Sunday 13 October 2013


I think it is pretty funny that Aangirfan has posted this blog post all about me:

just a few hours after I sent that very same John Ward Slog article about myself via Hotmail to a lady called Cathy Fox.

I also think it is very odd to recieve hotmails from myself to myself, just containing an interesting looking document that I can't read without clicking onto (which I won't) that I never sent!

Funny that isn't it?



    "Lupe said...
    Zoompad, Are you saying that this information has been put together here without your permission?"

    Yes I am, but while I wouldn't have minded, theres something creepy about it, as I don't believe in coincidences and I had just posted this link a few hours before to someone on Hotmail, and I know my Hotmail account is being hacked.

    "Are there some parts that you feel should not be included?"

    My sons father has genuinly apologised to me for his part in all of this and I have accepted his apology and forgiven him. When I forgive someone I don't hold any grudges - I am not spiteful.

    I am having to repost things onto my own blog now, because of Aangirfan censoring some of my posts, Aangirfan let me be bullied and stopped me defending myself. I am sick of all this jiggery pokery.

    “Zoompad, Are you saying that this information has been put together here without your permission?"

    It is the normal polite thing to do to ask someone beforehand before you do a blog post about them, especially if that person is a traumatised institutional abuse victim.

    I wouldn't have minded but the way its been done, a few hours after I posted that very same link via Hotmail to Cathy Fox, thats very very creepy, and a few hours after Aangirfan allowed me to be attacked on his/her blog, and denied the chance to defend myself because he/she blocked my posts (though I see they are there now, cut and pasted versions of them, but there they are)

    I don't have anything to be ashamed of in all of this, but I ought to be treated with at least a little bit of respect, and AAngirfan ought not to have allowed me to be bullied on his/her blog and also ought to have asked my permission before doing a blog post all about me, not that I have anything to be ashamed of, but why treat me like this? Care to explain Aangirfan?
    I've copied these posts just in case you censor these ones like you did the others.

  2. Sorry, it was in response to this:

    Lupe said...
    Zoompad, Are you saying that this information has been put together here without your permission?

    Are there some parts that you feel should not be included? I mean - would it be OK in principle for some of your experiences to be used so publicly, but not others?

    What would you have said if you had been asked to put things in your way?

    I hope you can get this sorted out. I think people have a right to privacy, over what gets used, and where. Do other people think they have a right to say anything they want to, regardless?

    10:50 AM

  3. I found this comment downright abusive - don't know if it was meant to be so, but it seems like another attack to me, and the poster is too cowardly to say who he/she really is as well:

    Anon said...
    I note that there is Asperger's Syndrome in Barbara's family.

    I know 3 people with Asperger's.

    Asperger's is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.

    A lack of demonstrated empathy has a significant impact on aspects of communal living for persons with Asperger syndrome.

    Individuals with AS experience difficulties in basic elements of social interaction, which may include (1)a failure to develop friendships or to seek shared enjoyments or achievements with others, (2)a lack of social or emotional reciprocity.

    A person with AS may engage in a one-sided, long-winded speech about a favorite topic, while misunderstanding or not recognizing the listener's feelings or reactions.

    This failure to react appropriately to social interaction may appear as disregard for other people's feelings, and may come across as insensitive.

    10:54 AM

  4. All these cowardly shadowy Anonymous (as they delude themselves that they are but God can see all of them as they sit typing this stuff into their computers) people, all busy busy busily attacking little old me, delving into my whole life with a fine toothcomb, remember what Jesus said though about the speck in one eye and the log in another?

  5. What they are doing reminds me of a Pink Panther cartoon, where the Pink Panther gets the vaccume cleaner out to suck up a fly that is annoying him, but he gets into such an obsessive and vengeful flap about it that he ends up sucking up all the furniture, the walls the house and eventually his own silly self! It is a very funny cartoon, but what these morons are doing is not so funny I think.

  6. Barbara you attack child abuse, aangirfan support it
    of course its an attack, it was to expose your hurt to the word, we love you for what you have done and your battle with the forces of evil is for all our benefit
    BTW i heard from one of the police concerned that when they were on to Jimmy Saville thanks to exposure on the internet, DJ paul gambacini came forward to doa deal, he would turn on saville in exchange for no prosecution, so gambacini rat on him

  7. I just want them to stop bullying me and my family. I just want the bullying to stop, its gone of too long, for heavens sake, why? Why don't they just apologise and leave us be?

  8. "your battle with the forces of evil is for all our benefit"

    But all I have been doing is fighting my own corner, I didn't realise Pindown was all over the UK, I had no idea at first. They are stupid, because if they had simply apologised years ago I would never have found out, I would have thought it was just in that one "home", they forced me to fight and God knows where I've got the strength to fight for so many years from, they FORCED me to fight my own corner, and I am stubborn!

  9. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so stubborn, I would have an easier life, but I can't help being the way I am, I can't help it, I hate being bullied and I hate it when people try to tell lies about me ie that I am spiteful, that Cafcass lie made me as mad as hell, it drove me on to prove to everyone that I am NOT a spiteful person and never have been and God help me, never will be either, I wont let them besmirch my character!

  10. It looks like a psychologist has weitten this, and I'm wondering if it is Dr Frankenstein himself, if it is no wonder he wants to remain anonymous:

    Anon said...
    I note that there is Asperger's Syndrome in Barbara's family.

    I know 3 people with Asperger's.

    Asperger's is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.

    A lack of demonstrated empathy has a significant impact on aspects of communal living for persons with Asperger syndrome.

    Individuals with AS experience difficulties in basic elements of social interaction, which may include (1)a failure to develop friendships or to seek shared enjoyments or achievements with others, (2)a lack of social or emotional reciprocity.

    A person with AS may engage in a one-sided, long-winded speech about a favorite topic, while misunderstanding or not recognizing the listener's feelings or reactions.

    This failure to react appropriately to social interaction may appear as disregard for other people's feelings, and may come across as insensitive.

  11. Me and Frankenstein have had run ins in the past, he backed out of meeting me face to face at East Grinstead though!

    I only found out recently that he contributed to the Pindown Report, now that explains why Stafford want to keep it all hush hush.

  12. Just bizarre Zoom, that a vehemently anti-christian website would use your story to shore up its fake facade as a crusading troof site. Can't stand that site, there's obviously multiple writers/personalities running it.

    I was shocked to see your story there given their hatred of christians.

  13. He doesn't even know anything about Asperger Syndrome, apart from what he copies and pastes from other peoples research, PROPER psychologists, not all in wrestler dodgers like him.

    He isn't all over the radio and newspapers these days though, keeping his head down more these days, going anonymous instead.

  14. This 'lack of empathy' bullshit they ascribe to AS is just projection, it's their own lack of empathy they're describing. AS people are either over empathetic or under empathetic, they don't lack empathy.

  15. Or it could be that abusive old cow that they sent round to my house to terrorise and bully me, and get me crouched down weeping in a heap on my own kitchen floor then have a go at my partner for "giving in to me" when he put his arm round me to try to comfort me, she had the cheek to criticise me for the way I dressed, nasty spiteful old bag needs to take a good hard look in the mirror before having a go at someone elses appearance, if she can get one that won't crack at the sight of her peering into it that is. God help any Stafford Prison ex cons on probation that end up in her spiders web!

  16. An apology for all that shit I had to go through would be a nice gesture. Will I ever get one? Not sure, but it wont be through want of trying.

  17. Zoom, where's this 'slog' article about yourself, I couldn't see anything there, don't trust that guy either.

  18. now they've deleted your story Zoom.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  20. "now they've deleted your story Zoom"

    I know, utter bastards, what a fiasco, and I've had a peep at some of the other posts, they've had a right old clearout.

    Good job I copied and pasted it all.

  21. They are nasty swine. They never stop their plotting and planning, and spreading disinformation, to try to discredit genuine child abuse.

    They won't get away with it, not because of me, but because of the Lord.

  22. When the story broke out into mainstream news about MI5 infiltrating animal rights groups, people were shocked, but that story had been watered down, MI5 have done much worse than that, they've infiltrated and tried to discredit institutional child abuse campaigners.

    MI5 are paid taxpayers money to protect the peoploe of Great Britain, and what have they been doing instead but attacking the most vulnerable! THATS what they have been using their secret powers for.

    MI5 are the ones who have put the people of this country in danger, but now these creepy skulking arse holes are turning it all round and claiming that if Pindown reports are released to the general public it will cause rioting!

    I'm not interested at all in what new airplanes and technology Great Britain has, all I am interested in is the safety of the children of this country, and any files MI5 has got about children must be released into the public domain, they are not military secrets and never should have been treated as such in the first place, they must be released immediatly, no more of this bloody stupid nonsense, and any paedophiles or human traffickers in the Military Secret Services must be delivered over to the courts for justice.

    It is ridiculous and completly inappropriate that the Military Secret Services have been able to cover up institutional child abuse all over the UK by using gagging orders, and it is treason!

  23. Hello Zoompad, I tweeted you when I commented on Aangirfan article about you, but it disappeared soon after so I deleted tweets.

    It might be worth getting a Yahoo email account or some other, and start afresh with some stuff and contacts. You can get alerts sent to a phone or to another email account if there's a hack, and check the country it came from.

    I don't like people's stories being used, because it is made to look like it is done with permission. It's not as if you are a suspect over anything.

    I have been concerned over fake IDs on Twitter, which is not just someone using a funny name and picture, but more a campaign against something or someone - who may be vulnerable through having been through abuse.

    I don't know the truth of this, but some people think there have been attempts to get hold of people's experiences, to make a name for the writer, or get info for an article or even a book.

    It has seemed to me like an elaborate set-up to con people, or to attack some individuals. People can spend hours online doing it - Does no-one else think that is strange?

    Watch out also for anyone who tries to seem friendly or supportive, and then starts to undermine.

    All the best,

    Lupe (BeDoubty)

  24. Hi Lupe,

    I'm sure you mean well, but I won't be taking your advice about starting all over again with new accounts ect, because that would make it too easy for the identity stealers to step in and steal my identity, as I feel certain sure has happened to Teresa Cooper - its easier for me to believe that than that she has had a total change in her personality!

    "I don't know the truth of this, but some people think there have been attempts to get hold of people's experiences, to make a name for the writer, or get info for an article or even a book."

    I've already exposed someone doing exactly that on my blog - and she threatened to take me to court for posting about it.

    I want to stress that I gave John Ward permission to do that blog post about me. At the time I was going through hell on earth in the Secret Family Courts, I was terrified and didnt want them to terrorise me in secret, so I was very grateful to John Ward for that.

    Aangirfan didnt repost it in order to help me or any nother Pindown child abuse/Secret Family Court abuse victim. Aangirfan posted that and all the other stuff in an attempt to persecute me.

  25. "People can spend hours online doing it - Does no-one else think that is strange?"

    Not the genuine victims who have PTSD because of the persecution - they are being forced into sitting hour upon end at their computers to try to defend themselves, and I for one am heartily sick to the back teeth of it, there are 1001 things I would much rather be doing than sitting imprisoned by necessity in front of this blasted keyboard!

    But I know MI5 are persecuting us Pindown/Secret Court victims, and they have all the time in the world (paid for by taxpayers money) to spy on victims of crime!

    Its worth remembering that JIMMY SAVILE was a member of MI5. Just so people understand what sort of people we are having to deal with.

    1. Thanks for explaining. Yes, people have a right to defend themselves and it does take up a lot of time.

      I have watched Twitter accounts in particular being set up purely to attack someone for hours at a time. Or another one springs up, same day, opposite view.

      I just think people need to watch out for themselves and those close to them.


  26. To me, it is like being in prison having sit at this computer. I am sick and tired of it.

    I told the Emotional Well Being woman yesterday how fed up of it I am.

    As far as I am concerned it is a criminal offence to do that to someone. That lady seems to only have the power to report me if I am a danger to the publi9c or myself though, which is really strange to me, as I think she ought to be obliged to report about the bullying I am recieving as well!
