Tuesday 10 December 2019


I wouldn't call myself a prolific reader, but I do enjoy reading, my favourite books are what most people call the Classics. Some of my favourite books are by Charles Dickens, I especially love his books because although Charles Dickens had a passionate hearts desire for social reform, his account of the life of young Jo the crossing sweeper moved me to tears the first time I read it,he also had a keen sense of humour.  Charles Dickens  makes me laugh and cry.  I have a wonderful collection of books, fact and fiction, from authors of many nationalities and eras. My favourite book of all time has to be a collection of books, The Holy Bible. I think the Bible is best read with a completely open mind,  without any motive of searching for the truth of the secrets of time and space, but as a book to be read in a quiet comfortable corner, for me that's outside on a sunny day surrounded by birdsong and comfortable cushions. It's hard to come to the Bible like that as there are so many terrible associations with this book, it's been used as a weapon by cruel hands and ignorant bigoted minds so often through the history of the last 2000 years.

I am not a great biblical scholar, I'm just a woman who has had quite a traumatic and interesting life. As a child I wanted to be a fairy dancer like Margot Fonteyne or a showjumper like Pat Smythe.  My life heros are so different now,  I still admire people,I still love people,  but I don't want to be anyone but myself any more. I'm not generally well liked,  not in Staffordshire where I live, in fact I know I'm pretty much thought of as a damned nuisance,  a conspiracy theorist,  a mental head case nutjob ect. But I've come to terms with who I am, I've been shaped by my life experiences and surroundings. I wish I wasn't so weepy and I wished I didn't have PTSD and have fits, but those things aren't my personality, those things are my trauma, my scars. I am never alone, I do feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, and when I'm too broken to feel His presence I always have good old Jon Anderson and Yes to remind me, Tales from Topographic Oceans is still my favourite recording and reminds me of my own beating heart in the great tapestry which God has woven and is still weaving.

Jeremy Corbyn. I really did not see him coming, and at first I thought he was too good to be true. The way I feel about him is as if Charles Dickens was living in this age. I think it is a great joke of God to give Jeremy the same initials as His son. There's quite a few of us broken people who have been struggling emotionally this week,  last night I had a major stress out,  I always find Christmas such a difficult time,  I love the beautiful remembrance of the Nativity, but struggle to celebrate it in a world full of materialistic tat. This year it's all been taken out of my hands because this horrible government has stolen all my money so I have none of my own to spend on Christmas, all I have is my heart. I've been praying for the people around me, the ones who I love, the ones who love me and the ones who despise me.  To me they are all the ones God plunked me in the midst of, and He doesn't make mistakes, there's always a reason for everything. Jeremy Corbyn, I was afraid of him at first, I'm sorry to say I believed the media account of him, and I didn't understand that although Jeremy Corbyn doesn't make a big show of his faith he does not despise the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is so obviously touched by the kindness of Jesus, as I am. Jesus was, is, kind. Jesus didn't send the 5000 home hungry or tell them to go to a food bank, He fed them. Jesus wept when his friend Lazarus died,  He had, still has a loving heart, His love for other people was what defined Him.  I believe Jeremy Corbyn also has a loving heart, and kindness will be the driving force of his time in Parliament.


  1. I just wasted a few minutes reading this after initially being curious about the article title of "Oh! Jeremy Corbyn!" (He is the greatest PM we NEVER had.)

    Anyway, religion is the biggest Ponzi scheme that ever existed.

    It is one half of a pincer movement - the other being government - with the sole purpose of controlling, and limiting, the life chances of the poor.

    Take a look up at the night sky and consider the size of the universe. There are billions and billiions of galaxies out there with billions and billions of stars - we know there are other planets out there orbiting them. So planet Earth is merely a speck of dust in comparison and I reject the notion of some omni-potent being looking down on Earth.

    This leads me on to frankly embarrassing national anthem of england; "god [see above] save the queen" - asking the non-existing omni-potent being to protect someone born into extreme wealth and privilege and provided with close security protection while there are huge numbers in severe poverty, huge numbers homeless and (just coming around the corner from trumpland) private insurance based healthcare provided on basis of ability to pay not on medical need - see John Pilger's "The Dirty War on the NHS" (it was shown on ITV yesterday AFTER the general election so it wouldn't affect the decision of the electorate.)

  2. I'm glad you didn't waste your time Richard. I pretty much agree with everything you wrote. The only thing I disagree with is that you obviously don't agree God exists and I do. Everything else though, well, you're right. Religion is a Ponzi scheme, a con trick. Even Jesus Christ was not welcome in the church of his day, they tried to kill him even as a baby and succeeded as an adult, until he rose again. I've just been put in Twitter jail for complaining about the Israel government interfering in the UK General election. Apparently to say that is antisemitism!!! Even though it's true, even though CAA have admitted it, but you see, we slaves (as they see us) are not allowed to repeat it. We are being herded like cattle like a giant slaughterhouse. They see us as non human, cattle.
