Friday 24 January 2020


One good thing has happened today. The other prisoners at Belmarsh have complained so much about the disgusting way Julian Arrange is being treated, tortured, that the prison governor has taken him out of solitary confinement. So now he is able to communicate with 40 other prisoners. The poor man shouldn't be in prison at all.

I am very tired and depressed. I feel broken. I am also a prisoner, isolated and lonely. I want to get away from Stone, I hate it here so much. I have been deliberately isolated. I have been impoverished. I have got no independence. All this because that bloody evil woman in the church choir decided to tell evil lies about me. I will never ever trust any church ever again. Every single church I have ever been to, ever trusted has knifed me in the back. I know I'm dangerously depressed now. I feel like I'm in a very black tunnel with no light at the end. Not even a pinprick, just total blackout. It's very frightening, England is a very frightening place. I actually think demons are running the government.

I am so fucking sick of people saying daft things like "Oh, you can always do your painting"ect. What's the fucking use of sitting in a room painting if you are a fucking prisoner and you can't go out anywhere, every fucking day the fucking same,  tick fucking tock the clock ebbing your lonely days away? I absolutely fucking hate this fucking country.  I am a lonely lonely lonely woman withering away too fucking frightened to go anywhere now because of the bastard police, the lying evil child trafficking Staffordshire police who have harassed and gaslighted me murdered my lawyer and destroyed my life.

But I'm happy Julian is able to talk to other people and I'm happy Beth is free. And Victoria Derbyshire, they've closed their program down because she helped too many people. The utter bastards at the BBC have decided to axe Victoria's program. This is the sort of crap that is happening in England right now,  with Coco the fucking Clown in Number 10.

Sorry if my language upsets anyone. I am just so exhausted.

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