Thursday 5 June 2014


Hamunanaa Daticou‏@HDaticou·16 mins
@Zoompad #Ze26h58

Can anyone explain what is going on? I was having a conversation with IAN PACE on Twitter and this person butted in and posted this, then suddenly, and I mean suddenly, seconds later, Hamunanaa Daticou's Twitter accound was suddenly suspended!

Can anyone help me find out what on earth is going on? I've emailed Ian Pace but he hasn't responded.

The discussion I was having was about my MP Bill Cash and his complete failure to protect me from systematic reabuse by paedophile gangsters


  1. Ian Pace

    Born 1968 in Hartlepool, live in Highbury. Musician, Lecturer at City University. Socialist, Labour Party member. Married to @dischuffed.

    London, Highbury

    Thats who I was having the discussion with on Twitter, he told me to email him more info about my personal experience with Bill Cash, then that person Hamunanaa Daticou chipped in and posted that link I am unable to open, then Hamunanaa Daticou suddenly, really suddenly, less than a minuit later had his Twitter account suspended!

  2. HAMUNANAA DATICOU doesn't come up on any search engine.

    I've known for ages that search engines are being tampered with to stop people accessing information, but I am really angry about this.

    I have no idea what the secret discussion between HAMUNANAA DATICOU and IAN PACE was but I would bet it was something underhand about me.


  3. margaret gardner‏@margiebri·
    I admire 7 MPS who have put children's needs first and demanded inquiry into Child Sex Abuse





  4. Ian Pace‏@ian_pace·5m
    @dubble0h Received notification that situation more complicated, and removed name - do write to him.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I accidentally posted the same comment twice, thats why I removed it.

    I want to know what the hell these people are playing at on Twitter.

    Margaret Gardner, I remember her name, I can't remember where from.

    I'm sick of people pretending to be anti child abuse, then finding out they have a different agenda.


  7. Barbara Richards‏@Zoompad·1h
    @ian_pace @murunbuch Yes, I have shown him damning evidence that Lockheed Martin were deliberatly shipping a paedophile round the world to
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    Ian Pace‏@ian_pace·59m
    @Zoompad @murunbuch Can you e-mail me about this?
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    Barbara Richards‏@Zoompad·41m
    @ian_pace @murunbuch I won't send any letter to anyone that portrays Hemming as something he is not, ie an anti child abuse campaigner
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    Ian Pace‏@ian_pace·31m
    @Zoompad @murunbuch You could write your own different e-mail, mentioning whichever names you like.
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    Barbara Richards‏@Zoompad·4m
    @ian_pace @murunbuch Ian, why did you ask me to email you then ignore me? Who is HAMUNANAA DATICOU and why are you and him sending secret
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    Ian Pace‏@ian_pace·2m
    @Zoompad @murunbuch I will get back to you - have other things to do at the mo. No idea who Hamunanaa Daticou is
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    10:31 AM - 5 Jun 2014 · Details


  8. Barbara Richards‏@Zoompad·46m
    @ian_pace @murunbuch I won't send any letter to anyone that portrays Hemming as something he is not, ie an anti child abuse campaigner
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    Ian Pace‏@ian_pace·35m
    @Zoompad @murunbuch You could write your own different e-mail, mentioning whichever names you like.
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    Barbara Richards‏@Zoompad·8m
    @ian_pace @murunbuch Ian, why did you ask me to email you then ignore me? Who is HAMUNANAA DATICOU and why are you and him sending secret
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    Ian Pace‏@ian_pace·7m
    @Zoompad @murunbuch I will get back to you - have other things to do at the mo. No idea who Hamunanaa Daticou is
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    Barbara Richards‏@Zoompad·2m
    @ian_pace @murunbuch I want to know right now what was in that link Hamunanaa Daticou posted and you said "Quite" to, it had my name!
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    Ian Pace‏@ian_pace·60s
    @Zoompad @murunbuch Can't remember what it was - probably just some comment I agreed with. Am busy now.
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    10:37 AM - 5 Jun 2014 · Details

  9. Ian Pace has totally blanked me out, pretending to be too busy to explain why HAMUNANAA DATICOU posted a secret link which I was unable to access yet had my name on, then seconds later was suspended from Twitter.

    Well at least I know where I stand with Ian Pace now.

    This is exactly what I have been talking about, this creepy skulking stalking and persecution, people pretending to be anti child abuse campaigners who turn out to be anything but, who skulk and stalk and isolate victims of institutional child abuse.

    There are loads of these creeps online, the only consolation it gives me is that while they are using their energy persecuting victims of child abuse and stalking us, they have less time and energy to make brand new child victims.

    We are winning the war against child abuse, but its slow and frustrating, what is happening is that the more these creeps play their games and tricks the more they expose themselves, it is like a light being switched on every time this creepy shit happens.


  10. Your account (@Zoompad) is currently suspended.To lift your suspension, please visit Suspended Accounts.

    Hey Barbara Richards,

    Twitter has automated systems that find and remove multiple automated spam accounts in bulk. Unfortunately, it looks like this account, @Zoompad, got caught up in one of these spam groups by mistake.

    We apologize for this inconvenience. It’s possible your account posted an update that appeared to be spam, so please be careful what you tweet or retweet. You might also want to review our help page for hacked or compromised accounts: // You will need to change your behavior to continue using Twitter. Repeat violations of the Twitter Rules may result in the permanent suspension of your account.

    To continue using this account, please confirm below:

    I understand that my account may be permanently suspended if I continue using Twitter in a way that violates the Twitter Rules.



  12. "You will need to change your behavior to continue using Twitter"

    I wonder what change they mant me to make in my behaviour? Perhaps the moderators want me to become a paedophile as well.

    Twitter still haven't given me my block button back that they took away from me over 6 months ago, so I can't even block these Mipaedo stalking creeps!

  13. I don't know what is happening now, the notice about me being suspended has been taken down.

    I am pretty angry about this, its not me who has to change my behaviour, its paedophiles who are persecuting me and other Pindown victims. This is exactly how we were treated on YouTube and Facebook, the paedophiles were allowed to abuse us then when we complained its us who got sanctioned!

  14. all these social blogs are watched barbara and if they can trace you you go on a blacklist its been said on radio several times that rupert murdoch actually pays people to trash whistleblowers like yourself
    that would be my guess it was something on these lines
    These historic cases, how can they trace abusers to these homes that were 40 50 years old ?
    ok some like cyril smith jeremy thorpe and fashanu yes they have, but the tall white footballer who had anger issues and would head butt these teenage boys in the face could be anyone ?
    reading through some of the decriptions of these historic abusers they could almost be anyone

  15. I saw the name ian pace and mistook him for jim pace.
    Jim pace is the MP for lincs,
    he lost the tories a lot of votes
    by a vicious racist outburst recently
    Jim Pace MP said the british people were lazy did not want to work and werea waste of space.
    when we pay MPs big money it is not to make racist statements

  16. I tuned to christianity to cope with the sexual abouse i got in a boys home over several years.
    But have decided i can no longer suppoert the Christian church they appoint known homosexuals
    and turn a blind eye to child abuse and recently said anyone voting for BNP NF or UKIP will be immediately sacked
    such hatred and racism like this against churchmen who vote or whom they want
    has made myself and others walk away
    Brian Coventry

  17. marie stopes the birth control pioneer
    abused her own son

  18. "These historic cases, how can they trace abusers to these homes that were 40 50 years old ?"

    Easy, they have records. My own personal Social Work records show how detailed the records they kept 40/50 years ago, they even recorded details of the price of a cotton school blouse and school skirt for Riverway Secondary School that they wriggled out of paying, after they had destroyed my chances at the Girls High School by keeping me in a psychiatric hospital on a mixed sex adult ward when I was 14 years old under a Place of Safety court order for almost a year. (that particular Masonic punishment was because I had been trying to run away from being abused)

    Believe me, the Masons of 40 to 50 years ago kept records so detailed that they even recorded minor stuff like that, so them pretending they didnt keep very accurate records on all their members of staff as well as all us wretched Pindown inmates is so transparently a big fat lie.

  19. And if they've wilfully destroyed those records in order to carry on persecuting their victims, then God's angels will torment their very souls with the truth, because the truth is never going to go away!

  20. "She was anti-Semitic and believed fervently in eugenics"

    Gilbert Chesterton warned about the evils of eugenics but not many people wanted to listen.

    Christians aren't actually allowed to be anti sematic, as the Lord Jesus Christ was himself a Jew, born a child of the Jewish race. Everything God does has a purpose, even being born as a child into a race of people who would go on to murder him after a secret trial. As a Christian I'm not allowed to hate the Jews, though I am allowed to tell the truth about what they did 2000 years ago, to the Messiah.

    Eugenics pretends to be a branch of social science, but it's not valid science at all, it's a nasty arrogant plan by certain God snubbing members of society who think they are better than others to act like the black backed gulls are acting right now on Springwatch. And if those Avocet chicks get gobbled up I don't think many Springwatch viewers are going to feel very kindly towards the black backed gulls!

  21. Brian, I feel exactly the same as you do about the establishment that calls itself the Church.

    It isn't the true Church, as if it was it would be earnestly following the Lord Jesus Christ, and it is actually snubbing Him.

  22. "Jim Pace MP said the british people were lazy did not want to work and werea waste of space."

    That is a nasty racist remark against the British people, and it's not even true.

    British people aren't lazy or workshy, but we are a very oppressed people, everything we do or try to do is encircled by red tape, we can hardely even breath without someone wanting to charge us for the privilage of doing so.

    There are so many things British people are not allowed to do, due to red tape and restrictive rules, and I'm not talking about illegal things, I'm talking about inititive, nice things, for example, jam, you can't just make it and sell it any more, you have to have your kitchen health and safety checked, which is fair enough if you are wanting to sell lots of it but stupid if you want to scrape yourself out of poverty by making a few jars.

    We used to have jumble sales, that helped local charities plus helped the local poor people, well all thats pretty much gone now, the big giant highly organised charities have sucked up all of that, they elbow small businesses out of the way and they don't actually seem to help many people with the money they raise, although they pay a very decent fat wage packet to some of the administration staff!

    When I was young I remember my dad talking about money, he said "I don't want to be greedy, as long as we have enough enough is enough", I remember his attitude to money, Dad worked damned hard all his life, he wanted to win the pools to get off the grindstone, but it was only because he could see that doing a fair days pay for a fair wage was creeping out, and when you don't pay a man a proper wage for a hard days work, or plot to take away the little you have given to him for the sweat of his brow what you are doing is actually stealing.

  23. The politicians of this day and age are quite frankly an absolute disgrace.

    They lord it up in big mansions, how the blinking heck can you claim to be a political representative of poor people if you don't even live on the same planet? How can you know what it's like for your constituents if you only ever see a few of them for a couple of hours a fortnight, how can you be representing people you don't even know?

    The political leaders ought to be ashamed of themselves, they know they only represent themselves and their wealthy friends, so their whole Parliamentary career is a facade.

    Being a representive of anything is a huge responsibility, and a honour, but those wheedlers in Parliament are just using the system to feather their own already overstuffed nests. I don't think there is a single one of them that is honest and decent, if there were the Pindown child abuse cover up and Secret Family Courts fiasco would have had them screaming blue murder, but the silence about those wicked cover ups is deafening, apart from their MI5 friends of paedophiles gatekeepers half heartedly raising the issue every now and then to try to make out Parliament actually cares, another publicity stunt just like the Nick Clegg/Vince Cable beer publicity stunt.

  24. I know how some Jews hate Christians, because I've experienced Jewish hatred for Christians for no apparent reason first hand.

    But Jesus told us not to hate people just because they hate us, I'm not really a very good Christian, as turning the other cheek is a big problem for me, but I can at least try to make sure that that I have a proper reason for hating someone, and I don't think a person being born into a particular race or creed is a good enough reason.

  25. I hate anyone who is mean and cruel and sneaky and Jesus said we have to turn the other cheek to the ones who hurt us, well all I want to turn to the creepy child abusing vermin who plot against me is my arse cheeks!

    I have a real problem following exactly in Jesus's footsteps, I think I am more like Peter, or like Mark rather than Jonathan in that program Highway to Heaven.

  26. jesus said do not trust the jew
    this piece about the evils of circumcision should be seen by everyone
    thanks barbara

  27. It's their lack of faith in Jesus Christ the Messiah that causes the Jews to cling to this worthless blood ritual.
