Friday 29 November 2013


On Twitter, I get some right disgusting creeps
Wanting to be my friend
I block them, but every day there are more
They seem to go on, without end.

I'm hardly likely going to want
to be friends with someone called Ben Dover!
I'm sick and tired of them stalking me
I wish it could all be over.

Its against the law to stalk someone
But that law doesn't apply to me
Because I'm not a Muslim
and I am not Gay, you see.

So now, here in the UK, I'm an Outlaw,
A lost soul, in every way
But when I get to Heaven
Jesus won't condemn me for NOT being gay!!!


  1. My stalking poem is attracting stalkers already.

    Your nasty comment has gone straight into my spam folder.

    At least if you're tormenting me its stopping you tormenting someone else!

  2. I watched part 1 of the new series The Bible last night.

    I don't blame Spring Harvest one bit for pussy footing round the account of Lot.

    Christians are being called Homophobic for reading the Bible, and some have even been arrested for reading it in public out loud, in London.

  3. Homosexuals see themselves at war with God!

    Thats why they are attacking the Church, getting new ungodly laws rushed through faster than Billy Whizz can run.

    I personally think it is a very foolish thing to do, to declare war on God. He's bigger and stronger than any of us, for a start - what is mankind but star dust?

  4. My brother in law is a policeman and cant wait to retire,
    he was saying they broke down the doors to a russia brothel in norfolk a while back, and over a dozen young teenage boys came spilling out, they all thought they would be doing hotel work, but were forced to vecome bumboys for the homosexual community.
    He went on they were half starved
    and terified, it upset him quite quite badly
    the men were angry when it was hushed up

  5. A Russian brothel in Norfolk, that does not surprise me one bit.

  6. Ex Cheif constable julie spence cleared out 120 russian run brothles in the norfolk, cambs and lincs areas. many are back open now preying on lonely desperate men, going with adult women is ok if the girls want to do it, but not if its forced, what i dont like is these young maltreated young boys, thats perversion for you .
    sorry gays.

  7. Ex Chief Constable Julie Spence? Sorry to hear that, sorry when good cops retire, I worry about what sort of people they are being replaced with.

    I think the French have the right idea, make it illegal to pay money for sex. If it drives it underground, well, thats better than what we have now - paedophiles so bold as brass because they know the justice system can't touch them.

  8. I know what a temptation it is to be offered money for sex, I'm not going to go into great detail here, but I was tempted to do that once, sell my body, I was so poor once that I could not even afford a bag of chips, and I was offered money. But it made me feel sick, the thought of doing sex with someone in exchange for money, the thought just sickened me, and I couldn't do it. That was before I was a Christian.

    So I do know that temptation. But selling your body for money is wrong! How can you sell love? How can you divide your heart and your body to do it?

    I don't want to know the answer, I just know its wrong wrong wrong!

    Its better to be a tramp than a prostitute. Its better to have to eat from dustbins than to be a prostitute.

  9. Shame on the society that encourages young people to sell their souls.

    Shame on the Government that turns a blind eye to so much human misery, and puts such heavy burdens on those who strive to follow God's narrow pathway

  10. the thing is that wherever men can buy sex, sex crime figures go down this is why many police forces allow it but say do it quietly.
    Not all prostitutes are bad people just people down on their luck. god help them, i drive pasta big ralway staion each morning on the way to work and i see young homeless teenage boys waiting to be picked up by gays and it turns my stomach

  11. Please can you post which railway station, and approx what time, thanks

  12. hello i just saw this i used to work on the railway, and some big london stations attract protitutes of all types, Kings Cross, Victoria,
    Liverpool ST but mainly Charing Cross, we used to see Sir Anthony Blunt regularly with another man, they would trawl the toilets late at night looking for young lads drug addicts runaways ets to take back to Blunts flat.
    Several of the young lads complained but the station master was too afraid of Blunts connections
    to say anything, had it been me in charge i would have thrown the pervy bastard out

  13. Crikey barbara ! you took me back !
    before i had a family i was temping in London in the 90s.
    And i complained to rail staff about teenage boys in rolled up jeans and shaven heads touting for sex with tourists,!!
    Station staff told me before them gays would come to the station looking for mods, those androgynous nancy boys of the 60s, they said they could not stamp it out just calla policeman to keep clearing them out.!!!
    Does it still go on ?

  14. I was born with a facial deformity,
    this has meant i have never had a relationship, if it was not for prostitutes i dont know how i would have coped, please dont condemn these women, men like me have been very grateful for them in our lives

  15. Sorry you were born with a facial deformity, but no, I wont water down my comments and my feelings about prostitution.

    Your facial deformity didnt stop you having a loving relationship.

    Can't you see, how wrong paying money for sex is? Thats not a loving relationship, it's trying to buy what money just wont buy - you can't buy love!

  16. I dont believe you never had a relationship. Had you no mother who loved you, father, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, granny, grandad? Are not those loving relationships? Was there no-one who loved you? No friend?

    Buying sex is just wrong. It is degrading, it corrupts the soul. You only hurt your own self trying to buy what cant be bought.

    Sorry to have to be so harsh, but its the truth. Thanks for coming here and being honest though. May God show you what true love is xx

  17. when i was a boy, if we did anything wrong at school the master a Mr Fox would make us wear the poofs jersey, it was bright pink and we had to wear it for the day, and the other children were pressured to torment us.
    The rumour was if you wore it you could tur into a poof, and a boy called Martin he was only aged 10 killed himself days after having to wear it. I often wondered if his family new why he did it ?

  18. Brabara there are many of us who never had love, that you dont know this shocks me.
    I too have never known the love of a woman that i did not have to pay for, sometimes just for company sympathy or justa freind, many men have to pay for this, and i am greatful for the women who have been in my life too, even if i had to pay them.

  19. I do know the difference between true love and lust, it's in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 13:

    4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 12 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

  20. You can't buy love, it's not for sale!

    Loneliness is hard to bear, I know all about loneliness, its a gnawing pain that hurts so bad. And the church is letting down the lonely, because of all the hired hands running the churches, people who don't have a heart for God, people who only become pastors just to get some wages and a cushy job. or, even worse, to0 steal God's authority to use for malicious purposes.

    But you STILL can't go trying to buy another human souls body for the night, it is WRONG! Its wrong for you and its also wrong for them.
