Wednesday 23 November 2022


We are having a day of prayer on 12th of December 2022 dedicated to breaking the chains of evil. Praying for child trafficking victims, political prisoners, all oppressed and disenfranchised people, all who are being tortured and persecuted. Please join in however you like. Light a candle, say a prayer, sing a song,bang a drum, shake a bell, chant, meditate, lets lift our voices and our hearts to Heaven, and ask for release from bondage. Namaste


  1. I have followed your blog on and off for years as your experiences mirror my own, i saw how homosexuals were attacking you for defending the children, you have so much courage
    the homosexual magazine " Bumbadillo" still advertses young boys for sex in the UK
    makes me sick

  2. I lived in east london for many years i helped run a boys club and i was a boys swimming instructor, i had many barnados boys and i had sex with more boys than i could count
    it was easy to scare them into not talking
    But after the kray twine and associates were put away it became harder to get access to thew boys.
    I met an irish nurse who got me treatment with a good psychiatrist
    and after a course of treatment i never looked back i left my jewish faith and became a christian, i married my irish nurse freind moved to ireland and never looked back and never
    re-offended with boys
    if i can do it so can you
    Billy Goldsmith

  3. There is nothing inherently wrong with pedophilia provided the mutual attraction between the adult and child is not consummated (for that we would need to rethink societal mores). Biological women such as yourself who condemn virtuous, non-offending pedophiles are orchestrators of violence and the males who distribute this violence at your behest and who biological women are also attracted too, are vigilante thugs and they don't deserve to be fathers. I hope your illegitimate child dies.

    P. S your blog is worthless cringe inducing crap. Fuck off to mumsnet where you'll be good company with other hysterical mouth foaming mothers.

  4. i love your website and it has helped me and others
    lots of abused kids grow into abused adults who love every day with what hapened all those years ago
    thankyou for exposing this evil

  5. Kwashiorkor,

    I have allowed your horrible abusive post to be published, I want everyone to see the abuse I have to put up with.
    I'll be getting my day in court soon, the abuse is never going to stop until I do, so I'll be making sure my lawyer sees your post, judging from what's been happening these last few days I'm guessing you're one of the local stalkers paid by Staffordshire County Council to harass me, if I'm correct, well, I'll see you in court, looking forward to meeting you face to face, somehow I think you won't be so cocky then!

  6. Thanks Fern

    I had to stop blogging for a while, basically because I was frightened. And if you read the comment sent to me above yours you will understand why.

    What happened to me as a child blighted my life. I just want child trafficking and abuse to stop. I realise organised child trafficking was going on in this country long before I was born, it's an industry, and that explains the way the police and politicians and judges and other figures of authority are behaving. The police, they've treated me in a disgraceful way, and I now know that they've done the same to other child trafficking survivors.

    But justice is coming. If we don't get justice on this earth, there will be divine justice, and it won't come from my hands. The powers of the world are preparing for Armageddon. I'm not afraid, none of us abuse survivors should be, we don't need to be, we've already had our suffering. The ones who are calling for war, the warmongers, the traffickers, the arrogant buyers and sellers of human souls, we cant stop them from choosing to be evil, and we all have to make our own choices on this planet, we have free will. But I choose righteousness, I choose goodness, and this coming war that they are fanning the flames of in the vain hope it will conceal all their crimes against vulnerable people, well, what can I do apart from condemning it? I don't know very much about Putin, but I do know, from his own speech and actions that he is against child trafficking.

    We have free will. As for me, I choose Love, and forgiveness. I've already forgiven all my abusers, even that depraved idiot who left that putrid comment about me. I urge him to repent, whilst there's still time, because there's a terrible time coming, the warmongers are determined as hell to have their war of wars. And there will be no hiding place, apart from in the loving arms of our saviour the Lord Jesus Christ.

  7. i wish you would post more often
    I dont get out much my arthritis is bad and i am almost 80 now
    but i did want to share this with you and readers
    about groming kids in schools for the homosexual industry

  8. Thanks

    I'll try to post more often. I got pretty ill, I was persecuted in Stone, it left me very ill. And Staffordshire police have been awful.

    I've been walking a lot, to get fit, and eating wholefood, stopped eating sugar and heavily processed stuff. It's improved my health, and made me more resilient.

    Child Grooming in Public Schools Is No Conspiracy Theory

    CHRISTOPHER F. RUFO | APRIL 12, 2022 | 4:57PM EDT

    In the wake of the controversy surrounding Florida’s Parental Rights in Education legislation, which prohibits public schools from teaching gender identity and sexual orientation in kindergarten through third grade, the national media has sought to paint conservative opposition as hysterical, anti-LGBTQ, and conspiracy-minded. The New York Times, for example, accused conservatives of having a “freakout” about imaginary “grooming” in public schools, and the Washington Post dismissed concerns about sexual abuse by teachers as a “QAnon conspiracy.”

    But whatever the editorialists at the Times and the Post might say, the facts reveal that too many American public schools have been hunting grounds for sexual predators. Parents fearful about abuse in schools are not falling victim to a “moral panic” or “QAnon messaging;” they are using their intuition to assess a real danger to their children. The most comprehensive report about sexual abuse in public schools, published by the Department of Education in 2004, estimates — on the basis of a 2000 survey, conducted by the American Association of University Women, of 2,065 students in grades eight through 11 — that nearly 10 percent of K-12 students have been victims of sexual misconduct by a public school employee. Assuming that figure is accurate, this would translate into an approximately 4.5 million children nationwide suffering sexual misconduct by public school employees, with an estimated 3 million suffering physical sexual abuse — a number, according to the author of the study, Hofstra University professor Charol Shakeshaft, more than 100 times greater than the physical abuse committed by Catholic priests, who, at the time the report was published, were undergoing a reckoning for the crimes within their ranks.

    Despite these numbers, the story vanished. A few media outlets covered the report and interviewed Professor Shakeshaft, but no national outcry followed. Two years later, CBS News published an article asking whether the media had “ignored sex abuse in schools” altogether. With little public pressure to make changes, the public school system has continued to operate with very low standards of enforcement and accountability. Local newspapers continue to report on teachers who are caught sexually abusing students. Some districts simply move abusers from school to school, where they are able to exploit children again. Today, if the Department of Education statistics stayed constant, one could estimate that 5 million students are currently being sexually harassed, manipulated, and abused in America’s public school system.

  10. Parents have good reason, therefore, to fear “grooming” in public schools. Indeed, in 2014, the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office published a lengthy report warning that public school employees were “grooming” students “with the intent to perpetrate future sexual abuse or misconduct.” In the GAO research, these educators first exhibit a pattern of “grooming behaviors” — for example, lavishing a target with gifts and extra attention — then move to the “sexual misconduct” and “sexual abuse” phases, in which they begin sexually-charged communication and, in many cases, explicit sexual contact with the child. According to the report, only 15 states had adopted policies to regulate “grooming behaviors” by school employees and only 18 states require “awareness and prevention training on sexual abuse or misconduct by school personnel against students.”

    The parents’ movement, which has recently mobilized against critical race theory, should not hesitate to add this issue to its list of concerns. Families should be skeptical of introducing sexuality into the classroom at young ages, especially if teachers are permitted to keep those conversations a secret. A better policy would be to mandate total transparency and require that teachers notify and gain the approval of parents before engaging in any sexual conversation with children. Additionally, families should have better tools to report abuse and public schools should have mandatory screening, training, and reporting requirements for all staff.

    Any institution that assumes the care of children is a natural target for adults with ill intent. In recent years, the Catholic Church, Boy Scouts, and other institutions have all been rightly exposed for a record of horrible abuse. As attention turns to the public schools, parents should demand that legislators and administrators focus on making schools safe, secure, and transparent places for children to learn basic academic skills and prepare for adulthood. That is the bare minimum standard — and sadly, schools will require significant changes to meet it.

    Christopher F. Rufo is a contributing editor at City Journal and a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, where he directs the critical race theory initiative.

    Editor's Note: This piece originally appeared on City Journal.

    More than 100 pervert priests in portugal
    are still working in churches despite an independent commision
    saying they have on record an absolute minimum of
    4,815 registered child victims.
    The last prediction of Fatima was that the Christian church
    would be destroyed by Homosexuals in the Preisthood.
    Today even the pope says he enjoys sex with young boys.

  12. its no secret any more that Obama likes ex with teenage boys
    several UK politicians are said to keep " bumbadillos " in small flats for their convenience
    but the whole country here has gone mad
    we have strikes on the railways the postmen
    nurses lawyers etc
    but i live in whats knowna s the
    " homosexual capital of the UK "
    and all anyone is winjing about is the strike by the
    "Brighton rent boys collective "
    i have seen fellas obviously in their 20s
    squeezed into school uniforms to look like teenagers
    lounging about in the High St
    What is wrong with people

  13. Not sure if Popey has actually said that, but he's certainly jumped in pretty quick to defend child destroyers.

    Whatever the Catholic church used to be, and it does have a violent and sordid history, it is no longer upholding Justice and Integrity.

  14. “There is a gentleman that was standing outside of my sonss school this morning when I dropped off. I thought he was maybe waiting for a ride this afternoon but when I went back he was still standing there so I called the school and I asked what he was doing there and well obviously he volunteered to stand watch over the school.
    That just literally made my day and I wanted to thank that gentleman for doing that because I think it's very courageous and it puts some of our hearts and minds at ease
    There had been homosexuals hanging about bothering the boys, the head teacher says its outside the school and hes powerless, the police say homosexuality is no longer a crime and do nothing
    I wanted to shake his hand but I didn't want to interrupt as he was doing a job. ❤️
    He needs to be recognized because this is amazing.” 👏
    Homosexuals pestering boys outside schools used to be called poofeteering
    and i wash it could be stopped

  15. Hi There Zoompad it's me your old friend Robert Chewter here , listen just yesterday i was interviewed by the Police they seemed to think I was a serious offender...You know that I not you know years of serious input even Chris has said to me i must get a second opinion s i may get my CD back from my solicitor and show the new solicitor and ask him i have had to modify my email address somewhat or
    i have a lot of stuff to get straightened out MY God you do get a ton of abuse dont you and from someone who think paedophilia isnt bad thing!!!! What ?
    ok i just popped in to say Hi and I am still there somehow But its good that i have done so

  16. Hi Robert,

    I'm sorry to hear that. I have been getting a ton of email from someone who I assumed was pretending to be you, it was like a chain, with some bad names attached, I have been deleting it because I don't want anything to do with some of those people, once fooled, never again.

    They try all kinds of tricks and are as slippery as eels. Well I'm going to try to get my case into court again, don't know how successful I'll be but I can only get my best. There's a child trafficking network still operating in Staffordshire and I have given up on trying to bring them down but I'm jolly well going to have a damned good try at suing them for damages!!!
