Friday 9 November 2018

A disagreement with God

I have had an argument with God today. I've been suffering deep depression every day for a few weeks, and not been very well, anyone reading this blog will know why I'm so depressed, as are a lot of people in Britain right now. Today I had the task of cleaning black mould off our ceilings and walls,  a job I have to do every month during the winter since our housing association for a bunch of cowboys to do the roof insulation.

Anyway, I was scraping away at black mouldy wallpaper, moaning about this foul government, and the Lord told me I had to pray for someone I absolutely hate and detest so much I call her the Ghost of Thatchers rsole, Theresa May.  You can imagine how not delighted I was about being asked to do that, hence the argument. If you've ever had an argument with God you will know exactly how I felt, sick inside,  powerless, and angry.  But I very quickly realised it's a waste of time arguing with God,  if He says to do something it's best to get on and do it as soon as possible, as Jonah and other people through the ages have found out.

So here is my prayer.

Dear Lord,

I am praying for Theresa May, like you told me to. I personally think that she is a wicked old witch, but You saw her as a baby and You obviously see something in her that I dont.  I pray that You will help her to see what her government is doing to this country,  and how much people are hurting, and how horrible it is right now here in the UK, and to repent. I know that You can do miracles.  I am sorry for arguing with you this afternoon and losing my temper and I am so grateful to you for dying for me on the cross 2000 years ago and defeating satan.

Love Barbara xx


  1. Barabara i used to mail you ages ago but we were told you had stopped blogging
    The ex US senator Cynthia Mkinney said all us Senators have to swear ro put israel first or the banks will not give them campaign loands, its the same in the UK, this is why our government never works for its own electorate. Barbara you spoke for so many of us abused people, lovely to see you are still blogging

  2. Hi,

    I don't blog much these days,I think I pretty much said it all over the years, but I check in every now and then to read any comments and publish the publishable ones, some I can't publish because I'm not sure if they're genuine or wind ups, the paedos never give up, they are a stench upon this planet. Israel is one hell of a mess, they're reminding me of the fairy story about the boy who cried wolf, yes I can well believe Cynthia Mkinney, it's very very wrong, what is happening in Palestine is similar to what's been happening to abused children in the UK,as Tony Benn said, look at the people you're not allowed to criticise. I'll always try to stand up for abused people as long as I have breath in this body.
