Sunday 20 November 2022


[URL=] I went to the Care Leavers Association AGM yesterday. I am protected by God, angels surround me, I have survived monstrous plots tp destroy me for whistleblowing the absolute evil of institutional child trafficking. I went for a swim this morning and the Holy Spirit gave me a message. Anyone who fights this evil will be blessed and protected. God absolutely hates child abuse/trafficking. So, keep strong and keep standing against evil, and keep talking, even when wicked people tell you youre a broken record ect. Keep tbe faith. We are blessed.


  1. thankyou so much or what you do

  2. i loved this post
    please post more
    i know how much you suffered for
    exposing the homosexual gangs exploiting children
    well done
    they fob it off as just " boy nobbing "
    its not its child abuse

  3. beware the sodomites
    see the bible
    beware the sodomites

    Brighton rent boys collective to go on strike
    school boys aged 14 and younger across the country
    who service the homosexual industry are preparing for industiral action

  4. Outcry at rent boys on streets
    TEENAGERS as young as 14 are becoming rent boys in a desperate bid to feed a growing drug habit.

    TEENAGERS as young as 14 are becoming rent boys in a desperate bid to feed a growing drug habit.

    The scale of the problem in the city's Jewellery Quarter is alarming due to the numbers and age of the boys, says Bill Gavin, founder of the city's Gay Pride Festival, who also owns the Subway City nightclub, in Livery Street.

    "More than 90 per cent of these boys are heterosexual, they are simply doing it to pay back drug dealers," said Mr Gavin at a meeting of the St Paul's Square Business Liaison Partnership.

    "This problem has been going on discreetly in the area for the past two decades but now some of these youngsters are flagging down cars and the public are horrified.

    "These are desperate kids taking desperate measures."

    He added that even though the Jewellery Quarter now had affluent apartments, the area

    The Partnership is concerned at the rise in violent crime, particularly since the murder of 23-year-old surveyor Paul Tanner in March when he was stabbed as he walked across St Paul's Churchyard.
    Insp Sean Russell, of Vyse Street police, said: "This has been highlighted by the community and we are treating it as a major issue."

    Andy Munro, operations director of the Jewellery Quarter Regeneration Partnership, said the first stage of £58,0000 worth of brighter lighting would be installed later this year and finished by March.

    He hoped that a £100,000 project to install four CCTV cameras at strategic points in the Jewellery Quarter, would be started early in the new year.

    WOW! Thanks for sharing this!

    This is child abuse, and the police are fully aware of it! What on earth are they playing at? I know this area well as I used to live in Birmingham, I knew it was seedy but I didn't know The police were basically turning a blind eye to organised child trafficking! And when you consider how The police have been complicit in enforcing the secret family courts forced contact of children with abusers, well, this is pretty shocking!


  5. they are teaching homosexual perversion in our chools to litle chidren
    these folk are not gays they are homosexual deviants
    and its child abuse not " boy-nobbing"

  6. i have been watching the news on all the strikes in the UK
    train drivers postmen solicitors now the brighton rent boys collective
    these are schoolboys some aged 13 and 14 who sell their bottoms to homosexuals
    god this country makes me sick

  7. There is a UK organisation ca;ed www
    and it educates people against the forced homosexual teaching in schools
    I joined after my 8 year old twins came home and spoke about clucking
    " clucking " is the vile practice of after a child has been buggered a straw is put into the rectum and the semen sucked out by the perpetrator or an accomplice

  8. child protection officers are now handicapped with political correctness to sexually endangered children
    please see this wonderful christian preacher
