Thursday 4 March 2021


 I had a letter from them this morning. I feel sick inside, they know exactly what they're doing. 

It's like being punched black and blue, allowed to recover for a while then the punching starts again. 

I'm writing to them today. 


  1. I think the reason they're harassing me again is because I've just found this video about adrenochrome being produced in US military bases from kidnapped children, and distributed all round the world including the Dept Health and Social Care from Berlin on 16th May 2020, I don't think they want that to be common knowledge. Perhaps they shouldn't be picking on me then!

  2. I have wondered about Adrenochome but if you read the bible jews were drinking childrens blood back then sir anthony blunt claimed his close friend the queen mother was into it and from what i hear prince philip is

  3. I saw on the news that Philip Schofield was driving to the TV studio and while parked at the lights a cyclist rode past and shouted in the window " her schofield you dirty jew pervert"
    Schofield arrived at the BBC in tears, and almost immediately 3 police cars were despatched to find the cyclist, now my house was burgled and thousands of pounds worth of damage done last month
    police said we will give you a crime number for insurance but we have no one avaialabe to send out to you
    So calling some one a name is now seen as more important than a massive theft and vadalism to ones home
    one law for them and one for us again

  4. I've been called all sorts of horrible names, I've had death threats, there's one still on this blog, I left it up as evidence to show the police. Police came round, looked at it and accused me of writing it myself, I could hardly believe it. I asked, why would I write a death threat to myself and she said "because you're a mentally ill attention seeker".I think I deserve some kind of award for not exploding into rage that day, I do not know how I managed to keep my anger from erupting.
    There's something seriously wrong with the justice system in this country, when the police in particular are an absolute disgrace.

  5. There is only one way to manufacture adrenochrome, and the thought of it makes me shudder. I was kept prisoner in s basement cell in Rocester as a child and I was absolutely terrified of the people I had been placed with on a Place of Safety court order. I'm still looking for answers about that part of my life. It would not surprise me one little bit of there were human remains there.

  6. You have done stirling work exposing the homosxual abuse of young boys, i know the homosexuals had in in for you for this, but thankyou.
    I had not written in for a very long time, but still checked on the blog and the great work you do
    you are always in our hearts

  7. Thanks xxx
    It wasn't homosexuals who were attacking me, I've always made it crystal clear I have no interest in anyone's sexual orientation, I never was homophobic. But I could not understand why people who were claiming to be homosexual were defending child abuse. So I started looking at the gay sites, and I was horrified to see some of the things that were being posted. Some of the sites were clearly a front for paedophiles. They were posting photos of CHILDREN and making disgusting remarks about CHILDREN.

  8. Do get your cases off to the U.N. or CoE . ALL U.K. 'authorities ' and U.K. so-called police, and we have criminally investigated 30, either have no remits, or they, like the Care Ombudsman, sabotage in secret, evidence against Councils who have stolen babies and used them in (Nazi surgeon sterilisation of psychotic mental patients my cases), like I was stolen by the State, given at age ten days to a dangerous psychotic with long mental health history in 'experiments' to see if I would be tortured, and I was. It has taken me, via the U.N., Tribunal, and international prosecutors and expert researcher work, to recover 7,600 documents for international Trial. U.K. police will never prosecute State criminals, have no working accountability, and lie and attempt destruction of medical evidence. CICA has today offered me 2,000 pounds, enough for a night out at a pub, after Prosecutors caught them lying to me. New evidence against them, with admitted "removing and redacting " current crime evidence for the international criminal court and U.N. That is the reason we are going to prosecute their staff, and I have told them they are going to be prosecuted. Beware of Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, it lies like all U.K. authorities lie, claiming in spite of the evidence to the contrary "Allegations not valid" with a string of already U.N. Tribunal proven lies. Now they offer me 2,000 pounditos. Joke or strategy ? The U.K. 'authorities' love kidnapping babies, and torturing and sex abusing us, then running from international justice as fast as their poky little legs can run, hiding and destroying evidence, with police in 41 out of 43 regional forces turning a 'blind eye'. I got "You can prove torture, but unfortunately this is not a crime in this country" THEN A CLASSIC. "Not in the national interest to prosecute" . It is in Linds interests to prosecute THEM. The U.K. authority set up is a rat-bag of corruption. Use international routes to Justice which cost you NOTHING to do. Even the Royal Courts of Justice told me to not waste time and money on judicial reviews, but proceed directly in international (e.g. Rome Treaty) criminal law. Exactly what I am doing for real. And we have guided other victims, and Submitted cases. What you need is a Summary with an ethos of "He hit me" bullet points, don't use any supposition, just hard documentary evidence, and your file references. Use good copies of documents, and itemise "Point 1) 2)" etc. better on a separate page to the documents. I used text boxes, for the I.C.C., it's O.K. but can obscure so better to number points of violations on a separate page, followed by not annotated copy documents. Make strong arguments briefly, 'punchy' and clear for Courts, police crap criminal violations Art 21, 53, 54 and sub-sections. Also use Child Human Rights laws breached (compensation). The U.K. is Treaty bound in law, but is nation number 1 violator. U.N.: "U.K. worst of industrialised nations for child abuse". It's like winning the criminal torture Olympics, but the reason is authority / police wholesale evidential corruption and perjury

  9. I will add to my just sent email: a comparative perception for Victims of STATE baby / child kidnap, torture, sex abuse cases, this applies to where the State and State appointees have committed the crimes, the International Criminal Court, The Hague, last year set an historic change to prosecutions, being compensation as well, which is new, of 1,230,000 pounds victims compensation. This is an important Precedent for compensation of State Victims. Put that against CICA of 2,000 pounds, which might pay the Court for evidentially photocopies !! The State has done the torturing, the State can pay a proper price. The I.C.C. can proceed serious cases, well evidenced, for State crimes committed after June 2002, but in my cases although defined as "serious crimes" the Court referred mine to another international criminal court. However the Prosecutors are going to try again, as there have been changes at the Court since. Originally, the Prosecutors Submitted my cases for corruption post 2002, but the OTP considered the whole crime history should be prosecuted. So now we have several routes to achieve this. And with the considerable new and updated evidence we are going to win. All the cases we have done, including mine, are registered for Trial at the U.N., but this is slow, so we are seeking out faster alternatives, for which we have been given legal clearance. Only one Court can do the cases, but due to the length of time international courts come to fruition, the Prosecutors have adopted a strategy of submitting to all, and selecting the quickest as the unique Court. The best is to start the process. This is important. In State Crimes against Humanity and (Nazi surgeon experiments) Denial of the Truth Crimes, (Cover ups) it is important to try. The U.N. Tribunal, New York, I won was fact-finding, Finding corruption evidenced with 5,000 documents True, so the next stage is criminal prosecutions of the Treaty violators. We are doing all this work, not just to give me civil / criminal justice, or for just the many other victims cases we have Submitted, we want to force permanent legal changes in the U.K. e.g. The Mental Capacity Act that allows 'legal' sterilisation of mental patients, condemned worldwide, and the fact there is no anti-corruption command in the U.K. to bring corrupt officers and staff to criminal accountability and justice, which we are calling for. Stopping the motor of child abuse, is stopping the abuse of children.

  10. This is great!Thanks Lindsay

  11. Many thanks, Zoompad. If you know of a journalist who would like to report the issues, and some evidence, please give them my email address and I can send them some key evidence in my own cases, and explain the issues involved of other cases we have Submitted. A victim is giving me information at the moment on a legal firm in the U.K. who has expressed an interest in pressing for an Inquiry on NHS Records Offices withholding medical evidence, so if I can get permission to put information on this here, I will, because they are looking for victims to add their situations and experiences. The problem is when victims complain, and I have seen documentary evidence of real harassment of complaining victims, some authorities put real pressure on victims to go away. The central problem in the U.K. is absence of independent impartial assessors. Police forces who fail victims have same-force, self-investigation PSDs, which generate more evidence of perjury, IPCC was scrapped for corruption like its predecessor, the PCA, and IOPC is now under Lords scrutiny, the Home Office has told me three times, that although they fund police child abuse corruption, "Ministers cannot intervene" which is like saying they pay for corruption, but won't stop it. One C.I. told me if previous forces had corrupted an investigation, they would do no different !! (and did). Fragmentation of services, with no working accountability. This plague affects all U.K. authorities, including a number of ombudsmen services. The Met's old "Ghost Squad" with no friends in police stations was so successful, catching 370 errant officers, that it was closed down. IICSA refuses "individual cases" refuses to examine the role of police evidential corruption and perjury in child abuse. The only thing that works in the U.K. are the Charities, who do a tremendous job in overwhelming circumstances. What we all need is a Victims Union, united to press for legal changes, that save lives. Many politicians waffle their way into fat pay rises, but do nothing for vulnerable communities. But strong victim and journalistic and legal pressure can force change for the good. We hope that the international prosecutions we are proceeding act as a deterrent factor and the I.C.C.'s "embarrassment factor". Something has got to crack and change to protect victims fighting injustice, not only child abuse but adult rapes etc. also covered up. Over the last 20 years I have spoken to many police whistleblowers, some at quite senior rank, and they say they feel like political tools, not doing the jobs they joined up for. One I know well, was sacked for refusing to obey an order to stop investigating a V.I.P. child abuse case, that was well evidenced. The evidence was destroyed by his force, and the pedophile evaded justice. Another transferred because he was sick of corruption he saw going on daily. He said "Liar ? Conman ? Good at fabricating and destroying evidence ? Then "X" force wants to employ you !!". He was given "words of advice". The morale is low generally. And the results truly shocking. Now police do nothing for smaller crimes either, so it's true, we have 'political tools'

  12. Lindsey, totally agree. I tried to go through the NHS complaints procedure, I've got all the evidence of that, it was like trying to climb Mt Everest backwards blindfolded they made it so impossible.

  13. You could consider. trying a case at the Council of Europe, you will see legal resources in the CoE website, because the NHS were using a 'clause A' to justify withholding medical evidence, which is illegal in European Law, because medical records are the patient's property, particularly in criminal cases. The NHS also use Data Protection to hide medical errors to frustrate civil actions against the NHS. Now they are syphoning off medical records to Trusts much quicker than before, just keeping summaries, but not the actual documents. So it is wise to do Subject Access Requests quickly for records, when anything questionable occurs, to make sure you get as many of the actual records as they are prepared to release. In theory it should be possible to get a Court Production Order for records that the NHS decline to provide, but that is not easy to achieve. One victim is still trying and was put through an inquisition of questioning. I think it is still outstanding, but could be worth looking at.

  14. It's so difficult, when you have health problems and are trying to heal. They really are cruel bastards! My priority has to be my own health, I'm too poorly to fight at the moment. But they will not be able to get away with destroying my medical records, as I've been secretly recording every appointment for years! And I've got it all tripled up, just in case they think they can smash my home up to destroy the evidence!!!!!

  15. Yes, it is always a good idea to back evidence up on pen drives , and if possible keep then safe in a different location. ALL U.K. authorities, now 32, we have investigated, either have no remits and refer to other authorities, which are profoundly corrupt. I was first threatened by a U.K. police force with 'criminal prosecution' for compiling multi-police evidential corruption cases for the international Prosecutors Submitting Crime Files to international courts under Universal Justice, and when that threat failed, I got a fabricated 'interpol' U.K. anonymous threat against my "health", sparking Spanish Police armed protection for me at my door. Of course, the real Interpol , Paris confirmed in writing, it had not come through them. So I went back to the jerk who had threatened me with 'criminal prosecution' and told him that if he came to Spain to change my health , he would be behind bars or going back in a box, depending what crime they committed. It stopped the police threats dead. The Spanish Inspectors helping me , using a little trick, procured the evidence the NHS had altered my medical records to hide their medical errors, I was wrongly diagnosed 'epileptic' when I was suffering the conditioned responses of violent child abuse, and treated for it by years of trauma psychotherapy, individual and group, at a teaching hospital. The U.K. police are totally corrupt in child abuse, and use NHS withholdings to lie to protect State abusers. Now CICA, has profusely lied, repeating the perjury of the police, already proven true to a U.N. Tribunal in New York. What we have found with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, is 1) They tell claimants they only rely on medical evidence the victim can provide, but where NHS removals and tampering to hide their errors, impacts criminal cases, and police reports. I told them to get a Court Production Order to procure the still withheld medical evidence, but they refused, claiming no procurement remits. That is false, because their CICA police teams, embedded in forces, cannot be bothered to get evidence. "Lengthy process" which is false it takes one month not CICA's eight months. Then CICA Glasgow, admitted they had removed and redacted documents in my SAR last month. As these documents are destined for an international criminal court, CICA have criminally violated Treaty law. CICA Police team also lied in every phrase, contrary to the evidence CICA Glasgow have from my sendings. What also is seen is CICA Glasgow prohibited me earlier from sending evidence of police medical document corruption, but the Chief Prosecutor instructed me to continue sending the evidence so they cannot mount a Defence they did not know. I was still doing this until I got the CICA Glasgow offer of 2,000 pounds, where the 'Decision Maker' also lied extensively about dates and evidence in their possession, to exclude 75% of the relevant cases parts compensation, and wanted me to sign a Full and Final Settlement for over two decades of State violent torture and sex abuse. I told the Decision Maker to buy a round of drinks, and made the CICA Appeal Tribunal application.

  16. "The Silence" has resulted to me exposing their lies, deceptions and fabrications, where they do not even have the courage to apologise. Linda Brown, CICA Commissioner, has not replied at all in months. The CICA is, as we suspected a long time ago, is one more corrupt U.K. so-called 'authority', but getting your evidence to the U.N. and other Human Rights Courts is the best safety protection from corrupt, and sometimes violent U.K. police with no U.K. accountability. In international Courts, there is accountability, and there are many international agencies like Amnesty International as well to seek help. Save the Children and many more. The U.K. is internationally recognised to be the worst and violent violator of human rights, and child protection, and the more evidence the better, and stronger the accountability. All victims whose cases we have submitted have been threatened and harassed by U.K. police forces. But you can strike back silently, to avoid harassment. Contact by email the Council of Europe, for their Courts, but remember the ECHR is due to be scrapped and replaced by a Combined Criminal and Civil Court, at least that is what our Prosecutors have been told, the International Criminal Court The Hague , for post June 2002 crimes against Humanity, the U.N. and agencies, but always add the statistical context, to your Submissions, so your cases are not seen as ''individual", which are half a million Church and State stolen babies identified, in my cases I have the documents I was first Church "Moral Welfare" then State stolen for a Crimes against Humanity experiment given at my age of ten days to a dangerous psychotic mental patient undergoing a sterilisation of mental patients experiments program, criminal in English law at the time, to be tortured, and sex abused, then covered up as "not in the national interest to prosecute" but I passed my law exams and separately qualified as a psychologist, and now compile cases for international law, but it took a U.K. specialist researcher to get the documents long deep hidden that gave me my real birth name, as the State had fabricated my birth certificate and another in false names to hide the experiments. And the other vital statistic is the Radford Report, NSPCC , a minimum of eleven million U.K. child abuse victims, most denied justice by police and authorities. Each of us are 'just one more case' and that is what the international courts need to see. The U.K. is a human rights disaster, and corruption continues 2021. The I.C.C. "embarrassment factor" eventually will force legal changes against corrupt police forces and authorities, but it takes time, but you can get justice, and you have a right to criminal justice against corrupters, and compensation, which you are not going to get through the lying, deceptive and evidentially corrupt CICA, that with its "CICA Police teams" and police "Agreement" that came to light, is too closely linked to corrupt police forces, and they just reiterate the perjury of the past, and lie and exclude to bring claims down to the ridiculous low levels we see. Serious State child abuse crimes can see orders of compensation in the hundreds of thousands, and don't forget the Windrush Precedent of 650,000 pounds. We were very inclusive through the U.N. Report in getting the "profoundly corrupt" IPCC scrapped and replaced, and we think the same should happen to the CICA, as they lie to victims, and redact and remove evidence, and I have told them, as there are over a thousand "no justice despair suicides" per annum, they can provoke the same by perjury and excluding evidenced crimes. In short, CICA is a deceptive rubbish and has to be picked up at every infraction by Victims who are pre-advised legally.

  17. And I would add, that by going to international courts for Justice, can stop authority harassment , because by going international, you get prosecutorial accountability and power. Police and authority U.K. harassment and threats, is only possible in the U.K. because there is no U.K. accountability against rogue officials. They all protect each other. When you apply a Justice counter-force, they stop their harassment. The threats of 'criminal prosecution' for Submitting evidence against them, and threats against my 'health' soon stopped when they realised it is true they can be prosecuted for doing that. In my cases of course, I have had, and can have, Spanish Police armed protection, whenever necessary, but victims in the U.K. also get protection from cases mounted in the international courts, as the rogue officials / officers discover there IS accountability, so they become more careful what they do and say, as that is further evidence against them. Once you have their documentary corruption and perjury before the Courts, the game is outside their control, and they go silent, which is where you want them. If they do anything, they then know, the Court knows who is responsible. The international Courts are the best deterrent. Our direction is to force legal changes to give victims the rights they are entitled to, and we evidentially assisted Theresa May getting rid of the IPCC, and now we are going to do the same to some other corrupt entities, by prosecuting them.
