Tuesday 3 June 2014


I missed this, didn't realise those two MI5 paedophile cover up scoundrels had done an article about Steven Messham.

This is the reason I don't buy the Daily Mail any more, I refuse to buy newspapers that employ MI5 paedophile cover up agents.

David Rose and Bob Woffenden have desperatly tried to cover up Pindown systematic child abuse, heaven knows how much they've been paid to smear and persecute Pindown child abuse victims, them and their FUNDSWELL and BFMS cronies.

A victim of his delusions: Astonishing story the BBC DIDN'T tell you about its troubled star witness
He assaulted QC at inquiry and was branded 'unreliable witness'
Triggered £400k libel payout after false sex abuse accusation
Stood trial for £65k fraud at charity for victims of the scandal
Even his lawyer says he may have invented stories

ByDavid Roseand Bob Woffinden

Published: 01:38, 11 November 2012 | Updated: 17:39, 13 November 2012

The former care home resident who falsely claimed he was sexually abused by former Tory party chairman Lord McAlpine was exposed as an ‘unreliable’ witness whom no jury would believe almost 20 years ago, a Mail on Sunday investigation has revealed.

We can show that those responsible for the controversial Newsnight story based on Steven Messham’s claims misrepresented crucial facts, and either failed to check or wilfully ignored alarming information available in official records. The Mail on Sunday has established:
Newsnight failed to say that Messham triggered a 1994 libel trial by falsely claiming to have been abused by a senior police officer. His story was shown to be riddled with contradictions, costing the publications which reported his claims a total of £375,000 in damages and £1 million costs.

Messham physically attacked a lawyer at the Waterhouse public inquiry into sexual abuse in North Wales. He screamed obscenities at the barrister who was questioning him, leapt out of the witness box, and threw punches at him.
Documents proved some of Messham’s evidence to the inquiry to be false. Although Sir Ronald Waterhouse concluded that Messham had experienced abuse, he described him as ‘an unreliable witness’ who was unlikely to be trusted by any jury – a conclusion also reached by the Crown Prosecution Service.
Even Messham’s lawyer concedes he may be ‘disturbed’ and that he may have made up some of his claims.
In 2004, Angus Stickler, the reporter behind this month’s Newsnight story, was publicly criticised for interviewing Messham on Radio 4 without mentioning he was facing charges of defrauding a charity he ran for alleged abuse victims. Messham was later acquitted.
In 2005, Messham was also cleared of a £33,000 benefits fraud. He admitted concealing savings of £40,000 – a result of compensation for the alleged abuse – when he made claims for income support and housing benefit, but insisted he had not intended to be dishonest.
Newsnight’s key claim that Messham was prevented from naming Lord McAlpine and other supposed paedophiles at the Waterhouse inquiry was clearly untrue. Transcripts show Messham could say whatever he liked about anyone he chose – and that he did so with abandon over his two weeks of testimony, during which time he did allege that a man referred to only as ‘McAlpine’ had abused him.

Errors from the start

Messham’s evidence about abuse at the Bryn Estyn care home in Wrexham has been unreliable from the start. He was even wrong about how long he spent at Bryn Estyn.

According to a police statement in March 1992, he said: ‘I stayed there between three and four years.’ In fact, records show, he was there for 20 months, from September 1977 until May 1979.

After newspapers began to allege that Bryn Estyn was the scene of widespread abuse in 1991, prompting a massive police inquiry, Messham made the first in a series of statements about his time at Bryn Estyn, and alleged abuse that he suffered after he left.

In his first police statement, on March 30, 1992, he said he was physically assaulted by three people, indecently assaulted by two male care workers, Peter Howarth and Stephen Norris, and that two female care workers had sex with him. Both Howarth and Norris subsequently stood trial and were convicted.

Two days after Messham gave his first police statement, his wife committed suicide, leaving him to care for their three-month-old daughter. It was at this period of great vulnerability that he became a major figure in the North Wales inquiry.

Thirteen years after leaving Bryn Estyn, he made further statements in April, August, September and October 1992, in February 1993, and then again regularly until 1997.

His allegations changed from one statement to the next. The Mail on Sunday has examined them, and the number of episodes of abuse he claimed to have suffered rose with each successive statement.

Witness with no credibility

By the time he gave evidence to the Waterhouse inquiry, which ran from 1997 to 2000, he said he had been sexually abused by 49 men and women, and physically abused by a further 26. His claims should have been treated with diminishing credibility. Indeed, there are many allegations against people who were never charged because – as Waterhouse pointed out – his evidence was not considered plausible enough.

Wide-ranging: Inquiry chairman Mr Justice Waterhouse. The inquiry ran from 1997 to 2000

The Waterhouse report stated that, in March 1993, the Crown Prosecution Service concluded that ‘reliance ought not to be placed on [his] evidence for the purpose of prosecuting any alleged abuser.’

Thanks in part to Messham’s allegations, Bryn Estyn has become a byword for abuse, with claims resurfacing in the wake of revelations about Jimmy Savile.

But the police method of ‘trawling’ former residents, many of whom had long criminal records, and inviting them to make allegations – has long been recognised as risky. In 2002, the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee warned such a process was liable to create miscarriages of justice, and that some people had made false allegations in the hope of being paid large sums in compensation.

Gwen Hurst, a former Bryn Estyn teacher, said the accepted picture of life there was far from the truth. ‘If this abuse was going on, the boys would have had so many opportunities to tell so many people,’ she said. ‘There were council employees, social workers and tradespeople in and out of the school all the time.

‘All this is costing the country millions. And it has exacted a terrible toll on the school staff. Twenty years we’ve had of this.’

Of all the allegations made by Messham and others, it was the heinous accusations against Lord McAlpine that were the most sensational.

Despite Newsnight’s inaccurate assertions, these claims were aired in detail at the Waterhouse inquiry, in which the name ‘McAlpine’ was raised. Messham told the investigation: ‘I was also abused by him sexually’ – but he could not even remember his full name, or how he had come to know who this supposed abuser was.

After trying to attack the barrister at the inquiry, Messham apologised, and when he got to the end of his marathon evidence, he thanked Sir Ronald, saying: ‘This tribunal has been more than worthwhile. There was no one more sceptical about this tribunal at the outset but as time has gone on I believe this tribunal will do the right thing.’

He was also photographed holding the inquiry’s final report, Lost In Care, when it was published in 2000, saying he was delighted with it.

Mr Messham received an undisclosed amount in compensation as part of a class settlement after the report was published, in addition to the £16,000 he received after first making his claims.

He changes his tune...

However, when Messham went on Newsnight earlier this month, all his praise for the inquiry was forgotten. He told the BBC: ‘I don’t understand why on earth we had an inquiry.’

He claimed he had been stopped from naming at least a third of those who had abused him, so allowing Newsnight to claim there had been a cover-up.

The BBC programme claimed the ‘narrow’ terms of reference of the Waterhouse inquiry had prevented it from considering abuse outside care homes. But this was untrue: the inquiry could investigate alleged abuse of care home residents that took place anywhere.

The reason the report did not name some of those supposedly involved in such abuse was that there was only one source for these claims – Messham. But if Newsnight failed to check the facts, the same mistake was made by Downing Street.

In the wake of the Newsnight report, David Cameron has announced two new inquiries. The first, by Mrs Justice Macur, will consider whether the Waterhouse tribunal did its job properly, and whether its terms were indeed ‘narrow’. The second, by the incoming head of the National Crime Agency, Keith Bristow, will re-examine how North Wales police investigated the abuse allegations.

Messham has previously been reluctant to address the contradictions in his stories, as proved by the 1994 libel trial, brought by a former senior police officer he falsely accused of abuse – claims that were reported by Private Eye, The Observer and The Independent on Sunday.

It was put to him in court that just days before he began making claims to reporters, he had approached police to complain he was being harassed by a journalist, who was trying to put words in his mouth.

In a signed statement, he said: ‘At no time did [the officer] ever sexually abuse me,’ adding that a journalist ‘wanted me to say things that were not the truth’.

It also emerged at the trial that before he would give evidence to support the publications, he had insisted that Private Eye pay him £60,000 on the grounds it had previously published an article which had damaged him. Surprisingly, the magazine did agree to pay him £4,500.

Moreover, Messham initially claimed he was indecently assaulted by the officer, but later changed this into a far more serious allegation. When all this was put to him, Messham took an overdose of tranquilisers in court and collapsed in the witness box.

After a short stay in hospital, he had to resume his testimony next morning.

Cross-examined about demanding money from Private Eye as a condition of giving evidence, he said: ‘I was only doing what you lawyers all do and making a threat to get my money, and I got it. I wouldn’t in fact have carried it out... it’s what all you lawyers do.’

The libel trial was not Messham’s only day in court. He was later charged with theft, deception and false accounting involving almost £65,000 from the charity Norwas (North Wales Abuse Survivors), which he set up. But he was acquitted of all charges. Yesterday Mr Messham’s solicitor, Michael Gray, admitted his client may have fabricated some of his allegations of abuse over the years.

Echoing the Waterhouse report – which described Messham as ‘psychologically damaged’ – he said: ‘People who are vulnerable . . .  a good part of them is so disturbed that they’re not going to be wholly consistent and reliable. Whether he’s imagined it, made some up, I don’t know.’

He added that Messham – who has last week finally admitted he was wrong about Lord McAlpine – had gone to ground, and would not be giving any more interviews.

Handle this with care

If only Newsnight had heeded the words of Gerard Elias QC, counsel to the Waterhouse inquiry.

In his closing speech, the lawyer said: ‘In certain respects Messham’s evidence was demonstrably untrue and some of his allegations are wholly inconsistent with earlier statements made by him to the police. In these circumstances we submit it is plain that his evidence must be approached with care… the name McAlpine has hung over the rumour of abuse in North Wales by people in high places for as long those rumours have existed.

‘We submit, sir, the picture is no clearer after 200 days of evidence in this respect than it was before. No Christian name has ever been provided for this shadowy figure.’

In his statement this week, Lord McAlpine said: ‘I have every sympathy for Mr Messham and for the many other young people who were sexually abused when they were residents of the children’s home in Wrexham,’ and added: ‘I do not suggest that Mr Messham is malicious in making the allegations of sexual abuse about me’

But the BBC should surely have been more careful about their source of such appalling allegations. Yesterday The Mail on Sunday asked Mr Stickler about all the flaws and omissions in his Newsnight film. He refused to comment

Steven Messham stands with a copy of the damning report into two decades of sexual and physical abuse in children's homes in North Wales

Steven Messham, the former care home resident who has admitted his sex abuse claims against former Tory chairman Lord McAlpine were fabricated, has never been good at dealing with questions about his allegations.

While he was giving evidence in 1997 to the North Wales abuse public inquiry, he was cross-examined by Anthony Jennings QC, a barrister from Northern Ireland.

The QC started to press Messham about a very damaging admission: that parts of a long interview he had given to The Independent on Sunday, were untrue.

First Messham refused to answer his questions. Then, according to the official transcript records, he got out of the witness box and ‘moved towards’ Mr Jennings.

He yelled: ‘Excuse me, I will not have it from you ever, Jennings, right? Because one thing I don’t like is a little b******, right? You don’t push it, right? You are sick just like your client. Don’t push me, don’t f****** push me you little... I’ll tell you now, you b******.’

Then he began throwing punches at the QC. A security officer finally intervened, but not, say witnesses, before Mr Messham had landed several blows.

The inquiry chairman, Sir Ronald Waterhouse, adjourned for the day, but when Messham reappeared the following week, he delivered a stern warning: ‘What happened... was, of course, disgraceful. It amounted to a blatant contempt of court and it also amounted to a criminal offence’ and warned that any repeat would result in criminal charges.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2231212/Steven-Messham-Astonishing-story-BBC-DIDNT-tell-troubled-star-witness.html#ixzz33YoJpXBS
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  1. "Even Messham’s lawyer concedes he may be ‘disturbed’ and that he may have made up some of his claims."

    Does anyone know who Steven Messhams lawyer was?

  2. "While he was giving evidence in 1997 to the North Wales abuse public inquiry, he was cross-examined by Anthony Jennings QC, a barrister from Northern Ireland."

    This is also very interesting, this is Anthony Jennings obituary, he died in 2008, aged 47!:

    OBIT for Anthony Jennings , QC Leave a comment

    From Times Online

    January 30, 2008

    Anthony Jennings

    Witty, influential QC noted for his ability to laugh a case out of court

    An imposing man both physically and intellectually, Tony Jennings, QC, was an advocate of style, wit and originality. One of the finest courtroom performers of his day, he was also one of the most entertaining, aptly described by Chambers and Partners’ Guide to the Legal Profession as possessing “the rare ability to laugh a case out of court”.

    Although he was a fearsome competitor who humbled many an expert witness, Jennings was deeply sensitive to the needs and feelings of others, making him the darling of clients and colleagues alike. An inspirational pupil master and brilliant teacher, he was instructive and avuncular at the same time.

    Born in 1960, Jennings was fiercely proud of his humble origins in the tough Short Strand area of East Belfast, where he was raised by his mother and grandmother. After completing his schooling at St Patrick’s College, Knock, in 1979, he accepted a place at the University of Warwick to read law. Graduating in 1982, he then attended the Inns of Court School of Law, London.

    Jennings was called to the Bar by Gray’s Inn in 1983, and by the Inns of Court of Northern Ireland in 1987. He began his career from chambers at 11 King’s Bench Walk; his pupil master was the legendary criminal advocate Rudy Narayan, and Jennings also went on to build a formidable practice in criminal law, as well as in the nascent area of human rights.

  3. In 1986 Jennings moved to chambers at 2 Garden Court, joining a powerhouse civil liberties set led by Ian Macdonald, QC, and also featuring Courtenay Griffiths, QC, and the current Director of Public Prosecutions, Ken Macdonald, QC. Barristers at 2 Garden Court took on clients only to act in their defence, and when testing Jennings at interview on his credentials for tenancy, Ian Macdonald determined that these could not be in doubt, as he had been born “in the crucible of struggle”.

    During the early years of his career Jennings gained particular experience representing miners in the aftermath of the strikes of 1984 and 1985, and he also defended several alleged members of the IRA. Other notable trials in which he was involved included the successful defences of those charged after the 1989 Risley prison riots and the 1996 Whitemoor prison escape.

    In 1999 Jennings was involved in a landmark case at the Old Bailey in which a man was enticed to supply guns from Serbia to the IRA. His success came after an extensive voir dire in which he revealed that the West Midlands Police had withheld evidence from both prosecution and defence.

    Jennings left Garden Court in 2000 to become a founder member of Matrix Chambers, where he was involved in many of the leading criminal cases of the day. In 2002 he secured the quashing of a conviction against the youngest boy to be convicted of rape, and the following year represented the accused in the Real IRA BBC bombing case. Although his young client pleaded guilty, Jennings mitigated strongly on his behalf, resulting in a discounted sentence.

    This was a particularly busy period for Jennings. He played an active role in the Bloody Sunday inquiry and in a landmark case, challenged the reliability of scientific tests concerning drugs traces found on banknotes.

    Perhaps most famously, in 2003 Jennings represented the television personality John Leslie against charges of indecent assault, ensuring that the case never reached court, and in 2004, in a landmark case, he defended Zardad, an alleged Afghan warlord. Another notable client was Hussain Osman, accused as one of the bombers who attacked London in July 2005.

    Having been appointed a QC in 2001 as one of the youngest criminal silks, Jennings became a Recorder of the Crown Court in 2002, with permission given to try rape cases in 2003.

    Alongside these official appointments, he gave freely of his time to numerous other organisations. He was a member of the Criminal Bar Association committee, the Lord Chancellor’s Department of Human Rights Defence Fast Track Committee, the editorial board of Counsel/Bar News magazine, the Bar Council Terrorism Committee and the Women Caring Trust for the children of Northern Ireland.

    Jennings was also an outstanding scholar, writing extensively for newspapers and legal publications on the areas in which he specialised. He was a contributing editor to Archbold on criminal pleading, compiling the chapter on the right to silence – indeed he did much to shape the law in this area, particularly with regard to the drawing of adverse inferences. He also edited Justice Under Fire: the abuse of Civil Liberties in Northern Ireland and contributed to Criminal Justice, Police Powers and Human Rights and Human Rights and Criminal Justice.

    Never one to miss an opportunity to make light of a situation, during a case in which he defended a man stood accused of masturbating a dolphin, Jennings commented that were he to lose, people would say that he was a bigger masturbator than the defendant. The jury took 20 minutes to deliver a verdict of not guilty.

    Jennings was passionate about Liverpool Football Club, Irish literature and Italy. He is survived by his wife, son and daughter.

    Anthony Jennings, QC, was born on May 11, 1960. He died of organ failure on January 21, 2008, aged 47

  4. I've also found this


    Screening Out TROUBLE


    May 2006


    Security: Solutions for Enterprise Security Leaders;May2006, Vol. 43 Issue 5, p50


    Trade Publication




    The article presents information on the screening of various employees and candidates as a precaution against various problems including theft. Screening of candidates and independent contractors is very important to stop from accessing important data and valuable information. According to James MacKenzie of ChoicePoint, from Georgia, there are various ways to screen employees depending on the diversity of the employees in different organizations. While screening senior-level executives, more extensive and meticulous screening method is essential INSET: Dangers exist.



    Tags: EMPLOYEE screening; SECURITY management; INDEPENDENT contractors; EMPLOYEE theft; MACKENZIE, James; DATABASES; ASSOCIATIONS, institutions, etc.

  5. Related Articles
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  6. Charity chairperson faces theft charges. // Community Care;4/11/2002, Issue 1417, p11
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    Charity chairperson faces theft charges


    April 2002


    Community Care;4/11/2002, Issue 1417, p11






    Features Steve Messham, a charity worker who was accused of stealing money from the North Wales Abuse Survivors group where he works. Main objective of the group; Amount which was allegedly stolen by Messham.



    Tags: EMPLOYEE theft; MESSHAM, Steve; ASSOCIATIONS, institutions, etc.

  7. It sounds like Steven Messham was set up to blacken his character, it sounds exactly like what the paedophile cover uppers have been doing to us Staffordshire Pindown victims.

    They have spent a lot of public money doing this to us, it is out and out persecution, and there ought to be an audit to find out how much money has been spent on MI5 surveillance of institutional child abuse victims, I would expect it to be £billions

  8. I can't speak for Steven Messham, or any other institutional child abuse survivor, but I will say, it is absolutly terrifying to be treated in this creepy creepy way for years on end.

    It is like being blindfolded and repeatedly punched in places where the bruises won't show, that is the best way I can describe how I feel, and how I have felt for years on end.

    People say "why didn't you go to the authorities". I feel like screaming when I hear people say stuff like that, as I HAVE been to the authorities, I've been to all the appropriate agencies, the police, my MP, other MPs, the police complaints, newspapers, my GP, the church, the Queen, God, I have complained to everyone yet still the cover up and the persecution of the victims is ongoing!

    And its not just me who's tried to complain, it's not as if its just one person complaining, yet somehow those creepy bastards have managed to keep the complainants apart, by infiltrating all the pressure groups, so when I read about Steven Messham getting upset, well, it's no wonder he's upset, he's not a bloody robot!

    The MI5 paedo cover uppers are so determined they even steal our identities, and try to set victim against victim, they really are using every trick in the book to try to smash us, it's a David and Goliath battle.

    It makes me ache that God is letting it go on, thats the worst part, and the church is involved up to its eyeballs in institutional child abuse, its like spiritual rape, for me that is the most hurtful thing of all, and makes me cry out WHY GOD, WHY???


  9. A NORTH Wales North Wales (known in some archaic texts as Northgalis) is the northernmost unofficial region of Wales, bordered to the south by Mid Wales and to the east by England. child abuse victim last night said he plans to sue police after he was cleared of benefits fraud.

    A jury yesterday found Steven Messham not guilty of five false accounting charges at Chester Crown Court Chester Crown Court is a law court in Chester, England.

    It is most famous for staging the Moors Murders trial of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley in 1966. More recent high-profile murderers to have been tried at the court include Howard Hughes and John O'Shaugnessey. , after a five-hour deliberation.

    It was alleged he claimed around pounds 33, 000 in benefits despite having thousands of pounds in the bank.

    The 42-year-old from Buckley, Flintshire, now wants to sue North Wales Police North Wales Police (Welsh: Heddlu Gogledd Cymru) is the Home Office police force responsible for policing North Wales. The headquarters are in Colwyn Bay, with divisional headquarters in St Asaph, Caernarfon and Wrexham. , claiming he had been victimised.

    Speaking after the trial, an emotional Mr Messham said: ``I lost my home because of this and I have been beaten up.

    ``Currently, I am just living here and there.

    ``I have had constant sleepless sleep·less
    a. Marked by a lack of sleep: a sleepless night.

    b. Unable to sleep.

    2. nights. I have not gone out. My life has been a nightmare.

    ``I had done nothing wrong. Justice was done here today and I have been vindicated.

    ``The judge told me I should be allowed to get on with my life and he wished me all the best.

    ``I will be taking legal action. ''

    During the trial, Mr Messham insisted he was told he did not have to declare up to pounds 40, 000 savings - much of it compensation from abuse he suffered.

    In addition, life assurance he received when his wife died in 1992 was meant for a trust fund for his daughter, he said.

    After the verdict, Judge Stephen Clarke Stephen Clarke may refer to:
    Stephen Clarke (swimmer), Canadian
    Stephen Clarke (writer), British journalist and novelist
    Steve Clarke, Scottish football (soccer) player
    thanked the jury for their time.

    He said: ``In the end the system seems to have worked. ''

    Mr Messham, a child abuse victim, was chairman of Norwas - the North Wales Child Abuse Survivors support group.

    He was a key figure in lobbying for the setting up of a public inquiry into child abuse in care homes A North Wales Police spokeswoman said: ``The court has recorded a verdict for Mr Messham, who now has to decide on his future.

    ``Should he wish to make a complaint, then that is for him to do so, and we will deal with the complaint as and when it arrives. ''

  10. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCgQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgoogle-law.blogspot.com%2F2012%2F11%2Fpolice-persecution-of-messham-and-abuse.html&ei=vJONU6jvLojWPKKqgMAE&usg=AFQjCNHg-WR-hoNRC4SW4W0S-dgbMGB9Hg&sig2=eKr1ZDkPSxMLQmdP9GWxSA

    Saturday, 10 November 2012


    The Persecution of Steven Messham by the Police Fraud Squad

    North Wales Police officers, Judges and other paedophiles sexually and physically abused Steven Messham as a child when he was in a Bry Estyn Children's Home. He survived and tried to help himself and other survivors by forming a gorup called NORWAS but the police continued to persecute him causing extreme mental stress,

    Steven Messham and the other survivors are damaged by their horrific experiences and many of their fellow survivors took their own lives or died in mysterious circumstances

    The Establishment, the Police, the Crown Prosecution Service, Barristers and Judges who were involved in the abuse or the cover-up still try to silence anyone who would speak out or organise help for victims.

    The following articles from the mainstream press show a small amount of persecution Steven Messham has suffered from the police and the CPS

  11. And I have voted on that poll, I know the police protect paedophiles, they've covered up Pindown

  12. Talking of polls, some paedocovering up hacking creep has been ILLEGALLY mucking about with the poll on my blog, the results have been scotched.

    Thats another thing MI5 paedo cover upping gangsters are doing to victims of child abuse, hacking our social networking, hacking our computers, even stealing emails. I had three months of my emails stolen.

    "The BBC programme claimed the ‘narrow’ terms of reference of the Waterhouse inquiry had prevented it from considering abuse outside care homes. But this was untrue: the inquiry could investigate alleged abuse of care home residents that took place anywhere."

    The BBC did a documentary called "Care Home Kid" to cover up for paedophiles and human trafficking gangsters and an American firm called FUNDSWELL in Staffordshire.

  13. having met steve messham several times during this critical period, i believe he was instructed what to say by his barrister, he wa sprompted to say things which could be shot down
    the fact remaions other boys there have corroborated that sexual abuse of the boys did go on.
    My personal belife is that his wife was murdered

  14. david rose and bob woofenden are both jews, jews have an axe to grind here, they are trying to discredit steve messham, i read the court transcripts, there is no doubt he was sexually molested on many occasions, but the water is now been so muddied we may probably find the truth which is what they want isnt it ?

  15. barbara many of us who were sexually abused look up to you who have been so fearless in standing up for us all.
    i tooka leaf out of your book and i went toa christian church for the first time in many years, the preist shook hands with evryone leaving and said to me nice to see a neewcomer, we got talking and he invited me back to chat, i told him what had happened and the tears just ran down my fae as i cried, this preist helped me so much
    thankyou barbara

  16. I'm glad you've found some comfort in the church. Sadly, I have to say that I have only found two church ministers to be sympathetic to Pindown child abuse victims, and one of those was a lay preacher.

    Althought I am a Christian and believe in Jesus Christ I now have zero faith in the institution that calls itself the church, and would never advise any broken soul to go to the church to look for healing there, only to God directly, as the Church is actually involved in Pindown, the abuse of children and the cover up and repersecution on the victims. I'd be really interested to know which church you went to, as it sounds like they might actually (faint!) be following Jesus Christ rather than satan at the one you found comfort at!

    Sorry if I sound really pessimistic, but I have years of bad experience behind me and caused it.

  17. Does anyone know who Steve Meeshams lawyer is?

    I had Steve as a friend on Twitter, at least I think I did, the problem being is that paedophile MI5 gangsters surround all the Pindown child abuse victim, it's like they are playing Othello with us, they also steal our identities and pretend to be us, they've done that to me, writing rubbish using my identity in newspaper comments and on forums, so you can't even be sure that you are speaking to that person unless you meed face to face.

    It must be costing the public purse an absolute fortune for them to be paid to do this to so many child abuse victims, so them trying to break Steve Meesham by doing him for benefit fraud is just such a fucking disgrace. Excuse me using the f word, no other word seems strong enough to express the disgust I feel for these demonic MI5 masonic bullies.

  18. I worked inside the system, and saw a lot of child protection caes
    you must understand the establishment are fighting like hell to discredit anyone who speaks out
    brbara you know what they do and i have seen abused people like steve messham used chewed up and spat out by the PTB in the past, you trust your social worker lawyer etc
    and then they betray you, its the same story over and over.
    i believe steve messhams basic story of sexual abuse this is undeniable, but the waters have been muddied exactly as the PTB always do, the BBC have been doing this all along

  19. "you must understand the establishment are fighting like hell to discredit anyone who speaks out"

    Yes I know, but what I can't understand is how people working in the establishment can let this happen right under their noses.

    The establishment isn't a a three headed monster, it's PEOPLE, it's made of people just like me, so what the hell is happening to ordinary decent people to make them turn a blind eye to obvious corruption and downright evil?

    I sometimes feel as if I am living on a parallel universe, because I see things which are so obviously wrong, yet so many people just accept it as normal. Take yesterday, for example, a young lad collapses with a bang so loud it resounds round the room in front of a respectable old grandmother, who is in the middle of giving a speech to a group of mainly middle aged and elderly men, that grandmother didn't even bat an eyelid, it was as if she was made of wood, but I don't know any other grandmother whose maternal instincts wouldn't have been tugged and at least looked to make sure the young lad was ok, no matter how important the speech was or how important the middle aged and elderly gentlemen were.

    I don't want to blame that elderly respectable grandmother for all the ills of the world, but the way she and the middle aged and elderly gentlemen reacted yesterday when one of her pageboys collapsed just about summed up what is wrong in this country - the heart is missing!
