Monday 15 April 2024

David Camerons Grandfather

Donald Ewen Cameron was David Cameron's grandfather. Allen Welsh Dulles was the Director of Central Intelligence who authorised the MKUltra torture program that Donald Ewen Cameron ran between 1957 to 1961. The Pindown child trafficking/sensory deprivation torture program was part of the MKUltra program. In 2002 David Cameron headed a select committee investigation into child abuse in childrens homes in the UK, and that invesigation invited some very dubious and cunning individuals to effectively lobby to stop what they called "Police Trawling" but was actually blocking the police forces all around the UK from properly investigating child abuse/trafficking/torture in childrens homes. Can you all see what they did? I am a very brave woman, I have been telling the truth all this time. I hope people will wake up.

Monday 19 February 2024


I have just contacted Staffordshire Victim Gateway, and had a very angry conversation with a woman, I presume a policewoman, who took my call. She was very rude, dismissing and patronising to me. She had no clue what services the organisation she worked for offered, and didnt even have a copy of the Victim Gateway leaflet. She did tell me that the service was run by the police. The reason I am making this post is that I know full well, from bitter experience, that the police will probably turn up once more on my doorstep, to harass me. This has been going on for years. To Anonymous Anonymous said... i keep checking in but you dont write like you used to it gave us so much comfort knowing we were not the only ones you had so much love and support i hope you still have it x 31 January 2024 at 00:24 I am so sorry. I am just trying to keep safe. Staffordshire Police have repeatedly threatened me over this blog. I try to stay on social media groups, so that any police harassment is witnessed, I feel safer in a group.