions cost a total of £270 plus £19.10 for travel expenses.

    These were charged to the social services department.

    A memo dated October 5, 1994, from a project leader at Barnardo’s New Families Project to the council’s Children and Families department advised a senior official that it was anticipated there would be a need to extend counselling.

    It added: “Given that enquiries are continuing, and that (he) has given a further statement to police, his need for support will continue for some time.

    “(name) feels that it is a difficult time to end support. Would like your agreement to offer support for his next police station appearance on November 8.1.94 (estimate three hours) to be able to offer another interview in the interim and to explore local resources which he might use for ongoing help, therapy, or support.”

    On December 5, 1994, another memo stated “the full 15 hours counselling has been used in relation to the above”.

    It mentions dates in October, November and December of that year.

    A signed form dated April 25, 1995, states: “Pay Barnardo’s from boarding out as per invoices. Total £832.26 for support to foster carer.”

    Due to the passage of time and that none of those involved are still with Suffolk County Council, a spokesman for the organisation said it was difficult to say why taxpayer’s money had been used to counsel someone who was on police bail for child sex offences.

    The spokesman said: “This case occurred almost 20 years ago so it is therefore very difficult to obtain the full facts.

    “However, it was most likely the case that he was offered time-limited assistance from an independent adult care social worker until such time as he was charged or tried in court for the allegations made against him.

    “Without further details, it is unfortunately impossible to shed any more light on this historic case.”


    Is this article trying to say he wasn't worthy of receiving help? Despite the lack of information, it appears he has not re-offended so maybe that money was well spent? - We really can't tell as this article is vague and lacks any information. We don't know what actually happened or what the help was for. He was also apparently a tax-payer. I'd say, without knowing the facts, he's more worthy of help than the thousands who pretend to be too sick to work, or keep getting paid to have kids..

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    Mr Harris

    Monday, August 5, 2013

    The headline omitted the fact that these payments occured in 1994 - did you seriously think this was a story worth publishing?

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  3. I have reported Mr Harris's comment, as I find it highly offensive:

    " He was also apparently a tax-payer. I'd say, without knowing the facts, he's more worthy of help than the thousands who pretend to be too sick to work, or keep getting paid to have kids.. "

    Yes, and some of those people he's accusing of pretending to be too sick to work probably have PTSD due to the cover up of institutional abuse, most people want the dignity of work, most people do not want to sit at home all day in a purposeless existance, in my case I tried so hard to "get over it" did college courses to make myself employable, so reading comments like that is very upsetting.

  4. bosses are admitting now that the BBC did cover up for stuart hall and Jimmy Saville, but they have done this right back to the 1930s when Rothchild apparatchiks Guy Burgess and Donald Mclean were bringing in boys to rape on the BBC premises.
    Its time we all refused to stop paying the licence fee

  5. WHEN FILM DIRECTOR ROMAN POLANSKI WAs accused of gagging drugging raping and sodomisinga 13 year old girl, his defence was that it is not wrong in jewish law, and offered to incriminate the jewish leader Menachem Begin for the rape and murders of many palestinian boys. The authorites would not wear it so polanski escaped to switzerland, as did charlie chaplin who wasa jew who did the same thing

  6. It is all by design.

    Whistle Blower Laurel Aston Ex CIA Operative CHILD Traffiking Victim Exposes The CIA Sex Trap Ritual


  7. Hi Zoompad

    Some information just in about John Wills, convicted Stowmarket paedophile, his sister Jill Wills worked as a civilian clerical worker for Suffolk police at the time of Johns Wills arrest in the 90s, the sister Jill worked in the force control room, and is said tohave covered up previous abuse allegations.

    The sister also abused boys, and one boy made allegations.

    This woman is about 60 now,John wills about 63 or 64, he was last seen in Newcastle, but could be anywhere now.

    John Allen was found 5 minutes drive from Wills old house.

    We are all currently licking our wounds after the last few months but we get stronger every day and the paedophiles begin to worry, we are united

    A friend

  8. i see another new labour politician is being questioned over the use of bumbadillos,
    i bet they wont name him tho, they never named david laws or peter mindyourbum, young boys should be kept safe by law but nowadays they are not

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