Friday 13 December 2019

One of the worst days of my life

I don't need to say too much as the whole country is ringing with the sound of crying. I've been crying too, I keep bursting into tears, I feel absolutely gutted.

Of course the Tories cheated, they do it every time.  But some very stupid people voted for them too, poor people who will become their victims. Turkeys voting for Christmas.

Christmas isn't happening in our house.  It's not the season to be jolly, tralala. It's the time of terror. This government is now a dictatorship. I can't see any sign of hope on the horizon either.

I suppose God knows what He is doing. I certainly dont. I don't feel like praying but I have one prayer, one word only, "Help!" Britain is a terrifying place right now.  But somehow we must carry on, giving up hope is not an option.

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