Wednesday 18 December 2019

Jeremy Corbyn is a Socialist

I know this might seem a silly and obvious statement but I feel led by the Holy Spirit to make it. And I will capitalise it.


 Jeremy Corbyn was never a threat to the Royal family. His own personal feelings about the Monarchy were not in the Labour Party manifesto.  He would have made a fine Prime Minister and rich and poor alike would have been blessed under his government. Hunting poor defenceless wildlings would have stayed banned,  and the Royal family might have had to find a nicer way to amuse themselves whilst on horseback,  i.e. polo games,  gymkhanas,  point to point races ect.  But apart from that and a fairer taxation system they had absolutely no reason whatsoever to fear Jeremy Corbyn.  I can't say the same about the current occupier of 10 Downing Street.

I am continuing to pray for this country and will be writing to Justin Welby. What a peril this country is now in! We need to ask God to help us, the Queen, whether you like it or not is our last barrier to a full blown dictatorship.


  1. You wont get much from the Queen because she's dead and Charlie and the witch he married to well we need those prayers ..and that comes from an atheist like myself!!
    anyway I thought I would say Hi again to you It seems from the Police will ni doubt be in contact with you as well as Chris Fay don't worry i warned Chris the Lady Detective that interviewed me under caution DC Isobel Fenlon afterwards she decided to take a few names ..god knows what she has taken the names for she has written down Chris Fay email address she wanted Bill Maloney as well oh well I love you and leave you hope you will be in tough with me soon
    and hopefully will marry my American Girlfriend this year ( her name is Allison we been communicating for about 2 years and I am 71 years of age and she is 34 years of age so we are hoping to tie the not some time after getting her from California to London

  2. Well if the police come booming on my door again they had better put ear protection in because after their last visit of harassment following my mother's death (murder by the NHS) I have taken to placing a referree whistle by my door he informed all my neighbours what they did, so there will be witnesses from all down the street if they start that game again.
    I'll be taking my case to court shortly, I am going to sue Staffordshire county council, and if the corrupt as hell police have any sense they'll keep their distance from my home, enough is enough.
    Oh, and by the way, please tell Derek Gibson that I don't want any more emails from him and his cronies, thanks.
