Tuesday 22 September 2020


I can hardly believe it. It's been so horrible, the massive fight to get my PIP back and finally I've got it and I can stop fighting. 

I can at last try to concentrate on trying to heal.  I've been so poorly,  so poorly. I thought I was dying two years ago, I was collapsing in agony. 

I'm trying so hard to cut out processed food but it's difficult but I need to, because my body has been virtually screaming at me. My little tree has given me so many beautiful apples this year. 

Thank you to everyone who supported me. 


  1. I have not looked on your blog fr some time, i usd to look every day as your experiebces matched my own. I do feel fr you and rememeber you in my pryers thankyou for what you do

  2. you are loved and cared for by all your online freinds
    I remember reading on here some time back about the pervert Greville Janner abusing those little boys, the class action of 100 lads collapsed, and he never paid for his crimes
    whata rotten bastard
    he is in the news again as the boys, now mwn are struggling for an inquest into how it was hushd up

  3. I really hope Janners victims get justice.

    I've been organising my own records, and I was shocked to read that social services were going to charge my parents for my "care" costs. My parents were good kind people, poor as church mice, it wasn't their fault I was abused, and social services knew damned well what was going on at Chadswell. Joseph Hopkins was jailed for 12 years for child abuse. My social worker Cynthia Weaver wrote some pretty nasty things about my parents and myself. Which is funny as she was all sweetness and light to our faces. She had a bright yellow car and went on lovely holidays, no doubt all paid for by the proceeds of child trafficking.

  4. The reason I stopped blogging was because Stafford Police kept coming round harassing me. Apparently it's now illegal in the UK to talk about being a victim of criminal offences.

  5. This is such good news, well done, we all thought this was not just your fight but a fight for all of us.
    You are such a moral woman its hard for us moral people to read about the likes of Philip Schofield pestering young boys for sex, and as for paying black boys to piss on him
    that turned my stomach
    best wishes to you my freind

  6. Processed food is not good for you especially processed meat
    i used to read your bog every day as i was a barnados boy, many of us were raped by homosexuals, i could recite many tales of boys taken out by greville janner
    they made me grow my hair and would put ribbons in it before sending me out to be buggered
    it has given my psychological problems and anger issues ever since
    fern my girlfreind has helped me a lot
    Adam pierce

  7. I'm going to have to start blogging daily again. I thought they might leave me alone if I stopped and I'm so exhausted, but they've started again. The only way they're going to stop is when they're in jail. It's exhausting.
