Friday 24 January 2020

Close To The Edge

I am not talking about the wonderful beautiful magnificent album by Yes, I'm talking about how I feel.

I'm 61 years old, 50 years ago my nightmare of child abuse/institutional abuse/ trafficking began, and it's crazy that I am STILL having to fight more or less the same battle that started all that time ago, half a century.  I have never known what it's like to have a "normal" life, my life has been one trauma after another.

I had a crisis yesterday.  Being socially isolated is such a cruel cruel unnatural punishment, and I'm being punished, my punishment has been 50 years, I've been well and truly punished, for being a VICTIM of serious crime. And I just cannot see even a chink of light at the end of the tunnel. I can only see pitch black,  until death. And I do not want to live in this horrible dark death chamber tunnel of no hope any more.

Mandy and Mike,  choir mistress and her husband of ST MICHAEL'S CHURCH HALL STONE STAFFORDSHIRE,  home of the Stone Revellers, you must be very very proud of what you and your stink of a nephew have done. You are the worst nastiest most shittiest two faced scumbags I have ever met, and I've met some evil people in my time, but never have I met anyone who could sink so low as to do what you three absolute scumbags did. To pretend to befriend a vulnerable woman who has already had so much trauma so that you three could earn a measly back pocket payment for falsely accusing me of benefit fraud,  you three are devils and scumbags. You will not get away with the evil you have done to me, you persecuted me for no reason at all, KARMA is coming for you. You will be repaid in full for your evil. Your choir sucks, with my stupid spiteful two faced  sister screeching like a cat with rabies OMG! What a bleeding racket! I'm surprised no one has sued you for damaging their eardrums. My sister could always get a job as a fog horn on the Manchester ship canal, you can hear her doleful screeching from miles away.

Thank you to the men in the choir who tried to stand up for me. Mandy and Mike are a pair of scumbags. They lied to all of us, pretending not to know their own nephew. I'm writing another book by the way Mandy and Mike, and you pair are in it!  You are a gift to a writer and illustrator Mandy and Mike. You deserve to be immortalised as the two faced scumbag shitbags that you are. I like your moustache Mike, thanks for growing such a distinctive piece of bum fluff, it really helps me get a perfect caricature of your stupid face and all the best and nastiest villains have facial hair.

1 comment:

  1. I am trying to think of suitable names for Mandy and Mike. I thought Rachel and Cedric Hole might be good. R C Hole. There's a certain ring to it.
