Sunday 13 October 2013


This just so reminds me of what the Military Secret Services are doing to me, and it is bonkers.

Why the blinking heck can't they simply apologise? NOT like Dawn Franks did, a PROPER apology, without the accompanying "sign my faintly pencilled in Police notebook" stunt.

No more trickery or treachery, just a simple apology. Thats all I want!


  1. They never apologise
    See the above First the jews legalised homosexuality and are almost there with boy-nobbing
    soon this article explains zoophilia or animal sex is on the eway for legality too,
    thanks to the jews

  2. Remember with the legalisation of homosexuality and perversion was first tried in germany, hitler closed down all the pevert clubs and magazines.
    I used to work witha man who worked for the News of the World and he told me they were investigating boys for sale in Brighton Engand, but suddenly the story took a turn when the then prime minister was named as taking boys on his boat, and a nationally known xenophobic astronomer, was also named along with actor Dirk Bogarde and comedian Frankie Howard, the editor scrapped the story and swore them all to secrecy.

  3. When news came out that John Prescott was a lech after the secretaries in the New Labour office, one of the secretaries tried to sell the story to the Daily papers, i was able to read part of this, and it said that Tony Blair was determined to remove all child sex protection,
    Blair wanted positive role models in all soaps, this memo went out to all TV companies and last week on the Holby City soap, we saw the stunning Tina Hobley falling for an obvious poof and told him he was the only man she could trust.
    Psychologists such as myself know that poofs hate women, because of jealousy, similarly homosexuals hate heteros because they wish they were like them

  4. I found Frankie Howard really creepy as a child and didn't understand why other people found him funny.

    I remember feeling really shocked when the newspapers said that Dirk Bogarde and other famous actors were homosexual. These people were put on pedestals as gods to be worshipped, dream husbands and lovers, then it turns out that they didn't even like women.

  5. Hollywood was a place that was set up as a sort of a paradise on earth, but I think it is like Sodom.

  6. One of the things they put on my Social Services report as a child was that I was in moral danger.

    Yet my heart has never been promiscuous, I have never liked the "Free Love" movement, not as a teenager or ever, because I always believed in one man, one woman, love and marriage.

    I wanted so much to find one man to love, who loved me.

    I just can't understand why people choose to have one, then another, then another ect. I can't understand why someone would choose a fly by night lifestyle instead of a loving deepening faithful relationship. It does not make any sense to me, this division of body and soul in love.

  7. Not having a go at people whose relationships fail, hope people wont think that I meant that, I'm talking about people who actually CHOOSE to jump into bed with one after another as if they were a bee flying from flower to flower. To be the flower in such a relationship is heartbreaking, why would anyone choose to break someone elses heart?

  8. There is a kind of man who does not understand or like women, but needs them physically, these are the men who go off to play golf football or just down the pub at every chance, i blame the education of men at school.
