Since the Brian Clare incident, I am now unable to post onto Rico Sorda's blog. Little by little I am being gagged.
I wanted to post this privatly, so that Rico, who I greatly respect, could look at it privatly. However, due to me being blocked from posting on his site even anonymously, I am posting this onto my own blog in the hope that Rico and other anti paedophile campaigners will see it. I simply will not be gagged!
I have been investigating Richard Gardner and Ralph Underwager for a few years. These were American paedophile psychologists who invented Parental Alienation Synsrome, used in the secret family courts in over 40 countries, and False Memory Syndrome, used to defend people accused of paedophilia in courts all over the world. Gardner invented “Threat therapy”, to force children who complained of being abused by the person caring for them to be “cured” of this fictitious ailment by force, and be removed from the care of anyone who “encourages” the child to complain about non existant abuse. The therapy Gardner recommended is very cruel and the assumption is that children are usually lying about being abused, but even if they have been abused they have to get over it and visit the paedophile anyway. Its all in his own self published books Rico. I think you already know about False Memory Syndrome, Underwager and Richard Webster (David Roses friend) set up the BFMS to defend people accused of pedophilia and they discredited the HDLG investigation.
The main person pushing the discredited work of Richard Gardner is this creep called Dr Ludwig Fredrick Lowenstein. He has a place called Allington Manor in Hampshire, which he set up as a therapeutic centre for disturbed youngsters. He was investigated by Social Services for KNOWINGLY employing an unqualified paedophile called Roger Small to look after children at that place.
The Lowensteins are a banking family and very powerful.
What triggered me to post this to you is the blogpost on Trevor Pitmans blog because Bellyache let another paedophile called Roger Holland look after children at HDLG. I decided to see if Lowenstein was involved, and found this document. I don’t know yet if this James Lowenstein is closely related to Ludwig Lowenstein but thought you might like to see it anyway.
Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of ACP Capital Limited
(the “Company”) will be held at 22-24 Seale Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3QG,
Channel Islands on 14 August 2009 at 11.00 a.m. (BST) for the purpose of
considering and, if thought fit, adopting the following resolutions relating to the
ordinary business of the Company at the Extraordinary General Meeting or any
adjournment thereof:
Ordinary Business
To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the following resolutions as Ordinary
1. THAT John Chapman be and is hereby removed from office as a director of
the Company with immediate effect;
2. THAT Patrick McCann be and is hereby removed from office as a director of
the Company with immediate effect;
3. THAT James Lowenstein be and is hereby removed from office as a director
of the Company with immediate effect;
4. THAT Stephen Coe be and is hereby removed from office as a director of the
Company with immediate effect;
5. THAT Antony Gardner-Hillman be and is hereby removed from office as a
director of the Company with immediate effect;
6. THAT Brandur Thor Ludwig be and is hereby appointed a director of the
Company with immediate effect;
7. THAT Philippe Vienot be and is hereby appointed a director of the Company
with immediate effect; and
8. THAT Eric Youngblood be and is hereby appointed a director of the
Company with immediate effect.
By order of the Board
John Chapman
ACP Capital Limited
22-24 Seale Street
St. Helier, Jersey JE2 3QG
Channel Islands
29 July 2009
1. A member of the Company entitled to attend and vote at the meeting convened by the notice
set out above is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and, on a poll, to vote in his/her place. A
proxy may demand, or join in demanding, a poll. A proxy need not be a member of the
2. A member may appoint more than one proxy provided each proxy is appointed to exercise
rights attached to different shares. A member may not appoint more than one proxy to
exercise rights attached to any one share. To appoint more than one proxy, a member should
contact the Company’s registrars Computershare Investor Services (Channel Islands) Limited,
Ordnance House, 31 Pier Road, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PW, Channel Islands.
3. An instrument for the purposes of appointing a proxy is enclosed. To be valid, the instrument
and the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed, or a
notarially certified copy of such power of authority, must be received at Ordnance
House, 31 Pier Road, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PW, Channel Islands not later than 48 hours
before the time appointed for holding the meeting or adjourned meeting at which the person
named in the instrument proposes to vote or, in the case of a poll, before the time appointed for
taking the poll and, in default, the instrument shall not be treated as valid.
4. In the case of a member which is a company, the instrument appointing a proxy must be
executed under the member’s common seal (or in any other manner permitted by law and
having the same effect as if executed under seal) or under the hand of a duly authorised
officer, attorney or other person.
5. Completion of the instrument appointing a proxy does not preclude a member from
subsequently attending and voting at the meeting in person if he/she so wishes. If a member
appoints a proxy and then attends the meeting in person, the proxy appointment will
automatically be terminated.
6. In the case of joint holders, the vote of the senior who tenders a vote, whether in person or by
proxy, will be accepted to the exclusion of the votes of the other joint holders and, for this
purpose, seniority will be determined by the order in which the names stand in the register of
members in respect of the joint holding.
7. Pursuant to Article 40 of the Companies (Uncertificated Securities) (Jersey) Order 1999, the
Company specifies that only those members entered on the register of members of the
Company as at 11.00 a.m. (BST) on 12 August 2009 or, if the meeting is adjourned, 48 hours
before the time fixed for the adjourned meeting shall be entitled to attend and vote at the
meeting in respect of the number of shares registered in their name at that time. Changes to
entries on the register of members after 11.00 a.m. (BST) on 12 August 2009 or, if the meeting
is adjourned, on the register of members 48 hours before the time fixed for the adjourned
meeting shall be disregarded in determining the rights of any person to attend or vote at the
Friday, 30 September 2011
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Zoompad's pads said...
I was amazed he decided to even stand again.
SS has told his 3 regular blog followers how much he hates this oligarchy, how he was suing them all because they are so corrupt. How they covered up child abuse, serial killers and planning scandals. How he was relieved to get away from them all and that they even had the SOJP under the thumb.
No wonder people burst out laughing with his annoucement outside the Royal Court about going against everything he said and wanting to rejoin them all over again, the man is a ponce.
Zoompad's pads said...
I was amazed he decided to even stand again.
SS has told his 3 regular blog followers how much he hates this oligarchy, how he was suing them all because they are so corrupt. How they covered up child abuse, serial killers and planning scandals. How he was relieved to get away from them all and that they even had the SOJP under the thumb.
No wonder people burst out laughing with his annoucement outside the Royal Court about going against everything he said and wanting to rejoin them all over again, the man is a ponce.
I am reposting this from Robert Greens blog, I will be writing a letter. If anyone is outraged about the Hollie, Anne and Robert have been persecuted for daring to defy the authorities by complaining about how Hollie was raped from the age of 6 by a gang of paedophiles in Scotland, could I urge you to show support for this campaign by also sending a letter, thank you.
How You Can Help To Defend Freedom Of Speech
On the 14th November, I am to stand trial at Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire on a breach of the peace charge. Due to the anticipated large number of witnesses, the proceedings are set to last for two weeks.
The terms of my defence will ensure that this trial becomes a test case, not only for the future of the freedom of the press, but also impacts on freedom of speech. I shall stand on the right of a journalist to publish what he believes to be the truth and is in the public interest. My excellent legal team, led by the eminent Frances McMenamin QC, feel that the success of my defence may be enhanced by having letters produced in Court from those who have supported my actions in bringing the Hollie Greig case into the public domain and believe my stance to be justified in the public interest.
Thus, I would be most grateful to anyone who feels that they can support me in this way.
The letters must be hard copies, sent by mail, not email. To be valid, they must contain the address, name and signature of the sender and be addressed in the following manner, to enable me to forward them to my solicitor, Mr Gerry Sweeney, and then onward to be placed before the Sheriff. It should open with "To whom it may concern".
Here is the address,
The Court,
c/o Robert Green
4 Birchdale Road
Cheshire WA4 5AR
This issue, I believe, is of importance far beyond the parameters of the case itself. It revolves around the concept of openness versus secrecy in our society. It must now be obvious to any reasonable person following the Hollie Greig case that the degree of secrecy involving senior state officials in trying to obstruct and pervert the course of justice by making clandestine agreements behind closed doors is completely unacceptable in any civilised and democratic society.
May I thank everyone who has supported Hollie, Anne and me throughout the campaign and hope that you may be able to help in this regard. The letters do not need to be lengthy, nor particularly detailed. All that is requested is a statement that you support my position before the Court.
How You Can Help To Defend Freedom Of Speech
On the 14th November, I am to stand trial at Stonehaven, Aberdeenshire on a breach of the peace charge. Due to the anticipated large number of witnesses, the proceedings are set to last for two weeks.
The terms of my defence will ensure that this trial becomes a test case, not only for the future of the freedom of the press, but also impacts on freedom of speech. I shall stand on the right of a journalist to publish what he believes to be the truth and is in the public interest. My excellent legal team, led by the eminent Frances McMenamin QC, feel that the success of my defence may be enhanced by having letters produced in Court from those who have supported my actions in bringing the Hollie Greig case into the public domain and believe my stance to be justified in the public interest.
Thus, I would be most grateful to anyone who feels that they can support me in this way.
The letters must be hard copies, sent by mail, not email. To be valid, they must contain the address, name and signature of the sender and be addressed in the following manner, to enable me to forward them to my solicitor, Mr Gerry Sweeney, and then onward to be placed before the Sheriff. It should open with "To whom it may concern".
Here is the address,
The Court,
c/o Robert Green
4 Birchdale Road
Cheshire WA4 5AR
This issue, I believe, is of importance far beyond the parameters of the case itself. It revolves around the concept of openness versus secrecy in our society. It must now be obvious to any reasonable person following the Hollie Greig case that the degree of secrecy involving senior state officials in trying to obstruct and pervert the course of justice by making clandestine agreements behind closed doors is completely unacceptable in any civilised and democratic society.
May I thank everyone who has supported Hollie, Anne and me throughout the campaign and hope that you may be able to help in this regard. The letters do not need to be lengthy, nor particularly detailed. All that is requested is a statement that you support my position before the Court.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Norman is 85 years old and had the balls to stand against Tony Blair at Sedgefield, the year that Blair chucked it in - probably because he did not l;ike the look of the multi medalled WW2 hero that was standing against him!Norman has been put in jail for exposing the MOJ corruption
So, if you want to be a part of history, get to the hearing tomorrow in Leeds.
(sorry about that two faced slimy ratbag shoving himself in the limelight on this video, what he's sniffing round Norman for I cannot imagine, I thought he was more interested in cats and loose women with eyesight problems - they must have to be tempted into a leason with him)
From Norman Scarth: To those who could not make it to the Leeds Meeting last evening (Tuesday). The general feeling was that it was brilliant - but Oh So Few! Several people came from far afield, but Leeds & Bradford people were indeed very few.
Henry V before Agincourt comes to mind, "We Few, we Happy Few, we Band of Brothers - for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother: be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition, & gentlemen in England now abed, shall feel themselves accurs'd they were not here, & hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks who fought with us upon St. Crispin's Day!"
Well, it's not over yet: The MAIN day is tomorrow, Thursday 29th September. Time & place: 6.30pm, near 'UHC, 151, Shadwell Lane', LEEDS LS17 8DW (Google it). BE THERE - IF YOU POSSIBLY CAN!
An escaped convict!
PS: On 7th March I went all the way to Birkenhead at the request of Roger Hayes, without being told what it was for, but taking his word that it was important. It proved to be a momentous day. I ask you to do the same at my invitation. It could well be another momentous day - if you make it so. NS.
Norman is 85 years old and had the balls to stand against Tony Blair at Sedgefield, the year that Blair chucked it in - probably because he did not l;ike the look of the multi medalled WW2 hero that was standing against him!Norman has been put in jail for exposing the MOJ corruption
So, if you want to be a part of history, get to the hearing tomorrow in Leeds.
(sorry about that two faced slimy ratbag shoving himself in the limelight on this video, what he's sniffing round Norman for I cannot imagine, I thought he was more interested in cats and loose women with eyesight problems - they must have to be tempted into a leason with him)
From Norman Scarth: To those who could not make it to the Leeds Meeting last evening (Tuesday). The general feeling was that it was brilliant - but Oh So Few! Several people came from far afield, but Leeds & Bradford people were indeed very few.
Henry V before Agincourt comes to mind, "We Few, we Happy Few, we Band of Brothers - for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother: be he ne'er so vile, this day shall gentle his condition, & gentlemen in England now abed, shall feel themselves accurs'd they were not here, & hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks who fought with us upon St. Crispin's Day!"
Well, it's not over yet: The MAIN day is tomorrow, Thursday 29th September. Time & place: 6.30pm, near 'UHC, 151, Shadwell Lane', LEEDS LS17 8DW (Google it). BE THERE - IF YOU POSSIBLY CAN!
An escaped convict!
PS: On 7th March I went all the way to Birkenhead at the request of Roger Hayes, without being told what it was for, but taking his word that it was important. It proved to be a momentous day. I ask you to do the same at my invitation. It could well be another momentous day - if you make it so. NS.

Baroness king of Bow plainly shows her ignorance and self centredness in this brutal remark she made about the poor little murder victim Baby Peter Connelly. It's that same callous attitude that people are just so many numbers that Ann Widdecombe displayed when she tried to justify secret courts putting 200 people a year in prison without a fair trial for "contempt of court" because I had not told her what percentage that 200 was of the whole numnber of cases. In other words, its ok for the UK to jail 200 people per year in secret illegal trials as long as 200 is only a small percentage of the total number of cases.
Baroness King's remarks about this poor little child's murder are not only grossly highly offensive but spring from flawed logic and lack of political insight. If she knew anything at all about the secret family courts she would realise that vast amounts of money are being squandered in taking good parents to court using syndromes invented by paedophiles, such as MSBP ans PAS. She would know that Baby P was already under the "care" of Haringey Social Services, and that they were well aware that Baby P was being cared for by a mother who was in a relationship with a convicted sex offender who was part of a p[aedophile ring.
She would also know that there are many survivors of child abuse who do not grow up to become violent offenders. Perhaps she should have a talk with the survivors of Haut de la Garenne, or any of the other Pindown homes, though she had better be quick as the governments have had a policy of deliberatly harrassing and persecuting the survivors of Pindown and anyone who helps them (ie Senator Stuart Syvret) so if she doesn't do it quick she might find that there are.t any left, as they are driven into depression and suicide, and deliberatly criminalised.
Meanwhile, money is being pumped into the "child protection" system, and being deftly creamed off by smartly turned out "professionals" who need the money to pay for nice houses cars and skiing holidays ect. PAS is a big money spinner, no wonder the secret courts are so keen to use it even though it was invented by a paedophile who wangled his way into being accepted as a respected world renouned psychologist, until people actually took the time and trouble to read some of his stuff. It cost over £100,000 for the secret family courts to harrass me and my family to try to force me into meek submission to a man who raped me and his supportive wife, who both used the secret family courts as a weapon to stalk me with, to try to force me to be the man's concubine. These vile people actually used the secret courts to try to force me into contact with the man who I have formally complained about raping me, and who has apologised in court for what he did to me. I went through 7 years of hell trying to defend my right not to be sexually molested, and the pretence that the court case was about my son was absolute poppycock AS HE WAS ALREADY SEEING HIM VIRTUALLY EVERY DAY AT THE TIME HE TOOK ME TO COURT!!! £100,000 at least was the bill for all that. What can be bought for £100,000? The secret family courts are bnusy as ever, using PAS to make good parents lives a living hell, because all the fathers rights groups - which are funded by big law firms and paedophile networks, and wangle their way into Select Committees, push PAS like junkies push heroin, it is a money spinner, so what if it leaves a trail of human disaster in its wake, they're only numbers!
The people of this country are waking up and seeing how money has been squandered in persecuting innocent people, in spite of media gagging. What has been happening in this country is downright wicked. People who are going into social work because they want to help other people are getting depressed, because they are being dragged into bad things, pressure is put on them to commit perjury and turn a bliind eye to real child abuse. The whole thing is one big mess, but its not so hard to sort it out, if only people like Baroness King had the will to do so, but from what I have read here it seems that this lady would rather see little innocents like Baby P become a scapegoat, in the lazy notion that it would be too expensive to fix.
Well, I will be writing to this lady. Here is the part of the Woman's Day debate which caused me so much offence:
International Women's Day — Debate
11:38 am
Baroness King of Bow (Labour)
My Lords, I have often gazed down from the Public Gallery in some wonderment at this golden Chamber, and so it is with much humility, gratitude and a little surprise that I rise from these red Benches to speak. It is customary to thank the staff of the House and I genuinely want to do this, as in all the years that I have worked here they have always assisted me and, more remarkably still, never once arrested me-long may their indulgence continue.
I also thank my two supporters: my noble friend Lady Kinnock and my noble friend Lord Alli, of Norbury. Their support over many years has been so extraordinary to me on a personal level that it has provoked a reaction in me that borders on the devotional, so I will just leave it at that.
Another noble friend whom I would like to mention is the noble Lord, Lord Graham of Edmonton. His is a story of rags to riches. From a poor working class family in the north of England, the noble Lord left school at 14, joined the Royal Marines at 17 and was wounded in the preparations for D-day. His membership of the Co-operative Party remarkably propelled him to become Prime Minister at the age of 21, pipping Pitt The Younger by three years. He was Prime Minister of the Tyneside Youth Parliament, before being demoted to be MP for Enfield. When I was studying A-level politics, I discovered that the noble Lord, Lord Graham, was my mum's cousin. Given that I could not get into the Parliament and my class wanted to come and visit, I nagged him to show us around the place, and I have been hanging around ever since.
It is 14 years since I gave a maiden speech in Parliament and, not wishing to sound like a scratched record, I had genuinely hoped to break new ground and move beyond the limited territory of equalities issues. No such luck. Although this debate has been characterised by genuinely enlightened contributions on both sides, I have to be honest and say that we have been having these debates for so long, I sometimes find them claustrophobic, as though I was trapped inside a box-a small box. A small box with a tick on it. But I should not complain. I am great at ticking boxes. I tick loads of them. My dad is black, my mum is Jewish, my grandparents were Scottish, Irish, Hungarian, African-American and native American Indian-there are more ticks on my census form than on my mum's German shepherd dog. I have tick-borne disease, but all these ticks make me think one thing-tick-tock.
At the current rate of progress, it will take 200 years to achieve an equal number of women in this Parliament. Come on, boys and girls, I know we don't go in for revolution, but 200 years? This timeframe is, frankly, lazy. What happened to our work ethic? How long do we have to wait? How many speeches do we have to make? How many clauses do we have to debate? Although the previous Labour Government did what all Labour Governments have done and introduced groundbreaking equalities legislation for women, ethnic minorities, disabled people, gay people, older people, religious groups-basically, everyone-I am still shocked at how much ground is left to break.
Maybe that is because I grew up in a country where the head of state and the Prime Minister were both women and it was an article of faith to me that, in this country, unlike so much of the world, women no longer faced an uphill struggle. The facts presented in this debate prove that I was a misguided young woman. I thought that promoting equality was a matter of us tying up a few loose ends, not actually questioning the whole system. But since I have spent most of my adult life working inside a parliamentary rabbit hole, I realise that we must question the system. I have concluded that Britain is a wonderful country; and I prefer British politics to virtually all others. But having worked within the system all my life, I can say with clear-eyed conviction that our system needs radical repair. Our system is needlessly failing not just women-although they face the brunt of the problems at the moment-but failing children and men as well.
Repair is required in three principal areas. First, recognise that the equalities debate is for everyone, not just those of us with tick-borne disease. For example, all men in Britain today who desperately want to see their children more than they do, would benefit from greater gender equality at work and around childcare responsibilities. If the average man understood what gender equality meant for him, the average man would be a feminist.
Secondly, a gender analysis is the most effective way to reduce the harshest inequality of all: the inequality between those who are nurtured from birth, on the one hand, and those who are effectively abandoned, whose lives are thrown away before they reach the age of three.
Thirdly, the most effective way to improve outcomes in our system is to implement an old wives' tale and listen to what our grandmothers said. They said that prevention is better than cure. This was the theme of my wonderfully ill-fated London mayoral campaign last year, the failure of which, thankfully, allowed me to wash up on these noble red Benches. I am ashamed to say that, at the time when I was harping on about early intervention, I had not read what I think is one of the most important contributions that any two Back-Benchers have made-they are men, but never mind; I shall give them credit. Graham Allen and Iain Duncan Smith's report on early intervention is genuinely groundbreaking and I commend it to everyone.
Given the time limitations, I have discarded half my speech, but I want to tell your Lordships one last anecdote about a social worker that I heard of during the mayoral campaign last summer. The social worker was talking about Baby P, the 17 month-old boy whose 50 injuries included a broken back, broken ribs, his teeth kicked out, the tips of his fingers sliced off, his nails ripped out and so forth. The social worker noted that our entire country was united in an outpouring of grief and rage at the suffering of that poor soul. How different their responses would be, said the social worker, had Baby P survived. If Baby P had survived his horrific childhood of constant abuse, all the research indicates that, as an adult, unless he received intensive and expensive help, he would almost certainly have become a sex abuser, wife beater and paedophile. The whole country would have been united in an outpouring of rage against this monster and demanded that he be hanged by the neck. We need to reflect on the madness inherent not just in this system's responses but in society's responses to the ills around us.
I conclude by mentioning the fantastic EQUALS campaign, spearheaded by Annie Lennox-and why is it that we politicians have to rely on pop stars so often? That campaign pointed out that there is no doubt that women's rights have come a long way since 1911, but women still only hold 19 per cent of the world's parliamentary seats, only 9 per cent of the world's leaders are women, women perform 66 per cent of the world's work, produce over 50 per cent of the world's food and yet only earn 10 per cent of the world's income and own less than 1 per cent of the world's property.
This House is renowned as a place of reflection. I thank the noble Baroness, Lady Gould, for securing this debate, and on the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, I hope that we can stop ticking boxes, start to think outside the box and secure gender equality for all.
Link to thisHansard source (Citation: HL Deb, 3 March 2011, c1200)
Add an annotation (e.g. more info, blog post or wikipedia article)1:05 pm
Email me when Baroness Cox speaksView voting recordMost recent appearancesNumerologyFull profile ...
Baroness Cox (Crossbench)
Monday, 26 September 2011
I watched a bit of the Labour Party Conference this morning, and found it sickening to watch them awarding themselves certificates of merit for, what? WHAY ARE THESE PEOPLE STANDING ON A STAGE AND AWARDING THEMSELVES CERTIFICATES OF MERIT AFTER WHAT THEY HAVE DONE TO THIS COUNTRY?
Let's just remind ourselves of what New Labour's "best bits" shall we?
Let's just remind ourselves of what New Labour's "best bits" shall we?
Yes, I am talking about one of the most disgraceful websites on the Internet, the JERSEY HAUT DE LA GARENNE MURDER FARCE BLOG, which is run and contributed by a convicted criminal, a foul mouthed drunkard comedien, some very corrupt Jersey politicaians and some very creepy and desperate people.
I cannot say it is the worst site on the Internet though, as Ianboys Discipline Homepage, lucifer youth foundation, Searchlight Magazine and NAMBLA also have websites in cyber space I am sorry to say.
I am sick of that disgusting site making disgusting comments about people who have been abused and about people who try to help vulnerable people.
The people who are running that Blog of Doom are grieving the Holy Spirit.
This is an example of the horrible comments made on that horrible blog, and the police know about this cyber bullying as do Google but noone will do anything to stop it.
"alto ego hair products said...
It looks like the Nutter's blog has moved away from the election and they are now discussing his non existent love life possibly due to his nerdy addiction to blogging and talking crap about all and sundry. Still he could always get Rico to dress up in drag or invite Zoompad over for a weekend eh....;-0 "
"Anonymous said...
Syvret has even given up the ghost on killer nurses by the looks of it, maybe the penny has dropped that nobody cares anymore????
September 25, 2011 "
People DO care that they might need to go into hospital and be at risk of being murdered by aq nurse, but the criminals who are running the not so free press wont tell people what is happening, the people get propaganda rather than the truth on the Jersey news and the Jersey Evening Post!
I cannot say it is the worst site on the Internet though, as Ianboys Discipline Homepage, lucifer youth foundation, Searchlight Magazine and NAMBLA also have websites in cyber space I am sorry to say.
I am sick of that disgusting site making disgusting comments about people who have been abused and about people who try to help vulnerable people.
The people who are running that Blog of Doom are grieving the Holy Spirit.
This is an example of the horrible comments made on that horrible blog, and the police know about this cyber bullying as do Google but noone will do anything to stop it.
"alto ego hair products said...
It looks like the Nutter's blog has moved away from the election and they are now discussing his non existent love life possibly due to his nerdy addiction to blogging and talking crap about all and sundry. Still he could always get Rico to dress up in drag or invite Zoompad over for a weekend eh....;-0 "
"Anonymous said...
Syvret has even given up the ghost on killer nurses by the looks of it, maybe the penny has dropped that nobody cares anymore????
September 25, 2011 "
People DO care that they might need to go into hospital and be at risk of being murdered by aq nurse, but the criminals who are running the not so free press wont tell people what is happening, the people get propaganda rather than the truth on the Jersey news and the Jersey Evening Post!
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Coming out of the dark agesFor most people the Sixties was a time of sexual awakening and experimentation. But it wasn't until 1967 that gay and bisexual men could share that freedom. On the 40th anniversary of the decriminalisation of homosexuality, we revisit the appallingly repressive atmosphere of the Fifties and Sixties that ruined lives, destroyed reputations and finally sparked a campaign for change
reddit this Geraldine Bedell The Observer, Sunday 24 June 2007 Article historyForty years ago in Britain, loving the wrong person could make you a criminal. Smiling in the park could lead to arrest and being in the wrong address book could cost you a prison sentence. Homosexuality was illegal and hundreds of thousands of men feared being picked up by zealous police wanting easy convictions, often for doing nothing more than looking a bit gay.
At 5.50am on 5 July 1967, a bill to legalise homosexuality limped through its final stages in the House of Commons. It was a battered old thing and, in many respects, shabby. It didn't come close to equalising the legal status of heterosexuals and homosexuals (that would take another 38 years). It didn't stop the arrests: between 1967 and 2003, 30,000 gay and bisexual men were convicted for behaviour that would not have been a crime had their partner been a woman. But it did transform the lives of men like Antony Grey, who had fought so hard for it, meaning that he and his lifelong partner no longer felt that every moment of every day they were at risk.
It is hard for us to imagine now how repressive was the atmosphere surrounding homosexuality in the 1950s. 'It was so little spoken about, you could be well into late adolescence before you even realised it was a crime,' says Allan Horsfall, who campaigned for legal change in the north west, where he lived with his partner, a headmaster. 'Some newspapers reported court cases but they talked of "gross indecency" because they couldn't bring themselves to mention it, so young people were lucky if they could work out what was going on.'
Antony Grey, who later became secretary of the Homosexual Law Reform Society (HLRS), describes having to make 'painstaking circular tours through the dictionary' to articulate the feelings he'd had since he was nine. The one thing he did manage to pick up was that 'there was a hideous aura of criminality and degeneracy and abnormality surrounding the matter'. Grey, a middle-class boy, fearful of breaking the law, remained 'solitary, frustrated and apprehensive' until he met his partner at the age of 32.
Grey is now 89 and has a civil partnership with that same man (Grey's partner has always remained anonymous and prefers to do so now). I met them at their house in north-west London, where we talked in a room overflowing with books. Grey is tall and used to look distinguished; he has had leukaemia and is gaunt now. But his memories of the period are precise. In the early days, they tell me, living together was a dangerous business. When a drunk coach driver crashed into their car outside their house in the night, 'the first thing we had to do was make up the spare bed. We knew from experience that if you called the police and they suspected you were homosexual, they would ignore the original crime and concentrate on the homosexuality.'
This was what happened to Alan Turing, the mathematician and Enigma codebreaker. In 1952, he reported a break-in and was subsequently convicted of gross indecency. Though he escaped prison, he was forced to undergo hormone therapy and lost his security clearance; he later committed suicide by eating an apple laced with cyanide.
For all that the law was draconian, it was also unenforceable. As a result, arrests often seemed to have an arbitrary, random quality. When Allan Horsfall became a Bolton councillor in 1958, he discovered that a public lavatory used for cottaging was well known to police and magistrates, yet there hadn't been a conviction in 30 years. On the other hand, there would be intermittent trawls through address books of suspected homosexuals, with the result that up to 20 men at a time would appear in the dock, accused of being a 'homosexual ring', even though many of them might never have met many of the others.
A case of this kind, involving eight men in Bolton, spurred Horsfall to set up the North Western Homosexual Law Reform Society (later the Campaign for Homosexual Equality). He explains: 'In this case, there was no public sex, no underage sex, no multiple sex. Yet they were all dragged to court and a 21-year-old considered to be the ringleader was sentenced to 21 months. I wrote a letter to the Bolton Evening News. They had four more letters in support and none against and the deputy editor was visited by the local police, who wanted to know if he thought this was what the people of Bolton really thought about the enforcement of this law.'
Horsfall thought it probably was and set up his campaigning group, which would play an important role in demonstrating to politicians that reform wasn't merely the preoccupation of a metropolitan coterie. When the objection was made, as it often was, that the powerful miners' groups wouldn't stand for legalisation, Horsfall was able to point out that he ran his campaign from a house in a mining village where he lived with another man and had never had any trouble with the neighbours.
In the mid-1950s, there was an atmosphere of a witch-hunt (probably not unrelated to what was happening in America with McCarthy), with consequent opportunities for blackmail. Leo Abse, who eventually piloted the Sexual Law Reform Act through Parliament, recalls that, as a lawyer in Cardiff, his fees from criminals suddenly all started coming from the account of one man. He investigated and found he was 'a poor vicar. The bastards were bleeding him. I sent for one of the criminals and told him if I had another cheque from this man, I'd get him sent down for 10 years. I sent for the vicar and told him to come to me if they approached him again.'
MPs on both sides of the House began to demand action. One or two newspapers ran leaders. And then there was another high-profile case in which the police were called on one matter and ended up prosecuting another. Edward Montagu, later Lord Beaulieu, contacted the police over a stolen camera and ended up in prison for a year for gross indecency. Two of his friends, Michael Pitt-Rivers and Peter Wildeblood, got 18 months. Their trial in 1954 probably played into the decision of the Home Secretary, David Maxwell-Fyfe, to establish the Wolfenden Committee to consider whether a change in the law was necessary.
As Lord Kilmuir, Maxwell-Fyfe led the opposition to law reform in the Lords, so it was ironic that he started the process. Perhaps he thought, by handing over to a committee, to shelve the issue. Perhaps he assumed Wolfenden would find against, in which case, he chose a curious chairman, because Wolfenden had a gay son, Jeremy. Antony Grey told me that when Wolfenden accepted the job, he wrote to Jeremy saying it would be better if he weren't seen around him too often in lipstick and make-up.
Allan Horsfall believes homosexuality was tacked on very late in the day to the business of a committee that had already been set up to look into the legal status of prostitution. (Certainly, its remit covered both; its findings were popularly referred to as the Vice report.) That would make sense of the choice of chairman, although it is also possible that, given the secretive atmosphere of the time, Maxwell-Fyfe didn't know Wolfenden had a son who wore make-up.
The Wolfenden Committee sat for three years and recommended that homosexual acts between consenting adults in private should no longer be illegal. Setting the tone for the discussion about law reform that would follow, it made no attempt to argue that homosexuality wasn't immoral, only that the law was impractical. The age of consent should, in the committee's view, be set at 21 (it was 16 for heterosexuals). The weedy reasoning behind this was that young men left the control of their parents for university or national service. In fact, it seems to have reflected a general prejudice that homosexuals were even more simple-minded than girls.
I met Leo Abse at his beautiful house overlooking the Thames at Kew where, he says, he is kept alive by his young wife Ania. He is 90 now and deaf, but mentally acute and still writing books. We talked in his first-floor drawing room as swans floated by outside. For all its shortcomings, the Wolfenden report is usually regarded as the key turning point in the fight for legalisation, the moment at which a government-appointed body said unequivocally that the law should change.
Abse insisted that its importance has been exaggerated. 'People talk sloppily about Wolfenden, which was not by any means a key turning-point. A myth has grown up: the myth of pre-Wolfenden and after. It was only a staging post. When I arrived in the Commons after Wolfenden, the vote against it was overwhelming. Ten years of struggle came after.'
It's true that an awful lot of lobbying remained to be done. The HLRS got off the ground in 1958, following a letter to the Times signed by 30 of the great and the good, including former Prime Minister Clement Attlee, philosophers AJ Ayer and Isaiah Berlin, poets C Day Lewis and Stephen Spender, playwright JB Priestley and various bishops. (From our perspective of the early 21st century, when the churches seem so afraid of homosexuality, it's interesting that in this period they consistently and visibly backed reform.)
Antony Grey became secretary in 1962, using the pen name he used for any letters he had published (his real name is Anthony Edward Gartside Wright): 'My father was dying. I didn't tell my parents I was gay until I was nearly 30 and they thought it was some foul disease. They were never comfortable with it.'
A long campaign ensued of talks to the WI and Rotary Clubs, university debates, public meetings and letter-writing. The meagre amount that the HLRS could afford to pay Grey was supplemented by means of a Saturday sub-editing job on The Observer, offered him by David Astor, then the paper's owner and editor, who was a supporter of reform.
The campaigning work was exhausting and often thankless and the opposition a mixture of vituperative and mad. Grey once caused consternation at a Rotary dinner when asked what homosexuals were really like, by answering, 'rather like a Rotary Club'. An opponent in a Cambridge University debate, Dame Peggy Shepherd, asked him over a nightcap at their hotel, 'Tell me, why are you so concerned about these unfortunate people?'
Various stabs were made at bringing the matter before Parliament, but the first really promising development came with a bill in the Lords in July 1965. It was sponsored by Lord Arran, an unlikely reformer: known to his friends as Boofy, he kept a pet badger. Grey recalls going for tea with him, with the creature in his lap. He had inherited the title because his older brother, who was gay, had committed suicide.
'He wasn't the sort of person you'd think would do it,' Grey says. 'But he was invaluable. He was related to everyone and was always saying things like, "I'll have a word with Cousin Salisbury about that." He was a bit mad - he referred to the bill as William - and he became an alcoholic while he was doing it. He more or less had to be dried out afterwards.'
For the opposition, Lord Kilmuir warned against licensing the 'buggers' clubs' which he claimed were operating behind innocent-looking doors all over London. But Arran, supported by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, won his third reading by 96 votes to 31.
In the Sixties, the Lords led the way, quite unlike the situation in 2000, when the age of consent was finally equalised after the government invoked the rarely used Parliament Act to overrule a House of Lords that had thrown it out three times. Like the churches, the Lords has become more conservative about homosexuality over the years. The Catholic Archbishops of Westminster and Birmingham argued for exemptions in the 2007 Equality Act which would have allowed homosexuals to be turned away from soup kitchens and hospices.
Arran's bill ran out of parliamentary time, but its success meant the pressure was now on for the Commons. A Conservative MP, Humphrey Berkeley, tried to sponsor a bill in the lower house. He was gay and in many ways, the lobby, certainly Grey, would have preferred him. 'He was a nice person and not as quirky as Leo,' Grey says now. 'Both Arran and Abse thought that having got so far, they needed to make concessions, placate the implacable. It seemed to me that most people weren't worried about the details.'
Abse takes a different view. 'The House didn't like Humphrey Berkeley. He was gay and everyone knew. He was an enfant terrible who never grew up. I don't think he could have got it through.' Berkeley ran out of parliamentary time and then lost his seat at the 1966 general election. Back in the new Parliament, Abse gave notice in the July that he intended to move a 10-Minute Rule bill. By his own account, he was not the man the Home Secretary, Roy Jenkins (who wanted reform, fought for it in cabinet, guaranteed parliamentary time and assiduously sat through all the debates) would have chosen to pilot it through. 'We had a reconciliation before he died, but when Roy Jenkins talked to me in those days, he used to shut his eyes, as though he wanted to blot me out.'
Abse believes Jenkins would have preferred Michael Foot, for two reasons. First, he says, Jenkins wanted 'to bog down Michael', whom he saw as a potential rival in any leadership contest; and second, he 'thought I was too dangerous a character. I was too colourful'. He points to a shield on the wall, given to him by the Clothing Federation for being the best-dressed MP in Parliament. 'I used to dress up. My wife - my first wife - used to dress me up. By God, they needed some colour in Parliament! It wasn't only my narcissism. It was a part of opening up society. But I think Jenkins found it somewhat... he didn't feel comfortable.'
Abse's story is that he and Foot, who were and are great friends, outmanoeuvred the Home Secretary. Foot didn't want the job. 'He hadn't specially involved himself in the homo issue' (even allowing for the fact that he is 90, Abse's language seems a bit odd here), and when he realised what was involved, politely backed off. Jenkins did then give his support, Abse acknowledges, 'although on the way there were a couple of occasions when he lost his nerve and I didn't'.
Human-rights campaigner Peter Tatchell points out: 'The tone of the parliamentary debate alternated between vicious homophobia on one side and patronising, apologetic tolerance on the other.' The Earl of Dudley's contribution in the Lords sums up the level of the opposition's argument: 'I cannot stand homosexuals. They are the most disgusting people in the world. I loathe them. Prison is much too good a place for them.'
But, as Tatchell suggests, the tone of the supporters is, from this distance, hardly less cringe-inducing. No one mentioned equality or love. The consistent position was that homosexuals were pitiful and in need of Christian compassion. Abse argues now that much of this was tactical. 'The thrust of all the arguments we put to get it was, "Look, these people, these gays, poor gays, they can't have a wife, they can't have children, it's a terrible life. You are happy family men. You've got everything. Have some charity." Nobody knew better than I what bloody nonsense that was.
'My inspiration was ideology. It's a dirty word these days, but I was and am an ideologue. I am a Freudian. And I had been taught by Freud that men and women are bisexual. People should come to terms with their bisexuality, not repudiate it and become homophobic. You knew you were doing more than releasing thousands of people from criminality,' he explains. 'It was the start of opening up society to be more caring and sensitive. One was battling for all men and women to have a greater freedom.'
Commentators have argued over whether Abse was sufficiently ambitious with the substance of the bill, but there is no doubt that he was an adept tactician. He kept the mining MPs away from all the votes, 'calling in my debts'. He used his friendship with the chief whip, John Silkin, to ensure there was enough time and he drew the opposition's sting by gingering up a row over whether the law should apply to merchant seamen.
For a bit, it looked as though this arcane dispute might scupper the bill, but then Abse produced a compromise which, though patently absurd (merchant seamen could have homosexual sex with passengers and foreign seamen, but not each other) wrong-footed his opponents at a crucial moment. Right at the end, in the report stage, he managed to keep the required 100-plus supporters in the chamber all night so as to call for closure on the various amendments. On the last of these, he had 101 people there, which was all he needed but which, he says, 'shows how precarious the bill was, and it's why I get so damned annoyed when people say Wolfenden was a watershed. We got that bill through on one vote.'
Perhaps Abse is so anti-Wolfenden because his bill has been accused of being even more tentative than that report a decade earlier. Certainly, for those who had been lobbying, the act was a disappointment in several respects, not least in its confirmation of Wolfenden's age of consent. 'Of course, 21 was absurdly high,' Abse acknowledges now, 'but I wouldn't have had a hope of getting it through under that.' This does not seem to be his entire thinking though because he also says: 'Adolescence is a difficult time and many young men go through a homosexual phase. Great care is needed in that you don't corroborate them in their fixation.'
To make matters worse, the maximum penalty for any man over 21 committing acts of 'gross indecency' (which included masturbation and oral sex) with a 16- to 21-year-old was increased from two years to five years. Same-sex relations were also legal only in private, which was interpreted, as Tatchell says, as being 'behind locked doors and windows and with no other person present on the premises'.
While sex may have been legal, most of the things that might lead to it were still classified as 'procuring' and 'soliciting'. 'It remained unlawful for two consenting adult men to chat up each other in any non-private location,' Tatchell says. 'It was illegal for two men even to exchange phone numbers in a public place or to attempt to contact each other with a view to having sex.' Thus the 1967 law established the risible anomaly that to arrange to do something legal was itself illegal.
We shouldn't think this provision was quietly ignored either. In 1989, during the Conservative campaign for family values, more than 2,000 men were prosecuted for gross indecency, as many as during the 1950s and nearly three times the numbers in the mid-Sixties.
So, is Abse right that he got as much as he could in the circumstances? Antony Grey thinks certainly not; Allan Horsfall is more equivocal. It is hard to judge at this distance, although the experience of recent years suggests there is a lot to be said for moving swiftly to consolidate positions gained, as Stonewall has done in sweeping on from Section 28 to civil partnership to protections for sexual orientation legislation. Stonewall's chief executive, Ben Summerskill, acknowledges that in recent years, MPs with trade union backgrounds like John Prescott or Alan Johnson have been prepared to assert that equality means equality, which simply wasn't the case in the 1960s. Other Labour ministers of the recent past have been susceptible to arguments about their legacy, where Harold Wilson's government was mainly preoccupied with economic troubles and international crises.
Abse was disappointed in a different way by the aftermath of his Sexual Offences Act. 'Those of us putting the bill through thought that, by ending criminality, we'd get the gays to integrate. But I was disconcerted and frightened at first because they were coming out and turning themselves into a self-created ghetto.' Abse's views of integration sound rather more like wholesale capitulation to majority behaviour. But, in any case, he is wrong. Horsfall says: 'Nobody in the circles I moved in realised things had changed. It was 1970 before the Gay Liberation Front appeared and we were well into the Seventies before the Labour Party campaign for gay rights.'
Abse is disappointed that 'the gays' weren't more grateful. 'On my 90th birthday, I had lots of telegrams. I never had one word of thanks from any gay activist or lobby. When I've shown any reservations about the gays, they haven't forgotten. The ghetto suggests they are not at ease. They've got to have a gay world. Perhaps it was presumptuous to think they would integrate and become part of society. They use the excuse of external pressure and discrimination, but really it's not good enough.'
He is, unfortunately, taking a partial view. The single thing that more than any other has 'normalised' gay relationships has been civil partnerships. They could only have come about through lobbying, not by bien pensant intellectuals as before 1967, but by gay people themselves. And while it seems inconceivable now that we could ever go backwards, it is worth remembering the discrimination Abse dismisses was unchecked only recently.
Summerskill points out that recent events in Russia when gay activists, including Tatchell, were beaten up, possibly by plainclothes police, 'were not unthinkable in Britain 20 years ago'. Those archbishops arguing for the exclusion of homosexuals from hospices in 2007 offered a glimpse of a grimy homophobia that still sits mouldering on the underbelly of some British institutions.
The 1967 act was terribly flawed, but the world changed overnight for those like Antony Grey and Allan Horsfall who lived with their partners. The law also emboldened them and others to campaign for the right for those partnerships to have the same standing in law as any other marriage and for other rights to be themselves and have the same freedoms as everyone else. Mealy-mouthed, half-hearted, embarrassed by itself as it was, the act made possible the equality that has since been so painstakingly fought for.
A 40-year journey from shame to pride
1967 Sexual Offences Act in England and Wales decriminalises homosexual acts between two men over 21 years and in private. Scotland legalises it in 1980; Northern Ireland in 1982.
1971 First ever gay march in London, finishing with a rally in Trafalgar Square.
1976 Tom Robinson releases 'Glad to be Gay', which reaches No 18 in the singles chart.
1979 First ever gay television series Gay Life commissioned by LWT.
1982 UK's first HIV/Aids charity, the Terrence Higgins Trust launched.
1983 Labour Party candidate Peter Tatchell defeated in Bermondsey by-election after anti-gay campaign by tabloid press and local Liberals.
1984 Chris Smith, the UK's first openly gay MP, comes out while in office.
1988 Section 28, preventing the 'promotion' of homosexuality, introduced as part of the Local Government Act on 24 May.
1992 London hosts the first international Europride festival with a crowd of 100,000.
1994 Age of consent lowered to 18 from 21, despite unsuccessful campaign to lower it to 16, the consensual age for heterosexuals.
1998 Waheed Alli, one of the world's few openly gay Muslims, becomes the youngest and first openly gay life peer in Parliament.
2000 Government lifts ban on lesbian and gay men in the armed forces.
2001 Age of consent lowered to 16.
2003 Section 28 successfully repealed on 18 November.
2005 First civil partnerships take place.
Gordon Agar
· The following correction was printed in the Observer's For the record column, Sunday July 1 2007. The article above referred to Allan Horsfall as 'a former Bolton councillor'. Although in 1963 he was a resident of Bolton when he set up what became the Campaign for Homosexual Equality, he wasn't a councillor there. He was, however, a councillor in Nelson, Lancashire in the late 1950s.
Friday, 23 September 2011
The paedophile community are now identifying each other by posting a picture of a dog as their avitar.
I've just given a good rollocking to one of them, who has tried to bully Hollie and Anne Greig on Facebook.
You paedoscum who are reaging this, my advice to you is to get yourselves a more suitable avater image, such as cockroaches or other parasitical bugs.
I've just given a good rollocking to one of them, who has tried to bully Hollie and Anne Greig on Facebook.
You paedoscum who are reaging this, my advice to you is to get yourselves a more suitable avater image, such as cockroaches or other parasitical bugs.

Space junk captured on video as it plummets toward Earth
By Sarah Anne Hughes
NASA’s Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite is expected to make reentry Friday, increasing some Earthlings’ anxiousness over whether a piece of space junk will whack them on the head.
The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). (NASA/REUTERS) North America dwellers can, at least, breathe easy. The latest projection from NASA shows that the satellite will not pass over the continent, as The Post’s Joel Achenbach reported.
The six-ton satellite will mostly break up during its return to Earth. But about 26 pieces weighing in at 1,200 pounds will make it through the atmosphere, the Associated Press reports.
These pieces will most likely hit water or unpopulated areas. NASA puts the risk of it falling near inhabited areas at “modest.”
In case you’re still not convinced that you will survive the return of the UARS to Earth, consider this: There’s a 1-in-3,200 chance a human will be hit. The odds that the human will be you is 1-in-21 trillion.
With that in mind, enjoy the haunting images of the UARS captured by amateur astronomer Thierry Legault. From Dunkirk, France, on Sept. 15, Legault used a telescope to film the satellite as it was 252 kilometers (or a little over 150 miles) away from Earth. (Watch the video here.)
It’s a beam of white light, glowing brighter, as it spirals through space. Legault created the images by modifying his telescope to track satellites
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
What wicked times we live in!
If any MP is reading this, the time to repent is right now. You cannot ever pretend you did not know, as I wrote to all of you many times. The Lord is coming back soon and you will all have to give an account to Him of why you knew about this and yet did nothing to stop it.
This is the woman at the centre of the Milly Dowler phone hacking scandal.

Metropolitan police drop action against the GuardianScotland Yard forced into abrupt climbdown over attempt to make Guardian reporters reveal phone-hacking sources
Owen Bowcott and Vikram Dodd, Tuesday 20 September 2011
The Metropolitan police has dropped its attempt to order the Guardian to reveal confidential sources for stories relating to the phone-hacking scandal.
The Met had been hoping to force Guardian reporters to reveal confidential sources for articles disclosing that the murdered teenager Milly Dowler's phone was hacked on behalf of the News of the World. But after an intervention by the Crown Prosecution Service and widespread outrage, Scotland Yard was forced into an abrupt climbdown.
The Met claimed that one of the paper's reporters, Amelia Hill, could have incited a source to break the Official Secrets Act and broken the act herself.
At an Old Bailey hearing scheduled for this Friday, the Met had been due to apply for a production order to obtain all the material that the Guardian holds that would disclose sources for the newspaper's coverage of the phone-hacking inquiry this year.
The statement put out by the Met announcing its retreat left open the possibility that the production order could be applied for again, but the Guardian's lawyers have been told that the police have dropped the application. A senior Yard source said: "It's off the agenda."
The police application was formally being made under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, but with an assertion that Hill had committed an offence under the Official Secrets Act by inciting an officer from Operation Weeting – the Met's investigation into phone hacking – to reveal information.
The Yard source said: "There will be some hard reflection. This was a decision made in good faith, but with no appreciation for the wider consequences. Obviously, the last thing we want to do is to get into a big fight with the media. We do not want to interfere with journalists. In hindsight the view is that certain things that should have been done were not done, and that is regrettable."
The Guardian's editor-in-chief, Alan Rusbridger, said: "We greatly welcome the Met's decision to withdraw this ill-judged order. Threatening reporters with the Official Secrets Act was a sinister new device to get round the protection of journalists' confidential sources. We would have fought this assault on public interest journalism all the way. We're happy that good sense has prevailed."
Many lawyers had expressed astonishment at the police resorting to the Official Secret Act. Their surprise was reinforced on Monday when the director of public prosecutions, Keir Starmer QC, revealed that the Crown Prosecution Service had not been contacted by officers before the application was made.
Neil O'May, the Guardian's solicitor, said: "This was always a misconceived application for source material. Journalists' sources are protected in law. For the Metropolitan police to turn on the very newspaper which exposed the failings of the previous police inquiries and reported on hacking by the News of the World was always doomed to failure. The Metropolitan police need to control the officers who are involved in these sensitive areas."
In a statement , the CPS said: "[On] Monday the Metropolitan police asked the CPS for advice in relation to seeking a production order against Guardian Newspapers.
"The CPS has asked that more information be provided to its lawyers and has said that more time will be needed fully to consider the matter. As a result, the scheduled court hearing will not go ahead on Friday. [The Metropolitan Police] will consider what application, if any, it will make in due course, once it has received advice from the CPS."
The Met said in a statement: "The Metropolitan police's directorate of professional standards consulted the Crown Prosecution Service about the alleged leaking of information by a police officer from Operation Weeting.
"The CPS has today asked that more information be provided to its lawyers and for appropriate time to consider the matter. In addition the MPS has taken further legal advice this afternoon and as a result has decided not to pursue, at this time, the application for production orders scheduled for hearing on Friday 23 September. We have agreed with the CPS that we will work jointly with them in considering the next steps.
"This decision does not mean that the investigation has been concluded. This investigation, led by the DPS, not Operation Weeting, has always been about establishing whether a police officer has leaked information, and gathering any evidence that proves or disproves that. Despite recent media reports, there was no intention to target journalists or disregard journalists' obligations to protect their sources.
"It is not acceptable for police officers to leak information about any investigation, let alone one as sensitive and high profile as Operation Weeting.
"Notwithstanding the decision made this afternoon it should be noted that the application for production orders was made under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE), NOT the Official Secrets Act (OSA).
"The Official Secrets Act was only mentioned in the application in relation to possible offences in connection with the officer from Operation Weeting, who was arrested on August 18 2011 on suspicion of misconduct in a public office relating to unauthorised disclosure of information. He remains on bail and is suspended.
"Separately, the MPS remains committed to the phone hacking investigation under Operation Weeting."The picture painted by Met insiders is that a relatively junior officer took the decision to take on the Guardian without consulting his superiors, setting off a calamitous chain of events that saw the Met condemned for an attempted assault on press freedom.
Police sources said the senior investigating officer who was inquiring into whether a member of the Weeting team had leaked information had taken the decision to seek the production order on his own.
The senior source said that not even Deputy Assistant Commissioner Mark Simmons had been told about the decision in advance. Simmons is the head of professionalism issues at Scotland Yard and is seen as a rising star within the force.
The senior source said: "There was not a lot of happy people at our place over the weekend because it was a decision made by the SIO. There was no referral upwards, and you would have thought on something as sensitive as this there would have been." Simmons and the incoming commissioner, Bernard Hogan-Howe, did discuss the issue, as the criticism grew, but the source said the commissioner had left it to Simmons to take the decision, and that there was no instruction or directive. The Met stressed that Hogan-Howe, despite being in charge of professional standards as deputy commissioner, was not involved in the original decision to seek a production order. Simmons took the decision to review the application by the SIO.
Geoffrey Robertson QC said: "This is a victory for common sense and freedom of speech. Had the police continued with this ill-considered action, journalists might have been forced to disobey a court order so as to protect their source.
"Putting journalists into that dilemma and possibly in jail would only bring discredit on police and the law. It should now be accepted that journalists are entitled to protect their sources of information, otherwise that information will dry up and there will be less public interest information, such as the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone." The Met's move had been condemned by all Britain's major newspapers, including the Times and Sunday Times, and the Daily Mail's columnist Richard Littlejohn.Isabella Sankey, director of policy for Liberty, said: "
"It would have been perverse in the extreme for early prosecutions in the phone-hacking scandal to be against those who blew it open rather than those who covered it up.
"We hope that editors and journalists never forget how important human rights are to a free press."
Michelle Stanistreet, general secretary of the National Union of Journalists, said: "We are delighted that common sense has prevailed and the Met has woken up to the fact that they cannot get away with such flagrant abuse of the Official Secrets Act.This was an outrageous attack on a central tenet of journalism – the protection of our sources. This is a victory for journalism, democracy and press freedom."
The Yard pursued its action against the Guardian without consulting the CPS, until Monday, or the attorney-general Dominic Grieve.
Now this is all very interesting to me, a victim of the Staffordshire Pindown child abuse scandal. The Guardian has employed several dodgy journalists, including an MI5 agent called DAVID ROSE to discredit the police investigation into child abuse at Haut de la Garenne, where the Pindown system was also being used, as it was in Staffordshire, and where children were being pimped by the peoploe who were paid to look after them, as was also happening in Staffordshire. The Guardian also happens to be the mouthpiece for Searchlight Magazine, which was set up by some not very nice people, including a Soho club owner called Harry Bidney who was a paedophile.
I did a bit of scratching around, and discovered that Amelia Hill, the reporter involved in a number of the Guardian's key phone-hacking revelations, wrote this article about Haut de la Garenne:
Child remains found at former Jersey care home
Amelia Hill, social affairs correspondent The Observer, Sunday 24 February 2008
Parts of a child's body were found yesterday morning at a former children's home in Jersey. Police have said their search of the area will continue, admitting they cannot rule out the possibility that more bodies will be uncovered.
The remains were discovered at the Haut de la Garenne site in St Martin, one of two areas targeted in a Jersey police investigation into alleged child abuse at two former care homes on the island.
It is not yet known whether the partial remains, thought to have been buried sometime during the 1980s, are those of a boy or a girl. The remains were found inside the house but the exact location has not yet been given.
The Jersey Sea Cadets and Haut de la Garenne care homes were targeted by police last November following a number of allegations of sexual and physical abuse of children aged 11 to 15, dating back over several decades.
Jersey's deputy chief police officer, Lenny Harper, said the search of Haut de la Garenne was prompted by specific information received from some of the 140-plus victims and witnesses who had been spoken to as part of a child abuse inquiry.
The investigation is focusing on allegations spanning a period from the 1960s up to the early years of the present decade, although the majority of the statements relate to the 1970s and 1980s.
Harper said the status of the investigation has changed to a potential major crime inquiry concerning a possible homicide, and police were now in touch with more specialist assistance from the United Kingdom.
Jersey's Chief Minister, Senator Frank Walker, said it was 'with deep horror and sadness' that he had learnt of the discovery. 'It is imperative that our children are safe in Jersey and I believe that today they are,' he said. 'It is, however, clear that this may not always have been the case and although we can't right the wrongs of the past, we will do everything in our power to assist the police in seeking out the person or persons responsible.'
Built in Victorian times, Haut de la Garenne is a former school and orphanage that today serves as a youth hostel.

Metropolitan police drop action against the GuardianScotland Yard forced into abrupt climbdown over attempt to make Guardian reporters reveal phone-hacking sources
Owen Bowcott and Vikram Dodd, Tuesday 20 September 2011
The Metropolitan police has dropped its attempt to order the Guardian to reveal confidential sources for stories relating to the phone-hacking scandal.
The Met had been hoping to force Guardian reporters to reveal confidential sources for articles disclosing that the murdered teenager Milly Dowler's phone was hacked on behalf of the News of the World. But after an intervention by the Crown Prosecution Service and widespread outrage, Scotland Yard was forced into an abrupt climbdown.
The Met claimed that one of the paper's reporters, Amelia Hill, could have incited a source to break the Official Secrets Act and broken the act herself.
At an Old Bailey hearing scheduled for this Friday, the Met had been due to apply for a production order to obtain all the material that the Guardian holds that would disclose sources for the newspaper's coverage of the phone-hacking inquiry this year.
The statement put out by the Met announcing its retreat left open the possibility that the production order could be applied for again, but the Guardian's lawyers have been told that the police have dropped the application. A senior Yard source said: "It's off the agenda."
The police application was formally being made under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act, but with an assertion that Hill had committed an offence under the Official Secrets Act by inciting an officer from Operation Weeting – the Met's investigation into phone hacking – to reveal information.
The Yard source said: "There will be some hard reflection. This was a decision made in good faith, but with no appreciation for the wider consequences. Obviously, the last thing we want to do is to get into a big fight with the media. We do not want to interfere with journalists. In hindsight the view is that certain things that should have been done were not done, and that is regrettable."
The Guardian's editor-in-chief, Alan Rusbridger, said: "We greatly welcome the Met's decision to withdraw this ill-judged order. Threatening reporters with the Official Secrets Act was a sinister new device to get round the protection of journalists' confidential sources. We would have fought this assault on public interest journalism all the way. We're happy that good sense has prevailed."
Many lawyers had expressed astonishment at the police resorting to the Official Secret Act. Their surprise was reinforced on Monday when the director of public prosecutions, Keir Starmer QC, revealed that the Crown Prosecution Service had not been contacted by officers before the application was made.
Neil O'May, the Guardian's solicitor, said: "This was always a misconceived application for source material. Journalists' sources are protected in law. For the Metropolitan police to turn on the very newspaper which exposed the failings of the previous police inquiries and reported on hacking by the News of the World was always doomed to failure. The Metropolitan police need to control the officers who are involved in these sensitive areas."
In a statement , the CPS said: "[On] Monday the Metropolitan police asked the CPS for advice in relation to seeking a production order against Guardian Newspapers.
"The CPS has asked that more information be provided to its lawyers and has said that more time will be needed fully to consider the matter. As a result, the scheduled court hearing will not go ahead on Friday. [The Metropolitan Police] will consider what application, if any, it will make in due course, once it has received advice from the CPS."
The Met said in a statement: "The Metropolitan police's directorate of professional standards consulted the Crown Prosecution Service about the alleged leaking of information by a police officer from Operation Weeting.
"The CPS has today asked that more information be provided to its lawyers and for appropriate time to consider the matter. In addition the MPS has taken further legal advice this afternoon and as a result has decided not to pursue, at this time, the application for production orders scheduled for hearing on Friday 23 September. We have agreed with the CPS that we will work jointly with them in considering the next steps.
"This decision does not mean that the investigation has been concluded. This investigation, led by the DPS, not Operation Weeting, has always been about establishing whether a police officer has leaked information, and gathering any evidence that proves or disproves that. Despite recent media reports, there was no intention to target journalists or disregard journalists' obligations to protect their sources.
"It is not acceptable for police officers to leak information about any investigation, let alone one as sensitive and high profile as Operation Weeting.
"Notwithstanding the decision made this afternoon it should be noted that the application for production orders was made under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE), NOT the Official Secrets Act (OSA).
"The Official Secrets Act was only mentioned in the application in relation to possible offences in connection with the officer from Operation Weeting, who was arrested on August 18 2011 on suspicion of misconduct in a public office relating to unauthorised disclosure of information. He remains on bail and is suspended.
"Separately, the MPS remains committed to the phone hacking investigation under Operation Weeting."The picture painted by Met insiders is that a relatively junior officer took the decision to take on the Guardian without consulting his superiors, setting off a calamitous chain of events that saw the Met condemned for an attempted assault on press freedom.
Police sources said the senior investigating officer who was inquiring into whether a member of the Weeting team had leaked information had taken the decision to seek the production order on his own.
The senior source said that not even Deputy Assistant Commissioner Mark Simmons had been told about the decision in advance. Simmons is the head of professionalism issues at Scotland Yard and is seen as a rising star within the force.
The senior source said: "There was not a lot of happy people at our place over the weekend because it was a decision made by the SIO. There was no referral upwards, and you would have thought on something as sensitive as this there would have been." Simmons and the incoming commissioner, Bernard Hogan-Howe, did discuss the issue, as the criticism grew, but the source said the commissioner had left it to Simmons to take the decision, and that there was no instruction or directive. The Met stressed that Hogan-Howe, despite being in charge of professional standards as deputy commissioner, was not involved in the original decision to seek a production order. Simmons took the decision to review the application by the SIO.
Geoffrey Robertson QC said: "This is a victory for common sense and freedom of speech. Had the police continued with this ill-considered action, journalists might have been forced to disobey a court order so as to protect their source.
"Putting journalists into that dilemma and possibly in jail would only bring discredit on police and the law. It should now be accepted that journalists are entitled to protect their sources of information, otherwise that information will dry up and there will be less public interest information, such as the hacking of Milly Dowler's phone." The Met's move had been condemned by all Britain's major newspapers, including the Times and Sunday Times, and the Daily Mail's columnist Richard Littlejohn.Isabella Sankey, director of policy for Liberty, said: "
"It would have been perverse in the extreme for early prosecutions in the phone-hacking scandal to be against those who blew it open rather than those who covered it up.
"We hope that editors and journalists never forget how important human rights are to a free press."
Michelle Stanistreet, general secretary of the National Union of Journalists, said: "We are delighted that common sense has prevailed and the Met has woken up to the fact that they cannot get away with such flagrant abuse of the Official Secrets Act.This was an outrageous attack on a central tenet of journalism – the protection of our sources. This is a victory for journalism, democracy and press freedom."
The Yard pursued its action against the Guardian without consulting the CPS, until Monday, or the attorney-general Dominic Grieve.
Now this is all very interesting to me, a victim of the Staffordshire Pindown child abuse scandal. The Guardian has employed several dodgy journalists, including an MI5 agent called DAVID ROSE to discredit the police investigation into child abuse at Haut de la Garenne, where the Pindown system was also being used, as it was in Staffordshire, and where children were being pimped by the peoploe who were paid to look after them, as was also happening in Staffordshire. The Guardian also happens to be the mouthpiece for Searchlight Magazine, which was set up by some not very nice people, including a Soho club owner called Harry Bidney who was a paedophile.
I did a bit of scratching around, and discovered that Amelia Hill, the reporter involved in a number of the Guardian's key phone-hacking revelations, wrote this article about Haut de la Garenne:
Child remains found at former Jersey care home
Amelia Hill, social affairs correspondent The Observer, Sunday 24 February 2008
Parts of a child's body were found yesterday morning at a former children's home in Jersey. Police have said their search of the area will continue, admitting they cannot rule out the possibility that more bodies will be uncovered.
The remains were discovered at the Haut de la Garenne site in St Martin, one of two areas targeted in a Jersey police investigation into alleged child abuse at two former care homes on the island.
It is not yet known whether the partial remains, thought to have been buried sometime during the 1980s, are those of a boy or a girl. The remains were found inside the house but the exact location has not yet been given.
The Jersey Sea Cadets and Haut de la Garenne care homes were targeted by police last November following a number of allegations of sexual and physical abuse of children aged 11 to 15, dating back over several decades.
Jersey's deputy chief police officer, Lenny Harper, said the search of Haut de la Garenne was prompted by specific information received from some of the 140-plus victims and witnesses who had been spoken to as part of a child abuse inquiry.
The investigation is focusing on allegations spanning a period from the 1960s up to the early years of the present decade, although the majority of the statements relate to the 1970s and 1980s.
Harper said the status of the investigation has changed to a potential major crime inquiry concerning a possible homicide, and police were now in touch with more specialist assistance from the United Kingdom.
Jersey's Chief Minister, Senator Frank Walker, said it was 'with deep horror and sadness' that he had learnt of the discovery. 'It is imperative that our children are safe in Jersey and I believe that today they are,' he said. 'It is, however, clear that this may not always have been the case and although we can't right the wrongs of the past, we will do everything in our power to assist the police in seeking out the person or persons responsible.'
Built in Victorian times, Haut de la Garenne is a former school and orphanage that today serves as a youth hostel.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
A Sly Amendment
Made15th September 2011
Coming into force16th September 2011
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 48 of the States of Jersey Law 2005[1], have made the following amendment to Standing Orders -
1 Standing Order 112 amended
In standing order 112 in the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey[2], in the table in paragraph (1), in column 2 relating to item 1, for the number "14" there shall be substituted the number "28".
2 Citation and commencement
This amendment may be cited as Amendment (No. 16) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey and shall come into force on the day after it is made.
This Order amends the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey by changing the period following an ordinary election within which the meeting for selecting a Chief Minister designate must commence. The period for commencing such a meeting is changed from a period of 14 days following such an election to a period of 28 days.
Now the reason for this is the single day election, and this has caused a discrepancy between what used to happen and what should happen:
This very brief but extremely important amendment to Standing Orders is being brought forward to correct an oversight that has only just been noticed in relation to the date of the first meeting of the new States after the elections. Under the Standing Orders as currently drafted, that first meeting must be held within 14 days of the Deputies' elections, and that is not possible under the timetable for this autumn as already agreed by the States.
And the solution - which appears to be a permanent one - is to increase the time available for the old States to debate the budget! The proper solution, of course, could have been that the budget would have to fall between two States Assemblies, so that the new States members, who will have been elected now by 4 weeks, almost a calendar month, could have a say. In the UK, for example, the day after the election, if you are voted out as an MP, you are out. In Jersey, however, if you are voted out, you have a period of grace of 28 days when you are completely unaccountable to anyone!
The old States would be required to remain in office for some 3 weeks after the elections in order to debate the 2012 Budget; and although at first this may not appear to be ideal, it should be pointed out that the old States currently remains in office for some 8 weeks after the senatorial and Connétables' elections even though there is, of course, only some 10 days between the Deputies' elections and the swearing-in of the new States. The 3 week period will provide additional time for the start of the induction programme for new members before they are sworn in and this will be a benefit, as the current system where very little time is available between the Deputies' elections and the start of the new States is far from ideal.
To say that "at first this may not appear to be ideal" is a masterpiece of understatement. I'm sure. To whom are any States members voted out of office accountable to? The notion of accountability is linked, or should be linked, to the ballot box, but here it is being wrenched apart, purely so that a legislative programme can be passed by the old States. Surely the legislative programme must take second place?
Notice the weasel way in which this is treated as an advantage - it can be used for an "induction programme". How they manage in the "Mother of Parliaments", goodness only knows, without all this extra time available? Perhaps Philip Ozouf should suggest an extra 28 days legislative power to the Liberal Democrats while he is over there for the new MPs that come along when they get decimated at the next election!
Because the legislative programme has to remain inviolate, Privileges and Procedures (who are bringing this proposition) comment:
If the current provision remains unchanged and is ignored, there could be ongoing uncertainty about the validity of the appointment of a Chief Minister made after the prescribed 14 day period. Alternatively, if the provision was followed as required, there would be no option other than to convene the 'old' States within the 14 day period to elect a new Chief Minister. This would clearly be a totally ridiculous and unacceptable option and may not even be possible because of other requirements of the States of Jersey Law 2005 and Standing Orders
The proposition was passed, with not one vote against or abstention, which is hardly surprising. If you are voted out, this gives you an extra chance to cling on to the reigns of power and vote on the business plan, and make your voice heard. Who wants to do that?
But it is a serious anomaly, and it should be reduced to 14 days as soon as possible, and future legislative programmes should be curtailed so that they do not "over-run". I suspect it won't, and it will remain on the Statute book, allowing business plans to get by just before every election, because they are not dependent on the outcome of that election, but only on the whim of sitting States members, who may have even lost their seats or retired. I think a lot of the general public will be surprised when they see their votes are making no difference for virtually a month, and the old incumbents are smiling happily at them while they vote.
A lot was made of Gordon Brown holed up in Downing Street, clinging to office, after the last UK election. Clearly, all he should have done was to pass an amendment to give himself extra time, just like this.
Posted by TonyTheProf at 05:27 Labels: Elections 2011, Political notes
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
A Sly Amendment
Made15th September 2011
Coming into force16th September 2011
THE STATES, in pursuance of Article 48 of the States of Jersey Law 2005[1], have made the following amendment to Standing Orders -
1 Standing Order 112 amended
In standing order 112 in the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey[2], in the table in paragraph (1), in column 2 relating to item 1, for the number "14" there shall be substituted the number "28".
2 Citation and commencement
This amendment may be cited as Amendment (No. 16) of the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey and shall come into force on the day after it is made.
This Order amends the Standing Orders of the States of Jersey by changing the period following an ordinary election within which the meeting for selecting a Chief Minister designate must commence. The period for commencing such a meeting is changed from a period of 14 days following such an election to a period of 28 days.
Now the reason for this is the single day election, and this has caused a discrepancy between what used to happen and what should happen:
This very brief but extremely important amendment to Standing Orders is being brought forward to correct an oversight that has only just been noticed in relation to the date of the first meeting of the new States after the elections. Under the Standing Orders as currently drafted, that first meeting must be held within 14 days of the Deputies' elections, and that is not possible under the timetable for this autumn as already agreed by the States.
And the solution - which appears to be a permanent one - is to increase the time available for the old States to debate the budget! The proper solution, of course, could have been that the budget would have to fall between two States Assemblies, so that the new States members, who will have been elected now by 4 weeks, almost a calendar month, could have a say. In the UK, for example, the day after the election, if you are voted out as an MP, you are out. In Jersey, however, if you are voted out, you have a period of grace of 28 days when you are completely unaccountable to anyone!
The old States would be required to remain in office for some 3 weeks after the elections in order to debate the 2012 Budget; and although at first this may not appear to be ideal, it should be pointed out that the old States currently remains in office for some 8 weeks after the senatorial and Connétables' elections even though there is, of course, only some 10 days between the Deputies' elections and the swearing-in of the new States. The 3 week period will provide additional time for the start of the induction programme for new members before they are sworn in and this will be a benefit, as the current system where very little time is available between the Deputies' elections and the start of the new States is far from ideal.
To say that "at first this may not appear to be ideal" is a masterpiece of understatement. I'm sure. To whom are any States members voted out of office accountable to? The notion of accountability is linked, or should be linked, to the ballot box, but here it is being wrenched apart, purely so that a legislative programme can be passed by the old States. Surely the legislative programme must take second place?
Notice the weasel way in which this is treated as an advantage - it can be used for an "induction programme". How they manage in the "Mother of Parliaments", goodness only knows, without all this extra time available? Perhaps Philip Ozouf should suggest an extra 28 days legislative power to the Liberal Democrats while he is over there for the new MPs that come along when they get decimated at the next election!
Because the legislative programme has to remain inviolate, Privileges and Procedures (who are bringing this proposition) comment:
If the current provision remains unchanged and is ignored, there could be ongoing uncertainty about the validity of the appointment of a Chief Minister made after the prescribed 14 day period. Alternatively, if the provision was followed as required, there would be no option other than to convene the 'old' States within the 14 day period to elect a new Chief Minister. This would clearly be a totally ridiculous and unacceptable option and may not even be possible because of other requirements of the States of Jersey Law 2005 and Standing Orders
The proposition was passed, with not one vote against or abstention, which is hardly surprising. If you are voted out, this gives you an extra chance to cling on to the reigns of power and vote on the business plan, and make your voice heard. Who wants to do that?
But it is a serious anomaly, and it should be reduced to 14 days as soon as possible, and future legislative programmes should be curtailed so that they do not "over-run". I suspect it won't, and it will remain on the Statute book, allowing business plans to get by just before every election, because they are not dependent on the outcome of that election, but only on the whim of sitting States members, who may have even lost their seats or retired. I think a lot of the general public will be surprised when they see their votes are making no difference for virtually a month, and the old incumbents are smiling happily at them while they vote.
A lot was made of Gordon Brown holed up in Downing Street, clinging to office, after the last UK election. Clearly, all he should have done was to pass an amendment to give himself extra time, just like this.
Posted by TonyTheProf at 05:27 Labels: Elections 2011, Political notes
I want to put the Christian view of the Freeman movement.
The Freeman movement is the view that none of us are bound by the Maritime law that is enforced by the police and the courts.
I am probably going to upset some of my more headstrong friends with this blog posting, because I believe it is not right to disrupt courts just to make a political point.
Jesus gave two examples that the Freemen ought to bear in mind whenever they are thinking about defying the authority of the courts and political leaders. One is Matthew 22 verse 15, when Jesus was asked wether the people needed to pay tax to Ceaser. The other example is Luke 14 v 5. These were both legal questions, as it was unlawful according to Jewish law to do any work on the Sabbath and pulling someone out of a well was strictly speaking work.
Jesus always stressed time and time again that not only did he not belong to this world, none of hisw followers did either. He warned the npeople who followed him not to get too attached to this world. He taught that this world is only part of our lives, and that he would rise again and live for ever, and promised the same gift bof eternal life for all his followers.
So while I can see the corruption and depravity of the Secret Family Courts and the MOJ and the other institutions which ought to be doing one thing but have another secret and wicked agenda, I do urge all my friends - and that includes some people who I may have had sharp words with recently - please, don't conform to the standards of this world, but look higher, don't follow any man for your moral standard, but follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, the courts are corrupt, don't I just know it! Well, how many of you ask the Lord for help in putting right what is wrong? We ought to be asking God to help us, not (in the words of Phillip Bailhache), "Making it up as we go along!"
I do worry about the Freeman Movement. I know that Jordan Maxwell is involved in this, and I do not trust any man who allows himself to be worshipped as if he is God, even allowing people to call him the Messiah in a public arena. I think a little humility might not go amiss for Mr Maxwell.
The Freeman movement is the view that none of us are bound by the Maritime law that is enforced by the police and the courts.
I am probably going to upset some of my more headstrong friends with this blog posting, because I believe it is not right to disrupt courts just to make a political point.
Jesus gave two examples that the Freemen ought to bear in mind whenever they are thinking about defying the authority of the courts and political leaders. One is Matthew 22 verse 15, when Jesus was asked wether the people needed to pay tax to Ceaser. The other example is Luke 14 v 5. These were both legal questions, as it was unlawful according to Jewish law to do any work on the Sabbath and pulling someone out of a well was strictly speaking work.
Jesus always stressed time and time again that not only did he not belong to this world, none of hisw followers did either. He warned the npeople who followed him not to get too attached to this world. He taught that this world is only part of our lives, and that he would rise again and live for ever, and promised the same gift bof eternal life for all his followers.
So while I can see the corruption and depravity of the Secret Family Courts and the MOJ and the other institutions which ought to be doing one thing but have another secret and wicked agenda, I do urge all my friends - and that includes some people who I may have had sharp words with recently - please, don't conform to the standards of this world, but look higher, don't follow any man for your moral standard, but follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, the courts are corrupt, don't I just know it! Well, how many of you ask the Lord for help in putting right what is wrong? We ought to be asking God to help us, not (in the words of Phillip Bailhache), "Making it up as we go along!"
I do worry about the Freeman Movement. I know that Jordan Maxwell is involved in this, and I do not trust any man who allows himself to be worshipped as if he is God, even allowing people to call him the Messiah in a public arena. I think a little humility might not go amiss for Mr Maxwell.
Sunday, 18 September 2011

Questions over gambling chief's £200,000 Tory gift
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 2:50 AM on 5th February 2009
The Tories were facing questions last night over a £200,000 gift from a fruit machine tycoon.
Four leisure companies connected to multi-millionaire Trevor Hemmings handed the cash to the party after its frontbenchers fought to relax gambling laws.
It also emerged that the businessman, who owns Blackpool Tower, had financial links to a Labour peer who backed his plan to build a Las Vegas-style supercasino in the seaside resort.
Donation: David Cameron with slot machine boss Trevor Hemmings at Uttoxeter racecourse in 2007
In February last year, Tory culture spokesman Tobias Ellwood called on the Government to double the maximum stake for one-armed bandits with £500 jackpots from £1 to £2.
He also urged ministers to scrap the rule which limits premises from having any more than four of the machines.
Over the following four months, firms connected to 73-year-old Mr Hemmings made four £50,000 donations.
One, Crown Leisure, supplies slot machines to pubs, clubs, casinos and amusement arcades.
Yesterday critics urged Tory leader David Cameron to guarantee that his party was not becoming embroiled in a 'cash-for-favours' row.
Labour backbencher David Borrow said: 'David Cameron needs to come clean over exactly how influential this person is in the Conservative Party.'
David Miller, of the Association for Lobbying Transparency, said: 'It is a clear problem of conflict of interest. The Conservatives should just send the money back.'
More...So is it a recession or a depression? Brown fluffs his lines again
Conservatives continue to edge ahead as voters lose faith in Labour, poll reveals
The Tories vehemently denied they had been compromised by the donations, which
were all registered with the Electoral Commission.
A spokesman said: 'Our policy was formulated before any of these donations were made.
'These companies, like all other donors to the party, have had no influence over its policies.'
The Government recently announced it will double the stake allowed on cheaper slot machines - from 50p to £1 - but it has not yet introduced the measure for more expensive machines.
A Tory source insisted that raising the amount gamblers could bet on £500-prize machines could help prevent problem betting.
Gamblers would be less tempted to switch to highlyaddictive fixed-odds terminals in betting shops, which have a maximum £100 stake, the source claimed.
Three of the firms donating £50,000 - Northern Trust Company, Trust Inns and Classic Lodges - are owned by a holding company that lists Mr Hemmings as director, while Crown Leisure shares a phone number with his private office.
At the time, the total £200,000 donation made the entrepreneur - whose horse Hedgehunter won the 2005 Grand National - the Tories' second- largest corporate donor.
Sources said Mr Hemmings strenuously denied any suggestions he had sought to influence Tory policy.
Earlier it was revealed that Lord Faulkner of Worcester voted against the Government in the Lords when it announced a supercasino would be built in Manchester.
Before proposals for the gambling palace were axed by Gordon Brown, the Labour peer repeatedly spoke out in support of Blackpool's bid.
But he failed to disclose that he was a non-Parliamentary consultant to Sportech, a leisure company of which Mr Hemmings is the largest shareholder.
The Lords code of conduct requires peers to declare any relevant interests when speaking in the chamber.
Lord Faulkner, ennobled in 1999, denied any conflict of interest or wrongdoing.
He admitted not declaring links to Sportech when he spoke up for the Blackpool casino, but insisted he intervened only because he was impressed by the town's bid.
Mr Hemmings could not be contacted yesterday
Read more:
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Woody Guthrie summed it all up pretty well in this song, he could have written this song for today!
Friday, 16 September 2011
"Gee I look old said...
I just laughed at the mental Zoompad post on his blog about the devil running this blog and her complaints to the Staffordshire Police about it hacking her account. Well if thats the paranoid level of his visitors what can I say!!!!
September 16, 2011 "
JEsus, I am so tired now. I just feel so tired of fighting for justice.
They don't care about what they do, Lord, they don't care because they have infiltrated all the justice and administrations. These are really wicked times, and anyone who cares about you and about the most vulnerable ones you told us to care for gets persecuted.
I feel so sad Lord, and don't feel able to campaign against child abuse any longer. There doesn't seem to be anyone to complain to, and I am just a laughing stock. They call me a nutter and laugh at me, I am like a big fat joke.
I think I had better step back now Lord, because these people are too powerful for me. I dont seem to be doing anything, just making myself into a walking joke.
I know you will sort everything out Lord, because you are Almighty God and I put my trust and hope in You and you alone.
Love Barbara
I just laughed at the mental Zoompad post on his blog about the devil running this blog and her complaints to the Staffordshire Police about it hacking her account. Well if thats the paranoid level of his visitors what can I say!!!!
September 16, 2011 "
JEsus, I am so tired now. I just feel so tired of fighting for justice.
They don't care about what they do, Lord, they don't care because they have infiltrated all the justice and administrations. These are really wicked times, and anyone who cares about you and about the most vulnerable ones you told us to care for gets persecuted.
I feel so sad Lord, and don't feel able to campaign against child abuse any longer. There doesn't seem to be anyone to complain to, and I am just a laughing stock. They call me a nutter and laugh at me, I am like a big fat joke.
I think I had better step back now Lord, because these people are too powerful for me. I dont seem to be doing anything, just making myself into a walking joke.
I know you will sort everything out Lord, because you are Almighty God and I put my trust and hope in You and you alone.
Love Barbara
Thursday, 15 September 2011
I do believe the Lord cares so much about us, he loves to heal. I Know the Lord hates child abuse, and bullying, and an uneven justice system. The Lord is kind, fair and good, and I am praying for this country, I am praying for the broken hearted to be healed and the injustices to end.
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
THE TORTURE REPORT by Dr Les Dove C.P.H. (updated 2011)
( c ) By Dr Les Dove C.P.H.
Updated Mexico. September 2011. ( c ) United Kingdom. 1995
Secrecy is the keystone of all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy …
censorship. When any government, or any church for that matter,
undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you
must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny
and oppression, no matter how holy the motives … Mighty little force
is needed to control a man whose mind has been hood-winked;
contrariwise, no amount of force can control a freeman, a whose mind
is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything - you can't
conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.
Robert A Heinlein
Aims and objectives of the report
The main objectives of this report are to explore the basic
elements of psychological torture in order to try and reach conclusions
as to why psychological torture is now being used so widely and to
examine why it is being used in many countries that purport to be free
This will build upon the writers own research in various
countries, plus his own wide personal experience of psychological
torture, which leaves no doubt that such methods are being used far
more often than many people would suspect. In turn, this leads to the
following specific aims:
(a) To explore the question why, by whom, and with what authority
psychological and other methods of torture is being carried out.
(b) To identify relevant information and evidence concerning
psychological torture.
(c) To examine reasons for the lack of public information on the
Background to the report
There are references in various books concerning the activities of
internal security forces who employ torture in one form or another,
(Even in some so-called 'democracies') yet psychological torture and
its use in the West seems not to have been probed to any great depth at
all. Indeed, people in the West have become used to hearing about
'torture in other countries", but what of their own standards? Are those
people living in the West really so blameless as they would have
others believe? Is it always "others" who torture and never
Experience in investigating this subject leads to the realization
that a number of 'charitable organizations' in the United Kingdom,
supposedly set up to investigate breaches of human rights (including
torture), appear to be more concerned in keeping the 'national image'
rather than exposing torture within their own country. In other words,
it appears that some human rights organizations are avoiding their real
responsibilities in some areas, simply because they feel that they may
incur the wrath of their own state security service, namely MI5
(Military Intelligence) and the police Special Branch (Secret Police),
if they probe into areas the British establishment does not wish them
Indeed, according to the National Council for Civil Liberties
(UK), now simply called Liberty, their organization was targeted by
the British security services. They suffered much harassment as a
result. This kind of harassment, plus the certain loss of government
funding, is intended to keep British human rights organizations 'in
line' and the British public ignorant of what is happening within their
own country.
When the real implications of psychological torture are
examined, it can be appreciated why some British human rights
groups are reluctant to become involved in exposing repression and
torture in their country. That is not to suggest that anyone working for
the Liberty organization has been tortured by MI5, although some
people working in other British human rights organizations certainly
have been. Early 'pressure' from MI-5 does indeed appear to act as a
'deterrent' should some organizations decide to probe into the area of
psychological torture.
Whatever, there are some human rights organizations who do
doubt the legitimacy of their government. But if a government does
indeed have a true and proper democratic constitution then there
should be no reason for it to deny any investigation into its activities
by anyone. Indeed, it could be argued that such inquiries should be
made welcome by any legitimate government.
However, many governments quite apparently do have much to
hide, in spite of their claims of being free democracies. Writers daring
to probe into the internal affairs of some governments are particularly
at risk, as governments inevitably let their security forces loose in
attempts to prevent the exposure of any information they feel may be
embarrassing or damaging to them.
Rarely are writers accused of breaking any law. For in most cases
they do not. They are simply conducting legitimate research.
However, what does happen in many instances is that these
researchers find themselves being targeted, persecuted, tortured and
even murdered for simply daring to ask questions that officials of any
true democracy would be proud to answer.
For instance; the information department of the UK newspaper
'The Independent' reported that on average at least forty writers are
killed somewhere in the world every year. Furthermore, according to
the details presented in the British television program 'Africa Express',
in 1983 twenty-eight writer/researchers were murdered in Africa
alone. In 1994, one hundred and fifteen writers were killed throughout
the world. From 1995, the figure’s are; Iraq - 97 dead, Philippines - 60
dead, Russia - 13 dead, China - 31 in jail, Zimbabwe - 61 exiled,
Turkey - 15 prosecuted. According to an international press freedom
watchdog a record number of 70 journalists were killed in 2009 with
at least 136 other writers, editors and photojournalists being harassed
and imprisoned. By now, these figures may well be very much higher.
Due to the strict censorship in place, British and U.S. writers and
researchers that have, or are being persecuted, exiled and / or killed
there are not available but their numbers are expected to be
It should be made clear that such writers are not necessarily
probing into any apparent so-called state secrets in these searches after
truth. Their efforts may simply be to probe into the everyday workings
of governments. Yet such seems to be the paranoia of some
governments, such as that of the United Kingdom for instance, that it
so very often treats such inquiry's as a form of direct attack against its
authority. This inevitably leads to ‘an action' against the writer by the
British security services, Namely MI5 and the police Special Branch.
At least such actions are being taken against researchers in the
name of government. Whether such actions are indeed instigated by
government, or simply ordered by their security services without
proper legal authority, should that be needed by them, is open to
That these actions do take place is in no doubt. According to the
available literature, far too many political activists in countries around
the world, including Britain and the United States, have suffered
greatly in one way or another for that to be reasonably disputed by
The real problem for some governments today is that such
actions cannot be so easily hidden as they might have been before the
'electronic age.' With that realization, some governments now seek to
hide the action itself rather than the victim. That is why psychological
torture, rather than obvious physical torture, now seems to have
become almost mandatory with numerous security forces all over the
The reasons for the latter statement are quite apparent. Foremost
there is the 'deny-ability' factor that has become associated with
psychological torture. (No obvious marks or wounds, as with physical
torture.) In fact, by using modern methods of repression the torture
action itself can be carried out without ant real physical contact with
the victim at all. Many writers are presently describing this, as ‘no
touch torture’.
For that reason alone psychological torture has become an
attractive accessory to the usual forms of government repression.
Psychological torture makes it far easier for a government to rule by
force rather than consent.
The growing use of torture, in particular psychological torture, as
reported by Ackroyd, also raises the question of whether or not there
is a 'third force' or influence involved in its use. Namely big business,
in the form of multinational corporations.'
For example; it is no longer a matter of speculation that some
multinational companies were involved in the overthrow of some
South American governments that had been legally elected with large
majorities. For instance in 1970 a board member of a multinational
company (I.T.T.), suggested a joint Central Intelligence Agency
ITT/US telecommunications operation to ensure the election of a
candidate it wanted in Chile. These kinds of shady 'deals' involving
multinationals have taken place not only in South America but also in
many other countries. These illegal actions were, more often than not,
'justified' by untruthful and exaggerated claims of 'communist
infiltration'. Indeed, former CIA Director Richard Helms was fined
and given a suspended prison sentence for lying to the United States
Congress about the CIA's involvement in overthrowing at least one
South American government.
Those 'lies and deceptions' resulted in CIA and NSA backed
death squads being set up. Over the coming years, these death squads
tortured and murdered tens of thousands, indeed millions of people
worldwide. The goodwill that had previously been directed towards
the United States by some nations then quickly evaporated. A bitter
lasting hatred of all things American, particularly their government,
then replaced it. Unfortunately, a large section of the American public
still remains totally ignorant of these events, and of the atrocities
committed in their name. Consequently, they cannot understand the
hatred that is sometimes directed towards the United States and some
American citizens when they travel abroad.
In the light of such information there is much room for
speculation concerning the number of such arrangements, which may
have taken place over the years, and for who's benefit? It also raises
the question of why some governments appear to be so eager to
engage in such undemocratic practices in the first place. This raises a
further question, namely, for whom is such a government working in
these instances. The entire American population it is supposedly
representing - or just the multinational corporations?
It should be noted that not one notable American citizen has so
far been charged with complicity in the genocide that took place under
CIA backed death squads. The International Criminal court, set up to
bring human rights abusers to justice - irrespective of their nationality,
was bitterly opposed by the American Bush administration on the
grounds that some American's may be indited for crimes against
humanity. So, whilst 'foreign' terrorists can be hunted down
worldwide and punished for their crimes by American administrations
'American government terrorists' are claiming exemption from
prosecution. Indeed, the Bush administration threatened to withdraw
military aid, including education and training as well as help financing
the purchase of equipment and weaponry, to almost every nation that
has relations with the United States, if these nations do support the
International Criminal court. A sad reflection on a government, which
constantly claims to 'uphold democracy and human rights' when in
fact it does exactly the opposite.
Personally, I have always been amazed at how many American's
believe that the CIA - which has dishonored its country more than any
other government organization, and who has overturned democratic
governments worldwide, and been deeply involved in mass murder
and death squads while doing so 'protects American democracy.'
Surely, the exact opposite is true. For most of its existence, if not all
of it, the CIA can clearly be seen as having protected fascists and
fascism. Can the American public be so stupid as to really believe that
a security organization, which has overthrown democracy worldwide,
actually protects democracy at home?
The CIA. Beyond Redemption and Should Be Terminated
Note: A recent report states that the American Central
Intelligence Agency has overthrown or tried to overthrow functioning
constitutional democracies in over 52 countries since the end of the
Second World War. Source: The Praetorian Guard - The U.S. Role in
the New World Order.
By John Stockwell, and Ralph Mcgee, plus Blum in his reports: by William Blum. See
See also: John Perkins - Economic Hit Man - 27 Nov 07
(1)World Medical Association (WMA).
(2) Jacobsen. L Vesti. P. Torture Survivors. RTC. Copenhagen.
Denmark. 1992. P.14.
(3) World Medical Association.
(4) RCT Annual Report. Copenhagen. Denmark. 1984. P.4
(5) D. Malcolm. The Guardian, Society Section. 1-2-95. P.2
(6) Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. Rosenhead. J. Shallice. T. The
Technology of Political Control. Pluto Press. 1980. P.102.
(7) Kidron. M. Segal. R. Business, Money & Power. Pan
Books. London. 1987. P.90.
(8) Bowart. W. Operation Mind Control. Fontana/Collins.
(UK) 1971.
Police States
A police state posing as a democracy is a very dangerous state
indeed. Not only to its own, people but also to the world at large.
Any government that is controlled by its hidden elites,
corporations and their security forces, rather than by representatives
freely chosen by the people is not only a fraud, in the age of nuclear
weapons it is a direct threat to world peace and stability.
Progress cannot be prevented, nor indeed should it be. When
those who reject change and deny the free will of the people, unrest
and war will surely follow. Yet, all over the world a few highly
privileged people are repressing millions whilst torturing and
murdering many millions more under the banner of false democracies.
It would be very foolish to believe that such states can continue
without a global catastrophe ensuing at some future date, quite
possibly in the very near future. The terrible New York 9/11 and the
London 7/7 bombing disasters, who many eminent researchers firmly
believe to be ‘inside jobs’, may well be only a brief taste of what may
befall us all in the years ahead.
Today, atomic or other highly lethal devices can be installed in a
small briefcase and carried around the world with ease. Indeed, some
'terrorists' have both the knowledge and the capacity to obtain such
weapons, and, if pushed far enough - also to use them against any
government they choose. No matter how powerful that government
may be. Huge quantities of drugs are smuggled across international
borders every year. To believe that small suitcases carrying atomic
weapons couldn’t be is simply foolish.
Never the less, many people do have faith in their 'leaders', in
spite of the terrible mess some of them have made of their countries. It
is however pure folly to allow the use of torture, under the pretext of
'defending democracy', without expecting the very worst kind of
retribution at some point. Therefore, before this happens, people and
governments must stop fooling themselves and face reality. That
reality being that some governments are now using torture on a vast
scale in order to force their populations into accepting lies as truth and
truth as lies.
This kind of repression and manipulation has to be recognized
for what it is – the wost kind of torture, brainwashing and psycho10
Psychological torture
Torture as defined by the World Medical Association (WMA) is:
"The deliberate, systematic or wanton infliction of physical or mental
suffering by one or more persons acting alone or on the orders of any
authority, to force another person to yield information, to make a
confession or for any other reason."
In the view of Jacobsen and Vesti: "Torture is the worst possible
kind of suppression you can inflict on a human being. The society that
finds it necessary to use torture has reduced itself to a regime of terror.
It must be called inhuman."
Put simply, the term "psychological torture" means torture of the
mind. However, as will be explained, this is a limited description, for
instance, as defined by the World Medical Association.
Some of the following exploration into physical / psychological
torture and social control is based on the author's own research and
observations in various countries around the world. These countries
are Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), South Africa, United Kingdom,
United States, Salvador, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala,
Peru, Columbia, Panama, and Costa Rica amongst many others.
Some dissidents using computers to provide on-line community
groups with information about human rights abuses are gradually
breaking down censorship by governments, under which abuses such
as psycho-control take place. Through this, much is being done to try
to combat the suppression many political dissidents face.
A major purpose of torture is to break a person's resistance and
cause both physical and mental anguish. The Rehabilitation Center for
Torture Victims in Denmark describes psychological torture as the
worst form of torture a person can suffer. They report:
"Systematic torture methods destroy a person's personality. It
creates great suffering and the torturers know it. No means are spared
in this respect. It can be described as the killing of the psyche. Within
the past twenty-five years, torture methods have become more subtle
and sophisticated. The deliberate development of subtle torture
techniques clearly demonstrates that today torture has an entirely
different aim. The methods are used very systematically and based on
the results of modern scientific progress, e.g. within psychology and
psychiatry. The goal today is the destruction of the identity and
individuality of people; a goal that is achieved by direct attacks on the
structure and behavior patterns of the personality. These attacks on the
personality aim to destroy the core of a person who will eventually
change his view of himself and alter his behavior patters to such a
degree that he will be unable to recognize himself physically or
The psychological torture of political dissidents
Simple political dissent appears to be the main reason for torture,
and this method of repression is now being used in over eighty
countries, which, of course means of that those countries are police
states. In true democracies, people are allowed to openly disagree with
what their government says or does without fear of persecution, arrest,
or torture. In police states, they are not. Indeed anyone who freely
speaks their mind in a police state may well be termed a troublesome
dissident, subversive or now, even a 'terrorist', which will lead to them
being 'targeted' by that countries security forces. This means that some
form of 'action' will be carried out against them. This action may well
result in the arrest, torture and indeed the death of the dissident. The
British have long boasted that “You can say anything you want to
here!” Indeed, you can do the same in any other police state, because
that is not the real issue. The question should be “What happens after
you have said what you want?” And in that respect Britain proves to
be no different from any other police state, in that if what you have
said displeases the secret police you will most certainly be targeted for
having dissenting political views.
Today many so-called democracies practice torture. Although,
the use of the word 'torture' is - at the insistence of some governments,
now being replaced by the words 'cruel and inhuman treatment.' This
play-on-words does not fool the tortured, nor, hopefully, will it fool
anyone else.
The psychological torture of dissidents has been a fact for many
years in some countries (Well over 30 years in the USA and the UK.)
Governments from both the East and West have used it and it
continues to be widely used today. Indeed, its use has now become
highly sophisticated, and modern technology allows security forces to
torture and murder people at will, apparently with almost total
As already stated; psychological torture is favored by many
governments for the simple reason that such methods show no
obvious scars. It is, therefore, very easy for such governments to claim
that they do not use torture against their dissidents. As torture is still
often thought of by the general public as being purely physical in
nature, governments may well have their denials accepted.
Ignorance of psychological torture methods has been
compounded by the real lack of public information about the subject.
There is much to suggest that this kind of information has been
censored or hidden wherever possible by almost all governments. It
has also cast grave doubts about the dubious 'free press' that many
Western governments claim to have in their countries. Indeed, new
laws are already being drawn up that will make public exposure of
such information by writers and researchers a criminal offense. That
however, does not excuse the British media who have remained silent
about state repression and torture in their country going back over the
last thirty years at least?
Of course, it has to be accepted that this type of information in
the wrong hands could easily be misused. However, this fact alone
does not explain the paranoia shown by some governments when they
are questioned on the subject. Such behavior may give the impression
that some governments have far more to hide than just information.
Indeed, many governments have been so successful in using
psychological torture on their dissidents they are now refining their
methods further still and using psychological torture techniques as a
form of 'social engineering.'
This particular form of social control may appear to be
unbelievable to some people, but to an expert on the subject it is a
perfectly natural step for most governments to take - if they believe
they can avoid public outcry. Which unfortunately, many governments
The exact methods of psychological control, and torture, have
over the years become so refined that they have almost been turned
into an art form.
It is highly desirable for any government to have a good
international image. No government is now as isolated as it used to be.
Computers and information technology have encircled the globe in an
enormous communications network. Accordingly the image a
government gives to the world at large is all-important. It is not just a
question of ethics or morality but also a question of profits, and the
growth of big business.
There is probably a degree of corruption in all governments. Selfinterest,
and the maintenance of the 'status quo' often come first.
Those who seek change may do so at great personal risk. When
considering the millions, and sometimes many billions of dollars and
pounds in profits made by many governments and its supporters, the
lives of some human beings are often not considered at all. However,
openly killing dissenters is no longer fashionable with governments
who wish the rest of the world to consider their country as being
civilized and their people educated. For one thing, the number of
political dissenters has risen into the many millions and murder on
that scale can no longer be hidden as it once was. Yet, the dissenter, so
far as some governments are concerned, must still be silenced. Of
course, if the 'democracy' in question was indeed a true one then
dialogue, rather than repression and violence, would ensue. The
problem is though, that false democracies are not interested in
dialogue, only political dogma.
Educated people realize this and speak out with the hope that
violence can be avoided. Unfortunately, these are the very people who
soon become known as 'troublemakers'. This is brought about through
government-sponsored smears and character assassination in attempts
to silence the dissenter.
These 'troublemakers' are then quickly classified by that
government as being 'subversives or communists', and therefore a
danger to society, that is why so many outspoken men and women
have suddenly found themselves being described as 'terrorists.' The
transition from one label to another is just a matter of time. It is far
easier for governments to deceive and manipulate public opinion by
saying they are dealing with terrorists or communists than it is for
them to admit that they have removed the right of free speech.
Freedom of thought, inquiry and expression is the very basis of
any true democracy. Without these virtues, there can be no real
democracy, yet many governments all over the world proclaim
themselves to be democracies while at the same time they continue to
deprive their citizens of almost any democratic rights. This sad state
of affairs is made even worse when other democracies appear to
tolerate the charade, but many do so. And by doing so, they
undermine not only their own credibility but also give the go-ahead to
other authoritarian governments, who in turn use further repressive
measures against their own dissidents. They do so under the guise of
protecting 'state interests' or 'our democracy.' The outcome of this type
of deception is that there are now more governments than ever calling
their countries democracies when in fact they are 'police states.'
The description 'subversive' means anything that the security
services wish it to mean. In reality, what this label does when applied
to a dissenter is to give security an excuse to begin any action they
desire against any form of dissent whatsoever.
As confirmed by Hollingsworth and Norton-Taylor, the former
Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall, John Alderson, told one
inquiry into the police Special Branch:
"The terms of reference of the Special Branch leave much to their
discretion. To some, all activists maybe 'subversive' and both
individuals and groups critical of the established order are marked out
for surveillance and recording."
So, quite obviously the label 'subversive' is all that is required for
MI5's torture departments and Britain's secret police (Special Branch)
to 'target' anyone they wish. And, so far as Special Branch is
concerned, they will probably classify anyone who is not a neo-fascist
as being subversive.
Brainwashing, or psycho control, is now the preferred method
used by many governments to prevent true democracy being gained
by their populations. Such methods must be brought out into the open
and exposed for what they are. In addition other governments who
have either directly or indirectly supported such methods should be
revealed for what they are - the worst kind of hypocrites. Only then,
will the world progress fully into real peace and prosperity most
people desire.
No one, under any pretext whatsoever, should be denied freedom
of thought, inquiry or expression. Should the people be denied those
rights then they have the human right to dissent and obtain them by
any and all means possible.
So-called 'forms' of democracy are nothing more than shams and
charades. They should be rejected outright. Countries that use 'forms'
of democracy are nothing more than police states and should be
recognized as such.
(1)Pinter. H. A War of Words. Red Pepper Magazine. No 12. May
1995. Article. P12 (2)Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The Technology
of Political Control.
(3)Woollacot. M. The Whiff of Terror. The Guardian. Article.
21-3-95. P22.Capitalism,
Market Fundamentalism, and the Duplicitous Meanings of
The Media in America. Selling Views, Calling it News
Why governments prefer psychological torture
Scenes of brutality quickly outrage any truly democratic
population. Most people regard torture as being the most repulsive of
all punishments. Torture has however become so addictive to some
governments, or rulers; they are loath to rid themselves of its use.
They wish at all costs to silence the dissent of their people yet they do
not want their government openly portrayed as being abusive or one
that employs torture, especially one that tortures their writers and
artists. It appears far better in the United Nations if the government of
a country seems to be benevolent towards those who disagree with its
However, the private face of governments is all too often very
different from the one shown to the United Nations. Governments can,
and may well commit any act they consider necessary to silence any
form of dissent, legal or not.
Psychological torture is, for some governments, an ideal solution
to dissent. Today the actual techniques of psychological torture have
become so refined and the results so effective that its use has been
sanctioned by corrupt governments worldwide, particularly so by the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Psychological Torture Techniques
Once learned, the techniques of psychological torture are very
easy for government security services to apply. They have the power
to quickly gain the control they need to put psychological torture
techniques into practice, thereby bringing about the silence or
'neutralization' of many political dissidents.
Usually a very special government 'psyops' department is created
and kept very secret, known only to those who organize and staff it.
Even elected high government officials often remain ignorant of this
department's existence (or pretend to be). Whatever, only those who
hold the true reigns of power usually know of this specialized
department. Such departments are also sometimes known as
'Political-Action Operations' or simply Psyops.
These political action departments are often hidden under the
guise of protecting 'National Security'. What that really means is that
it is protecting the elites and other people who grossly abuse state
power. And all government torturers do exactly that.
Reports suggest that only very experienced operatives staff this
type of secret government department. By necessity, some of them
will be doctors, others will be psychologists, psychiatrists, and so on,
while others will be experienced in related fields of expertise. There
will also be the so-called 'heavies' outside the department, plus other
operatives and 'goon-squads' whose work it is to implement orders
from above to the letter.
Those on the 'inside' of this secret government department know
exactly what they are doing and also what the results of their work
will be. Those on the 'outside' of the torture department need to know
very little of what is really happening to their 'target' and their work is
carried out on a strictly 'need to know' basis. They simply carry out
any given orders to the letter. These people are usually gullible
political degenerates who are led to believe that they are serving their
country by doing whatever is asked of them without question.
This kind of undercover covert organization is ideal for any
government security service as it can be kept very low key. Few
people need to know about it, fewer people still will know of the
'whole picture.' The cost of running such a department, in relation to
other areas of suppressing dissent, may be minimal. This kind of
department can be located within any government building and it
would appear to be just another suite of offices. Few people would
actually suspect that such a department is in all reality a 'torture
chamber' - yet that is exactly what its purpose would be.
This type of government department usually has very special
powers and 'clearance' facilities plus all the appropriate documents to
go with it. When shown evidence of their identity by the personnel of
this department any other branch of government will usually comply
with whatever 'assistance' is requested. That includes the armed
forces, the police and the 'intelligence community' in general.
Experience has shown that members of the public will also comply
with whatever is required of them. Indeed, I have yet to meet an
exception to this, as members of the public are never told the real
reason for what is being asked of them. They are simply deceived and
misled into believing that they are being 'patriotic' by doing so. Lying
and deception, however, is the business of the security forces and it is
amazing just how far some members of the public will go in helping
government torturers go about their work. Even when they do suspect
what is happening to a dissident 'target', as they surely must.
The above then is all that is required during the first stages of
suppressing dissidents without the general public being aware of what
is happening right under their noses.
Social control by psychological torture
Not all the various techniques of psychological torture can be
readily used for social control. Though, with modification, some
important features can be used very successfully. For instance, when a
dissident 'target' is constantly smeared, harassed and intimidated, and
so on, within the general population of a town or city then the public
will very quickly realize that 'stepping out of line' would also mean
that they too would receive the same kind of treatment should they be
tempted to dissent in any way.
Populations are usually kept in ignorance of the widespread use
of torture within their country. However, when many such cases do
become apparent the people are lied to by their politicians and led to
believe that what they are seeing are simply a few isolated (and
deserving) cases. And under gross media censorship how can the
public know otherwise?
The failure to understand how these control techniques are
actually used could well mean an end to the democratic process, as it
is understood today. Indeed, that state may already have been
The view that it is only a country's dissident writers, artists and
teachers who will suffer torture arises from a gross misunderstanding
of the true situation. Such people are usually targeted first because of
their skills in communicating with people and because warnings of
government corruption, more often than not, come from them in the
first place. That is why many outspoken writers, teachers, etc are
considered as being potentially 'dangerous' by governments. It is why
so many of them have been murdered over the years. It was to prevent
them informing the population of the true situation in their country,
which quite often is very different from what governments would
have their populations believe.
When such warnings are disbelieved, or not given, then the
general population of a country becomes the secondary target for psycontrol.
In support of this view, there are many examples in the world
where such situations have already been brought about. Columbia,
Guatemala, Salvador, Nicaragua, Argentina, Burma, Chile, Rhodesia,
Mozambique, Angola, Nigeria, South West Africa and the former
Yugoslavia were once all thriving countries. Its Afrikaner rulers also
turned South Africa into a terrible police state, afterword's spreading
their terror and destabilization tactics into surrounding countries, that
all but destroyed them too. But eventually the torture and murder that
had long been employed by the South African Bureau of State
Security (B.O.S.S.) succeeded only in ensuring its own failure and
There are many other examples, and what they all point to is that
when both its people and world opinion turns against a government
then that government must inevitably not only admit to the repression
of its own citizens it must also set the people free – or face open
A country, which has a desire to uphold true and honest
democratic traditions, provides against the misuse of power by having
a true 'Bill of Rights’ and a ‘Freedom of Information Act.' Laws that
are particularly intended to protect the ordinary citizen from
government domination and repression. Freedom of thought, inquiry
and expression should be guaranteed to all citizens. Without those
virtues, a country can only be called a police state.
Manipulation by the state
A police state as such can easily manipulate a population into
doing whatever 'the state' requires. Top positions in government, the
media, the arts, industry and especially the police and security
services, are always held by those loyal to 'the state'. These
individuals are then 'honored' by 'the state' for their support of it.
Ordinary people, who support the population as a whole, rather than
'puppets' of the state, are rarely allowed to gain positions of real
authority. Thus, heads of government (even a government supposedly
in opposition) are allowed into positions of real power only after their
loyalty to 'the state' has first been clearly demonstrated. This kind of
state can always be seen for exactly what it is by the way it operates.
The 'rules' are rarely changed. People remain in the same positions
long after more capable people should have replaced them. Promotion
and often 'honors' may reward even sheer inefficiency and corruption
if the person has been loyal and supportive of the government. As a
result, corruption from government leaders downward becomes the
norm in almost every field of endeavor, and as the country sinks
slowly forever downwards into apathy, mediocrity and ruin, it is
hailed by its government as being 'highly successful', whilst in reality
its peoples are falling into an abyss of unemployment, depression and
poverty. However, because of 'state loyalty' the latter is frequently
obscured by the 'state controlled media' which is then viewed as
parroting the 'official line'. It continues to declare that all is well, and
suggests that any social or political 'problems' are caused by trade
unions, black people, communists, socialists, so-called terrorists,
people who refuse to work for nothing, and a world recession,
particularly the latter.
The 'state' it seems is rarely ever wrong. Or so, the state media
would have ordinary people believe. And in a police state where the
population is psychologically brainwashed, repressed and psychocontrolled
a great many people do believe exactly that.
As Walter Bowart said:
"Since World War II the cryptocracy (secret government) has
used electronic technology to manipulate foreign people, as well as
the American people, through a campaign of carefully planned
misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda."
Any dissenter may quickly be silenced by 'the state.'
The motive for repression and torture
Whilst most governments deny that they actually use torture
against their political dissidents, some of them grudgingly admit to
using some form of repression. However, when asked if they consider
themselves to be 'true democracies' most government spokesmen
claim that they are so. They contradictory then try and justify their
repression of dissidents by accusing them of being communists,
subversives and so on, without realizing that true democracy allows
anyone to follow any kind of political belief they wish. Some people
are considered 'subversives' by their government simply for trying to
use any of their so-called 'democratic rights.' Indeed, new laws being
passed in the European Union are designed to make any political
dissent of any kind a 'terrorist' crime. As are the new laws now being
passed in the United States.
Democracy or charade?
The real problem is that few people seem to know just what true
democracy really means. Most people believe that if there is 'one man
one vote' then that is democracy, yet there are police states all over the
world whose populations have the vote, but by no stretch of the
imagination could those countries reach the expectations of a true
democracy. Of what use is a 'vote' when the ballot box and / or
politicians in a country are totally 'controlled by security.' Any
security service that is not under true democratic control will usually
only let into the 'official government' people it alone favors. Which
does of course mean that this supposed 'government of the people' is
in all reality one which is 'elected and controlled by the security
services.' As such, it can hardly be called democratic. Indeed, as
already outlined in the case of the British security services, they
openly admit that the British government has no control over them.
They see themselves as being 'above the law.' Therefore, it seems that
the British security services can only be controlled by the Crown and
other mysterious elite 'third forces', much talked about in South Africa
over the years, and which seemingly is also in evidence in many other
This 'third force' can only be 'big business' as no other
organization has the sheer wealth and power that is necessary to wield
such influence on a global scale. No government elected through the
benevolence of any 'third force' can ever be described as being a
democracy because the population at large did not choose that
government. It was chosen by big business and then ‘allowed’ into
office by a 'security force' over which nobody but big business had
control. As stated already, 'security' appears to be nothing more than
an extension of big business rather than the arm true of any
government. Therefore, how could such a government possibly be
called democratic? The true test of democracy is the provision for
freedom of thought, inquiry and expression. Without those virtues,
there can be no true democracy. Yet there are governments all over the
world that prohibits all of them, yet continue to insist that they are
The technology of control
Information technology provision and the expansion of computer
networks, and so on, are already seriously under much scrutiny by
governments who wish to control all information between citizens, no
matter where in the world they are. Indeed, heavy censorship of the
Internet has already begun with many highly informative Web sites
having been taken down. (Over 50 to this date.)
The British Government Communications Headquarters
Cheltenham (GCHQ), and the American National Security Agency
(NSA) base at Menwith Hill, near Harrogate, north Yorkshire, (plus
other bases at Edzell, Chicksands, Feltwell, Molesworth, and Bude)
are trying to promote controversial encryption technology, which
allows the security services to read all personal computer files (and
alter or delete them). And eventually, one way or another, they may
well succeed. As things are, the British security services are censoring
the Internet with the forced cooperation of on-line service providers
and hosts. Future legislation will force all British service providers to
cooperate whether they wish to or not. Indeed, the security services in
Britain are trying to totally control the Internet there and they may
well succeed in doing so. After which no real criticism of the
government or themselves will be allowed at all.
The British media as such is already censored to an unbelievable
degree with MI5 agents or informers being on the staff of every
newspaper in the country. Many British breweries, also long time
supporters of fascism, have willingly allowed their pubs, clubs and
hotels to be secretly wired for sound and vision so that 'Big Brother' in
the form of MI5 and the police Special Branch (secret police) can see
and listen to everything said inside them. So much so that many
foreign businessmen have been warned by their governments against
using 'careless talk' when visiting Britain, whilst others have been told
not to do any business there at all. Even the prestigious American
magazine 'Smart Business' featured an article that suggested American
business leaders think twice before starting any operation in the UK.
So far as the Internet is concerned Britain's MI5 is (and has been
for quite some time) monitoring all computer on-line services under
various guises such as preventing computer hacking, terrorism, child
pornography and the misuse of drugs. It should be added that MI5 is
shielded from public scrutiny and accountability and it is also exempt
from the British governments so-called 'open government code of
practice', which at best, can only be described as a total sham.
Such actions against citizens are easily hidden from view and can
always be disguised under a variety of persuasive 'measures' or 'laws'
that are designed to both 'reassure and fool' the population at the same
Why any fair-minded government would not welcome criticism
as an indication of its proclaimed fairness and democracy is beyond
me. However, some governments have repeatedly set up secret
departments that oppose the very standards society rightly expects. Is
there any wonder that populations may then see their supposed
'democracy' as nothing more than a joke? Indeed, writing about the
American 'Security Forces' and their protection of 'democracy' Bowart
"The cryptocracy (secret government) invades the privacy of
citizens and businesses. It meddles in the internal politics of foreign
nations, often violently; hires trained killers to assassinate heads of
state and may control key figures in the U.S. and world press. It may
also have attempted to control U.S. elections."
Could the latter be a mirror image of Britain's MI5, MI6, and its
secret police, the Special Branch?
(1)Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983. P.39-46.
(2)Agee. P. Inside the Company. Penguin Books. Middlesex.
1975. P.79
(3)Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983. P.53.
(4) Agee. P. Inside the Company. Penguin Books. Middlesex.
1975. P.82
(5) Snow. J. Bylines, spy lines and a bidden agenda. The
Guardian. 30-12-94
(6) Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The Technology of Political
Control. P.243.
(7) Marthoz. Jean - Paul. Where a free press is fettered by party
links. The European. 26-5-94. P.23
(8) Smyth. G. New Statesman & Society. 26th May. 1995.
Article. P.19.
(9) Young. H. Nothing could be further from the truth. The
Guardian. 15-6-95.
(10) Pilger. J. The real enemy within. New Statesman & Society.
6-1-95. P.16.
(11) Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The Technology of Political
Control. P.32-37
(12) Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The Technology of Political
Control. P.233.
(13) Gearty. C. The Blinkered barrister. Article. The Guardian. 9-
3-94. P.22
(14) Bowart. W. Operation Mind Control. Fontana/Collins. 1978.
Social Isolation and exile
The exact methods of repression as used by security services
against dissenters may vary from country to country. In Britain,
however, the first steps taken by MI5 are to both isolate and
'neutralize' a dissident target as quickly as possible. Rarely are
political dissenters charged with any crime, simply because they
haven't committed any crime. So the secret police try to criminalize
dissidents in various ways, after which that 'crime' is then used as an
excuse to terrorize the dissident.
The 'frame-up' or 'set-up' has long been used to neutralize
dissidents and may well be tried along with some of the other drastic
measures mentioned earlier. For instance, a targeted dissident may by
various means be introduced to 'Agents Provocateurs'. These could be
male or female. MI5 uses both sexes in their efforts to both 'entrap'
and 'criminalize' dissidents. Whatever, these provocateurs will attempt
to integrate themselves into the dissidents company and gain their
confidence, after which the dissident will then be introduced to other
undercover agents who will in their turn invite the dissident to a
'party.' During this 'party' - and unknown to the dissident, drugs will
be used and photographs will be taken that shows the dissident 'in the
close company of drug dealers.'
The dissident will thereafter be entered into police files as a
'known associate of drug dealers and users.' The Agents Provocateurs
then try to maneuver the dissident into actually taking drugs. Should
the dissident do so these police provocateurs will then get the
dissident to engage in a 'drug dealing' situation?
Of course, should the dissident allow any of the latter to happen
these provocateurs will quickly place their target in an 'arrest
situation.' Afterward the dissident will be offered 'a deal' by the
security services. This deal will, of course, mean not just an end to
any dissent by the target, it will mean that from that time onwards the
dissident will be 'owned' body and soul by MI5 and the police Special
Branch, who will from then use him / or her to entrap other dissidents
using the same methods.
Should the dissident refuse 'the deal' he or she will then be
charged with drug dealing and quickly sent to prison. Once there the
security services can do anything to the dissident that they may wish
to do. According to Benn and Worpole: "Every year an average of
fifty men die in British prisons, from 'suicides, misadventure,
ghosting*' and other so-called accidents."
Note: During 1997 alone 83 prisoners died inside British prisons.
This is a far higher figure than in the former police state of South
Africa whose high prison death rate was well noted by the writer
Donald Woods. Note: ‘Ghosting’ is a term used when a prisoner is
constantly moved from prison to prison until he effectively becomes
'lost within the system.' Such treatment can be very stressful indeed.
One British prisoner aged thirty-seven, died after being moved from
one prison to another 24 times in two and a half years. In another case,
a prisoner was moved 51 times in three years. The security services
also use ‘ghosting’ on dissidents in that they try to keep them
constantly moving on from one place to another as the dissident tries
to find a ‘safe heaven’.
Should the above measures fail to bring the dissident 'into line' he
or she will be further persecuted into isolation and internal exile.
Security will then use its smear teams to spread rumors to the effect
that the dissident is 'afraid to leave his / or her home,' which implies
some form of 'guilt'. Security is then able to deny that they exiled the
dissidents, thus supposedly exonerating themselves of any crime
whilst at the same time encouraging further persecution of the
dissident by the general populace.
Bugging UK style
Having been physically isolated and exiled internally the
dissident's sole lines of communication will then come under attack.
For instance, if the dissident needs and relies on their telephone, fax
machine, computer and the mail to earn a living, British security will
do everything possible to disrupt those lines of communication in
order to try and prevent the dissident from making any money at all.
(Driving dissidents into poverty and destitution is one method that has
long been used by MI5 and their torture departments.) That being the
case the dissident's phone, fax, etc, will be tapped and monitored 24
hours a day, consequently many important messages will fail to reach
the dissident, though many 'unwanted calls' (most of which are made
by MI5 agents) will always get through. Dissidents using computers
will also suffer from numerous 'connection problems' to say the very
least. (Note: New laws introduced into Britain under the guise of
'preventing terrorism' are designed to prevent dissidents from having
any communication devices whatsoever. Indeed, the secret police
force has been doubled, added to which they now have vast powers to
ruin a person's life simply on the suspicion of them becoming a
political dissenter.) Vote for us – or else?
According to Fitzgerald, Leopold and Mills; other bugs used by
MI5 include a 'carrier-current device.' Both the police and the
intelligence services use this and it works by sending the
conversations from all of the rooms inside a building by radio signal
along the electrical mains wiring. In Britain, many people pay for
their gas supply by using a coin pay slot that is fitted directly onto the
gas meter inside their house. MI5 agents often plant a bug inside the
meter money tray so that it can be removed and recharged by one of
their 'meter men.' There is also the cavity mike, activated by radio
signals, the wall spike, which is usually planted by drilling into a wall
from the house next door, and the phone 'hot mike', which constantly
monitors conversations even when the phone is on the hook. Cell
phones too can be monitored from anywhere, even when turned off,
and are also used to keep track of any dissident that uses them. And,
of course, there are the modern laser bugging devices. Indeed the list
is almost endless and today it includes highly miniaturized color
cameras, which can be hidden in television sets, video recorders,
radios, clocks and almost anything else. Indeed, MI5 has had these
devices installed throughout the entire country in hotels, pubs,
restaurants, conference halls and anywhere else the public may gather
together. Indeed, these devices are now even being installed in the
homes of anyone considered to be ‘troublesome.’ Today the United
Kingdom is almost totally 'wired' and surveillance of the entire
population by over 5 million CCTV cameras is all but complete. Most
of these surveillance devices are controlled remotely from the local
police stations. Whatever, the most insidious of these devices is, as
already mentioned, the military microwave machine. It is this device,
more than any other is, which is being used against political
dissenters. No true democracy would allow the use of such a terrible
weapon to stifle free speech, or to injure and kill people, but in
Britain, this device is being used more widely than ever before.
Dissident 'targets' would be hard put to try and find the above
devices planted inside their homes. Even if they could, 'security'
would simply plant more of them.
According to Fitzgerald and Leopold: "The level of sophisticated
bugging used against a target may depend entirely on their
classification by the security services, MI5, police Special Branch,
and so on."
People considered by security to be 'potential subversives', such
as dissident writers, union organizers, human rights activists,
investigative journalists and so on, tend to rate a high classification so
any form of surveillance used against them will relate to that.
MI5 has total control over the United Kingdoms telephone and
mail services and there is nothing a dissident can do to prevent MI5's
misuse of those services. So, dissidents will of course have to put up
with 'lost mail' - and 'dropped phone lines'. As a matter of interest,
many 'votes' may also be 'misplaced' during UK elections.
Complaints by dissidents to The Interception of Communications
Tribunal have been found to be a total waste of time. Their address is:
PO Box 44, London, SE1 0TX, Phone 0171-273-4096. I must add,
however, that to date all complaints made to the Security Services
Tribunal by the British public (including myself) has been rejected.
(Source: The Guardian. 21-4-95. and The New Statesman & Society.
2-6-1994, P.10.)
Isolation and torture in the United Kingdom
The whole point of torture is that it should break down the
victim's resistance and alter their personality to the extent that they
will have no self - esteem whatsoever. Victims are slowly but surely
depersonalized and dehumanized in every known way until they may
no longer consider themselves human beings at all. Indeed, over time
the victims of this oppression may then develop such a feeling of selfloathing
that suicide will, quite naturally, become one of the options
they may choose to end their misery.
British security services and their Psyop's torture departments
know the above to be true. They have had great many years to perfect
their techniques and research carried out in Britain and other
countries, as detailed by Ackroyd, Margolis, Rosenhead, Challice and
Ramsay and many other researchers confirms it.
The average person is simply not equipped to cope with the
modern psychological deprivation and torture methods in use today.
Only a very small percentage of people could be expected to survive
these torture methods and lead a normal life afterward.
Psychological torture action groups
Without any personal experience of the subject, it is extremely
difficult for anyone to understand how a supposedly democratic
country can use psychological torture, nor fully comprehend the kind
of trauma that the people ‘targeted’ for such actions suffer. However,
using the writers own experience as a torture victim plus information
gained from other sources and survivors, the following information
will serve as a good indication of how such 'action groups' are
organized and used in the United Kingdom and some other countries.
Psyop's actions are usually directed against a particular target.
This may be political dissident, a writer, artist, union activist or a
human rights worker. Or indeed it could be anyone who is in a
position that allows them to gather and distribute information which
exposes the hidden agenda of the government in power, and who may
be capable of organizing much opposition to it.
I am not writing about any kind of illegal opposition to
government, simply opposition that has not passed through 'the usual
channels'. This is where the political police (Special Branch) 'filter
out' those people who refuse to accept a political system they believe
or know to be corrupt. For instance; if a political system is organized
to favor a particular party or group it cannot be considered
democratic. It will resist change at all levels. Indeed, when people see
that elected representatives cannot or will not bring about meaningful
change then the option to organize outside of the present system is a
perfectly natural thing to do.
The acceptance of an obvious deeply corrupted political system
would be seen as pointless. Therefore it may be seen as necessary to
organize outside of 'the established system' to gain true democracy,
even if one should be viewed as a political dissident for doing so.
In the United Kingdom, this kind of political action is supposed
to be perfectly legal, yet, when this kind of 'opposition' is attempted
by dissidents the security services, MI5 and the police Special Branch
(secret police), and other secret fascist forces may immediately target
such opposition as being 'subversive' and therefore 'dangerous to the
Indeed, in spite of what many people in Britain may believe, any
outspoken opposition to the so-called 'accepted political
establishment' may place the speaker in grave danger of being
'targeted' and listed as 'the enemy within.' This will almost certainly
result in some form of action being taken against the dissident, as
many political activists have found to their cost.
To counter this aggressive state activity, some British politicians
eagerly point out 'speakers corner' in London, and the absurd figures
of some screaming political idiots as examples of Britain's so-called
democratic freedoms. These 'freedoms' are, however, nothing more
than myths, as anyone inside the country can prove simply by trying
to use true democracy. Indeed, the following factual account details
what may really happen to those who do so.
Typical action plan
According to one source: Psyop's (Psyop's for short is used by
both British and American security forces rather than using the long
description of 'Psychological Warfare Operations.) training in the use
of torture methods in the United Kingdom is undertaken at the Joint
Warfare Establishment, which is located at the National Defense
College in Latimer. Indeed, by 1976 almost two thousand British army
officers had been trained to use psychological torture techniques
purely for internal security purposes. And, in Britain, SAS (Special
Air Service) undercover operatives now work with the police Special
Branch in all major cities helping them to carry out these gross civil
and human rights crimes against British citizens.
When security forces do order ‘an action' against a political
dissident, it will be put into effect almost immediately. The action will
be carried out in stages and overseen by the relevant experts as each
stage of the operation progresses with a view to quickly bringing
about disorientation (a dramatic change in one's circumstances), a
personality change within the dissident and also a neurotic defense.
This will almost inevitably lead the dissident into maladaptive ways of
dealing with his, or her surroundings, and probably into psychotic
depression (Severe depression in which the individual loses contact
with reality and suffers from an array of impairments of normal
In using psychological torture, the dissident's body is not
(initially) to be broken - only the mind. Therefore, a plan of action is
called for that will accomplish exactly that.
To prevent the dissident from doing what he or she would do in
any normal situation it is necessary to interfere with the usual
functioning of their mind. In other words, their personality has to be
broken down and altered until they become 'disorientated' and ready
for 're-programming.' This will simply be the beginning of a
personality change that can be continued in almost any direction the
psyops torture teams desire.
Just how far this process is taken will depend upon the agreed
action plan and upon the 'classification' of the dissidents themselves.
Often it will depend on just how 'dangerous' the dissidents are
considered to be by those who want them silenced and 'neutralized.'
Whatever, once the latter question has been decided by psyop's their
torture department will, by the extensive use of their combined
knowledge, plus a fully documented personal history of the dissident,
begin to put their plan into action.
When this plan is put into action, it will begin the effective, and
sometimes permanent, personality change in the dissident. This may
well result in a state of mind called 'situational neurosis.' (A neurotic
syndrome produced by a particular environmental situation, usually
one, which caused a great deal of stress, anxiety or other trauma.)
How effective this 'personality change' will be depends entirely
on the intelligence of the dissidents in question, Such as their
knowledge of psychology, psychiatry and so on, plus other factors. It
is difficult to determine in advance exactly how any particular
individual will react to psychological torture and psycho-control.
Whatever, for the process to work satisfactorily a constant feedback of
information is required so that Psyop's can constantly modify the
action as the plan proceeds to its conclusion?
This requires that the 'targeted' dissident be both isolated as an
individual and 'monitored' at will as the action progresses. This
'monitoring' is carefully carried out by the 'inside' team experts.
As reported by Fizgerald and Wright; 'bugging' by both sound
and vision devices is easy for any government intelligence service.
These bugging devices can be installed in wall cavities, television sets
video recorders, telephones and so on and today they may be
monitored from almost anywhere on earth. It is the job of these
electronics experts to make sure that these bugs and video devices are
installed and working properly. Cell phones are excellent bugging
devices and conversations can be heard through them by ‘security
forces’ even when they are turned off. Personal tracking devices now
also include chips in passports, credit cards and driving licenses.
Some of these devices are usually secretly installed inside the
dissident’s home and some others very close to it. Often in a house or
apartment next door, or even a van parked across the street from
where the dissident lives. One of these devices is the military
microwave machine. Frighteningly effective this device is too.
Developed by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and
now used by Psyop's teams throughout the world, this device is used
by psychological torture teams to produce what is known as 'Synthetic
Telepathy.' It is also known as 'Psychic Driving' or 'Voice Synthesis.'
The latter means the remote beaming of audio (voices or other audible
signals) directly into the brain of any selected human target. This
particular weapon was demonstrated at a classified conference on socalled
non-lethal defense, and held at the Kossiakoff Center, Applied
Physics Laboratory, at Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland,
on the 16th and the 17th November 1993. This device was however in
use by government security forces long before then. The Bureau of
State Security (BOSS) used one version of this microwave device
against me in South Africa during the seventies.
This military microwave device has at least two purposes. One, it
can beam sounds or any human voice directly into the human brain so
that the recipient can clearly hear them. And two, the microwave
beams coming from it can also be used to destroy human tissue. As
can be imagined, security services the world over quickly began to use
this microwave device against their dissidents as they can do so with
impunity. Indeed, these devices have been used for many years by
both British and American security forces against their own and
foreign dissident’s. The German and the Australian security forces
(amongst many others) are also known to be widely using them on
their dissidents. Damage from using these military microwave devices
may include:
Mild to severe headaches; disorientation, fear and anxiety, sleep
deprivation; nervousness and irritability; lethargy and fatigue; stress;
nausea; insomnia; eye damage; paralysis; aggression and rage;
paranoia and panic attacks; hysteria; schizophrenia; hallucinations;
memory loss; disordered thought; uncharacteristic emotions;
obsessive behavior; confusion; hopelessness; brain and nervous
system damage; heart attacks; fast-acting cancers and severe
depression leading to name only a few.
When the military microwave device is directed or 'aimed' at the
inside of a dissidents home the dissident is unlikely to become aware
of it until (a) the torture team wants him to become aware of them. By
(Hearing 'voices' in the head) or (b) when the dissidents become ill or
begin to die from the damaging after effects of the microwave 'beams'
being directed at them.
After being 'planted' inside the homes of dissidents, various
bugging devices will be almost impossible to detect, and the average
'target' cannot prevent their use. This means that security forces can -
through the use of ultra miniature motion cameras and other listening
devices, both see and hear their 'target' whenever the dissident is
inside his/or her property. Through this kind of electronic feedback
and co-operation between the various members of the torture team,
the plan of action is almost ready to be put into operation. However,
according to Philip Agee, who was once a top CIA operative, first let
us examine the role of the Psyop's heavies or 'Goon Squads.'
These goon-squad members are by stature insignificant in
comparison to the rest of the torture team. They rarely know more
than a little of what is really happening, (need to know) and they are
not real team 'insiders'. They are however still very essential to the
success of an action being taken against a dissident. Members of
goon-squads need not have any kind of military background nor even
be particularly intelligent. They are used not because they are clever
but because they are gullible fools, who will do anything asked of
them if they are led to believe that their actions are in the interests of
'The State.' These 'goons' can come from anywhere. They may even be
professional criminals'. Indeed, from the writer’s own personal
experience, he knows that some of them are just that. In the United
Kingdom and the United States, they may even be directly 'recruited'
from prisons by Psyops agents.
The task of these goon-squads is to integrate themselves into the
community surrounding the dissident. They then pass on to Psyop's
any information concerning the 'target'. They also use 'smear tactics'
against the dissident to bring about a 'character assassination' that will
eventually result in the dissident’s social isolation. This is only the
beginning of what will lead to the target's total internal or external
exile. In addition to this, these goons will also stalk, harass, provoke
or try to intimidate the dissident in many other ways.
Assessing the plan
Once a particular plan of action has been finalized and is ready to
be put into action nothing is left to chance by the action group.
Governments simply cannot afford to engage themselves in repression
and torture unless they are very sure they will get away with it.
However, as reported by Hollingsworth and Norton-Taylor, "The
intelligence services will do whatever they can get away with."
The writer's own experience in these matters is that when
mistakes are made by the security forces and their goon squads, it is
nearly always due to their over-confidence. These people are often
extremely arrogant and self - assured in manner, as fascist Nazi types
often are. They believe they own the world and everyone in it.
Whatever, these first actions against a dissident are then all that is
required before a full ongoing torture action against him / or her, can
begin. The only other consideration would be whether the full
operational action against the dissident should be set in motion. This
must be given serious thought by those directing the Psyop's team, for
once the 'orders' have been given the dissident has in reality all but
been sentenced to death.
Implementing the action
Once Britain's MI5 torture department has sanctioned a torture
order, a complete action against the dissident begins.
Note: In the United Kingdom no official sanction by a
government minister is necessary for the security services to begin a
torture action against a dissident. The British security services are,
unfortunately, a law unto themselves. In any case, British politicians
in particular are easily deceived by the security services and are
thought to be all but totally ignorant - or pretend to be, of cases
concerning 'security torture actions against dissidents.'
Whatever the case may be, after being sanctioned by MI5 or
Special Branch and their military SAS supporters the action against a
dissident will then be carried out in stages and to a carefully set
pattern. Every detail of the operation will have been well prepared and
nothing will have been overlooked. Whether the dissident lives alone,
or with others, makes little difference at this stage of the operation.
Though, by this time, it is probable that the dissidents who have been
targeted by Psyop's are already living alone. Dissidents are by nature
usually very determined people. They have a strong will power and
are strong psychologically. Their families, however, are not always so,
by the time dissidents have been targeted for total ‘neutralization’ by
Psyops they are usually living alone.
Many writers also tend to live alone because of their work.
However, some dissidents do, of course, live with family, friends or
lovers. Nevertheless, because of the psychological pressures put upon
them by the security forces - and their goon-squads, these
relationships may soon quickly break down as the torture team begins
to repress and torture the dissident. Thus, the breaking up of personal
or family relationships is simply the first part of the Psyop's 'softening
up' process.
The action against the dissident is now developing as follows:
1. The dissident is denigrated, smeared and discredited wherever
2. This will bring about social isolation, ridicule and provocation by
security 'stooges' on a daily basis.
3. This will lead to 'internal exile' the effects of which are well
documented by the Rehabilitation and Research Center for Torture
Victims (RCT) in Denmark.
4. Security forces will inform anyone who may come into contact with
a dissident to denigrate and abuse him in any way possible. They will
also be told to use the term 'communist' and 'subversive' when
referring to the dissident in any way.
5. Security 'goons' will in public use much verbal abuse against the
dissident. They will also try to provoke him in physical confrontations
in attempts to harm or criminalize him.
6. If the dissident has a job his / her employer will be contacted by
security and he will either lose that job or their work will be made
much more difficult. If the dissident is self-employed his / her
customers will be contacted by security and ‘persuaded’ to take their
business elsewhere.
7. The dissidents phone, fax, mail and e-mail, will be 'bugged' and
monitored around the clock. Messages will fail to get through and
their phone line will suffer from many disruptions.
8. The dissident will suffer much abuse from his ‘neighbors’. There
will be many 'noise' problems and 'sleep deprivation' will undoubtedly
become a daily part of the actions being taken against him.
9. The dissident's property will be entered and damaged on a regular
basis whenever the dissident leaves it. His personal property,
documents, electronic devices, etc, will be stolen or damaged. Money
will also be taken and the dissident’s car will be damaged and
10. No matter what locks are installed on a dissident’s apartment, or
house, the security services are always able to get inside. Having done
so, one of the many things they often do is to get into a dissidents
computer and alter or delete any files there. This has happened to me
many times. They also damage computers and other equipment in
various ways.
NOTE: If you are a dissident philosopher / writer / researcher, all
the above repressive techniques, plus many more, might well be used
against you. Possibly your family may also suffer abuses of one kind
or another as the security services and their agents try to drive you
As time progresses, just a few days - or weeks at the most, the
dissident will be under no illusion that the pattern of their life is
rapidly changing. They will quickly notice that the attitude of people
who were once friendly towards them has changed dramatically.
There will be much hostility directed at them, sometimes even from
people they considered their close friends. As a result, the dissident
will, naturally enough, become confused and upset. More so as
nobody will have told the dissident the real reason for this change in
attitude towards him. The dissident will then be left with a constant
anxiety he cannot alleviate. Gradually this in turn will result in
chronic stress. He will be unable to concentrate properly and through
sleep deprivation, proper rest will evade him. His work suffers and he
will begin to get severe headaches and other disorders.
In effect, the dissident's personality has already begun to change
in response to the new environment surrounding them. Soon they will
be totally stressed out as they become upset, more restless and angry
at a situation that is totally beyond their control. This process of
change within the dissidents will now also begin to alter their daily
habits and their personalities to a degree they could never before have
The psyops torture team will note every single detail of these
personality changes and they will be exacerbated wherever possible.
For most people their home is their refuge. When friends, work and so
on, get them down they can return home and relax. Home is where
people unwind from the day's stresses, where their mind can be eased
into a restful state and where they can just be themselves away from
the cares of the world. Home is a refuge where all animals, human or
otherwise, can recuperate in order to face another day. Home is not a
luxury. Home is a necessity for peace of mind, and the recuperation of
the body.
However, in a police state, and during an action against them,
dissidents are totally denied the benefits their homes should allow
them. Indeed, the psyops torture team makes very sure that dissidents
receive no peace of mind whatsoever. For their job is to make sure
that the dissident cannot recover from the actions being taken against
him. They do this by turning the dissident's home into what can only
be called a torture chamber.
Sleep deprivation has long been used as a weapon by the security
forces. Keeping prisoners constantly awake for long periods of time
soon reduces them to a very pitiful state of mind. Continual sleep
deprivation also breaks down the immune system, which may well
lead to all kinds of physical and mental problems. This particular
method of torture is fully used against dissidents inside their homes as
they discover they suddenly have 'new neighbors' - and these really
are the neighbors from hell. For these new neighbors are an essential
part of the torture team, and they will fit neatly into whatever
neighborhood the dissident lives in. The difference being that these
'goons' will become very troublesome indeed, particularly if the
dissident lives in an apartment. Banging doors and loud music being
played throughout the day and night will just be a prelude to the
‘goons’ actions against their target. Other actions against him / or her
will be committed on a daily basis and they will include; stalking,
damage to cars and property, burglary, theft of all kinds, and various
petty assaults against his person. These assaults are attempts to
provoke dissidents into making some kind of physical retaliatory
action against them. These attempts at provoking and criminalizing
the dissident are a common feature during actions against targets.
Any efforts on the part of the dissident to counter these violations
against them and their property will be met with hostility and derision
by those to whom they complain. Indeed, it is the dissident 'targets'
themselves whom will be labeled as the 'real troublemakers.' They
will also be vilified as being 'communists' in attempts to justify the
actions being taken against them.
Trying to 'move away' from home and live somewhere else -
anywhere else in the same country would be pointless. Psyops and
their goon squads would simply follow the dissident wherever he / or
she went. Simply moving house is also no solution to the dissident's
problems, so the dissident will be forced to remain where they are in a
constantly disturbed frame of mind twenty-four hours a day, which of
course is the intention of security. The continuous harassment and
provocation is simply an integral part of the action being taken against
dissidents. Who may then quite naturally develop a paranoid state of
mind. (An acute form of paranoid disorder brought about by an abrupt
shift in occupation or in living conditions.)
Being outside their homes also offers no relief to dissidents. For
again 'goon squads' follow them, stalking them wherever they may go,
constantly trying to provoke them as they also try to incite other
people to do the same. Wherever the dissident goes he / she will be
under constant pressure to defend them self. In so doing, a constant
flow of adrenaline is being pumped into their bloodstream, for the
dissident quite naturally believes that he, or she, may be attacked and
injured at any moment. Adrenaline is nature's way of preparing the
body to defend itself against any possible attack. Adrenaline in small
amounts is the body's own natural stimulant and in small doses it is
quite harmless. However, large amounts of adrenaline induced into the
human system on a daily basis become a poison which can also bring
on severe headaches and other trauma.
Note: The overproduction of Adrenaline, also called Epinephrine,
may also 'turn off' the digestive system, the reproductive system and
indeed lead to a breakdown of the entire human system.
The social isolation of torture victims may also lead to a twofold
increase in probable heart attack. Source: UK Equinox. TV Channel 4
7pm. 15/9/96
The latter is simply one of the reasons why Psyops torture teams
make very sure that dissidents will continually be subjected to all
kinds of vindictive pressures that undoubtedly will introduce very
large amounts of adrenaline into the bloodstream. Indeed, this kind of
'pressure' will be applied against the dissident every single time that
he or she leaves their 'home.'
In addition to this type of harassment, persecution and assault
from MI5 and Special Branch agent’s the targeted dissidents will also
be subjected to the same kind of 'treatment' from local political
stooges, the intention being to increase the already tremendous
pressure on the dissident to either fight or flee. These measures also
act as a 'visible warning' should any other local people be tempted to
dissent in any way.
However, even if the dissidents could physically retaliate in order
to defend themselves against that kind of persecution, neither they, nor
anyone else, could do so every single day without sustaining grievous
bodily injury. It is simply not possible. So again, the dissidents will
find them self in a no win desperate situation. And, of course, the
dissident has nobody to complain to. Should anyone try to describe
the kind of actions that have just been described to the police, they
will, of course deny all responsibility, and simply say that the
dissident is suffering from paranoia or a 'persecution complex'.
Special Branch is the British secret police in any case so any
complaints of torture directed at them are pointless and of no use
Accusations of a dissident suffering from paranoia is, of course,
exactly the kind of condition security would want believed. For
afterward anything that the dissident says has happened to him / or her
would simply be put down to a 'persecution complex.' ‘Security’ can
then change or label that purported condition into anything they want
it to mean, which can then result in British dissidents being railroaded
into mental institutions by their secret police. This happened to
George Farquhar, who then ran the excellent Freedom Network Web
site that widely exposed torture and political corruption in Britain, just
as I had so many years before.
This kind of repression is now happening to many British
dissidents just as it did to many other Russian political dissidents
years ago. During those dark times the British media was quick to
show it’s outrage at what the Soviet Union was doing to its political
dissidents, yet while successive hypocritical British governments have
been doing exactly the same, and worse, to its own dissidents over the
last thirty years at least the media there has remained totally silent on
the subject, or of wide political dissent.
Note: Dissidents in the UK will in any case almost certainly be
accused of having a 'persecution complex or suffering from paranoia
as a part of the actions taken against them by the security services.
Researchers on this particular subject may also have similar charges
leveled against them.
As the action taking place against the dissident moves steadily
along, it is then increased as the process of breaking the dissident
continues unabated until a 'personality disintegration', which means
changing the dissident's thoughts and personality into whatever the
Psyop's department would like them to be, has been accomplished.
Yes, 'Manchurian Candidates' are a reality in Britain.
Security has more than enough time until this eventual
'breakdown' is brought about, for the dissident is by this time 'locked
in.' He or she has been totally isolated. The dissident has no one to
turn to for help, and they have nowhere to go. There is no safe heaven
for him / her, not even inside their own home. Slowly but surely, the
dissident is being worn down as their entire system begins to
disintegrate under all the pressures that have been carefully built up
around them and applied for twenty-four hours a day. Indeed, most
people would already be on the verge of a severe nervous breakdown,
and undoubtedly many of them would breakdown completely. Many
‘targets’ are thought to have been driven into committing ‘suicide’ by
British security forces. Those that had not become broken human
beings would probably be placed in ‘accident’ situations and killed by
‘security’ therefore becoming permanently ‘neutralized’.
(1)Squall Magazine. No 10. 1995.
(2) Benn. Tony. MP. Full basket cases. The Guardian. 17-7-95. P.13.
(3) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983. P.28-29.
(4) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983. P.45.
(5) Fitzgerald. P. Leopold. M. Stranger on the line. The Bodley Head.
London. 1987. P.178.
(6) Wright. P. Spycatcher. Heinemann. Australia. 1987.
(7) Agee. P. Inside The Company. Penguin Books. Middlesex. 1975.
(8) Campbell. D. Agents provocateurs. Article. The Guardian. 8-3-94
(9) Hollingsworth. M Norton-Taylor. R. Blacklist. Current Affairs.
Hogarth Press. London. 1988. P.144.
(10) RTC. Copenhagen. Denmark
(11) Hollingsworth. M. Norton-Taylor. R. Blacklist. Hogarth Press.
London. 1988
(12) Fitzgerald. P. Leopold. M. Stranger on the line. The Bodley Head.
London. 1987. (13) Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The Technology of
Political Control. Pluto Press. London. 1980. P.242.
(14) Group 13-Does the British government have a deniable
assassination squad?
Brainwashing (Psychic Driving)
Developed by the CIA and now used by fascist Psyop's teams
around the world is the psychological torture technique known as
'Psychic Driving' or 'Synthetic Telepathy.'
In the proceeding sections, it has been indicated that a dissident,
close to a nervous breakdown and in fear of his or her life, is already
on the verge of total mental collapse. But worse is to come. The
horrors the dissident has already suffered are added to by security now
using 'Synthetic Telepathy' to directly destroy the dissident's mind.
The military microwave machine brings this about. This device shows
a kind of x-ray picture of the inside of a property and the people
within it. It can also beam sounds towards the dissident's head,
causing him, or her, to 'hear' whatever sounds or 'voices' security
wishes the dissident to hear. However, the prime intent of this
particular operation is to make dissidents believe that the 'voices' they
will begin to hear originate inside their own heads. But they do not.
The voices that are heard belong to highly trained security experts,
who have specifically formulated a 'program' that has been designed
to 'drive' the dissident into total mental submission.
Using the microwave machine these security experts might begin
their first 'Psychic Driving' action against the dissident by describing
the dissidents every physical movement. For instance, if the dissident
has just arrived home and is going to the toilet, he would suddenly
hear the words "He is going to the bathroom" or "He is washing his
hands", and so on, and those words would be clearly heard and
'understood' inside the dissidents mind.
We do of course all hear voices, from people who speak to us,
from the radio or television, etc, but psychic driving is different in that
we can’t see where the sounds are coming from? That is what makes
psychic driving so terrifying to some people. Suddenly 'hearing
voices' inside an apparently empty house or an apartment could be a
shocking experience for anyone at anytime. But for a Psyops target, it
would be far worse. For after already suffering a prolonged period of
persecution by the security forces the sudden 'hearing of voices'
immediately instills within the target the message that they have been
'driven over the edge' and into madness. And indeed, that mental
condition is precisely what security is trying to bring about.
This type of mental 'torture and brainwashing' would continue
non-stop for as long as the dissident remained in that particular
location. Throughout the day and night 're-programming' of the
dissident's mind would continue. Sleep deprivation would be
inevitable, though eventually the dissident would fall into
unconsciousness through sheer exhaustion. It would be during this
period when further and continuous deep 're-programming' would take
However, the main purpose of that very first 'voice' session
would be to enable security to judge the reactions of the dissident
when they found them self 'hearing voices.' There are various
emotional 'catch words' which any person will immediately respond
to, words of praise, for instance, profanity, and so on. By using those
types of 'word trigger’s' the Psyops torture team can gradually fix the
ideal 'hearing level' of any particular dissident target as they react to
those triggers. Once that level is established, any kind of message can
be relayed to the target without anyone else nearby being consciously
aware of what is actually taking place. Psychic driving is the perfect
device for 'brainwashing' dissidents and one that is being increasingly
used by British security and other psyops torture teams around the
world, particularly against writers and researchers who seek to expose
the widespread use of such methods and devices within Britain the
United States and elsewhere. (It is believed that some supermarket
chains are now also using a similar device to entice shoppers to buy
certain goods.)
The workings of the human mind are, even today, far from being
fully understood. There are, however, certain aspects of mind control
that are understood very well indeed. Suggestions of many kinds can
quite easily be introduced into the human mind by various techniques.
Experts in these psychological techniques can produce (under the
right control) almost any psychological result they require,
particularly so if the 'subjects' themselves have little or no
psychological training or experience. Whatever, the development of
microwave technology has advanced to such a degree that 'remote
programming' is now not only in the grasp of most security services it
has become an indispensable aid to them. It allows security to
dominate the minds of almost anyone they wish. Given the
unaccountable control they now have, the security services are able to
use this technology at will.
Britain, however, is only one of the many countries now widely
using these torture techniques against its population.
In the United States between 1950 and 1973, the American CIA
had carried out extensive mind-control experiments at universities,
prisons, and hospitals. A released US government document informs
us that directed-energy weapons currently being deployed in covert
operations by the CIA include a microwave weapon manufactured by
This weapon is used for a process also known as 'Voice
Synthesis' - which again is the remote beaming of audio signals
directly into the brain of any selected human target. This is also
known as V2S – voice to skull.
MKULTRA was the code name for the research and development
of psycho-control weapons. These experiments however, were not the
end of the Central Intelligence Agency's interest in controlling the
population through mind control.
As Walter Bowart states in his book, Operation Mind Control:
"The CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA) had
developed psycho-control to such a degree that no further experiments
were necessary. They had found what they were looking for. After
1973, these American Security Agencies simply used the results of
their research to con the American public into believing whatever they
wanted them to believe. And they still do."
Much of the above research was passed along to other
authoritarian governments including Britain, Germany and Australia.
This technology is being used by all of these governments against
their citizens today.
The microwave devices produced as a result of the above
research and used by Britain's MI5 / MI6, as referred to by Bloch and
Fitzgerald, was also reportedly used against some of the protesting
Greenham Common women in 1984 and 1985, who developed some
very unusual physical effects as a result, such as severe headaches,
earache, nosebleeds, nausea, vertigo, fatigue, severe depression and
confusion. All these symptoms point to microwave poisoning.
An expert view was that anti-personnel microwave devices might
well have been used against the Greenham Common women. A retired
playwright also suffered similar symptoms to these women in 1983.
Indeed there are a huge number of dissidents throughout the world
who are now reporting 'microwave poisoning' as well as hearing
'voices' in the 'head.' They are also showing other symptoms, such as
those documented by Bowart, Krawczyk, and other writer /
Anyone without a very strong personality and a thorough
knowledge of exactly how these techniques work, and how they are
used could soon develop a very severe personality disorder, even more
so, if they are low on psychological intelligence. Anyone being
tortured by such methods could very quickly begin to doubt their own
sanity from that moment onwards.
The only respite any targeted dissident would have is when they
moved away from the building or area where these devices were being
used against them. However, psyops would have anticipated some
kind of recovery when their 'target' did move away from the psychodevice
source, and they would have planned against any improvement
in the dissident's plight by having the dissident stalked and harassed
the moment they left the location where the devices were being used
against them. The dissidents would then simply not have time to try
and begin to rationalize their situation because they would already
have been confronted by another situation specifically designed not to
give them time to think or recover their proper senses.
Inside their 'homes', the targeted dissidents would continue to be
psychologically battered from all sides. Being isolated, alone, and
without proper training in such matters the dissidents would last for
only a short time before they collapsed both mentally and physically.
In short, they would in all probability soon become 'broken human
Through continuous character assassination, gang-stalking,
harassment, verbal abuse, intimidation, provocation, psycho-abuse,
damage to their property and continuous sleep deprivation, the
addition of sustained brainwashing through 'Psychic driving
techniques' might well push the dissident over the edge of reason into
total insanity. However, should the dissident have survived so far, they
must be made to believe that the Psyop's control and observation' of
them is 'absolute.'
For instance, some dissidents travel a great deal, possibly to other
countries as well as their own, and they have to 'be convinced' that the
security services are still 'keeping them under surveillance'. The
following passages detail how MI5 / MI6 instills that belief in their
Interview with British Microwave Warfare expert - Barrie Trower.
Military expert exposes criminal conspiracy by UK and USA to
torture and brainwash populations worldwide. - video
Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalization and Conspiracy”
- video
House of Horrors
911 Experts Speak Out - Video
911, 10 years on - Is the World a Safer Place?
Torture - Reinforcement techniques as used by MI5 / MI6
This technique is called 'the reinforcement effect (PRE). The
generalization that behavior maintained with partial or intermittent
reinforcement has greater resistance to extinction.
This 'psycho-control' is at first brought about by using Psyop's
goons who have previously been used to intimidate the dissidents and
whom dissidents know because of that. These goons will, when being
close to the dissident, use a particular 'hand signal' which will
immediately alert the dissident as to exactly who these goons are
working for. For instance, in Britain, directly or indirectly 'political
fascist stooges and goons' are widely used by MI5 and Special Branch
to persecute dissidents. It follows then that certain 'particular hand
signals' used by known MI5 goons identify them as being 'agents or
stooges' of MI5. Therefore, any such a signal seen by a 'target' will
make the target believe that anyone giving that hand signal does
indeed work for MI5, and that the person giving that signal is 'keeping
him or her under surveillance.'
These 'hand signals' are in fact 'psychological triggers'. The
purpose of them is not only to make a dissident believe security is
'keeping them under surveillance' they also remind the dissident 'by
association and suggestion' of the highly unpleasant events, and / or
experiences of his 'torture sessions.' So, anyone who knows the
particular signal, for any given target, can give that hand signal
anywhere in the world where the dissident might be, and the dissident
will immediately be reminded of what he, or she, is trying to forget,
which is their torture at the hands of the British Security Service MI5.
For it to work properly, however, the 'signal' or 'trigger' must be
one the dissident instantly recognizes, otherwise the person giving it
will simply look like a fool waving their hands about. I say this
because MI5 security stooges often encourage other people to use
these 'hand signals' against dissidents after misinforming them that
these 'hand signals' are not only harmless but are in themselves 'the
only torture' that the dissident has endured in Britain. That is simply
untrue, but it is a lie that unfortunately is believed by many people
inside and out of Britain, who, because of widespread censorship,
know almost nothing of psychological torture or what is happening to
political dissidents today or of the repressive methods being used
against them.
Whatever, these kinds of psychological 'triggers' can be used in
many other ways by MI5 torture teams, some of which could very
easily bring about a heart attack in their victim?
Such methods as I have described in this report have taken place
in the United Kingdom over a great many years and they continue to
be widely used today. The victims of such abuses, including myself,
have failed to bring the perpetrators (MI5 and MI6) to any kind of
justice and British human rights groups totally refuse to act in such
cases. As already stated, Britain's security services are a law unto
themselves so in spite of the growing number of claims of torture that
are cropping up year after year it appears that nothing can be done to
prevent such abuses in Britain. The district I chose for my main
research in the United Kingdom (North Yorkshire) is well known by
the British media. And indeed the media was well aware not only of
my repression and torture there but also of the torture of many other
people, and the media did nothing whatsoever, either to try and
prevent it, nor to expose the people involved.
Much more information on torture in Britain can be found at:
Http:// and on the Internet Web site: along with a long list of British torture
(1)Rosenhead. J. Shallice. T. Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. 'The
Technology of Political Control'. Pluto Press. London. 1980. P.229.
(2) Vitaliev. V. Among the ruins of punitive psychiatry. Article. The
European. 4-3-94. P.16.
(3) Rosenhead. J. Shallice. T. Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The
Technology of Political Control. Pluto Press. London. 1980. P.237.
(4) Rosenhead. J. Shallice. T. Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The
Technology of Political Control. Pluto Press. London. 1980. P.230.
(5) Ristow. W. Taking the hood off British Torture. New Scientist
Magazine. Article. 5-8-76.
(6) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983. P.54.
(7) Rosenhead. J. Shallice. T. Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The
Technology of Political Control. Pluto Press. London. 1980.
(8) Jacobsen. L. Vesti. P. Torture Survivors. RTC. Copenhagen.
Denmark. 1992. P.14.
(9) Wright. P. 'Spycatcher'. Heinemann. Australia. 1987.
(10) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983.
(11) Hollingsworth. M. Norton-Taylor. R. 'Blacklist. Current Affairs,
Hogarth Press. London. 1988.
(12) Hollingsworth. M. Norton-Taylor. R. 'Blacklist. Current Affairs,
Hogarth Press. London. 1988.
(13) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983.
(14) Milne. S. The Enemy Within. MI5, Scargill and The Maxwell
Affair. Verso. London. 1994.
(15) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983.
(16) Campbell. D. Agents Provocateurs. The Guardian. 8-3-94.
(17) Benn. M. Worpole. K. Death in The City. Canary Press. London.
1986. P.34.
(18) Benn. M. Worpole. K. Death in The City. Canary Press. London.
1986. P.34.
(19) BBC 1. News. 12-30pm. On the Record. 9-7-95.
(20) Mills. H. 'Detectives drilled spy holes through lounge wall.' The
Guardian. 25-10-93. P.5.
(21) Fitzgerald. P. Leopold. M. Stranger on The Line. The Bodley
Head. London. 1987.
(22) Fitzgerald. P. Leopold. M. Stranger on The Line. The Bodley
Head. London. 1987.
(23) Rosenhead. J. Shallice. T. Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The
Technology of Political Control. Pluto Press. London. 1980. P77-78.
(24) Krawczyk. G. CIA using old tricks again. Nexus Magazine.
Article. Vol 2. N0 22. October 1994. Bowart. W. Operation Mind
Control. Pub: Dell Publishing Co. Inc. (USA) and Fontana / Collins
(UK) 1978.
(25) Bowart. W. Operation Mind Control. Pub: Dell Publishing Co.
Inc. (USA) and Fontana / Collins (UK) 1978.
(26) Krawczyk. G. CIA using old tricks again. Nexus Magazine.
Article. Vol 2. N0 22. October 1994. Bowart. W. Operation Mind
Control. Pub: Dell Publishing Co. Inc. (USA) and Fontana / Collins
(UK) 1978.
(27) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983. P.34. North. S. 'Field of Nightmares'
Weekend Guardian. Article. 2-2-1991. P.10.
Torture in the United Kingdom
Many people in the United Kingdom still believe that torture is
limited to Third World countries. However, as reported by Ackroyd,
Margolis, Rosenhead and Shallice
"Britain, France and the United States have all carried out torture
in their colonial wars in Aden, Algeria, Vietnam, Salvador, Columbia,
Chile, Guatemala and many other countries elsewhere,"
Nevertheless, Vitaliev informs us that in Australia, Britain used
psychological torture even as far back as the 1850's. (In Port Arthur
against its prison population there.) However, after a hundred
prisoners or more had been driven insane the prison had to close
down, as there was nobody left inside the prison that was sane.
In the early nineteenth century, Ackroyd, Margolis, Rosenhead
and Shallice relate in their book that:
"Prisoners were twenty times more likely to be diagnosed insane
in Britain's Pentonville prison where solitary confinement was used,
than at other prisons where it was not."
Even today, it is claimed by the same authors that 'psychological
control' is being used inside British prisons in order to 'break' socalled
'subverters' and that Britain the USA and Germany have been
devising new methods of psychological torture to use on people
simply suspected of being political dissidents.
Some of these methods are explained by Ristow. Bloch and Fizgerald
also state that: "By 1976 the British Ministry of Defense confirmed
that 1.858 army officers and 262 senior civil servants had been trained
to use psychological torture techniques for internal security purposes."
And furthermore that "Psyop's have acquired the ability to launch
political campaigns in pursuit of military objectives without reference
to the political regime."
Note: If we assume for one moment that these army officers
alone had each been responsible for only one case of torture per year
since 1976 then it is fair to say that at least 35.000 persons in Britain
may have been tortured by them. However, if the civil servants in
question have also used their training to organize torture, (why train
them in such methods if they were not going to use them) and they in
their turn were responsible for only one tortured person each year
since 1976, that would add on another 4.978 victims, which when
added together would make a total of well over 40.000 British torture
victims. The above is still one of Britain's dirtiest secrets. And it will
be revealed for all to see when the people of that country finally do
get an honest government!
Whatever, it is highly unlikely that the British Ministry of
Defense would go to such great expense in training their agents to
torture dissidents without expecting a far higher return than that.
Indeed, the stated officials, whether military or civilian, were senior in
rank and were quite obviously trained as instructors. They would have
been expected to form torture teams and departments of their own
amongst the lower ranks, whose business it would be to actually carry
out these vile actions against the population.
From the writers own experience in various parts of the world,
including the United Kingdom, it is known that torture team
departments may contain anything from five people upwards, half of
them being specialists of one kind or another. Thousands of these
specialist practice their barbarous trade in various locations all over
Britain wherever they are 'needed.' So, it may be assumed that a large
number of 'target dissidents' are attended to every year by each
department. As stated already, due to their ignorance on the subject of
psychological torture, a normal dissident target would be 'taken out' in
a matter of weeks, or a few months at the most. It therefore follows
that the latter suggested figure of 40.000 targets may well be vastly
underestimated. As all these torture teams work on a 'need to know'
basis, the true figure could be twice as high, or indeed ten times as
high. Nobody outside of the security services could be expected to
know. And, of course, many of the dissident 'victims' will be dead. For
torture has never been carried out in any country, without they're
being many fatalities. Death hides the crimes of the 'security forces'
just as it has always done.
As I have stated, the above figures are just an assumption. They
may be wrong. However, would any genuine human rights
organization take that chance? Would they not want to try and check
for themselves? In the light of new British torture victims, appearing
almost on a daily basis one could certainly be forgiven for thinking so.
Genuine human rights researchers are not fools. They know the
history of the security services worldwide. They know just how
powerful those organizations are. They know of their lies and
deceptions. So why do these human rights organizations not act. Have
we learned nothing from the holocausts of the Second World War and
other grave tragedies that have constantly taken place since then?
Don't they know that they too might be the next victims of these
modern day Nazis?
That British Human Rights organizations have done nothing
whatsoever to protest the horrors being committed by MI5, MI6 and
their agents - nor done anything to help the many British torture
victims, is an insult to anyone who ever supported them. Amnesty
International, Liberty and Redress have all been severely criticized for
not daring to confront and expose psychological torture and repression
in the UK - yet their inaction has remained constant for many years
now. So much so, that one can't help but wonder just what is it they do
with the many millions of pounds they collect in donations from the
public each year. They certainly don't use it to protect the British
citizens it came from.
Amnesty International in particular should be ashamed at their
inaction. In 1993 Pierre Sane the secretary-general of Amnesty said:
"Governments are prepared to go to great lengths to cover up their
crimes. They know that a bloodstained human rights record will
damage their international image. So, they set up phony human rights
institutions to cover up crimes. They use sophisticated public relations
techniques, lies behind lies. Governments use death squads and
undercover agents so that they can deny involvement. Everything has
become much more subtle since Amnesty International was founded.
To make people disappear you need sophisticated security
arrangements, and secret departments. Human rights abuses have not
gone away. They have just gone further into the dark."
Is that the answer - are British human rights organizations 'phony'
too. Have they simply become another arm of the government?
Much more research is needed. In view of the past sordid history
of action against dissidents by Britain's secret security services, dare
any human genuine rights organization ignore the situation? In Britain
- quite apparently so. The silence of so-called human rights
organizations in the UK gives cause for great concern. Particularly
since the writers Ackroyd, Margolis, Rosenhead and Shallice report
that the British security services MI5, MI6 and the military SAS, are
(along with their German counterparts) also designing psychological
torture methods to make them appear as being relatively harmless. In
other words, British security is attempting to ‘make torture politically
acceptable as well as making it technically effective.’
The unlawful actions of the Special Air Service (SAS) in aiding
the security services to persecute and torture British political
dissidents over the last thirty years at least are despicable. There is
nothing elite at all about the SAS. We should now simply start calling
them the SS - which is a far more truthful and fitting description of
them, considering their fascist crimes against British and citizens of
other countries. These defenders of British royalty are nothing more
than international terrorists and they should be regarded as such. They
are the worst kinds of criminals who bring shame upon themselves
and the country that breeds and tolerates them.
It is said that the real quality of a soldier is judged by the quality
of his enemy. In Britain and Columbia, where the British SAS
operates extensively, they are faced with little more than poor people
who are simply trying to gain a better life for themselves and their
families by trying to build a fairer society. Yet Colombian
Paramilitaries, with British and American help, have admitted to
murdering at least 150 Thousand of these Colombian political
dissidents, people who are totally defenseless against the
unaccountable ruthless state power exercised by the SAS and the
fascists that control them. The crushing of freedom and democracy is
the hallmark of fascism. Can anyone seriously doubt that British
politicians, who are willingly supporting these vast human rights
crimes abroad are not covering up similar gross atrocities inside
Fully armed SAS soldiers will soon be seen on British streets.
Supposedly to combat 'terrorism', but in reality they will be used
against protesters and other groups who desire real democracy. These
dissident groups are now conveniently being labeled as terrorists by
fascist governments who see their existence as a threat to them – just
as Herr Hitler did back in the thirties.
Quiet Martial Law Coming To UK?
Corporate media silent on Colombian paramilitaries' confession
to more than 30,000 murders
Colombian Paramilitaries Admit to 30 Thousand Murders
What Have We Done?
The writers own personal experiences as a dissident and British
torture victim leaves him in no doubt whatsoever that these
sophisticated torture techniques are also being tested by the security
services in attempts to ensure not only social acceptability but also
social participation. Indeed, a great many people in at least one British
town (Harrogate. North Yorkshire) have fully participated in these
tests for well over twenty years. Can it be just a coincidence that
America’s National Security Agency’s (NSA) huge SIGINT spy base
is also located at Menwith Hill near Harrogate?
Note: At the present time British torture teams are known to be
terrorizing and torturing a large number of political dissidents. We
know of at least 70 people who are being terrorized and tortured in
Britain right now as I write this report. We have all the victim’s names
and full details of the repression being carried out against them. This
is undoubtedly the mere tip of a very large iceberg as more British
victims are constantly coming forward to expose what is and has been
happening to them inside the United Kingdom over many years. There
is undoubtedly a huge number of many more victims who have been
internally exiled and are without access to a computer. Yet the British
media has failed to publish anything about these terrible state crimes.
Indeed, they have fully colluded with governments in suppressing any
information that highlights thir human rights abuses against the
British population.
If you yourself are a victim, or know of one, please contact: now enclosing full details about yourself
and the repression you have suffered in Britain.
"No-one concerned about civil liberties can ignore Menwith Hill.
Despite many attempts to get answers to questions, it is quite clear
that Menwith Hill is not accountable to MPs and therefore not to the
British people"
- Alice Mahon MP.
Public Ignorance
It could be argued that a government’s use of torture would soon
become public knowledge, no matter what precautions had been taken
by the security services of that country. However, this view does not
take into account the vast amount of power held and ruthlessly used
by some governments and their agents.
Many people wrongly believe that any form of torture would
quickly become apparent and that a nation's newspapers and television
stations would expose such a situation to wide public scrutiny at very
short notice. Sadly, however, that is certainly not the case today. It
may once have been, but the kind of insidious censorship now
practiced by many governments prevents much 'real news' from ever
reaching the public at all, as the recent Wiki-leaks have documented.
Indeed, 'the media' has become as corrupted as most governments. It
panders mainly to the trivial; the true investigative reporters of old
have all but vanished from the mainstream media. Honest reporters
and writers quickly find that 'big business' now decides what will be
published or not. Going against 'the system' - particularly in matters of
so-called 'state security', very rarely pays off. Indeed, many editors
were 'allowed' to take up their positions through supporting corruption
in the first place. In the United Kingdom, for instance, newspaper
editors often retire 'with royal honors' for not upsetting the system.
And not, as might be imagined, because they were outstanding
editors. (As the very poor state of many British 'newspapers' readily
No British newspaper editors received a Knighthood after
exposing my 1995 report 'Torture in Britain' to the public gaze. The
same can be said of British television, where hundreds, if not
thousands, of programs have been censored for simply daring to
attempt to tell the truth about all kinds of subjects.
However, should British newspaper editors decide to chance their
luck there is always the covert censorship of the 'D' Notice system and
the notorious 'Official Secrets Act.'
It is thus to be expected that the British media in particular, have
a feeble record on these issues, either through observance of the above
Acts, managerial censorship or reporter/producer self-censorship.
Indeed, the American human rights monitoring group 'Freedom
House', ranked Britain's press as being on a level with that of Gambia.
The late British Prime Minister, Sir Edward Heath, stated in a New
Statesman article that Britain's press; "Has now got the lowest
standards of any press in the world.'
Hugo Young, the late British columnist, also wrote; "The media
and politicians face a crisis of mistrust." He called it; "The kingdom of
systemic lies" and he asked; "For how long will these two interests,
purporting to educate the voters, in fact conspire against them?"
Indeed, as John Pilger's many articles amply prove. In 1991,
Richard Norton-Taylor also informed us through an article in the
Guardian that 500 prominent Britain's, including 90 media
representatives, also in prominent positions, were paid operatives of
the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which again
illuminates the British media as being essentially nothing more than
an extension of 'the state'.
John Swinton, former Chief of Staff, The New York Times,
comments on the American media:
"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in
America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it… The
business of the Journalist is to destroy truth; to lie outright; to pervert;
to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and
his race for his daily bread. You know it, and I know it and what folly
is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals for
rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the
strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and or lives are all
the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
The very same sad state of affairs also applies to the media in
many other countries. Such enterprises are more often than not
controlled and governed by the very people, who in one way or
another, 'belong' to government. They are therefore hardly likely to
seriously criticize government. (Let alone accuse it of torture and
It stands to reason that any researcher investigating allegations as
serious as torture and murder by government agents can quickly get
into much trouble. And it will quickly become apparent to them that
their lives count for very little when compared to high finance and the
comfort of those in power. Indeed, the callous indifference to
suffering of any kind by some governments can only be described as
Some writers, however, are not willing to ignore the torture and
murder of dissidents. As the deaths of many of these journalists in all
parts of the world has clearly shown. Yet, many of these writers died
in vain because a public, both unaware and ignorant of modern torture
techniques, failed to grasp what was happening to these brave people
or they simply did not want to know. Indeed, the very mention of
psychological torture is frowned on and discouraged by governments
simply because it is used by them as a form of social engineering and
control. That being the case they prefer the knowledge of such
technology and the methods of its use be kept secret from the public.
However, some governments openly use torture to create a
climate of fear in the general population so as to discourage it from
providing support to the victims of it, and also to intimidate potential
political activists. To set torture as the price of dissent is to be assured
that only a small minority of people will dare to do so.
Public intimidation
Sophisticated torture techniques are also quite purposely
designed to intimidate the general population in attempts to prevent
them from supporting any kind of internal political dissent.
As reported by Jacobsen and Vesti in their book: "The purpose of
torture is solely to destroy the individual and then use the broken
person to spread terror throughout the rest of the community."
The message is clear - become "one of us", as suggested by Peter
Wright, and Margaret Thatcher, a former Fascist Prime Minister, or
suffer the consequences. When consideration is given to the
suggestion that extremists within the police Special Branch and MI5,
the prime organizer of torture in the United Kingdom, were illegally
plotting to overthrow a legally elected Prime Minister, as they did
with Harold Wilson, that warning should be taken seriously. MI5 and
the security establishment in general are so extremely right wing,
according to Wright (and other sources), they cannot be seen as
anything other than fascists. So much so that, as was admitted to by a
former intelligence officer in an interview with the Irish Times :"High
officials in British Intelligence, MI5 and MI6, consider their
organizations to be above the law."
In other words, British security can persecute, torture, murder, rig
elections, commit industrial spying on behalf of other fascists or
indeed anything else that they wish to do – and they are accountable
to no one but the Monarchy. They are above the law. Indeed, had the
British public known about the widespread repression and torture in
the UK that has allowed the monarchy to continue – solely through
the 'protection' of a deeply corrupted MI5/MI6 plus a heavily censored
media, the monarchy in Britain would have been overthrown and
abolished many years ago. Heads of state who use repression and
torture to remain in power shouldn't be there, period! They are the
worst kinds of criminals and they should be in prison along with
anyone else who supports their tyranny.
So much for British 'democracy, free speech and accountability'
through the so-called 'elected representatives' of the British people,
who, if they really desire freedom and true democracy, have no other
option but to become political dissidents. As John Pilger recently
suggested in one of his articles, “Stand up and Fight!”
Britain’s Nazi King
Are the security services accountable?
The late British Labour MP Robin Cook said: "It does not matter
very much whether the Security Services are answerable to a Minister
when that Minister is not answerable to the house.”
It gets even worse. It was reported by the researchers Bloch and
Fitzgerald, in a statement given by a former British Intelligence
officer, the man said:
"From an intelligence point of view, politicians can be
manipulated quite easily. Be clear on one point above all else. The
British intelligence world is accountable to nobody - not the Prime
Minister, not Parliament and not the courts. An intelligence
department decides what information politicians should be given, and
they're rarely, if ever, given the full facts."
Now we know why the British intelligence services can get away
with torture, murder, or any other crime that they may wish to inflict
on the population. Indeed, they can do anything they wish to do and
there is nobody but the Crown who can stop them from doing so,
because they are indeed a law unto themselves. So, is it the British
government and our so-called 'representatives' who run Britain, or is it
the hidden elites and their 'security services' ?
The Danger of ‘Corporate Governments’
For whatever reason, some people believe that ‘corporate’
governments are good for a country. They appear to think that if ‘big
business’ and government is the same thing then everyone in the
country will prosper under such an arrangement. The reality of living
under such governments is, however, very different to what these
people imagine. Businesses of all kinds are used mainly to benefit
their owners and investors, not everybody. Big business’s regards
everyone outside of those businesses as being simply employees or
consumers. They aren’t interested in anyone’s welfare other than their
own. They are there to make a profit, the maximum profit for the
owners or shareholders of their business. Which does of course mean
that they will cut overheads to the bone and situate their business in
whatever country allows them to do that to their best advantage?
International corporations couldn’t care less about their country of
origin. They aren’t ‘patriots’ in any sense of the word. They care only
about money and profits, not people, no matter whom, or where they
When governments are mainly comprised of corporate insiders,
they can do almost anything they want to do without hindrance of any
kind. If any corporation desires to close down their business in their
own country and move it to another where wages are far lower then
that is exactly what they will do? They aren’t paternalistic. If that
means putting hundreds, thousands or even millions of people in their
own country out of work they couldn’t care less. Corporations are out
to pay the lowest wages possible. Whether or not the people in Britain
or the United States could live properly on such a low wage means
nothing to the multinationals, yet when their product is made in
another country and then imported back into their own they still
expect their previous employees and other people to buy it. Should
they not do so, they can always give themselves a few perks, like tax
breaks and ‘bail outs’ that compensate themselves for their
incompetence and lack of foresight. In fact, being the government,
corporations can under various pretexts give themselves pretty much
anything that they wish to. They don’t really have to account for
anything, because being a ‘corporate government’ they can simply
‘classify’ and make secret anything that might in any way embarrass
them. Even worse, they can – and indeed do, make the taxpayer
responsible for their ‘business mistakes’ so that taxpayers end up
paying for them, no matter what the cost.
When corporations own government’s they indulge themselves in
all kinds of scams, legal or not. Like huge no-bid multimillion dollar
contracts to huge companies that they have a personal interest in.
They do whatever they like and make laws to suit themselves, then
they have their government bully-boy's, such as the police, armed
forces and their ‘intelligence services’ enforce whatever scam they
have devised, which will make them even more money. Should any of
these scams involve a huge loss of life, as it has in many instances,
they are glossed over by the pretext of it being ‘in the national
interest’ or that old favorite ‘national security’ or indeed anything else
that suits their purpose. To get away with these various scams and
devious deceptions these ‘government insiders’ bond together in
various clubs and associations where behind closed doors they can
organize their future plans uninterrupted by anyone but their own
As Paul Craig Roberts comented in one of his articles:
Increasingly, the rest of the world views America as the single source
of its financial and political woes. While the superpower massacres
Muslims in the Middle East and Central Asia, people in the rest of the
world have learned from WikiLeaks that the U.S. government
manipulates, bribes, threatens, and deceives many other governments
in order to have those governments serve the U.S. government’s
interest at the expense of the interests of their own peoples.
And this is how they consistently get away with it:
The fourth method of news suppression
American Corporatocracy
Oil, armaments and banking used to finance these government
scams have all featured prominently over the years. The huge profits
that are brought in to those involved in these ‘business’ undertakings
are hard to resist. The prices of these commodities can be set at
whatever level those concerned wish them to be. So, any ‘profits’
made can be shared by the insiders involved both in and out of
government. As these businesses are in reality a part of ‘government’
itself, all and any costs of providing them can again simply be passed
along to the taxpayer to pay for. That is why our governments just
love starting wars. Any war, just so long as it needs plenty of
armaments, oil and other commodities to keep it running along
smoothly for as long as possible. Forget about all the lives lost, on any
side of a war, they don’t count so far as corporate governments are
concerned. The dead bodies resulting from wars are simply used for
propaganda purposes in any way that ‘justifies’ the war having been
started in the first place.
When populations ask their government for money to improve
education facilities, build or repair hospitals, bridges, or roads etc,
politicians throw up their hands in despair saying that no money, or
not enough is available, but when it comes to wars hundreds of
billions of pounds and dollars suddenly appear out of thin air as
though by magic - as the money is spent seemingly without end on
armaments, and costly new weapons, without any thought of where it
is all coming from, and who in the end is going to foot the bill,
because the government knows that you are taxpayer, each and every
time. They have you by the throat because they are the ‘government’
and you are going to do anything they tell you to without question or
any choice in the matter, because the government is ‘their business’.
Almost immediately after 9/11 and 7/7 attacks in America and
London, many investigators began to doubt the 'official government
versions' detailing the attacks. Since that time many witnesses and
experts have proved without a doubt that both attacks were in fact
'inside jobs' in that the 'security services' of both countries did at the
very least know that the attacks were going to take place, and that in
all probability they carried out those attacks themselves. The motive
being that these so-called 'terrorist attacks' could be used as a pretext
to totally control their populations and countries turning them into
fascist police states, which they now have. After which under the 'war
on terror' their governments could attack other countries to control or
steal their oil resources. They could also make many billions of
dollars through worldwide arms sales, again under the pretext of the
war on terror.
9/11 Information Center
That people in general actually believe what politicians tell them
is of constant amazement to me. They actually do believe that their
government is going to act in the best interests of everybody. Even
when government ‘leaders’ tell lie after lie almost on a daily basis
most of these people still continue to trust them for some strange
reason. However, when some of them don’t - and then start to inquire
more deeply into what their governments are doing, they soon do
come to doubt much of which government is supposed to be doing -
but obviously isn’t, so they then graduate into being ‘troublesome’ to
their government. A recent example is an accountant in the United
States that discovered a scam in the government’s book keeping. He
found that almost every taxpayer in the country was paying 45% more
tax than they needed to. Other researchers have discovered many
other huge frauds over the years. But on orders from the government,
most of these scams have been quickly covered up by their so-called
‘intelligence agencies’ through using whatever means they found
necessary, which includes the smearing and persecution of whistleblowers,
harassment, stalking, torture and even murder, which is the
whole point of this report. Politics is indeed a very dirty business, and
government dominated by huge corporations, is the dirtiest business
of all. If the government of George W. Bush hasn’t proven that fact to
you, nothing else will.
Where all the money goes: Two sets of books (video).
Systemic Wall Street fraud
Michael Lewis: Wall Street Collapse A Story Of 'Mass Delusion'
A few trillion here, a trillion few there. The bailout, the frauds,and
the war on terror.
The Police State Road Map
Here is a comment by the writer Ed Lewis.
Live in Shame or Freedom - you choose the path. By Ed Lewis
“I as an American patriot am concerned by what appears to be an
extremely short attention span of the American people. The concern is
derived mainly from even the informed seeming to have forgotten
certain events of recent history. The uninformed on with their lives
never knowing the extent of corruption in government even though it
steals from them 50 percent of their earnings annually - but the
informed should not fall into the same abyss.
The FBI made a statement that there was not one shred of
evidence that Al Qaeda was involved in the September 11 attacks on
WTC. But, instead of evidence mounting and being conveyed on to
the American pubic, even some Internet publications speak of Al
Qaeda's involvement but not of the lack of evidence.
The attacks by the US Government in other countries are not
backed by a declaration of war against the countries, or even a Letter
of Reprisal, the only two lawful means of attacking another country.
The world does not say this - the US Constitution does.
Without a declaration of war, there should be no American military in
other countries killing innocent people and being killed.
And, yet, opposition to the US Government and its military and
organizations, such as the CIA, seems to have gone by the wayside.
The military, CIA, NSA, DEA, FBI, and who knows what other black
ops of the US Government, are still operating in other countries as
terrorists. Yes, terrorists since the same actions committed by Middle
Eastern groups - or American citizens against the government - would
be labeled terroristic, with the current warmongering administration
demanding the innocent people in other countries be bombed back to
the Stone Age. This, or course, doesn’t include Israel, which has
become one of worst terrorist states in the world.
war against terrorism is being used to inflict terrorism not only on the
people of other nations but also on the American and British people.
For a while, it seemed that this was going to remain in the forefront.
Anyway, it is no wonder that in the past 5 decades, America has
rapidly devolved into a country paralleling Nazi Germany, Mao's
China and Stalin's Russia. With people who cannot keep in mind the
atrocious acts against liberty by their governments, it is no wonder
that the American people have so few freedoms left.
When the people believe the lies put out by the Bushes,
Ashcrofts, judges, attorneys, Rumsfelds, Zionist leaders, and members
of the many legislators of governments, and then support these
treasonous people and organizations, we should no longer wonder
why court rulings such as the one by the 9th Circuit court are made.
They make them because they know they can. They know that the
majority of American people are a bunch of couch potato’s who will
not go to any trouble whatsoever to re-instate the freedoms of man by
going against government’s intent on removing them.
Damn it all, People, why can you not see what is occurring? Why
do you not take action instead of sitting back on your laurels believing
that the swine in government are protecting freedom and you? Why do
you leave it up to a few people who understand and who are willing to
take action for the good of all to become the targets of governments
completely out of control?"
Today many other governments also use untrue claims of
'communist infiltration - terrorism’ or both to smear their political
opponents and to scare the public into supporting internal repression.
I give details of the above writer simply because the mainstream
American press usually won't. Like the British press, it appears to
have been reduced to printing government handouts and propaganda
rather than allowing the full voice of internal dissent to be heard.
Monarchies and torture
Torture was used against heretics in Europe as far back as the
12th century and it has used by British monarchies against dissidents
and other ‘troublemakers’ ever since. The practice of torture was
supposed to have been outlawed in the 19th century but like many
other ‘human rights laws’ this too was ignored, with torture and other
vile forms of repression being continually used by the British
establishment against anyone who in any way was considered to be a
threat to its royal institutions. This has been well documented by
Simon Schama in his brilliant Internet documentary 'A History of
Britain', and also by Ruxandra Cesereanu in her excellent report 'An
Overview of Political Torture in The Twentieth Century'.
Murdered by The Monarchs
monarchs-13 – video
The vast power held by monarchies and their secret security
services, plus other insidious institutions, allows them to commit vast
crimes against their populations whilst their puppet governments deny
any such activities. The British monarchy in particular is very adept at
denying any such involvement. Their denials are backed up by the
state controlled media, owned by corporations, many of which are
supported by royal ‘investments’ running into the many billions of
British pounds. Indeed, according to researcher Leuren Moret, the
present British queen is the richest woman in the world and worth at
least 35 TRILLION us dollars, yet the British taxpayer still has to
contribute at least 200 million pounds annually to fund the lavish
lifestyle of this despot. As in the United States the British media is
little more than a propaganda outlet that is used to fool the population
into believing they live in a free and democratic country. Views to the
contrary are studiously ignored or covered up by Official Secrets Acts,
as are the pleas of the many thousands of British victims who are
denigrated, constantly abused and tortured by the security services
whose main task is to ensure that the monarchy continues no matter
what the cost. If the bodies of torture victims were all strung out on
the iron railings surrounding Buckingham Palace the naive British
public might finally have their eyes opened as to the true cost of the
The ‘law’ is whatever the government says it is, so ‘going to the
law’ is no option at all for British torture victims. Indeed, the law will
be used against them at every opportunity. Victims will be classified
in any way the security services desire, they may well be treated as
‘terrorists’ and interned in ‘mental hospitals’ where they will be
‘drugged’ with any kind of drug the security services order to be used
by their tame psychologists and other ‘doctors’. Should those
measures fail to bring the dissident ‘into line’ then even more fatal
measures will be used against them.
The modern British police state will stop at nothing to protect its
royal masters. It has by far surpassed anything that even George
Orwell might have dreamed up. It is a total affront to any kind of
decency or humanity. Indeed, it is a blot on the face of the entire
civilized world. Along with the United States I must add, which is
now rated 6th in the worlds electronic police states. (Britain is rated at
being the 5th).
The political parties, which once stood up for human rights and
common decency in Britain, no longer exist. They were infiltrated by
the secret police and taken over by their fascist stooges, one of who
was Tony Blair, according to an ex-MI5 agent. That the British people
fought two world wars against fascism seems to have been entirely
forgotten by them, as has the word itself as British newspapers quite
apparently rarely use it even when referring to brazen fascist acts of
war and terror committed by politicians and the troops under their
command. That the last six puppet British governments have allowed
MI5, MI6 and their secret police to torture and terrorize British
subjects inside and outside their own country is considered to be just
another ‘state secret’ and therefore unmentionable, let alone allowed
to be exposed in Britain’s so-called newspapers, which at best are now
outlets for little more than state propaganda and drivel.
The Murdoch Exposure
According to British journalist, Nick Davies, only 4 members of
parliament out of 630 had the courage to stand up and speak out
against Rupert Murdoch's rotten and corrupt press. So much for the
spineless syncopates who are supposed to be protecting the rights of
the British people. However, now that Murdoch, along with other
despicable journalists and the now slime covered police, have been
exposed for what they are, perhaps more truthful journalists like
Davies will continue the exposure of their corrupted governments and
further expose the outright corruption of Britain's fascist secret police
and MI5, who together are responsible for the mass torture and
murder of political dissidents in their country? If and when that does
happen, as it eventually will at some point in time, the Murdoch
scandal will be completely overshadowed in every aspect and the
ignorant British public will get get the shock of their entire lives!
Press for Truth interviews ex MI5 intelligence officer Annie
Machon – MUST watch video
What Are We Capable Of? Message from Anonymous
see USERNAME: johnfinch PASSWORD:
Fears of something rotten in Scotland Yard
Murdoch. This scandal has exposed the scale of UK elite
(1/5) London 7/7 Bomb Witness - Inside Job PROOF
Is NATO Arming the Libyan 'Rebels'?
Uncle Sam’s and John Bull’s Crimes Dwarf Murdoch’s
The NEW WORLD ORDER in action. What human rights
researchers have known for many years has finally been openly
acknowledged. The United States is now a corporate fascist
dominated police state. In a recent landmark 5-4 decision, the U.S.
Supreme Court's conservative bloc has stated that corporations have
the same right to free speech as individuals, and for that reason the
government cannot stop corporations from using money to put their
favored candidates in office. So bribing politicians through political
lobbying is no longer necessary, corporations can simply buy any
politician they want to quite openly, and afterward have them carry
out any agenda they wish, which means that from now on the owners
of just a few huge corporations – less than 1% of the entire
population, will in effect own the American congress outright,
implementing any law they desire through their bought politicians,
irrespective of what the general public might want or need. That
ordinary citizens, now subjects, having anything to do with how their
country is really managed can finally be dropped, they don't. They
will have no option other that to do whatever they are ordered to do by
bought corporate puppets - or leave the country. Americans in general
appear not to have grasped the above facts. They still line up at voting
booths with the absurd idea that their vote is somehow going to 'make
a difference' when in fact it will make no difference whatsoever as to
what 'their government' is going to do?
Indeed, the pretense of 'democracy' might well soon be dropped
by the removal of elections altogether in Britain and America, for
when all is said and done, of what use are they? We all know that their
elections are rigged in favor of 'special interests' and are today little
more than absurd rituals. Corporate elites have finally achieved their
objectives of total fascist control over the American and British
government so why on earth would they need to keep elections, other
than to maintain a farcical pretense?
These vast corporate interests have private mercenary armies to
protect them whilst they have passed laws, and Official Secrets Acts,
that can criminalize the rest of us at the drop of a hat simply for telling
the truth. Even criticizing their extreme fascist acts against humanity
can result in charges of 'terrorism' being brought against writers or
anyone else who dares to speak out against government tyranny.
Indeed under a bogus claim of 'protecting democracy' anyone who is
opposed to government- sponsored criminal acts can be classified as
being "enemies of the state." Indeed, the truth is that corporate
fascists consider true democracy to be nothing less than communism,
so for them to pretend they are 'defending democracy' is nothing more
than an outright blatant lie.
When and if the North American Union comes into play, the
present situation will get much worse. As with the European Union,
the rights of ordinary people, or what is left of them, could well be
lost forever. In effect the people of Canada, America and Mexico may
become micro chipped slaves with their every movement being
tracked twenty-four hours a day. Since the second world war the
United States, with British help, has overthrown more than fifty
democracies all over the world and replaced them with vicious
dictatorships that have tortured and murdered millions of men, women
and children, and they are still doing so.
Had the American and British populations, amongst many others,
not been lied to, deceived and manipulated by their puppet politicians
and their state media, as they still are, most of the above gross human
rights crimes would not have happened. The above war crimes do not
include at least 1300 Palestinians killed and the many thousands of
severely wounded in Gaza by the criminal Israeli forces. Nor do they
include the 1.366.350 Iraqis slaughtered and the 4 million more who
have fled their country so far during its occupation by the Americans
and their foreign supporters. Indeed, the the fascist governments of the
United States, Great Britain and any country that supports them have
now become a direct threat to true democracy and freedom anywhere
in the world!
PT1 Satellite Terrorism in America - Dr.John Hall
An Overview of Political Torture in the Twentieth Century
Soldiers on Sale... Who’s In Charge of These Hired Killers?
Eva Golinger, winner of the International Award for Journalism
in Mexico (2009), stated in her article 'War on the Horizon in Latin
America' “Latin America has suffered constant aggressions executed
by Washington and London during the past two hundred years.
Strategies and tactics of covert and overt warfare have been applied
against different nations in the region, ranging from coup d’etats,
assassinations, disappearances, torture, brutal dictatorships, atrocities,
political persecution, economic sabotage, psychological operations,
media warfare, biological warfare, subversion, counterinsurgency,
paramilitary infiltration, diplomatic terrorism, blockades, electoral
intervention to military invasions. Regardless of who’s in the White
House or Downing Street – democrat or republican – when it comes to
Latin America, the Empire’s policies remain the same.”
Indeed. The new brave leaders of Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador and
Bolivia – among others, have done more for their populations than
any other so-called leaders ever did, yet they are constantly denigrated
by Britain and the United States who have never stopped trying to
overthrow them.
When you allow The United States or Britain to interfere in the
management of your country real freedom of any kind is quickly
extinguished. Don't simply take my word on this, do your own
research. The evidence of British and American torture and aggression
worldwide is all over the Internet. You won't find it in the mainstream
'newspapers' they are all owned and controlled by corporate fascists
and their security services. The very last thing they want is for you to
read the truth about their vast criminal activities. Nor do they want
you to know that the the United States has always been and still is a
British Crown colony. So all the boasting by Americas about being a
free and independent nation is is pure rubbish. The United States it is
just another corporation that is still controlled by the British Empire.
In trying to expose the vast cover-up of UFO's and the
technology that is associated with the subject, Dr. Stephen M. Greer
has himself often run into a wall of official silence and deception
brought about by the same elite forces mentioned above. He states:
“To be specific, this secret group has usurped power and rights not
legally granted to it. It is extra-constitutional, both in the US and in
the UK and other countries around the world. It is, therefore, a
criminal enterprise and a conspiracy of the first order. Additionally, it
has committed crimes which include assassinations, murder,
kidnapping, theft of technology and so forth.”
The Hidden Empire
Ring of Power
Fighting the Subversion of Our People's Sovereignty
War on the Horizon in Latin America
Why America Should Apologize
Decoding The Language Of Social Control
Friendly Dictators
The danse macabre of US-style democracy
A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
A Brief History of U.S. Interventions: 1945 to the Present
North American Union, RFID, CFR & Amero EXPOSED
We The Corporations? I Don't Think So. Barbra Streisand
Police sabotage North American Union protestors
SPREAD THE WORD this is a must see, about the CFR
This Corruption in Washington is Smothering America's Future
Democracy in America Is a Useful Fiction
America, Inc. Is Here. Get With The Program!
Designed to fail: Systemic flaws in electronic voting machines
Constitution in Flames
American Corporatocracy
Writers and Dirty Tricks
No writer should be misled into thinking that because they are
writing the truth the security services will leave them alone. Indeed, it
is because they are writing the truth that writers and researchers may
be placed in great danger. Writers who simply copy government
'official' press hand-out's are considered by the powerful to be 'good
boys' who don't cause any 'trouble' whereas the rest of us are regarded
as being nothing but trouble. Whatever, some of the aforementioned
'good boys', according to Seumas Milne, may even work for the
security services. Indeed, in his book The Enemy Within, he states
"Three out of four labour correspondents on the British national
press are probable MI5 agents."
Whatever, if the security forces, police Special Branch, MI5, SIS,
SAS, the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the
National Security Agency (NSA), all of whom operate within Britain,
do decide to target the truthful writer and researcher, rarely will they
do so openly. It is not their style. According to the evidence presented
by many of the writers already mentioned, plus my own personal
experience in Britain and elsewhere, 'security' may well use measures
that fall well below the standards expected in any 'form' of democracy,
let alone a true one. And there will be no point in dissidents appealing
to the 'fair play' of the press. British fair play is unfortunately just
another myth as its state press does in almost every respect play along
with whatever 'the establishment' and its security services require of it.
Corporations, the very organizations that have through various means
become our governments, and who are responsible for torture in the
first place, own the mainstream press in Britain and the United States.
The role of the British media has quite apparently become one of
fooling the population into believing whatever the government and its
security services want it to believe. And that media will willingly play
along with any false allegations the security services makes against
dissidents no matter who they are.
Circulating false smears and denigrating political dissidents in
the worst possible way has become an essential part of MI5's actions
against those who dare tell the truth about the British governments
unlawful and disgraceful actions, both at home and abroad. Indeed
there is nothing at all that MI5 will not do to ruin the careers and lives
of anyone who disputes their version of events on almost any subject.
People who find themselves being smeared and denigrated by the
security services are in most cases unable to dispute the allegations
being made against them, no matter how blatantly false those smears
may be.
So once again the public gets only one side of the story, and the
untrue smears against a dissidents character and reputation are often
believed. When Craig Murray, ex-British ambassador insisted on
telling the truth about the British governments involvement in
accepting evidence that was obtained through the worst kinds of
torture, even he was subjected to false smears and character
assassination techniques that ended his long and distinguished career
in the foreign office.
I myself have had all kinds of false allegations made against me
because of my human rights activities and this Torture Report, yet not
one single British newspaper has ever offered me the opportunity to
defend myself against these vile smears, nor have they ever printed
one word about the repression and torture now taking place inside
Britain. Not one! And this situation has now been going on for over
thirty years. When I was finally given the chance to appear on an
American nationwide television network to talk about torture, and the
British involvement in it, just as I began to speak to the interviewer all
seven phone lines in the TV studio were immediately cut off, and the
program had to be canceled! Yet as the interviewer went on with
another 'stand in' program all the studio phones were suddenly
activated again?
Susan Lindauer, ex-us secret agent, found herself in the same
situation as myself when she tried to expose warmongering mass
murderers in the US government, who were deeply involved in the
world trade center bombings on 9/11. The phones in the TV studio,
where she was about to speak out, were also cut off. Ms. Lindauer had
intended to state that mini-nuke devices were used to bring down the
Twin Towers in New York, turning them into dust as they did so.
Information that is fully backed up in her new book. Listen to the
show below for further details.
US secret agent states that mini-nukes brought down twin towers
on 9/11.
Susan Lindauer Imprisoned for One Year Through the Patriot Act.
Author of "Extreme Prejudice" on Rense Radio
Dr. Judy Wood has also claimed that some kind of high-tech
weapon was used as she asked; “Where did the Twin Towers go?” As
she explained in her book, there should have been huge piles of
rubble from the two large buildings, when in fact there was very little
rubble indeed. Only the use of an advanced weapon could account for
all of the missing rubble. A fact that points directly to US government
involvement in the atrocity. Research her Web site below:
Where did the Twin Towers go?
Here is another clever documentary that demonstrates how
images of aircraft were inserted into the newsreels and still images of
the burning Twin Tower buildings before they were shown to the
1/2 Breaking NEW DEVELOPMENTS - 9/11 3D Analysis of the
Twin Towers (Media Manipulation?)
MI5 officer Annie Machon attacks toothless British media
Israel did 9/11 - All the Proof in the World - video
Wikileaks interview - RTTV, 6th December 2010 - video
Talking about totalitarianism at ETH-0, January 2010 - video
The Secret Garden Party, UK 2010 – video 1/2
2010.html -
RTTV interview on the royal wedding and arrest of UK activists –
Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers. MI5 and the David Shayler Affair
- video
Vicious actions against people who dare to expose corruption in
governments are are not unusual at all. People like Tony Blair and
Jack Straw can obviously tell blatant lies on a daily basis and get
away with it, but the moment anyone steps up to refute those lies they
are silenced by all and any means possible. Yet these puppet
politicians dare to tell the British people that they live in a democracy
and have free speech?
The few people who are in a position to bypass government
censorship to a large extent are in show business. The most famous of
them travel all over the world and are capable of being seen and heard
by millions if not billions of people, yet most of of them have in one
way or another been silenced by bribes - either by being given
lucrative business contracts or royal 'honors' that all but guarantee
their support and silence on any subject that may expose the British
police state to the entire world. Perhaps one day many brave singers
and playwrights might again band together in a broad sense and use
their craft to help prevent torture, as they did during their crusade
against apartheid in South Africa. That really would be a great day.
Craig Murray ex-British ambassador on Karimov's Dictatorship
Freedom of thought
Freedom of thought means that an individual can see, read and
question whatever he or she wishes, which may mean that an
individual holds an opposing view to that taken by the government. In
other words, an individual may wish to examine both sides of any
question or issue before making a decision. Without freedom of
thought, an individual can examine one side of the question only.
Which is usually the side favored by government.
The United Kingdom with it's notorious 'Official Secrets Acts'
will not freely allow publication of much information which disputes
it's own 'official' viewpoint.
Freedom of inquiry
Again, there is the problem of censorship. Much information that
would allow a citizen to gain a true insight into exactly what their
government is doing is considered to be 'classified information' which
means that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, for the citizen to
check exactly what the government is doing.
Freedom of expression
Without freedom of expression, (which means access to a free
media, and so on) an individual is not allowed to openly criticize the
government when it mismanages the country, which again means that
the citizen has virtually no control over government.
Put simply, true democracy means that the people who elected
that government, to manage the country on their behalf, control that
government. As true representatives of the people, a government must
be responsive to the will of all the people,
No government owns any country. A government is there simply
in order to manage the country on behalf of the citizens who elected it.
Anything less is a police state.
There is what might be termed 'benevolent' police states.
Probably the best known of those is Singapore. However, that does
not change the fact that such countries are police states, and being so
means that they can, if they so wish, repress the people at any time.
And unfortunately, in almost all cases the dictators of these countries
do indeed suppress their populations.
True democracy will prevent a government from abusing both its
power and its people. A police state may, and usually does, abuse
both. Some governments such as Turkey, Iran, Iraq the United
Kingdom and the United States amongst many others use censorship,
repression and torture not only to prevent true democracy but also to
reduce the citizen's awareness that their country is a police state.
It is believed that most people would automatically know
whether or not their country was a police state. However, that is not an
easy judgment to make when misinformation, disinformation and
censorship are widespread within a country, particularly so when that
country's media also connives in the censorship of citizens. For
instance, only a very few people in Britain appear to realize that they
have a 'secret police'. Yet that is exactly what the police Special
Branch is. And it vastly abuses its powers just as all other secret police
forces do everywhere else.
Almost from birth, entire populations are brought up to believe
that they live in 'free societies.' They are told so by 'the media' and by
their politicians. The feeling of 'being free' then eventually becomes
just another conditioned reflex. No more than another psychological
'trigger' that convinces them that they are free.
People obviously prefer to believe that they live in a free and a
democratic society. Such feelings make them feel both happy and
comfortable within their environment. People are then further
'conditioned' to believe almost anything 'the government' declares to
be 'true' is true.
However, should their politicians grossly mismanage the country
people may then quite rightly begin to disbelieve and question their
government? It is this 'questioning' that really determines what kind of
a government is in power.
Open government?
It is the attitude and the response of government, which informs
the populace as to exactly what kind of country they really live in. For
instance, if a government acts both aggressively and repressively in
response to any criticism of its conduct then any individual can be
forgiven for thinking that the government has something to hide. A
government that is truly 'open' to criticism will be taken as being
constructive and fair. Indeed that government will have a written
constitution that guarantees the full and proper 'rights' of its citizens.
As Harry Cohn, the late film producer, once jokingly remarked:
"A verbal guarantee isn't worth the paper it's written on!"
Unfortunately, that is exactly what the United Kingdom's version
of their so-called 'open government' is worth. Nothing. Indeed, some
open police states have more real freedom than does the population of
Whatever, the real problem with any government is finding out
whom its politicians are working for? The general view may, of
course, be that they are working for themselves. In spite of what they
may have promised the electorate before they were elected. (If they
are an elected government?) But the crucial question is - taking the
poor voter for granted, whom are the politicians really representing?
Big Business
It has been suggested before, but more recently, Kidron and
Segal have also documented the fact that big business and government
are in all reality 'one and the same thing.' If that is true, then who shall
the politicians represent first, the people or big business? Meaning the
multinational corporations.
Many countries in the world are so poor that any large
multinational company who chooses to 'invest' there is richer than that
country's government. It being so means that the multinational usually
pretty well gets much of what it asks for, including the significant cooperation
of the said government. That will usually mean, for the
locally hired workers, no unions, no strikes, long working days, no
representation of any kind and very low wages. The company,
however, will in most cases, get free or very cheap land to build on,
plus some terrific tax concessions. The negotiations that bring this
about are usually conducted at the highest government level.
The question then, of who will be best represented by a politician
working for that government, the company or the local worker, is an
important one.
"Standing up for trade union rights remains a very dangerous
occupation", said the Brussels based International Confederation of
Free Trade Unions. Indeed, an international survey on the
victimization (5) repression and torture of workers representatives
throughout the world has recorded that there were at least 92 murders
and over 2.300 arrests of those representatives in at least 90 countries
in 1993 alone (6). The first Annual Survey of Violations of Trade
Union Rights to be published by the year-old International Trade
Union Confederation documents enormous challenges to workers'
rights around the world. The 2007 edition of the survey, covering 138
countries, shows an alarming rise in the number of people killed as a
result of their trade union activities, from 115 in 2005 to 144 in 2006.
Many more trade unionists around the world were abducted or
"disappeared." In Columbia during 2007 at least 72 leaders of labor
unions were murdered bringing the total amount of killings since 1991
up to 2300. Indeed, Colombian paramilitary forces have recently
admitted to 150.000 murders of political dissidents in their country.
Of course, it comes as no surprise to human rights researchers
that the main supporters of the Colombian terror regime are the
United States and Britain.
Whatever, the writer has not been able to find a single instance of
such 'mistreatment' towards anyone representing big business
corporations. Government security forces quite obviously place these
people in an entirely different category.
In its struggle to gain full union rights for its members at Britain's
GCHQ (Rights removed by a so-called 'conservative' government
headed by Margaret Thatcher) the International Labor Organization
(ILO) has threatened to name Britain under a procedure normally
reserved for military dictatorships.
Many previous and current politicians in the United States,
Japan, Germany and Britain did - and still do, work for the largest
multinational companies in the world. The salaries of these politicians
may only be a tiny fraction of what they might earn privately in
business. So the question has to be asked, why do they do it?
They could of course be interested in representing the millions of
poor people, or it could be to ensure that the multinational companies
remain a powerful world force, which afterward reward those
politicians for their co-operation?
One company belonging to an organization called 'The Bohemian
Club' had business contracts worth over 13 billion dollars in one year
alone. Poor farm workers struggling to better their working conditions
can hardly compete with such vast resources as those.
The groups of people who call themselves 'The Bohemian Club'
represent very powerful business interests indeed. This 'club' is
comprised of some of the most powerful people in the entire world.
Some of its members are ex-Presidents of the United States. Others
are members of Congress and the Central Intelligence Agency. Many
other prominent members come from huge multinational corporations.
These people, in many respects, almost run the entire world. They
control at least 42% of world trade. Indeed, a survey conducted in
1992 showed that 76% of the US voting public believed that just a
few big business interests ran their government. A recent US Gallup
Poll went so far as to say that 27% of the American population would
even be prepared to take up arms against their own government (in
defense of true democracy) if it became necessary.
Krawczyk believes that the opening moves of such a revolution
may already have been played. He asks: "Is the American national
security establishment already at war with its own citizens (and those
of other civilized nations) in order to coerce them to accept the
formerly unacceptable by means of 'the manipulation of images,
beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions that is psychological warfare?"
There seems to be little doubt amongst researchers that the
answer is yes.
So, it does appear that 'big business' and government in some
countries is indeed the same thing. Is that, however, a bad thing?
Many politicians throughout the world may say that what is good
for business must be good for the country. But how that works out in
practice does depend on how any particular business is conducted
since there are both good and bad business organizations.
If a business is well run, its staff taken care of in regard to good
wages and benefits and so on then it could be admitted that it can only
be good for the country. If however, a business is harming people who
staff it, (e.g., with toxic chemicals, bad products, unsatisfactory
working conditions, poor wages and so forth) then perhaps it does not
benefit that country. If a business is well run and properly managed, it
may benefit everybody. If however, a business organization exploits
both bad government and the people then standards inevitably fall in
every direction, which means that business is then good only for those
who control it.
In trying to understand why governments use repression and
torture, we must look at who gains from such abuse. It certainly does
not appear to be the population in general. The ordinary people as
such gain nothing, and indeed lose almost everything worth having
when their human and civil rights are overridden.
Authoritarian governments who impose strict censorship and
deny their people the very basic right of free speech - to say the very
least, would find it difficult to claim that doing so is in anyone's
interest other than their own self-interest. How then can any such
government really claim to be representing the people when its
repression of the people is so obvious?
Note: In his book 'Operation Mind Control', Bowart states that:
'The cryptocracy (secret government) serves big business and
supplies corporations with industrial intelligence. Such things as
political campaign contributions may repay these favors to candidates
sympathetic to the cryptocracy. Both foreign and domestic politicians
have been supported with these 'contributions'.
The Association of National Security Alumni is an organization
mainly composed of former US security employees who openly
oppose the use of covert operations against US citizens who resist
corporate control.
They state that such actions are both counterproductive and
damaging to the national interests of the United States. In 1992, a subgroup
named as The Electronic Surveillance Project also published a
report detailing Harassment and Mind-Control Experimentation. This
report detailed how the US government had used behavior modifying
direct-energy technologies on its own citizens. By 1993, this
association had been contacted by over 200 people (the tip of another
iceberg?), all of who alleged that they had been the victims of
government harassment and mind-control experimentation. A
supplement to this report also published in 1993 stated that "While the
majority of these experiments reside in the United States, a number of
virtually identical complaints have also been received from England,
Germany, Canada, Australia and many other countries.
Multinational corporations, particularly those involved in the
development of directed-energy and surveillance technologies are also
believed to be installing these devices in public establishments,
educational centers and on the streets and highways. Much of this
technology has already been installed in the United Kingdom. At least
five million surveillance devices are known to be monitoring the
British public. That figure does not include the many thousands of
covert devices planted in businesses, pubs, hotels and even private
homes by the British security services.
Microwave Warfare - Barrie Trower. British military expert exposes criminal
conspiracy by UK and USA to torture and brainwash populations worldwide. -
(1)Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983. P.54.
(2) Bowart. W. Operation Mind Control. Pub: Dell Publishing Co. Inc.
(USA) and Fontana / Collins (UK) 1978.
(3) Pilger. J. Natural born partners. New Statesman & Society. 10-3-
95. P. 26.
(4) Kidron. M. Segal. R. Business, Money & Power. Pan Books
London. 1987.
(5) Hollingsworth. M. Norton-Taylor. R. Blacklist. The Hogarth Press.
London. 1988. P.150.
(6) Carvel. J. Survey reports 92 trade unionists murdered, 2.300
arrested last year. Article. The Guardian. P.12. 25-5-94.
(7) Taylor. R. N. Deal to relax ban on GCHQ unions. The Guardian.
13-6-95. P.6
(8) Kidron. M. Segal. R. Business, Money & Power. Pan Books
London. 1987.
(9) Nexus Magazine. Vol 2. No 26. 1995. P.9.
(10) Krawczyk . G. Big Brothers Recipe for 'Revolution in Military
Affairs". Nexus Magazine. 1995. Vol 2. P.26 - 31.
(11) Lloyd. T. The Guardian. 23-6-95. P.14.
(12) Vidal. J. 'Nigerian troops killed and tortured tribe which opposed
Shell operation.' Article. The Guardian. 14-1-95. P. 10.
(13) Bowart. W. Operation Mind Control. Pub: Dell Publishing Co.
Inc. (USA) and Fontana / Collins (UK) 1978. P.146.
(14) Krawczyk . G. Big Brothers Recipe for 'Revolution in Military
Affairs". Nexus Magazine. 1995. Vol 2. P. 31.
British Human Rights Organizations
Torture victims within the United Kingdom will continue to find
themselves in a very perilous state indeed. Contrary to popular belief
there is quite apparently no British human rights organization to
which they can turn for help.
All the British human rights and civil liberties organizations that
I have contacted over many years have been found lacking, if not
completely worthless, so far as British victims of torture are
concerned. As have direct group complaints and personal appeals to
the United Nations by many thousands of victims worldwide.
Amnesty international & Press Self Censorship
British human rights organizations all have long lists of eminent
sponsors. The literature they send out in response to inquiries
invariably gives the impression that they will attempt to deal with any
form of repression. But that does not apparently include the United
Kingdom itself. Their presence in Britain appears to be solely to
collect public donations and promote the myth of a torture free
Britain. It is open to question whether the sponsors of these so-called
human rights organizations are aware of their limitations and failure to
protect British citizens. Whatever, the shortcomings of these
organizations to carry out their obligations within Britain soon
become glaringly obvious to anyone who cares to research them.
Considering that these organizations receive many millions of
pounds annually in donations from British subjects they should be the
first to be protected from an abusive government. Charity, after all,
should begin at home. However, my own research into British human
rights organizations leads me to an entirely different conclusion from
what might be expected. In response to the many allegations of torture
within the UK mainland, not one of the above organizations offered
any kind of direct help whatsoever. Indeed, British organizations
seemingly refuse even to openly acknowledge allegations of torture
within the UK mainland, in spite of the fact that many such
allegations have already been accepted by foreign human rights
organizations, even though they have done little to expose or prevent
To repeat what Pierre Sane, the secretary-general of Amnesty
International, said in 1993: "Governments are prepared to go to great
lengths to cover up their crimes. They know that a bloodstained
human rights record will damage their international image. So, they
set up phony human rights institutions to cover up crimes. They use
sophisticated public relations techniques, lies behind lies.
Governments use death squads and undercover agents so that they can
deny involvement. Everything has become much more subtle since
Amnesty International was founded. To make people disappear you
need sophisticated security arrangements, and secret departments.
Human rights abuses have not gone away. They have just gone further
into the dark."
Brave and true words. In Britain it has become so dark people
simply cannot see what is happening there. In Northern Ireland
Amnesty International did report cases of torture carried out by British
security forces. These cases are now well documented. But on torture
today within the British mainland, Amnesty remains strangely silent.
There it seems that Amnesty has already forgotten the words of Pierre
Sane, let alone having learned anything from them.
I suggest that that the totally inept people now running the British
section of Amnesty International should read the above again - then
expose the deplorable situation prevalent in Britain. Otherwise they
will not only become totally discredited in the UK they will also fall
under the category of being called phony throughout the rest of the
world. If you are a supporter of Amnesty then think again – you may
not be supporting what you may think you are?
Whatever, Amnesty is not alone in its neglect of psychological
torture victims within Britain and elsewhere. Almost all so-called
'human rights' organizations appear to know little, if anything at all –
or pretend to, about the hi-tech psychological torture techniques as
practiced on British subjects by MI-5 and the police Special Branch.
However, when such insidious torture techniques are used by
foreign dictators against their own people it is quite apparently a very
different matter altogether. British 'human rights' organizations simply
can't wait to utter their hypocritical cry's of outrage as they rush to
inform the public and the media of such terrible acts before beginning
vast advertising campaigns calling for yet more donations to stop
torture and prevent future abuses. But not against British victims, only
silence ensues when torture is exposed within Britain itself. Even
when exposed by British writers and researchers who have them
selves been subjected to such cruel methods of repression within
Britain. As some have already stated on television.
Roderick Russell gives an excellent and chilling account of his,
and his family's, persecution and torture in Canada and the United
Kingdom by MI5/MI6 and the Canadian secret service (CSIS) through
a process called Zerzetsen.
He says, quote: 'Zerzetsen is not the bloodier old fashioned
medieval type of torture that leaves marks, but a more modern
“Orwellian 1984” form of torture that was developed by the former
East German secret police "The STASI" to persecute dissidents.
Zerzetsen is a very sophisticated torture technique and is sometimes
called no touch torture since it causes “severe and prolonged
suffering” to its victims without leaving physical marks. It combines
character assassination and defamation, with criminal threats and
intimidation – both different sides of the same Zerzetsen coin.'
The above methods of repression are exactly the same as that
suffered by thousands of British, American and torture victims in
other countries. They appear to have been standardized by security
forces worldwide and they bring on the self-same effects that MI5/6
& CSIS try to induce in all their victims wherever they live, which is
‘prolonged and severe suffering at the very least'. As many of us have
already found out ourselves, when these crimes were reported to the
authorities by Mr. Russell, they were covered-up at the highest levels
of government in Canada and the UK. Simply because politicians are
scared of their own intelligence services - along with the press and
their human rights organizations.
I urge you to read Mr. Russell's account of torture at:
False Flag Operations
(A false flag operation is simply an action in which the
perpetrator intends for the blame to be placed on a different party.
False flag terrorism - terror by states, organizations, and agencies
which is meant to be pinned on others in order to influence policy,
public opinion, or military aggression. Governments attacking people
and then blaming others in order to create animosity towards those
blamed – has been used throughout history.)
False Flag Operations have directly resulted in the repression,
torture and death of tens of millions of people all over the world. They
have become an essential part of the New World Order. To fully
implement that Order the United States and Britain are devising one
False Flag Operation after another. As each one of these home grown
terrorist acts are committed, their Security Services have demanded,
and received, all but unlimited power over their respective populations
under the pretext of The War On Terror. These secret agencies have in
fact become more powerful than governments and are a law unto
themselves. They have and use their power to prevent or severely
hinder criticism of themselves, corporations, and government by the
media, human rights organizations and individuals. They answer only
to vast corporations whose power over governments both at home and
abroad has become absolute.
Libya, Propaganda and Imperialism
Power of Nightmares. Best 22 minutes of the revealing BBC
documentary 'Power of Nightmares'
A State Crime Against Democracy - video
The Death Penalty for Murderous 'Corporate Persons'
Six Banks Control 60% of Gross National Product
In addition to their vast human rights abuses worldwide, huge
corporations have completely taken over many domestic markets and
are fostering bad and unsafe products on populations that are totally
unaware of what they are consuming. Only a very few corporations
also control the media so the public is largely uninformed about what
they are consuming. Many products that are highly profitable to those
corporations, but highly detrimental to the public, continue to be sold
and used, due solely to the immense resources that their security
services can bring to bear on any company or person who offers
better, and safer, products than those offered by many huge
corporations. False Flag Operations brought about by the U.S.A and
Britain have led to endless foreign wars and the repression of their
own people. The U.S. currently boasts the highest rate of incarceration
of any country at any time in history - a full 25 percent of the world’s
prison population, which is being used as cheap labor to manufacture
all kinds of products. This has brought the U.S. into total disrepute
Multinational Corporations now have the power to prohibit fair
competition and indeed secretize or criminalize any competitive
products that might in any way interfere with their own products and
profits. A whole range of items including cars, food, fuel, medicines,
housing plus many more products could all be made better, cheaper,
cleaner, safer and more friendly to the environment than those on sale
and in use today. That better products aren't being made amounts to
nothing less than a crime against humanity. Populations the world
over could all benefit from what could be made available to them in a
truly free market, but they aren't because powerful corporations who
care for nothing other than their own selfish greed and personal
prosperity keep these new products from being produced.
The Oklahoma City Bombing, the World Trade Center bombings,
the Korean War, the Vietnam War, First Gulf War, the Grenada
Invasion, World War 2, Panama Invasion, the Desert Storm, Iraq War,
the Afghanistan Invasion, the London Bombings, the War on Drugs
and finally the so-called War on Terror have been carefully dissected
by the best investigators available. They believe that all these actions
were False Flag Operations brought about by government Security
Services and afterward used as excuses to promote previous 'wars' and
now the 'War on Terror' which allows them to take over over foreign
countries, their resources and industries. These operations allow US
and British manufactures to sell vast amounts of arms and other
products while giving themselves unlimited power over entire
populations; just as the phony War on Communism provided those
same security organizations with an excuse to torture, disable and
murder millions of people who refused to believe any of the lies and
deceptions that were put out and featured daily on 'state' radio and
television services that were and still are firmly in the control of
American and British security services. The elite and their corrupt
bankers have made untold billions out of these phony wars, while
their pliant puppet politicians have often made millions in kickbacks.
As usual Joe public pays for it all under the pretext of 'saving
democracy' .
These vicious and unscrupulous practices have brought us
nothing but tyrannical puppet politicians, mass unemployment,
homelessness, sickness and wholesale repression on a scale never seen
before. And it is getting worse by the day. Our future, if there is one,
grows dimmer and dimmer. Our children have nothing to look
forward to but more and more of what we are all facing and suffering
under today.
False Flag Operations
The full movie: "Murder in the Heartland"
The Rothschild Documentary A Crime Syndicate
The Hemp Revolution
Drawing Back the Veil on the 'Death State'
Suppressed Technologies
Suppression of Energy Technologies
Suppressed Inventions
The Cancer Therapy
Run From The Cure: English and Spanish versions at:
Modern political tyrants are prime examples of fascism at its
worst. They use radio, television, newspapers and a multitude of
professional liars to fool and manipulate their populations into
believing their deceptions, after which tyranny and terror inevitably
becomes a part of their misrule. Even today in the year 2011 the
slaughter of millions of innocents around the world continue to
mount. These fascist degenerates are are in no way different from
other dictators and mass murderers who have risen throughout history
to terrify populations into supporting their evil aspirations and desires.
They are just cleverer at covering up their crimes. They do so by
forming so-called 'governments' with the political factions simply
being different sides of the same coin. This they dare call
'democracy', which is then used as a further excuse to justify their
terror and repression against anyone who dares to appose them, while
they continue to secretly plot the annihilation of many millions of
more innocent victims well into the foreseeable future.
What political parties call themselves today is meaningless.
Names like Democrat, Republican, Labor or Conservative are just
that, names and nothing more. These governments are all fascist and
their party names are simply used to fool people into believing that
support of them will bring about the political change ordinary people
desire. In reality nothing could be further from the truth. Political
parties today are are in fact all owned by the ruling elites and they are
simply used as a device to bring about whatever political change is
good for themselves alone. They couldn't care less about the general
public as such, their welfare always comes secondary to whatever the
elites and their puppet governments require.
Real democracy, as against so-called 'forms' or 'versions' of
democracy is in all probability practiced by only a handful of nations
throughout the entire world. The writer can think of no true
democracy at all in the East, whilst in the West most countries
continue to use what are termed 'forms' or 'versions' of democracy. As
stated earlier in the report a 'form of democracy' is no more than a
charade. It allows people to believe that they are free whilst it offers
none of the real freedoms that are essential for the true growth of
human potential.
Under 'forms of democracy', it is necessary to fit into 'the
establishment', which may or not be good, but which will restrict ideas
that do not fit 'the established order' of the time. The 'establishment'
within any country tends to allow only those ideas and developments
that fit into the narrow viewpoint established by the few, whilst the
many are used as fodder to feed it. Elections under the present corrupt
political systems in the USA and the UK simply replace rotten
politicians with more of the same. As Emma Goldman said: "If voting
changed anything, they'd make it illegal" Indeed, and as another
renowned writer wrote recently, "The British and American
populations have been lied to, deceived and manipulated for so long
their collective wisdom resembles that of a chicken!" This enforced
ignorance all but guarantees that people in general can be led into
believing almost anything politicians want them to believe, no matter
how stupid or ridiculous their political lies are.
The establishments, which may mean powerful business interests
or 'ruling families', whether royal or otherwise, have rarely benefited
mankind as a whole. However, populations worldwide are
manipulated into believing that these 'institutions' are essential and are
for the good of all. That is simply not true. Usually they are good only
for those who control them. These institutions are often little more
than parasites that feed off the fruits of others whilst giving nothing of
real value in return.
The 'secret control' that allows 'democratic' government to be
subverted by the 'third force' of international business conglomerates
should also be recognized for the evil it is. Indeed, all citizens should
freely decide the true direction of government policy. It should not be
directed by some anonymous elitist 'business club' or 'security service'
simply because it may be a profitable venture for their interests alone.
As does appear to be the case in most instances.
Present day politicians are rarely much more than disinformation
managers. They represent the wishes of their elite masters and little
else. Their daily lies are repeated by 'state newspapers' that purport to
uphold the 'truth and honesty' when in fact they do neither.
The fascist police states of Britain and the United States with
their phony democracies allow no real opposition to their regimes.
Both countries have notorious 'Official Secrets Acts' that are used to
maintain a firm control over their populations and the media, ensuring
that a strong overwhelming bias in favor of a small powerful elite
remains in force. Over the last fifteen years over 80% of investigative
reporters have been fired. Other writers who insist on reporting the
truth soon find themselves out of a job and unable to find another. But
that may be the least of their worries. Indeed, as Alex Jones recently
revealed on his TV show, dissident writers in Britain and the USA
might soon all be labeled 'terrorists' whereby they can be arrested,
tortured, and quite possibly murdered. Anyone who may doubt this
possibility should remember that the above sinister forces have
already been using these repressive techniques against dissident
writers in many other countries for well over 40 years. During the Iraq
war alone over 90 honest reporters have been killed simply for trying
to report the truth. Brazen liars, war criminals and political gangsters
like George W. Bush and Tony Blair are paid millions for writing
rubbish, while many novelists and other writers must often flee for
their lives from one country to another seeking refuge from
persecution and worse if their work comes even close to revealing the
real truth of our times, which will expose the vast human and civil
rights crimes of America and Britain, inevitably turning them into
common knowledge.
Monarch: The New Phoenix Program
Sending tens of thousands of young people abroad to fight
endless wars under the pretext of defending 'freedom and democracy'
no longer works when they face censorship and widespread repression
at home. Trying to convince an informed public to give up their lives,
when they know they have been totally manipulated and deceived by
their politicians, becomes much more difficult when official
censorship gets worse by the week and government lies become more
blatant than ever before. Its hard to be patriotic when faced with
wholesale political corruption and a paramilitary police force who
club political protesters to the ground without a second thought.
The deeply corrupted unaccountable criminal elements of the
'secret governments' that are embedded within the political structures
of Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia, Israel and many other
countries, are undoubtedly a part of a huge worldwide criminal
organization with drugs being a large part of it. This has been well
documented by ex-security agents from these countries, just two of
them being James Casbolt and Gene 'Chip' Tatum (Tatum was
apparently tortured and murdered in 2007 for exposing his part in
drug running for the CIA). The so-called 'War on Drugs' is in fact no
more than a war on 'the competition' which has itself become just as
ruthless, and almost as wealthy as the government-sponsored drug
barons overseen by their numerous Security Services. The thought of
ordinary criminals taking a share of the multi-billion dollar drug
rackets (Worth at least $ every year) is hard for
governments to take. As usual they want it all kept in the family. This
farcical 'war on drugs' could be ended tomorrow by simply legalizing
or decriminalizing drug use as Portugal did in 2001. However, these
drug wars supports a huge and highly profitable American prison
complex plus many other 'security' industries which have allowed the
United States and its allies to use monstrous surveillance techniques
and criminalize millions of people through their possession of a
product most medical doctors consider to be far less harmless than
tobacco or alcohol. This descent by governments into tyranny and the
repression of their populations has become glaringly obvious with
their wholesale removal of human and civil rights. This criminality
has continued unabated by the absence of almost any political honesty
by politicians or an outright uprising by a public that has now been
rendered all but voiceless through censorship and the passing of
hundreds of unjust laws designed to render people both helpless and
The weird war on weed And why it's time to end it
Immigrants For Sale - Video
Catherine Austin Fitts exposes the "tapeworm economy" – Must
see video!
Interview with Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum
The Pegasus File
James Casbolt Project Mannequin Interview
American Drug War: The Last White Hope
For whatever reasons, almost all modern governments tell blatant
untruths about what they may have done in the past, what they are
doing today and what they intend doing in the future. What politicians
say they are doing – and what they really are doing – are two very
different things. Their untruths are often covered-up by political
claims of them being in the 'National Interest', in the 'Public Interest' -
or that old standby 'National Security'. But in many cases, all this
really means is 'Self-Interests'. That self-interest may be a deep
involvement with the multinationals, the gaining of more power or the
simple maintenance of the 'status quo'. Whatever, there seems little
doubt that the interests of the public at large takes a very poor second
place, if indeed it is considered at all?
The populations of many countries can quite apparently be easily
manipulated and fooled into supporting governments who torture and
murder millions to stay in power. Are these people so stupid and blind
as to really believe that such atrocities can never happen to themselves
or their own families?
As for the so-called 'intelligence communities' there is no doubt
as to who they are really working for. As Walter Bowart states:
“It is the cryptocracy, or secret shadow governments, over which
the populations of both the United States and the United Kingdom
have no control whatsoever. Indeed, these secret 'governments' and
'their security services' can only be viewed as a grave threat to true
democracy in any country.”
Having already been partners in crime and in lockstep politically
for many years, the United Kingdom and the United States have
finally joined hands in trying to create their own Forth Reich. Unless
people finally wake up to the deceptions being played upon them by
these two insidious police states, and band together in firm opposition
to them, they may well succeed. Inevitably this will mean that real
freedom of any kind for people living in these countries will soon
become no more than a distant memory, if it hasn't already?
The 'security services' of many countries secure not the public as
such but big business and their serving puppets in 'their governments.'
British security MI5 projects itself as an organization that 'protects' the
entire population. It does not. It is a ruthless state-sponsored terrorist
organization that protects only the 'royal establishment' and its vested
interests thereby maintaining the Monarchy and other so-called elites,
which in Britain means about one percent of the entire population at
most? The British public at large is not protected by the security
service, it is repressed, tortured, and whenever desired, murdered by
it. More so now then ever before as the sham that passes for
democracy in Britain is now being exposed worldwide for all to see.
Indeed, recent polls strongly suggest that 65% of British and German
people are close to open rebellion with France and Spain being close
behind with 60% of their populations ready to take to the streets. 53%
of people surveyed in Italy and the United States are already in
rebellion against their puppet governments. Indeed the recent riots
that have taken place, and are still in progress throughout many
countries, will undoubtedly get worse. Maybe very much worse unless
their governments are drastically reformed?
Riots, Rebellion and Revolution
UK Intelligence Forces and Microwave Mind Control
RUXANDRA CESEREANU / An Overview of Political Torture in
the Twentieth Century
Secret Societies(1-5) Conspiracy Theory w/ Jesse Ventura-
Freedom and democracy are words much abused the world over.
Surely now is the time to use those words in their proper perspective
and make real freedom true democracy available to all. Perhaps the
reason for wide political dissent might then be removed.
In one of their documents, the civil rights group CHARTER 88
stated: "We have had less freedom than we believed. That which we
have enjoyed has been too dependent on the benevolence of our
rulers. Our freedoms have remained their possession, rationed out as
subjects rather than being our own inalienable possession as citizens.
To make real the freedoms we once took for granted means for the
first time to take them for ourselves. The time has come to demand
political, civil and human rights in the United Kingdom.”
After decades of resisting such a move, Britain has finally
incorporated a human rights charter into law. However, the British
'version' of The European Charter of Human Rights is no more than
another 'form' of the charter. It has been so well watered down it is all
but useless. The British security services have made very sure that the
UK charter will in no way interfere with their despicable and inhuman
activities. These degenerate police state thugs and terrorists are
nothing more than legalized gangsters that stalk, harass, persecute,
torture and murder political dissidents at will in order to maintain the
Crown and the phony puppet governments that continually support it.
The UK charter offers nothing whatsoever which would prevent gross
abuses of state power. The so-called 'terrorist threat' now in force is
no more than just another pretext for a fully armed paramilitary police
force whose real intention is to protect the monarchy and its puppet
governments from being overthrown by an outraged British public,
excluding the brain dead, that is finally coming to understand how it
has been deceived by being systematically used and abused by
arrogant fascists posing as their 'betters and leaders' when in fact these
people don't have the brains, or even common decency, to be either.
As things are today in 2011 the middle classes are rapidly
disappearing as their life savings are quickly vanishing from inflation,
or are being stolen from them by corrupt bankers who have made
billions through devising huge criminal scams that has rendered tens
of millions of people bankrupt and homeless with no chance of them
ever getting back on their feet again. Indeed, over 43 million
American's are now living on food stamps and tent cities are springing
up all over the country. Political protest is being made into a crime
while the police and military, who should be protecting their
populations, are instead being used to repress them. 99% of politicians
are corrupt and represent little more than corporations and a rotten
perverted fascism not seen since Hitler. While greedy uncaring
bankers sail away to foreign shores in their mega-yachts to their
swollen offshore secret bank accounts, Joe public is left to pick up the
pieces and remain as corporate slaves with no other choice other than
to work for whatever pittance is offered to them, or starve. The
children of today face a very bleak future indeed, that is if there is
going to be any future at all for much of the worlds population? Elite
plans to cull entire populations are well underway and are progressing
The Financial Elite In America - Same As Dictators Elsewhere
“The world of secret intelligence agencies is a realm of
falsehood, camouflage, deception, violence, unspeakable cruelty,
treachery, and betrayal. It is the most desolate and grim sector of
human endeavor, where no human values can subsist. It knows neither
hope nor mercy nor redemption. It is the one area of human life where
Hobbes’s maxim holds true – it is the war of all against all. But not as
chaos – as an ultimately controlled phenomenon which serves the goal
of preserving the state power that the intelligence agencies serve.
During the Cold War, the conflict of CIA, MI6, MI5, SDECE, KGB,
BND, Stasi and the rest was called the wilderness of mirrors, a desert
populated by agents, double agents, triple agents, their case officers,
their counterintelligence opponents, and the omnipresent specialists in
mokrie dela - wetwork, or assassinations, as the KGB described
Webster Griffin Tarpley – From his book “Synthetic Terrorism –
Made in the USA’
Britain: The Depth of Corruption
Truth Has Fallen and Has Taken Liberty With It
Anyone who knows anything at all about the so-called
'intelligence agencies' of Britain and the United States knows just how
true the above statement is. The sad fact is that both Tony Blair, exprime
minister of the United Kingdom, and Barack Obama, current
president of the United States, have both now been outed as being
agents of their respective security agencies MI5 and the CIA. A fact
that paints both men as being pathological liars and fascists at the very
least! And under our present corrupted political systems those who
follow them will be no different.
Power of Nightmares. Best 22 minutes of the revealing BBC
documentary 'Power of Nightmares'
Hon. James David Manning says Barack Hussein Obama was a
C.I.A operative
David Shayler says: 'Blair was an MI5 agent'
Former CIA Asset Allawi Touted as Next Iraqi Prime Minister
Operation Sarkozy. how the CIA placed one of its agents at the
presidency of the French Republic
How the security services continually get away with violating the
‘rights’ of citizens by torture and other means?
The powers held by government security services worldwide are
by now well known by almost all journalists and writers. The average
individual citizen is almost totally helpless when trying to combat
actions taken against him, or her, by a government security service.
These rogue security agencies have almost unlimited resources they
can call upon at any time. As we have seen, these services are in every
respect a law unto themselves. Dissidents, inside their own countries,
appear to have no access to any law that will protect them. They are
quickly isolated and tortured at will until they break down, are driven
to suicide or murdered. Once upon a time the media would have
exposed these outrages, but today ‘the media’ is owned or controlled
by corporations and their governments, the very people who are
responsible for the dissident’s plight in the first place.
We the tortured know this to be true because of own personal
experiences. Former government security agents, who have not only
refused to continue their previous work but who have fully exposed
their own part in the repression of citizens, have come forward to back
up our research.
Only dissidents with a wide knowledge of security techniques,
plus experience in such matters, are likely to survive today’s torturers.
Therefore, dissidents should, wherever possible, try to get away from
the country where they are being persecuted and suppressed. Doing so
offers no guarantee that ‘security’ and their ‘agents’ will not follow
them but the dissident will at least have some respite to gather his / or
her wits and try to form some kind of defense, perhaps even a new
I.D. and life for themselves. The degenerate tormentors and perverted
torturers employed by governments are, as a rule, only confident in
themselves when surrounded by their own kind in their own
environment. Inside their own countries, these criminal torturers
portray themselves as saviors of the people, but they rarely dare to
show their true faces out of their own protected element. They are no
more than modern-day Nazis and Gestapo agents who hide in the dark
hoping that none of their victims will recognize them and seek a just
However, local security stooges are often known to their victims.
In cases where they are, details of them - with photos if possible, and
their actions against dissidents should be written down (not on your
computer) and retained for future reference, when some form of
justice against government tyranny does become available, as it must
Political dissidents outnumber the Security Services, the Secret
Police and their degenerate 'stooges' by at least 500 to 1. Dissidents
can't all be tortured and murdered indefinitely without a huge public
backlash taking place at some point. Which is almost certain to
happen now. That being the reason why Britain and the United States
have armed their police to the teeth. The fascist elite, with their phony
'democratic' governments, their Security Services and the police are
expecting their populations to revolt against their repression, as they
now are doing. The true face of the British and America police states
are being clearly be revealed for all the world to see. As in Columbia,
where over 150.000 political dissident have now already been
murdered, with the full co-operation and support of the British and
American governments and their troops, this deadly force may well be
used against our own people when they too demand real democracy
and accountability from their so-called representatives. So be
prepared to resist that force through any and all means available to
you. Good writers have been resisting this rotten fascism for many
years and its high time that the public woke up and fully supported
Colombia's "Genocidal Democracy" May Have Claimed Over
150,000 Lives
Security services know exactly what kind of evidence is needed
to bring them to justice and they make very sure that no such evidence
becomes available to any lawyer who just might try to bring them to
trial. I say might, because so far the vast majority of lawyers have
avoided getting involved in torture trials at all, let alone when such a
trial might involve government security agencies. There are very few
lawyers who do dare to face up to governments and their torturers.
Attempts to form an International Criminal Court by the United
Nations where torturers from any country can be brought to trial have
been strongly resisted by Britain, Germany and the United States.
They know that they have been responsible for vast crimes against
humanity and they seek to exempt any of their agents from being held
or arrested for such crimes in the future.
The United States still does have a small measure of free speech
(though it is not often apparent in the national mainstream press), and
many surviving victims there have held conferences to publicized
their repression.
More details of which can be found on Web sites all over the
Internet along with many documents. The also has a torture victims
The same applies in Europe where much information can still be
found at: and as well as:
Some other excellent Web sites have been listed at the end of the
report. Many other sites exposing government repression in Britain
and Europe have already been taken down as covert censorship gets
worse by the week.
The above web sites offer extensive links to a great many other
web sites scattered around the world, all of which detail the repression
and torture that is being carried out in countries that hypocritically
portray themselves as being ‘free and open democracies.’ One online
American newspaper ‘The Napa Valley Sentinel’ also features
excellent articles on ‘Mind-Control.’
Sadly, most free speech is pretty much confined to Internet online
reporting these days. That is where you will find the majority of
good honest writers who still retain the ability to call a spade a spade.
Writers and researchers like John Pilger, Naomi Klein, Noam
Chomsky, Robert Fisk, Chris Hedges, the late Chalmers Johnson and
Howard Zinn plus a few others, are rare birds to say the least, whilst
outspoken Politicians like Alan Grayson, and Ron Paul are even rarer
still. The vast mainstream newspaper publishing industry is little more
than an embarrassment to anyone with a mind of their own. It offers
plenty of advertising but little else other than political propaganda.
That is the reason why so many people in the United Kingdom and the
United States are totally ignorant of what is and has been happening
right inside their own countries for so many years. The newspapers
that most people read and rely on for information are in reality no
more than propaganda sheets for corporations and their governments
and are a total disgrace to my mind. They totally ignore the truth and
are biased in favor of the elites to a remarkable degree. The long
departed Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels would, I am quite sure,
feel very proud indeed of today’s mainstream media. That is why
public political ignorance in Britain and America is so astounding.
It’s true that a great many people now have computers and are
on-line, but many of these computers are used as playthings more than
anything else. They do little to educate their users in the politics of the
real world. Censorship, both online and off, is still progressing at a
rapid rate. In trying to hide information that should freely be available
to all people, governments – under the guise of ‘preventing terrorism’
and other pretexts, are forcing Internet service providers and hosts to
reveal all kind of information about their clients. Particularly in the
United Kingdom where covert surveillance of all kinds, added to an
already overbearing authoritarian government, have turned Britain
into the most insidious police state in Europe, let alone the world.
Hiding under a cloak of ‘democracy’ fascism has gained a large
foothold in many countries around the world. So much so, it’s
doubtful that the situation could be reversed anywhere without an
open revolution by the populace. Indeed, like it or not the
multinational corporations do now run the world. They secretly
control politicians, governments, their armed forces, and the media.
They are indeed the ‘shadow world governments.’ Soon they may also
have total control over the Internet so making free speech of any kind
obsolete. Laws to this effect are already being enacted in Britain and
truth-telling Web sites like this one may soon vanish forever.
For as long as we can remember, politicians have started wars
through outright lies, deceptions and propaganda. Exactly the same
methods are being used to prevent populations from gaining the true
democracy and the freedom most people desire. Many people in the
United States believe that because they are armed they are in a
position to protect their assumed freedoms. That, however, is a false
hope. Their ‘secret government’ will simply label them as ‘internal
terrorists’ and order them to be ‘neutralized’ as such by the security
services and the military. As indeed many people in other countries
worldwide already have been. That American or British forces will
never enforce such tyranny on their own citizens is misguided to say
the least. Fascism brings out the very worst in people. The past has
clearly shown us that in one country after another millions of citizens
have easily been duped into supporting the most repressive measures
imaginable against their own people. Only a fool would believe that it
couldn’t happen everywhere else. It can, and it is already happening
right now in Europe, Canada, the United States and other countries.
Most people just don’t know about it yet. But they soon will. It’s just
a matter of time. Maybe a very short time? The hugely wealthy people
who at present control most of the world are undoubtedly
psychopathic, vindictive and cruel to a fault. They are the
personification of evil in every sense of the word. If their actions
against humanity continue as they are now most of the worlds
populations will in time become tortured slaves in every respect.
Former CIA Agent Spills All – LISTEN to this!
The World Is Waking Up - This Is Why
What politicians say
Speech writers for British and American politicians often put
together wonderful and sometimes breathtaking documents about
'freedom and democracy', which when delivered to worldwide
audiences through the press and television, often give people the false
impression that these politicians are something of a blessing to
mankind. Unfortunately these inspiring speeches are just that,
speeches, and nothing more. Anyone who actually believes their
implied intent is going to be well and truly fooled. If you really want
to know what any politician is going to do in the future, then look at
what they have already done in the past. In almost all instances they
will do the same, and worse, in the future. Rarely, if ever, do the
politicians making these fine speeches actually believe what they are
saying, let alone the thought of them ever living up to their statements.
True information is the lifeblood of democracy. The British and
American governments, however, are consistent liars of the worst
kind. Anybody who believes a word they say need to have their heads
The USA and the UK governments are covertly trying to force
fascism on their populations. Under the guise of 'protecting their
people from terrorism' they have enacted the most repressive laws
ever known, and in doing so have become terrorists themselves.
Voting for any of the present corrupted political parties in Britain and
the USA does no more than lend legitimacy to the blatant fraud they
call democracy. It allows them to pass unjust laws that serve their
interests alone. It allows the security services to intimidate, repress,
torture and murder people at will and it allows entire populations to be
kept forever repressed, ignorant and powerless. Damming though it is,
this report is far from being complete. That will only happen if and
when we do get honest governments, but that day is sadly still a long
way off.
“U.S. mainstream media isn’t interested in finding the truth”
Uprisings in the USA and the UK
A new book called “The 4th Bomb”, written by a survivor of the
London 77 bombing attacks, proves without any doubt that the
bombings were organized and carried out by the British government
and its security service MI5. They had a stooge 'victim', all bandaged
up and waiting at the scene with a cooked – up story for the TV
reporters and their cameras, before the bus bomb exploded! So once
again, the media has clearly shown a willing compliance to be fooled
into supporting our government's lies. Yet another reason for people to
demonstrate against the rising tide of tyranny in Britain. As a result,
fully armed SAS soldiers may soon be seen on British streets,
supposedly to combat 'terrorism', but in reality they will be there for
use against protesters and other groups who desire true democracy.
These groups are conveniently being labeled as yobs and terrorists by
our governments who see their existence as a threat to them – just as
Herr Hitler saw unions as a threat to his fascism back in the thirties.
Expect some kind of staged 'incident' to justify the presence of these
SAS killers on our streets. And keep your cameras ready to film it!
More on the British State
It seems as though the dreadful Murdoch affair has instilled a
little courage into the UK media, hopefully prompting some
'newspapers' to dwell a little further into the dirty goings on of the
British intelligence services, the police special branch, the SAS and
their deep involvement in the widespread torture of British and other
subjects. However, anyone who believes that these mild disclosures of
criminality on the part of MI5 and MI6 will lead to actual disclosures
of torture inside the UK mainland is just wishful thinking. That is a
can of worms the media dare not even touch, let alone open. No, that
is a job we ourselves must do.
That the British people have been lied to, fooled and manipulated
for many decades by their so-called queen and her many puppet
governments, all who been supported by a compliant and conniving
state media, is not a subject to be taken lightly. The wide ramifications
of such a disclosure could effect the entire planet!
The British, who with their upturned noses have long regarded
much of the rest of the worlds people as being little more than 'wogs',
will discover that they themselves are no better than the lowest of the
low. That their 'democracy' is no more than a blatant scam and their
system of 'justice' an outright fraud is not an easy thing for them to
swallow. That they have been brainwashed into idiocy and state
compliance by continually acting against their own self-interest is a
revulsion hard for them to face. And when their dirty little police state
is finally revealed in all its horror for the entire world to see they will
crumble into insignificance.
The British 'queen' - who is the richest woman in the world, rules
over her peasants just as other dictators and tyrants do elsewhere in
the world. The only difference is that her 'security services' disappear
political dissidents very quietly, and with great skill. There are no
battered bodies laying all over the ground as in the Middle East,
Africa and elsewhere when the people revolt against tyranny. British
dissidents are simply disappeared from view, rarely to be seen or
heard from again.
The many thousands of 'secret police' scattered throughout
Britain, all working on a 'need to know' basis, target any form of
political dissent, quickly isolating dissidents, thereby insulating the
rest of the populations from receiving any alternative information
dissenters may have. Only the state 'official' view of Britain is
allowed. Informers are everywhere. Pubs, clubs and hotels along with
many private houses have hidden police cameras and 'bugs' that
quickly reveal anyone who dares to 'step out of line'. Over five million
CCTV cameras constantly watch the public and any kind of writer is
closely scrutinized to make sure they don't criticize 'the state' or its
institutions. The peasants must be 'kept in their place'. Yes indeed,
George Orwell certainly saw it all coming down on us, though I
sometimes wonder if even he could have foreseen the scope of the
fascist evil that has now descended upon us?
The charlatans, liars and traitors in Buckingham palace and the
houses of Parliament, vile cowards most of them, are all deathly afraid
of being exposed for the criminals they are. As indeed they need to
be, for as the day of full disclosure nears they will find themselves out
on a limb with only a saw in their hands with the ground below them
appearing as a bottomless pit!
How Murdoch Ran Britain
Murdoch The Mogul Who Screwed the News. Video Documentary
- Dispatches Channel 4
Quiet Martial Law Coming To UK?
As is usual with UK political Web sites that tell us the truth, is being currently blocked wherever possible by
the UK authorities, but their Web site appears to be functioning okay.
What Have We Done?
The 4th Bomb
The Book That Shook MI5
London 7/7 Bomb Witness - Inside Job PROOF
John Anthony Hill | 7/7 Ripple Effect, The Arrest, Trial & Verdict
Dr. Rauni Kilde | Bases 5-Mind Control - videos
Jason Verbelli interviewed by Thomas Malone | Free Energy,
John Searl
The American's in Wisconsin have taken to the streets against
their fascist overlords with a brave determination to fight for their
rights and true democracy, inspiring American's in other states to do
the same. In the 'United Kingdom' the British too have also finally
taken to the streets by demonstrating in London and outside the
queens main residence, Buckingham palace, to protest against royal
secrecy, suppression and injustice. Its high time that Buck house was
turned into a museum and the royal scroungers inside it consigned to
the scrapheap of history! These long overdue demonstrations against
royal corruption were all but ignored or downplayed by the Britain's
highly censored state media, including the Guardian. A so-called
liberal newspaper that has over the last thirty years at least, never
printed a single word exposing the widespread suppression and torture
of British political dissidents, it has become no more than a
government propaganda outlet.
The Guardian, along with the western media in general, has
shown its true colors by trying to demonize Libya and its leader,
Muammar Gaddafi. The reason being that he has done more than any
other leader in history to aid liberation movements all over the world.
Few people in other countries live in such social comfort, as Libyans
do. Muammar Gaddafi has invested in his people; he has not slashed
education funding, he has increased literacy rates from 10 to around
85%. They have a free health care system and treatment. Their
hospitals are provided with the best medical equipment in the world.
Education in Libya is free of charge and talented youths have an
opportunity to study abroad at the expense of Libya. After getting
married, a couple can get more than 60 thousands dinar (50 thousand
dollars) of financial help. State credits are non-interest-bearing, and
often the principal is written off as well. Automobile's prices are
considerably lower, than in Europe and affordable for everyone. Petrol
costs 18 cents, and bread 4 cents. Libyans have been provided a very
good environment as regards social and job-security, and their general
educational level (both males and females can be seen pursuing all
branches of university education) is better than that in so-called very
affluent Arab countries like Saudi Arabia. Indeed, if truth be known,
Libya under Muammar Gaddafi has a far better human rights record
than does Britain or the United States, whose real aim in trying to
overthrow his government is that they desperately want to replace him
with their own tame dictator who will help them exploit Libya's oil
supplies to their own advantage. Another reason was that Gaddafi was
going to ditch the American dollar, and that, more than anything else,
infuriated the US. The UN reports that prove Libya's Gaddafi is
nothing like the tyrant the US and the UK are claiming him to be, are
being censored and covered-up by these two rogue states, as have
their own gross human rights violations in supporting vicious
torturing police states over the last fifty years. In a TV speech about
Libya, the UK prime minister, David Cameron, stated that a nations
military should not be used against its people. He didn't mention the
fact that in Britain the Special Air Service (SAS) has been used
against the British people since 1976 and that they are now being used
against Colombian citizens who are trying to rid themselves of their
own rotten police state! Or that the British military is totally
unaccountable for any actions they take against British subjects.
Cameron's sheer hypocrisy is breathtaking. British politicians lied
about Iraq, they lied about 9/11 and 7/7 and now they are lying about
Libya. These fascist royalist politicians can't open their mouths
without lying!
So far, Libyan 'rebels' and NATO have killed over 50.000 people
in their so-called 'humanitarian' intervention in Libya.
One Hell of a Humanitarian Intervention. 30,000 Bombs Over
Rense & Susan Lindauer - NATOs Libyan War Crimes - video
Libya and Universal Human Rights
Libya War Lies Worse Than Iraq
De-demonising Gaddafi – what you don’t know: Video
Gaddafi Gold-for-oil, Dollar-doom Plans Behind Libya 'Mission'?
Gerald Celente | Economic Crisis, Arab Revolutions and
Upcoming War, February 10, 2011
Rense & Maxwell - Most Americans Brainless And Obedient
How Fascist Murdoch Ran Britain - video
Why Nobody Trusts the Mainstream Media
The corporatocracy Bailouts Serve the Creditors. Enslave the
Even the TV stations of Al Jazeera and Democracy Now have
taken to following the American propaganda tirade against Libya, so
blighting their previous good records of reporting the truth. In
outlining Col Gaddafi's 'crimes' both news outlets have failed to report
that Britain and the United States have, by proxy, both been
committing far worse crimes for the last fifty years at least. Shame on
them all!
Free Tripoli - Just Don't Mention The Corpses
Gaddafi Offers Oil and Power to The People
Why Gaddafi Must Die! Must Watch Video
The Anti-Empire Report. Arguing Libya
Why the West Is Attacking Gaddafi
Obama Raises American Hypocrisy To A Higher Level
An Unpalatable Truth The Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism
The Imperialist Crime Cover-Up
Arsenal of Hypocrisy. Documentary Feature FilmThe Space
Program & the Military Industrial Complex - video
NATO Destroys Yet Another Country
The Real Terrorists
If the American and British people, amongst many other
populations, want true democracy, they should stop voting for
corporate puppets. Their so-called 'official political parties' are all
fakes and none of them truly represent the voting public. Find your
own representatives and insist that only they represent you, rather then
having controlled puppet politicians forced upon you by state 'security
services', whose main task is to continue the repression of citizens by
wealthy elites who insist they 'know best'. They don't. They have
proved that time after time by organizing wars and manipulating
currencies which benefit them alone. Stand up for your rights. Insist
that your 'government' open its books to reveal what they are really
doing with your taxes. Black budgets are no more than a cover for
hiding dirty secrets that our governments don't want you to know
about. The worst of them being the repression and torture of
THOUSANDS of British people who have always desired a true
democratic government instead of the conservative fascists that they
keep fostering upon us. Most terrorist organizations are formed and
are directed by our own governments who then use that terrorism as
an excuse for suppressing their populations through censorship,
repression and the denial of human rights. Your 'vote' today gives
them a mandate for that suppression - so stop voting NOW! The same
goes for the corporate media, who do little more than manipulate and
brainwash you into believing lying state politicians – stop buying,
reading and listening to their lies and deceptions NOW! Resist against
corporate police states. Your lives and those of your children will be
vastly improved. Take back your countries! They belong to you, not
the 1% of selfish fascist elites who now rule over them. Get online for
the real news about what is happening in the world today, because that
is one of the very few places left where some truthful writers and
journalists still exist.
Leuren Moret | Fukushima tectonic nuclear warfare monitored by
world HAARP partners
The Big Lie
The UK Freedom Swindle
UK's Secret Policy on Torture (partially) Revealed
US Secret Agent says 2 mini-nukes brought down twin towers on
Susan Lindauer Imprisoned for One Year Through the Patriot
Act. Author of "Extreme Prejudice" on RenseRadio
Normon Solomon: "You Can't Really Trust the Media" -video
(1/5) London 7/7 Bomb Witness - Inside Job PROOF
UK Justice is impossible if we cannot trust police forces to tell the
A New Perspective for Britain
The uprisings within Britain and the USA have have more than
anything else exposed the hypocrisy of their governments and their
so-called democratic institutions. As the people of Wisconsin have
discovered, their 'rights' to collective bargaining by their unions have
been swiftly discounted by governor Scott Walker whose fascism has
become openly apparent to everyone as he totally ignored what the
majority of Wisconsin citizens desired of him.
In Britain, their 'establishment' has been shaken to the core by the
more than half a million people who flooded London's streets with
their uprising to demand an ending to the many cuts in services that
their government is trying to force upon them. The police were out in
force with their cameramen busy taking pictures of the rioters for
'future reference'. However, the authorities were left in do doubt as to
the sheer power, that was held mainly in check by the marchers,
which could so very easily have wrought havoc and destruction on the
British capital and elsewhere. A restraint that may not last unless
Britain's governments start to take heed of what their citizens desire,
future marches and riots in Britain won't simply be uprisings, they
may well become violent revolutions that will completely overthrow
the government! And not before time I might add. The daily
outrageous lies and deceptions carried out by Britain's entire political
machine rivals that of America's corrupt governments and their rotten
tame dictators who they dare to call 'the international community'.
Libya, Propaganda and Imperialism
Libya To Be Made Safe For Plutocracy
What has become apparent to everyone is that getting out onto
the streets in force is the only way to make governments listen to the
demands of their citizens, otherwise those demands are totally ignored
by puppet politicians who do no more than reinforce the corrupt
regimes that employ them.
The above should provide a lesson to the many thousands of
British torture victims whose cries for help or assistance from
successive British governments and its state media have gone unheard
and unanswered. The message is now very clear. Victims of British
state repression should start to prepare their banners and get
themselves ready to join all future political demonstrations within
Britain. News reporters from around the world will be waiting and
ready to film their message to governments and people throughout the
entire world, thus putting an end to the fiction that Britain is a
democracy which does not persecute or torture its citizens once and
for all. It does and has been doing so for many, many years. It has
been that repression alone which has kept the British monarchy in
power. Once that knowledge becomes clear the monarchy will
eventually fall and true democracy will at last have a chance to
flourish within Britain. This is an opportunity which cannot and
should not be ignored. Take it people, while you still have the chance.
A New Jury to Put the British Public Interest First?
Murdoch The Mogul Who Screwed the News. Video Documentary
- Dispatches Channel 4
The Real Source of the British Riots video
Police State Roundup: 15 Reasons Why I Choose Not to Live in
the USSA
Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 Architects & Engineers for 9/11
As recent British governments have clearly demonstrated, and
have admitted to; they are 'Thatcher's children' – fascists to the core,
traitors who are apposed to every decent person in Britain. America
too, is following the same traitorous path in forcing repression and
tyranny on its population. Both countries are torturing and murdering
people all over the world and they both have fascist governments
where less than one percent of the entire population is running the
country for their own benefit alone, yet people are still talking and
acting under the delusion that they are living in democracies. What the
hell is wrong with them? These criminal governments must be
brought to justice. Open your eyes, or revolution may become the
only solution. WAKE UP PEOPLE!
The British descent into total tyranny
Torture inquiry 'pointless' as key groups plan boycott
London Student Demo / Riot / Protest
Anarchy in UK: Video of angry London riots as students fight
The First Great War of the 21st Century - Must watch 4 minute
Yemen’s Useful Tyranny – The Forgotten History of Britain’s
‘Dirty War’
Goodies and Baddies. A History of 'Humanitarian Intervention'
Who is Muammar Gaddafi?
Psy War. Wake up! - video
How The So-Called Guardians Of Free Speech Are Silencing The
Dr. Niels Harrit on Discovery of Nano-Thermite in WTC Dust –
Must see interview
“U.S. mainstream media isn’t interested in finding the truth”
Elizabeth II's Achilles' Heel
Egypt-Style Revolt For the UK?
All the Queen’s forces and all the Queen’s men
What is the British Crown?
Abolish the Monarchy
Jordan Maxwell - Queen of England Exposed 4/4
UK. Republic TV
Pack Journalism Promotes War On Libya
The Israeli Mossad & 9-11
The Real Rogue Nuclear State
The New Face of Revolution. After Tunisia and Egypt, the World
WikiLeaks' Most Terrifying Revelation. Just How Much Our
Government Lies to Us
American Private investigator Roger Tolces speaks about
Electronic harassment, and the Police State. What he talks about
applies both to the USA and the UK. These are must-watch
Electronic Harassment, Surveillance, & the Police State -- Roger
Tolces 2009, Videos 1
to 6.
Targeted Individuals
Why Washington Hates Hugo Chavez
America Has Gone Away
How The So-Called Guardians Of Free Speech Are Silencing The
Secrets, Lies and this Dirty War. Letters to the Guardian re
Wikileaks & the Afghan Debacle
Who Taught America to Torture?
The Real Rogue Nuclear State
Israeli Terrorism Against America
UK. Republic TV
British democracy: no better than Uzbekistan's
How WikiLeaks Enlightened Us in 2010
Gerald Celente: 'Economic Martial Law Will Be Declared'
Targeted Individuals Europe
Microwave Warfare - Barrie Trower. British military expert exposes
criminal conspiracy by UK and USA to torture and brainwash
populations worldwide. The ultimate aim being world domination
- video
"You do not become a ‘dissident' just because you decide one day
to take up this most unusual career," Vaclav Havel said when he
battled the communist regime in Czechoslovakia. "You are thrown
into it by your personal sense of responsibility, combined with a
complex set of external circumstances. You are cast out of the existing
structures and placed in a position of conflict with them. It begins as
an attempt to do your work well, and ends with being branded an
enemy of society. ... The dissident does not operate in the realm of
genuine power at all. He is not seeking power. He has no desire for
office and does not gather votes. He does not attempt to charm the
public. He offers nothing and promises nothing. He can offer, if
anything, only his own skin-and he offers it solely because he has no
other way of affirming the truth he stands for. His actions simply
articulate his dignity as a citizen, regardless of the cost."
Power and the Tiny Acts of Rebellion
By Chris Hedges
November 23, 2010 "Truthdig" -- There is no hope left for
achieving significant reform or restoring our democracy through
established mechanisms of power. The electoral process has been
hijacked by corporations. The judiciary has been corrupted and
bought. The press shuts out the most important voices in the country
and feeds us the banal and the absurd. Universities prostitute
themselves for corporate dollars. Labor unions are marginal and
ineffectual forces. The economy is in the hands of corporate swindlers
and speculators. And the public, enchanted by electronic
hallucinations, remains passive and supine. We have no tools left
within the power structure in our fight to halt unchecked corporate
The Stench of American Hypocrisy, Part 2
By Paul Craig Roberts
November 22, 2010 "Information Clearing House" -- In a recent
column, "The Stench of American Hypocrisy," I noted that US public
officials and media are on their high horse about the rule of law in
Burma while the rule of law collapses unremarked in the US.
Americans enjoy beating up other peoples for American sins. Indeed,
hypocrisy has become the defining characteristic of the United States.
Chalmers Johnson on American Hegemony – Must see video
"The British public by now should be sick of our governments'
hypocritical approach to torture and unlawful killings. It pretends to
condemn both, but in practice it aids and assists states that they know
are violating these basic rights. This represents a serious violation of
international law."
Phil Shiner of Public Interest Lawyers
Almost immediately after 9/11 and 7/7 attacks in America and
London, many investigators began to doubt the 'official government
versions' detailing the attacks. Since that time many witnesses and
experts have proved without a doubt that both attacks were in fact
'inside jobs' in that the 'security services' of both countries did at the
very least know that the attacks were going to take place, and that in
all probability they carried out those attacks themselves. The motive
being that these so-called 'terrorist attacks' could be used as a pretext
to totally control their populations and countries turning them into
fascist police states, which they now have. After which under the 'war
on terror' their governments could attack other countries to control or
steal their oil resources. They could also make many billions of
dollars through worldwide arms sales, again under the pretext of the
war on terror.
9/11 Information Center
"It can't happen here is number one on the list of famous last words."
David Crosby.
(And how the British government abuses them.)
Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 217 A (111) of 10th
December 1948, the British government has, in allowing
psychological torture to be used against its citizens, breached the
following sections of the Charter:
Sections 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 19, 12, 18, 19, 20-1, 23-1, 24, 27-1, 27-2 28, 29-
1, 29-3.
Section 3 states: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of
the person.
(Anyone undergoing psychological torture has very limited liberty and
certainly no personal security at all.)
Section 5 states: No one shall be subject to torture or to cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
(Psychological torture has been defined by the Rehabilitation Center
for Torture Victims (IRCT) in Denmark, as being the very worst form
of torture possible. Psychological torture is without doubt cruel,
inhuman and degrading.)
Section 7 states: All are equal before the law and are entitled without
any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to
equal protection against any discrimination in violation of the
Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
(Torture in Britain is carried out without any formal charges being
brought against dissidents. Therefore, they are denied the right to
refute any allegations made against them by the security services.
Also, the British security services incite acts of violence and
discrimination against dissidents by alleging they are ‘communists,
agitators, subversives, etc.’ Security also attempts to criminalize
Section 8 states: Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the
competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights
granted him by the constitution or by law.
(The British security services carry out psychological torture against
dissidents without bringing any charges against them, and so
completely avoid the law.)
Section 9 states: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest detention
or exile.
(In the United Kingdom dissidents are forced into internal or external
Section 10 states: Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and
public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the
determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge
against him.
(The British security services avoid this section completely by not
bringing any formal charges against dissidents. They therefore deny
dissidents the right of a public hearing. British security has simply
appointed itself as judge, jury and executioner.)
Section 12 states: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference
with his privacy, home or correspondence, or to attacks upon his
honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the
law against such interference or attacks.
(The British security services and the police consistently use sleep
deprivation against dissidents, tap the telephones, faxes and computers
of dissidents, use bugging devices inside the homes of dissidents,
censor the mail of dissidents, interfere with dissidents families And
continually impinge upon the honor and reputation of dissidents.)
Section 18 states: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought,
conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his
religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with
others and in public or private to manifest his religion or belief in
teaching, practice, worship and observance.
(Rigid censorship in Britain prevents true freedom of thought or
expression. And, because of a climate of fear created by the security
services around a dissident; in that the same may happen to potential
supporters, and others, as it does to the dissident, the dissident may
effectively be prevented from carrying out his beliefs.)
Section 19 states: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and
expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without
interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas
through any media and regardless of frontiers.
(Dissidents in the United Kingdom may be continually hounded and
harassed by British security when voicing their opinions and they are
denied the means to express themselves through any media because of
the rigid censorship imposed in Britain, even the dissident’s e-mail is
read by the police and security services. The media is also reluctant to
accept work from some dissidents because of the fear of retaliation by
the security services if they do so.)
Section 20-1 states: Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful
assembly and association.
(The British security services continually invoke hostility towards
dissidents so preventing free association of almost any kind.)
Section 23-1 states: Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of
employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to
protection against unemployment.
(The British security services do everything within their considerable
power to invoke hostility and harassment against the dissident whilst
he is at work. Should the dissident work from home or from his own
office, security will continually tap his telephone, fax, computer, email,
etc, in direct attempts at preventing the dissident from making a
Section 24 states: Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including
reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with
(British security uses sleep deprivation as an integral part of their
psychological torture techniques against dissidents, and so proper rest
for the dissident is impossible.)
Section 27-1 states: Everyone has the right freely to participate in the
cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in
scientific advancements and its benefits.
(As a part of their actions against some dissident’s British security
invokes continual hostility against the dissident so preventing his free
association within the cultural life of the community and depriving
him or her of any benefits from it.)
Section 27-2 states: Everyone has the right to the protection of the
moral and material interests resulting from and scientific, literary or
artistic production of which he is the author.
(A dissident writer in Britain may be prevented from carrying out his
work properly by the continual harassment and psychological torture
inflicted on him by British security. Because the writer may be
continually censored in various ways, his work will be denied
publication with the resulting loss of income.)
Section 28 states: Everyone is entitled to a social and international
order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration can
be fully realized.
(The dissident in the United Kingdom may well be driven into internal
or external exile and so denied almost any rights at all. Indeed, the
dissidents home may well become his prison.)
Section 29-1 states: Everyone has duties to the community in which
alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
(Psychological torture techniques, to which a dissident may be
subjected, are expressly designed to degrade and destroy the normal
human personality.)
Section 29-2 states: In the exercise of his rights and freedoms,
everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined
by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect
for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just
requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a
democratic society.
(The dissident in the United Kingdom is, in effect, deprived of almost
all his rights.)
Section 29-3 states: These rights and freedoms may in no case be
exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United
(The dissident in the United Kingdom is deprived of almost all of his
“The first fundamental liberty of an Englishman is that all courts
of justice always ought to be free and open for all sorts of peaceable
people to see, behold and hear, and have free access unto; and no man
whatsoever ought to be tried in holes or corners, or in any place where
the gates are shut and barred.”
John Lilburne
Dr. Les Dove
The Nuremberg Principles
Principle I. Any person who commits an act which constitutes a crime
under international law is responsible therefore and liable to
Principle II. The fact that internal law does not impose a penalty for
an act which, constitutes a crime under international law, does not
relieve the person who committed the act from responsibility under
international law.
Principle III. The fact that a person who committed an act which
constitutes a crime under international law, acted as Head of State or
responsible government official does not relieve him from
responsibility under international law.
BACK STORY – A Personal History
My free torture report has now been distributed all over the
world. It has been read by many millions of people and it has been
updated countless times as I continue to include the latest information
about the vast criminal activities of governments who have been taken
over by 'security interests' who represent the wealthy fascist elites that
have come to control our world.
My Blog Site is now viewed by many thousands of people every day
and it has become one of the most popular sites ever, as more people
are coming to realize they have been lied to and deceived by their
governments. They now seek to find out the truth and through years of
painstaking research they will find it in my latest updated Torture
Report, along with many contacts they can use to confirm the truth of
that report.
I have been asked many times how it was that I came to write the
Torture Report in the first place? The answer to that question is a story
in itself. That is the reason I came to write BACK STORY - A
Personal History, which in condensed form describes how I first
became involved with the dark forces of evil that protect phony
democracies and how I survived their many attempts to silence me.
To help me survive the ongoing pressure against me and continue my
research, please send a small donation. I will send you a copy of
BACK STORY by return.
Details: asking for details.
You can prove the truth of this report yourself by researching the
mass of evidence within it. Then spread it far and wide. Since I began
writing this report over 50 sites similar to this one have already been
taken down and censorship is getting worse every week! There are
now well over 400 'gagging' orders in Britain that prevents British
people from finding out the truth about their own country. For an
updated PDF copy of the report contact me at:
If you would like to add your name to the following UK victims
list now, please contact Dr. Les Dove with details:
There is evidence that the e-mail of many UK torture victims is
being blocked or censored. Check to make sure that your own e-mail
address is working correctly. If you don't get a reply to any mail sent
to us – its because we didn't get it!
For reason of space I cannot list all of the many European
victims but a huge list of Microwave Torture victims from all over the
world is available at:
29. NAME: A M
40. NAME: TI29187
"The media class don’t know anything. And they know they don’t
Adam Curtis Documentary Maker
It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these
horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies,
powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy,
privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity,
health and growth of all people. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR
Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human
John Finch
MAIL: 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL:
PLEASE NOTE: If a reference link anywhere on this document has
expired - try googling the heading as the information may be listed
and available elsewhere on the Internet.
Instructions For Finding Missing Articles Where You Have a Quote or
Excerpt: There is an easy way to find a free copy of most news
articles or other important webpages which have disappeared when
you have some text or a quote from the article or webpage. Copy and
paste seven to ten words quoted from the article or webpage into your
favorite search engine. Put quotation marks at the beginning and end
of this phrase or sentence, and then press search. The results will very
likely show that the article has been posted on several other websites.
Instructions for Non-functioning Links: For any link that does not
function, you may be able to use the Internet archive to find the
original article or video. To do this, first right click on the nonfunctioning
link and select "copy shortcut" or its equivalent. Now, go
to If there is anything in the "Way back
Machine" box, delete it. Paste what you've copied into the box and
click the "Take Me Back" button. Finally, click on any date for the
original article as it was posted on the date listed.
The above method will show you exactly how the webpage looked
one the date it was copied into the archive. Please note, however, that
any website can request not to be listed on the Internet archive.
Unfortunately, many major media websites have done this. If this is
the case, you can try to find the article on another website using a
quote from the original article, as mentioned above.
Fight the New World Order with Global Non Compliance
9/11 Provable Lies
Eerie echoes of Chernobyl: Inside Fukushima's nuclear ghost town
abandoned by people fleeing the fallout
'The Battle of Chernobyl' - Documentary
What They Won't Show You On Television
The One Killing Civilians is NATO
Hail to the True Victors of Rupert's Revolution. By John Pilger
UK Government recruits doctors to become thought police
Has The UK Become a Police State?
David Cameron declares war on his own people, promises a British
police state
A Publisher Of Last Resort - Must see video
Wikileaks editor interview on censorship.
John Loftus America's Nazi Secret - FULL LENGTH
An Unpalatable Truth The Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism
The Imperialist Crime Cover-Up
'Beyond Treason' – Award-Winning Documentary Feature Film
Breaking Australia's Silence: WikiLeaks and Freedom - video
George Carlin - Who Really Controls America
Who Taught America to Torture?
FULFORD VS. HAARP -Did the USA cause Japan's earthquake?
Libya, Hypocrisy and Betrayal by the United Nations
John Perkins: Why we are at War – must see videos
Mind Games
Catherine Austin Fitts exposes the "tapeworm economy"
33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True
The Top 50 US War Criminals
Postcards from the Revolution
2011: A Brave New Dystopia
Brian Gerrish on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:The Truth About The Common
Purpose Group in The UK
Amazing Speech By War Veteran.
Beyond Elections: Redefining Democracy in the Americas
Participatory budgeting in the UK
War on the World. Obama’s Surge in State Terror
Orwellian Ireland
Racism and War: The Dehumanization of the Enemy (Must see video)
Organized Stalking Electronic Harassment
A State Crime Against Democracy.
Targeted Individuals
Monarch – The Suppression of Domestic Dissent
Torture Reporting Handbook
The War On The Mind : Microwaves As A Weapon -Dr. Rauni-Leena
Luukanen Kilde – MUST SEE videos
Brian Gerrish on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:The Truth About The Common
Purpose Group in The UK
Mind Control : America's Secret War
Gang stalkers and people cookers are murderers, the crimes they
commit belong to the worst crimes in history
Biophysical Warfare - The Mind Has No Firewalls
Fighting for the Family of Man
Beyond Orwell: The Electronic Police State, 2010
North American Union, RFID, CFR & Amero EXPOSED
Be nice to America. Or we'll bring democracy to your country!
American War Crimes in Korea – Kill Them All - video
Dead in the Water – The Israeli attack on the USS Liberty - video
9/11 - The US Military Knows Israel Did It - “The Dark Face Of
Jewish Nationalism”
Chalmers Johnson on American Hegemony – Must see video
The Police State Road Map
The American Idiot - video
Abolish the Monarchy
Synthetic Telepathy: MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL by UK
The War Against Free Thought
9/11 Cover Is Blown - The New Evidence – UK connection
The United States of Terror
SUBURBAN SPIES by Anthony Brina (& co-author)
Gang Stalking World
John Finch – Torture Cases
Mind Control Victims Friends Around the World
Alex Jones - terrorstorm - special edition
the NeocoNazi Agenda
The 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising
Confronting the 9/11 Evidence
The End of America (Must see video)
Systems of Surveillance
Black Box UFO Secrets
Synthetic Terror: There Is No "War On Terror" The Art of False Flag
New World Order & World Leaders
Fight the New World Order with Global Non Compliance
USA Revolution Is Near
Your Disappointment In Obama Is Your Teaching Moment
The Rise of the New Global Elite
Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons
US Justice On Trial
Psychologists Protest ‘Inhumane, Harmful’ Treatment of Bradley
War Is A Drug
This Corruption in Washington is Smothering America's Future
A broken society, yes. But broken by Thatcher
Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalization and Conspiracy"
'Capitalism is evil … you have to eliminate it'
Who's the Enemy?
The Rule of Law Has Been Lost
Death Squads and US Democracy
The Secret Use Of Microwaves By British Police And Army
PT1 Satellite Terrorism in America - Dr.John Hall talks satellite used
to harass and gang stalking
Part 1: Dr. John Hall Discusses Gang Stalking With Zeph Daniel
Microwave Harrassment: Dr. John Hall talks with George Noory Pt. 2
Microwave Harrassment: Dr. John Hall talks with George Noory Pt. 3
Noam Chomsky - The Emerging Framework of World Power
When Corporations Dominate, Bad Happens
Wiki-Leaks founder an assassination target?
Electronic Harassment
Gareth Peirce on Torture, Secrecy and the British State
Mind Control P1 Electronic Harassment – Radio Talk Show
Spy Chiefs attack UK Police State
UK Indymedia - Police State UK for Pakistani students
Police State: Liberty groups unite to defend UK rights
Ex-MI5 Chief Says UK Has Become A Police State
Blair lays down framework for police state in Britain
The Danger of Invisible Corporate Power
Bangladesh 'death squad' trained by UK police resumes extrajudicial
Police State Britain
7/7 Ludicrous Diversions
Suppressing Evidence: UK Complicity in Torture
Electronic Police States
Operation FALCON - The USA is turning into a Police State
Police State Study Ranks U.S. As 6th Worst In The World
Do you know the truth about the EU?
A History of Britain / Simon Schama
the NeocoNazi Agenda
Trading Freedom For The Illusion Of Safety
Superb Video - When False Flags Don't Fly
A Warning From Noam Chomsky on the Threat of Elites
The Obama Deception HQ Full length version
“America has exported Freedom all over the World?”
Ken Burns – US documentary film maker in a recent TV interview.
Mr. Burns needs to see the video below:
A World without Nazism. Anti-Fascist Organization to be Created
Soon by Council of Europe
More Torture Info - Help
The International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse
Microwave radiation dangers in your home
Core Of Corruption Volume 1: In The Shadows {Full Film}
Angels Still Don't Play This HAARP - FULL LENGTH
Dr. Nick Begich: Electronic, Psychotronic Mind Control 1/4
Covert War Against Political Musicians
Torture, American style
The Long and Sadistic History Behind the CIA’s Torture Techniques
Children Sodomized at Abu Ghraib don’t Suffer Permanent Organ
Failure – Must not be Torture
U.S. has 45-Year History of Torture
The Suppressed Fact. 100 Deaths by U.S. Torture
Computerized election fraud
Revealed – the Secret Torture Evidence MI5 Tried to Suppress
Information Clearing House Publisher Threatened
WEB: -
Understanding UFO Secrecy - -
Stop The North American Union Documentary
Making the World Safe for Hypocrisy
Gone With the Papers
The Militarization Of The US Police Force - video
'Athens police worse than anything we've seen before'
Why Democracy Is “The Biggest Scam in the World”
Rogue Superpower and World Domination
State Terror in the Name of Peace
How The British Use The Media for Mass Psychological Warfare
Wikileaks, The United States, Sweden, And Devil's Island
Tortured Until Proven Guilty. Bradley Manning and the Case Against
Solitary Confinement
Honor the WikiLeakers
Why Washington Hates Hugo Chavez
Electronic Harassment, Surveillance, & the Police State -- Roger
Tolces 2009, 1 of 6
Soon To-Be Ex-Congressman John Hall Warns Against Creeping
UK Police demand new powers to stop and search terror suspects
Assange Alerts His Hostages
US murdered up to 4000 civilians in Panama invasion
Freedom Force International
alternative news website
Johann Hari: Frenzy around Britain’s Royal Wedding "Should
Embarrass Us All" video
The Panama Deception – video
Political Essay by 93-year-old Tops Christmas Bestseller List in
The TSA's State-mandated Molestation
America Has Gone Away
How WikiLeaks Enlightened Us in 2010
War Crimes of General Stanley McChrystal
US Presidents Charged with Crimes Against Humanity as Universal
Jurisdiction Dies in Spain
Bilderberg - Tony Gosling’s Home Page
The Truth Seeker
CANADA: Torture Info - Psychotronic Weapons - help & advice:
CAHRA Membership Cards. A booklet on organized stalking can be
downloaded or viewed free from this site.
Government Mind Control
Mind Control P6 Electronic Harassment
War against dissent. monarchthree45minutes.wmv (video)
British Monarchy is a corporation / US is a Corporation not a Country
contact: sending full details
plus a current contact address, mail and e-mail, as soon as possible.
They maintain a list of British and American torture victims and it is
in your interest to be included.
Willing to file lawsuit against perpetrators of human rights Violations.
E-mail: center4justice@cja,org Survivors International: Torture
treatment center
Best Interview: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Part I Video
Organized Crime Waves
Survivors International - Torture Treatment Center:
Federation of American Scientists
Designed to fail: Systemic flaws in electronic voting machines
Pilots For 9/11
Dr. Niels Harrit on Discovery of Nano-Thermite in WTC Dust – Must
see interview
University of Minnesota Human Rights Library - vast resources.
Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
Global Internet Liberty Campaign. Fights censorship worldwide.
Big Brother Awards International Gives Big Brother award to those
who abuse power
Lobster Magazine Info on UK and US intelligence services.
Ring of Power
Conspiracy Planet Great articles by many writers.
The Home Page of Wade Frazier (Good Info – Read it all)
Constitution in Flames
How I Fought to Survive Guantánamo
Mass UK Mind Control Technology Now A Reality
We Are Change (UK Web sites may be censored)
Jordan Maxwell - Queen of England Exposed 4/4
Psychological Torture – 129 Videos
7/7 Bombings Final Word: Her Majesty's Terrorist Network
Common Purpose the Unseen Invasion - Brian Gerrish
The Secret Uses Of Microwave Mind Control By The British
Top Journalists Expose Major Cover-ups in Mass Media
You Can Handle The Truth – Mind Control Goes Public - 4of5
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism:The Time to Choose
The Military Industrial Complex
UK forces taught torture methods,2763,1212197,00.html
Mind-Control: The Ultimate Terror
Microwave Mind-Control by UK Intelligence Forces
Microwave Mind Control: by Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD
UK 2017: under surveillance
Voices of the New Paradigm | Dr. Steven Greer
UFO Disclosure | Paul Hellyer August 4, 2010
The Stench of American Hypocrisy
Psywar The real battlefield is your mind
Subverting the Media
The Golden State, not so golden
Group 13
MI5 and Torture in the UK
Leaked documents the UK is trying to block under Secrets Act -
published here
77 Mind The Gap (Video)
How Britain created Ulster's murder gangs
Torture in the United Kingdom
We Have met The Nazis, And They Are Us
What is the CIA Still Hiding about Interrogations?
The British Monarchy Has Its Roots in Nazism
The Hidden Face of Terrorism
Mind-Control Torture in the UK
Mind Control By The British
Alex Jones - terrorstorm - special edition
Interview with Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum-1 of 8
The Pegasus File
The CIA's Covert Operations
James Casbolt Project Mannequin Interview
This Is How They Will Kill Us
Mind Control and The New World Order
Naomi Klein - Give Me Liberty – A Handbook for American
Curbing Social Protest in America: Microwave ‘Non-Lethal’ Weapons
used for ‘Crowd Control’
In your head: Experiments into remote mind control technology
Microwave Mind Control
Entire video: 9/11: Press for Truth can be viewed in its entirety at the
link below (84 minutes):
State-Sponsored Terror in the Western World
Covert Terrorism in the UK
Terrorstorm: A History of Government-Sponsored Terrorism
Web site exposing Mind-Control around the world.
Concentration Camps For American Citizens
Masters Of Terror – Alex Jones
The CIA & Drugs
Dr. Michael Parenti: “Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy “
State – Sponsored Terror in the Western World
On Her Majesty's Secret Service – Uncensored
All the Queen’s forces and all the Queen’s men
America the Illiterate
Fabled Enemies (Super High Quality, full movie
Secrets Of The CIA
State Sponsored Terrorists: Secrets of the CIA Part 1 (Video)
WikiLeaks cables. Bangladeshi 'death squad' trained by UK
United States of America and UK are leading terrorist states. Noam
Chomsky interview HQ
The Secret Government: CIA Operations Part 1 (Video)
Electronic Voting Machines Whistle Blower
Dr Michael Parenti -- Functions of Fascism (Real History) 1 of4
Masons are the UK’s Nazi Party
Noam Chomsky - America is not a Democracy
John Stockwell: The Third World War
The Secret History of the American Empire – John Perkins
America Bombings Date Page
London Bombings Data Page
The Secret Use Of Microwaves By British Police And Army
Symptoms of a targeted individual in the UK
Top Journalists Expose Major Cover-ups in Mass Media
Bio-electromagnetic Weapons: The ultimate weapon
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism: The Time to Choose
Thomas Paine v. the Right's Torture Defenders
The CIA's Willing Torturers
From the Wilderness - Michael Ruppert
The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers
Bringing the 'Bush Six' to Justice
Why Bradley Manning is Fighting for his Sanity
How the spooks took over the news
Innocents Betrayed
Torture in the United Kingdom
John Kaminski – Great Writer on the Internet
“The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.”
Loose Change: Final Cut (2007)
Torture in the United States
America: Rogue State: William Blum
Lindsey Williams – The Energy Non-Crisis. Video, Part 1of 8
News you won’t find on CNN or FOX News!
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (1992)
MI6 Are The Lords of the Global Drug Trade
Cameras in Digital Convert Boxes! BEWARE!
This Economic Disaster Video - Lecture By William K. Black
David Wise: “The CIA, Licensed to Kill”
Danish scientist on nano-thermite from WTC
The Evil Scourge of Terrorism. Reality, Construction, Remedy
Drawing Back the Veil on the 'Death State'
Targeting Journalists
Tony Blair Stands Accused
What Did Eisenhower Mean When He Warned of a Military Industrial
Complex? Take a Look at the Carlyle Group.
'Ex-presidents club' gets fat on conflict,,919897,00.html
The Hour Of Our Time: The Legacy of William Cooper
Carlyle Group: Anatomy of a Scam
How the European Commission deals with irregularities & fraud
Global Internet Liberty Campaign
United Nations Home Page
Noam Chomsky - America is NOT a Democracy
Press Censorship
Weaponizing Psychology Treating People Like Dogs
The Secret History of the American Empire The Truth About Global
Corruption Video - John Perkins, author of Confessions of An
Economic Hit Man.
Shadow Secrets
John Pilger on Honduras, Iran, Gaza, the Corporate Media, Obama’s
Wars and Resisting the American Empire
Americas Third World War How 6 million People Were killed in CIA
secret wars against third world countries
At Obama's request the Supreme Court has put the final nail in the
coffin of the founding father's constitution
America’s Secret Prisons for Undocumented Immigrants
James Casbolt Project Mannequin Interview
The US Game in Latin America
The Creed of Objectivity Killed the News
Blair the British Neo-con
9/11, Deep Events, and the Curtailment of U.S. Freedoms
Fear is the Key to Obedience
Shock, Horror, Drama That You Won't Read In The New York Times
Orphaned, Raped and Ignored
US Army Imprisons Iraq War Veteran Over Song
Citizen's Arrest of War Criminals Tony Blair and George W. Bush
Who Runs the World. 5/5
UN accuses Britain of complicity in torture
Columbia’s Mass Graves
I Call It Murder
"We Should Not Give Up the Game Before All the Cards Have Been
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura - Manchurian Candidate (Part
1/6) Video
Project Camelot interviews Aaron McCollum – Black Ops
US Government Death Lists for USA Citizens
It Is Now Official: The U.S. Is A Police State
Covert Operations - CIA Insider Tells All: (1)
Britain 'complicit in mistreatment and possible torture' says UN
Top judge: Binyam Mohamed case shows MI5 to be devious,
dishonest and complicit in torture
US Government Death Lists for USA Citizens
Noam Chomsky on Modern-Day American Imperialism: Middle East
and Beyond
The Economic Elite Have Engineered an Extraordinary Coup
America, the Land of Inequality
The Art of Corporate Mind Control
Grounds for Hope and Despair
Friendly Dictators
DEAFENING SILENCE: Media Response to the May 9th Event
and its Implications Regarding the Truth of Disclosure
Fighting the Subversion of Our People's Sovereignty
A Long Kept Secret For Generating Free Electricity is Finally On The
Open, And You'll Never Have To Pay A Single Dime to the Power
The History Of The House Of Rothschild
CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up
Thatcher 'threatened to nuke Argentina'
Revealed: British Premier Gordon Brown Is A Paedophile
The Art of Corporate Mind Control
The Disclosure Project
Former Spy Tells The Truth!
Secrets of the CIA
Who’s Afraid of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories?
What’s New in the British Police State?
The British State Bares its Fangs (Again)
Britain’s Digital Surveillance: Hiding from Her Majesty’s “Black
Tracking Your Every Move: ‘Enhancing’ Driver’s Licenses at the Cost
of Privacy
America: The Grim Truth
Torturing Women Prisoners
Becoming Gods Ethnically Cleansing Palestinians - video
Common Purpose Awareness
Synthetic Telepathy: Microwave Mind Control. UK Security Forces
The War Against Free Thought
Iraq Slaughter Not An Aberration
Run From The Cure
Death Of The Internet: Unprecedented Censorship Bill Passes in UK
Orion Project Videos - Introduction
Now we know the truth. The financial meltdown wasn't a mistake – it
was a con
Goldman Sachs set to pay £3.5bn in bonuses
The image Microsoft doesn't want you to see
Corporations Aren't Persons
The End of Prisons? – Alternatives to Incarceration
You can’t handle the truth - Drugs
The Death Penalty for Murderous 'Corporate Persons'
Six Banks Control 60% of Gross National Product
Big Liars and the Voters Who Love Them
Lies and Wars
Britain ‘four meals away from anarchy
Your Help Needed - Reveal Torture to Stop It
The Canadian Government's Human Rights Abuse Exposed!
WikiLeaks - Blow The Whistle
UK complicity in torture in Pakistan
Canada’s Moral Dilemma: Torture by CSIS – a crisis in democracy
MIND CONTROL -- The Mother Of All Black Operations
Targeted Individuals - One system to rule them all
The Gallery - slideshow of American Torture
18 veterans commit suicide each day
Is the CIA behind Mexico's Bloody Drug War?
More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship
Welcome to the New Honduras, Where Right-Wing Death Squads
Coca Cola's Role in the Assassinations of Union Leaders Explored in
Powerful New Documentary
Colombia's "Genocidal Democracy" May Have Claimed Over
150,000 Lives
Lies, Damn Lies and Medical Research
Torture, Rendition, Terror & Oil: A Primer on 'Deep Politics'
Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove
More tales from a wounded hidden Ireland
MC Victims Friends London
Email: Paolo Firoa:
Electronic torture
International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse
Community Blog & Other Outreach Activities
Global Protest - USA, Canada, UK
The Project
Resisting the Mind Control State
Modern forms of Mind Control
Gang Stalking In The News
International Committee on Microwave Weapons
Fabricating Terrorism: Victims of UK Injustice
A Tale of Lies, Deceit, and Terrorism
One Third of the Holocaust
'Arrest me, I'm a terrorist'
Terrorism. Made in the U.S.A.
Noam Chomsky - Why The Elites Hate Democracy
The Danger of Invisible Corporate Power
The War Against Free Thought
A Warning From Noam Chomsky on the Threat of Elites
Conditioned For Slavery A New Period Of Financial Terrorism
Banks, drugs and US-sponsored terrorism
33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every
Person Should Know...
Murder, Spies & Voting Lies (the Clint Curtis story)
Core of Corruption: In the Shadows - video
Monarch: The New Phoenix Program
Dark Side of the Moon
Food Stamp Use Hit Record 40.8m in May
Political Prisoners in America
A Mutant Form of Capitalism
Deceptive Economic Statistics
Understanding America's Class System
Dismantling America
None Dare Call It Tyranny
The Transformation of Latin America is a Global Advance
Enough of the Myth of American Morality
Awakening the Global Slave
Free in our Time…
Obama Denial Displayed: Leading with Post-Racial Bi-
Partisan Myopia
Collapse of WTC building 7: were explosives used
'The War on Democracy'
Overdose - video
Make Sure the Bunker is Well Stocked
Kill Them
Our Bloody Valentine
Psywar: The Real Battlefield is the Mind
The Nazification of the United States
CIA Perception Management - How the World Sees the United States
Mass Assassinations Lie at the Heart of America's Military Strategy in
the Muslim World
The Bio Weapons Mafia
Jordan Maxwell on Rense August 16, 2010
Dodge Pickup Runs on 100% Water
Interesting Reading
Conspiracy Theory Jesse Ventura S02E04 Police State 1/3
Project Blue Beam
British Government loses bid to keep 7/7 evidence secret
Technology Addiction and Virtual Reality
Small Acts of Resistance
The Stench of American Hypocrisy, Part 2
Power and the Tiny Acts of Rebellion
Colombia's Bloody New President: 50 leaders killed
C.I.A. Cocaine Import Agency
A Practical Plan to Get Big Money Out of Politics
WikiLeaks Release to Feature Corruption Among World Leaders,
Mossad Comes to America. Death Squads by Invitation
911 Hijackers Not on Flight Manifests. A Review of Available
Nigeria to Charge Dick Cheney in Pipeline Bribery Case
The Moral Standards of WikiLeaks Critics – part one
The moral standards of WikiLeaks critics – part two
ileaks/index.html Stops Hosting WikiLeaks On Its Servers
How the US media is dumping on WikiLeaks - and censoring the
cable disclosures
Interview with Prof. Chomsky Nov 16 2010 Part 1 to 3 - video
Cancer is a Fungus
Namibia: Genocide and the Second Reich
Homeland Security's laptop seizures
A Time to Break Silence
WikiLeaks is Holding US Global Power to Account
The United States of War Criminals
Massacre in Thailand. America’s Bloody Hands
Capitalism, Market Fundamentalism, and the Duplicitous Meanings of
The Media in America. Selling Views, Calling it News
Issues of MindControl - Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde - - video
The Financial Elite In America - Same As Dictators Elsewhere
Civil liberty campaigners fear 'control orders lite' regime
John Perkins: Why we are at War - video
The Doomsday Project, Deep Events, and the Shrinking of American
UK Government Linked to Bangladeshi ‘Death Squad’ Renowned for
Use of Torture
Bangladesh 'death squad' trained by UK police resumes extrajudicial
Mind Games
RUXANDRA CESEREANU / An Overview of Political Torture in the
Twentieth Century
The Real Rogue Nuclear State
Psy War. Wake up! - video
Dr. Rauni Kilde (1 of 13): Life, Swineflu vaccination, microchip,
FEAR, Illuminati -video
Issues of MindControl - Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde - video
Bases 5 Part 1 Mind Control with Rauni Kilde - video
Amazing Video Chipping Our Reality Part 1 of 4 - video
Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzón on Bin Laden’s Killing, Holding
Torturers Accountable, Universal Jurisdiction.
What the Farc files really reveal
How a big US bank laundered billions from Mexico's murderous drug
Gasbag Hillary Blasts China on "Human Rights"
Canadian Targeted Individuals
Targeted Individuals Europe Human Rights are not Negotiable
Organized Stalking Survival--Part 2
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The twin towers and Bldg 7 were taken down by Nuclear Demolition
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Noam Chomsky: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal 'Profound Hatred for
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America's Appalling Human Rights Record
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Global Financial Crisis
US Secret Agent says 2 mini-nukes brought down twin towers on 9/11
Susan Lindauer Imprisoned for One Year Through the Patriot Act.
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Coming to America - The Pain In Spain
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Press For Truth Presents Into The Fire.
- [ Traducir esta página ]
( c ) By Dr Les Dove C.P.H.. Updated. Mexico. May 2011. ( c )
United Kingdom 1995 ... - En caché
Government Conspiracies - World of Lies - Award Winning
Queen Elizabeth Scared Empire Falling Apart
Targeted Individual 7/7
Treason in Greece - video
Iceland aims to become an offshore haven for journalists and leakers
Alex Jones: Bilderberg Club's plan
Dancing on the Edge of Oblivion - video
US Commando War in 120 Countries. Uncovering the Milideo-itary's
Secret Operations In the Obama Era
Aftermath: Population Zero
( c ) By Dr Les Dove C.P.H.
Updated Mexico. September 2011. ( c ) United Kingdom. 1995
Secrecy is the keystone of all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy …
censorship. When any government, or any church for that matter,
undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you
must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny
and oppression, no matter how holy the motives … Mighty little force
is needed to control a man whose mind has been hood-winked;
contrariwise, no amount of force can control a freeman, a whose mind
is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything - you can't
conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.
Robert A Heinlein
Aims and objectives of the report
The main objectives of this report are to explore the basic
elements of psychological torture in order to try and reach conclusions
as to why psychological torture is now being used so widely and to
examine why it is being used in many countries that purport to be free
This will build upon the writers own research in various
countries, plus his own wide personal experience of psychological
torture, which leaves no doubt that such methods are being used far
more often than many people would suspect. In turn, this leads to the
following specific aims:
(a) To explore the question why, by whom, and with what authority
psychological and other methods of torture is being carried out.
(b) To identify relevant information and evidence concerning
psychological torture.
(c) To examine reasons for the lack of public information on the
Background to the report
There are references in various books concerning the activities of
internal security forces who employ torture in one form or another,
(Even in some so-called 'democracies') yet psychological torture and
its use in the West seems not to have been probed to any great depth at
all. Indeed, people in the West have become used to hearing about
'torture in other countries", but what of their own standards? Are those
people living in the West really so blameless as they would have
others believe? Is it always "others" who torture and never
Experience in investigating this subject leads to the realization
that a number of 'charitable organizations' in the United Kingdom,
supposedly set up to investigate breaches of human rights (including
torture), appear to be more concerned in keeping the 'national image'
rather than exposing torture within their own country. In other words,
it appears that some human rights organizations are avoiding their real
responsibilities in some areas, simply because they feel that they may
incur the wrath of their own state security service, namely MI5
(Military Intelligence) and the police Special Branch (Secret Police),
if they probe into areas the British establishment does not wish them
Indeed, according to the National Council for Civil Liberties
(UK), now simply called Liberty, their organization was targeted by
the British security services. They suffered much harassment as a
result. This kind of harassment, plus the certain loss of government
funding, is intended to keep British human rights organizations 'in
line' and the British public ignorant of what is happening within their
own country.
When the real implications of psychological torture are
examined, it can be appreciated why some British human rights
groups are reluctant to become involved in exposing repression and
torture in their country. That is not to suggest that anyone working for
the Liberty organization has been tortured by MI5, although some
people working in other British human rights organizations certainly
have been. Early 'pressure' from MI-5 does indeed appear to act as a
'deterrent' should some organizations decide to probe into the area of
psychological torture.
Whatever, there are some human rights organizations who do
doubt the legitimacy of their government. But if a government does
indeed have a true and proper democratic constitution then there
should be no reason for it to deny any investigation into its activities
by anyone. Indeed, it could be argued that such inquiries should be
made welcome by any legitimate government.
However, many governments quite apparently do have much to
hide, in spite of their claims of being free democracies. Writers daring
to probe into the internal affairs of some governments are particularly
at risk, as governments inevitably let their security forces loose in
attempts to prevent the exposure of any information they feel may be
embarrassing or damaging to them.
Rarely are writers accused of breaking any law. For in most cases
they do not. They are simply conducting legitimate research.
However, what does happen in many instances is that these
researchers find themselves being targeted, persecuted, tortured and
even murdered for simply daring to ask questions that officials of any
true democracy would be proud to answer.
For instance; the information department of the UK newspaper
'The Independent' reported that on average at least forty writers are
killed somewhere in the world every year. Furthermore, according to
the details presented in the British television program 'Africa Express',
in 1983 twenty-eight writer/researchers were murdered in Africa
alone. In 1994, one hundred and fifteen writers were killed throughout
the world. From 1995, the figure’s are; Iraq - 97 dead, Philippines - 60
dead, Russia - 13 dead, China - 31 in jail, Zimbabwe - 61 exiled,
Turkey - 15 prosecuted. According to an international press freedom
watchdog a record number of 70 journalists were killed in 2009 with
at least 136 other writers, editors and photojournalists being harassed
and imprisoned. By now, these figures may well be very much higher.
Due to the strict censorship in place, British and U.S. writers and
researchers that have, or are being persecuted, exiled and / or killed
there are not available but their numbers are expected to be
It should be made clear that such writers are not necessarily
probing into any apparent so-called state secrets in these searches after
truth. Their efforts may simply be to probe into the everyday workings
of governments. Yet such seems to be the paranoia of some
governments, such as that of the United Kingdom for instance, that it
so very often treats such inquiry's as a form of direct attack against its
authority. This inevitably leads to ‘an action' against the writer by the
British security services, Namely MI5 and the police Special Branch.
At least such actions are being taken against researchers in the
name of government. Whether such actions are indeed instigated by
government, or simply ordered by their security services without
proper legal authority, should that be needed by them, is open to
That these actions do take place is in no doubt. According to the
available literature, far too many political activists in countries around
the world, including Britain and the United States, have suffered
greatly in one way or another for that to be reasonably disputed by
The real problem for some governments today is that such
actions cannot be so easily hidden as they might have been before the
'electronic age.' With that realization, some governments now seek to
hide the action itself rather than the victim. That is why psychological
torture, rather than obvious physical torture, now seems to have
become almost mandatory with numerous security forces all over the
The reasons for the latter statement are quite apparent. Foremost
there is the 'deny-ability' factor that has become associated with
psychological torture. (No obvious marks or wounds, as with physical
torture.) In fact, by using modern methods of repression the torture
action itself can be carried out without ant real physical contact with
the victim at all. Many writers are presently describing this, as ‘no
touch torture’.
For that reason alone psychological torture has become an
attractive accessory to the usual forms of government repression.
Psychological torture makes it far easier for a government to rule by
force rather than consent.
The growing use of torture, in particular psychological torture, as
reported by Ackroyd, also raises the question of whether or not there
is a 'third force' or influence involved in its use. Namely big business,
in the form of multinational corporations.'
For example; it is no longer a matter of speculation that some
multinational companies were involved in the overthrow of some
South American governments that had been legally elected with large
majorities. For instance in 1970 a board member of a multinational
company (I.T.T.), suggested a joint Central Intelligence Agency
ITT/US telecommunications operation to ensure the election of a
candidate it wanted in Chile. These kinds of shady 'deals' involving
multinationals have taken place not only in South America but also in
many other countries. These illegal actions were, more often than not,
'justified' by untruthful and exaggerated claims of 'communist
infiltration'. Indeed, former CIA Director Richard Helms was fined
and given a suspended prison sentence for lying to the United States
Congress about the CIA's involvement in overthrowing at least one
South American government.
Those 'lies and deceptions' resulted in CIA and NSA backed
death squads being set up. Over the coming years, these death squads
tortured and murdered tens of thousands, indeed millions of people
worldwide. The goodwill that had previously been directed towards
the United States by some nations then quickly evaporated. A bitter
lasting hatred of all things American, particularly their government,
then replaced it. Unfortunately, a large section of the American public
still remains totally ignorant of these events, and of the atrocities
committed in their name. Consequently, they cannot understand the
hatred that is sometimes directed towards the United States and some
American citizens when they travel abroad.
In the light of such information there is much room for
speculation concerning the number of such arrangements, which may
have taken place over the years, and for who's benefit? It also raises
the question of why some governments appear to be so eager to
engage in such undemocratic practices in the first place. This raises a
further question, namely, for whom is such a government working in
these instances. The entire American population it is supposedly
representing - or just the multinational corporations?
It should be noted that not one notable American citizen has so
far been charged with complicity in the genocide that took place under
CIA backed death squads. The International Criminal court, set up to
bring human rights abusers to justice - irrespective of their nationality,
was bitterly opposed by the American Bush administration on the
grounds that some American's may be indited for crimes against
humanity. So, whilst 'foreign' terrorists can be hunted down
worldwide and punished for their crimes by American administrations
'American government terrorists' are claiming exemption from
prosecution. Indeed, the Bush administration threatened to withdraw
military aid, including education and training as well as help financing
the purchase of equipment and weaponry, to almost every nation that
has relations with the United States, if these nations do support the
International Criminal court. A sad reflection on a government, which
constantly claims to 'uphold democracy and human rights' when in
fact it does exactly the opposite.
Personally, I have always been amazed at how many American's
believe that the CIA - which has dishonored its country more than any
other government organization, and who has overturned democratic
governments worldwide, and been deeply involved in mass murder
and death squads while doing so 'protects American democracy.'
Surely, the exact opposite is true. For most of its existence, if not all
of it, the CIA can clearly be seen as having protected fascists and
fascism. Can the American public be so stupid as to really believe that
a security organization, which has overthrown democracy worldwide,
actually protects democracy at home?
The CIA. Beyond Redemption and Should Be Terminated
Note: A recent report states that the American Central
Intelligence Agency has overthrown or tried to overthrow functioning
constitutional democracies in over 52 countries since the end of the
Second World War. Source: The Praetorian Guard - The U.S. Role in
the New World Order.
By John Stockwell, and Ralph Mcgee, plus Blum in his reports: by William Blum. See
See also: John Perkins - Economic Hit Man - 27 Nov 07
(1)World Medical Association (WMA).
(2) Jacobsen. L Vesti. P. Torture Survivors. RTC. Copenhagen.
Denmark. 1992. P.14.
(3) World Medical Association.
(4) RCT Annual Report. Copenhagen. Denmark. 1984. P.4
(5) D. Malcolm. The Guardian, Society Section. 1-2-95. P.2
(6) Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. Rosenhead. J. Shallice. T. The
Technology of Political Control. Pluto Press. 1980. P.102.
(7) Kidron. M. Segal. R. Business, Money & Power. Pan
Books. London. 1987. P.90.
(8) Bowart. W. Operation Mind Control. Fontana/Collins.
(UK) 1971.
Police States
A police state posing as a democracy is a very dangerous state
indeed. Not only to its own, people but also to the world at large.
Any government that is controlled by its hidden elites,
corporations and their security forces, rather than by representatives
freely chosen by the people is not only a fraud, in the age of nuclear
weapons it is a direct threat to world peace and stability.
Progress cannot be prevented, nor indeed should it be. When
those who reject change and deny the free will of the people, unrest
and war will surely follow. Yet, all over the world a few highly
privileged people are repressing millions whilst torturing and
murdering many millions more under the banner of false democracies.
It would be very foolish to believe that such states can continue
without a global catastrophe ensuing at some future date, quite
possibly in the very near future. The terrible New York 9/11 and the
London 7/7 bombing disasters, who many eminent researchers firmly
believe to be ‘inside jobs’, may well be only a brief taste of what may
befall us all in the years ahead.
Today, atomic or other highly lethal devices can be installed in a
small briefcase and carried around the world with ease. Indeed, some
'terrorists' have both the knowledge and the capacity to obtain such
weapons, and, if pushed far enough - also to use them against any
government they choose. No matter how powerful that government
may be. Huge quantities of drugs are smuggled across international
borders every year. To believe that small suitcases carrying atomic
weapons couldn’t be is simply foolish.
Never the less, many people do have faith in their 'leaders', in
spite of the terrible mess some of them have made of their countries. It
is however pure folly to allow the use of torture, under the pretext of
'defending democracy', without expecting the very worst kind of
retribution at some point. Therefore, before this happens, people and
governments must stop fooling themselves and face reality. That
reality being that some governments are now using torture on a vast
scale in order to force their populations into accepting lies as truth and
truth as lies.
This kind of repression and manipulation has to be recognized
for what it is – the wost kind of torture, brainwashing and psycho10
Psychological torture
Torture as defined by the World Medical Association (WMA) is:
"The deliberate, systematic or wanton infliction of physical or mental
suffering by one or more persons acting alone or on the orders of any
authority, to force another person to yield information, to make a
confession or for any other reason."
In the view of Jacobsen and Vesti: "Torture is the worst possible
kind of suppression you can inflict on a human being. The society that
finds it necessary to use torture has reduced itself to a regime of terror.
It must be called inhuman."
Put simply, the term "psychological torture" means torture of the
mind. However, as will be explained, this is a limited description, for
instance, as defined by the World Medical Association.
Some of the following exploration into physical / psychological
torture and social control is based on the author's own research and
observations in various countries around the world. These countries
are Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), South Africa, United Kingdom,
United States, Salvador, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala,
Peru, Columbia, Panama, and Costa Rica amongst many others.
Some dissidents using computers to provide on-line community
groups with information about human rights abuses are gradually
breaking down censorship by governments, under which abuses such
as psycho-control take place. Through this, much is being done to try
to combat the suppression many political dissidents face.
A major purpose of torture is to break a person's resistance and
cause both physical and mental anguish. The Rehabilitation Center for
Torture Victims in Denmark describes psychological torture as the
worst form of torture a person can suffer. They report:
"Systematic torture methods destroy a person's personality. It
creates great suffering and the torturers know it. No means are spared
in this respect. It can be described as the killing of the psyche. Within
the past twenty-five years, torture methods have become more subtle
and sophisticated. The deliberate development of subtle torture
techniques clearly demonstrates that today torture has an entirely
different aim. The methods are used very systematically and based on
the results of modern scientific progress, e.g. within psychology and
psychiatry. The goal today is the destruction of the identity and
individuality of people; a goal that is achieved by direct attacks on the
structure and behavior patterns of the personality. These attacks on the
personality aim to destroy the core of a person who will eventually
change his view of himself and alter his behavior patters to such a
degree that he will be unable to recognize himself physically or
The psychological torture of political dissidents
Simple political dissent appears to be the main reason for torture,
and this method of repression is now being used in over eighty
countries, which, of course means of that those countries are police
states. In true democracies, people are allowed to openly disagree with
what their government says or does without fear of persecution, arrest,
or torture. In police states, they are not. Indeed anyone who freely
speaks their mind in a police state may well be termed a troublesome
dissident, subversive or now, even a 'terrorist', which will lead to them
being 'targeted' by that countries security forces. This means that some
form of 'action' will be carried out against them. This action may well
result in the arrest, torture and indeed the death of the dissident. The
British have long boasted that “You can say anything you want to
here!” Indeed, you can do the same in any other police state, because
that is not the real issue. The question should be “What happens after
you have said what you want?” And in that respect Britain proves to
be no different from any other police state, in that if what you have
said displeases the secret police you will most certainly be targeted for
having dissenting political views.
Today many so-called democracies practice torture. Although,
the use of the word 'torture' is - at the insistence of some governments,
now being replaced by the words 'cruel and inhuman treatment.' This
play-on-words does not fool the tortured, nor, hopefully, will it fool
anyone else.
The psychological torture of dissidents has been a fact for many
years in some countries (Well over 30 years in the USA and the UK.)
Governments from both the East and West have used it and it
continues to be widely used today. Indeed, its use has now become
highly sophisticated, and modern technology allows security forces to
torture and murder people at will, apparently with almost total
As already stated; psychological torture is favored by many
governments for the simple reason that such methods show no
obvious scars. It is, therefore, very easy for such governments to claim
that they do not use torture against their dissidents. As torture is still
often thought of by the general public as being purely physical in
nature, governments may well have their denials accepted.
Ignorance of psychological torture methods has been
compounded by the real lack of public information about the subject.
There is much to suggest that this kind of information has been
censored or hidden wherever possible by almost all governments. It
has also cast grave doubts about the dubious 'free press' that many
Western governments claim to have in their countries. Indeed, new
laws are already being drawn up that will make public exposure of
such information by writers and researchers a criminal offense. That
however, does not excuse the British media who have remained silent
about state repression and torture in their country going back over the
last thirty years at least?
Of course, it has to be accepted that this type of information in
the wrong hands could easily be misused. However, this fact alone
does not explain the paranoia shown by some governments when they
are questioned on the subject. Such behavior may give the impression
that some governments have far more to hide than just information.
Indeed, many governments have been so successful in using
psychological torture on their dissidents they are now refining their
methods further still and using psychological torture techniques as a
form of 'social engineering.'
This particular form of social control may appear to be
unbelievable to some people, but to an expert on the subject it is a
perfectly natural step for most governments to take - if they believe
they can avoid public outcry. Which unfortunately, many governments
The exact methods of psychological control, and torture, have
over the years become so refined that they have almost been turned
into an art form.
It is highly desirable for any government to have a good
international image. No government is now as isolated as it used to be.
Computers and information technology have encircled the globe in an
enormous communications network. Accordingly the image a
government gives to the world at large is all-important. It is not just a
question of ethics or morality but also a question of profits, and the
growth of big business.
There is probably a degree of corruption in all governments. Selfinterest,
and the maintenance of the 'status quo' often come first.
Those who seek change may do so at great personal risk. When
considering the millions, and sometimes many billions of dollars and
pounds in profits made by many governments and its supporters, the
lives of some human beings are often not considered at all. However,
openly killing dissenters is no longer fashionable with governments
who wish the rest of the world to consider their country as being
civilized and their people educated. For one thing, the number of
political dissenters has risen into the many millions and murder on
that scale can no longer be hidden as it once was. Yet, the dissenter, so
far as some governments are concerned, must still be silenced. Of
course, if the 'democracy' in question was indeed a true one then
dialogue, rather than repression and violence, would ensue. The
problem is though, that false democracies are not interested in
dialogue, only political dogma.
Educated people realize this and speak out with the hope that
violence can be avoided. Unfortunately, these are the very people who
soon become known as 'troublemakers'. This is brought about through
government-sponsored smears and character assassination in attempts
to silence the dissenter.
These 'troublemakers' are then quickly classified by that
government as being 'subversives or communists', and therefore a
danger to society, that is why so many outspoken men and women
have suddenly found themselves being described as 'terrorists.' The
transition from one label to another is just a matter of time. It is far
easier for governments to deceive and manipulate public opinion by
saying they are dealing with terrorists or communists than it is for
them to admit that they have removed the right of free speech.
Freedom of thought, inquiry and expression is the very basis of
any true democracy. Without these virtues, there can be no real
democracy, yet many governments all over the world proclaim
themselves to be democracies while at the same time they continue to
deprive their citizens of almost any democratic rights. This sad state
of affairs is made even worse when other democracies appear to
tolerate the charade, but many do so. And by doing so, they
undermine not only their own credibility but also give the go-ahead to
other authoritarian governments, who in turn use further repressive
measures against their own dissidents. They do so under the guise of
protecting 'state interests' or 'our democracy.' The outcome of this type
of deception is that there are now more governments than ever calling
their countries democracies when in fact they are 'police states.'
The description 'subversive' means anything that the security
services wish it to mean. In reality, what this label does when applied
to a dissenter is to give security an excuse to begin any action they
desire against any form of dissent whatsoever.
As confirmed by Hollingsworth and Norton-Taylor, the former
Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall, John Alderson, told one
inquiry into the police Special Branch:
"The terms of reference of the Special Branch leave much to their
discretion. To some, all activists maybe 'subversive' and both
individuals and groups critical of the established order are marked out
for surveillance and recording."
So, quite obviously the label 'subversive' is all that is required for
MI5's torture departments and Britain's secret police (Special Branch)
to 'target' anyone they wish. And, so far as Special Branch is
concerned, they will probably classify anyone who is not a neo-fascist
as being subversive.
Brainwashing, or psycho control, is now the preferred method
used by many governments to prevent true democracy being gained
by their populations. Such methods must be brought out into the open
and exposed for what they are. In addition other governments who
have either directly or indirectly supported such methods should be
revealed for what they are - the worst kind of hypocrites. Only then,
will the world progress fully into real peace and prosperity most
people desire.
No one, under any pretext whatsoever, should be denied freedom
of thought, inquiry or expression. Should the people be denied those
rights then they have the human right to dissent and obtain them by
any and all means possible.
So-called 'forms' of democracy are nothing more than shams and
charades. They should be rejected outright. Countries that use 'forms'
of democracy are nothing more than police states and should be
recognized as such.
(1)Pinter. H. A War of Words. Red Pepper Magazine. No 12. May
1995. Article. P12 (2)Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The Technology
of Political Control.
(3)Woollacot. M. The Whiff of Terror. The Guardian. Article.
21-3-95. P22.Capitalism,
Market Fundamentalism, and the Duplicitous Meanings of
The Media in America. Selling Views, Calling it News
Why governments prefer psychological torture
Scenes of brutality quickly outrage any truly democratic
population. Most people regard torture as being the most repulsive of
all punishments. Torture has however become so addictive to some
governments, or rulers; they are loath to rid themselves of its use.
They wish at all costs to silence the dissent of their people yet they do
not want their government openly portrayed as being abusive or one
that employs torture, especially one that tortures their writers and
artists. It appears far better in the United Nations if the government of
a country seems to be benevolent towards those who disagree with its
However, the private face of governments is all too often very
different from the one shown to the United Nations. Governments can,
and may well commit any act they consider necessary to silence any
form of dissent, legal or not.
Psychological torture is, for some governments, an ideal solution
to dissent. Today the actual techniques of psychological torture have
become so refined and the results so effective that its use has been
sanctioned by corrupt governments worldwide, particularly so by the
United States and the United Kingdom.
Psychological Torture Techniques
Once learned, the techniques of psychological torture are very
easy for government security services to apply. They have the power
to quickly gain the control they need to put psychological torture
techniques into practice, thereby bringing about the silence or
'neutralization' of many political dissidents.
Usually a very special government 'psyops' department is created
and kept very secret, known only to those who organize and staff it.
Even elected high government officials often remain ignorant of this
department's existence (or pretend to be). Whatever, only those who
hold the true reigns of power usually know of this specialized
department. Such departments are also sometimes known as
'Political-Action Operations' or simply Psyops.
These political action departments are often hidden under the
guise of protecting 'National Security'. What that really means is that
it is protecting the elites and other people who grossly abuse state
power. And all government torturers do exactly that.
Reports suggest that only very experienced operatives staff this
type of secret government department. By necessity, some of them
will be doctors, others will be psychologists, psychiatrists, and so on,
while others will be experienced in related fields of expertise. There
will also be the so-called 'heavies' outside the department, plus other
operatives and 'goon-squads' whose work it is to implement orders
from above to the letter.
Those on the 'inside' of this secret government department know
exactly what they are doing and also what the results of their work
will be. Those on the 'outside' of the torture department need to know
very little of what is really happening to their 'target' and their work is
carried out on a strictly 'need to know' basis. They simply carry out
any given orders to the letter. These people are usually gullible
political degenerates who are led to believe that they are serving their
country by doing whatever is asked of them without question.
This kind of undercover covert organization is ideal for any
government security service as it can be kept very low key. Few
people need to know about it, fewer people still will know of the
'whole picture.' The cost of running such a department, in relation to
other areas of suppressing dissent, may be minimal. This kind of
department can be located within any government building and it
would appear to be just another suite of offices. Few people would
actually suspect that such a department is in all reality a 'torture
chamber' - yet that is exactly what its purpose would be.
This type of government department usually has very special
powers and 'clearance' facilities plus all the appropriate documents to
go with it. When shown evidence of their identity by the personnel of
this department any other branch of government will usually comply
with whatever 'assistance' is requested. That includes the armed
forces, the police and the 'intelligence community' in general.
Experience has shown that members of the public will also comply
with whatever is required of them. Indeed, I have yet to meet an
exception to this, as members of the public are never told the real
reason for what is being asked of them. They are simply deceived and
misled into believing that they are being 'patriotic' by doing so. Lying
and deception, however, is the business of the security forces and it is
amazing just how far some members of the public will go in helping
government torturers go about their work. Even when they do suspect
what is happening to a dissident 'target', as they surely must.
The above then is all that is required during the first stages of
suppressing dissidents without the general public being aware of what
is happening right under their noses.
Social control by psychological torture
Not all the various techniques of psychological torture can be
readily used for social control. Though, with modification, some
important features can be used very successfully. For instance, when a
dissident 'target' is constantly smeared, harassed and intimidated, and
so on, within the general population of a town or city then the public
will very quickly realize that 'stepping out of line' would also mean
that they too would receive the same kind of treatment should they be
tempted to dissent in any way.
Populations are usually kept in ignorance of the widespread use
of torture within their country. However, when many such cases do
become apparent the people are lied to by their politicians and led to
believe that what they are seeing are simply a few isolated (and
deserving) cases. And under gross media censorship how can the
public know otherwise?
The failure to understand how these control techniques are
actually used could well mean an end to the democratic process, as it
is understood today. Indeed, that state may already have been
The view that it is only a country's dissident writers, artists and
teachers who will suffer torture arises from a gross misunderstanding
of the true situation. Such people are usually targeted first because of
their skills in communicating with people and because warnings of
government corruption, more often than not, come from them in the
first place. That is why many outspoken writers, teachers, etc are
considered as being potentially 'dangerous' by governments. It is why
so many of them have been murdered over the years. It was to prevent
them informing the population of the true situation in their country,
which quite often is very different from what governments would
have their populations believe.
When such warnings are disbelieved, or not given, then the
general population of a country becomes the secondary target for psycontrol.
In support of this view, there are many examples in the world
where such situations have already been brought about. Columbia,
Guatemala, Salvador, Nicaragua, Argentina, Burma, Chile, Rhodesia,
Mozambique, Angola, Nigeria, South West Africa and the former
Yugoslavia were once all thriving countries. Its Afrikaner rulers also
turned South Africa into a terrible police state, afterword's spreading
their terror and destabilization tactics into surrounding countries, that
all but destroyed them too. But eventually the torture and murder that
had long been employed by the South African Bureau of State
Security (B.O.S.S.) succeeded only in ensuring its own failure and
There are many other examples, and what they all point to is that
when both its people and world opinion turns against a government
then that government must inevitably not only admit to the repression
of its own citizens it must also set the people free – or face open
A country, which has a desire to uphold true and honest
democratic traditions, provides against the misuse of power by having
a true 'Bill of Rights’ and a ‘Freedom of Information Act.' Laws that
are particularly intended to protect the ordinary citizen from
government domination and repression. Freedom of thought, inquiry
and expression should be guaranteed to all citizens. Without those
virtues, a country can only be called a police state.
Manipulation by the state
A police state as such can easily manipulate a population into
doing whatever 'the state' requires. Top positions in government, the
media, the arts, industry and especially the police and security
services, are always held by those loyal to 'the state'. These
individuals are then 'honored' by 'the state' for their support of it.
Ordinary people, who support the population as a whole, rather than
'puppets' of the state, are rarely allowed to gain positions of real
authority. Thus, heads of government (even a government supposedly
in opposition) are allowed into positions of real power only after their
loyalty to 'the state' has first been clearly demonstrated. This kind of
state can always be seen for exactly what it is by the way it operates.
The 'rules' are rarely changed. People remain in the same positions
long after more capable people should have replaced them. Promotion
and often 'honors' may reward even sheer inefficiency and corruption
if the person has been loyal and supportive of the government. As a
result, corruption from government leaders downward becomes the
norm in almost every field of endeavor, and as the country sinks
slowly forever downwards into apathy, mediocrity and ruin, it is
hailed by its government as being 'highly successful', whilst in reality
its peoples are falling into an abyss of unemployment, depression and
poverty. However, because of 'state loyalty' the latter is frequently
obscured by the 'state controlled media' which is then viewed as
parroting the 'official line'. It continues to declare that all is well, and
suggests that any social or political 'problems' are caused by trade
unions, black people, communists, socialists, so-called terrorists,
people who refuse to work for nothing, and a world recession,
particularly the latter.
The 'state' it seems is rarely ever wrong. Or so, the state media
would have ordinary people believe. And in a police state where the
population is psychologically brainwashed, repressed and psychocontrolled
a great many people do believe exactly that.
As Walter Bowart said:
"Since World War II the cryptocracy (secret government) has
used electronic technology to manipulate foreign people, as well as
the American people, through a campaign of carefully planned
misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda."
Any dissenter may quickly be silenced by 'the state.'
The motive for repression and torture
Whilst most governments deny that they actually use torture
against their political dissidents, some of them grudgingly admit to
using some form of repression. However, when asked if they consider
themselves to be 'true democracies' most government spokesmen
claim that they are so. They contradictory then try and justify their
repression of dissidents by accusing them of being communists,
subversives and so on, without realizing that true democracy allows
anyone to follow any kind of political belief they wish. Some people
are considered 'subversives' by their government simply for trying to
use any of their so-called 'democratic rights.' Indeed, new laws being
passed in the European Union are designed to make any political
dissent of any kind a 'terrorist' crime. As are the new laws now being
passed in the United States.
Democracy or charade?
The real problem is that few people seem to know just what true
democracy really means. Most people believe that if there is 'one man
one vote' then that is democracy, yet there are police states all over the
world whose populations have the vote, but by no stretch of the
imagination could those countries reach the expectations of a true
democracy. Of what use is a 'vote' when the ballot box and / or
politicians in a country are totally 'controlled by security.' Any
security service that is not under true democratic control will usually
only let into the 'official government' people it alone favors. Which
does of course mean that this supposed 'government of the people' is
in all reality one which is 'elected and controlled by the security
services.' As such, it can hardly be called democratic. Indeed, as
already outlined in the case of the British security services, they
openly admit that the British government has no control over them.
They see themselves as being 'above the law.' Therefore, it seems that
the British security services can only be controlled by the Crown and
other mysterious elite 'third forces', much talked about in South Africa
over the years, and which seemingly is also in evidence in many other
This 'third force' can only be 'big business' as no other
organization has the sheer wealth and power that is necessary to wield
such influence on a global scale. No government elected through the
benevolence of any 'third force' can ever be described as being a
democracy because the population at large did not choose that
government. It was chosen by big business and then ‘allowed’ into
office by a 'security force' over which nobody but big business had
control. As stated already, 'security' appears to be nothing more than
an extension of big business rather than the arm true of any
government. Therefore, how could such a government possibly be
called democratic? The true test of democracy is the provision for
freedom of thought, inquiry and expression. Without those virtues,
there can be no true democracy. Yet there are governments all over the
world that prohibits all of them, yet continue to insist that they are
The technology of control
Information technology provision and the expansion of computer
networks, and so on, are already seriously under much scrutiny by
governments who wish to control all information between citizens, no
matter where in the world they are. Indeed, heavy censorship of the
Internet has already begun with many highly informative Web sites
having been taken down. (Over 50 to this date.)
The British Government Communications Headquarters
Cheltenham (GCHQ), and the American National Security Agency
(NSA) base at Menwith Hill, near Harrogate, north Yorkshire, (plus
other bases at Edzell, Chicksands, Feltwell, Molesworth, and Bude)
are trying to promote controversial encryption technology, which
allows the security services to read all personal computer files (and
alter or delete them). And eventually, one way or another, they may
well succeed. As things are, the British security services are censoring
the Internet with the forced cooperation of on-line service providers
and hosts. Future legislation will force all British service providers to
cooperate whether they wish to or not. Indeed, the security services in
Britain are trying to totally control the Internet there and they may
well succeed in doing so. After which no real criticism of the
government or themselves will be allowed at all.
The British media as such is already censored to an unbelievable
degree with MI5 agents or informers being on the staff of every
newspaper in the country. Many British breweries, also long time
supporters of fascism, have willingly allowed their pubs, clubs and
hotels to be secretly wired for sound and vision so that 'Big Brother' in
the form of MI5 and the police Special Branch (secret police) can see
and listen to everything said inside them. So much so that many
foreign businessmen have been warned by their governments against
using 'careless talk' when visiting Britain, whilst others have been told
not to do any business there at all. Even the prestigious American
magazine 'Smart Business' featured an article that suggested American
business leaders think twice before starting any operation in the UK.
So far as the Internet is concerned Britain's MI5 is (and has been
for quite some time) monitoring all computer on-line services under
various guises such as preventing computer hacking, terrorism, child
pornography and the misuse of drugs. It should be added that MI5 is
shielded from public scrutiny and accountability and it is also exempt
from the British governments so-called 'open government code of
practice', which at best, can only be described as a total sham.
Such actions against citizens are easily hidden from view and can
always be disguised under a variety of persuasive 'measures' or 'laws'
that are designed to both 'reassure and fool' the population at the same
Why any fair-minded government would not welcome criticism
as an indication of its proclaimed fairness and democracy is beyond
me. However, some governments have repeatedly set up secret
departments that oppose the very standards society rightly expects. Is
there any wonder that populations may then see their supposed
'democracy' as nothing more than a joke? Indeed, writing about the
American 'Security Forces' and their protection of 'democracy' Bowart
"The cryptocracy (secret government) invades the privacy of
citizens and businesses. It meddles in the internal politics of foreign
nations, often violently; hires trained killers to assassinate heads of
state and may control key figures in the U.S. and world press. It may
also have attempted to control U.S. elections."
Could the latter be a mirror image of Britain's MI5, MI6, and its
secret police, the Special Branch?
(1)Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983. P.39-46.
(2)Agee. P. Inside the Company. Penguin Books. Middlesex.
1975. P.79
(3)Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983. P.53.
(4) Agee. P. Inside the Company. Penguin Books. Middlesex.
1975. P.82
(5) Snow. J. Bylines, spy lines and a bidden agenda. The
Guardian. 30-12-94
(6) Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The Technology of Political
Control. P.243.
(7) Marthoz. Jean - Paul. Where a free press is fettered by party
links. The European. 26-5-94. P.23
(8) Smyth. G. New Statesman & Society. 26th May. 1995.
Article. P.19.
(9) Young. H. Nothing could be further from the truth. The
Guardian. 15-6-95.
(10) Pilger. J. The real enemy within. New Statesman & Society.
6-1-95. P.16.
(11) Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The Technology of Political
Control. P.32-37
(12) Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The Technology of Political
Control. P.233.
(13) Gearty. C. The Blinkered barrister. Article. The Guardian. 9-
3-94. P.22
(14) Bowart. W. Operation Mind Control. Fontana/Collins. 1978.
Social Isolation and exile
The exact methods of repression as used by security services
against dissenters may vary from country to country. In Britain,
however, the first steps taken by MI5 are to both isolate and
'neutralize' a dissident target as quickly as possible. Rarely are
political dissenters charged with any crime, simply because they
haven't committed any crime. So the secret police try to criminalize
dissidents in various ways, after which that 'crime' is then used as an
excuse to terrorize the dissident.
The 'frame-up' or 'set-up' has long been used to neutralize
dissidents and may well be tried along with some of the other drastic
measures mentioned earlier. For instance, a targeted dissident may by
various means be introduced to 'Agents Provocateurs'. These could be
male or female. MI5 uses both sexes in their efforts to both 'entrap'
and 'criminalize' dissidents. Whatever, these provocateurs will attempt
to integrate themselves into the dissidents company and gain their
confidence, after which the dissident will then be introduced to other
undercover agents who will in their turn invite the dissident to a
'party.' During this 'party' - and unknown to the dissident, drugs will
be used and photographs will be taken that shows the dissident 'in the
close company of drug dealers.'
The dissident will thereafter be entered into police files as a
'known associate of drug dealers and users.' The Agents Provocateurs
then try to maneuver the dissident into actually taking drugs. Should
the dissident do so these police provocateurs will then get the
dissident to engage in a 'drug dealing' situation?
Of course, should the dissident allow any of the latter to happen
these provocateurs will quickly place their target in an 'arrest
situation.' Afterward the dissident will be offered 'a deal' by the
security services. This deal will, of course, mean not just an end to
any dissent by the target, it will mean that from that time onwards the
dissident will be 'owned' body and soul by MI5 and the police Special
Branch, who will from then use him / or her to entrap other dissidents
using the same methods.
Should the dissident refuse 'the deal' he or she will then be
charged with drug dealing and quickly sent to prison. Once there the
security services can do anything to the dissident that they may wish
to do. According to Benn and Worpole: "Every year an average of
fifty men die in British prisons, from 'suicides, misadventure,
ghosting*' and other so-called accidents."
Note: During 1997 alone 83 prisoners died inside British prisons.
This is a far higher figure than in the former police state of South
Africa whose high prison death rate was well noted by the writer
Donald Woods. Note: ‘Ghosting’ is a term used when a prisoner is
constantly moved from prison to prison until he effectively becomes
'lost within the system.' Such treatment can be very stressful indeed.
One British prisoner aged thirty-seven, died after being moved from
one prison to another 24 times in two and a half years. In another case,
a prisoner was moved 51 times in three years. The security services
also use ‘ghosting’ on dissidents in that they try to keep them
constantly moving on from one place to another as the dissident tries
to find a ‘safe heaven’.
Should the above measures fail to bring the dissident 'into line' he
or she will be further persecuted into isolation and internal exile.
Security will then use its smear teams to spread rumors to the effect
that the dissident is 'afraid to leave his / or her home,' which implies
some form of 'guilt'. Security is then able to deny that they exiled the
dissidents, thus supposedly exonerating themselves of any crime
whilst at the same time encouraging further persecution of the
dissident by the general populace.
Bugging UK style
Having been physically isolated and exiled internally the
dissident's sole lines of communication will then come under attack.
For instance, if the dissident needs and relies on their telephone, fax
machine, computer and the mail to earn a living, British security will
do everything possible to disrupt those lines of communication in
order to try and prevent the dissident from making any money at all.
(Driving dissidents into poverty and destitution is one method that has
long been used by MI5 and their torture departments.) That being the
case the dissident's phone, fax, etc, will be tapped and monitored 24
hours a day, consequently many important messages will fail to reach
the dissident, though many 'unwanted calls' (most of which are made
by MI5 agents) will always get through. Dissidents using computers
will also suffer from numerous 'connection problems' to say the very
least. (Note: New laws introduced into Britain under the guise of
'preventing terrorism' are designed to prevent dissidents from having
any communication devices whatsoever. Indeed, the secret police
force has been doubled, added to which they now have vast powers to
ruin a person's life simply on the suspicion of them becoming a
political dissenter.) Vote for us – or else?
According to Fitzgerald, Leopold and Mills; other bugs used by
MI5 include a 'carrier-current device.' Both the police and the
intelligence services use this and it works by sending the
conversations from all of the rooms inside a building by radio signal
along the electrical mains wiring. In Britain, many people pay for
their gas supply by using a coin pay slot that is fitted directly onto the
gas meter inside their house. MI5 agents often plant a bug inside the
meter money tray so that it can be removed and recharged by one of
their 'meter men.' There is also the cavity mike, activated by radio
signals, the wall spike, which is usually planted by drilling into a wall
from the house next door, and the phone 'hot mike', which constantly
monitors conversations even when the phone is on the hook. Cell
phones too can be monitored from anywhere, even when turned off,
and are also used to keep track of any dissident that uses them. And,
of course, there are the modern laser bugging devices. Indeed the list
is almost endless and today it includes highly miniaturized color
cameras, which can be hidden in television sets, video recorders,
radios, clocks and almost anything else. Indeed, MI5 has had these
devices installed throughout the entire country in hotels, pubs,
restaurants, conference halls and anywhere else the public may gather
together. Indeed, these devices are now even being installed in the
homes of anyone considered to be ‘troublesome.’ Today the United
Kingdom is almost totally 'wired' and surveillance of the entire
population by over 5 million CCTV cameras is all but complete. Most
of these surveillance devices are controlled remotely from the local
police stations. Whatever, the most insidious of these devices is, as
already mentioned, the military microwave machine. It is this device,
more than any other is, which is being used against political
dissenters. No true democracy would allow the use of such a terrible
weapon to stifle free speech, or to injure and kill people, but in
Britain, this device is being used more widely than ever before.
Dissident 'targets' would be hard put to try and find the above
devices planted inside their homes. Even if they could, 'security'
would simply plant more of them.
According to Fitzgerald and Leopold: "The level of sophisticated
bugging used against a target may depend entirely on their
classification by the security services, MI5, police Special Branch,
and so on."
People considered by security to be 'potential subversives', such
as dissident writers, union organizers, human rights activists,
investigative journalists and so on, tend to rate a high classification so
any form of surveillance used against them will relate to that.
MI5 has total control over the United Kingdoms telephone and
mail services and there is nothing a dissident can do to prevent MI5's
misuse of those services. So, dissidents will of course have to put up
with 'lost mail' - and 'dropped phone lines'. As a matter of interest,
many 'votes' may also be 'misplaced' during UK elections.
Complaints by dissidents to The Interception of Communications
Tribunal have been found to be a total waste of time. Their address is:
PO Box 44, London, SE1 0TX, Phone 0171-273-4096. I must add,
however, that to date all complaints made to the Security Services
Tribunal by the British public (including myself) has been rejected.
(Source: The Guardian. 21-4-95. and The New Statesman & Society.
2-6-1994, P.10.)
Isolation and torture in the United Kingdom
The whole point of torture is that it should break down the
victim's resistance and alter their personality to the extent that they
will have no self - esteem whatsoever. Victims are slowly but surely
depersonalized and dehumanized in every known way until they may
no longer consider themselves human beings at all. Indeed, over time
the victims of this oppression may then develop such a feeling of selfloathing
that suicide will, quite naturally, become one of the options
they may choose to end their misery.
British security services and their Psyop's torture departments
know the above to be true. They have had great many years to perfect
their techniques and research carried out in Britain and other
countries, as detailed by Ackroyd, Margolis, Rosenhead, Challice and
Ramsay and many other researchers confirms it.
The average person is simply not equipped to cope with the
modern psychological deprivation and torture methods in use today.
Only a very small percentage of people could be expected to survive
these torture methods and lead a normal life afterward.
Psychological torture action groups
Without any personal experience of the subject, it is extremely
difficult for anyone to understand how a supposedly democratic
country can use psychological torture, nor fully comprehend the kind
of trauma that the people ‘targeted’ for such actions suffer. However,
using the writers own experience as a torture victim plus information
gained from other sources and survivors, the following information
will serve as a good indication of how such 'action groups' are
organized and used in the United Kingdom and some other countries.
Psyop's actions are usually directed against a particular target.
This may be political dissident, a writer, artist, union activist or a
human rights worker. Or indeed it could be anyone who is in a
position that allows them to gather and distribute information which
exposes the hidden agenda of the government in power, and who may
be capable of organizing much opposition to it.
I am not writing about any kind of illegal opposition to
government, simply opposition that has not passed through 'the usual
channels'. This is where the political police (Special Branch) 'filter
out' those people who refuse to accept a political system they believe
or know to be corrupt. For instance; if a political system is organized
to favor a particular party or group it cannot be considered
democratic. It will resist change at all levels. Indeed, when people see
that elected representatives cannot or will not bring about meaningful
change then the option to organize outside of the present system is a
perfectly natural thing to do.
The acceptance of an obvious deeply corrupted political system
would be seen as pointless. Therefore it may be seen as necessary to
organize outside of 'the established system' to gain true democracy,
even if one should be viewed as a political dissident for doing so.
In the United Kingdom, this kind of political action is supposed
to be perfectly legal, yet, when this kind of 'opposition' is attempted
by dissidents the security services, MI5 and the police Special Branch
(secret police), and other secret fascist forces may immediately target
such opposition as being 'subversive' and therefore 'dangerous to the
Indeed, in spite of what many people in Britain may believe, any
outspoken opposition to the so-called 'accepted political
establishment' may place the speaker in grave danger of being
'targeted' and listed as 'the enemy within.' This will almost certainly
result in some form of action being taken against the dissident, as
many political activists have found to their cost.
To counter this aggressive state activity, some British politicians
eagerly point out 'speakers corner' in London, and the absurd figures
of some screaming political idiots as examples of Britain's so-called
democratic freedoms. These 'freedoms' are, however, nothing more
than myths, as anyone inside the country can prove simply by trying
to use true democracy. Indeed, the following factual account details
what may really happen to those who do so.
Typical action plan
According to one source: Psyop's (Psyop's for short is used by
both British and American security forces rather than using the long
description of 'Psychological Warfare Operations.) training in the use
of torture methods in the United Kingdom is undertaken at the Joint
Warfare Establishment, which is located at the National Defense
College in Latimer. Indeed, by 1976 almost two thousand British army
officers had been trained to use psychological torture techniques
purely for internal security purposes. And, in Britain, SAS (Special
Air Service) undercover operatives now work with the police Special
Branch in all major cities helping them to carry out these gross civil
and human rights crimes against British citizens.
When security forces do order ‘an action' against a political
dissident, it will be put into effect almost immediately. The action will
be carried out in stages and overseen by the relevant experts as each
stage of the operation progresses with a view to quickly bringing
about disorientation (a dramatic change in one's circumstances), a
personality change within the dissident and also a neurotic defense.
This will almost inevitably lead the dissident into maladaptive ways of
dealing with his, or her surroundings, and probably into psychotic
depression (Severe depression in which the individual loses contact
with reality and suffers from an array of impairments of normal
In using psychological torture, the dissident's body is not
(initially) to be broken - only the mind. Therefore, a plan of action is
called for that will accomplish exactly that.
To prevent the dissident from doing what he or she would do in
any normal situation it is necessary to interfere with the usual
functioning of their mind. In other words, their personality has to be
broken down and altered until they become 'disorientated' and ready
for 're-programming.' This will simply be the beginning of a
personality change that can be continued in almost any direction the
psyops torture teams desire.
Just how far this process is taken will depend upon the agreed
action plan and upon the 'classification' of the dissidents themselves.
Often it will depend on just how 'dangerous' the dissidents are
considered to be by those who want them silenced and 'neutralized.'
Whatever, once the latter question has been decided by psyop's their
torture department will, by the extensive use of their combined
knowledge, plus a fully documented personal history of the dissident,
begin to put their plan into action.
When this plan is put into action, it will begin the effective, and
sometimes permanent, personality change in the dissident. This may
well result in a state of mind called 'situational neurosis.' (A neurotic
syndrome produced by a particular environmental situation, usually
one, which caused a great deal of stress, anxiety or other trauma.)
How effective this 'personality change' will be depends entirely
on the intelligence of the dissidents in question, Such as their
knowledge of psychology, psychiatry and so on, plus other factors. It
is difficult to determine in advance exactly how any particular
individual will react to psychological torture and psycho-control.
Whatever, for the process to work satisfactorily a constant feedback of
information is required so that Psyop's can constantly modify the
action as the plan proceeds to its conclusion?
This requires that the 'targeted' dissident be both isolated as an
individual and 'monitored' at will as the action progresses. This
'monitoring' is carefully carried out by the 'inside' team experts.
As reported by Fizgerald and Wright; 'bugging' by both sound
and vision devices is easy for any government intelligence service.
These bugging devices can be installed in wall cavities, television sets
video recorders, telephones and so on and today they may be
monitored from almost anywhere on earth. It is the job of these
electronics experts to make sure that these bugs and video devices are
installed and working properly. Cell phones are excellent bugging
devices and conversations can be heard through them by ‘security
forces’ even when they are turned off. Personal tracking devices now
also include chips in passports, credit cards and driving licenses.
Some of these devices are usually secretly installed inside the
dissident’s home and some others very close to it. Often in a house or
apartment next door, or even a van parked across the street from
where the dissident lives. One of these devices is the military
microwave machine. Frighteningly effective this device is too.
Developed by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and
now used by Psyop's teams throughout the world, this device is used
by psychological torture teams to produce what is known as 'Synthetic
Telepathy.' It is also known as 'Psychic Driving' or 'Voice Synthesis.'
The latter means the remote beaming of audio (voices or other audible
signals) directly into the brain of any selected human target. This
particular weapon was demonstrated at a classified conference on socalled
non-lethal defense, and held at the Kossiakoff Center, Applied
Physics Laboratory, at Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland,
on the 16th and the 17th November 1993. This device was however in
use by government security forces long before then. The Bureau of
State Security (BOSS) used one version of this microwave device
against me in South Africa during the seventies.
This military microwave device has at least two purposes. One, it
can beam sounds or any human voice directly into the human brain so
that the recipient can clearly hear them. And two, the microwave
beams coming from it can also be used to destroy human tissue. As
can be imagined, security services the world over quickly began to use
this microwave device against their dissidents as they can do so with
impunity. Indeed, these devices have been used for many years by
both British and American security forces against their own and
foreign dissident’s. The German and the Australian security forces
(amongst many others) are also known to be widely using them on
their dissidents. Damage from using these military microwave devices
may include:
Mild to severe headaches; disorientation, fear and anxiety, sleep
deprivation; nervousness and irritability; lethargy and fatigue; stress;
nausea; insomnia; eye damage; paralysis; aggression and rage;
paranoia and panic attacks; hysteria; schizophrenia; hallucinations;
memory loss; disordered thought; uncharacteristic emotions;
obsessive behavior; confusion; hopelessness; brain and nervous
system damage; heart attacks; fast-acting cancers and severe
depression leading to name only a few.
When the military microwave device is directed or 'aimed' at the
inside of a dissidents home the dissident is unlikely to become aware
of it until (a) the torture team wants him to become aware of them. By
(Hearing 'voices' in the head) or (b) when the dissidents become ill or
begin to die from the damaging after effects of the microwave 'beams'
being directed at them.
After being 'planted' inside the homes of dissidents, various
bugging devices will be almost impossible to detect, and the average
'target' cannot prevent their use. This means that security forces can -
through the use of ultra miniature motion cameras and other listening
devices, both see and hear their 'target' whenever the dissident is
inside his/or her property. Through this kind of electronic feedback
and co-operation between the various members of the torture team,
the plan of action is almost ready to be put into operation. However,
according to Philip Agee, who was once a top CIA operative, first let
us examine the role of the Psyop's heavies or 'Goon Squads.'
These goon-squad members are by stature insignificant in
comparison to the rest of the torture team. They rarely know more
than a little of what is really happening, (need to know) and they are
not real team 'insiders'. They are however still very essential to the
success of an action being taken against a dissident. Members of
goon-squads need not have any kind of military background nor even
be particularly intelligent. They are used not because they are clever
but because they are gullible fools, who will do anything asked of
them if they are led to believe that their actions are in the interests of
'The State.' These 'goons' can come from anywhere. They may even be
professional criminals'. Indeed, from the writer’s own personal
experience, he knows that some of them are just that. In the United
Kingdom and the United States, they may even be directly 'recruited'
from prisons by Psyops agents.
The task of these goon-squads is to integrate themselves into the
community surrounding the dissident. They then pass on to Psyop's
any information concerning the 'target'. They also use 'smear tactics'
against the dissident to bring about a 'character assassination' that will
eventually result in the dissident’s social isolation. This is only the
beginning of what will lead to the target's total internal or external
exile. In addition to this, these goons will also stalk, harass, provoke
or try to intimidate the dissident in many other ways.
Assessing the plan
Once a particular plan of action has been finalized and is ready to
be put into action nothing is left to chance by the action group.
Governments simply cannot afford to engage themselves in repression
and torture unless they are very sure they will get away with it.
However, as reported by Hollingsworth and Norton-Taylor, "The
intelligence services will do whatever they can get away with."
The writer's own experience in these matters is that when
mistakes are made by the security forces and their goon squads, it is
nearly always due to their over-confidence. These people are often
extremely arrogant and self - assured in manner, as fascist Nazi types
often are. They believe they own the world and everyone in it.
Whatever, these first actions against a dissident are then all that is
required before a full ongoing torture action against him / or her, can
begin. The only other consideration would be whether the full
operational action against the dissident should be set in motion. This
must be given serious thought by those directing the Psyop's team, for
once the 'orders' have been given the dissident has in reality all but
been sentenced to death.
Implementing the action
Once Britain's MI5 torture department has sanctioned a torture
order, a complete action against the dissident begins.
Note: In the United Kingdom no official sanction by a
government minister is necessary for the security services to begin a
torture action against a dissident. The British security services are,
unfortunately, a law unto themselves. In any case, British politicians
in particular are easily deceived by the security services and are
thought to be all but totally ignorant - or pretend to be, of cases
concerning 'security torture actions against dissidents.'
Whatever the case may be, after being sanctioned by MI5 or
Special Branch and their military SAS supporters the action against a
dissident will then be carried out in stages and to a carefully set
pattern. Every detail of the operation will have been well prepared and
nothing will have been overlooked. Whether the dissident lives alone,
or with others, makes little difference at this stage of the operation.
Though, by this time, it is probable that the dissidents who have been
targeted by Psyop's are already living alone. Dissidents are by nature
usually very determined people. They have a strong will power and
are strong psychologically. Their families, however, are not always so,
by the time dissidents have been targeted for total ‘neutralization’ by
Psyops they are usually living alone.
Many writers also tend to live alone because of their work.
However, some dissidents do, of course, live with family, friends or
lovers. Nevertheless, because of the psychological pressures put upon
them by the security forces - and their goon-squads, these
relationships may soon quickly break down as the torture team begins
to repress and torture the dissident. Thus, the breaking up of personal
or family relationships is simply the first part of the Psyop's 'softening
up' process.
The action against the dissident is now developing as follows:
1. The dissident is denigrated, smeared and discredited wherever
2. This will bring about social isolation, ridicule and provocation by
security 'stooges' on a daily basis.
3. This will lead to 'internal exile' the effects of which are well
documented by the Rehabilitation and Research Center for Torture
Victims (RCT) in Denmark.
4. Security forces will inform anyone who may come into contact with
a dissident to denigrate and abuse him in any way possible. They will
also be told to use the term 'communist' and 'subversive' when
referring to the dissident in any way.
5. Security 'goons' will in public use much verbal abuse against the
dissident. They will also try to provoke him in physical confrontations
in attempts to harm or criminalize him.
6. If the dissident has a job his / her employer will be contacted by
security and he will either lose that job or their work will be made
much more difficult. If the dissident is self-employed his / her
customers will be contacted by security and ‘persuaded’ to take their
business elsewhere.
7. The dissidents phone, fax, mail and e-mail, will be 'bugged' and
monitored around the clock. Messages will fail to get through and
their phone line will suffer from many disruptions.
8. The dissident will suffer much abuse from his ‘neighbors’. There
will be many 'noise' problems and 'sleep deprivation' will undoubtedly
become a daily part of the actions being taken against him.
9. The dissident's property will be entered and damaged on a regular
basis whenever the dissident leaves it. His personal property,
documents, electronic devices, etc, will be stolen or damaged. Money
will also be taken and the dissident’s car will be damaged and
10. No matter what locks are installed on a dissident’s apartment, or
house, the security services are always able to get inside. Having done
so, one of the many things they often do is to get into a dissidents
computer and alter or delete any files there. This has happened to me
many times. They also damage computers and other equipment in
various ways.
NOTE: If you are a dissident philosopher / writer / researcher, all
the above repressive techniques, plus many more, might well be used
against you. Possibly your family may also suffer abuses of one kind
or another as the security services and their agents try to drive you
As time progresses, just a few days - or weeks at the most, the
dissident will be under no illusion that the pattern of their life is
rapidly changing. They will quickly notice that the attitude of people
who were once friendly towards them has changed dramatically.
There will be much hostility directed at them, sometimes even from
people they considered their close friends. As a result, the dissident
will, naturally enough, become confused and upset. More so as
nobody will have told the dissident the real reason for this change in
attitude towards him. The dissident will then be left with a constant
anxiety he cannot alleviate. Gradually this in turn will result in
chronic stress. He will be unable to concentrate properly and through
sleep deprivation, proper rest will evade him. His work suffers and he
will begin to get severe headaches and other disorders.
In effect, the dissident's personality has already begun to change
in response to the new environment surrounding them. Soon they will
be totally stressed out as they become upset, more restless and angry
at a situation that is totally beyond their control. This process of
change within the dissidents will now also begin to alter their daily
habits and their personalities to a degree they could never before have
The psyops torture team will note every single detail of these
personality changes and they will be exacerbated wherever possible.
For most people their home is their refuge. When friends, work and so
on, get them down they can return home and relax. Home is where
people unwind from the day's stresses, where their mind can be eased
into a restful state and where they can just be themselves away from
the cares of the world. Home is a refuge where all animals, human or
otherwise, can recuperate in order to face another day. Home is not a
luxury. Home is a necessity for peace of mind, and the recuperation of
the body.
However, in a police state, and during an action against them,
dissidents are totally denied the benefits their homes should allow
them. Indeed, the psyops torture team makes very sure that dissidents
receive no peace of mind whatsoever. For their job is to make sure
that the dissident cannot recover from the actions being taken against
him. They do this by turning the dissident's home into what can only
be called a torture chamber.
Sleep deprivation has long been used as a weapon by the security
forces. Keeping prisoners constantly awake for long periods of time
soon reduces them to a very pitiful state of mind. Continual sleep
deprivation also breaks down the immune system, which may well
lead to all kinds of physical and mental problems. This particular
method of torture is fully used against dissidents inside their homes as
they discover they suddenly have 'new neighbors' - and these really
are the neighbors from hell. For these new neighbors are an essential
part of the torture team, and they will fit neatly into whatever
neighborhood the dissident lives in. The difference being that these
'goons' will become very troublesome indeed, particularly if the
dissident lives in an apartment. Banging doors and loud music being
played throughout the day and night will just be a prelude to the
‘goons’ actions against their target. Other actions against him / or her
will be committed on a daily basis and they will include; stalking,
damage to cars and property, burglary, theft of all kinds, and various
petty assaults against his person. These assaults are attempts to
provoke dissidents into making some kind of physical retaliatory
action against them. These attempts at provoking and criminalizing
the dissident are a common feature during actions against targets.
Any efforts on the part of the dissident to counter these violations
against them and their property will be met with hostility and derision
by those to whom they complain. Indeed, it is the dissident 'targets'
themselves whom will be labeled as the 'real troublemakers.' They
will also be vilified as being 'communists' in attempts to justify the
actions being taken against them.
Trying to 'move away' from home and live somewhere else -
anywhere else in the same country would be pointless. Psyops and
their goon squads would simply follow the dissident wherever he / or
she went. Simply moving house is also no solution to the dissident's
problems, so the dissident will be forced to remain where they are in a
constantly disturbed frame of mind twenty-four hours a day, which of
course is the intention of security. The continuous harassment and
provocation is simply an integral part of the action being taken against
dissidents. Who may then quite naturally develop a paranoid state of
mind. (An acute form of paranoid disorder brought about by an abrupt
shift in occupation or in living conditions.)
Being outside their homes also offers no relief to dissidents. For
again 'goon squads' follow them, stalking them wherever they may go,
constantly trying to provoke them as they also try to incite other
people to do the same. Wherever the dissident goes he / she will be
under constant pressure to defend them self. In so doing, a constant
flow of adrenaline is being pumped into their bloodstream, for the
dissident quite naturally believes that he, or she, may be attacked and
injured at any moment. Adrenaline is nature's way of preparing the
body to defend itself against any possible attack. Adrenaline in small
amounts is the body's own natural stimulant and in small doses it is
quite harmless. However, large amounts of adrenaline induced into the
human system on a daily basis become a poison which can also bring
on severe headaches and other trauma.
Note: The overproduction of Adrenaline, also called Epinephrine,
may also 'turn off' the digestive system, the reproductive system and
indeed lead to a breakdown of the entire human system.
The social isolation of torture victims may also lead to a twofold
increase in probable heart attack. Source: UK Equinox. TV Channel 4
7pm. 15/9/96
The latter is simply one of the reasons why Psyops torture teams
make very sure that dissidents will continually be subjected to all
kinds of vindictive pressures that undoubtedly will introduce very
large amounts of adrenaline into the bloodstream. Indeed, this kind of
'pressure' will be applied against the dissident every single time that
he or she leaves their 'home.'
In addition to this type of harassment, persecution and assault
from MI5 and Special Branch agent’s the targeted dissidents will also
be subjected to the same kind of 'treatment' from local political
stooges, the intention being to increase the already tremendous
pressure on the dissident to either fight or flee. These measures also
act as a 'visible warning' should any other local people be tempted to
dissent in any way.
However, even if the dissidents could physically retaliate in order
to defend themselves against that kind of persecution, neither they, nor
anyone else, could do so every single day without sustaining grievous
bodily injury. It is simply not possible. So again, the dissidents will
find them self in a no win desperate situation. And, of course, the
dissident has nobody to complain to. Should anyone try to describe
the kind of actions that have just been described to the police, they
will, of course deny all responsibility, and simply say that the
dissident is suffering from paranoia or a 'persecution complex'.
Special Branch is the British secret police in any case so any
complaints of torture directed at them are pointless and of no use
Accusations of a dissident suffering from paranoia is, of course,
exactly the kind of condition security would want believed. For
afterward anything that the dissident says has happened to him / or her
would simply be put down to a 'persecution complex.' ‘Security’ can
then change or label that purported condition into anything they want
it to mean, which can then result in British dissidents being railroaded
into mental institutions by their secret police. This happened to
George Farquhar, who then ran the excellent Freedom Network Web
site that widely exposed torture and political corruption in Britain, just
as I had so many years before.
This kind of repression is now happening to many British
dissidents just as it did to many other Russian political dissidents
years ago. During those dark times the British media was quick to
show it’s outrage at what the Soviet Union was doing to its political
dissidents, yet while successive hypocritical British governments have
been doing exactly the same, and worse, to its own dissidents over the
last thirty years at least the media there has remained totally silent on
the subject, or of wide political dissent.
Note: Dissidents in the UK will in any case almost certainly be
accused of having a 'persecution complex or suffering from paranoia
as a part of the actions taken against them by the security services.
Researchers on this particular subject may also have similar charges
leveled against them.
As the action taking place against the dissident moves steadily
along, it is then increased as the process of breaking the dissident
continues unabated until a 'personality disintegration', which means
changing the dissident's thoughts and personality into whatever the
Psyop's department would like them to be, has been accomplished.
Yes, 'Manchurian Candidates' are a reality in Britain.
Security has more than enough time until this eventual
'breakdown' is brought about, for the dissident is by this time 'locked
in.' He or she has been totally isolated. The dissident has no one to
turn to for help, and they have nowhere to go. There is no safe heaven
for him / her, not even inside their own home. Slowly but surely, the
dissident is being worn down as their entire system begins to
disintegrate under all the pressures that have been carefully built up
around them and applied for twenty-four hours a day. Indeed, most
people would already be on the verge of a severe nervous breakdown,
and undoubtedly many of them would breakdown completely. Many
‘targets’ are thought to have been driven into committing ‘suicide’ by
British security forces. Those that had not become broken human
beings would probably be placed in ‘accident’ situations and killed by
‘security’ therefore becoming permanently ‘neutralized’.
(1)Squall Magazine. No 10. 1995.
(2) Benn. Tony. MP. Full basket cases. The Guardian. 17-7-95. P.13.
(3) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983. P.28-29.
(4) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983. P.45.
(5) Fitzgerald. P. Leopold. M. Stranger on the line. The Bodley Head.
London. 1987. P.178.
(6) Wright. P. Spycatcher. Heinemann. Australia. 1987.
(7) Agee. P. Inside The Company. Penguin Books. Middlesex. 1975.
(8) Campbell. D. Agents provocateurs. Article. The Guardian. 8-3-94
(9) Hollingsworth. M Norton-Taylor. R. Blacklist. Current Affairs.
Hogarth Press. London. 1988. P.144.
(10) RTC. Copenhagen. Denmark
(11) Hollingsworth. M. Norton-Taylor. R. Blacklist. Hogarth Press.
London. 1988
(12) Fitzgerald. P. Leopold. M. Stranger on the line. The Bodley Head.
London. 1987. (13) Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The Technology of
Political Control. Pluto Press. London. 1980. P.242.
(14) Group 13-Does the British government have a deniable
assassination squad?
Brainwashing (Psychic Driving)
Developed by the CIA and now used by fascist Psyop's teams
around the world is the psychological torture technique known as
'Psychic Driving' or 'Synthetic Telepathy.'
In the proceeding sections, it has been indicated that a dissident,
close to a nervous breakdown and in fear of his or her life, is already
on the verge of total mental collapse. But worse is to come. The
horrors the dissident has already suffered are added to by security now
using 'Synthetic Telepathy' to directly destroy the dissident's mind.
The military microwave machine brings this about. This device shows
a kind of x-ray picture of the inside of a property and the people
within it. It can also beam sounds towards the dissident's head,
causing him, or her, to 'hear' whatever sounds or 'voices' security
wishes the dissident to hear. However, the prime intent of this
particular operation is to make dissidents believe that the 'voices' they
will begin to hear originate inside their own heads. But they do not.
The voices that are heard belong to highly trained security experts,
who have specifically formulated a 'program' that has been designed
to 'drive' the dissident into total mental submission.
Using the microwave machine these security experts might begin
their first 'Psychic Driving' action against the dissident by describing
the dissidents every physical movement. For instance, if the dissident
has just arrived home and is going to the toilet, he would suddenly
hear the words "He is going to the bathroom" or "He is washing his
hands", and so on, and those words would be clearly heard and
'understood' inside the dissidents mind.
We do of course all hear voices, from people who speak to us,
from the radio or television, etc, but psychic driving is different in that
we can’t see where the sounds are coming from? That is what makes
psychic driving so terrifying to some people. Suddenly 'hearing
voices' inside an apparently empty house or an apartment could be a
shocking experience for anyone at anytime. But for a Psyops target, it
would be far worse. For after already suffering a prolonged period of
persecution by the security forces the sudden 'hearing of voices'
immediately instills within the target the message that they have been
'driven over the edge' and into madness. And indeed, that mental
condition is precisely what security is trying to bring about.
This type of mental 'torture and brainwashing' would continue
non-stop for as long as the dissident remained in that particular
location. Throughout the day and night 're-programming' of the
dissident's mind would continue. Sleep deprivation would be
inevitable, though eventually the dissident would fall into
unconsciousness through sheer exhaustion. It would be during this
period when further and continuous deep 're-programming' would take
However, the main purpose of that very first 'voice' session
would be to enable security to judge the reactions of the dissident
when they found them self 'hearing voices.' There are various
emotional 'catch words' which any person will immediately respond
to, words of praise, for instance, profanity, and so on. By using those
types of 'word trigger’s' the Psyops torture team can gradually fix the
ideal 'hearing level' of any particular dissident target as they react to
those triggers. Once that level is established, any kind of message can
be relayed to the target without anyone else nearby being consciously
aware of what is actually taking place. Psychic driving is the perfect
device for 'brainwashing' dissidents and one that is being increasingly
used by British security and other psyops torture teams around the
world, particularly against writers and researchers who seek to expose
the widespread use of such methods and devices within Britain the
United States and elsewhere. (It is believed that some supermarket
chains are now also using a similar device to entice shoppers to buy
certain goods.)
The workings of the human mind are, even today, far from being
fully understood. There are, however, certain aspects of mind control
that are understood very well indeed. Suggestions of many kinds can
quite easily be introduced into the human mind by various techniques.
Experts in these psychological techniques can produce (under the
right control) almost any psychological result they require,
particularly so if the 'subjects' themselves have little or no
psychological training or experience. Whatever, the development of
microwave technology has advanced to such a degree that 'remote
programming' is now not only in the grasp of most security services it
has become an indispensable aid to them. It allows security to
dominate the minds of almost anyone they wish. Given the
unaccountable control they now have, the security services are able to
use this technology at will.
Britain, however, is only one of the many countries now widely
using these torture techniques against its population.
In the United States between 1950 and 1973, the American CIA
had carried out extensive mind-control experiments at universities,
prisons, and hospitals. A released US government document informs
us that directed-energy weapons currently being deployed in covert
operations by the CIA include a microwave weapon manufactured by
This weapon is used for a process also known as 'Voice
Synthesis' - which again is the remote beaming of audio signals
directly into the brain of any selected human target. This is also
known as V2S – voice to skull.
MKULTRA was the code name for the research and development
of psycho-control weapons. These experiments however, were not the
end of the Central Intelligence Agency's interest in controlling the
population through mind control.
As Walter Bowart states in his book, Operation Mind Control:
"The CIA and the National Security Agency (NSA) had
developed psycho-control to such a degree that no further experiments
were necessary. They had found what they were looking for. After
1973, these American Security Agencies simply used the results of
their research to con the American public into believing whatever they
wanted them to believe. And they still do."
Much of the above research was passed along to other
authoritarian governments including Britain, Germany and Australia.
This technology is being used by all of these governments against
their citizens today.
The microwave devices produced as a result of the above
research and used by Britain's MI5 / MI6, as referred to by Bloch and
Fitzgerald, was also reportedly used against some of the protesting
Greenham Common women in 1984 and 1985, who developed some
very unusual physical effects as a result, such as severe headaches,
earache, nosebleeds, nausea, vertigo, fatigue, severe depression and
confusion. All these symptoms point to microwave poisoning.
An expert view was that anti-personnel microwave devices might
well have been used against the Greenham Common women. A retired
playwright also suffered similar symptoms to these women in 1983.
Indeed there are a huge number of dissidents throughout the world
who are now reporting 'microwave poisoning' as well as hearing
'voices' in the 'head.' They are also showing other symptoms, such as
those documented by Bowart, Krawczyk, and other writer /
Anyone without a very strong personality and a thorough
knowledge of exactly how these techniques work, and how they are
used could soon develop a very severe personality disorder, even more
so, if they are low on psychological intelligence. Anyone being
tortured by such methods could very quickly begin to doubt their own
sanity from that moment onwards.
The only respite any targeted dissident would have is when they
moved away from the building or area where these devices were being
used against them. However, psyops would have anticipated some
kind of recovery when their 'target' did move away from the psychodevice
source, and they would have planned against any improvement
in the dissident's plight by having the dissident stalked and harassed
the moment they left the location where the devices were being used
against them. The dissidents would then simply not have time to try
and begin to rationalize their situation because they would already
have been confronted by another situation specifically designed not to
give them time to think or recover their proper senses.
Inside their 'homes', the targeted dissidents would continue to be
psychologically battered from all sides. Being isolated, alone, and
without proper training in such matters the dissidents would last for
only a short time before they collapsed both mentally and physically.
In short, they would in all probability soon become 'broken human
Through continuous character assassination, gang-stalking,
harassment, verbal abuse, intimidation, provocation, psycho-abuse,
damage to their property and continuous sleep deprivation, the
addition of sustained brainwashing through 'Psychic driving
techniques' might well push the dissident over the edge of reason into
total insanity. However, should the dissident have survived so far, they
must be made to believe that the Psyop's control and observation' of
them is 'absolute.'
For instance, some dissidents travel a great deal, possibly to other
countries as well as their own, and they have to 'be convinced' that the
security services are still 'keeping them under surveillance'. The
following passages detail how MI5 / MI6 instills that belief in their
Interview with British Microwave Warfare expert - Barrie Trower.
Military expert exposes criminal conspiracy by UK and USA to
torture and brainwash populations worldwide. - video
Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalization and Conspiracy”
- video
House of Horrors
911 Experts Speak Out - Video
911, 10 years on - Is the World a Safer Place?
Torture - Reinforcement techniques as used by MI5 / MI6
This technique is called 'the reinforcement effect (PRE). The
generalization that behavior maintained with partial or intermittent
reinforcement has greater resistance to extinction.
This 'psycho-control' is at first brought about by using Psyop's
goons who have previously been used to intimidate the dissidents and
whom dissidents know because of that. These goons will, when being
close to the dissident, use a particular 'hand signal' which will
immediately alert the dissident as to exactly who these goons are
working for. For instance, in Britain, directly or indirectly 'political
fascist stooges and goons' are widely used by MI5 and Special Branch
to persecute dissidents. It follows then that certain 'particular hand
signals' used by known MI5 goons identify them as being 'agents or
stooges' of MI5. Therefore, any such a signal seen by a 'target' will
make the target believe that anyone giving that hand signal does
indeed work for MI5, and that the person giving that signal is 'keeping
him or her under surveillance.'
These 'hand signals' are in fact 'psychological triggers'. The
purpose of them is not only to make a dissident believe security is
'keeping them under surveillance' they also remind the dissident 'by
association and suggestion' of the highly unpleasant events, and / or
experiences of his 'torture sessions.' So, anyone who knows the
particular signal, for any given target, can give that hand signal
anywhere in the world where the dissident might be, and the dissident
will immediately be reminded of what he, or she, is trying to forget,
which is their torture at the hands of the British Security Service MI5.
For it to work properly, however, the 'signal' or 'trigger' must be
one the dissident instantly recognizes, otherwise the person giving it
will simply look like a fool waving their hands about. I say this
because MI5 security stooges often encourage other people to use
these 'hand signals' against dissidents after misinforming them that
these 'hand signals' are not only harmless but are in themselves 'the
only torture' that the dissident has endured in Britain. That is simply
untrue, but it is a lie that unfortunately is believed by many people
inside and out of Britain, who, because of widespread censorship,
know almost nothing of psychological torture or what is happening to
political dissidents today or of the repressive methods being used
against them.
Whatever, these kinds of psychological 'triggers' can be used in
many other ways by MI5 torture teams, some of which could very
easily bring about a heart attack in their victim?
Such methods as I have described in this report have taken place
in the United Kingdom over a great many years and they continue to
be widely used today. The victims of such abuses, including myself,
have failed to bring the perpetrators (MI5 and MI6) to any kind of
justice and British human rights groups totally refuse to act in such
cases. As already stated, Britain's security services are a law unto
themselves so in spite of the growing number of claims of torture that
are cropping up year after year it appears that nothing can be done to
prevent such abuses in Britain. The district I chose for my main
research in the United Kingdom (North Yorkshire) is well known by
the British media. And indeed the media was well aware not only of
my repression and torture there but also of the torture of many other
people, and the media did nothing whatsoever, either to try and
prevent it, nor to expose the people involved.
Much more information on torture in Britain can be found at:
Http:// and on the Internet Web site: along with a long list of British torture
(1)Rosenhead. J. Shallice. T. Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. 'The
Technology of Political Control'. Pluto Press. London. 1980. P.229.
(2) Vitaliev. V. Among the ruins of punitive psychiatry. Article. The
European. 4-3-94. P.16.
(3) Rosenhead. J. Shallice. T. Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The
Technology of Political Control. Pluto Press. London. 1980. P.237.
(4) Rosenhead. J. Shallice. T. Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The
Technology of Political Control. Pluto Press. London. 1980. P.230.
(5) Ristow. W. Taking the hood off British Torture. New Scientist
Magazine. Article. 5-8-76.
(6) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983. P.54.
(7) Rosenhead. J. Shallice. T. Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The
Technology of Political Control. Pluto Press. London. 1980.
(8) Jacobsen. L. Vesti. P. Torture Survivors. RTC. Copenhagen.
Denmark. 1992. P.14.
(9) Wright. P. 'Spycatcher'. Heinemann. Australia. 1987.
(10) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983.
(11) Hollingsworth. M. Norton-Taylor. R. 'Blacklist. Current Affairs,
Hogarth Press. London. 1988.
(12) Hollingsworth. M. Norton-Taylor. R. 'Blacklist. Current Affairs,
Hogarth Press. London. 1988.
(13) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983.
(14) Milne. S. The Enemy Within. MI5, Scargill and The Maxwell
Affair. Verso. London. 1994.
(15) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983.
(16) Campbell. D. Agents Provocateurs. The Guardian. 8-3-94.
(17) Benn. M. Worpole. K. Death in The City. Canary Press. London.
1986. P.34.
(18) Benn. M. Worpole. K. Death in The City. Canary Press. London.
1986. P.34.
(19) BBC 1. News. 12-30pm. On the Record. 9-7-95.
(20) Mills. H. 'Detectives drilled spy holes through lounge wall.' The
Guardian. 25-10-93. P.5.
(21) Fitzgerald. P. Leopold. M. Stranger on The Line. The Bodley
Head. London. 1987.
(22) Fitzgerald. P. Leopold. M. Stranger on The Line. The Bodley
Head. London. 1987.
(23) Rosenhead. J. Shallice. T. Ackroyd. C. Margolis. K. The
Technology of Political Control. Pluto Press. London. 1980. P77-78.
(24) Krawczyk. G. CIA using old tricks again. Nexus Magazine.
Article. Vol 2. N0 22. October 1994. Bowart. W. Operation Mind
Control. Pub: Dell Publishing Co. Inc. (USA) and Fontana / Collins
(UK) 1978.
(25) Bowart. W. Operation Mind Control. Pub: Dell Publishing Co.
Inc. (USA) and Fontana / Collins (UK) 1978.
(26) Krawczyk. G. CIA using old tricks again. Nexus Magazine.
Article. Vol 2. N0 22. October 1994. Bowart. W. Operation Mind
Control. Pub: Dell Publishing Co. Inc. (USA) and Fontana / Collins
(UK) 1978.
(27) Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983. P.34. North. S. 'Field of Nightmares'
Weekend Guardian. Article. 2-2-1991. P.10.
Torture in the United Kingdom
Many people in the United Kingdom still believe that torture is
limited to Third World countries. However, as reported by Ackroyd,
Margolis, Rosenhead and Shallice
"Britain, France and the United States have all carried out torture
in their colonial wars in Aden, Algeria, Vietnam, Salvador, Columbia,
Chile, Guatemala and many other countries elsewhere,"
Nevertheless, Vitaliev informs us that in Australia, Britain used
psychological torture even as far back as the 1850's. (In Port Arthur
against its prison population there.) However, after a hundred
prisoners or more had been driven insane the prison had to close
down, as there was nobody left inside the prison that was sane.
In the early nineteenth century, Ackroyd, Margolis, Rosenhead
and Shallice relate in their book that:
"Prisoners were twenty times more likely to be diagnosed insane
in Britain's Pentonville prison where solitary confinement was used,
than at other prisons where it was not."
Even today, it is claimed by the same authors that 'psychological
control' is being used inside British prisons in order to 'break' socalled
'subverters' and that Britain the USA and Germany have been
devising new methods of psychological torture to use on people
simply suspected of being political dissidents.
Some of these methods are explained by Ristow. Bloch and Fizgerald
also state that: "By 1976 the British Ministry of Defense confirmed
that 1.858 army officers and 262 senior civil servants had been trained
to use psychological torture techniques for internal security purposes."
And furthermore that "Psyop's have acquired the ability to launch
political campaigns in pursuit of military objectives without reference
to the political regime."
Note: If we assume for one moment that these army officers
alone had each been responsible for only one case of torture per year
since 1976 then it is fair to say that at least 35.000 persons in Britain
may have been tortured by them. However, if the civil servants in
question have also used their training to organize torture, (why train
them in such methods if they were not going to use them) and they in
their turn were responsible for only one tortured person each year
since 1976, that would add on another 4.978 victims, which when
added together would make a total of well over 40.000 British torture
victims. The above is still one of Britain's dirtiest secrets. And it will
be revealed for all to see when the people of that country finally do
get an honest government!
Whatever, it is highly unlikely that the British Ministry of
Defense would go to such great expense in training their agents to
torture dissidents without expecting a far higher return than that.
Indeed, the stated officials, whether military or civilian, were senior in
rank and were quite obviously trained as instructors. They would have
been expected to form torture teams and departments of their own
amongst the lower ranks, whose business it would be to actually carry
out these vile actions against the population.
From the writers own experience in various parts of the world,
including the United Kingdom, it is known that torture team
departments may contain anything from five people upwards, half of
them being specialists of one kind or another. Thousands of these
specialist practice their barbarous trade in various locations all over
Britain wherever they are 'needed.' So, it may be assumed that a large
number of 'target dissidents' are attended to every year by each
department. As stated already, due to their ignorance on the subject of
psychological torture, a normal dissident target would be 'taken out' in
a matter of weeks, or a few months at the most. It therefore follows
that the latter suggested figure of 40.000 targets may well be vastly
underestimated. As all these torture teams work on a 'need to know'
basis, the true figure could be twice as high, or indeed ten times as
high. Nobody outside of the security services could be expected to
know. And, of course, many of the dissident 'victims' will be dead. For
torture has never been carried out in any country, without they're
being many fatalities. Death hides the crimes of the 'security forces'
just as it has always done.
As I have stated, the above figures are just an assumption. They
may be wrong. However, would any genuine human rights
organization take that chance? Would they not want to try and check
for themselves? In the light of new British torture victims, appearing
almost on a daily basis one could certainly be forgiven for thinking so.
Genuine human rights researchers are not fools. They know the
history of the security services worldwide. They know just how
powerful those organizations are. They know of their lies and
deceptions. So why do these human rights organizations not act. Have
we learned nothing from the holocausts of the Second World War and
other grave tragedies that have constantly taken place since then?
Don't they know that they too might be the next victims of these
modern day Nazis?
That British Human Rights organizations have done nothing
whatsoever to protest the horrors being committed by MI5, MI6 and
their agents - nor done anything to help the many British torture
victims, is an insult to anyone who ever supported them. Amnesty
International, Liberty and Redress have all been severely criticized for
not daring to confront and expose psychological torture and repression
in the UK - yet their inaction has remained constant for many years
now. So much so, that one can't help but wonder just what is it they do
with the many millions of pounds they collect in donations from the
public each year. They certainly don't use it to protect the British
citizens it came from.
Amnesty International in particular should be ashamed at their
inaction. In 1993 Pierre Sane the secretary-general of Amnesty said:
"Governments are prepared to go to great lengths to cover up their
crimes. They know that a bloodstained human rights record will
damage their international image. So, they set up phony human rights
institutions to cover up crimes. They use sophisticated public relations
techniques, lies behind lies. Governments use death squads and
undercover agents so that they can deny involvement. Everything has
become much more subtle since Amnesty International was founded.
To make people disappear you need sophisticated security
arrangements, and secret departments. Human rights abuses have not
gone away. They have just gone further into the dark."
Is that the answer - are British human rights organizations 'phony'
too. Have they simply become another arm of the government?
Much more research is needed. In view of the past sordid history
of action against dissidents by Britain's secret security services, dare
any human genuine rights organization ignore the situation? In Britain
- quite apparently so. The silence of so-called human rights
organizations in the UK gives cause for great concern. Particularly
since the writers Ackroyd, Margolis, Rosenhead and Shallice report
that the British security services MI5, MI6 and the military SAS, are
(along with their German counterparts) also designing psychological
torture methods to make them appear as being relatively harmless. In
other words, British security is attempting to ‘make torture politically
acceptable as well as making it technically effective.’
The unlawful actions of the Special Air Service (SAS) in aiding
the security services to persecute and torture British political
dissidents over the last thirty years at least are despicable. There is
nothing elite at all about the SAS. We should now simply start calling
them the SS - which is a far more truthful and fitting description of
them, considering their fascist crimes against British and citizens of
other countries. These defenders of British royalty are nothing more
than international terrorists and they should be regarded as such. They
are the worst kinds of criminals who bring shame upon themselves
and the country that breeds and tolerates them.
It is said that the real quality of a soldier is judged by the quality
of his enemy. In Britain and Columbia, where the British SAS
operates extensively, they are faced with little more than poor people
who are simply trying to gain a better life for themselves and their
families by trying to build a fairer society. Yet Colombian
Paramilitaries, with British and American help, have admitted to
murdering at least 150 Thousand of these Colombian political
dissidents, people who are totally defenseless against the
unaccountable ruthless state power exercised by the SAS and the
fascists that control them. The crushing of freedom and democracy is
the hallmark of fascism. Can anyone seriously doubt that British
politicians, who are willingly supporting these vast human rights
crimes abroad are not covering up similar gross atrocities inside
Fully armed SAS soldiers will soon be seen on British streets.
Supposedly to combat 'terrorism', but in reality they will be used
against protesters and other groups who desire real democracy. These
dissident groups are now conveniently being labeled as terrorists by
fascist governments who see their existence as a threat to them – just
as Herr Hitler did back in the thirties.
Quiet Martial Law Coming To UK?
Corporate media silent on Colombian paramilitaries' confession
to more than 30,000 murders
Colombian Paramilitaries Admit to 30 Thousand Murders
What Have We Done?
The writers own personal experiences as a dissident and British
torture victim leaves him in no doubt whatsoever that these
sophisticated torture techniques are also being tested by the security
services in attempts to ensure not only social acceptability but also
social participation. Indeed, a great many people in at least one British
town (Harrogate. North Yorkshire) have fully participated in these
tests for well over twenty years. Can it be just a coincidence that
America’s National Security Agency’s (NSA) huge SIGINT spy base
is also located at Menwith Hill near Harrogate?
Note: At the present time British torture teams are known to be
terrorizing and torturing a large number of political dissidents. We
know of at least 70 people who are being terrorized and tortured in
Britain right now as I write this report. We have all the victim’s names
and full details of the repression being carried out against them. This
is undoubtedly the mere tip of a very large iceberg as more British
victims are constantly coming forward to expose what is and has been
happening to them inside the United Kingdom over many years. There
is undoubtedly a huge number of many more victims who have been
internally exiled and are without access to a computer. Yet the British
media has failed to publish anything about these terrible state crimes.
Indeed, they have fully colluded with governments in suppressing any
information that highlights thir human rights abuses against the
British population.
If you yourself are a victim, or know of one, please contact: now enclosing full details about yourself
and the repression you have suffered in Britain.
"No-one concerned about civil liberties can ignore Menwith Hill.
Despite many attempts to get answers to questions, it is quite clear
that Menwith Hill is not accountable to MPs and therefore not to the
British people"
- Alice Mahon MP.
Public Ignorance
It could be argued that a government’s use of torture would soon
become public knowledge, no matter what precautions had been taken
by the security services of that country. However, this view does not
take into account the vast amount of power held and ruthlessly used
by some governments and their agents.
Many people wrongly believe that any form of torture would
quickly become apparent and that a nation's newspapers and television
stations would expose such a situation to wide public scrutiny at very
short notice. Sadly, however, that is certainly not the case today. It
may once have been, but the kind of insidious censorship now
practiced by many governments prevents much 'real news' from ever
reaching the public at all, as the recent Wiki-leaks have documented.
Indeed, 'the media' has become as corrupted as most governments. It
panders mainly to the trivial; the true investigative reporters of old
have all but vanished from the mainstream media. Honest reporters
and writers quickly find that 'big business' now decides what will be
published or not. Going against 'the system' - particularly in matters of
so-called 'state security', very rarely pays off. Indeed, many editors
were 'allowed' to take up their positions through supporting corruption
in the first place. In the United Kingdom, for instance, newspaper
editors often retire 'with royal honors' for not upsetting the system.
And not, as might be imagined, because they were outstanding
editors. (As the very poor state of many British 'newspapers' readily
No British newspaper editors received a Knighthood after
exposing my 1995 report 'Torture in Britain' to the public gaze. The
same can be said of British television, where hundreds, if not
thousands, of programs have been censored for simply daring to
attempt to tell the truth about all kinds of subjects.
However, should British newspaper editors decide to chance their
luck there is always the covert censorship of the 'D' Notice system and
the notorious 'Official Secrets Act.'
It is thus to be expected that the British media in particular, have
a feeble record on these issues, either through observance of the above
Acts, managerial censorship or reporter/producer self-censorship.
Indeed, the American human rights monitoring group 'Freedom
House', ranked Britain's press as being on a level with that of Gambia.
The late British Prime Minister, Sir Edward Heath, stated in a New
Statesman article that Britain's press; "Has now got the lowest
standards of any press in the world.'
Hugo Young, the late British columnist, also wrote; "The media
and politicians face a crisis of mistrust." He called it; "The kingdom of
systemic lies" and he asked; "For how long will these two interests,
purporting to educate the voters, in fact conspire against them?"
Indeed, as John Pilger's many articles amply prove. In 1991,
Richard Norton-Taylor also informed us through an article in the
Guardian that 500 prominent Britain's, including 90 media
representatives, also in prominent positions, were paid operatives of
the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which again
illuminates the British media as being essentially nothing more than
an extension of 'the state'.
John Swinton, former Chief of Staff, The New York Times,
comments on the American media:
"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in
America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it… The
business of the Journalist is to destroy truth; to lie outright; to pervert;
to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and
his race for his daily bread. You know it, and I know it and what folly
is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals for
rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the
strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and or lives are all
the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."
The very same sad state of affairs also applies to the media in
many other countries. Such enterprises are more often than not
controlled and governed by the very people, who in one way or
another, 'belong' to government. They are therefore hardly likely to
seriously criticize government. (Let alone accuse it of torture and
It stands to reason that any researcher investigating allegations as
serious as torture and murder by government agents can quickly get
into much trouble. And it will quickly become apparent to them that
their lives count for very little when compared to high finance and the
comfort of those in power. Indeed, the callous indifference to
suffering of any kind by some governments can only be described as
Some writers, however, are not willing to ignore the torture and
murder of dissidents. As the deaths of many of these journalists in all
parts of the world has clearly shown. Yet, many of these writers died
in vain because a public, both unaware and ignorant of modern torture
techniques, failed to grasp what was happening to these brave people
or they simply did not want to know. Indeed, the very mention of
psychological torture is frowned on and discouraged by governments
simply because it is used by them as a form of social engineering and
control. That being the case they prefer the knowledge of such
technology and the methods of its use be kept secret from the public.
However, some governments openly use torture to create a
climate of fear in the general population so as to discourage it from
providing support to the victims of it, and also to intimidate potential
political activists. To set torture as the price of dissent is to be assured
that only a small minority of people will dare to do so.
Public intimidation
Sophisticated torture techniques are also quite purposely
designed to intimidate the general population in attempts to prevent
them from supporting any kind of internal political dissent.
As reported by Jacobsen and Vesti in their book: "The purpose of
torture is solely to destroy the individual and then use the broken
person to spread terror throughout the rest of the community."
The message is clear - become "one of us", as suggested by Peter
Wright, and Margaret Thatcher, a former Fascist Prime Minister, or
suffer the consequences. When consideration is given to the
suggestion that extremists within the police Special Branch and MI5,
the prime organizer of torture in the United Kingdom, were illegally
plotting to overthrow a legally elected Prime Minister, as they did
with Harold Wilson, that warning should be taken seriously. MI5 and
the security establishment in general are so extremely right wing,
according to Wright (and other sources), they cannot be seen as
anything other than fascists. So much so that, as was admitted to by a
former intelligence officer in an interview with the Irish Times :"High
officials in British Intelligence, MI5 and MI6, consider their
organizations to be above the law."
In other words, British security can persecute, torture, murder, rig
elections, commit industrial spying on behalf of other fascists or
indeed anything else that they wish to do – and they are accountable
to no one but the Monarchy. They are above the law. Indeed, had the
British public known about the widespread repression and torture in
the UK that has allowed the monarchy to continue – solely through
the 'protection' of a deeply corrupted MI5/MI6 plus a heavily censored
media, the monarchy in Britain would have been overthrown and
abolished many years ago. Heads of state who use repression and
torture to remain in power shouldn't be there, period! They are the
worst kinds of criminals and they should be in prison along with
anyone else who supports their tyranny.
So much for British 'democracy, free speech and accountability'
through the so-called 'elected representatives' of the British people,
who, if they really desire freedom and true democracy, have no other
option but to become political dissidents. As John Pilger recently
suggested in one of his articles, “Stand up and Fight!”
Britain’s Nazi King
Are the security services accountable?
The late British Labour MP Robin Cook said: "It does not matter
very much whether the Security Services are answerable to a Minister
when that Minister is not answerable to the house.”
It gets even worse. It was reported by the researchers Bloch and
Fitzgerald, in a statement given by a former British Intelligence
officer, the man said:
"From an intelligence point of view, politicians can be
manipulated quite easily. Be clear on one point above all else. The
British intelligence world is accountable to nobody - not the Prime
Minister, not Parliament and not the courts. An intelligence
department decides what information politicians should be given, and
they're rarely, if ever, given the full facts."
Now we know why the British intelligence services can get away
with torture, murder, or any other crime that they may wish to inflict
on the population. Indeed, they can do anything they wish to do and
there is nobody but the Crown who can stop them from doing so,
because they are indeed a law unto themselves. So, is it the British
government and our so-called 'representatives' who run Britain, or is it
the hidden elites and their 'security services' ?
The Danger of ‘Corporate Governments’
For whatever reason, some people believe that ‘corporate’
governments are good for a country. They appear to think that if ‘big
business’ and government is the same thing then everyone in the
country will prosper under such an arrangement. The reality of living
under such governments is, however, very different to what these
people imagine. Businesses of all kinds are used mainly to benefit
their owners and investors, not everybody. Big business’s regards
everyone outside of those businesses as being simply employees or
consumers. They aren’t interested in anyone’s welfare other than their
own. They are there to make a profit, the maximum profit for the
owners or shareholders of their business. Which does of course mean
that they will cut overheads to the bone and situate their business in
whatever country allows them to do that to their best advantage?
International corporations couldn’t care less about their country of
origin. They aren’t ‘patriots’ in any sense of the word. They care only
about money and profits, not people, no matter whom, or where they
When governments are mainly comprised of corporate insiders,
they can do almost anything they want to do without hindrance of any
kind. If any corporation desires to close down their business in their
own country and move it to another where wages are far lower then
that is exactly what they will do? They aren’t paternalistic. If that
means putting hundreds, thousands or even millions of people in their
own country out of work they couldn’t care less. Corporations are out
to pay the lowest wages possible. Whether or not the people in Britain
or the United States could live properly on such a low wage means
nothing to the multinationals, yet when their product is made in
another country and then imported back into their own they still
expect their previous employees and other people to buy it. Should
they not do so, they can always give themselves a few perks, like tax
breaks and ‘bail outs’ that compensate themselves for their
incompetence and lack of foresight. In fact, being the government,
corporations can under various pretexts give themselves pretty much
anything that they wish to. They don’t really have to account for
anything, because being a ‘corporate government’ they can simply
‘classify’ and make secret anything that might in any way embarrass
them. Even worse, they can – and indeed do, make the taxpayer
responsible for their ‘business mistakes’ so that taxpayers end up
paying for them, no matter what the cost.
When corporations own government’s they indulge themselves in
all kinds of scams, legal or not. Like huge no-bid multimillion dollar
contracts to huge companies that they have a personal interest in.
They do whatever they like and make laws to suit themselves, then
they have their government bully-boy's, such as the police, armed
forces and their ‘intelligence services’ enforce whatever scam they
have devised, which will make them even more money. Should any of
these scams involve a huge loss of life, as it has in many instances,
they are glossed over by the pretext of it being ‘in the national
interest’ or that old favorite ‘national security’ or indeed anything else
that suits their purpose. To get away with these various scams and
devious deceptions these ‘government insiders’ bond together in
various clubs and associations where behind closed doors they can
organize their future plans uninterrupted by anyone but their own
As Paul Craig Roberts comented in one of his articles:
Increasingly, the rest of the world views America as the single source
of its financial and political woes. While the superpower massacres
Muslims in the Middle East and Central Asia, people in the rest of the
world have learned from WikiLeaks that the U.S. government
manipulates, bribes, threatens, and deceives many other governments
in order to have those governments serve the U.S. government’s
interest at the expense of the interests of their own peoples.
And this is how they consistently get away with it:
The fourth method of news suppression
American Corporatocracy
Oil, armaments and banking used to finance these government
scams have all featured prominently over the years. The huge profits
that are brought in to those involved in these ‘business’ undertakings
are hard to resist. The prices of these commodities can be set at
whatever level those concerned wish them to be. So, any ‘profits’
made can be shared by the insiders involved both in and out of
government. As these businesses are in reality a part of ‘government’
itself, all and any costs of providing them can again simply be passed
along to the taxpayer to pay for. That is why our governments just
love starting wars. Any war, just so long as it needs plenty of
armaments, oil and other commodities to keep it running along
smoothly for as long as possible. Forget about all the lives lost, on any
side of a war, they don’t count so far as corporate governments are
concerned. The dead bodies resulting from wars are simply used for
propaganda purposes in any way that ‘justifies’ the war having been
started in the first place.
When populations ask their government for money to improve
education facilities, build or repair hospitals, bridges, or roads etc,
politicians throw up their hands in despair saying that no money, or
not enough is available, but when it comes to wars hundreds of
billions of pounds and dollars suddenly appear out of thin air as
though by magic - as the money is spent seemingly without end on
armaments, and costly new weapons, without any thought of where it
is all coming from, and who in the end is going to foot the bill,
because the government knows that you are taxpayer, each and every
time. They have you by the throat because they are the ‘government’
and you are going to do anything they tell you to without question or
any choice in the matter, because the government is ‘their business’.
Almost immediately after 9/11 and 7/7 attacks in America and
London, many investigators began to doubt the 'official government
versions' detailing the attacks. Since that time many witnesses and
experts have proved without a doubt that both attacks were in fact
'inside jobs' in that the 'security services' of both countries did at the
very least know that the attacks were going to take place, and that in
all probability they carried out those attacks themselves. The motive
being that these so-called 'terrorist attacks' could be used as a pretext
to totally control their populations and countries turning them into
fascist police states, which they now have. After which under the 'war
on terror' their governments could attack other countries to control or
steal their oil resources. They could also make many billions of
dollars through worldwide arms sales, again under the pretext of the
war on terror.
9/11 Information Center
That people in general actually believe what politicians tell them
is of constant amazement to me. They actually do believe that their
government is going to act in the best interests of everybody. Even
when government ‘leaders’ tell lie after lie almost on a daily basis
most of these people still continue to trust them for some strange
reason. However, when some of them don’t - and then start to inquire
more deeply into what their governments are doing, they soon do
come to doubt much of which government is supposed to be doing -
but obviously isn’t, so they then graduate into being ‘troublesome’ to
their government. A recent example is an accountant in the United
States that discovered a scam in the government’s book keeping. He
found that almost every taxpayer in the country was paying 45% more
tax than they needed to. Other researchers have discovered many
other huge frauds over the years. But on orders from the government,
most of these scams have been quickly covered up by their so-called
‘intelligence agencies’ through using whatever means they found
necessary, which includes the smearing and persecution of whistleblowers,
harassment, stalking, torture and even murder, which is the
whole point of this report. Politics is indeed a very dirty business, and
government dominated by huge corporations, is the dirtiest business
of all. If the government of George W. Bush hasn’t proven that fact to
you, nothing else will.
Where all the money goes: Two sets of books (video).
Systemic Wall Street fraud
Michael Lewis: Wall Street Collapse A Story Of 'Mass Delusion'
A few trillion here, a trillion few there. The bailout, the frauds,and
the war on terror.
The Police State Road Map
Here is a comment by the writer Ed Lewis.
Live in Shame or Freedom - you choose the path. By Ed Lewis
“I as an American patriot am concerned by what appears to be an
extremely short attention span of the American people. The concern is
derived mainly from even the informed seeming to have forgotten
certain events of recent history. The uninformed on with their lives
never knowing the extent of corruption in government even though it
steals from them 50 percent of their earnings annually - but the
informed should not fall into the same abyss.
The FBI made a statement that there was not one shred of
evidence that Al Qaeda was involved in the September 11 attacks on
WTC. But, instead of evidence mounting and being conveyed on to
the American pubic, even some Internet publications speak of Al
Qaeda's involvement but not of the lack of evidence.
The attacks by the US Government in other countries are not
backed by a declaration of war against the countries, or even a Letter
of Reprisal, the only two lawful means of attacking another country.
The world does not say this - the US Constitution does.
Without a declaration of war, there should be no American military in
other countries killing innocent people and being killed.
And, yet, opposition to the US Government and its military and
organizations, such as the CIA, seems to have gone by the wayside.
The military, CIA, NSA, DEA, FBI, and who knows what other black
ops of the US Government, are still operating in other countries as
terrorists. Yes, terrorists since the same actions committed by Middle
Eastern groups - or American citizens against the government - would
be labeled terroristic, with the current warmongering administration
demanding the innocent people in other countries be bombed back to
the Stone Age. This, or course, doesn’t include Israel, which has
become one of worst terrorist states in the world.
war against terrorism is being used to inflict terrorism not only on the
people of other nations but also on the American and British people.
For a while, it seemed that this was going to remain in the forefront.
Anyway, it is no wonder that in the past 5 decades, America has
rapidly devolved into a country paralleling Nazi Germany, Mao's
China and Stalin's Russia. With people who cannot keep in mind the
atrocious acts against liberty by their governments, it is no wonder
that the American people have so few freedoms left.
When the people believe the lies put out by the Bushes,
Ashcrofts, judges, attorneys, Rumsfelds, Zionist leaders, and members
of the many legislators of governments, and then support these
treasonous people and organizations, we should no longer wonder
why court rulings such as the one by the 9th Circuit court are made.
They make them because they know they can. They know that the
majority of American people are a bunch of couch potato’s who will
not go to any trouble whatsoever to re-instate the freedoms of man by
going against government’s intent on removing them.
Damn it all, People, why can you not see what is occurring? Why
do you not take action instead of sitting back on your laurels believing
that the swine in government are protecting freedom and you? Why do
you leave it up to a few people who understand and who are willing to
take action for the good of all to become the targets of governments
completely out of control?"
Today many other governments also use untrue claims of
'communist infiltration - terrorism’ or both to smear their political
opponents and to scare the public into supporting internal repression.
I give details of the above writer simply because the mainstream
American press usually won't. Like the British press, it appears to
have been reduced to printing government handouts and propaganda
rather than allowing the full voice of internal dissent to be heard.
Monarchies and torture
Torture was used against heretics in Europe as far back as the
12th century and it has used by British monarchies against dissidents
and other ‘troublemakers’ ever since. The practice of torture was
supposed to have been outlawed in the 19th century but like many
other ‘human rights laws’ this too was ignored, with torture and other
vile forms of repression being continually used by the British
establishment against anyone who in any way was considered to be a
threat to its royal institutions. This has been well documented by
Simon Schama in his brilliant Internet documentary 'A History of
Britain', and also by Ruxandra Cesereanu in her excellent report 'An
Overview of Political Torture in The Twentieth Century'.
Murdered by The Monarchs
monarchs-13 – video
The vast power held by monarchies and their secret security
services, plus other insidious institutions, allows them to commit vast
crimes against their populations whilst their puppet governments deny
any such activities. The British monarchy in particular is very adept at
denying any such involvement. Their denials are backed up by the
state controlled media, owned by corporations, many of which are
supported by royal ‘investments’ running into the many billions of
British pounds. Indeed, according to researcher Leuren Moret, the
present British queen is the richest woman in the world and worth at
least 35 TRILLION us dollars, yet the British taxpayer still has to
contribute at least 200 million pounds annually to fund the lavish
lifestyle of this despot. As in the United States the British media is
little more than a propaganda outlet that is used to fool the population
into believing they live in a free and democratic country. Views to the
contrary are studiously ignored or covered up by Official Secrets Acts,
as are the pleas of the many thousands of British victims who are
denigrated, constantly abused and tortured by the security services
whose main task is to ensure that the monarchy continues no matter
what the cost. If the bodies of torture victims were all strung out on
the iron railings surrounding Buckingham Palace the naive British
public might finally have their eyes opened as to the true cost of the
The ‘law’ is whatever the government says it is, so ‘going to the
law’ is no option at all for British torture victims. Indeed, the law will
be used against them at every opportunity. Victims will be classified
in any way the security services desire, they may well be treated as
‘terrorists’ and interned in ‘mental hospitals’ where they will be
‘drugged’ with any kind of drug the security services order to be used
by their tame psychologists and other ‘doctors’. Should those
measures fail to bring the dissident ‘into line’ then even more fatal
measures will be used against them.
The modern British police state will stop at nothing to protect its
royal masters. It has by far surpassed anything that even George
Orwell might have dreamed up. It is a total affront to any kind of
decency or humanity. Indeed, it is a blot on the face of the entire
civilized world. Along with the United States I must add, which is
now rated 6th in the worlds electronic police states. (Britain is rated at
being the 5th).
The political parties, which once stood up for human rights and
common decency in Britain, no longer exist. They were infiltrated by
the secret police and taken over by their fascist stooges, one of who
was Tony Blair, according to an ex-MI5 agent. That the British people
fought two world wars against fascism seems to have been entirely
forgotten by them, as has the word itself as British newspapers quite
apparently rarely use it even when referring to brazen fascist acts of
war and terror committed by politicians and the troops under their
command. That the last six puppet British governments have allowed
MI5, MI6 and their secret police to torture and terrorize British
subjects inside and outside their own country is considered to be just
another ‘state secret’ and therefore unmentionable, let alone allowed
to be exposed in Britain’s so-called newspapers, which at best are now
outlets for little more than state propaganda and drivel.
The Murdoch Exposure
According to British journalist, Nick Davies, only 4 members of
parliament out of 630 had the courage to stand up and speak out
against Rupert Murdoch's rotten and corrupt press. So much for the
spineless syncopates who are supposed to be protecting the rights of
the British people. However, now that Murdoch, along with other
despicable journalists and the now slime covered police, have been
exposed for what they are, perhaps more truthful journalists like
Davies will continue the exposure of their corrupted governments and
further expose the outright corruption of Britain's fascist secret police
and MI5, who together are responsible for the mass torture and
murder of political dissidents in their country? If and when that does
happen, as it eventually will at some point in time, the Murdoch
scandal will be completely overshadowed in every aspect and the
ignorant British public will get get the shock of their entire lives!
Press for Truth interviews ex MI5 intelligence officer Annie
Machon – MUST watch video
What Are We Capable Of? Message from Anonymous
see USERNAME: johnfinch PASSWORD:
Fears of something rotten in Scotland Yard
Murdoch. This scandal has exposed the scale of UK elite
(1/5) London 7/7 Bomb Witness - Inside Job PROOF
Is NATO Arming the Libyan 'Rebels'?
Uncle Sam’s and John Bull’s Crimes Dwarf Murdoch’s
The NEW WORLD ORDER in action. What human rights
researchers have known for many years has finally been openly
acknowledged. The United States is now a corporate fascist
dominated police state. In a recent landmark 5-4 decision, the U.S.
Supreme Court's conservative bloc has stated that corporations have
the same right to free speech as individuals, and for that reason the
government cannot stop corporations from using money to put their
favored candidates in office. So bribing politicians through political
lobbying is no longer necessary, corporations can simply buy any
politician they want to quite openly, and afterward have them carry
out any agenda they wish, which means that from now on the owners
of just a few huge corporations – less than 1% of the entire
population, will in effect own the American congress outright,
implementing any law they desire through their bought politicians,
irrespective of what the general public might want or need. That
ordinary citizens, now subjects, having anything to do with how their
country is really managed can finally be dropped, they don't. They
will have no option other that to do whatever they are ordered to do by
bought corporate puppets - or leave the country. Americans in general
appear not to have grasped the above facts. They still line up at voting
booths with the absurd idea that their vote is somehow going to 'make
a difference' when in fact it will make no difference whatsoever as to
what 'their government' is going to do?
Indeed, the pretense of 'democracy' might well soon be dropped
by the removal of elections altogether in Britain and America, for
when all is said and done, of what use are they? We all know that their
elections are rigged in favor of 'special interests' and are today little
more than absurd rituals. Corporate elites have finally achieved their
objectives of total fascist control over the American and British
government so why on earth would they need to keep elections, other
than to maintain a farcical pretense?
These vast corporate interests have private mercenary armies to
protect them whilst they have passed laws, and Official Secrets Acts,
that can criminalize the rest of us at the drop of a hat simply for telling
the truth. Even criticizing their extreme fascist acts against humanity
can result in charges of 'terrorism' being brought against writers or
anyone else who dares to speak out against government tyranny.
Indeed under a bogus claim of 'protecting democracy' anyone who is
opposed to government- sponsored criminal acts can be classified as
being "enemies of the state." Indeed, the truth is that corporate
fascists consider true democracy to be nothing less than communism,
so for them to pretend they are 'defending democracy' is nothing more
than an outright blatant lie.
When and if the North American Union comes into play, the
present situation will get much worse. As with the European Union,
the rights of ordinary people, or what is left of them, could well be
lost forever. In effect the people of Canada, America and Mexico may
become micro chipped slaves with their every movement being
tracked twenty-four hours a day. Since the second world war the
United States, with British help, has overthrown more than fifty
democracies all over the world and replaced them with vicious
dictatorships that have tortured and murdered millions of men, women
and children, and they are still doing so.
Had the American and British populations, amongst many others,
not been lied to, deceived and manipulated by their puppet politicians
and their state media, as they still are, most of the above gross human
rights crimes would not have happened. The above war crimes do not
include at least 1300 Palestinians killed and the many thousands of
severely wounded in Gaza by the criminal Israeli forces. Nor do they
include the 1.366.350 Iraqis slaughtered and the 4 million more who
have fled their country so far during its occupation by the Americans
and their foreign supporters. Indeed, the the fascist governments of the
United States, Great Britain and any country that supports them have
now become a direct threat to true democracy and freedom anywhere
in the world!
PT1 Satellite Terrorism in America - Dr.John Hall
An Overview of Political Torture in the Twentieth Century
Soldiers on Sale... Who’s In Charge of These Hired Killers?
Eva Golinger, winner of the International Award for Journalism
in Mexico (2009), stated in her article 'War on the Horizon in Latin
America' “Latin America has suffered constant aggressions executed
by Washington and London during the past two hundred years.
Strategies and tactics of covert and overt warfare have been applied
against different nations in the region, ranging from coup d’etats,
assassinations, disappearances, torture, brutal dictatorships, atrocities,
political persecution, economic sabotage, psychological operations,
media warfare, biological warfare, subversion, counterinsurgency,
paramilitary infiltration, diplomatic terrorism, blockades, electoral
intervention to military invasions. Regardless of who’s in the White
House or Downing Street – democrat or republican – when it comes to
Latin America, the Empire’s policies remain the same.”
Indeed. The new brave leaders of Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador and
Bolivia – among others, have done more for their populations than
any other so-called leaders ever did, yet they are constantly denigrated
by Britain and the United States who have never stopped trying to
overthrow them.
When you allow The United States or Britain to interfere in the
management of your country real freedom of any kind is quickly
extinguished. Don't simply take my word on this, do your own
research. The evidence of British and American torture and aggression
worldwide is all over the Internet. You won't find it in the mainstream
'newspapers' they are all owned and controlled by corporate fascists
and their security services. The very last thing they want is for you to
read the truth about their vast criminal activities. Nor do they want
you to know that the the United States has always been and still is a
British Crown colony. So all the boasting by Americas about being a
free and independent nation is is pure rubbish. The United States it is
just another corporation that is still controlled by the British Empire.
In trying to expose the vast cover-up of UFO's and the
technology that is associated with the subject, Dr. Stephen M. Greer
has himself often run into a wall of official silence and deception
brought about by the same elite forces mentioned above. He states:
“To be specific, this secret group has usurped power and rights not
legally granted to it. It is extra-constitutional, both in the US and in
the UK and other countries around the world. It is, therefore, a
criminal enterprise and a conspiracy of the first order. Additionally, it
has committed crimes which include assassinations, murder,
kidnapping, theft of technology and so forth.”
The Hidden Empire
Ring of Power
Fighting the Subversion of Our People's Sovereignty
War on the Horizon in Latin America
Why America Should Apologize
Decoding The Language Of Social Control
Friendly Dictators
The danse macabre of US-style democracy
A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
A Brief History of U.S. Interventions: 1945 to the Present
North American Union, RFID, CFR & Amero EXPOSED
We The Corporations? I Don't Think So. Barbra Streisand
Police sabotage North American Union protestors
SPREAD THE WORD this is a must see, about the CFR
This Corruption in Washington is Smothering America's Future
Democracy in America Is a Useful Fiction
America, Inc. Is Here. Get With The Program!
Designed to fail: Systemic flaws in electronic voting machines
Constitution in Flames
American Corporatocracy
Writers and Dirty Tricks
No writer should be misled into thinking that because they are
writing the truth the security services will leave them alone. Indeed, it
is because they are writing the truth that writers and researchers may
be placed in great danger. Writers who simply copy government
'official' press hand-out's are considered by the powerful to be 'good
boys' who don't cause any 'trouble' whereas the rest of us are regarded
as being nothing but trouble. Whatever, some of the aforementioned
'good boys', according to Seumas Milne, may even work for the
security services. Indeed, in his book The Enemy Within, he states
"Three out of four labour correspondents on the British national
press are probable MI5 agents."
Whatever, if the security forces, police Special Branch, MI5, SIS,
SAS, the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the
National Security Agency (NSA), all of whom operate within Britain,
do decide to target the truthful writer and researcher, rarely will they
do so openly. It is not their style. According to the evidence presented
by many of the writers already mentioned, plus my own personal
experience in Britain and elsewhere, 'security' may well use measures
that fall well below the standards expected in any 'form' of democracy,
let alone a true one. And there will be no point in dissidents appealing
to the 'fair play' of the press. British fair play is unfortunately just
another myth as its state press does in almost every respect play along
with whatever 'the establishment' and its security services require of it.
Corporations, the very organizations that have through various means
become our governments, and who are responsible for torture in the
first place, own the mainstream press in Britain and the United States.
The role of the British media has quite apparently become one of
fooling the population into believing whatever the government and its
security services want it to believe. And that media will willingly play
along with any false allegations the security services makes against
dissidents no matter who they are.
Circulating false smears and denigrating political dissidents in
the worst possible way has become an essential part of MI5's actions
against those who dare tell the truth about the British governments
unlawful and disgraceful actions, both at home and abroad. Indeed
there is nothing at all that MI5 will not do to ruin the careers and lives
of anyone who disputes their version of events on almost any subject.
People who find themselves being smeared and denigrated by the
security services are in most cases unable to dispute the allegations
being made against them, no matter how blatantly false those smears
may be.
So once again the public gets only one side of the story, and the
untrue smears against a dissidents character and reputation are often
believed. When Craig Murray, ex-British ambassador insisted on
telling the truth about the British governments involvement in
accepting evidence that was obtained through the worst kinds of
torture, even he was subjected to false smears and character
assassination techniques that ended his long and distinguished career
in the foreign office.
I myself have had all kinds of false allegations made against me
because of my human rights activities and this Torture Report, yet not
one single British newspaper has ever offered me the opportunity to
defend myself against these vile smears, nor have they ever printed
one word about the repression and torture now taking place inside
Britain. Not one! And this situation has now been going on for over
thirty years. When I was finally given the chance to appear on an
American nationwide television network to talk about torture, and the
British involvement in it, just as I began to speak to the interviewer all
seven phone lines in the TV studio were immediately cut off, and the
program had to be canceled! Yet as the interviewer went on with
another 'stand in' program all the studio phones were suddenly
activated again?
Susan Lindauer, ex-us secret agent, found herself in the same
situation as myself when she tried to expose warmongering mass
murderers in the US government, who were deeply involved in the
world trade center bombings on 9/11. The phones in the TV studio,
where she was about to speak out, were also cut off. Ms. Lindauer had
intended to state that mini-nuke devices were used to bring down the
Twin Towers in New York, turning them into dust as they did so.
Information that is fully backed up in her new book. Listen to the
show below for further details.
US secret agent states that mini-nukes brought down twin towers
on 9/11.
Susan Lindauer Imprisoned for One Year Through the Patriot Act.
Author of "Extreme Prejudice" on Rense Radio
Dr. Judy Wood has also claimed that some kind of high-tech
weapon was used as she asked; “Where did the Twin Towers go?” As
she explained in her book, there should have been huge piles of
rubble from the two large buildings, when in fact there was very little
rubble indeed. Only the use of an advanced weapon could account for
all of the missing rubble. A fact that points directly to US government
involvement in the atrocity. Research her Web site below:
Where did the Twin Towers go?
Here is another clever documentary that demonstrates how
images of aircraft were inserted into the newsreels and still images of
the burning Twin Tower buildings before they were shown to the
1/2 Breaking NEW DEVELOPMENTS - 9/11 3D Analysis of the
Twin Towers (Media Manipulation?)
MI5 officer Annie Machon attacks toothless British media
Israel did 9/11 - All the Proof in the World - video
Wikileaks interview - RTTV, 6th December 2010 - video
Talking about totalitarianism at ETH-0, January 2010 - video
The Secret Garden Party, UK 2010 – video 1/2
2010.html -
RTTV interview on the royal wedding and arrest of UK activists –
Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers. MI5 and the David Shayler Affair
- video
Vicious actions against people who dare to expose corruption in
governments are are not unusual at all. People like Tony Blair and
Jack Straw can obviously tell blatant lies on a daily basis and get
away with it, but the moment anyone steps up to refute those lies they
are silenced by all and any means possible. Yet these puppet
politicians dare to tell the British people that they live in a democracy
and have free speech?
The few people who are in a position to bypass government
censorship to a large extent are in show business. The most famous of
them travel all over the world and are capable of being seen and heard
by millions if not billions of people, yet most of of them have in one
way or another been silenced by bribes - either by being given
lucrative business contracts or royal 'honors' that all but guarantee
their support and silence on any subject that may expose the British
police state to the entire world. Perhaps one day many brave singers
and playwrights might again band together in a broad sense and use
their craft to help prevent torture, as they did during their crusade
against apartheid in South Africa. That really would be a great day.
Craig Murray ex-British ambassador on Karimov's Dictatorship
Freedom of thought
Freedom of thought means that an individual can see, read and
question whatever he or she wishes, which may mean that an
individual holds an opposing view to that taken by the government. In
other words, an individual may wish to examine both sides of any
question or issue before making a decision. Without freedom of
thought, an individual can examine one side of the question only.
Which is usually the side favored by government.
The United Kingdom with it's notorious 'Official Secrets Acts'
will not freely allow publication of much information which disputes
it's own 'official' viewpoint.
Freedom of inquiry
Again, there is the problem of censorship. Much information that
would allow a citizen to gain a true insight into exactly what their
government is doing is considered to be 'classified information' which
means that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, for the citizen to
check exactly what the government is doing.
Freedom of expression
Without freedom of expression, (which means access to a free
media, and so on) an individual is not allowed to openly criticize the
government when it mismanages the country, which again means that
the citizen has virtually no control over government.
Put simply, true democracy means that the people who elected
that government, to manage the country on their behalf, control that
government. As true representatives of the people, a government must
be responsive to the will of all the people,
No government owns any country. A government is there simply
in order to manage the country on behalf of the citizens who elected it.
Anything less is a police state.
There is what might be termed 'benevolent' police states.
Probably the best known of those is Singapore. However, that does
not change the fact that such countries are police states, and being so
means that they can, if they so wish, repress the people at any time.
And unfortunately, in almost all cases the dictators of these countries
do indeed suppress their populations.
True democracy will prevent a government from abusing both its
power and its people. A police state may, and usually does, abuse
both. Some governments such as Turkey, Iran, Iraq the United
Kingdom and the United States amongst many others use censorship,
repression and torture not only to prevent true democracy but also to
reduce the citizen's awareness that their country is a police state.
It is believed that most people would automatically know
whether or not their country was a police state. However, that is not an
easy judgment to make when misinformation, disinformation and
censorship are widespread within a country, particularly so when that
country's media also connives in the censorship of citizens. For
instance, only a very few people in Britain appear to realize that they
have a 'secret police'. Yet that is exactly what the police Special
Branch is. And it vastly abuses its powers just as all other secret police
forces do everywhere else.
Almost from birth, entire populations are brought up to believe
that they live in 'free societies.' They are told so by 'the media' and by
their politicians. The feeling of 'being free' then eventually becomes
just another conditioned reflex. No more than another psychological
'trigger' that convinces them that they are free.
People obviously prefer to believe that they live in a free and a
democratic society. Such feelings make them feel both happy and
comfortable within their environment. People are then further
'conditioned' to believe almost anything 'the government' declares to
be 'true' is true.
However, should their politicians grossly mismanage the country
people may then quite rightly begin to disbelieve and question their
government? It is this 'questioning' that really determines what kind of
a government is in power.
Open government?
It is the attitude and the response of government, which informs
the populace as to exactly what kind of country they really live in. For
instance, if a government acts both aggressively and repressively in
response to any criticism of its conduct then any individual can be
forgiven for thinking that the government has something to hide. A
government that is truly 'open' to criticism will be taken as being
constructive and fair. Indeed that government will have a written
constitution that guarantees the full and proper 'rights' of its citizens.
As Harry Cohn, the late film producer, once jokingly remarked:
"A verbal guarantee isn't worth the paper it's written on!"
Unfortunately, that is exactly what the United Kingdom's version
of their so-called 'open government' is worth. Nothing. Indeed, some
open police states have more real freedom than does the population of
Whatever, the real problem with any government is finding out
whom its politicians are working for? The general view may, of
course, be that they are working for themselves. In spite of what they
may have promised the electorate before they were elected. (If they
are an elected government?) But the crucial question is - taking the
poor voter for granted, whom are the politicians really representing?
Big Business
It has been suggested before, but more recently, Kidron and
Segal have also documented the fact that big business and government
are in all reality 'one and the same thing.' If that is true, then who shall
the politicians represent first, the people or big business? Meaning the
multinational corporations.
Many countries in the world are so poor that any large
multinational company who chooses to 'invest' there is richer than that
country's government. It being so means that the multinational usually
pretty well gets much of what it asks for, including the significant cooperation
of the said government. That will usually mean, for the
locally hired workers, no unions, no strikes, long working days, no
representation of any kind and very low wages. The company,
however, will in most cases, get free or very cheap land to build on,
plus some terrific tax concessions. The negotiations that bring this
about are usually conducted at the highest government level.
The question then, of who will be best represented by a politician
working for that government, the company or the local worker, is an
important one.
"Standing up for trade union rights remains a very dangerous
occupation", said the Brussels based International Confederation of
Free Trade Unions. Indeed, an international survey on the
victimization (5) repression and torture of workers representatives
throughout the world has recorded that there were at least 92 murders
and over 2.300 arrests of those representatives in at least 90 countries
in 1993 alone (6). The first Annual Survey of Violations of Trade
Union Rights to be published by the year-old International Trade
Union Confederation documents enormous challenges to workers'
rights around the world. The 2007 edition of the survey, covering 138
countries, shows an alarming rise in the number of people killed as a
result of their trade union activities, from 115 in 2005 to 144 in 2006.
Many more trade unionists around the world were abducted or
"disappeared." In Columbia during 2007 at least 72 leaders of labor
unions were murdered bringing the total amount of killings since 1991
up to 2300. Indeed, Colombian paramilitary forces have recently
admitted to 150.000 murders of political dissidents in their country.
Of course, it comes as no surprise to human rights researchers
that the main supporters of the Colombian terror regime are the
United States and Britain.
Whatever, the writer has not been able to find a single instance of
such 'mistreatment' towards anyone representing big business
corporations. Government security forces quite obviously place these
people in an entirely different category.
In its struggle to gain full union rights for its members at Britain's
GCHQ (Rights removed by a so-called 'conservative' government
headed by Margaret Thatcher) the International Labor Organization
(ILO) has threatened to name Britain under a procedure normally
reserved for military dictatorships.
Many previous and current politicians in the United States,
Japan, Germany and Britain did - and still do, work for the largest
multinational companies in the world. The salaries of these politicians
may only be a tiny fraction of what they might earn privately in
business. So the question has to be asked, why do they do it?
They could of course be interested in representing the millions of
poor people, or it could be to ensure that the multinational companies
remain a powerful world force, which afterward reward those
politicians for their co-operation?
One company belonging to an organization called 'The Bohemian
Club' had business contracts worth over 13 billion dollars in one year
alone. Poor farm workers struggling to better their working conditions
can hardly compete with such vast resources as those.
The groups of people who call themselves 'The Bohemian Club'
represent very powerful business interests indeed. This 'club' is
comprised of some of the most powerful people in the entire world.
Some of its members are ex-Presidents of the United States. Others
are members of Congress and the Central Intelligence Agency. Many
other prominent members come from huge multinational corporations.
These people, in many respects, almost run the entire world. They
control at least 42% of world trade. Indeed, a survey conducted in
1992 showed that 76% of the US voting public believed that just a
few big business interests ran their government. A recent US Gallup
Poll went so far as to say that 27% of the American population would
even be prepared to take up arms against their own government (in
defense of true democracy) if it became necessary.
Krawczyk believes that the opening moves of such a revolution
may already have been played. He asks: "Is the American national
security establishment already at war with its own citizens (and those
of other civilized nations) in order to coerce them to accept the
formerly unacceptable by means of 'the manipulation of images,
beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions that is psychological warfare?"
There seems to be little doubt amongst researchers that the
answer is yes.
So, it does appear that 'big business' and government in some
countries is indeed the same thing. Is that, however, a bad thing?
Many politicians throughout the world may say that what is good
for business must be good for the country. But how that works out in
practice does depend on how any particular business is conducted
since there are both good and bad business organizations.
If a business is well run, its staff taken care of in regard to good
wages and benefits and so on then it could be admitted that it can only
be good for the country. If however, a business is harming people who
staff it, (e.g., with toxic chemicals, bad products, unsatisfactory
working conditions, poor wages and so forth) then perhaps it does not
benefit that country. If a business is well run and properly managed, it
may benefit everybody. If however, a business organization exploits
both bad government and the people then standards inevitably fall in
every direction, which means that business is then good only for those
who control it.
In trying to understand why governments use repression and
torture, we must look at who gains from such abuse. It certainly does
not appear to be the population in general. The ordinary people as
such gain nothing, and indeed lose almost everything worth having
when their human and civil rights are overridden.
Authoritarian governments who impose strict censorship and
deny their people the very basic right of free speech - to say the very
least, would find it difficult to claim that doing so is in anyone's
interest other than their own self-interest. How then can any such
government really claim to be representing the people when its
repression of the people is so obvious?
Note: In his book 'Operation Mind Control', Bowart states that:
'The cryptocracy (secret government) serves big business and
supplies corporations with industrial intelligence. Such things as
political campaign contributions may repay these favors to candidates
sympathetic to the cryptocracy. Both foreign and domestic politicians
have been supported with these 'contributions'.
The Association of National Security Alumni is an organization
mainly composed of former US security employees who openly
oppose the use of covert operations against US citizens who resist
corporate control.
They state that such actions are both counterproductive and
damaging to the national interests of the United States. In 1992, a subgroup
named as The Electronic Surveillance Project also published a
report detailing Harassment and Mind-Control Experimentation. This
report detailed how the US government had used behavior modifying
direct-energy technologies on its own citizens. By 1993, this
association had been contacted by over 200 people (the tip of another
iceberg?), all of who alleged that they had been the victims of
government harassment and mind-control experimentation. A
supplement to this report also published in 1993 stated that "While the
majority of these experiments reside in the United States, a number of
virtually identical complaints have also been received from England,
Germany, Canada, Australia and many other countries.
Multinational corporations, particularly those involved in the
development of directed-energy and surveillance technologies are also
believed to be installing these devices in public establishments,
educational centers and on the streets and highways. Much of this
technology has already been installed in the United Kingdom. At least
five million surveillance devices are known to be monitoring the
British public. That figure does not include the many thousands of
covert devices planted in businesses, pubs, hotels and even private
homes by the British security services.
Microwave Warfare - Barrie Trower. British military expert exposes criminal
conspiracy by UK and USA to torture and brainwash populations worldwide. -
(1)Bloch. J. Fitzgerald. P. British Intelligence and Covert Action.
Junction Books. London. 1983. P.54.
(2) Bowart. W. Operation Mind Control. Pub: Dell Publishing Co. Inc.
(USA) and Fontana / Collins (UK) 1978.
(3) Pilger. J. Natural born partners. New Statesman & Society. 10-3-
95. P. 26.
(4) Kidron. M. Segal. R. Business, Money & Power. Pan Books
London. 1987.
(5) Hollingsworth. M. Norton-Taylor. R. Blacklist. The Hogarth Press.
London. 1988. P.150.
(6) Carvel. J. Survey reports 92 trade unionists murdered, 2.300
arrested last year. Article. The Guardian. P.12. 25-5-94.
(7) Taylor. R. N. Deal to relax ban on GCHQ unions. The Guardian.
13-6-95. P.6
(8) Kidron. M. Segal. R. Business, Money & Power. Pan Books
London. 1987.
(9) Nexus Magazine. Vol 2. No 26. 1995. P.9.
(10) Krawczyk . G. Big Brothers Recipe for 'Revolution in Military
Affairs". Nexus Magazine. 1995. Vol 2. P.26 - 31.
(11) Lloyd. T. The Guardian. 23-6-95. P.14.
(12) Vidal. J. 'Nigerian troops killed and tortured tribe which opposed
Shell operation.' Article. The Guardian. 14-1-95. P. 10.
(13) Bowart. W. Operation Mind Control. Pub: Dell Publishing Co.
Inc. (USA) and Fontana / Collins (UK) 1978. P.146.
(14) Krawczyk . G. Big Brothers Recipe for 'Revolution in Military
Affairs". Nexus Magazine. 1995. Vol 2. P. 31.
British Human Rights Organizations
Torture victims within the United Kingdom will continue to find
themselves in a very perilous state indeed. Contrary to popular belief
there is quite apparently no British human rights organization to
which they can turn for help.
All the British human rights and civil liberties organizations that
I have contacted over many years have been found lacking, if not
completely worthless, so far as British victims of torture are
concerned. As have direct group complaints and personal appeals to
the United Nations by many thousands of victims worldwide.
Amnesty international & Press Self Censorship
British human rights organizations all have long lists of eminent
sponsors. The literature they send out in response to inquiries
invariably gives the impression that they will attempt to deal with any
form of repression. But that does not apparently include the United
Kingdom itself. Their presence in Britain appears to be solely to
collect public donations and promote the myth of a torture free
Britain. It is open to question whether the sponsors of these so-called
human rights organizations are aware of their limitations and failure to
protect British citizens. Whatever, the shortcomings of these
organizations to carry out their obligations within Britain soon
become glaringly obvious to anyone who cares to research them.
Considering that these organizations receive many millions of
pounds annually in donations from British subjects they should be the
first to be protected from an abusive government. Charity, after all,
should begin at home. However, my own research into British human
rights organizations leads me to an entirely different conclusion from
what might be expected. In response to the many allegations of torture
within the UK mainland, not one of the above organizations offered
any kind of direct help whatsoever. Indeed, British organizations
seemingly refuse even to openly acknowledge allegations of torture
within the UK mainland, in spite of the fact that many such
allegations have already been accepted by foreign human rights
organizations, even though they have done little to expose or prevent
To repeat what Pierre Sane, the secretary-general of Amnesty
International, said in 1993: "Governments are prepared to go to great
lengths to cover up their crimes. They know that a bloodstained
human rights record will damage their international image. So, they
set up phony human rights institutions to cover up crimes. They use
sophisticated public relations techniques, lies behind lies.
Governments use death squads and undercover agents so that they can
deny involvement. Everything has become much more subtle since
Amnesty International was founded. To make people disappear you
need sophisticated security arrangements, and secret departments.
Human rights abuses have not gone away. They have just gone further
into the dark."
Brave and true words. In Britain it has become so dark people
simply cannot see what is happening there. In Northern Ireland
Amnesty International did report cases of torture carried out by British
security forces. These cases are now well documented. But on torture
today within the British mainland, Amnesty remains strangely silent.
There it seems that Amnesty has already forgotten the words of Pierre
Sane, let alone having learned anything from them.
I suggest that that the totally inept people now running the British
section of Amnesty International should read the above again - then
expose the deplorable situation prevalent in Britain. Otherwise they
will not only become totally discredited in the UK they will also fall
under the category of being called phony throughout the rest of the
world. If you are a supporter of Amnesty then think again – you may
not be supporting what you may think you are?
Whatever, Amnesty is not alone in its neglect of psychological
torture victims within Britain and elsewhere. Almost all so-called
'human rights' organizations appear to know little, if anything at all –
or pretend to, about the hi-tech psychological torture techniques as
practiced on British subjects by MI-5 and the police Special Branch.
However, when such insidious torture techniques are used by
foreign dictators against their own people it is quite apparently a very
different matter altogether. British 'human rights' organizations simply
can't wait to utter their hypocritical cry's of outrage as they rush to
inform the public and the media of such terrible acts before beginning
vast advertising campaigns calling for yet more donations to stop
torture and prevent future abuses. But not against British victims, only
silence ensues when torture is exposed within Britain itself. Even
when exposed by British writers and researchers who have them
selves been subjected to such cruel methods of repression within
Britain. As some have already stated on television.
Roderick Russell gives an excellent and chilling account of his,
and his family's, persecution and torture in Canada and the United
Kingdom by MI5/MI6 and the Canadian secret service (CSIS) through
a process called Zerzetsen.
He says, quote: 'Zerzetsen is not the bloodier old fashioned
medieval type of torture that leaves marks, but a more modern
“Orwellian 1984” form of torture that was developed by the former
East German secret police "The STASI" to persecute dissidents.
Zerzetsen is a very sophisticated torture technique and is sometimes
called no touch torture since it causes “severe and prolonged
suffering” to its victims without leaving physical marks. It combines
character assassination and defamation, with criminal threats and
intimidation – both different sides of the same Zerzetsen coin.'
The above methods of repression are exactly the same as that
suffered by thousands of British, American and torture victims in
other countries. They appear to have been standardized by security
forces worldwide and they bring on the self-same effects that MI5/6
& CSIS try to induce in all their victims wherever they live, which is
‘prolonged and severe suffering at the very least'. As many of us have
already found out ourselves, when these crimes were reported to the
authorities by Mr. Russell, they were covered-up at the highest levels
of government in Canada and the UK. Simply because politicians are
scared of their own intelligence services - along with the press and
their human rights organizations.
I urge you to read Mr. Russell's account of torture at:
False Flag Operations
(A false flag operation is simply an action in which the
perpetrator intends for the blame to be placed on a different party.
False flag terrorism - terror by states, organizations, and agencies
which is meant to be pinned on others in order to influence policy,
public opinion, or military aggression. Governments attacking people
and then blaming others in order to create animosity towards those
blamed – has been used throughout history.)
False Flag Operations have directly resulted in the repression,
torture and death of tens of millions of people all over the world. They
have become an essential part of the New World Order. To fully
implement that Order the United States and Britain are devising one
False Flag Operation after another. As each one of these home grown
terrorist acts are committed, their Security Services have demanded,
and received, all but unlimited power over their respective populations
under the pretext of The War On Terror. These secret agencies have in
fact become more powerful than governments and are a law unto
themselves. They have and use their power to prevent or severely
hinder criticism of themselves, corporations, and government by the
media, human rights organizations and individuals. They answer only
to vast corporations whose power over governments both at home and
abroad has become absolute.
Libya, Propaganda and Imperialism
Power of Nightmares. Best 22 minutes of the revealing BBC
documentary 'Power of Nightmares'
A State Crime Against Democracy - video
The Death Penalty for Murderous 'Corporate Persons'
Six Banks Control 60% of Gross National Product
In addition to their vast human rights abuses worldwide, huge
corporations have completely taken over many domestic markets and
are fostering bad and unsafe products on populations that are totally
unaware of what they are consuming. Only a very few corporations
also control the media so the public is largely uninformed about what
they are consuming. Many products that are highly profitable to those
corporations, but highly detrimental to the public, continue to be sold
and used, due solely to the immense resources that their security
services can bring to bear on any company or person who offers
better, and safer, products than those offered by many huge
corporations. False Flag Operations brought about by the U.S.A and
Britain have led to endless foreign wars and the repression of their
own people. The U.S. currently boasts the highest rate of incarceration
of any country at any time in history - a full 25 percent of the world’s
prison population, which is being used as cheap labor to manufacture
all kinds of products. This has brought the U.S. into total disrepute
Multinational Corporations now have the power to prohibit fair
competition and indeed secretize or criminalize any competitive
products that might in any way interfere with their own products and
profits. A whole range of items including cars, food, fuel, medicines,
housing plus many more products could all be made better, cheaper,
cleaner, safer and more friendly to the environment than those on sale
and in use today. That better products aren't being made amounts to
nothing less than a crime against humanity. Populations the world
over could all benefit from what could be made available to them in a
truly free market, but they aren't because powerful corporations who
care for nothing other than their own selfish greed and personal
prosperity keep these new products from being produced.
The Oklahoma City Bombing, the World Trade Center bombings,
the Korean War, the Vietnam War, First Gulf War, the Grenada
Invasion, World War 2, Panama Invasion, the Desert Storm, Iraq War,
the Afghanistan Invasion, the London Bombings, the War on Drugs
and finally the so-called War on Terror have been carefully dissected
by the best investigators available. They believe that all these actions
were False Flag Operations brought about by government Security
Services and afterward used as excuses to promote previous 'wars' and
now the 'War on Terror' which allows them to take over over foreign
countries, their resources and industries. These operations allow US
and British manufactures to sell vast amounts of arms and other
products while giving themselves unlimited power over entire
populations; just as the phony War on Communism provided those
same security organizations with an excuse to torture, disable and
murder millions of people who refused to believe any of the lies and
deceptions that were put out and featured daily on 'state' radio and
television services that were and still are firmly in the control of
American and British security services. The elite and their corrupt
bankers have made untold billions out of these phony wars, while
their pliant puppet politicians have often made millions in kickbacks.
As usual Joe public pays for it all under the pretext of 'saving
democracy' .
These vicious and unscrupulous practices have brought us
nothing but tyrannical puppet politicians, mass unemployment,
homelessness, sickness and wholesale repression on a scale never seen
before. And it is getting worse by the day. Our future, if there is one,
grows dimmer and dimmer. Our children have nothing to look
forward to but more and more of what we are all facing and suffering
under today.
False Flag Operations
The full movie: "Murder in the Heartland"
The Rothschild Documentary A Crime Syndicate
The Hemp Revolution
Drawing Back the Veil on the 'Death State'
Suppressed Technologies
Suppression of Energy Technologies
Suppressed Inventions
The Cancer Therapy
Run From The Cure: English and Spanish versions at:
Modern political tyrants are prime examples of fascism at its
worst. They use radio, television, newspapers and a multitude of
professional liars to fool and manipulate their populations into
believing their deceptions, after which tyranny and terror inevitably
becomes a part of their misrule. Even today in the year 2011 the
slaughter of millions of innocents around the world continue to
mount. These fascist degenerates are are in no way different from
other dictators and mass murderers who have risen throughout history
to terrify populations into supporting their evil aspirations and desires.
They are just cleverer at covering up their crimes. They do so by
forming so-called 'governments' with the political factions simply
being different sides of the same coin. This they dare call
'democracy', which is then used as a further excuse to justify their
terror and repression against anyone who dares to appose them, while
they continue to secretly plot the annihilation of many millions of
more innocent victims well into the foreseeable future.
What political parties call themselves today is meaningless.
Names like Democrat, Republican, Labor or Conservative are just
that, names and nothing more. These governments are all fascist and
their party names are simply used to fool people into believing that
support of them will bring about the political change ordinary people
desire. In reality nothing could be further from the truth. Political
parties today are are in fact all owned by the ruling elites and they are
simply used as a device to bring about whatever political change is
good for themselves alone. They couldn't care less about the general
public as such, their welfare always comes secondary to whatever the
elites and their puppet governments require.
Real democracy, as against so-called 'forms' or 'versions' of
democracy is in all probability practiced by only a handful of nations
throughout the entire world. The writer can think of no true
democracy at all in the East, whilst in the West most countries
continue to use what are termed 'forms' or 'versions' of democracy. As
stated earlier in the report a 'form of democracy' is no more than a
charade. It allows people to believe that they are free whilst it offers
none of the real freedoms that are essential for the true growth of
human potential.
Under 'forms of democracy', it is necessary to fit into 'the
establishment', which may or not be good, but which will restrict ideas
that do not fit 'the established order' of the time. The 'establishment'
within any country tends to allow only those ideas and developments
that fit into the narrow viewpoint established by the few, whilst the
many are used as fodder to feed it. Elections under the present corrupt
political systems in the USA and the UK simply replace rotten
politicians with more of the same. As Emma Goldman said: "If voting
changed anything, they'd make it illegal" Indeed, and as another
renowned writer wrote recently, "The British and American
populations have been lied to, deceived and manipulated for so long
their collective wisdom resembles that of a chicken!" This enforced
ignorance all but guarantees that people in general can be led into
believing almost anything politicians want them to believe, no matter
how stupid or ridiculous their political lies are.
The establishments, which may mean powerful business interests
or 'ruling families', whether royal or otherwise, have rarely benefited
mankind as a whole. However, populations worldwide are
manipulated into believing that these 'institutions' are essential and are
for the good of all. That is simply not true. Usually they are good only
for those who control them. These institutions are often little more
than parasites that feed off the fruits of others whilst giving nothing of
real value in return.
The 'secret control' that allows 'democratic' government to be
subverted by the 'third force' of international business conglomerates
should also be recognized for the evil it is. Indeed, all citizens should
freely decide the true direction of government policy. It should not be
directed by some anonymous elitist 'business club' or 'security service'
simply because it may be a profitable venture for their interests alone.
As does appear to be the case in most instances.
Present day politicians are rarely much more than disinformation
managers. They represent the wishes of their elite masters and little
else. Their daily lies are repeated by 'state newspapers' that purport to
uphold the 'truth and honesty' when in fact they do neither.
The fascist police states of Britain and the United States with
their phony democracies allow no real opposition to their regimes.
Both countries have notorious 'Official Secrets Acts' that are used to
maintain a firm control over their populations and the media, ensuring
that a strong overwhelming bias in favor of a small powerful elite
remains in force. Over the last fifteen years over 80% of investigative
reporters have been fired. Other writers who insist on reporting the
truth soon find themselves out of a job and unable to find another. But
that may be the least of their worries. Indeed, as Alex Jones recently
revealed on his TV show, dissident writers in Britain and the USA
might soon all be labeled 'terrorists' whereby they can be arrested,
tortured, and quite possibly murdered. Anyone who may doubt this
possibility should remember that the above sinister forces have
already been using these repressive techniques against dissident
writers in many other countries for well over 40 years. During the Iraq
war alone over 90 honest reporters have been killed simply for trying
to report the truth. Brazen liars, war criminals and political gangsters
like George W. Bush and Tony Blair are paid millions for writing
rubbish, while many novelists and other writers must often flee for
their lives from one country to another seeking refuge from
persecution and worse if their work comes even close to revealing the
real truth of our times, which will expose the vast human and civil
rights crimes of America and Britain, inevitably turning them into
common knowledge.
Monarch: The New Phoenix Program
Sending tens of thousands of young people abroad to fight
endless wars under the pretext of defending 'freedom and democracy'
no longer works when they face censorship and widespread repression
at home. Trying to convince an informed public to give up their lives,
when they know they have been totally manipulated and deceived by
their politicians, becomes much more difficult when official
censorship gets worse by the week and government lies become more
blatant than ever before. Its hard to be patriotic when faced with
wholesale political corruption and a paramilitary police force who
club political protesters to the ground without a second thought.
The deeply corrupted unaccountable criminal elements of the
'secret governments' that are embedded within the political structures
of Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia, Israel and many other
countries, are undoubtedly a part of a huge worldwide criminal
organization with drugs being a large part of it. This has been well
documented by ex-security agents from these countries, just two of
them being James Casbolt and Gene 'Chip' Tatum (Tatum was
apparently tortured and murdered in 2007 for exposing his part in
drug running for the CIA). The so-called 'War on Drugs' is in fact no
more than a war on 'the competition' which has itself become just as
ruthless, and almost as wealthy as the government-sponsored drug
barons overseen by their numerous Security Services. The thought of
ordinary criminals taking a share of the multi-billion dollar drug
rackets (Worth at least $ every year) is hard for
governments to take. As usual they want it all kept in the family. This
farcical 'war on drugs' could be ended tomorrow by simply legalizing
or decriminalizing drug use as Portugal did in 2001. However, these
drug wars supports a huge and highly profitable American prison
complex plus many other 'security' industries which have allowed the
United States and its allies to use monstrous surveillance techniques
and criminalize millions of people through their possession of a
product most medical doctors consider to be far less harmless than
tobacco or alcohol. This descent by governments into tyranny and the
repression of their populations has become glaringly obvious with
their wholesale removal of human and civil rights. This criminality
has continued unabated by the absence of almost any political honesty
by politicians or an outright uprising by a public that has now been
rendered all but voiceless through censorship and the passing of
hundreds of unjust laws designed to render people both helpless and
The weird war on weed And why it's time to end it
Immigrants For Sale - Video
Catherine Austin Fitts exposes the "tapeworm economy" – Must
see video!
Interview with Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum
The Pegasus File
James Casbolt Project Mannequin Interview
American Drug War: The Last White Hope
For whatever reasons, almost all modern governments tell blatant
untruths about what they may have done in the past, what they are
doing today and what they intend doing in the future. What politicians
say they are doing – and what they really are doing – are two very
different things. Their untruths are often covered-up by political
claims of them being in the 'National Interest', in the 'Public Interest' -
or that old standby 'National Security'. But in many cases, all this
really means is 'Self-Interests'. That self-interest may be a deep
involvement with the multinationals, the gaining of more power or the
simple maintenance of the 'status quo'. Whatever, there seems little
doubt that the interests of the public at large takes a very poor second
place, if indeed it is considered at all?
The populations of many countries can quite apparently be easily
manipulated and fooled into supporting governments who torture and
murder millions to stay in power. Are these people so stupid and blind
as to really believe that such atrocities can never happen to themselves
or their own families?
As for the so-called 'intelligence communities' there is no doubt
as to who they are really working for. As Walter Bowart states:
“It is the cryptocracy, or secret shadow governments, over which
the populations of both the United States and the United Kingdom
have no control whatsoever. Indeed, these secret 'governments' and
'their security services' can only be viewed as a grave threat to true
democracy in any country.”
Having already been partners in crime and in lockstep politically
for many years, the United Kingdom and the United States have
finally joined hands in trying to create their own Forth Reich. Unless
people finally wake up to the deceptions being played upon them by
these two insidious police states, and band together in firm opposition
to them, they may well succeed. Inevitably this will mean that real
freedom of any kind for people living in these countries will soon
become no more than a distant memory, if it hasn't already?
The 'security services' of many countries secure not the public as
such but big business and their serving puppets in 'their governments.'
British security MI5 projects itself as an organization that 'protects' the
entire population. It does not. It is a ruthless state-sponsored terrorist
organization that protects only the 'royal establishment' and its vested
interests thereby maintaining the Monarchy and other so-called elites,
which in Britain means about one percent of the entire population at
most? The British public at large is not protected by the security
service, it is repressed, tortured, and whenever desired, murdered by
it. More so now then ever before as the sham that passes for
democracy in Britain is now being exposed worldwide for all to see.
Indeed, recent polls strongly suggest that 65% of British and German
people are close to open rebellion with France and Spain being close
behind with 60% of their populations ready to take to the streets. 53%
of people surveyed in Italy and the United States are already in
rebellion against their puppet governments. Indeed the recent riots
that have taken place, and are still in progress throughout many
countries, will undoubtedly get worse. Maybe very much worse unless
their governments are drastically reformed?
Riots, Rebellion and Revolution
UK Intelligence Forces and Microwave Mind Control
RUXANDRA CESEREANU / An Overview of Political Torture in
the Twentieth Century
Secret Societies(1-5) Conspiracy Theory w/ Jesse Ventura-
Freedom and democracy are words much abused the world over.
Surely now is the time to use those words in their proper perspective
and make real freedom true democracy available to all. Perhaps the
reason for wide political dissent might then be removed.
In one of their documents, the civil rights group CHARTER 88
stated: "We have had less freedom than we believed. That which we
have enjoyed has been too dependent on the benevolence of our
rulers. Our freedoms have remained their possession, rationed out as
subjects rather than being our own inalienable possession as citizens.
To make real the freedoms we once took for granted means for the
first time to take them for ourselves. The time has come to demand
political, civil and human rights in the United Kingdom.”
After decades of resisting such a move, Britain has finally
incorporated a human rights charter into law. However, the British
'version' of The European Charter of Human Rights is no more than
another 'form' of the charter. It has been so well watered down it is all
but useless. The British security services have made very sure that the
UK charter will in no way interfere with their despicable and inhuman
activities. These degenerate police state thugs and terrorists are
nothing more than legalized gangsters that stalk, harass, persecute,
torture and murder political dissidents at will in order to maintain the
Crown and the phony puppet governments that continually support it.
The UK charter offers nothing whatsoever which would prevent gross
abuses of state power. The so-called 'terrorist threat' now in force is
no more than just another pretext for a fully armed paramilitary police
force whose real intention is to protect the monarchy and its puppet
governments from being overthrown by an outraged British public,
excluding the brain dead, that is finally coming to understand how it
has been deceived by being systematically used and abused by
arrogant fascists posing as their 'betters and leaders' when in fact these
people don't have the brains, or even common decency, to be either.
As things are today in 2011 the middle classes are rapidly
disappearing as their life savings are quickly vanishing from inflation,
or are being stolen from them by corrupt bankers who have made
billions through devising huge criminal scams that has rendered tens
of millions of people bankrupt and homeless with no chance of them
ever getting back on their feet again. Indeed, over 43 million
American's are now living on food stamps and tent cities are springing
up all over the country. Political protest is being made into a crime
while the police and military, who should be protecting their
populations, are instead being used to repress them. 99% of politicians
are corrupt and represent little more than corporations and a rotten
perverted fascism not seen since Hitler. While greedy uncaring
bankers sail away to foreign shores in their mega-yachts to their
swollen offshore secret bank accounts, Joe public is left to pick up the
pieces and remain as corporate slaves with no other choice other than
to work for whatever pittance is offered to them, or starve. The
children of today face a very bleak future indeed, that is if there is
going to be any future at all for much of the worlds population? Elite
plans to cull entire populations are well underway and are progressing
The Financial Elite In America - Same As Dictators Elsewhere
“The world of secret intelligence agencies is a realm of
falsehood, camouflage, deception, violence, unspeakable cruelty,
treachery, and betrayal. It is the most desolate and grim sector of
human endeavor, where no human values can subsist. It knows neither
hope nor mercy nor redemption. It is the one area of human life where
Hobbes’s maxim holds true – it is the war of all against all. But not as
chaos – as an ultimately controlled phenomenon which serves the goal
of preserving the state power that the intelligence agencies serve.
During the Cold War, the conflict of CIA, MI6, MI5, SDECE, KGB,
BND, Stasi and the rest was called the wilderness of mirrors, a desert
populated by agents, double agents, triple agents, their case officers,
their counterintelligence opponents, and the omnipresent specialists in
mokrie dela - wetwork, or assassinations, as the KGB described
Webster Griffin Tarpley – From his book “Synthetic Terrorism –
Made in the USA’
Britain: The Depth of Corruption
Truth Has Fallen and Has Taken Liberty With It
Anyone who knows anything at all about the so-called
'intelligence agencies' of Britain and the United States knows just how
true the above statement is. The sad fact is that both Tony Blair, exprime
minister of the United Kingdom, and Barack Obama, current
president of the United States, have both now been outed as being
agents of their respective security agencies MI5 and the CIA. A fact
that paints both men as being pathological liars and fascists at the very
least! And under our present corrupted political systems those who
follow them will be no different.
Power of Nightmares. Best 22 minutes of the revealing BBC
documentary 'Power of Nightmares'
Hon. James David Manning says Barack Hussein Obama was a
C.I.A operative
David Shayler says: 'Blair was an MI5 agent'
Former CIA Asset Allawi Touted as Next Iraqi Prime Minister
Operation Sarkozy. how the CIA placed one of its agents at the
presidency of the French Republic
How the security services continually get away with violating the
‘rights’ of citizens by torture and other means?
The powers held by government security services worldwide are
by now well known by almost all journalists and writers. The average
individual citizen is almost totally helpless when trying to combat
actions taken against him, or her, by a government security service.
These rogue security agencies have almost unlimited resources they
can call upon at any time. As we have seen, these services are in every
respect a law unto themselves. Dissidents, inside their own countries,
appear to have no access to any law that will protect them. They are
quickly isolated and tortured at will until they break down, are driven
to suicide or murdered. Once upon a time the media would have
exposed these outrages, but today ‘the media’ is owned or controlled
by corporations and their governments, the very people who are
responsible for the dissident’s plight in the first place.
We the tortured know this to be true because of own personal
experiences. Former government security agents, who have not only
refused to continue their previous work but who have fully exposed
their own part in the repression of citizens, have come forward to back
up our research.
Only dissidents with a wide knowledge of security techniques,
plus experience in such matters, are likely to survive today’s torturers.
Therefore, dissidents should, wherever possible, try to get away from
the country where they are being persecuted and suppressed. Doing so
offers no guarantee that ‘security’ and their ‘agents’ will not follow
them but the dissident will at least have some respite to gather his / or
her wits and try to form some kind of defense, perhaps even a new
I.D. and life for themselves. The degenerate tormentors and perverted
torturers employed by governments are, as a rule, only confident in
themselves when surrounded by their own kind in their own
environment. Inside their own countries, these criminal torturers
portray themselves as saviors of the people, but they rarely dare to
show their true faces out of their own protected element. They are no
more than modern-day Nazis and Gestapo agents who hide in the dark
hoping that none of their victims will recognize them and seek a just
However, local security stooges are often known to their victims.
In cases where they are, details of them - with photos if possible, and
their actions against dissidents should be written down (not on your
computer) and retained for future reference, when some form of
justice against government tyranny does become available, as it must
Political dissidents outnumber the Security Services, the Secret
Police and their degenerate 'stooges' by at least 500 to 1. Dissidents
can't all be tortured and murdered indefinitely without a huge public
backlash taking place at some point. Which is almost certain to
happen now. That being the reason why Britain and the United States
have armed their police to the teeth. The fascist elite, with their phony
'democratic' governments, their Security Services and the police are
expecting their populations to revolt against their repression, as they
now are doing. The true face of the British and America police states
are being clearly be revealed for all the world to see. As in Columbia,
where over 150.000 political dissident have now already been
murdered, with the full co-operation and support of the British and
American governments and their troops, this deadly force may well be
used against our own people when they too demand real democracy
and accountability from their so-called representatives. So be
prepared to resist that force through any and all means available to
you. Good writers have been resisting this rotten fascism for many
years and its high time that the public woke up and fully supported
Colombia's "Genocidal Democracy" May Have Claimed Over
150,000 Lives
Security services know exactly what kind of evidence is needed
to bring them to justice and they make very sure that no such evidence
becomes available to any lawyer who just might try to bring them to
trial. I say might, because so far the vast majority of lawyers have
avoided getting involved in torture trials at all, let alone when such a
trial might involve government security agencies. There are very few
lawyers who do dare to face up to governments and their torturers.
Attempts to form an International Criminal Court by the United
Nations where torturers from any country can be brought to trial have
been strongly resisted by Britain, Germany and the United States.
They know that they have been responsible for vast crimes against
humanity and they seek to exempt any of their agents from being held
or arrested for such crimes in the future.
The United States still does have a small measure of free speech
(though it is not often apparent in the national mainstream press), and
many surviving victims there have held conferences to publicized
their repression.
More details of which can be found on Web sites all over the
Internet along with many documents. The also has a torture victims
The same applies in Europe where much information can still be
found at: and as well as:
Some other excellent Web sites have been listed at the end of the
report. Many other sites exposing government repression in Britain
and Europe have already been taken down as covert censorship gets
worse by the week.
The above web sites offer extensive links to a great many other
web sites scattered around the world, all of which detail the repression
and torture that is being carried out in countries that hypocritically
portray themselves as being ‘free and open democracies.’ One online
American newspaper ‘The Napa Valley Sentinel’ also features
excellent articles on ‘Mind-Control.’
Sadly, most free speech is pretty much confined to Internet online
reporting these days. That is where you will find the majority of
good honest writers who still retain the ability to call a spade a spade.
Writers and researchers like John Pilger, Naomi Klein, Noam
Chomsky, Robert Fisk, Chris Hedges, the late Chalmers Johnson and
Howard Zinn plus a few others, are rare birds to say the least, whilst
outspoken Politicians like Alan Grayson, and Ron Paul are even rarer
still. The vast mainstream newspaper publishing industry is little more
than an embarrassment to anyone with a mind of their own. It offers
plenty of advertising but little else other than political propaganda.
That is the reason why so many people in the United Kingdom and the
United States are totally ignorant of what is and has been happening
right inside their own countries for so many years. The newspapers
that most people read and rely on for information are in reality no
more than propaganda sheets for corporations and their governments
and are a total disgrace to my mind. They totally ignore the truth and
are biased in favor of the elites to a remarkable degree. The long
departed Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels would, I am quite sure,
feel very proud indeed of today’s mainstream media. That is why
public political ignorance in Britain and America is so astounding.
It’s true that a great many people now have computers and are
on-line, but many of these computers are used as playthings more than
anything else. They do little to educate their users in the politics of the
real world. Censorship, both online and off, is still progressing at a
rapid rate. In trying to hide information that should freely be available
to all people, governments – under the guise of ‘preventing terrorism’
and other pretexts, are forcing Internet service providers and hosts to
reveal all kind of information about their clients. Particularly in the
United Kingdom where covert surveillance of all kinds, added to an
already overbearing authoritarian government, have turned Britain
into the most insidious police state in Europe, let alone the world.
Hiding under a cloak of ‘democracy’ fascism has gained a large
foothold in many countries around the world. So much so, it’s
doubtful that the situation could be reversed anywhere without an
open revolution by the populace. Indeed, like it or not the
multinational corporations do now run the world. They secretly
control politicians, governments, their armed forces, and the media.
They are indeed the ‘shadow world governments.’ Soon they may also
have total control over the Internet so making free speech of any kind
obsolete. Laws to this effect are already being enacted in Britain and
truth-telling Web sites like this one may soon vanish forever.
For as long as we can remember, politicians have started wars
through outright lies, deceptions and propaganda. Exactly the same
methods are being used to prevent populations from gaining the true
democracy and the freedom most people desire. Many people in the
United States believe that because they are armed they are in a
position to protect their assumed freedoms. That, however, is a false
hope. Their ‘secret government’ will simply label them as ‘internal
terrorists’ and order them to be ‘neutralized’ as such by the security
services and the military. As indeed many people in other countries
worldwide already have been. That American or British forces will
never enforce such tyranny on their own citizens is misguided to say
the least. Fascism brings out the very worst in people. The past has
clearly shown us that in one country after another millions of citizens
have easily been duped into supporting the most repressive measures
imaginable against their own people. Only a fool would believe that it
couldn’t happen everywhere else. It can, and it is already happening
right now in Europe, Canada, the United States and other countries.
Most people just don’t know about it yet. But they soon will. It’s just
a matter of time. Maybe a very short time? The hugely wealthy people
who at present control most of the world are undoubtedly
psychopathic, vindictive and cruel to a fault. They are the
personification of evil in every sense of the word. If their actions
against humanity continue as they are now most of the worlds
populations will in time become tortured slaves in every respect.
Former CIA Agent Spills All – LISTEN to this!
The World Is Waking Up - This Is Why
What politicians say
Speech writers for British and American politicians often put
together wonderful and sometimes breathtaking documents about
'freedom and democracy', which when delivered to worldwide
audiences through the press and television, often give people the false
impression that these politicians are something of a blessing to
mankind. Unfortunately these inspiring speeches are just that,
speeches, and nothing more. Anyone who actually believes their
implied intent is going to be well and truly fooled. If you really want
to know what any politician is going to do in the future, then look at
what they have already done in the past. In almost all instances they
will do the same, and worse, in the future. Rarely, if ever, do the
politicians making these fine speeches actually believe what they are
saying, let alone the thought of them ever living up to their statements.
True information is the lifeblood of democracy. The British and
American governments, however, are consistent liars of the worst
kind. Anybody who believes a word they say need to have their heads
The USA and the UK governments are covertly trying to force
fascism on their populations. Under the guise of 'protecting their
people from terrorism' they have enacted the most repressive laws
ever known, and in doing so have become terrorists themselves.
Voting for any of the present corrupted political parties in Britain and
the USA does no more than lend legitimacy to the blatant fraud they
call democracy. It allows them to pass unjust laws that serve their
interests alone. It allows the security services to intimidate, repress,
torture and murder people at will and it allows entire populations to be
kept forever repressed, ignorant and powerless. Damming though it is,
this report is far from being complete. That will only happen if and
when we do get honest governments, but that day is sadly still a long
way off.
“U.S. mainstream media isn’t interested in finding the truth”
Uprisings in the USA and the UK
A new book called “The 4th Bomb”, written by a survivor of the
London 77 bombing attacks, proves without any doubt that the
bombings were organized and carried out by the British government
and its security service MI5. They had a stooge 'victim', all bandaged
up and waiting at the scene with a cooked – up story for the TV
reporters and their cameras, before the bus bomb exploded! So once
again, the media has clearly shown a willing compliance to be fooled
into supporting our government's lies. Yet another reason for people to
demonstrate against the rising tide of tyranny in Britain. As a result,
fully armed SAS soldiers may soon be seen on British streets,
supposedly to combat 'terrorism', but in reality they will be there for
use against protesters and other groups who desire true democracy.
These groups are conveniently being labeled as yobs and terrorists by
our governments who see their existence as a threat to them – just as
Herr Hitler saw unions as a threat to his fascism back in the thirties.
Expect some kind of staged 'incident' to justify the presence of these
SAS killers on our streets. And keep your cameras ready to film it!
More on the British State
It seems as though the dreadful Murdoch affair has instilled a
little courage into the UK media, hopefully prompting some
'newspapers' to dwell a little further into the dirty goings on of the
British intelligence services, the police special branch, the SAS and
their deep involvement in the widespread torture of British and other
subjects. However, anyone who believes that these mild disclosures of
criminality on the part of MI5 and MI6 will lead to actual disclosures
of torture inside the UK mainland is just wishful thinking. That is a
can of worms the media dare not even touch, let alone open. No, that
is a job we ourselves must do.
That the British people have been lied to, fooled and manipulated
for many decades by their so-called queen and her many puppet
governments, all who been supported by a compliant and conniving
state media, is not a subject to be taken lightly. The wide ramifications
of such a disclosure could effect the entire planet!
The British, who with their upturned noses have long regarded
much of the rest of the worlds people as being little more than 'wogs',
will discover that they themselves are no better than the lowest of the
low. That their 'democracy' is no more than a blatant scam and their
system of 'justice' an outright fraud is not an easy thing for them to
swallow. That they have been brainwashed into idiocy and state
compliance by continually acting against their own self-interest is a
revulsion hard for them to face. And when their dirty little police state
is finally revealed in all its horror for the entire world to see they will
crumble into insignificance.
The British 'queen' - who is the richest woman in the world, rules
over her peasants just as other dictators and tyrants do elsewhere in
the world. The only difference is that her 'security services' disappear
political dissidents very quietly, and with great skill. There are no
battered bodies laying all over the ground as in the Middle East,
Africa and elsewhere when the people revolt against tyranny. British
dissidents are simply disappeared from view, rarely to be seen or
heard from again.
The many thousands of 'secret police' scattered throughout
Britain, all working on a 'need to know' basis, target any form of
political dissent, quickly isolating dissidents, thereby insulating the
rest of the populations from receiving any alternative information
dissenters may have. Only the state 'official' view of Britain is
allowed. Informers are everywhere. Pubs, clubs and hotels along with
many private houses have hidden police cameras and 'bugs' that
quickly reveal anyone who dares to 'step out of line'. Over five million
CCTV cameras constantly watch the public and any kind of writer is
closely scrutinized to make sure they don't criticize 'the state' or its
institutions. The peasants must be 'kept in their place'. Yes indeed,
George Orwell certainly saw it all coming down on us, though I
sometimes wonder if even he could have foreseen the scope of the
fascist evil that has now descended upon us?
The charlatans, liars and traitors in Buckingham palace and the
houses of Parliament, vile cowards most of them, are all deathly afraid
of being exposed for the criminals they are. As indeed they need to
be, for as the day of full disclosure nears they will find themselves out
on a limb with only a saw in their hands with the ground below them
appearing as a bottomless pit!
How Murdoch Ran Britain
Murdoch The Mogul Who Screwed the News. Video Documentary
- Dispatches Channel 4
Quiet Martial Law Coming To UK?
As is usual with UK political Web sites that tell us the truth, is being currently blocked wherever possible by
the UK authorities, but their Web site appears to be functioning okay.
What Have We Done?
The 4th Bomb
The Book That Shook MI5
London 7/7 Bomb Witness - Inside Job PROOF
John Anthony Hill | 7/7 Ripple Effect, The Arrest, Trial & Verdict
Dr. Rauni Kilde | Bases 5-Mind Control - videos
Jason Verbelli interviewed by Thomas Malone | Free Energy,
John Searl
The American's in Wisconsin have taken to the streets against
their fascist overlords with a brave determination to fight for their
rights and true democracy, inspiring American's in other states to do
the same. In the 'United Kingdom' the British too have also finally
taken to the streets by demonstrating in London and outside the
queens main residence, Buckingham palace, to protest against royal
secrecy, suppression and injustice. Its high time that Buck house was
turned into a museum and the royal scroungers inside it consigned to
the scrapheap of history! These long overdue demonstrations against
royal corruption were all but ignored or downplayed by the Britain's
highly censored state media, including the Guardian. A so-called
liberal newspaper that has over the last thirty years at least, never
printed a single word exposing the widespread suppression and torture
of British political dissidents, it has become no more than a
government propaganda outlet.
The Guardian, along with the western media in general, has
shown its true colors by trying to demonize Libya and its leader,
Muammar Gaddafi. The reason being that he has done more than any
other leader in history to aid liberation movements all over the world.
Few people in other countries live in such social comfort, as Libyans
do. Muammar Gaddafi has invested in his people; he has not slashed
education funding, he has increased literacy rates from 10 to around
85%. They have a free health care system and treatment. Their
hospitals are provided with the best medical equipment in the world.
Education in Libya is free of charge and talented youths have an
opportunity to study abroad at the expense of Libya. After getting
married, a couple can get more than 60 thousands dinar (50 thousand
dollars) of financial help. State credits are non-interest-bearing, and
often the principal is written off as well. Automobile's prices are
considerably lower, than in Europe and affordable for everyone. Petrol
costs 18 cents, and bread 4 cents. Libyans have been provided a very
good environment as regards social and job-security, and their general
educational level (both males and females can be seen pursuing all
branches of university education) is better than that in so-called very
affluent Arab countries like Saudi Arabia. Indeed, if truth be known,
Libya under Muammar Gaddafi has a far better human rights record
than does Britain or the United States, whose real aim in trying to
overthrow his government is that they desperately want to replace him
with their own tame dictator who will help them exploit Libya's oil
supplies to their own advantage. Another reason was that Gaddafi was
going to ditch the American dollar, and that, more than anything else,
infuriated the US. The UN reports that prove Libya's Gaddafi is
nothing like the tyrant the US and the UK are claiming him to be, are
being censored and covered-up by these two rogue states, as have
their own gross human rights violations in supporting vicious
torturing police states over the last fifty years. In a TV speech about
Libya, the UK prime minister, David Cameron, stated that a nations
military should not be used against its people. He didn't mention the
fact that in Britain the Special Air Service (SAS) has been used
against the British people since 1976 and that they are now being used
against Colombian citizens who are trying to rid themselves of their
own rotten police state! Or that the British military is totally
unaccountable for any actions they take against British subjects.
Cameron's sheer hypocrisy is breathtaking. British politicians lied
about Iraq, they lied about 9/11 and 7/7 and now they are lying about
Libya. These fascist royalist politicians can't open their mouths
without lying!
So far, Libyan 'rebels' and NATO have killed over 50.000 people
in their so-called 'humanitarian' intervention in Libya.
One Hell of a Humanitarian Intervention. 30,000 Bombs Over
Rense & Susan Lindauer - NATOs Libyan War Crimes - video
Libya and Universal Human Rights
Libya War Lies Worse Than Iraq
De-demonising Gaddafi – what you don’t know: Video
Gaddafi Gold-for-oil, Dollar-doom Plans Behind Libya 'Mission'?
Gerald Celente | Economic Crisis, Arab Revolutions and
Upcoming War, February 10, 2011
Rense & Maxwell - Most Americans Brainless And Obedient
How Fascist Murdoch Ran Britain - video
Why Nobody Trusts the Mainstream Media
The corporatocracy Bailouts Serve the Creditors. Enslave the
Even the TV stations of Al Jazeera and Democracy Now have
taken to following the American propaganda tirade against Libya, so
blighting their previous good records of reporting the truth. In
outlining Col Gaddafi's 'crimes' both news outlets have failed to report
that Britain and the United States have, by proxy, both been
committing far worse crimes for the last fifty years at least. Shame on
them all!
Free Tripoli - Just Don't Mention The Corpses
Gaddafi Offers Oil and Power to The People
Why Gaddafi Must Die! Must Watch Video
The Anti-Empire Report. Arguing Libya
Why the West Is Attacking Gaddafi
Obama Raises American Hypocrisy To A Higher Level
An Unpalatable Truth The Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism
The Imperialist Crime Cover-Up
Arsenal of Hypocrisy. Documentary Feature FilmThe Space
Program & the Military Industrial Complex - video
NATO Destroys Yet Another Country
The Real Terrorists
If the American and British people, amongst many other
populations, want true democracy, they should stop voting for
corporate puppets. Their so-called 'official political parties' are all
fakes and none of them truly represent the voting public. Find your
own representatives and insist that only they represent you, rather then
having controlled puppet politicians forced upon you by state 'security
services', whose main task is to continue the repression of citizens by
wealthy elites who insist they 'know best'. They don't. They have
proved that time after time by organizing wars and manipulating
currencies which benefit them alone. Stand up for your rights. Insist
that your 'government' open its books to reveal what they are really
doing with your taxes. Black budgets are no more than a cover for
hiding dirty secrets that our governments don't want you to know
about. The worst of them being the repression and torture of
THOUSANDS of British people who have always desired a true
democratic government instead of the conservative fascists that they
keep fostering upon us. Most terrorist organizations are formed and
are directed by our own governments who then use that terrorism as
an excuse for suppressing their populations through censorship,
repression and the denial of human rights. Your 'vote' today gives
them a mandate for that suppression - so stop voting NOW! The same
goes for the corporate media, who do little more than manipulate and
brainwash you into believing lying state politicians – stop buying,
reading and listening to their lies and deceptions NOW! Resist against
corporate police states. Your lives and those of your children will be
vastly improved. Take back your countries! They belong to you, not
the 1% of selfish fascist elites who now rule over them. Get online for
the real news about what is happening in the world today, because that
is one of the very few places left where some truthful writers and
journalists still exist.
Leuren Moret | Fukushima tectonic nuclear warfare monitored by
world HAARP partners
The Big Lie
The UK Freedom Swindle
UK's Secret Policy on Torture (partially) Revealed
US Secret Agent says 2 mini-nukes brought down twin towers on
Susan Lindauer Imprisoned for One Year Through the Patriot
Act. Author of "Extreme Prejudice" on RenseRadio
Normon Solomon: "You Can't Really Trust the Media" -video
(1/5) London 7/7 Bomb Witness - Inside Job PROOF
UK Justice is impossible if we cannot trust police forces to tell the
A New Perspective for Britain
The uprisings within Britain and the USA have have more than
anything else exposed the hypocrisy of their governments and their
so-called democratic institutions. As the people of Wisconsin have
discovered, their 'rights' to collective bargaining by their unions have
been swiftly discounted by governor Scott Walker whose fascism has
become openly apparent to everyone as he totally ignored what the
majority of Wisconsin citizens desired of him.
In Britain, their 'establishment' has been shaken to the core by the
more than half a million people who flooded London's streets with
their uprising to demand an ending to the many cuts in services that
their government is trying to force upon them. The police were out in
force with their cameramen busy taking pictures of the rioters for
'future reference'. However, the authorities were left in do doubt as to
the sheer power, that was held mainly in check by the marchers,
which could so very easily have wrought havoc and destruction on the
British capital and elsewhere. A restraint that may not last unless
Britain's governments start to take heed of what their citizens desire,
future marches and riots in Britain won't simply be uprisings, they
may well become violent revolutions that will completely overthrow
the government! And not before time I might add. The daily
outrageous lies and deceptions carried out by Britain's entire political
machine rivals that of America's corrupt governments and their rotten
tame dictators who they dare to call 'the international community'.
Libya, Propaganda and Imperialism
Libya To Be Made Safe For Plutocracy
What has become apparent to everyone is that getting out onto
the streets in force is the only way to make governments listen to the
demands of their citizens, otherwise those demands are totally ignored
by puppet politicians who do no more than reinforce the corrupt
regimes that employ them.
The above should provide a lesson to the many thousands of
British torture victims whose cries for help or assistance from
successive British governments and its state media have gone unheard
and unanswered. The message is now very clear. Victims of British
state repression should start to prepare their banners and get
themselves ready to join all future political demonstrations within
Britain. News reporters from around the world will be waiting and
ready to film their message to governments and people throughout the
entire world, thus putting an end to the fiction that Britain is a
democracy which does not persecute or torture its citizens once and
for all. It does and has been doing so for many, many years. It has
been that repression alone which has kept the British monarchy in
power. Once that knowledge becomes clear the monarchy will
eventually fall and true democracy will at last have a chance to
flourish within Britain. This is an opportunity which cannot and
should not be ignored. Take it people, while you still have the chance.
A New Jury to Put the British Public Interest First?
Murdoch The Mogul Who Screwed the News. Video Documentary
- Dispatches Channel 4
The Real Source of the British Riots video
Police State Roundup: 15 Reasons Why I Choose Not to Live in
the USSA
Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 Architects & Engineers for 9/11
As recent British governments have clearly demonstrated, and
have admitted to; they are 'Thatcher's children' – fascists to the core,
traitors who are apposed to every decent person in Britain. America
too, is following the same traitorous path in forcing repression and
tyranny on its population. Both countries are torturing and murdering
people all over the world and they both have fascist governments
where less than one percent of the entire population is running the
country for their own benefit alone, yet people are still talking and
acting under the delusion that they are living in democracies. What the
hell is wrong with them? These criminal governments must be
brought to justice. Open your eyes, or revolution may become the
only solution. WAKE UP PEOPLE!
The British descent into total tyranny
Torture inquiry 'pointless' as key groups plan boycott
London Student Demo / Riot / Protest
Anarchy in UK: Video of angry London riots as students fight
The First Great War of the 21st Century - Must watch 4 minute
Yemen’s Useful Tyranny – The Forgotten History of Britain’s
‘Dirty War’
Goodies and Baddies. A History of 'Humanitarian Intervention'
Who is Muammar Gaddafi?
Psy War. Wake up! - video
How The So-Called Guardians Of Free Speech Are Silencing The
Dr. Niels Harrit on Discovery of Nano-Thermite in WTC Dust –
Must see interview
“U.S. mainstream media isn’t interested in finding the truth”
Elizabeth II's Achilles' Heel
Egypt-Style Revolt For the UK?
All the Queen’s forces and all the Queen’s men
What is the British Crown?
Abolish the Monarchy
Jordan Maxwell - Queen of England Exposed 4/4
UK. Republic TV
Pack Journalism Promotes War On Libya
The Israeli Mossad & 9-11
The Real Rogue Nuclear State
The New Face of Revolution. After Tunisia and Egypt, the World
WikiLeaks' Most Terrifying Revelation. Just How Much Our
Government Lies to Us
American Private investigator Roger Tolces speaks about
Electronic harassment, and the Police State. What he talks about
applies both to the USA and the UK. These are must-watch
Electronic Harassment, Surveillance, & the Police State -- Roger
Tolces 2009, Videos 1
to 6.
Targeted Individuals
Why Washington Hates Hugo Chavez
America Has Gone Away
How The So-Called Guardians Of Free Speech Are Silencing The
Secrets, Lies and this Dirty War. Letters to the Guardian re
Wikileaks & the Afghan Debacle
Who Taught America to Torture?
The Real Rogue Nuclear State
Israeli Terrorism Against America
UK. Republic TV
British democracy: no better than Uzbekistan's
How WikiLeaks Enlightened Us in 2010
Gerald Celente: 'Economic Martial Law Will Be Declared'
Targeted Individuals Europe
Microwave Warfare - Barrie Trower. British military expert exposes
criminal conspiracy by UK and USA to torture and brainwash
populations worldwide. The ultimate aim being world domination
- video
"You do not become a ‘dissident' just because you decide one day
to take up this most unusual career," Vaclav Havel said when he
battled the communist regime in Czechoslovakia. "You are thrown
into it by your personal sense of responsibility, combined with a
complex set of external circumstances. You are cast out of the existing
structures and placed in a position of conflict with them. It begins as
an attempt to do your work well, and ends with being branded an
enemy of society. ... The dissident does not operate in the realm of
genuine power at all. He is not seeking power. He has no desire for
office and does not gather votes. He does not attempt to charm the
public. He offers nothing and promises nothing. He can offer, if
anything, only his own skin-and he offers it solely because he has no
other way of affirming the truth he stands for. His actions simply
articulate his dignity as a citizen, regardless of the cost."
Power and the Tiny Acts of Rebellion
By Chris Hedges
November 23, 2010 "Truthdig" -- There is no hope left for
achieving significant reform or restoring our democracy through
established mechanisms of power. The electoral process has been
hijacked by corporations. The judiciary has been corrupted and
bought. The press shuts out the most important voices in the country
and feeds us the banal and the absurd. Universities prostitute
themselves for corporate dollars. Labor unions are marginal and
ineffectual forces. The economy is in the hands of corporate swindlers
and speculators. And the public, enchanted by electronic
hallucinations, remains passive and supine. We have no tools left
within the power structure in our fight to halt unchecked corporate
The Stench of American Hypocrisy, Part 2
By Paul Craig Roberts
November 22, 2010 "Information Clearing House" -- In a recent
column, "The Stench of American Hypocrisy," I noted that US public
officials and media are on their high horse about the rule of law in
Burma while the rule of law collapses unremarked in the US.
Americans enjoy beating up other peoples for American sins. Indeed,
hypocrisy has become the defining characteristic of the United States.
Chalmers Johnson on American Hegemony – Must see video
"The British public by now should be sick of our governments'
hypocritical approach to torture and unlawful killings. It pretends to
condemn both, but in practice it aids and assists states that they know
are violating these basic rights. This represents a serious violation of
international law."
Phil Shiner of Public Interest Lawyers
Almost immediately after 9/11 and 7/7 attacks in America and
London, many investigators began to doubt the 'official government
versions' detailing the attacks. Since that time many witnesses and
experts have proved without a doubt that both attacks were in fact
'inside jobs' in that the 'security services' of both countries did at the
very least know that the attacks were going to take place, and that in
all probability they carried out those attacks themselves. The motive
being that these so-called 'terrorist attacks' could be used as a pretext
to totally control their populations and countries turning them into
fascist police states, which they now have. After which under the 'war
on terror' their governments could attack other countries to control or
steal their oil resources. They could also make many billions of
dollars through worldwide arms sales, again under the pretext of the
war on terror.
9/11 Information Center
"It can't happen here is number one on the list of famous last words."
David Crosby.
(And how the British government abuses them.)
Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the
United Nations General Assembly Resolution 217 A (111) of 10th
December 1948, the British government has, in allowing
psychological torture to be used against its citizens, breached the
following sections of the Charter:
Sections 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 19, 12, 18, 19, 20-1, 23-1, 24, 27-1, 27-2 28, 29-
1, 29-3.
Section 3 states: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of
the person.
(Anyone undergoing psychological torture has very limited liberty and
certainly no personal security at all.)
Section 5 states: No one shall be subject to torture or to cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
(Psychological torture has been defined by the Rehabilitation Center
for Torture Victims (IRCT) in Denmark, as being the very worst form
of torture possible. Psychological torture is without doubt cruel,
inhuman and degrading.)
Section 7 states: All are equal before the law and are entitled without
any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to
equal protection against any discrimination in violation of the
Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
(Torture in Britain is carried out without any formal charges being
brought against dissidents. Therefore, they are denied the right to
refute any allegations made against them by the security services.
Also, the British security services incite acts of violence and
discrimination against dissidents by alleging they are ‘communists,
agitators, subversives, etc.’ Security also attempts to criminalize
Section 8 states: Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the
competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights
granted him by the constitution or by law.
(The British security services carry out psychological torture against
dissidents without bringing any charges against them, and so
completely avoid the law.)
Section 9 states: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest detention
or exile.
(In the United Kingdom dissidents are forced into internal or external
Section 10 states: Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and
public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the
determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge
against him.
(The British security services avoid this section completely by not
bringing any formal charges against dissidents. They therefore deny
dissidents the right of a public hearing. British security has simply
appointed itself as judge, jury and executioner.)
Section 12 states: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference
with his privacy, home or correspondence, or to attacks upon his
honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the
law against such interference or attacks.
(The British security services and the police consistently use sleep
deprivation against dissidents, tap the telephones, faxes and computers
of dissidents, use bugging devices inside the homes of dissidents,
censor the mail of dissidents, interfere with dissidents families And
continually impinge upon the honor and reputation of dissidents.)
Section 18 states: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought,
conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his
religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with
others and in public or private to manifest his religion or belief in
teaching, practice, worship and observance.
(Rigid censorship in Britain prevents true freedom of thought or
expression. And, because of a climate of fear created by the security
services around a dissident; in that the same may happen to potential
supporters, and others, as it does to the dissident, the dissident may
effectively be prevented from carrying out his beliefs.)
Section 19 states: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and
expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without
interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas
through any media and regardless of frontiers.
(Dissidents in the United Kingdom may be continually hounded and
harassed by British security when voicing their opinions and they are
denied the means to express themselves through any media because of
the rigid censorship imposed in Britain, even the dissident’s e-mail is
read by the police and security services. The media is also reluctant to
accept work from some dissidents because of the fear of retaliation by
the security services if they do so.)
Section 20-1 states: Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful
assembly and association.
(The British security services continually invoke hostility towards
dissidents so preventing free association of almost any kind.)
Section 23-1 states: Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of
employment, to just and favorable conditions of work and to
protection against unemployment.
(The British security services do everything within their considerable
power to invoke hostility and harassment against the dissident whilst
he is at work. Should the dissident work from home or from his own
office, security will continually tap his telephone, fax, computer, email,
etc, in direct attempts at preventing the dissident from making a
Section 24 states: Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including
reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with
(British security uses sleep deprivation as an integral part of their
psychological torture techniques against dissidents, and so proper rest
for the dissident is impossible.)
Section 27-1 states: Everyone has the right freely to participate in the
cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in
scientific advancements and its benefits.
(As a part of their actions against some dissident’s British security
invokes continual hostility against the dissident so preventing his free
association within the cultural life of the community and depriving
him or her of any benefits from it.)
Section 27-2 states: Everyone has the right to the protection of the
moral and material interests resulting from and scientific, literary or
artistic production of which he is the author.
(A dissident writer in Britain may be prevented from carrying out his
work properly by the continual harassment and psychological torture
inflicted on him by British security. Because the writer may be
continually censored in various ways, his work will be denied
publication with the resulting loss of income.)
Section 28 states: Everyone is entitled to a social and international
order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration can
be fully realized.
(The dissident in the United Kingdom may well be driven into internal
or external exile and so denied almost any rights at all. Indeed, the
dissidents home may well become his prison.)
Section 29-1 states: Everyone has duties to the community in which
alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
(Psychological torture techniques, to which a dissident may be
subjected, are expressly designed to degrade and destroy the normal
human personality.)
Section 29-2 states: In the exercise of his rights and freedoms,
everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined
by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect
for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just
requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a
democratic society.
(The dissident in the United Kingdom is, in effect, deprived of almost
all his rights.)
Section 29-3 states: These rights and freedoms may in no case be
exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United
(The dissident in the United Kingdom is deprived of almost all of his
“The first fundamental liberty of an Englishman is that all courts
of justice always ought to be free and open for all sorts of peaceable
people to see, behold and hear, and have free access unto; and no man
whatsoever ought to be tried in holes or corners, or in any place where
the gates are shut and barred.”
John Lilburne
Dr. Les Dove
The Nuremberg Principles
Principle I. Any person who commits an act which constitutes a crime
under international law is responsible therefore and liable to
Principle II. The fact that internal law does not impose a penalty for
an act which, constitutes a crime under international law, does not
relieve the person who committed the act from responsibility under
international law.
Principle III. The fact that a person who committed an act which
constitutes a crime under international law, acted as Head of State or
responsible government official does not relieve him from
responsibility under international law.
BACK STORY – A Personal History
My free torture report has now been distributed all over the
world. It has been read by many millions of people and it has been
updated countless times as I continue to include the latest information
about the vast criminal activities of governments who have been taken
over by 'security interests' who represent the wealthy fascist elites that
have come to control our world.
My Blog Site is now viewed by many thousands of people every day
and it has become one of the most popular sites ever, as more people
are coming to realize they have been lied to and deceived by their
governments. They now seek to find out the truth and through years of
painstaking research they will find it in my latest updated Torture
Report, along with many contacts they can use to confirm the truth of
that report.
I have been asked many times how it was that I came to write the
Torture Report in the first place? The answer to that question is a story
in itself. That is the reason I came to write BACK STORY - A
Personal History, which in condensed form describes how I first
became involved with the dark forces of evil that protect phony
democracies and how I survived their many attempts to silence me.
To help me survive the ongoing pressure against me and continue my
research, please send a small donation. I will send you a copy of
BACK STORY by return.
Details: asking for details.
You can prove the truth of this report yourself by researching the
mass of evidence within it. Then spread it far and wide. Since I began
writing this report over 50 sites similar to this one have already been
taken down and censorship is getting worse every week! There are
now well over 400 'gagging' orders in Britain that prevents British
people from finding out the truth about their own country. For an
updated PDF copy of the report contact me at:
If you would like to add your name to the following UK victims
list now, please contact Dr. Les Dove with details:
There is evidence that the e-mail of many UK torture victims is
being blocked or censored. Check to make sure that your own e-mail
address is working correctly. If you don't get a reply to any mail sent
to us – its because we didn't get it!
For reason of space I cannot list all of the many European
victims but a huge list of Microwave Torture victims from all over the
world is available at:
29. NAME: A M
40. NAME: TI29187
"The media class don’t know anything. And they know they don’t
Adam Curtis Documentary Maker
It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these
horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies,
powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy,
privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity,
health and growth of all people. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR
Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human
John Finch
MAIL: 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL:
PLEASE NOTE: If a reference link anywhere on this document has
expired - try googling the heading as the information may be listed
and available elsewhere on the Internet.
Instructions For Finding Missing Articles Where You Have a Quote or
Excerpt: There is an easy way to find a free copy of most news
articles or other important webpages which have disappeared when
you have some text or a quote from the article or webpage. Copy and
paste seven to ten words quoted from the article or webpage into your
favorite search engine. Put quotation marks at the beginning and end
of this phrase or sentence, and then press search. The results will very
likely show that the article has been posted on several other websites.
Instructions for Non-functioning Links: For any link that does not
function, you may be able to use the Internet archive to find the
original article or video. To do this, first right click on the nonfunctioning
link and select "copy shortcut" or its equivalent. Now, go
to If there is anything in the "Way back
Machine" box, delete it. Paste what you've copied into the box and
click the "Take Me Back" button. Finally, click on any date for the
original article as it was posted on the date listed.
The above method will show you exactly how the webpage looked
one the date it was copied into the archive. Please note, however, that
any website can request not to be listed on the Internet archive.
Unfortunately, many major media websites have done this. If this is
the case, you can try to find the article on another website using a
quote from the original article, as mentioned above.
Fight the New World Order with Global Non Compliance
9/11 Provable Lies
Eerie echoes of Chernobyl: Inside Fukushima's nuclear ghost town
abandoned by people fleeing the fallout
'The Battle of Chernobyl' - Documentary
What They Won't Show You On Television
The One Killing Civilians is NATO
Hail to the True Victors of Rupert's Revolution. By John Pilger
UK Government recruits doctors to become thought police
Has The UK Become a Police State?
David Cameron declares war on his own people, promises a British
police state
A Publisher Of Last Resort - Must see video
Wikileaks editor interview on censorship.
John Loftus America's Nazi Secret - FULL LENGTH
An Unpalatable Truth The Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism
The Imperialist Crime Cover-Up
'Beyond Treason' – Award-Winning Documentary Feature Film
Breaking Australia's Silence: WikiLeaks and Freedom - video
George Carlin - Who Really Controls America
Who Taught America to Torture?
FULFORD VS. HAARP -Did the USA cause Japan's earthquake?
Libya, Hypocrisy and Betrayal by the United Nations
John Perkins: Why we are at War – must see videos
Mind Games
Catherine Austin Fitts exposes the "tapeworm economy"
33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True
The Top 50 US War Criminals
Postcards from the Revolution
2011: A Brave New Dystopia
Brian Gerrish on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:The Truth About The Common
Purpose Group in The UK
Amazing Speech By War Veteran.
Beyond Elections: Redefining Democracy in the Americas
Participatory budgeting in the UK
War on the World. Obama’s Surge in State Terror
Orwellian Ireland
Racism and War: The Dehumanization of the Enemy (Must see video)
Organized Stalking Electronic Harassment
A State Crime Against Democracy.
Targeted Individuals
Monarch – The Suppression of Domestic Dissent
Torture Reporting Handbook
The War On The Mind : Microwaves As A Weapon -Dr. Rauni-Leena
Luukanen Kilde – MUST SEE videos
Brian Gerrish on Alex Jones Tv 1/3:The Truth About The Common
Purpose Group in The UK
Mind Control : America's Secret War
Gang stalkers and people cookers are murderers, the crimes they
commit belong to the worst crimes in history
Biophysical Warfare - The Mind Has No Firewalls
Fighting for the Family of Man
Beyond Orwell: The Electronic Police State, 2010
North American Union, RFID, CFR & Amero EXPOSED
Be nice to America. Or we'll bring democracy to your country!
American War Crimes in Korea – Kill Them All - video
Dead in the Water – The Israeli attack on the USS Liberty - video
9/11 - The US Military Knows Israel Did It - “The Dark Face Of
Jewish Nationalism”
Chalmers Johnson on American Hegemony – Must see video
The Police State Road Map
The American Idiot - video
Abolish the Monarchy
Synthetic Telepathy: MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL by UK
The War Against Free Thought
9/11 Cover Is Blown - The New Evidence – UK connection
The United States of Terror
SUBURBAN SPIES by Anthony Brina (& co-author)
Gang Stalking World
John Finch – Torture Cases
Mind Control Victims Friends Around the World
Alex Jones - terrorstorm - special edition
the NeocoNazi Agenda
The 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising
Confronting the 9/11 Evidence
The End of America (Must see video)
Systems of Surveillance
Black Box UFO Secrets
Synthetic Terror: There Is No "War On Terror" The Art of False Flag
New World Order & World Leaders
Fight the New World Order with Global Non Compliance
USA Revolution Is Near
Your Disappointment In Obama Is Your Teaching Moment
The Rise of the New Global Elite
Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons
US Justice On Trial
Psychologists Protest ‘Inhumane, Harmful’ Treatment of Bradley
War Is A Drug
This Corruption in Washington is Smothering America's Future
A broken society, yes. But broken by Thatcher
Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalization and Conspiracy"
'Capitalism is evil … you have to eliminate it'
Who's the Enemy?
The Rule of Law Has Been Lost
Death Squads and US Democracy
The Secret Use Of Microwaves By British Police And Army
PT1 Satellite Terrorism in America - Dr.John Hall talks satellite used
to harass and gang stalking
Part 1: Dr. John Hall Discusses Gang Stalking With Zeph Daniel
Microwave Harrassment: Dr. John Hall talks with George Noory Pt. 2
Microwave Harrassment: Dr. John Hall talks with George Noory Pt. 3
Noam Chomsky - The Emerging Framework of World Power
When Corporations Dominate, Bad Happens
Wiki-Leaks founder an assassination target?
Electronic Harassment
Gareth Peirce on Torture, Secrecy and the British State
Mind Control P1 Electronic Harassment – Radio Talk Show
Spy Chiefs attack UK Police State
UK Indymedia - Police State UK for Pakistani students
Police State: Liberty groups unite to defend UK rights
Ex-MI5 Chief Says UK Has Become A Police State
Blair lays down framework for police state in Britain
The Danger of Invisible Corporate Power
Bangladesh 'death squad' trained by UK police resumes extrajudicial
Police State Britain
7/7 Ludicrous Diversions
Suppressing Evidence: UK Complicity in Torture
Electronic Police States
Operation FALCON - The USA is turning into a Police State
Police State Study Ranks U.S. As 6th Worst In The World
Do you know the truth about the EU?
A History of Britain / Simon Schama
the NeocoNazi Agenda
Trading Freedom For The Illusion Of Safety
Superb Video - When False Flags Don't Fly
A Warning From Noam Chomsky on the Threat of Elites
The Obama Deception HQ Full length version
“America has exported Freedom all over the World?”
Ken Burns – US documentary film maker in a recent TV interview.
Mr. Burns needs to see the video below:
A World without Nazism. Anti-Fascist Organization to be Created
Soon by Council of Europe
More Torture Info - Help
The International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse
Microwave radiation dangers in your home
Core Of Corruption Volume 1: In The Shadows {Full Film}
Angels Still Don't Play This HAARP - FULL LENGTH
Dr. Nick Begich: Electronic, Psychotronic Mind Control 1/4
Covert War Against Political Musicians
Torture, American style
The Long and Sadistic History Behind the CIA’s Torture Techniques
Children Sodomized at Abu Ghraib don’t Suffer Permanent Organ
Failure – Must not be Torture
U.S. has 45-Year History of Torture
The Suppressed Fact. 100 Deaths by U.S. Torture
Computerized election fraud
Revealed – the Secret Torture Evidence MI5 Tried to Suppress
Information Clearing House Publisher Threatened
WEB: -
Understanding UFO Secrecy - -
Stop The North American Union Documentary
Making the World Safe for Hypocrisy
Gone With the Papers
The Militarization Of The US Police Force - video
'Athens police worse than anything we've seen before'
Why Democracy Is “The Biggest Scam in the World”
Rogue Superpower and World Domination
State Terror in the Name of Peace
How The British Use The Media for Mass Psychological Warfare
Wikileaks, The United States, Sweden, And Devil's Island
Tortured Until Proven Guilty. Bradley Manning and the Case Against
Solitary Confinement
Honor the WikiLeakers
Why Washington Hates Hugo Chavez
Electronic Harassment, Surveillance, & the Police State -- Roger
Tolces 2009, 1 of 6
Soon To-Be Ex-Congressman John Hall Warns Against Creeping
UK Police demand new powers to stop and search terror suspects
Assange Alerts His Hostages
US murdered up to 4000 civilians in Panama invasion
Freedom Force International
alternative news website
Johann Hari: Frenzy around Britain’s Royal Wedding "Should
Embarrass Us All" video
The Panama Deception – video
Political Essay by 93-year-old Tops Christmas Bestseller List in
The TSA's State-mandated Molestation
America Has Gone Away
How WikiLeaks Enlightened Us in 2010
War Crimes of General Stanley McChrystal
US Presidents Charged with Crimes Against Humanity as Universal
Jurisdiction Dies in Spain
Bilderberg - Tony Gosling’s Home Page
The Truth Seeker
CANADA: Torture Info - Psychotronic Weapons - help & advice:
CAHRA Membership Cards. A booklet on organized stalking can be
downloaded or viewed free from this site.
Government Mind Control
Mind Control P6 Electronic Harassment
War against dissent. monarchthree45minutes.wmv (video)
British Monarchy is a corporation / US is a Corporation not a Country
contact: sending full details
plus a current contact address, mail and e-mail, as soon as possible.
They maintain a list of British and American torture victims and it is
in your interest to be included.
Willing to file lawsuit against perpetrators of human rights Violations.
E-mail: center4justice@cja,org Survivors International: Torture
treatment center
Best Interview: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Part I Video
Organized Crime Waves
Survivors International - Torture Treatment Center:
Federation of American Scientists
Designed to fail: Systemic flaws in electronic voting machines
Pilots For 9/11
Dr. Niels Harrit on Discovery of Nano-Thermite in WTC Dust – Must
see interview
University of Minnesota Human Rights Library - vast resources.
Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
Global Internet Liberty Campaign. Fights censorship worldwide.
Big Brother Awards International Gives Big Brother award to those
who abuse power
Lobster Magazine Info on UK and US intelligence services.
Ring of Power
Conspiracy Planet Great articles by many writers.
The Home Page of Wade Frazier (Good Info – Read it all)
Constitution in Flames
How I Fought to Survive Guantánamo
Mass UK Mind Control Technology Now A Reality
We Are Change (UK Web sites may be censored)
Jordan Maxwell - Queen of England Exposed 4/4
Psychological Torture – 129 Videos
7/7 Bombings Final Word: Her Majesty's Terrorist Network
Common Purpose the Unseen Invasion - Brian Gerrish
The Secret Uses Of Microwave Mind Control By The British
Top Journalists Expose Major Cover-ups in Mass Media
You Can Handle The Truth – Mind Control Goes Public - 4of5
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism:The Time to Choose
The Military Industrial Complex
UK forces taught torture methods,2763,1212197,00.html
Mind-Control: The Ultimate Terror
Microwave Mind-Control by UK Intelligence Forces
Microwave Mind Control: by Dr. Rauni Leena Kilde, MD
UK 2017: under surveillance
Voices of the New Paradigm | Dr. Steven Greer
UFO Disclosure | Paul Hellyer August 4, 2010
The Stench of American Hypocrisy
Psywar The real battlefield is your mind
Subverting the Media
The Golden State, not so golden
Group 13
MI5 and Torture in the UK
Leaked documents the UK is trying to block under Secrets Act -
published here
77 Mind The Gap (Video)
How Britain created Ulster's murder gangs
Torture in the United Kingdom
We Have met The Nazis, And They Are Us
What is the CIA Still Hiding about Interrogations?
The British Monarchy Has Its Roots in Nazism
The Hidden Face of Terrorism
Mind-Control Torture in the UK
Mind Control By The British
Alex Jones - terrorstorm - special edition
Interview with Former CIA Operative Chip Tatum-1 of 8
The Pegasus File
The CIA's Covert Operations
James Casbolt Project Mannequin Interview
This Is How They Will Kill Us
Mind Control and The New World Order
Naomi Klein - Give Me Liberty – A Handbook for American
Curbing Social Protest in America: Microwave ‘Non-Lethal’ Weapons
used for ‘Crowd Control’
In your head: Experiments into remote mind control technology
Microwave Mind Control
Entire video: 9/11: Press for Truth can be viewed in its entirety at the
link below (84 minutes):
State-Sponsored Terror in the Western World
Covert Terrorism in the UK
Terrorstorm: A History of Government-Sponsored Terrorism
Web site exposing Mind-Control around the world.
Concentration Camps For American Citizens
Masters Of Terror – Alex Jones
The CIA & Drugs
Dr. Michael Parenti: “Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy “
State – Sponsored Terror in the Western World
On Her Majesty's Secret Service – Uncensored
All the Queen’s forces and all the Queen’s men
America the Illiterate
Fabled Enemies (Super High Quality, full movie
Secrets Of The CIA
State Sponsored Terrorists: Secrets of the CIA Part 1 (Video)
WikiLeaks cables. Bangladeshi 'death squad' trained by UK
United States of America and UK are leading terrorist states. Noam
Chomsky interview HQ
The Secret Government: CIA Operations Part 1 (Video)
Electronic Voting Machines Whistle Blower
Dr Michael Parenti -- Functions of Fascism (Real History) 1 of4
Masons are the UK’s Nazi Party
Noam Chomsky - America is not a Democracy
John Stockwell: The Third World War
The Secret History of the American Empire – John Perkins
America Bombings Date Page
London Bombings Data Page
The Secret Use Of Microwaves By British Police And Army
Symptoms of a targeted individual in the UK
Top Journalists Expose Major Cover-ups in Mass Media
Bio-electromagnetic Weapons: The ultimate weapon
David Icke - Freedom or Fascism: The Time to Choose
Thomas Paine v. the Right's Torture Defenders
The CIA's Willing Torturers
From the Wilderness - Michael Ruppert
The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, by Bill Moyers
Bringing the 'Bush Six' to Justice
Why Bradley Manning is Fighting for his Sanity
How the spooks took over the news
Innocents Betrayed
Torture in the United Kingdom
John Kaminski – Great Writer on the Internet
“The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.”
Loose Change: Final Cut (2007)
Torture in the United States
America: Rogue State: William Blum
Lindsey Williams – The Energy Non-Crisis. Video, Part 1of 8
News you won’t find on CNN or FOX News!
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media (1992)
MI6 Are The Lords of the Global Drug Trade
Cameras in Digital Convert Boxes! BEWARE!
This Economic Disaster Video - Lecture By William K. Black
David Wise: “The CIA, Licensed to Kill”
Danish scientist on nano-thermite from WTC
The Evil Scourge of Terrorism. Reality, Construction, Remedy
Drawing Back the Veil on the 'Death State'
Targeting Journalists
Tony Blair Stands Accused
What Did Eisenhower Mean When He Warned of a Military Industrial
Complex? Take a Look at the Carlyle Group.
'Ex-presidents club' gets fat on conflict,,919897,00.html
The Hour Of Our Time: The Legacy of William Cooper
Carlyle Group: Anatomy of a Scam
How the European Commission deals with irregularities & fraud
Global Internet Liberty Campaign
United Nations Home Page
Noam Chomsky - America is NOT a Democracy
Press Censorship
Weaponizing Psychology Treating People Like Dogs
The Secret History of the American Empire The Truth About Global
Corruption Video - John Perkins, author of Confessions of An
Economic Hit Man.
Shadow Secrets
John Pilger on Honduras, Iran, Gaza, the Corporate Media, Obama’s
Wars and Resisting the American Empire
Americas Third World War How 6 million People Were killed in CIA
secret wars against third world countries
At Obama's request the Supreme Court has put the final nail in the
coffin of the founding father's constitution
America’s Secret Prisons for Undocumented Immigrants
James Casbolt Project Mannequin Interview
The US Game in Latin America
The Creed of Objectivity Killed the News
Blair the British Neo-con
9/11, Deep Events, and the Curtailment of U.S. Freedoms
Fear is the Key to Obedience
Shock, Horror, Drama That You Won't Read In The New York Times
Orphaned, Raped and Ignored
US Army Imprisons Iraq War Veteran Over Song
Citizen's Arrest of War Criminals Tony Blair and George W. Bush
Who Runs the World. 5/5
UN accuses Britain of complicity in torture
Columbia’s Mass Graves
I Call It Murder
"We Should Not Give Up the Game Before All the Cards Have Been
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura - Manchurian Candidate (Part
1/6) Video
Project Camelot interviews Aaron McCollum – Black Ops
US Government Death Lists for USA Citizens
It Is Now Official: The U.S. Is A Police State
Covert Operations - CIA Insider Tells All: (1)
Britain 'complicit in mistreatment and possible torture' says UN
Top judge: Binyam Mohamed case shows MI5 to be devious,
dishonest and complicit in torture
US Government Death Lists for USA Citizens
Noam Chomsky on Modern-Day American Imperialism: Middle East
and Beyond
The Economic Elite Have Engineered an Extraordinary Coup
America, the Land of Inequality
The Art of Corporate Mind Control
Grounds for Hope and Despair
Friendly Dictators
DEAFENING SILENCE: Media Response to the May 9th Event
and its Implications Regarding the Truth of Disclosure
Fighting the Subversion of Our People's Sovereignty
A Long Kept Secret For Generating Free Electricity is Finally On The
Open, And You'll Never Have To Pay A Single Dime to the Power
The History Of The House Of Rothschild
CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up
Thatcher 'threatened to nuke Argentina'
Revealed: British Premier Gordon Brown Is A Paedophile
The Art of Corporate Mind Control
The Disclosure Project
Former Spy Tells The Truth!
Secrets of the CIA
Who’s Afraid of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories?
What’s New in the British Police State?
The British State Bares its Fangs (Again)
Britain’s Digital Surveillance: Hiding from Her Majesty’s “Black
Tracking Your Every Move: ‘Enhancing’ Driver’s Licenses at the Cost
of Privacy
America: The Grim Truth
Torturing Women Prisoners
Becoming Gods Ethnically Cleansing Palestinians - video
Common Purpose Awareness
Synthetic Telepathy: Microwave Mind Control. UK Security Forces
The War Against Free Thought
Iraq Slaughter Not An Aberration
Run From The Cure
Death Of The Internet: Unprecedented Censorship Bill Passes in UK
Orion Project Videos - Introduction
Now we know the truth. The financial meltdown wasn't a mistake – it
was a con
Goldman Sachs set to pay £3.5bn in bonuses
The image Microsoft doesn't want you to see
Corporations Aren't Persons
The End of Prisons? – Alternatives to Incarceration
You can’t handle the truth - Drugs
The Death Penalty for Murderous 'Corporate Persons'
Six Banks Control 60% of Gross National Product
Big Liars and the Voters Who Love Them
Lies and Wars
Britain ‘four meals away from anarchy
Your Help Needed - Reveal Torture to Stop It
The Canadian Government's Human Rights Abuse Exposed!
WikiLeaks - Blow The Whistle
UK complicity in torture in Pakistan
Canada’s Moral Dilemma: Torture by CSIS – a crisis in democracy
MIND CONTROL -- The Mother Of All Black Operations
Targeted Individuals - One system to rule them all
The Gallery - slideshow of American Torture
18 veterans commit suicide each day
Is the CIA behind Mexico's Bloody Drug War?
More American Expatriates Give Up Citizenship
Welcome to the New Honduras, Where Right-Wing Death Squads
Coca Cola's Role in the Assassinations of Union Leaders Explored in
Powerful New Documentary
Colombia's "Genocidal Democracy" May Have Claimed Over
150,000 Lives
Lies, Damn Lies and Medical Research
Torture, Rendition, Terror & Oil: A Primer on 'Deep Politics'
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Fabricating Terrorism: Victims of UK Injustice
A Tale of Lies, Deceit, and Terrorism
One Third of the Holocaust
'Arrest me, I'm a terrorist'
Terrorism. Made in the U.S.A.
Noam Chomsky - Why The Elites Hate Democracy
The Danger of Invisible Corporate Power
The War Against Free Thought
A Warning From Noam Chomsky on the Threat of Elites
Conditioned For Slavery A New Period Of Financial Terrorism
Banks, drugs and US-sponsored terrorism
33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every
Person Should Know...
Murder, Spies & Voting Lies (the Clint Curtis story)
Core of Corruption: In the Shadows - video
Monarch: The New Phoenix Program
Dark Side of the Moon
Food Stamp Use Hit Record 40.8m in May
Political Prisoners in America
A Mutant Form of Capitalism
Deceptive Economic Statistics
Understanding America's Class System
Dismantling America
None Dare Call It Tyranny
The Transformation of Latin America is a Global Advance
Enough of the Myth of American Morality
Awakening the Global Slave
Free in our Time…
Obama Denial Displayed: Leading with Post-Racial Bi-
Partisan Myopia
Collapse of WTC building 7: were explosives used
'The War on Democracy'
Overdose - video
Make Sure the Bunker is Well Stocked
Kill Them
Our Bloody Valentine
Psywar: The Real Battlefield is the Mind
The Nazification of the United States
CIA Perception Management - How the World Sees the United States
Mass Assassinations Lie at the Heart of America's Military Strategy in
the Muslim World
The Bio Weapons Mafia
Jordan Maxwell on Rense August 16, 2010
Dodge Pickup Runs on 100% Water
Interesting Reading
Conspiracy Theory Jesse Ventura S02E04 Police State 1/3
Project Blue Beam
British Government loses bid to keep 7/7 evidence secret
Technology Addiction and Virtual Reality
Small Acts of Resistance
The Stench of American Hypocrisy, Part 2
Power and the Tiny Acts of Rebellion
Colombia's Bloody New President: 50 leaders killed
C.I.A. Cocaine Import Agency
A Practical Plan to Get Big Money Out of Politics
WikiLeaks Release to Feature Corruption Among World Leaders,
Mossad Comes to America. Death Squads by Invitation
911 Hijackers Not on Flight Manifests. A Review of Available
Nigeria to Charge Dick Cheney in Pipeline Bribery Case
The Moral Standards of WikiLeaks Critics – part one
The moral standards of WikiLeaks critics – part two
ileaks/index.html Stops Hosting WikiLeaks On Its Servers
How the US media is dumping on WikiLeaks - and censoring the
cable disclosures
Interview with Prof. Chomsky Nov 16 2010 Part 1 to 3 - video
Cancer is a Fungus
Namibia: Genocide and the Second Reich
Homeland Security's laptop seizures
A Time to Break Silence
WikiLeaks is Holding US Global Power to Account
The United States of War Criminals
Massacre in Thailand. America’s Bloody Hands
Capitalism, Market Fundamentalism, and the Duplicitous Meanings of
The Media in America. Selling Views, Calling it News
Issues of MindControl - Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde - - video
The Financial Elite In America - Same As Dictators Elsewhere
Civil liberty campaigners fear 'control orders lite' regime
John Perkins: Why we are at War - video
The Doomsday Project, Deep Events, and the Shrinking of American
UK Government Linked to Bangladeshi ‘Death Squad’ Renowned for
Use of Torture
Bangladesh 'death squad' trained by UK police resumes extrajudicial
Mind Games
RUXANDRA CESEREANU / An Overview of Political Torture in the
Twentieth Century
The Real Rogue Nuclear State
Psy War. Wake up! - video
Dr. Rauni Kilde (1 of 13): Life, Swineflu vaccination, microchip,
FEAR, Illuminati -video
Issues of MindControl - Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen Kilde - video
Bases 5 Part 1 Mind Control with Rauni Kilde - video
Amazing Video Chipping Our Reality Part 1 of 4 - video
Spanish Judge Baltasar Garzón on Bin Laden’s Killing, Holding
Torturers Accountable, Universal Jurisdiction.
What the Farc files really reveal
How a big US bank laundered billions from Mexico's murderous drug
Gasbag Hillary Blasts China on "Human Rights"
Canadian Targeted Individuals
Targeted Individuals Europe Human Rights are not Negotiable
Organized Stalking Survival--Part 2
Dr. John Hall - Satellite Surveillance (Project Camelot Radio) 1/11 -
The twin towers and Bldg 7 were taken down by Nuclear Demolition
Charges - Dimitri Khalezov
The Shock Doctrine - video
Noam Chomsky: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal 'Profound Hatred for
Democracy' by U.S. Govt Officials 1 of 3
America's Appalling Human Rights Record
America's Death Squads
The Magic of Mr. Rossi
Inside Job (2010) Video - Full Movie
Global Financial Crisis
US Secret Agent says 2 mini-nukes brought down twin towers on 9/11
Susan Lindauer Imprisoned for One Year Through the Patriot Act.
Author of "Extreme Prejudice" on RenseRadio
Offshoring has destroyed the economy
Coming to America - The Pain In Spain
We Are The Terrorists - By Dahlia Wasfi
George Galloway: Hands Off Libya - Video
Press For Truth Presents Into The Fire.
- [ Traducir esta página ]
( c ) By Dr Les Dove C.P.H.. Updated. Mexico. May 2011. ( c )
United Kingdom 1995 ... - En caché
Government Conspiracies - World of Lies - Award Winning
Queen Elizabeth Scared Empire Falling Apart
Targeted Individual 7/7
Treason in Greece - video
Iceland aims to become an offshore haven for journalists and leakers
Alex Jones: Bilderberg Club's plan
Dancing on the Edge of Oblivion - video
US Commando War in 120 Countries. Uncovering the Milideo-itary's
Secret Operations In the Obama Era
Aftermath: Population Zero
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