Anonymous said...
Just remove all references to people living in Jersey.
Syvret has never produced any evidence to back up any claim either to the local police station or in the UK. The people of Jersey do not deserve your aggressive blogging when they do not even know who you are or understand your motives.
26 October 2013 03:50
Zoompad said...
My aggressive blogging? I think you meant to say my ASSERTIVE blogging. At least, I would hope you did.
As for who deserves what, the WEST MIDLANDS children that got shipped off to Haut de la Garenne didn't deserve the way they were treated.
26 October 2013 12:57
Zoompad said...
PINDOWN in Staffordshire was GRAND PRIX in Jersey
26 October 2013 12:58
Zoompad said...
"Anonymous said...
Just remove all references to people living in Jersey."
I'm going to be fair here.
Which posts in particular do you want me to remove?
26 October 2013 13:03
Anonymous said...
the pro paedophile jersey hdlg murder farce blog i... - Zoompad's blog
Oct 12, 2011 - The cowardly devils on that Blog of Doom are so obsessed with me! "Zoompad said... A friend of mine messed them around with community ...
another abusive post from the jersey criminal ... - Zoompad's blog
Dec 29, 2010 - I was not going to make a special post, but when I read what the JERSEY HAUT DE LA GARENNE MURDER FARCE blog - a blog which is ...
Zoompad's blog: HOORAY!
Mar 29, 2011 - Jonathan Sharrock Haworth (40), of St Helier, told the court that he ... And now look, Jon Haworth bis STILL at it, going round all our blogs, ...
29 October 2013 05:04
Zoompad said...
And who are you, please?
29 October 2013 05:12
Zoompad said...
It looks like someone else - a HACKER - has already started removing these blogposts!
Because it certainly wasn't me removing them!
Those blogposts are evidence of the horrible bullying I was subjected to on the Jersey HDLG Murder Farce blog.
Never mind though, they've all been copied copies hidden in very safe places.
Try digging up the entire woodland of Cannock Chase and you may be able to find those ones to destroy as well!
29 October 2013 05:17
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Friday, 25 October 2013
WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS?'%2520contact%2520details.xlsx&ei=gWZrUsPeOMjUtAbI7IHICw&usg=AFQjCNGud6gUexqU6XeWE7eEeH_jYh8MJw&sig2=5qAQKsKvBshgLUtF-8ybTg&bvm=bv.55123115,d.Yms
Sheet1 - Celebrity Managers' Forum'%20contact%20details.xl...
40, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity, Simon Kaston, Artist Liaison Manager ... 61, NSPCC, Tom Haughton, Artist & Ambassador Liaison Officer ...
18 April 2012 Last updated at 15:36 Share this pageEmail Print Share this page
132ShareFacebookTwitter.Great Ormond Street Hospital 'victimising concerned staff'By Tim Donovan
Political Editor, BBC London
Great Ormond Street Hospital has an international reputation for excellence in children's health care Continue reading the main story
Related Stories
Baby P GP failed in duty - GMC
Baby P resignation is 'overdue'
MP tells hospital chief to resign
Great Ormond Street Hospital is facing accusations that it is downgrading child protection work and "victimising" staff who raise concerns.
Doctors claim the hospital has ignored warnings about the reduction in its specialist expertise in diagnosing abuse.
According to the former head of its radiology department, its withdrawal of services since the death of Baby Peter is putting children's safety at risk.
And a senior Conservative MP has also criticised the hospital over its treatment of another consultant, who was accused of falsifying expenses.
Former head of radiology Professor Christine Hall says the hospital has withdrawn from vital child protection work since the Peter Connelly - Baby P - case.
Radiologists at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) were relied upon to give their expert opinion on child abuse cases to doctors around the country.
From X-rays, they made judgements on whether injuries could be accidental or not. But they are now turning away requests for second opinions.
Professor Hall says she was referred scores of cases each year, many complex and time-consuming, which often involved preparation of reports for court cases.
She said: "Other people might be tempted to improve what we're doing, but it seems the opposite case here. They just wanted to withdraw from anything to do with child abuse.
Peter Connelly's mother, her boyfriend and his brother were convicted of causing his death in 2008
"I found this quite horrifying. It was an impossible situation to be in and whoever had dreamt this up obviously had no idea what it involved.
"The consultants were told they could no longer accept referrals of possible child abuse cases. I was shocked. This was the whole reason for Great Ormond Street existing, to help with difficult cases and to provide opinions for court appearances and things like that."
She claims concerns raised by staff about downgrading the service have not been treated appropriately.
"I think complaints are not listened to, not taken seriously, ignored, and often the person doing the complaining had been victimised."
Great Ormond Street say it had become "custom and practice" for Professor Hall to see cases referred by other hospitals, but this was stopped after she left in 2006, before Baby Peter died.
In a statement, they said: "Following her retirement, the radiology team decided, with management support, to stop accepting external requests for 'radiology only' second opinions because the hospital does not have an A&E and therefore, in the department's view, it was not an appropriate focus for the radiology department.
"Child protection work is a core part of the role of all paediatric radiologists, and GOSH is no exception."
Further concerns have been raised about the reduction of specialist work in the radiology department.
Karen Rosendahl was one of a three-member team, specialising in multi-skeletal (MSK) radiology. Since she left two years ago there have been no MSK specialists and the work is done by radiologists with general skills. She claims it has led to recent misdiagnosis of children.
"I have concerns about children's safety. One particular case was misdiagnosed and had the wrong sort of treatment. Another case was misdiagnosed as abuse when it wasn't abuse".
Great Ormond Street rejects this. It said: "Any concern raised by staff at Great Ormond Street is taken very seriously. We encourage staff to raise concerns.
Lib Dem minister Lynne Featherstone claimed there had been a "cover-up"
"On investigation we have found no evidence of any risk to patient safety."
At the time of Peter Connelly's death in August 2007, Great Ormond Street was responsible for child protection in Haringey, and recruited the locum, Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat, who examined the toddler two days before he died.
Last year Home Office Minister Lynne Featherstone claimed there had been a "cover-up" after it emerged the hospital withheld details of its failings from the original enquiry.
Criticisms were contained in a confidential report into Dr Al-Zayyat and the St Ann's clinic where she worked, but a number were not passed on to the serious case review.
The Sibert report - as it became known - revealed a shortage of staff, lack of nursing support and poor access to medical records. Consultants at the clinic had warned about the same problems a year before.
A BBC documentary reveals key failings - identified by Sibert - also didn't appear in a second serious case review. And the hospital pressurised the health regulator not to make criticisms in the Sibert report public.
Social care expert Professor Ray Jones said: "If at any point in time there's been deliberate editing and exclusion to make sure that information doesn't transfer from one stage of the process to another then that has got to be a cause of concern because you have disrupted and destroyed the purpose of the process."
Acrimonious dispute
Great Ormond Street says it withheld information from the first serious case review for legal reasons and to preserve confidentiality but gave the full unredacted Sibert report to the second serious case review.
Details have also emerged of an acrimonious four-year dispute involving another senior radiologist and Great Ormond Street.
Dr Cathy Owens faced an allegation of fraud in 2008 over her claims for reimbursement of the congestion charge. She was made to pay back the money but Great Ormond Street chose not to take disciplinary action at the time.
In 2010 she lodged a grievance about her treatment by the hospital. A few weeks later she was reported to the General Medical Council (GMC) by some of her own colleagues. They resurrected the previous investigation into her expenses as a basis for their referral.
Conservative MP Sir Peter Bottomley says the GMC should not have been involved, and has criticised the hospital for allowing it.
He said: "As soon as the hospital knew that there had been a referral of Dr Owens, it should have intervened and said this is a dead issue.
"Whatever the rights and wrongs may have been just over two years ago, it's not a matter to bring up in public now, it clearly doesn't affect a doctor's fitness to practice, it's been disposed of."
'Pure victimisation'
The GMC has now dropped the case, saying there was no prospect of proving dishonesty, and questioned why it was "silent for well over two years" before a formal complaint was made.
Professor Hall claims Dr Owens was targeted unfairly.
She said: "I think this is pure victimisation of Cathy Owens. My view is that they are trying to persuade her by one means or another to resign."
Great Ormond Street said it did not take disciplinary action against Dr Owens initially because it wanted to avoid further disruption in the radiology department. It says it was obliged to pass all information on to the GMC, after her referral.
"We were bound to ensure that the General Medical Council received a clear, transparent and accurate account of all the key evidence."
Great Ormond Street Hospital is broadcast on BBC One London on 18 April at 19:30 BST and nationwide on the iPlayer for seven days thereafter.
Sheet1 - Celebrity Managers' Forum'%20contact%20details.xl...
40, Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity, Simon Kaston, Artist Liaison Manager ... 61, NSPCC, Tom Haughton, Artist & Ambassador Liaison Officer ...
18 April 2012 Last updated at 15:36 Share this pageEmail Print Share this page
132ShareFacebookTwitter.Great Ormond Street Hospital 'victimising concerned staff'By Tim Donovan
Political Editor, BBC London
Great Ormond Street Hospital has an international reputation for excellence in children's health care Continue reading the main story
Related Stories
Baby P GP failed in duty - GMC
Baby P resignation is 'overdue'
MP tells hospital chief to resign
Great Ormond Street Hospital is facing accusations that it is downgrading child protection work and "victimising" staff who raise concerns.
Doctors claim the hospital has ignored warnings about the reduction in its specialist expertise in diagnosing abuse.
According to the former head of its radiology department, its withdrawal of services since the death of Baby Peter is putting children's safety at risk.
And a senior Conservative MP has also criticised the hospital over its treatment of another consultant, who was accused of falsifying expenses.
Former head of radiology Professor Christine Hall says the hospital has withdrawn from vital child protection work since the Peter Connelly - Baby P - case.
Radiologists at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) were relied upon to give their expert opinion on child abuse cases to doctors around the country.
From X-rays, they made judgements on whether injuries could be accidental or not. But they are now turning away requests for second opinions.
Professor Hall says she was referred scores of cases each year, many complex and time-consuming, which often involved preparation of reports for court cases.
She said: "Other people might be tempted to improve what we're doing, but it seems the opposite case here. They just wanted to withdraw from anything to do with child abuse.
Peter Connelly's mother, her boyfriend and his brother were convicted of causing his death in 2008
"I found this quite horrifying. It was an impossible situation to be in and whoever had dreamt this up obviously had no idea what it involved.
"The consultants were told they could no longer accept referrals of possible child abuse cases. I was shocked. This was the whole reason for Great Ormond Street existing, to help with difficult cases and to provide opinions for court appearances and things like that."
She claims concerns raised by staff about downgrading the service have not been treated appropriately.
"I think complaints are not listened to, not taken seriously, ignored, and often the person doing the complaining had been victimised."
Great Ormond Street say it had become "custom and practice" for Professor Hall to see cases referred by other hospitals, but this was stopped after she left in 2006, before Baby Peter died.
In a statement, they said: "Following her retirement, the radiology team decided, with management support, to stop accepting external requests for 'radiology only' second opinions because the hospital does not have an A&E and therefore, in the department's view, it was not an appropriate focus for the radiology department.
"Child protection work is a core part of the role of all paediatric radiologists, and GOSH is no exception."
Further concerns have been raised about the reduction of specialist work in the radiology department.
Karen Rosendahl was one of a three-member team, specialising in multi-skeletal (MSK) radiology. Since she left two years ago there have been no MSK specialists and the work is done by radiologists with general skills. She claims it has led to recent misdiagnosis of children.
"I have concerns about children's safety. One particular case was misdiagnosed and had the wrong sort of treatment. Another case was misdiagnosed as abuse when it wasn't abuse".
Great Ormond Street rejects this. It said: "Any concern raised by staff at Great Ormond Street is taken very seriously. We encourage staff to raise concerns.
Lib Dem minister Lynne Featherstone claimed there had been a "cover-up"
"On investigation we have found no evidence of any risk to patient safety."
At the time of Peter Connelly's death in August 2007, Great Ormond Street was responsible for child protection in Haringey, and recruited the locum, Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat, who examined the toddler two days before he died.
Last year Home Office Minister Lynne Featherstone claimed there had been a "cover-up" after it emerged the hospital withheld details of its failings from the original enquiry.
Criticisms were contained in a confidential report into Dr Al-Zayyat and the St Ann's clinic where she worked, but a number were not passed on to the serious case review.
The Sibert report - as it became known - revealed a shortage of staff, lack of nursing support and poor access to medical records. Consultants at the clinic had warned about the same problems a year before.
A BBC documentary reveals key failings - identified by Sibert - also didn't appear in a second serious case review. And the hospital pressurised the health regulator not to make criticisms in the Sibert report public.
Social care expert Professor Ray Jones said: "If at any point in time there's been deliberate editing and exclusion to make sure that information doesn't transfer from one stage of the process to another then that has got to be a cause of concern because you have disrupted and destroyed the purpose of the process."
Acrimonious dispute
Great Ormond Street says it withheld information from the first serious case review for legal reasons and to preserve confidentiality but gave the full unredacted Sibert report to the second serious case review.
Details have also emerged of an acrimonious four-year dispute involving another senior radiologist and Great Ormond Street.
Dr Cathy Owens faced an allegation of fraud in 2008 over her claims for reimbursement of the congestion charge. She was made to pay back the money but Great Ormond Street chose not to take disciplinary action at the time.
In 2010 she lodged a grievance about her treatment by the hospital. A few weeks later she was reported to the General Medical Council (GMC) by some of her own colleagues. They resurrected the previous investigation into her expenses as a basis for their referral.
Conservative MP Sir Peter Bottomley says the GMC should not have been involved, and has criticised the hospital for allowing it.
He said: "As soon as the hospital knew that there had been a referral of Dr Owens, it should have intervened and said this is a dead issue.
"Whatever the rights and wrongs may have been just over two years ago, it's not a matter to bring up in public now, it clearly doesn't affect a doctor's fitness to practice, it's been disposed of."
'Pure victimisation'
The GMC has now dropped the case, saying there was no prospect of proving dishonesty, and questioned why it was "silent for well over two years" before a formal complaint was made.
Professor Hall claims Dr Owens was targeted unfairly.
She said: "I think this is pure victimisation of Cathy Owens. My view is that they are trying to persuade her by one means or another to resign."
Great Ormond Street said it did not take disciplinary action against Dr Owens initially because it wanted to avoid further disruption in the radiology department. It says it was obliged to pass all information on to the GMC, after her referral.
"We were bound to ensure that the General Medical Council received a clear, transparent and accurate account of all the key evidence."
Great Ormond Street Hospital is broadcast on BBC One London on 18 April at 19:30 BST and nationwide on the iPlayer for seven days thereafter.
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Unlike a certain other blog which I used to post on, until it started bullying me and other victims of child abuse, by calling us homophobic for complaining about paedophiles who pretend to be gay, I can't really refer my readers to other blogs, because the paedophile network gangsters are so cunning that I can't be sure of every blog that says its against child abuse, and I would never want to refer vulnerable people to trickers.
We can't even trust people who say they are christians, because the paedophile gangsters are doing that as well, woe to them who mock the Lord in that way!
The only thing I do know is that God never lies, so if you are unsure about something ask God to show you the truth. Most people are against child abuse, you can see that just by your own eyes in your own communities, use your own eyes, ears, heart and the Lord your God, who hates child abuse, to guide you.
We can't even trust people who say they are christians, because the paedophile gangsters are doing that as well, woe to them who mock the Lord in that way!
The only thing I do know is that God never lies, so if you are unsure about something ask God to show you the truth. Most people are against child abuse, you can see that just by your own eyes in your own communities, use your own eyes, ears, heart and the Lord your God, who hates child abuse, to guide you.
Monday, 21 October 2013
I do love the way John Mills plays classical guitar, but not only is he a very good guitarist, he is also a very good teacher.
I'm getting bullied and hacked (again) but I am DETERMINED to leave my blog with something nice on it, as a V sign to the bullies and demons that are trying to smash me up.
I've cried enough tears to make an ocean, and I want to be happy.
I love this piece of music and I am learning to play it, (trying!)but I dont know if I will ever play it as well as this talented man - I think his fingers must be made out of elastic, this piece is not easy!
ps I wont be posting any more anonymous bullying threatening comments, because I've been told mot to feed the Trolls!
I've cried enough tears to make an ocean, and I want to be happy.
I love this piece of music and I am learning to play it, (trying!)but I dont know if I will ever play it as well as this talented man - I think his fingers must be made out of elastic, this piece is not easy!
ps I wont be posting any more anonymous bullying threatening comments, because I've been told mot to feed the Trolls!
Saturday, 19 October 2013
Something that I like
I need to have a rest from blogging because being hacked made me get really upset, and makes me get ill.
I'm leaving my blog page with something lovely on it for a few days at least, it's my way of sticking up two fingers to Satan!
I have always loved this song of Dan Fogelbergs and hope other people will enjoy it as well.
Woman charged with stalking Shy Keenan
8:49am Friday 18th October 2013 in News.
Woman charged with stalking campaigner Shy Keenan
A WOMAN has been charged with stalking child abuse campaigner Shy Keenan.
Penny Mellor, 52, from Coven in Wolverhampton, will appear in court on November 6.
Ms Keenan, who lives near Colchester, was the victim of an abusive relationship when she was younger and now devotes her time to safeguarding young people from abuse.
Mellor has been released on bail until her first court hearing, which will take place at Chelmsford Magistrates’ Court.
Shy Keenan blocked me on Twitter when I tried to tell her all about the Staffordshire Pindown cover up. Peter Saunders told her that I am agressive (I am actually assertive) because I told NAPAC about the Staffordshire Pindown cover up and to my astonishment they didn't want to know, which I found really upsetting.
Teresa Cooper - back in the days when she actually used to speak to me, before the media company that did that film of her and Frank Bruno and that Senior Police Officer had told her not to - that she had also contacted NAPAC and they didn't help her either.
Penny Mellor is another person who didn't want anything to do with the Pindown cover up when I tried to tell her about it.
8:49am Friday 18th October 2013 in News.
Woman charged with stalking campaigner Shy Keenan
A WOMAN has been charged with stalking child abuse campaigner Shy Keenan.
Penny Mellor, 52, from Coven in Wolverhampton, will appear in court on November 6.
Ms Keenan, who lives near Colchester, was the victim of an abusive relationship when she was younger and now devotes her time to safeguarding young people from abuse.
Mellor has been released on bail until her first court hearing, which will take place at Chelmsford Magistrates’ Court.
Shy Keenan blocked me on Twitter when I tried to tell her all about the Staffordshire Pindown cover up. Peter Saunders told her that I am agressive (I am actually assertive) because I told NAPAC about the Staffordshire Pindown cover up and to my astonishment they didn't want to know, which I found really upsetting.
Teresa Cooper - back in the days when she actually used to speak to me, before the media company that did that film of her and Frank Bruno and that Senior Police Officer had told her not to - that she had also contacted NAPAC and they didn't help her either.
Penny Mellor is another person who didn't want anything to do with the Pindown cover up when I tried to tell her about it.
Thursday, 17 October 2013
My facebook account is crashing my computer every time I try to go onto it.
They attached a Trojan Horse virus to Justin Haywards website ( he is the lead singer from the Moody Blues pop group, one of my favourite bands) Justin and they got onto my Facebook account from there, via Justin's facebook account - I recognised the name John Allan straight away, he followed me onto there when I tried to tell Justin Hayward about the virus they have infected his website with. My antivirus has blocked the virus but is unable to quarentine or remove it! I pressed the wrong button when my antivirus located the virus and instead of quarentining it as I meant to I accidentally let it go through, and now my anti virus is unable to quarentine or delete it. I am sick to heart of what they have done.
It's not Justin Hayward's fault in any way, the paedoscum have followed me onto his site, they know I like Justin Hayward and the Moody Blues, they've hacked my computer and are bullying me by doing this. Its totally pointless bullying, and they've done the same thing to me, stalking me, on other sites I use for a bit of recreation and relaxation, like Pinterest. It is stalking of the most wicked and nastiest kind.
I hope Justin Hayward does find out what they have done, because he needs to, its not his fault in any way, but his website caused mine to get a Trojan Horse. I don't know if he got my message I sent to him of Facebook telling him about it, or if the paedophile hacking stalkers have blocked that as well.
So I am going down the library to see if I can get on to Facebook from there and see what the hell these scumbags are up to.
Also, I am going to make a complaint about this but I wont say who I am going to complain to this time, so that it can't be intercepted.
I will beat these bullying bastards, Lord Jesus, please give me the strength and the wisdom, the know how.
They attached a Trojan Horse virus to Justin Haywards website ( he is the lead singer from the Moody Blues pop group, one of my favourite bands) Justin and they got onto my Facebook account from there, via Justin's facebook account - I recognised the name John Allan straight away, he followed me onto there when I tried to tell Justin Hayward about the virus they have infected his website with. My antivirus has blocked the virus but is unable to quarentine or remove it! I pressed the wrong button when my antivirus located the virus and instead of quarentining it as I meant to I accidentally let it go through, and now my anti virus is unable to quarentine or delete it. I am sick to heart of what they have done.
It's not Justin Hayward's fault in any way, the paedoscum have followed me onto his site, they know I like Justin Hayward and the Moody Blues, they've hacked my computer and are bullying me by doing this. Its totally pointless bullying, and they've done the same thing to me, stalking me, on other sites I use for a bit of recreation and relaxation, like Pinterest. It is stalking of the most wicked and nastiest kind.
I hope Justin Hayward does find out what they have done, because he needs to, its not his fault in any way, but his website caused mine to get a Trojan Horse. I don't know if he got my message I sent to him of Facebook telling him about it, or if the paedophile hacking stalkers have blocked that as well.
So I am going down the library to see if I can get on to Facebook from there and see what the hell these scumbags are up to.
Also, I am going to make a complaint about this but I wont say who I am going to complain to this time, so that it can't be intercepted.
I will beat these bullying bastards, Lord Jesus, please give me the strength and the wisdom, the know how.
I can no longer access my own Twitter account, and a message is coming up saying that I am already logged in.
Someone has stolen my identity.
Someone has stolen my identity.
A few days ago Aangirfan did a blog post on Joe and Jadin Bell
in which he/she allowed the posters to attack Christians and call us homophobic. I was attacked for talking about the Pindown abuse, persecution of victims and cover up.
Those posts have been removed now.
The next day Aangirfan devoted a whole blog post on me and let a creepy psychologist leave a comment about me having Asperger Syndrome. Although the post was based on another blog post about me by the one time newspaper reporter John Ward (who has been since blacklisted and persecuted by the shutter uppers) Aangirfan hijacked it for no good purpose _ John Ward did have good intentions, he was trying to expose the Pindown child abuse cover up - Aangirfan only posted the post he/she did on me in order to attack me because of what had been said the day before.
Now I think it is very funny that Aangirfan has put up this post about Asperger Syndrome. Funny and creepy.
Disclaimer: the posting of stories, commentaries, reports, documents and links (embedded or otherwise) on this site does not in any way, shape or form, implied or otherwise, necessarily express or suggest endorsement or support of any of such posted material or parts therein.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Photo by kingdomany.
"This boy was born with Asperger's syndrome.
"He was often bullied by older kids and even grown-ups.
"We bought some biscuits for him but the older kids and grown-ups came to rob him every several minutes when we were not beside him.
"I protected him until he finished the biscuits.
"That last day, when we were leaving, that boy saw me in the minibus and waved his hands excitedly.
"I was so happy he remembered me."
Take the online Aspergers Test | Aspergers Test Site
Autism and Asperger syndrome - Treatment - NHS Choices
Many famous and successful people have Asperger's Syndrome.
Asperger's is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.
This failure to react appropriately to social interaction may appear as disregard for other people's feelings, and may come across as insensitive.
Autism diagnoses level off in Britain after five-fold surge during the 1990s
Madeleine McCann - Exposing the Myths
Joris Demmink Plot Thickens: His New Criminal Defence Lawyer
Posted by Anon at 8:40 AM
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Labels: Asperger's, bullying
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in which he/she allowed the posters to attack Christians and call us homophobic. I was attacked for talking about the Pindown abuse, persecution of victims and cover up.
Those posts have been removed now.
The next day Aangirfan devoted a whole blog post on me and let a creepy psychologist leave a comment about me having Asperger Syndrome. Although the post was based on another blog post about me by the one time newspaper reporter John Ward (who has been since blacklisted and persecuted by the shutter uppers) Aangirfan hijacked it for no good purpose _ John Ward did have good intentions, he was trying to expose the Pindown child abuse cover up - Aangirfan only posted the post he/she did on me in order to attack me because of what had been said the day before.
Now I think it is very funny that Aangirfan has put up this post about Asperger Syndrome. Funny and creepy.
Disclaimer: the posting of stories, commentaries, reports, documents and links (embedded or otherwise) on this site does not in any way, shape or form, implied or otherwise, necessarily express or suggest endorsement or support of any of such posted material or parts therein.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Photo by kingdomany.
"This boy was born with Asperger's syndrome.
"He was often bullied by older kids and even grown-ups.
"We bought some biscuits for him but the older kids and grown-ups came to rob him every several minutes when we were not beside him.
"I protected him until he finished the biscuits.
"That last day, when we were leaving, that boy saw me in the minibus and waved his hands excitedly.
"I was so happy he remembered me."
Take the online Aspergers Test | Aspergers Test Site
Autism and Asperger syndrome - Treatment - NHS Choices
Many famous and successful people have Asperger's Syndrome.
Asperger's is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests.
This failure to react appropriately to social interaction may appear as disregard for other people's feelings, and may come across as insensitive.
Autism diagnoses level off in Britain after five-fold surge during the 1990s
Madeleine McCann - Exposing the Myths
Joris Demmink Plot Thickens: His New Criminal Defence Lawyer
Posted by Anon at 8:40 AM
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Labels: Asperger's, bullying
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That is the name of the latest Trogan Horse virus that the paedohackers have tried to infect my computer with.
They aren't happy about me posting photos of the Government Staffordshire Pindown Report, which they have denied the right to read to the victims of Staffordshire Pindown child abuse.
Also, I see Aangirfans gang (and I know who some of them are now, thanks to their bullying) is having another pop at me, the latest Asperger Syndrome post. Nice people (not)
They aren't happy about me posting photos of the Government Staffordshire Pindown Report, which they have denied the right to read to the victims of Staffordshire Pindown child abuse.
Also, I see Aangirfans gang (and I know who some of them are now, thanks to their bullying) is having another pop at me, the latest Asperger Syndrome post. Nice people (not)
Wednesday, 16 October 2013
I have never seen this film all the way through before (being a mum I've always had too many interruptions to watch a lot of things all the way through, other mums will know exactly what I mean!)
What a treat! I just had to post this part of the film which moved me the most.
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
The hackers won't even let me go onto Justin Haywards website and facebook page in peace. They have done something so that when I try to get onto the Justin site a virus attaches itself, my virus software has had to block it.
I managed to get back on to Justins website and found his Facebook page, and though I had better inform him that someone has been blocking people off his website. I'd never been onto his Facebook page before yesterday. All of a sudden, shadowy figures like John Allan have followed me onto Justin Haywards facebook page. He's written something really creepy on Justin Haywards facebook page, I think its really creepy, about a young girl and her mum.
I've had the same stalking on other sites. As soon as I go onto any nice site, they follow me on, and try to friend me. I went on Pinterest to get knitting and sewing ideas, they came on, stalking me on there as well.
I am sick to the back teeth of these abusive cretins.
I can't stop these morons cyberstalking me, but what I can do is turn the full glare of the spotlight onto them. Which is why I am writing this blog post.
I managed to get back on to Justins website and found his Facebook page, and though I had better inform him that someone has been blocking people off his website. I'd never been onto his Facebook page before yesterday. All of a sudden, shadowy figures like John Allan have followed me onto Justin Haywards facebook page. He's written something really creepy on Justin Haywards facebook page, I think its really creepy, about a young girl and her mum.
I've had the same stalking on other sites. As soon as I go onto any nice site, they follow me on, and try to friend me. I went on Pinterest to get knitting and sewing ideas, they came on, stalking me on there as well.
I am sick to the back teeth of these abusive cretins.
I can't stop these morons cyberstalking me, but what I can do is turn the full glare of the spotlight onto them. Which is why I am writing this blog post.
I told her I have to protect myself from malicious vindictive persecution, I can't just expect the Lord to do it all for me - I have a duty of care towards myself, so here I am, exercising it.
It's a great pity I am being forced to do this. It's a great pity that I am unable to trust such a very few professional people. Not having a go in any way at the lady, but she told me she has to inform the authorities if I indicate in this form that I am a danger to myself or to anyone else, but why oh why is she not obliged to inform the authorities that I am in danger from other people - cover uppers of paedophilia?
It is like trying to play football on a massive slope with a midget goal at one end and a huge elephant sized one at the other, on crutches. It is bonkers.
Sunday, 13 October 2013
This just so reminds me of what the Military Secret Services are doing to me, and it is bonkers.
Why the blinking heck can't they simply apologise? NOT like Dawn Franks did, a PROPER apology, without the accompanying "sign my faintly pencilled in Police notebook" stunt.
No more trickery or treachery, just a simple apology. Thats all I want!
I think it is pretty funny that Aangirfan has posted this blog post all about me:
just a few hours after I sent that very same John Ward Slog article about myself via Hotmail to a lady called Cathy Fox.
I also think it is very odd to recieve hotmails from myself to myself, just containing an interesting looking document that I can't read without clicking onto (which I won't) that I never sent!
Funny that isn't it?
just a few hours after I sent that very same John Ward Slog article about myself via Hotmail to a lady called Cathy Fox.
I also think it is very odd to recieve hotmails from myself to myself, just containing an interesting looking document that I can't read without clicking onto (which I won't) that I never sent!
Funny that isn't it?
"Anonymous said...
Gilbert Harding was involved with Rothschilds cambridge homosexual traitors gang called the apostles.
He later regretted this, and went to severl sessions where he confessed he knew the apostles were out to destroy britian,and were sleeping with young boys after the third session he collapsed and died in the street,
The coriner suspected foul play but the findings were inconslusive
12 October 2013 09:24 "
Thank you for this info. I watched the video where Gilbert Harding wept, and feel that he was a man with a stricken concience.
A lot of people get sucked into doing bad things for bad people, but it weighs heavy on the heart to some people, the Holy Spirit speaks to all of us, if only we will listen.
It's far better to be Abel than to be Cain. Woe to those who are still doing evil, who refuse to repent, when the Lord comes to divide their body from their soul, as must happen to all of us.
Gilbert Harding was involved with Rothschilds cambridge homosexual traitors gang called the apostles.
He later regretted this, and went to severl sessions where he confessed he knew the apostles were out to destroy britian,and were sleeping with young boys after the third session he collapsed and died in the street,
The coriner suspected foul play but the findings were inconslusive
12 October 2013 09:24 "
Thank you for this info. I watched the video where Gilbert Harding wept, and feel that he was a man with a stricken concience.
A lot of people get sucked into doing bad things for bad people, but it weighs heavy on the heart to some people, the Holy Spirit speaks to all of us, if only we will listen.
It's far better to be Abel than to be Cain. Woe to those who are still doing evil, who refuse to repent, when the Lord comes to divide their body from their soul, as must happen to all of us.
Saturday, 12 October 2013
It's one thing for Aangirfan to allow gay people to bully child abuse victims, but it's going a bit too far when the child abuse victims are prevented from defending themselves from being attacked, by way of selective censoring.
Here is Aangirfans latest post. Aangirfan has removed the posts I made, leaving only the responses to it, which are of a bullying nature.
Here is the blogpost that I have been censored on, and my comments removed:
Friday, October 11, 2013
Joe and son Jadin - both dead.
On 9 October 2013, in Colorado, Joe Bell was killed when he was hit by a truck.
Truck driver Kenneth Raven has been 'cited with careless driving.'
Joe, aged 48, from Oregon, was on a 5,000 mile walk - to raise awareness about bullying.
Joe's 15-year-old son Jadin, who had been bullied, was found hanged at a La Grande school in January 2013.
Joe's Walk for Change Facebook page describes how Joe had been speaking at schools and clubs across the USA about homophobic bullying.
Jadin had been the victim of relentless bullying in school because of his sexuality.
Joe began his walk in Oregon in April 2013, traveling up to 25 miles a day as he raised awareness for Faces for Change, the anti-bullying foundation set up in Jadin's memory.
Huffington Post.
At one stop on his journey, Mr Bell told a youth group about when Jadin first told them he was gay.
Denver Post
Joe told the group:
"My son didn't choose to be gay.
"My son was different at a very young age."
"He told his family he was gay because he knew they would accept him.
"I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek every day. I was proud of him."
Remember that most of the hate-filled, bullying 'Christian' homophobes are gay.
The Bible tells us that it is forbidden to wear an outfit made out of more than one kind of cloth.
How many Christians are ignoring this rule?
Whosoever: An Open Letter to Homophobic Christian Parents
In Ezekiel 16:49 the "sin of Sodom" was identified as "pride, laziness, and too much food, while the poor and needy suffered"?
(not a word about homosexuality.)
Several scriptures refer to these sins, sins of failure to love and care for others, as being "worse than the sin of Sodom".
Whosoever: An Open Letter to Homophobic Christian Parents
Paul said "Let your women keep silent in the churches."
How many Christians accept this?
Whosoever: An Open Letter to Homophobic Christian Parents
Joe Bell, man walking to memorialize son, is fatally hit by truck in Colorado
Jadin Bell's Father Begins Walk Across America
Dad walking across America for suicide gay teen killed in crash
Jadin Bell's Father, Joe Bell, Killed While Walking Cross Country For Tribute To Dead Gay Teen
Posted by Anon at 10:08 AM
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Labels: Bible, bullying, Colorado, gay, homophobe, Jadin Bell, Joe Bell, Oregon, Sodom
Stephen Gash said...
Yes but that's the point. Christianity and religion in general was put in its box with Darwin and the Age of Reason. Now we cannot even analyse let alone criticise Islam.
2:56 PM
Anon said...
Dear Anonymous and Zoompad,
I notice that you do not express any sympathy for the deceased.
Please consider the 'tone' of your comments.
Some 'Christians' often come across as being like the Pharisees.
"The only people Jesus had words of judgment for in the Gospels were the religious folks.
"What angered Him the most about these people, particularly the religious leaders, was their judgmentalism, their hypocrisy and their failure to love.
"They believed God was primarily interested in people following the rules. Jesus taught that God's primary rule was love.
"Though Jesus was opposed by various people in the Gospels, His primary opposition was from a group of religious people called Pharisees (the word likely comes from a Hebrew word that means "set apart" or "separated")."
When Christians Get It Wrong (Abingdon Press, 2010) by Adam Hamilton.
4:37 PM
Anonymous said...
I have this fantastic thing for God just not his creation(ism). My OT knowledge may be sub par compared to others but I know in my heart OT knowledge is nothing but fairy tales and hocus pocus and cleaning up on three services on sonday? Three chears for the hellenized Jew? Some Christians come off as Pharisees? Three more chears for hellenized Jew everywhere?
5:03 PM
hirundine said...
While not a christian, I have always been interested in all religions.
Carl Jung shows that humans have a religious nature. Which is likely the root cause, of so much dissension?
What I find ridiculous is the way in christianity, of Jesus being the "all". Is the way in which others are introduced. As if they somehow trump the position of Jesus of Nazareth. I suppose it makes their own position somewhat more tenable? Funnily, this man Jesus said. That the commandments of Moses were no longer to be used. That God his father commanded him to preach the two new commandments.
"That to love one another as thy self and to do unto others as you would have done unto you".
Strangely? This statement forms part of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, also.
Also strangely? The most focus is on Christianity. When the oldest religion on this planet today, is Hinduism.
So much Vedic knowledge has been stolen by recent "discoverers". That now take credit, for a knowledge gained thousands of years ago.
Most Christian dogma and ideas, shows up in religions older than theirs. Shown in the Zeitgeist movie, for example.
If the man Jesus of Nazareth lived? It can be seen he preached against both the Pharisees and Saducees. For good reason. I would advise people to discover why these sects within a sect. Bring down such disapproval from "the messiah". Enough for them to denounce his teachings.
On a personal level I see more credence to the notion that, the gnostics of Jesus of Nazareth were a sun of God [not son of God] sun-worshipping religion. That the Roman historian Josephus and the Roman emperor Constantine. Took a sun-worshiping sect, and perpetrated a scam to humanize this god, to bring religion under control of the state.
The Ashkenazi jews, were converted Khazaks. Controlled by Pharisees and Saducees. The Sephardic jews, migrated to Persia and eventually throughout the Mediterranean basin. That the real jews left behind, in Palestine. Converted to Islam. As it swept throughout the region, while Mohammed called himself "the Prophet".
5:22 PM
Dublinmick said...
Chris Spivey is back up, at least I am looking at it now.
You had me wondering, as I had just linked him and he mirrored a post of mine ...Littel Hitler, Hitler was Rothschild etc.
7:21 PM
Anon said...
Dear Zoompad,
Please put it clearly in writing that you have sympathy for Joe and Jadin Bell.
You have suggested in previous posts that your God hates gay people.
8:34 PM
Ruth of Exeter said...
I am a fundamentalist Christian and I try to do what Jesus told us to do - to love God and to love others. That includes gay people like Jadin. And yes, it sounds like cliche, but one of my best friends is gay. It's true that we don't see each other so much since I was saved. He says, come to an NA meeting. I say, no, Stevie, come to church. He has told me of the deathly thing that is the average gay lifestyle, and for some years of pleasure he is now struck down with HIV, created not by God, but by man. And he is sad that he missed out on having a family. I used to live as a Sodomite, back in London. And it broke my heart and nearly killed me. God's laws are life - rejecting them I death. May God bless all gay folks, and bring them home to their true Father.
12:17 AM
Anon said...
Dear Ruth of Exeter,
You are indeed a good soul as you love Jadin.
We disagree about what constitutes "the average gay lifestyle".
To me the average 'gay' person is the little school boy who has an innocent crush on his male friend, or, the happily married mother who only has sex with her male husband but who finds girls more physically attractive than boys, or, the happily married father who only has sex with his wife but who finds boys more physically attractive than girls, or, the married soldier who joined the army in order to spend as much time as possible with men, or, the anti-gay campaigner who conveniently hides his youthful sexual relationship with boys...
I believe that most people with gay tastes never do sodomy.
The gay people who are 'out', and who do gay sex with multiple partners, are a tiny minority.
In many Moslem countries, the men who love their male friends do not consider themselves to be gay; this is because the term 'gay' is a modern Western invention, promoted now by those who want to divide and rule.
7:41 AM
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Here is Aangirfans latest post. Aangirfan has removed the posts I made, leaving only the responses to it, which are of a bullying nature.
Here is the blogpost that I have been censored on, and my comments removed:
Friday, October 11, 2013
Joe and son Jadin - both dead.
On 9 October 2013, in Colorado, Joe Bell was killed when he was hit by a truck.
Truck driver Kenneth Raven has been 'cited with careless driving.'
Joe, aged 48, from Oregon, was on a 5,000 mile walk - to raise awareness about bullying.
Joe's 15-year-old son Jadin, who had been bullied, was found hanged at a La Grande school in January 2013.
Joe's Walk for Change Facebook page describes how Joe had been speaking at schools and clubs across the USA about homophobic bullying.
Jadin had been the victim of relentless bullying in school because of his sexuality.
Joe began his walk in Oregon in April 2013, traveling up to 25 miles a day as he raised awareness for Faces for Change, the anti-bullying foundation set up in Jadin's memory.
Huffington Post.
At one stop on his journey, Mr Bell told a youth group about when Jadin first told them he was gay.
Denver Post
Joe told the group:
"My son didn't choose to be gay.
"My son was different at a very young age."
"He told his family he was gay because he knew they would accept him.
"I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek every day. I was proud of him."
Remember that most of the hate-filled, bullying 'Christian' homophobes are gay.
The Bible tells us that it is forbidden to wear an outfit made out of more than one kind of cloth.
How many Christians are ignoring this rule?
Whosoever: An Open Letter to Homophobic Christian Parents
In Ezekiel 16:49 the "sin of Sodom" was identified as "pride, laziness, and too much food, while the poor and needy suffered"?
(not a word about homosexuality.)
Several scriptures refer to these sins, sins of failure to love and care for others, as being "worse than the sin of Sodom".
Whosoever: An Open Letter to Homophobic Christian Parents
Paul said "Let your women keep silent in the churches."
How many Christians accept this?
Whosoever: An Open Letter to Homophobic Christian Parents
Joe Bell, man walking to memorialize son, is fatally hit by truck in Colorado
Jadin Bell's Father Begins Walk Across America
Dad walking across America for suicide gay teen killed in crash
Jadin Bell's Father, Joe Bell, Killed While Walking Cross Country For Tribute To Dead Gay Teen
Posted by Anon at 10:08 AM
Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook
Labels: Bible, bullying, Colorado, gay, homophobe, Jadin Bell, Joe Bell, Oregon, Sodom
Stephen Gash said...
Yes but that's the point. Christianity and religion in general was put in its box with Darwin and the Age of Reason. Now we cannot even analyse let alone criticise Islam.
2:56 PM
Anon said...
Dear Anonymous and Zoompad,
I notice that you do not express any sympathy for the deceased.
Please consider the 'tone' of your comments.
Some 'Christians' often come across as being like the Pharisees.
"The only people Jesus had words of judgment for in the Gospels were the religious folks.
"What angered Him the most about these people, particularly the religious leaders, was their judgmentalism, their hypocrisy and their failure to love.
"They believed God was primarily interested in people following the rules. Jesus taught that God's primary rule was love.
"Though Jesus was opposed by various people in the Gospels, His primary opposition was from a group of religious people called Pharisees (the word likely comes from a Hebrew word that means "set apart" or "separated")."
When Christians Get It Wrong (Abingdon Press, 2010) by Adam Hamilton.
4:37 PM
Anonymous said...
I have this fantastic thing for God just not his creation(ism). My OT knowledge may be sub par compared to others but I know in my heart OT knowledge is nothing but fairy tales and hocus pocus and cleaning up on three services on sonday? Three chears for the hellenized Jew? Some Christians come off as Pharisees? Three more chears for hellenized Jew everywhere?
5:03 PM
hirundine said...
While not a christian, I have always been interested in all religions.
Carl Jung shows that humans have a religious nature. Which is likely the root cause, of so much dissension?
What I find ridiculous is the way in christianity, of Jesus being the "all". Is the way in which others are introduced. As if they somehow trump the position of Jesus of Nazareth. I suppose it makes their own position somewhat more tenable? Funnily, this man Jesus said. That the commandments of Moses were no longer to be used. That God his father commanded him to preach the two new commandments.
"That to love one another as thy self and to do unto others as you would have done unto you".
Strangely? This statement forms part of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, also.
Also strangely? The most focus is on Christianity. When the oldest religion on this planet today, is Hinduism.
So much Vedic knowledge has been stolen by recent "discoverers". That now take credit, for a knowledge gained thousands of years ago.
Most Christian dogma and ideas, shows up in religions older than theirs. Shown in the Zeitgeist movie, for example.
If the man Jesus of Nazareth lived? It can be seen he preached against both the Pharisees and Saducees. For good reason. I would advise people to discover why these sects within a sect. Bring down such disapproval from "the messiah". Enough for them to denounce his teachings.
On a personal level I see more credence to the notion that, the gnostics of Jesus of Nazareth were a sun of God [not son of God] sun-worshipping religion. That the Roman historian Josephus and the Roman emperor Constantine. Took a sun-worshiping sect, and perpetrated a scam to humanize this god, to bring religion under control of the state.
The Ashkenazi jews, were converted Khazaks. Controlled by Pharisees and Saducees. The Sephardic jews, migrated to Persia and eventually throughout the Mediterranean basin. That the real jews left behind, in Palestine. Converted to Islam. As it swept throughout the region, while Mohammed called himself "the Prophet".
5:22 PM
Dublinmick said...
Chris Spivey is back up, at least I am looking at it now.
You had me wondering, as I had just linked him and he mirrored a post of mine ...Littel Hitler, Hitler was Rothschild etc.
7:21 PM
Anon said...
Dear Zoompad,
Please put it clearly in writing that you have sympathy for Joe and Jadin Bell.
You have suggested in previous posts that your God hates gay people.
8:34 PM
Ruth of Exeter said...
I am a fundamentalist Christian and I try to do what Jesus told us to do - to love God and to love others. That includes gay people like Jadin. And yes, it sounds like cliche, but one of my best friends is gay. It's true that we don't see each other so much since I was saved. He says, come to an NA meeting. I say, no, Stevie, come to church. He has told me of the deathly thing that is the average gay lifestyle, and for some years of pleasure he is now struck down with HIV, created not by God, but by man. And he is sad that he missed out on having a family. I used to live as a Sodomite, back in London. And it broke my heart and nearly killed me. God's laws are life - rejecting them I death. May God bless all gay folks, and bring them home to their true Father.
12:17 AM
Anon said...
Dear Ruth of Exeter,
You are indeed a good soul as you love Jadin.
We disagree about what constitutes "the average gay lifestyle".
To me the average 'gay' person is the little school boy who has an innocent crush on his male friend, or, the happily married mother who only has sex with her male husband but who finds girls more physically attractive than boys, or, the happily married father who only has sex with his wife but who finds boys more physically attractive than girls, or, the married soldier who joined the army in order to spend as much time as possible with men, or, the anti-gay campaigner who conveniently hides his youthful sexual relationship with boys...
I believe that most people with gay tastes never do sodomy.
The gay people who are 'out', and who do gay sex with multiple partners, are a tiny minority.
In many Moslem countries, the men who love their male friends do not consider themselves to be gay; this is because the term 'gay' is a modern Western invention, promoted now by those who want to divide and rule.
7:41 AM
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Thursday, 10 October 2013

'Not a shred of remorse': Disgraced artist Graham Ovenden is jailed for two years after original sentence for sex offences deemed 'unduly lenient'
Committee quashed suspended sentence in the case of Graham Ovenden
Originally received 12 months imprisonment suspended for two years
Ovenden convicted of six charges of indecency with a child and one allegation of indecent assault relating to three girls
Court ruled that the sentence should not have been suspended and the correct total to be imposed today was a term of 27 months
Judges also heard a bid by Ovenden, who had denied the charges against him, to challenge his conviction
But court rejected the application for permission to appeal, ruling that the verdicts were 'safe'
By Anna Edwards
PUBLISHED:16:41, 9 October 2013| UPDATED:17:50, 9 October 2013
Artist Graham Ovenden, who avoided prison after being found guilty of sex offences against children, was jailed for two years and three months by Court of Appeal judges today when they ruled that his non-custodial sentence was 'unduly lenient'.
Lord Chief Justice Lord Thomas, sitting with two other judges in London, quashed the suspended sentence imposed in June in the case of Graham Ovenden, 70, of Barley Splatt near Bodmin Moor in Cornwall.
Ovenden, who was accused of abusing children who posed for his paintings in the 70s and 80s, originally received 12 months imprisonment suspended for two years at Plymouth Crown Court, but the sentence was referred to appeal judges by Attorney General Dominic Grieve.
Ovenden, who was present in court for the hearing, was convicted of six charges of indecency with a child and one allegation of indecent assault relating to three girls
As well as the sentence review, the judges also heard a bid by Ovenden, who had denied the charges against him, to challenge his conviction.
But the court rejected the application for permission to appeal, ruling that the verdicts were 'safe'.
Ovenden, who was present in court for the hearing, was convicted of six charges of indecency with a child and one allegation of indecent assault relating to three girls.
Lord Thomas, who said Ovenden had not shown a 'shred of remorse' for his victims, ruled that the sentence should not have been suspended and the correct total to be imposed today was a term of 27 months.
Ovenden claimed that his interest in young girls was artistic and not sexual - but that claim was rejected by the three judges.
Lord Thomas said the girls had 'no understanding of the true purpose' behind what Ovenden was doing.
Lord Thomas said Ovenden had shown 'no contrition' BY maintaining that he had done nothing wrong
'There was no doubt that his purpose was sexual. There is no doubt that he had a sexual interest in children.'
When considering the appropriate sentence the court had to have regard to the fact that the only mitigation Ovenden had was his former good character and his age.
Lord Thomas added that against that 'there are a very large number of aggravating factors'.
Those factors included the 'comparison in age between the victims and his own age at the time the offences were committed' and the number of victims.
But the 'most serious' was the 'very serious abuse of the position of trust' that he had in relation to the girls.
His reputation as a landscape artist enabled those who were closest to the children to trust him, said Lord Thomas.
There was also the factor of the 'very serious impact on the victims, magnified by the way in which he had grossly manipulated them and degraded them by the photographs he had taken'.
Lord Thomas said the court had seen victim impact statements from the three victims in which they described how giving evidence at Ovenden's trial was the worst experience of their lives.
When suspending the prison term, the sentencing judge said he took into account Ovenden's age, the length of time since the offences, and his 'steep fall from grace and irretrievably tarnished reputation'.
It was argued on behalf of the Attorney General that 'reputational impact' on him was not a reason for suspending the sentence and it was 'wrong in principle' to take that into account.
Exceptional circumstances were required for a sentence to be suspended.
Lord Thomas said Ovenden had shown 'no contrition', maintaining that he had done nothing wrong, and that as an artist he seeks to 'capture the innocence of children in a state of grace'.
He claimed he was the victim of a 'global witch-hunt against artists'.
Ovenden claimed that his interest in young girls was artistic and not sexual
Lord Thomas said: 'He seeks to blame others and asserts a conspiracy against him. It is self-evident he has no understanding of the very serious harm he has done to the victims by his serious criminal misconduct.
'He still asserts that art is being put on trial. That is nonsensical bearing in mind the facts.'
Speaking after the hearing, the Attorney General said: 'Graham Ovenden committed terrible sexual offences against vulnerable young girls who were in his charge and ought to have felt safe. He manipulated them and abused his position of trust.
'The Court of Appeal agrees that the 12-month suspended sentence handed to him was unduly lenient, and I am satisfied they have replaced it with 27 months custody.
'It is right that sexual crimes, whether committed many years ago or more recently, should be punished appropriately.
'Today the court affirmed this and sent a clear message that people who have behaved in this way in the past will face the consequences through the courts.'
Under the early tutelage of the 'godfather of Pop Art' Sir Peter Blake, Ovenden embarked on a career which catalogued life on the streets of London, landscapes of the countryside, and portraiture of children.
He had been tutored by Lord David Cecil and Sir John Betjeman, with his work displayed across the world including exhibitions at London's Victoria and Albert Museum, The Tate and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
In 1975 he founded the Brotherhood of Ruralists movement - artists who had left the city to live in the countryside.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Revealed: The incredibly close links between Google and the politicians who refuse to step in to porn row
Both David Cameron and George Osborne have met with Google executives
Google boss Eric Schmidt is a trusted business advisor to Mr Cameron
By Sam Greenhill
PUBLISHED:22:39, 31 May 2013 | UPDATED:11:00, 1 June 2013
Google’s refusal to block grotesque child abuse websites is matched by the refusal of ministers to intervene.
But why is the Government so strangely reluctant to tackle the internet search company?
Google barely pays any tax and merrily snoops on Britons with its notorious Street View cars, so it is not as if ministers lack any provocation.
Close: There appears to be a number of links between internet giant Google and the Conservative government
Google has been allowed to carve itself a reputation as a big friendly giant of the corporate world, brimming with ethical compassion and coolness.
Gradually, the corporation’s ruthless streak is being exposed, but actually confronting the internet mammoth seems to be the last thing on the minds of ministers.
Violent online porn drove pervert to kill my Jane: Mother, 81, believes daughter would still be alive if internet giants had listened to her calls to ban sick websites
Cable leads calls for internet giant to proactively block vile child porn as research reveals one in six who watch it go on to abuse
By stunning coincidence, the cosy links between Google and the upper echelons of the Conservative Party could scarcely be more entangled.
On a beautiful summer’s day at a society wedding in Oxfordshire last year, the nexus was all too clearly illustrated.
David Cameron, accompanied by his wife Samantha and their daughter Florence, was among the congregation clapping enthusiastically outside a pretty Cotswold church.
Working relationship: Both Prime Minister David Cameron, left, and Chancellor George Osborne, right, have held meetings with Google executives
The bride was Naomi Gummer, 29, a senior Google executive with the brief of ‘public policy’.
She was previously a political adviser to Jeremy Hunt when he was Culture Secretary in charge of internet regulation – so he was in attendance too, resplendent in his morning suit.
The wedding guests quaffed champagne in the sunshine and congratulated proud father-of- the-bride Lord Chadlington, 70, who happens to be the president of Mr Cameron’s local constituency association.
He is also a PR adviser to the Conservative Party. But Miss Gummer is far from the most senior Google executive to bask in the collective adulation of the British Government.
Former employee: Rachel Whetstone, Google's top global spinner, was a Number 10 aide and was director of communications for Conservative leader Michael Howard. The pair are pictured together
Rachel Whetstone, Google’s top global spinner, is a former No 10 aide and was Michael Howard’s director of communications when he was Tory leader.
She is married to Steve Hilton, the T-shirt-wearing guru who is Mr Cameron’s close friend and former director of strategy at No 10.
The power couple are regarded as key members of the Notting Hill set of Conservatives who propelled Mr Cameron to Downing Street, and at one stage Miss Whetstone was known as their queen.
Meanwhile the Prime Minister is godfather to Miss Whetstone’s younger son, and Mr Hilton was godfather to Ivan Cameron, the late eldest child of David and Samantha.
The links do not end there, for Google has been assiduous at forging close ties at every level of Government.
It is not just a case of former government policy wonks exiting through Westminster’s ‘revolving door’ to Google – it works the other way too.
Amy Fisher was once Google’s PR chief for European affairs, but now she has bagged a job advising Justice Secretary Chris Grayling.
And nor is it just Conservative politicians to whom Google offers the bosom of friendship. Sarah Hunter, the internet giant’s head of public policy in the UK, is a former media adviser to Tony Blair.
And a lobbying veteran named D. J. Collins – a close friend of David Miliband and well-connected in New Labour circles – has in recent years been Google’s European director of communications.
Google spends a fortune on political lobbying, and politicians from all parties lap up the Google brand, delighted to be associated with its hip image.
Before becoming Prime Minister, Mr Cameron spoke to the annual Google Zeitgeist conference in 2006 and 2007.
Powerful: Google boss Eric Schmidt is a trusted member of David Cameron's council of business advisors
Since the 2010 election, Mr Cameron has met Google executives three times, while Chancellor George Osborne has held four meetings.
Culture minister Ed Vaizey has met the firm’s staff seven times, and universities minister David Willetts has held at least one meeting.
The symbiotic relationship was on show again last year when the Chancellor agreed to open Google Campus, a hi-tech centre in East London for start-up technology firms.
With Google’s chairman, Eric Schmidt, a trusted member of Mr Cameron’s council of business advisers, critics wonder if there is any chance the PM will take steps to rein in the internet giant.
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Revealed: The incredibly close links between Google and the politicians who refuse to step in to porn row
Both David Cameron and George Osborne have met with Google executives
Google boss Eric Schmidt is a trusted business advisor to Mr Cameron
By Sam Greenhill
PUBLISHED:22:39, 31 May 2013 | UPDATED:11:00, 1 June 2013
Google’s refusal to block grotesque child abuse websites is matched by the refusal of ministers to intervene.
But why is the Government so strangely reluctant to tackle the internet search company?
Google barely pays any tax and merrily snoops on Britons with its notorious Street View cars, so it is not as if ministers lack any provocation.
Close: There appears to be a number of links between internet giant Google and the Conservative government
Google has been allowed to carve itself a reputation as a big friendly giant of the corporate world, brimming with ethical compassion and coolness.
Gradually, the corporation’s ruthless streak is being exposed, but actually confronting the internet mammoth seems to be the last thing on the minds of ministers.
Violent online porn drove pervert to kill my Jane: Mother, 81, believes daughter would still be alive if internet giants had listened to her calls to ban sick websites
Cable leads calls for internet giant to proactively block vile child porn as research reveals one in six who watch it go on to abuse
By stunning coincidence, the cosy links between Google and the upper echelons of the Conservative Party could scarcely be more entangled.
On a beautiful summer’s day at a society wedding in Oxfordshire last year, the nexus was all too clearly illustrated.
David Cameron, accompanied by his wife Samantha and their daughter Florence, was among the congregation clapping enthusiastically outside a pretty Cotswold church.
Working relationship: Both Prime Minister David Cameron, left, and Chancellor George Osborne, right, have held meetings with Google executives
The bride was Naomi Gummer, 29, a senior Google executive with the brief of ‘public policy’.
She was previously a political adviser to Jeremy Hunt when he was Culture Secretary in charge of internet regulation – so he was in attendance too, resplendent in his morning suit.
The wedding guests quaffed champagne in the sunshine and congratulated proud father-of- the-bride Lord Chadlington, 70, who happens to be the president of Mr Cameron’s local constituency association.
He is also a PR adviser to the Conservative Party. But Miss Gummer is far from the most senior Google executive to bask in the collective adulation of the British Government.
Former employee: Rachel Whetstone, Google's top global spinner, was a Number 10 aide and was director of communications for Conservative leader Michael Howard. The pair are pictured together
Rachel Whetstone, Google’s top global spinner, is a former No 10 aide and was Michael Howard’s director of communications when he was Tory leader.
She is married to Steve Hilton, the T-shirt-wearing guru who is Mr Cameron’s close friend and former director of strategy at No 10.
The power couple are regarded as key members of the Notting Hill set of Conservatives who propelled Mr Cameron to Downing Street, and at one stage Miss Whetstone was known as their queen.
Meanwhile the Prime Minister is godfather to Miss Whetstone’s younger son, and Mr Hilton was godfather to Ivan Cameron, the late eldest child of David and Samantha.
The links do not end there, for Google has been assiduous at forging close ties at every level of Government.
It is not just a case of former government policy wonks exiting through Westminster’s ‘revolving door’ to Google – it works the other way too.
Amy Fisher was once Google’s PR chief for European affairs, but now she has bagged a job advising Justice Secretary Chris Grayling.
And nor is it just Conservative politicians to whom Google offers the bosom of friendship. Sarah Hunter, the internet giant’s head of public policy in the UK, is a former media adviser to Tony Blair.
And a lobbying veteran named D. J. Collins – a close friend of David Miliband and well-connected in New Labour circles – has in recent years been Google’s European director of communications.
Google spends a fortune on political lobbying, and politicians from all parties lap up the Google brand, delighted to be associated with its hip image.
Before becoming Prime Minister, Mr Cameron spoke to the annual Google Zeitgeist conference in 2006 and 2007.
Powerful: Google boss Eric Schmidt is a trusted member of David Cameron's council of business advisors
Since the 2010 election, Mr Cameron has met Google executives three times, while Chancellor George Osborne has held four meetings.
Culture minister Ed Vaizey has met the firm’s staff seven times, and universities minister David Willetts has held at least one meeting.
The symbiotic relationship was on show again last year when the Chancellor agreed to open Google Campus, a hi-tech centre in East London for start-up technology firms.
With Google’s chairman, Eric Schmidt, a trusted member of Mr Cameron’s council of business advisers, critics wonder if there is any chance the PM will take steps to rein in the internet giant.
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Thursday, 3 October 2013
Dear Sir,
It's quicker for me to write to you like this (although I will also send this letter to you by post, if the moleblockers allow you to even get the letter though, as when I tried to write to DC Phil Ruskin and Stafford Police's moleblockers ended up intercepting the letter instead) as I know you will get it pretty much straight away this way, seeing that your people scrutinise everything I do and say.
Please can you tell me why MI5 are covering up the Pindown child abuse and police investigations? Can you tell me what on earth institutional child abuse has to do with MI5? Could you also tell me (and I'm not blaming you for this as it happened before your time) why MI5 was involved in helping American paedophiles members of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation go round the world to promote their pro paedophile junk science theories, that are being used in secret family courts all round the world, such as Parental Alienation Syndrome and Muchausens By Proxy Syndrome and False memory Syndrome and Attachment Syndrome?
Please can you also tell me why MI5 have been stalking victims of institutional child abuse, parking cars outside their houses, spying on them from bed and breakfast places near to where they live, intercepting their telephones and hacking their computers? Could you tell me why MI5 employs people who do that sort of thing? Could you also tell me how it can be an appropriate for a Birmingham MP to also be a member of the Secret Services - I am talking about the mysterious John Hemming, who has pretended to care about victims of child abuse but who is a double dealing rascal with some very dubious friends.
I don't suppose you will be allowed to get the postal version of this letter, but at least you might get chance to read it on my blog.
Barbara Richards
It's quicker for me to write to you like this (although I will also send this letter to you by post, if the moleblockers allow you to even get the letter though, as when I tried to write to DC Phil Ruskin and Stafford Police's moleblockers ended up intercepting the letter instead) as I know you will get it pretty much straight away this way, seeing that your people scrutinise everything I do and say.
Please can you tell me why MI5 are covering up the Pindown child abuse and police investigations? Can you tell me what on earth institutional child abuse has to do with MI5? Could you also tell me (and I'm not blaming you for this as it happened before your time) why MI5 was involved in helping American paedophiles members of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation go round the world to promote their pro paedophile junk science theories, that are being used in secret family courts all round the world, such as Parental Alienation Syndrome and Muchausens By Proxy Syndrome and False memory Syndrome and Attachment Syndrome?
Please can you also tell me why MI5 have been stalking victims of institutional child abuse, parking cars outside their houses, spying on them from bed and breakfast places near to where they live, intercepting their telephones and hacking their computers? Could you tell me why MI5 employs people who do that sort of thing? Could you also tell me how it can be an appropriate for a Birmingham MP to also be a member of the Secret Services - I am talking about the mysterious John Hemming, who has pretended to care about victims of child abuse but who is a double dealing rascal with some very dubious friends.
I don't suppose you will be allowed to get the postal version of this letter, but at least you might get chance to read it on my blog.
Barbara Richards
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Since posting on Twitter about the Teresa Cooper Senior Police Officer letter cover up, someone has tried to hack my Blogger account.
I don't need three guesses and a magic fairy cake to sus out who is responsible.
I don't need three guesses and a magic fairy cake to sus out who is responsible.
Satan is the enemy of God and he's dragged the human race into the row, by tempting Adam and Eve to steal the forbidden fruit, which was NOT an apple (as some people keep saying it was) but the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.
God didn't want Adam and Eve to know about good and evil, he just wanted them to be innocent and enjoy the beauty he had created for them, and to walk with them in the garden he created for them.
The devil is a liar. He tries to whisper things into peoples ears that either aren't true or that are half truths, to cause division and dischord. Deliberate lies, to cause people to hate one another. The devil hates mankind.
Jesus Christ told us to love one another. In Uncle Toms Cabin, Uncle Tom prays for the tyrant who ends up murdering him, Tom earnestly prays for that mans soul to his dying breath, as Tom knows that the fate of unrepentant murderers is eternal damnation and Tom's eyes are fixed on the promises and prophesies of God. Jesus prayed forgiveness to the men who murdered him, because Jesus knew where he was going, and where they were going, and even in his agony it grieved his soul.
People are waiting for WW3, not realising that it is happening right now. We're at war right now, its a spiritual war of good v evil. I am a Christian, and my weapon, my sword and my shield is my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, his love for me as he died in agony on the cross 2000 years ago, for me, for my race, for the human race.
We who know the Lord can laugh, in spite of our agony, we can laugh because we know the ending of the epic story that is the Human Race v the devil. The Lord told us the end of the story right at the very beginning. We are so weak, so frail, yet in spite of all that our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will move mountains.
All you who plot evil against the most vulnerable hear this - you plot against your own pathetic selves every time you plot evil against us. You can't cover anything up, the Lord Jesus Christ wont let you, and when you yourselves are dead everything you have done will be read out from the angels scroll, its all recorded, everything, and nothing is hidden.
The Lord loves happiness, joy, beauty, truth, integrity and is a creator, not a wrecker.
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
by gojam | September 30, 2013 · 1:29 pm
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Eric Pickles: Doctor ? Lawyer ?
Eric Pickles has still not apologised to Teresa Cooper for outrageously suggesting that she “Adjust your medication”
In lieu of an apology he has issued through a spokesperson this feeble explanation, “He was giving her a frank piece of advice in private. It wasn’t meant in any way to offend or insult her.” Even setting aside that this “Private advice” was given at a public wildlife event in Ongar, Essex, what makes Eric Pickles think he should offer medical advice ? He’s not a health care professional afterall.
This isn’t the first time that Eric Pickles has masqueraded as a ‘professional’. As you can read below, for a long time he led people to believe that he was a qualified lawyer…
The Face of Boo!
Shortly after being quizzed by Schopen, Pickles filled in his register entry for the second time in 9 years. He now gave his occupation as “Self employed lawyer” working in “Industrial and Employment law”. He added “no work in Bradford” as if to emphasise there could be no clash of interests between his private and political life.
Indeed, Pickles had insisted to Schopen that he had always publicly stated he was an employment lawyer working mainly in the North West. Records bear this claim out.
When he first stood as a councillor in 1979, Pickles had described himself on his election manifesto as “A Lawyer” only weeks before he filled in the council register claiming to be an employee of the Tory party.
Other public statements over the 9 years he had served as a councillor showed him describing himself as “a lawyer”.
Many journalists had noted that Pickles was a “solicitor”. This is not surprising since the rather vague sounding term “lawyer” is in fact quite specific. A “lawyer” is “someone qualified to practice law” and means either a solicitor or a barrister. Since Pickles had never claimed to be a barrister, journalists naturally took it that Pickles’ reference to being a “lawyer” meant he was a qualified solicitor. It was well known that Pickles had studied to be a solicitor in the early 1970′s.
There was just one small problem with all this – Eric Pickles had failed to qualify as a solicitor. And anyone who describes themselves as such without the necessary qualifications commits a criminal offence!The Solicitors Act 1974, Section 21 reads;
■“Unqualified Person Not To Pretend To Be A Solicitor.
■“Any unqualified person who wilfully pretends to be, or takes or uses any name, title, addition or description implying that he is qualified or recognised by law as qualified to act as a solicitor shall be guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine….
■The Pickles Papers
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7 Responses to Eric Pickles: Doctor ? Lawyer ?
david kingman
September 30, 2013 at 4:02 pm
The Moishe solomons radio show was interesting the other night, he covers so much in the news from the jewish perspective, and accrding to him and his guests the BBC knew all about Jimmy savilles antics, but were mainly concerned with hiding up the fact that he abused many boys as well, this was because they were worried the homosexual agenda would be damaged and saville was protected by AIPAC
September 30, 2013 at 4:17 pm
Please tell Teresa to publish that letter from the Senior Police Officer who discredited Haut de la Garenne and Staffordshire Pindown and libelled the victims of the abuse as liars, or at the very least to tell us who the Senior Police Officer is (I’m pretty sure I already know who he is)
Please don’t censor this comment, or if you do, please can you tell me why you have to censor it?
I’d ask Teresa myself but the crafty devils have told her I’m a liar and a stalker, so I’ve had to block her from my social networking, not because I want to but simply to protect myself from any more false accusations
September 30, 2013 at 4:29 pm
I’m not ‘telling’ anyone to do anything and this will be the last comment up about ‘a letter’.
September 30, 2013 at 4:50 pm
“I’d ask Teresa myself but the crafty devils have told her I’m a liar and a stalker, so I’ve had to block her from my social networking, not because I want to but simply to protect myself from any more false accusations”
Yes I’m sure that is exactly what happened… I’ve read more coherent postings in pub toilets…
September 30, 2013 at 8:14 pm
September 30, 2013 at 4:19 pm
The homosexual agenda is to butter up the military. Manpower.
September 30, 2013 at 5:50 pm
Appalling State of Affairs
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