Tuesday 16 March 2021


So I am going to start publishing evidence of the disgusting abuse i suffered as a child. My mother was tricked into signing me over to the disgusting creatures who abused me.


  1. I would really appreciate some feedback on this paperwork, as I'm still trying to piece my life together. My dad would have gone beswerk if he had seen that document, they must have waited for him to go to work before presenting it to Mum. It was Dad who originally called the GP who called Social Services, although I really do not think my GP had any idea about what was going on with Social Services, I think Dr Hunt was a good man. I was having screaming and shaking fits, because I could not cope with being raped. My dad had no idea what was going on and he just thought I was ill. Mum knew though.

    Mum is dead now. I didn't want to publish these documents, but I'm still suffering stalking and harassment, so I'm going to have to. All I really want us just to have some peace, but they won't leave you alone.

    Some of my he documents are unreadable, and they've all got Clients Copy stamped on them and many have been falsified, to conceal my age and the nature of the abuse. Stafford Police have admitted to them being falsified by the police, but they told me it was legal to falsify records.

  2. I watched the program last night about Jersey. I didn't realise Stuart was suicidal, I knew he was frightened. Those devils persecuted a good man for the purpose of covering up child abuse.It's horrific what we have all gone through.

  3. Zoompad, Your paperwork is very similar to mine,(recovered 2 years ago after a very long (7 months of attempts of SAR's). My late Mum had told me how she was tricked into handing me over to a "hospital" which turned out to be a very abusive & notorious "children's home". The form that she eventually told me of was in the redacted records that I recovered - at a price. The government employed fiends in the CH destroyed my future & continue to hound me to this day, all in an effort to keep me quiet in this tax haven. I had done no wrong, but I was all the same criminalised as though I were guilty of some crime. I will never have the opportunity of clearing my name though before I die. Like you the police (who were the instigators in my illegal pin down as a child) continued to cover up the truth.
    I hope that your story will wake people up to the exploitation of vulnerable children
    which is increasingly prevalent it seems even in the UK. God bless you.

  4. The program was the tip of an iceberg that will never be known.So much can never be revealed as only sex abuse is allowed to be revealed. It go's much deeper than that.

  5. God bless you too Scapegoat, and I'm so sorry to hear how you were treated. I'm still being hounded, very well then, they will never leave me alone in peace so I am coming for them now.

  6. Stafford Police admitted my records have been altered. I could see within 5 minutes of scrutinizing them that someone had been doing a bit of handy dandywork with a bottle of tipped and an old typewriter.Stafford police admitted it, and said it was legal!!!!!
    They've made quite a few alterations, to conceal the nature of the abuse and the age I was at the time.

  7. Stafford Police admitted my records have been altered. I could see within 5 minutes of scrutinizing them that someone had been doing a bit of handy dandywork with a bottle of tipped and an old typewriter.Stafford police admitted it, and said it was legal!!!!!
    They've made quite a few alterations, to conceal the nature of the abuse and the age I was at the time.
    I am aware of other people having their records altered by the police. I don't think it was Stafford Police who altered my records, I think they are just covering up for the Metropolitan police, I think it was them.

    My father came home after the war a broken and exhausted man
    mentally emotionally and physically.
    I was one of nine siblings and things were tough in london just after the war and
    the only way to feed us was to go to the jewish money lender
    then go to the jewish back marketeer, who had access to extra food.
    One day the schools truant investigator came round and asked my parents why
    the first half of the week 4 of us would be kept home, and the latter part of each week
    the other children would be home.
    My father explained that the shoes we wore had to be shared and there was not enough shoes
    for all the children to go to school together.
    The truants inspector said you should get a job
    my father explained that there were very few jobs in early 50s
    and the railways Hospitals and London Transport were advertising in the West indies for workers to come
    as they said quote. Englishmen are too lazy to do the jobs"
    When in fact English people were being racially discriminated against by their own government
    and excluded from any work.
    The queens coronation in 1952 promised help for Englishmen excluded from work
    but it didnt.
    But we saw in wartime East London all the jews would go to the Jewish doctor and get signed off war duties with short sight flat feet hearing problems etc, and this meant the rise of the Jewish gangs
    from Aaron Solomons Jack spot Peter Rachman to the Kray twins, the protection rackets forcing women into prostitution particularly around the US bases, all food was controlled by Marks & Spencer
    they allowed generous food deliveries to Jewish outlets which were sold on at great profit
    this meant after the war the jews could all move from East London to Essex, Chigwell Barkingside Ilford
    Gants Hill became wealthy jewish enclaves.
    My father did not get work until 1955 10 years after the war ended, there was resentment at folk being imported in and given the jobs the men were told were rightfully theirs.
    My father took to drink in his later years, on his deathbed he told us that just after the war
    he climbed the wall into the small orchard behind the Vicarage and filled his pockets with apples for us kids, the vicar seen as a fine upstanding man caught him and gave him a choice, go to prison for theft, or allow him to sodomise him
    my father in agony chose the latter, he said he could never forget the vileness of what was done to him
    and cried on his deathbed over the evil done to him all those years before.
    Since becoming legal homosexual acts on children have gone through the roof exactly as experts said they would do, its often dismissed as just " Boy-Nobbing" but its not its vile child abuse.

  9. Just sitting here enraged at how your father was treated. Thank you so much for posting. I am so very very sorry, and justice is long overdue.
