Tuesday 3 December 2013


I am being stalked on Twitter. I have prayed about it, but apart from that there's not a lot I can do about it, if I go to the police I'll just be written off as a "MENTALLY ILL ATTENTION SEEKER" again no doubt.

But prayer is good as the Lord never calls me nasty names and he always answers my prayers.

Because of the stalkers, this is what I have found out:


And this:



  1. Let them carry on stalking me then. It's them that are being exposed.

  2. Just had another look on Twitter, the stalker is still following me.

  3. Those of us who were abused find healing with you barbara you know this.
    The abusers dont like you as you expose them.
    Did ou know they call us homophobic ? phobic means scared of
    and homophobic literally means scared of homosexuals.
    As a boy like many boys we were very scared of them, we knew what they did to boys and myself and several freinds were sodomised by them

  4. I've just read the outrageous things written on the Slog. Goodness, those poor little men need some help. Are they really so ignorant?

    And please be aware that John Ward will do nothing about the situation. He even said "You are a pernicious liar" because he claimed I was the same person as The Lady In Red. He even claimed to have "banned us with one click" I am no longer able to post and the Lady In Red continues to ... so much for the truth in the things he says to women.

    I'm afraid he's just another man, and part of the problem from my viewpoint. Sorry.

    I can only thank God that his blog and their petty pranks are small beer compared to the things you suffered.

  5. I'm just going to have a look to see if John Ward has taken down the libellous comment that "William" has written about me. I am NOT a transvestite and John Ward should have taken down that comment and warned "William" not to tell lies about other people, and especially when he himself knows they're not true.

  6. It's still there, and I've asked him three times now to take it down.

    I am going to have to post a video of myself in my underwear, I don't want to, but I feel I am going to have to to prove what I am.

    At least he has said he knows its not true, but why then doesn't he take the comment down and tell William not to tell lies about me?

  7. Barbara we all know what you went through, many of us went through similar traumatic events,
    thats why we trust you.
    Itsa shame the government allow child abuse to continue

  8. My cousin was a pretty girl with a generous curvy figure and the boys liked her a lot.
    She gota job at Kings Lynn norfolk mail sorting office, and the head manager who had a bad name for harassing women made her life a misery.
    One day he said i have taken a bundle of mail from what should be on your round, you come across for me or it will be found somewhere where you stashed it.
    She told him get lost but when she finshed work the police were waiting
    and she was nicked and lost her job, she was fined heavily and that manager went on to do the same to other woman

  9. I know I've said this many times before, but the crazy thing about this is that I never even was "homophobic", in fact, when I first became a Christian I was really puzzled by passages like Leviticus 18:22, I really didn't understand why God would be so harsh, and felt so sorry, and felt sorry when the church I was going to at the time was trying to turn one of the other churchgoers into a hetrosexual, but I felt utterly disgusted when I found out that they had advised him to have it off (not even a proper relationship) with me (a single mum) and yet the community sisters they would not let him even breath near, they chose me because they saw me as "soiled goods", when I found out what they thought about me I was really really devestated and shocked.

    He told me that, the gay man. I dont hate gay people at all, and never have, I certainly dont hate him, but I hated the Jesus People trying to use me as a concubine, it disgusted me, not him disgusted me but they disgusted me.

    What I hate is paedophiles aggressivly forcing Gay Rights agenda THAT THEY HIDE BEHIND into every part of society, to enable them to abuse children. It isn't the gay people I detest, its the paedos!

  10. The Bible condemns all of us as sinners deserving of death, me included.

    That doesn't give any of us the right to try to alter God's word!!!!!

    here we are proof that stonewall and the pedophile information exchange was government funded
    " bugger the kids "


  12. "Anonymous said...
    It will be more gate keeping, nothing of value will come out.

    The whole paedophile thing has been carefully let out for a reaction/solution, that is to bring it out into the open and take away the shock and taboo.

    Just like the MP's expenses and continual wage rises that get "exposed" has been to incite and antagonise the population and make them glad for a new style of governance, yup you guessed it NWO.

    10:49 am "

    I'm afraid that is my opinion as well.

    None of them give a stuff, certainly not Tom Watson, he was at that 2002 conference to stop what they called "Police Trawling" (but what most people would just call the police doing a good job investigating institutional child abuse) and he blocked me on Twitter for asking too many awkward (for him) questions about that - he also called me a pest - he knows damned well I am not a pest but one of the Pindown child abuse victims!

  13. Its coming out now that Tony Blair gave huge grants to Stonewall and pedophile info exchange, one of the New labour secretaries speaking on truthnewsshow said this was said to be the brainchild of Lord Levy.
    Russia has refused to encourage homosexuality and points to the fact that attacks on boys in the UK and america have soared since pedophila was allowed

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. We don't have freedom of speech any more in the UK, we can be arrested and jailed for expressing our thoughts and feelings, which is why I deleted the comment above, and why I don't publish some comments, I would never God help me be the innocent vehicle by which such wicked things are done, its enough that Stuart Syvret has been put into jail for whistleblowing without anyone else! I have to try to protect the abuse victims and whistleblowers who read this blog, because evil ones read it as well.

    Incidentally, I have still not heard any real news about how Stuart is, and wether he recieved the 5 letters (including stamps, envelopes and an SAE) that I sent to him, now he's halfway through his sentance. I find that silence about his wellbeing and my letters very strange.

  16. I know Stuart would definatly have written back to me had he recieved my letters.

  17. Stuart is a hero and a lesson to us all.
    A old intelligence man told me a while back that the pedophile info exchange was government funded and i laughed at him, he also said the BBC prog MAGPIE was part of this, a magpie is a bird which feeds from other baby birds, it is black and white, e g light and dark, good and bad, and wasa code to push subliminals for homosexuality.
    Now i do believe what the old guy said

  18. Barbara we are like a big family here and we all love you and care very much for what you went through,
    my neighbour used to work at the BBC and i asked about the Jimmy saville thing and they said yes everyone knew and the BBC was called the Bumboys Club as homosexuals were given job preference and in some cases normal people sacked to get them in.
    I was shocked !!!

  19. The old intellegence man wouldn't have told you that about MAGPIE, because it's not true, MAGPIE was a Commercial Television program.

    But there was a PIE magazine called Magpie, and one of the Magpie television program presenters made some porn films before she worked on the program, which in my opinion makes her a very odd choice as a childrens television presenter, as I think most parents would prefer their children to be watching programs made by presenters who are squeaky clean, and not tainted with association with the sex industry or drugs.

  20. hello i ca confirm the TV prog Magpie was a covert word for sex with children, it wasa popular TV prog and regardless of the channel there is always collusion between them, people know this and thats why they all now watch russia TV
    * PS was for 14 years a TV camerman
    before my accident

  21. I beleive that about magpie because its often used as the insignia for child abusers, but these people who say the BBc did not know about savile and that he was also protected by the israelis is bunk.
    I can remember in my school playground in the late 60s girls skipping to the rhyme
    "blue peter smelly feter,
    barking dogs go
    woof woof woof
    and Jimmy saville
    is a poof poof poof
    We never knew what any of it meant we just used to sing it out while skipping

  22. "blue peter smelly feter"

    Wow! You've jogged my memory, I can vaguely remember that skipping rhyme.

    We skipped to a lot of funny rhymes like that, and we had no idea what they meant at the time, they just seemed to get passed on from kid to kid.

  23. I laughed so much, we too used to sing "blue peter smelly feater
    barKing dogs go woof woof woof and jimmy saville is a poof poof poof"
    and the teacher in the playgrpound used to sing it with us, how innocent we were in those days, we never knew what a poof was back then.
    But talking about magpie the Kings Lyn evengelical scandal was the boss of the boys groups was a man called Fred and he ran Magpie security, and wa slater in police trouble for abusing boys and printing off obscene photos of them,
    strange how the name magpie comes up.

  24. My father who died 3 years ago in July was a BBC cameraman and was proud he worked with some major personalities, but he always said back then that Jimmy saville was a menace to boys not girls, i keep thinking about this, he used to come back with autographs for us
    of many DJs, but saville has only been named with girls whats going on ?

  25. Barbara, I am interested in anything to do with child abuse as it happened to me, i wanted you to know that there is a campaign to harass those who publicise it.
    I know several campaigners who get regular hate mails phone calls and real harssment
    makes me sick

  26. Well Stuart Syvret is actually in prison, whats he done 1) try to help victims of Haut de la Garenne, 2) actually give a damn about institutional abuse, this is his third time in prison after a dodgy kangaroo court trial, so don't tell me about how anti child abuse campaigners are being persecuted, I already know, and I have had a gutful (as Talk Sports good old Mike Dickon, remember him, used to say, still not convinced that man died in an accident either) I've been persecuted and hated for my insistance that RICHARD GARDNER and RALPH UNDERWAGER should be household names like Hitler Stalin and The Childcather from Bedknobs and Broomsticks are and their evil deeds remembered and not brushed under the carpet. I've been hated for that, but I dont care, I think Richard Gardner and Ralph Underwager were two of the most wicked men ever to walk on this planet, all the paedo gangsterss worship those two bastards who are now no doubt frying in hell.

  27. "My father who died 3 years ago in July was a BBC cameraman "

    I feel sorry for some of the things I have said about the BBC, not everyone who works for that corporation is evil by a long chalk, I do realise that, and not talking about honest grafters like your father no doubt was, but by heck there are some really evil bastards in there!

    We all looked up to them as children, we didnt know, and they charmed most of us. I would never have dreamed what Savile was as a child, we were all so naive, I remember when I found out when some of the Carry On stars were homosexual, I was astonished, all those jokes with Kenneth Williams about womanising and he didnt even like women, and the pop stars and actors that "came out", Rock Hudson, it made me feel violated, it made me feel angry that I had been lied to.

    They think they can sprinkle stardust over everything and make it all right again, but we were all lied to, and left to deal with the fall out ourselves. All they want to do is brush everything under the carpet, they do it every single time, they try to treat us like nothing, like we dont even exist, every single time!

  28. If the4 BBC wants to put tright the wrong it has done (and is still doing ie its partnership with that jumped up IT company ATOS) it can start by being honest.

    We deserve nothing less.

  29. Well at last the Catholic Church
    speaking about the child abuse scandal and how it almost bankrupted the church, has admitted that it was a mistake to admit homosexuals.
    So why has the government made it so they can marry ?

  30. John W.ard got exposed on s.pivey's blog a coupla months back cos he attacked him too (not that I trust s.pivey, another fake truther imo) but if you want some background on that person it's there.

    I'll leave it to your discretion whether you publish this comment or not

  31. Although several hight level personalities have been unmasked as child abusers, we had visits to our childrens home in east london by gay footballers who would take boys out for that day, we soon learnt what that meant, and the female impersonator Danny La Rue with always come with two other men and choose boys to take out, why has what these men done been covered up .

  32. I don't think thats true about Hitler stopping child abuse and vice, otherwise how come there were brothels in Hamberg when the Beatles went to start out as musicians there?

  33. I notice Aangirfan is trying to cover up what Kinsey did. It's like trying to cover up a dead body by pasting wallpaper over it.

  34. Kinsey's own statistics that he claims were "reserch" condemn him, and everyone who worked with him. No other proof is needed.

  35. Nobody said...
    John W.ard got exposed on s.pivey's blog a coupla months back cos he attacked him too (not that I trust s.pivey, another fake truther imo) but if you want some background on that person it's there.

    I'll leave it to your discretion whether you publish this comment or not

    Well I have posted it, as I am very angry about this:



    December 4, 2013 at 8:50 pm Reply

    Zoompad,Gojam, you are both in the class of Garry,Pavlov and MarK,three Communist agents ,hellbent on the destruction of the UK,until I mercilessly exposed them in the run up to the 2010 GE. We monitor your insane output on these pseudo intellectual websites,and we are not fooled.You, Zoompad,are a transvestite claiming to be a woman.You,Gojam,are a failed investment banker. Need I say more?


    John Ward won't take the libel down.

  36. I've been very grateful to John Ward for publishing what happened to me, but why is he falling in with that two faced MI5 bully John Hemming MP, having little conferences with him, and why is he letting "William" spread lies about me being a transvestite?

  37. I used to think Aangirfan was a friend as well, but that was before Aangirfan started saying crap like paedophiles make the best protectors of children, which is the same as saying that cats make the best guardians of the mouse population.

  38. I don't know who Garry,Pavlov and MarK are, but Gojam let me be bullied on the Needle blog when I tried to tell people about Teresa Coopers letter that she had from a Senior Police Officer that says Stafford and Jersey Pindown child abuse had been discredited, and Teresa won't even tell me the name of the Senior Police Officer (but I think I know who it is)

  39. Barbara i ama 71 year old male, people say kids get abused but they get over it, they dont.
    I was in Branados homes, and i think every single boy there got it, some many times, the pretty boys got abused sometimes daily, not just the staff but men from outside were always there.
    Some of the boys i knew could not settle and got into crime, they could not hold down a job or a family, and i know a few took their own lives, but to see homosexuals on TV you get the impression they would not force boys into this oh no, its only a relationship with adult men they want, bollox any boy from my orphanage will tell you boys were given out like sweets to thes emen ona daily basis

  40. Aangurfan has been exposed several times, they not only alter peoples comments to fit their genre,
    they are also a pro pedophile website which means they are probablya mossad false from blog, we do know mossad are paying people to put up hate articles on truthsayers and whistleblowers such as Ed Snowden etc


    Anonymous said...
    @aangirfan: what are you trying to tell us. That the elites are very much into homosexuality? I bet you are right! But should ordinary people take example from these elites?

    If homosexuality would be just as normal as heterosexuality, why is it that there is so much depression in 'gay' people? Why is it that the 'gay' lifestyle comes with tons of prozac, cocaïne, poppers, and all kind of drugs? Did you know that anal fistula is rather common among gay men, not even to mention incontinency with faeces? Could it be that the human body was not meant for anal sex?

    And Christianity is all about rescuing the human soul from the devils clutch, so please, don't speak in such a denigrating way about christians. Christianity was the answer to the elitist ancient world where ordinary people did not have any rights. Christianity freed ordinary people from slavery! It was with Christianity that ordinary people were secured by laws. It was Christianity that uplifted the masses and created the middle class. Before Christ there were just masters and slaves!

    And it was the Catholic Church that built our Western Civilisation. And no! The Inquisition was not a catholic thing. The Church was very much against all the torture. Just inform yourselve on the Inquisition and who created and controlled it.

    'How the Catholic Church built Western Civilisation' Thomas E. Woods Jr.

    'The Spanish Inquisition: A Historical Revision' Henry Kamen.
    12:48 PM

  42. I haven't read either of those books, so I think I will make it my new years resolution to do so, thanks Anon.
