Friday 5 October 2018


I have just opened the dreaded brown envelope, and it is just as I expected, Capita have miraculously cured me of Asperger Syndrome and PTSD!

So I am now an incomeless disabled pensionless pensioner.

I have started not only the appeal process but also the complaints process against the various people who have persecuted me for years.

I've also blocked the multi accounts of DEBORAH KINSELLA and her stalking associates. Stalking is of course a criminal offence in the UK.

See you in court!


  1. I said "her" concerning the multi accounts set up as Deborah Kinsella, but if course it will be a "he". I'm onto the multi accounts using someone else's identity scam, and thats another offence that particular person has committed. I may have Asperger Syndrome but I am definatly not stupid.

  2. And the harassment continues. Once more football fanatics who seem to be police officers are sticking the boot in, I've had to block them. And someone is once more fiddling and diddling round with my notifications on Twitter. I'm being philosophical about it, the time they spend harassing me they can't be harassing someone else more vulnerable. How many people have been hounded to their graves by these creeps? God sees everything.There will be a reckoning.

  3. I've just phoned Capita to start the appeal.

  4. The way to deal with those sex magazines is to take them into the library toilet and well... you know what needs to be done.
